Business Plan
Business Plan
Business Plan
We envision Saint Louis University as an excellent, missionary, and transformative educational institution zealous in the formation of human resources who are imbued with the Christian spirit and who are competent, creative, and socially involved.
Executive Summary Introduction Problem Statement Justification Problem Statement Expected Output Measure of Success Impact Project Sustainability Risks Assumptions Work Scope La Tops Flow Chart The Budget
Executive Summary
Title of the Project: Inception of ICT-enabled Organic Farming Management to La Trinidad Organic Practitioners (LaTop) Multi-Purpose Cooperative Introduction and Location: La Top Multi-Purpose Cooperative (La Top MPC) was organized by the Local Government Unit of La Trinidad (LGU-La Trinidad) in partnership with the Agricultural Training Institute-Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-CAR) in 2005. La Top was formally registered with Cooperative Development Authority last September 26, 2005 as La Trinidad Organic Practitioners MPC and limited its operation to the Municipality of La Trinidad. Due to the initial gains of the cooperative, membership increased and organic farmers from other Benguet Municipalities were accepted. Thus, on April 14, 2009 the La Trinidad Organic Practitioners was amended to La Top Multi-Purpose Cooperative. Objectives: The strategic plan of this proposal is to empower the local organic farming practitioners and constituents of LaTop with knowledge of Information Communication Technology (ICT) that provides powerful tools for spreading valuable agricultural information and thus boosting productivity and income. The objectives are outlined below: i. ii. iii. iv. To facilitate organic farming practitioners access to agricultural information, market prices and services. To improve coordination between organic farmers and other key personnel in the value chain. To enhance transparency in governance, business endeavors and related issues that may affect the constituents of organic farming industry. To improve organic farming practitioner control over income and access to financial services, aids, or programs.
Main Activities In order to achieve the organizations strategic goal and objectives, the following activities will be implemented. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. Awareness Creation Trainings and Workshops Follow Ups and Extension Services Information Dissemination Sharing and Networking of Knowledge Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting
Target Beneficiaries This project primarily targets small scale practitioners who are identified member of the cooperative and practicing organic farming which are accredited by the accreditation committee of LaTop and who passed their standards. The specific areas are located within the municipalities of Benguet and some parts of Mountain Province. Amount Requested and Project Period: A total of Php 107,000.00 pesos for a five months project period. The breakdown is in the line item budget found at the end of this proposal. 2. Introduction
Title: Inception of ICT-enabled Organic Farming Management to La Trinidad Organic Practitioners (LaTop) Multi-Purpose Cooperative The concept of agricultural e-commerce or e-Agriculture is a new concept that has arisen following the rapid development in business information and communication technologies (ICTs), and of the internet. Referred to as e-Agriculture, agricultural e-commerce is an emerging field which combines the advances in agricultural informatics, agricultural development and entrepreneurship to provide better agricultural services, enhanced technology dissemination, and information delivery through the advances in ICT and the internet. The e-Agriculture concept, however, goes beyond technology, to the integration of knowledge and culture, aimed at improving communication and learning processes among relevant actors in agriculture at different levels i.e. locally, regionally and globally. Throughout the Philippines nowadays, ICTs have become increasingly encouraged and integrated into the dissemination of information to farmers. For decades traditional forms of ICTs have become more prevalent in advisory service provision. Radio and TV programs feature agricultural information. Rural tele-centers provide information on education, agricultural and health issues and equip rural citizens with skills on how to use computers and provide basic literacy. The Department of Agriculture have attempted to integrate ICTs into the delivery of information and have established district information centers providing agricultural information. Many NGOs and research organizations have also attempted to facilitate technology transfer in the agricultural sector. Currently, most farmers information is provided either by extension workers, through libraries or via websites. The number of extension workers has been going down while that of farmers has been growing, hence the need for innovative information systems to address this gap. For that reason, generating awareness on how to use different tools of ICTs as an aid for training on organic farming as an alternative method and follows ups to ensure proper
implementation and sharing information for sustainability and development must be executed and implemented. The target beneficiaries are the small scale organic farming practitioners who are identified member of the cooperative and practicing organic farming. The project therefore is aimed at enhancing their knowledge on the advantages and benefits of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on the organic farming industry. 3. Problem Statement
