Prescription For Chiller Plants
Prescription For Chiller Plants
Prescription For Chiller Plants
48, June 2006). For personal use only. Additional distribution in either paper or digital form is not permitted without ASHRAEs permission.
Health-Care HVAC
42F (5.5C) supply, 58F (14C) return. These temperatures provide 50F (10C) supply air for the operating rooms and sufcient cooling for the advanced medical equipment while accommodating the extended piping loop. Past rule of thumb ow rates and temperatures would have resulted in signicantly larger, and more costly, piping, with accompanying higher pump power. Interoperability. It was important to provide an infrastructure that would not only permit information-sharing between the new chilled water plant and the existing facility but also accommodate future changes in technology. Specifying BACnet, LonWorks, and Modbus protocols would allow the facility management system (FMS) to gather all of the necessary data to optimize chilled water generation. It also would allow the FMS to communicate with the heating system, engine generator, and other nonHVAC systems residing in the plant (Figure 1). As a result, operators can monitor and control all of this equipment from a single user interface. Direct digital control. To maximize its long-term value, the specifications for the FMS were patterned after ASHRAE Guideline 13-2000, Specifying Direct Digital Control System. Refrigerant safety. The plant includes provisions for monitoring, alarming, safety, and evacuation in accordance with ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15-2001, Safety Standard for Refrigeration Systems. Cost-effectiveness. VHS committed to purchase the most efcient chilled water plant possible.
Fleshing Out the Design
The designer also sized a 1400 kW generator and switchgear to operate two chillers, two chilled water pumps, two condenser water pumps, and two cooling tower cells. This addition provides the facility with the ability to shed electrical load and allows the hospital to operate almost normally during power outages. (Many of the air handlers and terminal units already are connected to an essential power source.)
Weighing Alternatives
competition, and the desire to create patient-friendly environments. Continually changing technology demands maximum exibility in facility layouts and support systems. These pressures, coupled with limited time and resources, can lead to ad hoc expansion.
The staff at Winchester Medical Center, which is a subsidiary of Valley Health System (VHS) in Virginia, adopted a more deliberate approach. The campus consists of a large hospital building that includes patient and operating rooms, diagnostic facilities, administrative areas, and a clinic. The VHS Master Plan includes the addition
This article traces the evolution of the plants complex design, from denition of requirements through initial startup. It also highlights the challenges of system integration and the value of an effective project team.
Objectives for the New Plant
of at least two separate medical ofce buildings by 2008. With no forecasted increase in staffing, the expanded services must perform reliably and minimize operating costs, but also maximize efciency and exibility. It was clear that a new central chilled water plant would best meet these requirements.
Together, the design engineer and Mark Baker, VHS director of facilities and construction, identied the following requirements for the new plant:
About the Authors Mark Baker is corporate director of facilities and construction, Valley Health Care System, in Winchester, Va. Dan Roe, P .E., is principal at ccrd partners in Garland, Texas. Mick Schwedler, P .E., is senior principal applications engineer at Trane in La Crosse, Wis.
Using a spreadsheet created by Baker, which detailed the anticipated growth of the campus through 2008, the designer established plant requirements for each stage of the expansion. Total plant capacity is based on N +1, which provides a redundant chiller, cooling tower cell, chilled water pump, and condenser water pump. The decision to site the plant in a remote part of the campus increased costs for underground piping but maximizes the area available for new facilities. The distance between the plant and the hospital also required special attention to ensure delivery of the desired supply-water temperature. The chilled water piping, constructed of ductile iron, passes through an 800 ft (240 m) thermal trench. Calcium-carbonate particles provide an insulative barrier no less than 4 in. (100 mm) thick. Strategically positioning the valve boxes within the thermal trench simplies future expansion. Condenser water for the chillers is provided by cooling towers, which are placed directly behind the plant to minimize noise transmission to the rest of the campus.
