Finished Size: Vanna's Choice Vanna's Choice Baby Red Heart Soft Red Heart Soft Baby Steps Loops & Threads Impeccable
Finished Size: Vanna's Choice Vanna's Choice Baby Red Heart Soft Red Heart Soft Baby Steps Loops & Threads Impeccable
Finished Size: Vanna's Choice Vanna's Choice Baby Red Heart Soft Red Heart Soft Baby Steps Loops & Threads Impeccable
All figures can be found on page 4.
Color changes have been omitted from pattern instructions. In photo, colors were changed every 2
rows for both HOOD & COWL.
Granny Stripe Pattern
Ch 79 this forms the hood opening. To adjust the size of your HOOD, start with a shorter/longer chain.
Chain needs to be a multiple of 3 plus 1.
Row 1 (wrong side): 1 dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, turn. 76 dc
Row 2 (right side): ch 3, 1 dc into 1st dc, (skip next 3 dc, 3 dc between 3rd & 4th dc)(repeat
across), end row with 2 dc between last dc and beginning ch 3, turn. 24 3-dc shells & 2 2-dc shells
Row 3: ch 3, 3 dc between the 1st 2-dc shell and 3-dc shell, (3 dc between next 3-dc
shells)(repeat across), end row with 3 dc between last 3-dc shell and 2-dc shell, 1 dc into top of
ch 3 from previous row, turn.
Row 4: ch 3, 1 dc into 1st dc, (3 dc between next 3-dc shells)(repeat across), end row with 2 dc
between last 3-dc shell and ch 3 from previous row, turn.
Rep Rows 3 & 4 for a total of 18 rows (18 rows = 9 color rows, if changing color every 2 rows). Do not
fasten off last color. Piece should measure 25 X 8 add more/less rows to increase/decrease depth
of hood (EDGING will add another 1 to depth).
Fold fabric in half, lengthwise, with right sides together. With current yarn, sl st the back loops of last
row together, being careful to ensure stitches are lined up evenly [Figure 1] there should be 38 sts on
each side. This forms the back seam of HOOD. Fasten off, weave in ends, and turn HOOD right side out.
With HOOD opening facing you, join new color to bottom right corner of HOOD (same space as 1st ch
from HOOD), ch 126. To adjust the length of your COWL, start with a shorter/longer chain. Chain needs
to be a multiple of 3. Join chain to opposite corner at base of HOOD, ensuring chain is not twisted.
Position HOOD upside down with long chain to your left.
Round 1: ch 3, 1 dc in 2nd ch from corner and in each ch across (125 dc + beginning ch 3);
working around base of HOOD, place one 3 dc-shell for every 2 rows on HOOD [Figure 2] (18 3 dcshells
), join with a sl st to top of beginning ch 3.
Round 2: sl st into next 2 dc, sl st between current dc and next dc, ch 3, 2 dc into same sp, (skip
next 3 dc, 3 dc between 3rd & 4th dc)(repeat across front of COWL), working around base of
HOOD, (3 dc between next 3-dc shells)(repeat around base of HOOD), join with a sl st to top of
beginning ch 3 and in next 2 dc 60 3 dc-shells worked.
Round 3: sl st into sp between 3-dc shells, ch 3, 2 dc into same sp, (3 dc between next 3-dc
shells)(repeat around), join with a sl st to top of beginning ch 3 and in next 2 dc
Repeat Round 3 for a total of 8 rounds (width of 3 ). Add more/less rounds to increase/decrease
width of COWL (EDGING will add another 2 to width). Fasten off and weave in ends.
dc3tog = (yo, pick up a loop in next st, yo, draw through 2 loops)(repeat 2 more times), yo, draw through
4 loops on hook.
sc3tog = (insert hook into next st and pick up a loop)(repeat 2 more times 4 loops on hook), yo, draw
through all loops on hook.
Working on top edge of COWL and front of HOOD, with right side facing, insert hook between any 3-dc
shell & pull up new color.
Round 1: ch 3, 2 dc into same sp, 3 dc between shells around HOOD & COWL, sl st to top of
beginning ch 3 and in next 2 dc
o At each corner, dc3tog into corner sp [Figure 3]
Round 2: sl st between shells, ch 3, 2 dc into same sp, 3 dc between shells around HOOD &
COWL, sl st to top of beginning ch 3
o At each corner, dc3tog the following sts [Figure 4]:
1. sp before dc3tog from Round 1
2. dc3tog from Round 1
3. sp after dc3tog from Round 1
Round 3: ch 1 (does not count as 1st sc, here, and throughout), sc into same st and in each dc
around HOOD & COWL, sl st to first sc
o At each corner, sc3tog the 3 corner sts [Figure 5]
Round 4: ch 1, sc into same sc and in next 2 sc, ch 2, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, (1 sc into each
of next 3 sc, ch 2, sl st into 2nd ch from hook)(repeat around HOOD & COWL), join with a sl st to
first sc. Fasten off & weave in ends.
o At each corner, sc3tog the 3 corner sts [Figure 5]
Working on bottom edge of COWL, with right side facing, insert hook into any dc & pull up new color.
Round 1: ch 1 (does not count as 1st sc, here, and throughout), sc into same dc and in each dc
around COWL, sl st to first sc 180 sc
Round 2: ch 1, sc into same sc and in next 2 sc, ch 2, sl st into 2nd ch from hook, (1 sc into each
of next 3 sc, ch 2, sl st into 2nd ch from hook)(repeat around), join with a sl st to first sc. Fasten
off & weave in ends.
Attach pom-poms or tassels to tip of HOOD, if desired.
Figures 1 6: