Zhangxc 1
Zhangxc 1
Zhangxc 1
Xiangchun Zhang
A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering) in The University of Michigan 2009
Doctoral Committee: Professor Ann Marie Sastry, Co-Chair Professor Wei Shyy, Co-Chair Professor James R. Barber Professor Levi T. Thompson Jr
First of all, I would like to express my grateful thanks to my research advisors Professor Ann Marie Sastry and Professor Wei Shyy for their guidance and support. I am very grateful that they led me into this interesting and important topic of Li-ion battery research that is the key to solving global energy and environmental problems. I appreciate the opportunity I had to work with these two true scholars and professionals. From the wonderful experience working with my two advisors, I learned fundamental science and engineering and also professional skills. Many thanks go to my committee members, Prof. Levi T. Thompson and Prof. James R. Barber, for serving on my committee and providing valuable advice on my thesis. I would also like to thank the current and former members of both Sastry group and Shyy group, Dr. Fabio Albano, Dr. Hikaru Aono, Dr. Yen-Hung Chen, Mr. YoungChang Cho, Mr. Myoungdo Chung, Mr. Wenbo Du, Mr. Sangwoo Han, Mr. Ez Hassan, Dr. Munish V. Inamdar, Ms. Qiuye Jin, Mr. Chang-Kwon Kang, Dr. HyonCheol Kim, Mr. Chih-Kuang Kuan, Dr. Jonghyun Park, Dr. Myounggu Park, Dr. Jeong Hun Seo, Mr. Jaeheon Sim, Mr. Dong Hoon Song, Mr. Emre Sozer, Dr. Jian Tang, Mr. Patrick Trizila, Mr. Chien-Chou Tseng, Mr. Peter Verhees, Dr. Chia-Wei Wang, Mr. Seokjun Yun, and Mr. Min Zhu, for their support and sharing wonderful moments during the past years. I really appreciate the help from Ms. Lisa Szuma and Ms. Eve Bernos for meeting
scheduling and other administrative matters. I specially thank Dr. Tushar Goel and Mr. Felipe A. C. Viana for the help on using Surrogate Toolbox. I gratefully acknowledge the support of my research sponsors, including the U.S. Department of Energy through the BATT program (Dr. Tien Duong, Program Manager), Ford Motor Company (Mr. Ted Miller and Mr. Kent Snyder, Program Managers), NASA under the Constellation University Institute Program (CUIP) (Ms. Claudia Meyer, program monitor), and General Motors Corporation (Mr. Bob Kruse, GM/UM ABCD Co-Director).
DEDICATION................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................ iii LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... ix LIST OF SYMBOLS ....................................................................................................... xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ....................................................................................... xiv ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................................xv CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................1
LI-ION BATTERY TECHNOLOGY: A SOLUTION TO GLOBAL ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT PROBLEMS .............................................................................................. 1 LI-ION BATTERY RESEARCH OVERVIEW ...................................................................... 3 Selected Research on Novel Materials ............................................................................ 5 Selected Research on Cell Diagnosis and Testing ........................................................... 8 Selected Research on Cell Modeling, Simulations and Optimization ........................... 10 STRESS AND HEAT GENERATION INSIDE ELECTRODE PARTICLES..................... 10 MULTISCALE MODELING OF LI-ION BATTERIES ...................................................... 13 Homogenization Approach ............................................................................................ 15 Volume Averaging ........................................................................................................ 16 Scale Bridging ............................................................................................................... 18 SURROGATE-BASED MODELING AND ANALYSIS .................................................... 20 SCOPE AND OUTLINE OF THE DISSERTATION........................................................... 29 BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................. 30
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 36 METHODS ............................................................................................................................ 39 Stress-Strain Relations ................................................................................................... 39 Diffusion Equation ........................................................................................................ 41 Numerical Methods ....................................................................................................... 43 Material Properties ........................................................................................................ 47 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 49 1D Finite Difference Simulations .................................................................................. 49 3D Finite Elements Simulation Results ......................................................................... 54 CONCLUSION...................................................................................................................... 63 BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................................. 64
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 66 ELECTROCHEMICAL, MECHANICAL AND THERMAL MODELING ........................ 69 Model of Intercalation ................................................................................................... 71 Intercalation-Induced Stress Model ............................................................................... 75 Heat Generation Model ................................................................................................. 77 Spherical Particle Simulation Results............................................................................ 80 SURROGATE-BASED ANALYSIS OF ELLIPSOIDAL PARTICLES UNDER DIFFERENT CYCLING RATES ......................................................................................... 88 Selection of Variables And Design of Experiments ...................................................... 91 Model Construction and Validation............................................................................... 94 Analysis Based on Obtained Surrogate Models ............................................................ 97 ASSUMPTION OF A UNIFORM ELECTRIC POTENTIAL ........................................... 100 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................ 106
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 110 Challenges for Li-Ion Battery Modeling ..................................................................... 110 Review of the Existing Li-Ion Battery Modeling Work in the Literature ................... 112 The Objectives of This Study ...................................................................................... 115
METHODS .......................................................................................................................... 116 Li-Ion Cell Cycling Mechanisms and Governing Equations on Microscopic Scale ... 116 Multiscale Modeling Framework ................................................................................ 121 3D Microscopic Modeling of Electrode Particle Clusters ........................................... 129 Surrogate-Based Scale Bridging .................................................................................. 133 Summary of the Multiscale Modeling Framework ...................................................... 136 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................................... 138 Analysis of 3D Microscopic Simulation Results ......................................................... 138 Effective Material Property Calculations .................................................................... 146 Surrogate Model Construction for Reaction Current Density ..................................... 148 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................. 152 BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................................ 155
Table 1.1: Comparison of key battery technologies.. ...................................................................... 2 Table 2.1: Stress and strain in cathode materials in the intercalation process.. ............................. 37 Table 2.2: Material properties of Mn2O4.. ...................................................................................... 48 Table 3.1: Representative cathode compositions and particle sizes.. ............................................ 70 Table 3.2: Parameters and material properties for the intercalation model (where r0 is the radius of a spherical particle).. ...................................................................................................................... 76 Table 3.3: Averaged heat generation rates during charge process.. ............................................... 90 Table 3.4: Design variables and design space................................................................................ 93 Table 3.5: Evaluation of the response surface approximations...................................................... 96 Table 3.6: Global sensitivity indices (total effect) for stress and resistive heat.. ........................ 101 Table 4.1: Characteristic time scales for physicochemical processes inside a Li-ion battery...... 113 Table 4.2: Material properties for 3D microscopic scale simulations.......................................... 132 Table 4.3: Input variables and their range for 3D microscopic scale simulations.. ..................... 135 Table 4.4: Comparison of simulation results from pseudo 2D and 3D microscopic models.. ..... 142 Table 4.5: Ratio between effective and bulk (intrinsic) transport properties.. ............................. 147 Table 4.6: Evaluation of the constructed surrogate models.. ....................................................... 149 Table 4.7: Global sensitivity indices calculated from kriging model. ......................................... 153
Figure 1.1: Schematic diagram of a Li-ion cell ............................................................................... 4 Figure 1.2: EV commercialization Li-ion battery technology spider chart...................................... 6 Figure 1.3: Experimental observation of fracture in cathode particles: (a) LiFePO4 particle after 60 cycles [24]; (b) gold-codeposited LiMn2O4 electrode particles after cyclic voltammetric tests at a scan rate of 4mV/s [25]; (c)LiCoO2 particles after 50 cycles [26]. ............................................. 12 Figure 1.4: Summary of scale bridging approaches. ...................................................................... 19 Figure 1.5: Surrogate modeling: (a) key steps of surrogate modeling; (b) design of experiments by FCCD; (c) design of experiments by LHS. .................................................................................... 22 Figure 1.6: An example of various surrogate models constructed based on training data obtained from the analytical function y=exp(x4)........................................................................................... 25 Figure 2.1: Comparison of simulation results of two models. ....................................................... 50 Figure 2.2: Maximum dimensionless radial stress versus dimensionless current density. ............ 51 Figure 2.3: Numerical results for the effects of stress. .................................................................. 