Crochet Parrot: Skill Level: Experience Necessary Project Courtesy Of: Coats & Clark Additional Information
Crochet Parrot: Skill Level: Experience Necessary Project Courtesy Of: Coats & Clark Additional Information
Crochet Parrot: Skill Level: Experience Necessary Project Courtesy Of: Coats & Clark Additional Information
Skill Level: Experience Necessary Project Courtesy of: Coats & Clark Additional Infor ation
' skein ea( "E! )EA"%* Super Saver*: "ed Parrot: Cherry "ed A+ ,ri-ht .ello# ,+ "oyal C+ Soft /hite ! &ran-e Parrot: Carrot A+ %ur0ua ,+ %ea Leaf C & ! Susan ,ates* Crochet )ooks: 123+ E24 %apestry needle Stitch arker
%#o '567 dia eter 8lack shank style 8uttons for eyes Se#in- needle 9atchin- thread Stuffin!I"EC%I&NS:
1A$1E: ': stitches and 6; ro#s < 47( C)EC= .&$" 1A$1E( $se any si>e hook to o8tain -au-e(
'( /ork in continuous rounds unless other#ise indicated( Place stitch arker at 8e-innin- of rounds & ove as rounds are co pleted( 6( $se s aller hook for eye patch appli0u?s( @( )ead & #in-s are attached usin- yarn ends( Aor a neater finish on the eye patch appli0u?s+ use se#in- thread to attach the pieces to the head(
4( Aor easier and ore exact part place ent+ head and tail place ents are for ed 8y #orkin- in the re ainin- loops fro "ounds B & '; and "ound 64 of the ,ody( /hen attachin- the head+ #ork the last round of stitches in the re ainin- loops fro the neck( C( %ail is #orked in the re ainin- loops fro "ounds : & B(
3( %oys #ith 8utton eyes are not suita8le for children under @ years of a-e(
PA""&% ,ody ,e-innin- at 8otto #ith A+ #ind yarn around fin-er for 8e-inninrin-+ leavin- a tail to ti-hten the rin-( %i-hten rin- after "ound ' is co pleted( "ound ': /ith si>e 1 hook+ #ork '6 sc in rin-D'6 sts( "ound 6: ESc in next st+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro E aroundD': sts( E aroundD64 E aroundD@; E aroundD@3 E aroundD46
"ound @: ESc in next 6 sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ound 4: ESc in next @ sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ound C: ESc in next 4 sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ound 3: ESc in next C sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ound G: Sc in each st aroundD46 sts(
E aroundD4:
"ound B: Sc in next : sts+ #orkin- in 8ack loops only+ sc in next : sts+ #orkin- in 8oth loops+ sc in next @6 stsD4: sts( "ound ';: Sc in next B sts+ #orkin- in 8ack loops only+ sc in next : sts+ #orkin- in 8oth loops+ sc in next @' stsD4: sts( "ound '': Sc in each st aroundD4: sts( "ound '6: ESc in next 3 sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ounds '@H'4: Sc in each st aroundD46 sts( "ound 'C: ESc in next C sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ounds '3H'G: Sc in each st aroundD@3 sts( "ound ':: ESc in next 4 sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro E aroundD@; sts( E aroundD@3 sts( E aroundD46 sts(
Stuff fir ly 8e-innin- #ith optional plastic pellet packet( Continue stuffin- as rounds continue( "ounds 'BH6@: Sc in each st aroundD@; sts( "ound 64: ESc in next @ sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro E aroundD64 sts(