June 2006
The design team investigated various system level choices before settling on a nal design. (All but the last option, condenser heat recovery, was incorporated.) Variable primary ow can reduce the costs of installing and operating the chilled water system because it requires fewer pumps.1-15 Implementation requires the addition of a bypass line and two-way modulating valve. Interfacing with the hospitals existing pumps posed a control challenge (discussed later) that may resurface when buildings are added. Water-side economizing can provide inexpensive cooling when load and outdoor wet-bulb temperature are low. As with many health-care facilities, Winchester Medical Center often operates at these conditions, so a waterside heat exchanger was added to handle small loads. Two of the new chillers also were equipped for compressor-less free cooling, which uses refrigerant migration to produce chilled water. Leaving tower water temperature determines the cooling capacities of the economizer and refrigerant-migration cycles. At 30F (1C) ambient wet-bulb temperature and below, with no compressors online, the plant produces chilled water at a total kW/ton of approximately 0.2 or less (0.7 kW/kW or less). Variable-speed operation, at the designers discretion, was required for all of the plants dynamic components. Therefore the chillers, cooling tower fans, and pumps were provided with premium efciency, inverterduty motors and controlled with individual variable-frequency drives. Two of the medical centers three existing chillers already included variable-speed drives (VSDs). Valley Health System decided to purchase two more chillers with VSDs and use the remaining constant-speed chiller as a backup. Chiller selection was based on the design parameters summarized in Table 1, with each machine selected to produce 750 tons (2638 kW) of cooling. At these conditions (42F [5.5C] chilled water, 84F [29C] entering tower water), ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2001, Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, and Virginia require a minimum full-load efciency of 0.590 kW/ton (2 kW/kW). Full-load performance is 0.594 kW/ton (21 kW/kW) for each of the three existing chillers and 0.571 kW/ton (2 kW/kW) for both of the new chillers.
June 2006
Health-Care HVAC
Performance Evaporator Flow Rate, gpm 1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125 1,125 Entering Water 58F 58F 58F 58F 58F Leaving Water 42F 42F 42F 42F 42F Pressure Difference ft H2O 14 14 29.9 29.9 29.9 Condenser Flow Rate, gpm 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 2,250 Entering Water 84F 84F 84F 84F 84F Leaving Water** 95F 95F 95F 95F 95F Pressure Difference, ft H2O 22 22 28 28 28
90F 80F 70F 60F 50F 40F 30F 10F Flow Rate 100% 90% 70% 60% 50% 20F 30F 40F 50F 60F Ambient Wet-Bulb Temp. 70F 80F
Chiller* 1 2 3 4 5
* Each chiller has a nominal capacity of 750 tons. Chiller 5 has a constant-speed drive; the others are equipped with variable-speed drives. Chillers 3 5 were part of the existing chilled water plant. ** At the given conditions the chiller condenser leaving water temperature would be 93.4F. The design engineer specied the conditions shown. This gives a safety factor, for example, for those times when the ambient wet bulb is higher than the ASHRAE design conditions.
Figure 1 (left): FMS summary of the chilled water plant. Figure 2 (right): Cooling tower performance with variable flow and a 10F design range.
Chilled water pumps were sized equally, equipped with VSDs, and manifolded together to allow use of any pump with any chiller. Table 2 shows the design parameters. Although the pumps are identical, the pressure difference across the evaporators is not. The resulting ow imbalance is discussed later in this article (see the chillers section). Condenser water pumps also are sized equally and equipped with VSDs. For normal operation, each pump is dedicated to a specic chiller. Manual valves were added so that each pump can operate with a different chiller, if needed. See Table 2 for design parameters. Cooling towers were sized equally and a VSD was provided for each cooling tower fan. Table 3 summarizes the design parameters. Condenser heat recovery was dismissed as an option due to the plants remote location. With makeup water already available at the hospital for domestic hot water, it was impossible to justify the cost of piping, trenching, insulation, etc.