53 Figure 2.4: Convergence plot of finite element solutions for: (a) hydrostatic stress and (b) concentration. ................................................................................................................................. 55 Figure 2.5: Schematic of an ellipsoidal particle, with coordinate system. ..................................... 57 Figure 2.6: Solutions at the end of discharge for an ellipsoid of aspect ratio 1.953, (a) concentration, (b) von Mises stress, and (c) shear stress .............................................................. 58 Figure 2.7: Maximum von Mises stress during discharge, for various ellipsoids .......................... 59 Figure 2.8: The effect of aspect ratio, for fixed particle volume ................................................... 60 Figure 2.9: The effect of aspect ratio, for fixed shorter semi axes................................................. 62 Figure 3.1: Potentials: (a) OCP of LiMn2O4 and (b) applied potential sweeping profile during one cycle.. ............................................................................................................................................. 74 Figure 3.2: Material properties: (a) the derivative of OCP over temperature: curve fitting of the measured data from Ref. 20, and (b) the derivative of partial molar enthalpy over concentration obtained by H c = F (U Tdu / dT ) c based on the curve fit in (a).................................. 79
Figure 3.3: Simulation results of a spherical particle with v = 0.4mV/s , r0 = 5 m : (a) diffusion
flux on the particle surface, (b) radial stress at the center of the particle, and (c) von Mises stress on the particle surface.. .................................................................................................................. 81 Figure 3.4: Simulation results of a spherical particle in the charge half cycle ( v = 0.4mV/s , r0 = 5 m ): (a) reaction flux on the particle surface, (b) von Mises stress on the particle surface, (c) surface overpotential, and (d) exchange current density (divided by Faradays constant)....... 83 Figure 3.5: Distribution of lithium-ion concentration inside a spherical particle at different time instants during the charge half cycle.. ............................................................................................ 85
Figure 3.6: Simulation results of a spherical particle under 20C charge: (a) reaction flux on the particle surface, and (b) von Mises stress on the particle surface.. ................................................ 87 Figure 3.7: Simulation results of various heat generation sources during the charge half cycle: (a) resistive heating, (b) entropic heating, and (c) heat of mixing....................................................... 89 Figure 3.8: Geometric illustration of an ellipsoidal particle.. ........................................................ 92 Figure 3.9: The dependency between objective functions and design variables (a) maximum von Mises stress (in megapascal), (b) time-averaged resistive heat rate (in picowatts).. ..................... 98 Figure 3.10: Simulation with a predescribed potential variation: (a) potential variation on particle surface at t=1534s, (b) time history of von Mises stress on particle surface, (c) concentration distribution inside the particle at t=1534s, and (d) von Mises stress distribution inside the particle at t=1534s..................................................................................................................................... 103 Figure 4.1: Scales in Li-ion batteries: (a) dimension for a single cell, (b) components and their dimensions inside a single cell along the thickness direction, and (c) a SEM image for LiMn2O4 positive electrode.. ....................................................................................................................... 111 Figure 4.2: Surrogate-based scale bridging for multiscale modeling framework.. ...................... 130 Figure 4.3: Summary of the multiscale framework. .. ................................................................. 137 Figure 4.4: Generated microstructure: (a) liquid phase of electrolyte, (b) solid phase of active material, and (c) the whole simulation domain containing both phases.. .................................... 139 Figure 4.5: Results of a 3D microscopic scale simulation: (a) Li-ion concentration in the solid phase (mol/m3), (b) Li-ion concentration in the liquid phase (mol/m3), and (c) reaction current density at the phase interface (A/m2).. ......................................................................................... 140 Figure 4.6: Comparison of (normalized) reaction current density: (a) the temporal variation for pseudo 2D and 3D microscopic models, (b) distribution of reaction current density (A/m2) at t=10.77min by 3D microscopic model, and (c) distribution of reaction current density (A/m2) at t=26.16min by 3D microscopic model......................................................................................... 145 Figure 4.7: Histogram of surrogate model prediction errors on 21 testing points.. ..................... 151
a , b, c
lengths of the three semi-axes of ellipsoid specific interfacial area concentration of lithium ions concentration change from initial value heat capacity lithium diffusion coefficient Youngs modulus Faradays constant molar activity coefficient of the electrolyte volume fraction of phase s enthalpy of reaction partial molar enthalpy dimensionless current density current of cell current density vector (scalar) exchange current density
~ c
mol m -3
m 2 s 1 GPa 96487 C mol -1
J mol -1 J mol -1
i n ( in ) i0
(J )
species flux vector (scalar) reaction constant thermal conductivity mobility number of sampling points dimension of the design space heat transfer/generation rate
kx , k y , kz
m 2 mol ( J s ) A
Ns Nv