Seeking information regarding organic farming and other platforms becomes an burdensome task for the farmers as it entails tedious amount of time through many publications or surfing a large number of web pages. Furthermore, for the illiterate farmer this becomes impossible right from the onset. Here in Cordillera, many farmers have the mentality to snob what new trends and information advance technology has to offer. Nevertheless, these are very useful resources and all that is needed is to provide an easy way for the farmers to navigate them. With the widespread use of mobile phones, SMS, voice call, Facebook and e-mails solutions should find more use as they offer easy accessibility. However, they also face the following challenges: the SMS carries only a limited amount of information and requires a basic level of literacy. Facebook and e-mail solutions are also complicated to develop for they require computer, internet connections and basic level of literacy of computer knowledge. They also do not offer detailed information such as pictorial illustrations as in web solutions. Nonetheless, the voice solution is still by far the most promising platform for the farmer as it can be customized for language, is readily accessible and very natural, as it entails using the mobile phone through direct responses to specific questions. Therefore, this proposal endeavors to address and change this situation by invoking communities consciousness and sensitivity of how ICTs can help LaTop in their growth and success.Web based promotion of products and linkages to current and potential traders thr ough personalised Web sites hosted at the district offices, linked to the site of Department of Agriculture and Department of Science and Technology. 4. Justification
Greater integration of ICTs into information dissemination systems has the potential to reduce information costs significantly for both public and private entities. Since individual practitioners of organic farming are responsible for managing different crops and vegetables and undertake different agricultural tasks, the potential for ICTs to address information dissemination issues in value chains can only be achieved if the content is tailored to provide information and services that are relevant to the level of learning capacity of farmers. A better appreciation of the types of information needed is encouraged. In addition, content for applications should be developed in local languages and use a variety of media, including text, audio, and video. 4
Expected Output
This project aims to orient, train and develop organic practitioners that belong to the cooperative of LaTop whitin the scope of five months of implementing the proposed project. It will directly benefiting about 200 members of cooperative and indirectly their potential customer as well. The farmers are then followed up to assist in adoption of the ideas regarding ICTs and their implementation. Web based promotion of products and linkages to current and potential clients will increase. The scope of their market will not only be limited to few areas but it will widen and strengthen in and outside the region. Hesitancy to supply due to different risks regarding communication and financial aspects will also decrease. Increased in knowledge regarding how the administration of La Top in their business endeavors. Trust and confidence among members and board will strengthen due to the transparency on what is going on is being promoted. Farmers will be more well-informed on how their products do well in their market. Financial risks will be more anticipated. Alternatives and Tactical planning will be more rampant for the growth not only for the member but for the organization as well. Organic farming methods are less costly and utilize locally available materials thereby reducing overdependence on expensive inputs. This translates that the farmers affordability of required inputs will be increased due to the open communication. 6. Measuring Success
In order to identify the effectiveness of the proposed plan towards achieving the goals and objectives, some important pointers are used as guidelines. They are based on the set targets for the time frame and their extent on how the members of the cooperative could adopt on the said proposal. They include the number of awareness trainings conducted, number of farmers trained, rate of adoption leading to increased dependence on ICTs techniques as well as the conspicuous change of attitude by the organic farmers and practitioners manifested in regular evaluation and good feedback of the techniques. Increased sales and markets using different ICTs techniques are good indicators that the integration of e-commerce in La Top organic farming is booming. 7. Impact
A lifelong effect as a result of the project includes better stable outlet to market their organic produce and updates regarding information that are essential to organic farming industry. This will be brought about by the raised income levels on the side of practitioners and