Climbing the Learning Curve
pumps, tower fans, and chillers. Hartman6 discusses such plants but does not describe the specic method for plant control.
Condenser Water Pumps
VSDs on condenser water pumps pose a particular optimization challenge. Pumping less condenser water obviously reduces pump power, but the potential savings depend on the available reduction in pressure drop. Although a lower ow rate reduces the pressure drop through the chillers condenser bundle, piping, and valves, the cooling tower static lift remains constant. Its also important to balance pump savings with the effect of reduced condenser water ow on the performance of the chiller and cooling tower.
Cooling Towers: Performance With Variable Water Flow
11F), and all three charts are based on full-speed operation of the tower fans. Would this data predict, with sufcient accuracy, the effect of ow rate on tower performance? The following example was devised to discover this. Table 4 shows how ow rates of 100%, 75%, and 60% of design affect tower performance when the outdoor air is 50F wet bulb and the heat-rejection load is 60%. (Remember that this data is based on a 10F design range and full-speed fan operation.) Each reduction in ow rate ultimately lowers the cooling tower approach due to warmer entering water and the resulting increase in log mean temperature difference. By itself, reducing the condenser water ow rate under these conditions is advantageous. But as discussed under the chillers section, that conclusion oversimplies the chillertowerpump relationship. The accompanying increase in the cooling towers entering water temperature causes the chiller to consume more energy. Table 5 demonstrates how reduced ow rates affect tower performance if the heat-rejection load is 80% and the ambient air is 70F (21F) wet bulb. Once again, the result is a closer approach and a higher cooling tower entering water temperature. The design team gleaned two lessons from their investigation. When the tower fans operate at full speed: Reducing the water ow rate improves cooling tower performance; and The amount of heat rejection determines the minimum range. (Larger heat-rejection loads require a higher percentage of the design ow rate.)
Cooling Towers: Performance With Variable Water Flow and Airow
Approach Temp.
Tower Water Temp. Leaving Entering Not Available 79.8F 78.0F Not Available 87.8F 88.0F
*Mathematically, heat rejection for a 6F range requires 133% of the design ow rate.
power.1619 However, does such an operating point exist when both water ow rate and fan speed are reduced? By this point in the project, the tower manufacturer was no longer in business, making it impossible to obtain the information needed to arrive at a denitive answer.
With the basic design of the plant established, the design engineer and plant owner worked closely with the providers to understand the interactive effect of variable-speed operation on all
Obtaining relevant performance data for the cooling tower was difcult. Unlike fan speed, variable water ow is uncommon enough that few selection programs model it. Figures 2 and 3 show the data provided by the tower manufacturer. Note that the maximum range is 10F (though the selection specied
June 2006
Evidence shows that when the condenser water ow rate is constant, there is an optimal tower-fan speed at which the reduction in fan power exceeds the accompanying increase in chiller
June 2006
To reject the same amount of heat at lower ow rates, the range must increasewhich means that warmer water must enter the tower. Since the water temperature entering the tower is identical to that leaving the condenser, reducing the condenser water ow rate raises the leaving condenser water temperature and causes the chiller to consume more power. Given this relationship, reducing the condenser water ow rate does not provide an economic benet unless the savings in pump power exceeds the increase in chiller power. As for the VSDs on the chillers (all but the backup, which is constant-speed), reduced speed does not provide an economic benet unless the lift between the evaporator and condenser also is reduced. Operationally, unless the lift is reduced, the drive may need to remain at full speed to avoid surge. Leaving chilled water temperature sets the evaporator pressure, so any reduction of lift requires a lower leaving condenser water temperature. However,
Health-Care HVAC
Leaving Tower Water Temp. 80F 70F 60F 50F 40F 30F Flow Rate 100% 90% 70% 60% 50% 10F 20F 30F 40F 50F 60F Ambient Wet-Bulb Temp. 70F 80F Load of Speed
surement techniques may be required. ASHRAE Guideline 22, Instrumentation for Monitoring Central Chilled Water Plant Efciency, is being written and likely will give information on this subject.