"ound 6C: /orkin- in 8ack loops only+ sc in each st aroundD64 sts( "ound 63: ESc in next 6 sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ound 6G: ESc in next st+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ound 6:: ESc in next st+ sc6to-F repeat fro Aasten off( /eave in ends( E aroundD': sts(
)ead ,e-innin- at 8otto #ith A+ #ind yarn around fin-er for 8e-inninrin-+ leavin- a tail to ti-hten the rin-( %i-hten rin- after "ound ' is
co pleted( "ound ': /ith si>e 1 hook+ #ork '6 sc in rin-D'6 sts( "ound 6: ESc in next st+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro E aroundD': sts( E aroundD64 E aroundD@; E aroundD@3 E aroundD46
"ound @: ESc in next 6 sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ound 4: ESc in next @ sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ound C: ESc in next 4 sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ound 3: ESc in next C sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts( "ounds GH'C: Sc in each st aroundD46 sts( "ound '3: ESc in next C sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ound 'G: Sc in each st aroundD@3 sts( "ound ':: ESc in next 4 sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ound 'B: Sc in each st aroundD@; sts( "ound 6;: ESc in next @ sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ound 6': Sc in each st aroundD64 sts(
E aroundD@3 sts(
E aroundD@; sts(
E aroundD64 sts(
Aasten off+ leavin- yarn tail for se#in- head to 8ody( Set aside(
"i-ht Side Eye Patch Appli0u? I ake 'J /ith ! KCL+ ch @( "o# ': /ith si>e E hook+ #orkin- in 8ack loops only+ sc in 6nd ch fro hook and in next ch+ turnD6 sts( "o# 6: Ch '+ 6 sc in each st across+ turnD4 sts(
"ound C: No# #orkin- in rounds+ #ork 4 sc evenly spaced across end of next @ ro#s+ sc in re ainin- loops opposite next 6 sts+ #ork @ sc evenly spaced across end of next @ ro#s+ #orkin- across "o# 4+ 6 sc in next st+ sc in next 3 sts across+ join #ith slip st in next stD'G sts( "ound 3: @ hdc in st+ sc in next 6 sts+ E6 sc in next stF repeat fro E t#ice+ sc in next 4 sts+ @ hdc in next st+ hdc in next 3 sts fro "ound C and in first 6 hdc fro "ound 3+ join #ith slip st in next st( Aasten off(
Left Side Eye Patch Appli0u? I ake 'J /ith ! KCL+ ch @( "o# ': /ith si>e E hook+ #orkin- in 8ack loops only+ sc in 6nd ch fro hook and in next ch+ turnD6 sts( "o# 6: Ch '+ 6 sc in each st across+ turnD4 sts( "o# @: Ch '+ Esc in next st+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro D3 sts( Eacross+ turn EacrossD:
"o# 4: Ch '+ Esc in next 6 sts+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro sts(
"ound C: No# #orkin- in rounds+ #ork @ sc evenly spaced across end of next @ ro#s+ sc in re ainin- loops opposite next 6 sts+ #ork 4 sc evenly spaced across end of next @ ro#s+ #orkin- across "o# 4+ sc in next 3 sts across+ 6 sc in next st+ join #ith slip st in next stD'G sts( "ound 3: @ hdc in st+ sc in next 4 sts+ E6 sc in next stF repeat fro E
t#ice+ sc in next 6 sts+ @ hdc in next st+ hdc in next 3 sts fro "ound C and in first 6 hdc fro "ound 3+ join #ith slip st in next st( Aasten off(
,eak /ith ,+ #ind yarn around fin-er for 8e-innin- rin-+ leavin- a tail to ti-hten the rin-( %i-hten rin- after "ound ' is co pleted( "ound ': /ith si>e 1 hook+ 4 sc in rin-D4 sts( "ound 6: Sc in each st aroundD4 sts( "ound @: E6 sc in next st+ sc in next stF repeat fro E t#iceD3 sts(