improved health conditions in extension of more and healthy food availability and reduced subjection hazardous practices and inputs to their customers. Sustainable growth and awareness to everyone regarding organic produce will be experienced as a result of integration of ICTs on how they manage their cooperative and advertise their produce. Promotion regarding the benefits of organic produce will improve and therefore, it ensures increase in demand while decreasing the cost for advertisement. 8. Project Sustainability
The knowledge and information imparted to the cooperative is one that will be used to encourage using and integrating ICTs in their organic farming industry. This wil l let members broaden their understanding that will lead to appreciation of what are the advantages internet and informatics bring in marketing their produce. The techniques used during knowledge transfer involve institutionalization where trained individual farmers are organized into groups or teams and encouraged to manage their own webpage or account. They establish formal leadership in their respective cooperative which is directly responsible for members running and linkages with other developmental networks and for information sharing. The La Top members are subjected to all the skills relevant to all their undertakings to ensure building the relationship towards key personnel in the channeling of their products. This will guarantee continuity and at the same time induce intra community knowledge and ideas transfer through schemes which are related on how to run the business with the aid of internet, webs, and the like. Different committees carry out needs assessment and evaluation what are other necessary information must be included on those ICTs technology and strategies. This is an incentive to hold together and supporter other communal activities and needs. Updating activities and constant interactions increases knowledge sharing thereby committing members to uphold the projects. The proceeds help in sustaining the intended ecologically sound projects and activities. 9. Risks The risks that surround the development of these undertakings includes: Reversion: Some of the organic farmers and practitioners may revert back to their old ways of communicating. i.e word of mouth promotion and sharing of knowledge Traditional Norms and Culure: Large number of the members still value what their culure and norms dictates. naipadas ngarud statement regarding marketing produce and sharing knowledge is a big hindrance on ICT techniques implementations.
Commercial Interference: Some merchants promoting their synthetic products and or transgenic seeds may influence the farmers perception on ICTs as being costly and not a necessary cost. This in most cases will occur to individual farmers on the lookout or in need of making quick gains. Members Disintegration: Sensitized and trained cooperative members might be unable to hold together onto their convenient groupings making it difficult for follow ups and sharing of ideas regarding the affectivity of integration of ICTs. 10. Assumptions Assumptions related to the project include: 1) ICTs cannot solve all the organic farming disadvantages practitioners face in value chain development or in other agricultural activities. 2) Farmers cannot frequently go to public Internet cafs or connect to internet, but mobile phones can provide an alternative means of gathering and exchanging information on market prices. 3) Short message service (SMS) technology allows this information to be sent directly to other members with mobile phones without requiring them to travel or interrupt activities. However the thought or desired information to be texted is limited. 4) Pre-paid cards, loading station or electricity in other far flank places is or has limited accessibility.
Work Scope Strategies Below are the major activities involved and include: 11.1 Awareness Creation The cooperative needs to be oriented on the advantages and good results associated with integrating ICTs in organic farming management. To achieve this, the deployed committee may use different methods. This includes text brigade, formal invitation to them, memo or notice regarding a seminar workshop involving the benefits of integration of ICT. 11.2 Training of farmers The method used in training involves introductory lessons what is ICT and what can it bring to marketing and managing organic produce. After this familiarization with the concepts, the trainees are subjected to demonstrations to aid in acquiring of relevant practical skills and finally participatory action based on- ICT integration to organic farming training. 7
Discussions and sharing of ideas and experiences is highly encouraged at this stage and upholding is equally emphasized. Thematic approach based on marketing organic produce, long term benefits, sharing of information regarding ecological farm management practices and energy saving are stressed. 11.3 Follow Ups and Extension Services Trained farmers are offered post training services geared towards smooth transition to sustainable practices on how to make ICT as a competitive advantage. These include continuous and regular updates or workshops by the field based staff in order to guide, advice direct and motivate them. Planning for real at this stage emerge given that the community members come up with various strategic livelihood improvement projects. The agents usually discuss their priorities with them and then link them with relevant business party. 