The Player's Legendary Proverbs
The Player's Legendary Proverbs
The Player's Legendary Proverbs
"Dont let a loss slow you down." Read between the lines: learned "h$s one fro' 'y bro"her) "-s no" "he o"her 'an-s fa#l" !hen yo#r !o'an leaves yo# for h$') " !as #l"$'a"ely her (ho$(e) Cry yo#r "ears& l$s"en "o yo#r sad songs and 'ove on) +hen yo#-re done gr$ev$ng and have 'oved on "o "he 'ore bea#"$f#l and deserv$ng !o'en& yo#r e, !$ll be sho!$ng her "r#e personality "o "ha" %oor sa% "ha" 5s"ole6 her)
" isten to music while making love." Read between the lines: M#s$( soo"hes and '#s$( 'oves) " s"$rs e'o"$ons and aro#ses "he body) Th$n* abo#" "he %#'%$ng bea"s& "he s"rong bass and "he e'%o!er$ng so#nds and yo# !$ll *no! "he %o!er "ha" '#s$( has "o a'%l$fy any feel$ngs& $n(l#d$ng 4oy& ha%%$ness and e,($"e'en") D$d 'en"$on !ha" $" does for l#s"2 So#nd rea(hes $n and "a%s so'e"h$ng %r$'al $n all of #s) Use "h$s sense "o s%$(e #% "he %o"en"$ally re%e"$"$ve se,#al l$fe of any (o#%le) "Dont !udge a woman until you know her." Read between the lines: She does no" *no! !ha" $" $s "o be yo#& nor do yo# *no! "h$s abo#" her) sa" a" "he fee" of one of 'y grea"es" elders and Players& 'y 'o"her) She %lays l$fe l$*e no o"her and she "a#gh" 'e "he lesson "ha" ass#'$ng leads "o '$s#nders"and$ngs) Men bel$eve "ha" !o'en are gold d$ggers or "ha" "he 'os" bea#"$f#l g$rl $s arrogan") +o'en& on "he o"her hand& ass#'e 'en "o only be l#s"f#l and $gnoran") Pre4#d$(e $s no" flattering7 gender ass#'%"$ons sho#ld be el$'$na"ed) 8e" enl$gh"ened& Player) ""ever putting yourself in a position to be re!ected means never putting yourself in a position to be successful." Read between the lines: A large n#'ber of 'en !$ll never rea(h Player s"a"#s be(a#se of fear) They-re afra$d of a%%roa(h$ng a !o'an be(a#se "hey-re afra$d of be$ng re4e("ed) Th$n* of $" "h$s !ay1 Never %#""$ng yo#rself $n "he s$"#a"$on "o be re4e("ed $s also never %#""$ng yo#rself $n "he %os$"$on "o ge" her n#'ber) s re4e("$on d$ff$(#l"2 Of (o#rse $" (an be) .o!ever& l$*e any"h$ng else& $" (an ge" eas$er "o deal !$"h !hen yo# en(o#n"er $") 0e$ng "#rned do!n has no"h$ng "o do !$"h yo# as "h$s !o'an does no" even *no! yo# !ell eno#gh for $" "o be %ersonal) Learn fro' $" and $'%rove yo#r a%%roa(h for "he ne," lady) Ne," #%1 .o! $s a !o'an l$*e a (oo*$e2))) "The really good cookies never !ump out of the !ar." Read between the lines: Ah& "he (oo*$e) For "he bes" "ha" l$fe has "o offer& no"h$ng $s s$'%ly g$ven) The "r#ly bes" "ha" $s o#" "here $s ga$ned "hro#gh hard !or* and s'ar" !or*) f yo# see her and yo# !an" her& forge" 4#s" loo*$ng or don-" (o'%la$n "ha" she-s hard "o "al* "o) The really good (oo*$es have never ho%%ed o#" of "he 4ar $n"o anyone-s hands) "Good #layers are honest about their intentions." Read between the lines: 0efore yo# (ons$der yo#rself one of "he good Players& (he(* ho! yo# go" "he "$"le) f yo#-ve ga$ned yo#r 9:ra"ed e,%lo$"s "hro#gh l$es and de(e$"& "hen yo#-re not a Player, youre a jerk) A real Player ga$ns h$s a'oro#s adven"#res "hro#gh hones"y and "r#"h abo#" "he$r $n"en"$ons) Yo#-re b$gger& be""er and beyond e'o"$onal 'an$%#la"$ons) "$ake a woman feel beautiful, and she will always want to be around you." Read between the lines: +ha" 'a*es a !o'an s!oon2 A 'an !ho 'a*es her feel good& a 'an !ho 'a*es her feel s%e($al) +an" a !o'an "o des$re yo#r %resen(e or approach you2 8$ve her reason "o) +hen she feels good be(a#se she-s !$"h yo#& she-ll f$nd reasons "o be near yo#) " eave on a high note." Read between the lines: Leave on a h$gh no"e) A grea" da"e or an a'a;$ng conversation (an only go on for so long) A" so'e %o$n"& yo# !$ll need "o end $" :: so !hy no" end $" on a %os$"$ve no"e2 n "he !ords of a sage elder& 5Al!ays leave !hen "hey-re as*$ng yo# "o s"ay7 never s"ay #n"$l "hey as* yo# "o leave)6 "%omen love a good smile." Read between the lines: The l$felong benef$" of heal"hy "ee"h no"!$"hs"and$ng& s%end "he 'oney and "$'e "o *ee% yo#r "ee"h !h$"e& s"rong and a""ra("$ve) A s'$le leads a !o'an-s a""en"$on "o yo#r l$%s& yo#r s'$le
and "hen every!here else) "&esitation leads to masturbation." Read between the lines: Pa#s$ng fro' fear !$ll lead "o 'any 'o'en"s !$"h "he !$do! and her fo#r da#gh"ers) For"#ne favors "he brave) One-s hand favors "he fearf#l)