"ound 4: )dc in next st+ 6 hdc in next st+ hdc in next st+ sc in last @ stsDG sts( "ound C: ESc in next st+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro last stD'; sts( "ound 3: ESc in next st+ 6 sc in next stF repeat fro "ounds GHB: Sc in each st aroundD'C sts( "ound ';: Sc in next C sts+ hdc in next @ sts+ sc in next G stsD'C sts( "ound '': Sc in each st around( Stuff 8eak fir ly+ continue stuffin- as last rounds are "ound '6: ESc in next st+ sc6to-F repeat fro ade( E @ ti es+ sc in E C ti esD'C sts(
"ound '@: ESc in next 6 sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro stsD: sts( Aasten off and #eave in ends(
Aeet I ake 6J Airst Cla# /ith ,+ #ind yarn around fin-er for 8e-innin- rin-+ leavin- a tail to
ti-hten the rin-( %i-hten rin- after "ound ' is co pleted( "ound ': /ith si>e 1 hook+ : sc in rin-D: sts( "ound 6: E6 sc in next st+ sc in next @ stsF repeat fro "ounds @H4: Sc in each st around( "ound C: Sc6to-+ sc in next : stsDB sts( "ound 3: Sc6to-+ sc in next G stsD: sts( "ound G: Sc in each st around( Aasten off and set aside+ Airst Cla# of foot ade( 6nd Cla# "ounds 'H3: "epeat rounds 'H3 of Airst Cla#( !o N&% fasten off at end of 6nd Cla#( Stuff tips of 8oth cla#s( ,ack Cla# "ound G: )oldin- the Airst and 6nd Cla#s side28y2side+ #ith open ends facin- to#ards you+ sc each st around each Cla#D'3 sts( "ound :: Sc in each st aroundD'3 sts( "ound B: ESc6to-+ sc in next 6 stsF repeat fro E 4 ti esD'6 sts( E t#iceD'; sts(
Stuff fir ly and continue stuffin- as rounds are co pleted( "ound ';: ESc6to-+ sc in next 4 stsF repeat fro "ound '': ESc6to-+ sc in next @ stsF repeat fro "ound '6: Sc in each st aroundD: sts( "ound '@: E6 sc in next st+ sc in next @ stsF repeat fro sts( "ound '4: Sc in each st aroundD'; sts( E t#iceD'; E t#iceD'; sts( E t#iceD: sts(
"ound 'C: Sc6to-+ sc in next : stsDB sts( "ound '3: Sc6to-+ sc in next G stsD: sts( "ound 'G: Sc6to- aroundD4 sts( Aasten off(
/in-s I ake 6J /ith A+ ch G( "ound ': /ith si>e 1 hook+ sc in 6nd ch fro hook and in next 4 chs+ @ sc in next ch+ #orkin- in re ainin- loops on opposite side of ch+ sc in next C sts+ 6 sc in last stD'C sts( "ounds 6H4: Sc in each st around( "ound C: 6 sc in next st+ sc in next '@ sts+ 6 sc in next stD'G sts( "ound 3: Sc in each st around( Airst "uffle "ound G: /orkin- in front loops only+ ch '+ slip st in sa e st+ skip next st+ C hdc in next st+ Eskip next st+ slip st in next st+ C hdc in next stF repeat fro E 4 ti es+ skip next st+ slip st in next st and in 8e-innin- slip st( Aasten off( /in- Continued "ound :: Moin , in first re ainin- loop of round just co pleted+ sc in sa e st as join re ainin- loop of each st aroundD'G sts( "ound B: 6 sc in next st+ sc in next 'C sts+ 6 sc in next stD'B sts( "ounds ';H'6: Sc in each st around( 6nd "uffle "ound '@: /orkin- in front loops only+ ch '+ slip st in sa e st+ skip