11.4 Information Dissemination This is an important activity aimed at facilitating farmers learning from their successive counterparts, discuss and share experiences and gain motivation regarding on how they apply or integrate the ICT to their advantage. Respective trained members and other interested individuals are assisted what they learn is practicable. This enhances farmers interaction and promotes farmer to farmer learning regarding ICT. 11.5 Sharing and Networking of Knowledge This aids in complementing one anothers work, learning from each other and avoid collision or duplication of information. This also helps keep away from confusing the cooperative and wasting time and resources. This therefore has called for formation of corporate networks which are vital in strengthening organizations uniformity, ability and quality of information and services provided to the beneficiaries. In this respect, cooperative members and officers should attend relevant meetings and workshops to gather knowledge, information and deliberate on important aspects of the sector and development of ICT trends. Joint collaborative activities such as policy formulation and development, advocacy and public awareness on topical issues across the networks are also taken part in. Experiences, ideas and information are shared during these gatherings. They are later analyzed and processed to a level that suits the organization and then disseminated to the deserving grassroots recipients. Print materials received from other stakeholders are distributed to the farmers and interested individuals. In addition, Cooperative should produce a newsletter or an update that gives the farmers, members and individuals a source of learning and platform to share ideas. It provides for farmers to speak out, express and share their views, feelings and ideas. 8
11.6 Monitoring Scrutiny on the development of the project is continuous. The work by the field personnel is assessed on quarterly basis where they are supposed to report in writing progressively to the management, and discuss the progress in the staff business meetings held four times per year. The management on the other hand keeps records and presents them for evaluation. 11.7 Evaluation and Reporting The La Top Cooperative progress on how to use the ICT enhanced techniques is monitored and reported by the respective personnel submitting reports on how well their respective objectives have been met to the management. The management compiles them for documentation and further reporting to the board and funding agencies. Evaluations are conducted monthly first by inwardly examining the extent of meeting the set objectives, what factors helped or prevented maximum output. During this, organic farmers from different areas are visited to provoke discussions on how the marketing of their produce improved.
11.9 Personnel La Tops has qualified, experienced and competent personnel and organic practitioners in their own right. As of now they have a rough estimate of one hundred fifty members. Some key personnel including the Chairman are included on the table below.
Personnel Ceasar Galvey Johnson Cadaweng Gilben Alunes Sr. Rogel Marzan Ian Balansi
Post Chairman Vice Chairman Member, Board of Director Member, Board of Director Member, Board of Director
Organic Farmer Organic Farmer Honey Bee Keeper Organic Farmer Organic Farmer
Election Committee
Board of Directors
Committee Heads
Manager Education
Administration Staff
DETAILED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN This proposal is intended to cover a time frame of five months- November 3013- March 2014 Objectives Benefits of Integration of ICT in Organic Farming management Major Activities Awareness Creation Detailed Tasks Hold meeting or orientation Expected Output Changed attitudes, people aware of ICT and how it helps organic farming. Groups for training Time Continuous Resources Required Transport, publicity materials, Computer terminals, Internet connections Implementer Management and ICT Committee
Form a new committee allotted for development and who monitors the ICTs
Trainers (human resource) Computer terminals, Internet connections, Pens, Board, paper Trainers (human resource) Computer terminals, Internet connections, Pens, Board, paper Information personnel
ICT Committee
ICT Committee
On -farm demonstrations
Farmers implementation.
Confident and pumped up based farmers regarding integration of ICT. Increased capacity and
ICT Committee
ICT Committee
implementation of ICT.
Enhance farmer to farmer learning and interaction regarding the benefits of ICT.
Kept the farmer informed and foster his voice and representation
Organizing, learning, discussions, sharing of ideas and experiences by farmers and management. Hold and attend meetings, gather and disseminate information. Distribute written materials and manuals. Supervision, assessment & compilation of reports. Management and committee appraisal. Assessment of the organizations performance by reviews, visits and discussions.
independent farmers, increased sales and market opportunity High motivation, self confidence, replication and up scaling.
Ensure commitment to the focus and sticking to the set goals & objectives.
This proposal is intended to cover a time frame of five months- November 3013March 2014
A. Training Materials a. Paper b. Pens c. Computer Terminals d. Internet Connection B. Communication and Other Office Expense a. Printing and photocopy b. Information outsourcing c. Postage C. Allowances a. Honorarium D. Food and Other expenses a. Seminar/training venues b. Food Allowance E. Contingency Allowance TOTAL
Php 27,000.00