next st+ C hdc in next st+ skip next st+ slip st in next st+ Eskip next st+ C hdc in next st+ skip next st+ slip st in next stF repeat fro E @ ti es+ skip next st+ C hdc in next st+ slip st in 8e-innin- slip st( Aasten off( /in- Continued "ound '4: Moin C in first re ainin- loop of round just co pleted+ sc in sa e st as join and in re ainin- loop of each st aroundD'B sts( "ound 'C: Sc in each st around( "ound '3: Sc in next G sts+ sc6to-+ sc in next st+ sc6to-+ sc in last G stsD'G sts( "ound 'G: Sc in next 3 sts+ sc6to-+ sc in next st+ sc6to-+ sc in last 3 stsD'C sts( "ound ':: Sc in next C sts+ sc6to-+ sc in next st+ sc6to-+ sc in last C stsD'@ sts( "ound 'B: Sc in next 4 sts+ sc6to-+ sc in next st+ sc6to-+ sc in last 4 stsD'' sts( "ound 6;: ESc in next 6 sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro stsDB sts( "ound 6': Sc in next st+ Esc6to-F repeat fro off( E t#ice+ sc in last @
%ail "ound ': Moin A in re ainin- loop of 4th st fro ed-e of "ound '; of ,ody+ ch '+ sc in sa e st as join and in each re ainin- loop across ro# ';+ continue #orkin- in re ainin- loops of "ound B of ,odyD'3 sts( "ound 6: Sc in each st around( "ound @: E6 sc in next st+ sc in next G stsF repeat fro E t#iceD': sts(
Airst %ail "uffle "ound 4: /orkin- in front loops only+ EC dc in next st+ skip next st+ slip st in next stF repeat fro E 3 ti es( Aasten off( "ound C: Moin , in first re ainin- loop of round just co pleted+ ch '+ sc in sa e st as join and in re ainin- loop of each st aroundD': sts( "ounds 3H:: Sc in each st around( 6nd %ail "uffle "ound B: "epeat "ound 4( Aasten off( "ound ';: Moin C in first re ainin- loop of round just co pleted+ ch '+ sc in sa e st as join and in re ainin- loop of each st aroundD': sts( "ounds ''H'4: Sc in each st around( "ound 'C: ESc in next st+ sc6to-F repeat fro "ound '3: Sc in each st around( "ound 'G: ESc in next st+ sc6to-F repeat fro EaroundD: sts( EaroundD3 sts( E aroundD'6 sts(
"ound ':: ESc in next 6 sts+ sc6to-F repeat fro Aasten off( /eave in yarn ends and tri (
AinishinStuff head li-htly 8efore applyin- facial features( Attach 8eak to head usin- yarn tail or se#in- thread(
"eferrin- to photo+ se# eye patches on either side of 8eak+ akincertain to orient each patch as a irror i a-e to the other( Aor 8est results attach these patches #ith se#in- thread and needle(
"eferrin- to photo+ securely se# eyes to the eye patches( Ainish stuffin- head fir ly(
9ake sli-ht indentation in head stuffin- to acco odate the neck( %hread yarn end fro head onto a tapestry needle+ place head onto neck payin- careful attention to orientation of face( 9atch the stitches fro last round of head #ith re ainin- loops fro "ound 6C of 8ody instructions( Se# these sts to-ether around( Aasten off( /eave in and yarn ends and tri (
$sin- yarn ends fro feet & tapestry needle+ attach feet+ side 8y side+ to iddle portion of the 8otto of the parrotNs 8ody+ akin- certain that the first and 6nd cla#s are facin- for#ard( Se# securely takinseveral stitches alon- 8oth feet( Aasten off( /eave in yarn ends and tri (
Attach #in-s to upper side portions of 8ody usin- yarn ends & tapestry needle( /eave in ends fro tail and #in-s and tri (
A,,"EOIA%I&NS: A < Color AF , < Color ,F C < Color CF ! < Color !F ch < chainF dc < dou8le crochetF hdc < half dou8le crochetF < illi etersF sc < sin-le crochetF sl st < slip stitchF stIsJ < stitchIesJF tr < tre8le crochetF yo < yarn over hookF K L < #ork directions in 8rackets the nu 8er of ti es specifiedF E or EE < repeat #hatever follo#s the E or EE as indicated(