Pump Speed
Initial Startup
Fan Speed
Figure 4: Comparison of chiller load to speed of chilled water pump and cooling tower fan.
reducing the speed of the cooling tower fans and/or condenser water pumps raises the leaving condenser water temperature. There were operational considerations to address. For example, it was important to avoid creating an unstable operating condition, such as excessive condenser pressure at low load, that would cause the compressor to surge. It was also necessary to contend with the unequal pressure differences of the two-pass and three-pass evaporators (Table 1): 14 ft w.g. (42 kPa) for Chillers 1 and 2 vs 29.9 ft w.g. (90 kPa) for Chillers 3, 4, and 5. Since chilled water pumps are dedicated, each pump could have been selected specically for its chiller. To simplify pump interactions, identical pumps were chosen. Although the design engineer specied balancing valves to equalize the chilled water ow, the owner chose not to incur the pressure drop penalty at all load conditions and opened the valves. Opening the balancing valves creates a ow imbalance that could make it difcult for the plant to supply water that is cold enough. Chillers 1 and 2 receive more ow than Chillers 3, 4, and 5. When ow rates equalize at 19.9 ft (60 kPa) pressure drop, 1,336 gpm (84 L/s) will pass through Chiller 1 and 914 gpm (58 L/s) through Chiller 4. (More-than-design ow through Chillers 1 and 2 may elevate the leaving water temperature.) Decreasing the chilled water setpoint for Chillers 3 and 4 would offset the imbalance by loading these machines comparably to their loads at reduced ow. However, this strategy was not used because it further complicated plant control.
Control: Chiller Sequencing
Adds a chiller when the system supply water temperature exceeds setpoint by 2F (1C) for 15 minutes; Starts a condenser water pump and a cooling tower cell whenever a chiller is added; Turns off a chiller if the resulting load on the chillers still operating is less than 85%; and Will not stop a chiller for at least 30 minutes after the last chiller startup to avoid cycling the machines on and off too rapidly. The design pressure drop differences between chillers have not caused problems using this sequencing method. Plant control for the condenser water pumps and cooling tower fans is based on chiller load. When the chiller load, calculated using chilled water ow and temperature difference, is less than 80%, the facility management system varies the speeds of the cooling tower fan and condenser-water pump in proportion to chiller load (Figure 4). This strategy may not be ideal, but it balances the power of the chiller, tower fan, and condenser water pump while avoiding the points at which the chiller might surge. When the cooling tower water is extremely cold, the condenser water pump VFDs are controlled to maintain the minimum evaporator-to-condenser pressure differential required by the chiller manufacturer. The speed of the chilled water pumps at the plant maintains a 5 psi (35.5 kPa) pressure differential (chilled water supply-toreturn) at the existing hospital, where local pumps circulate water through the facility. This arrangement provides the campus with a variable primary/variable secondary control strategy. Differential pressure sensors monitor the chilled water ow rate across each chillers evaporator. Using data from the chiller manufacturer, the differential pressure signal is converted to ow rate.
Data Acquisition
The control decisions made during the nal design and at system startup established a chiller sequencing strategy that:
The electric energy consumption data were obtained from the variable speed drives. Some feel that more accurate meaJune 2006
June 2006
The team encountered several challenges at initial startup. Most notable was the discrepancy between the two ow meters in the system. Although calibration brought their readings closer together, no one knows which (if either) of the meters is more accurate. Also, it became apparent that chiller evaporator ow was miscalculated during design. This error resulted in a discrepancy between estimations of individual chiller loads (which are based on chiller ow rates as described earlier) and system load (which is based on ow meter readings). After the algorithm was corrected, chiller and system 1,400 capacities closely paralleled each other. 1,200 Figure 5 graphs system op1,000 eration on Aug. 8, 2003. Am800 bient wet-bulb temperatures ranged from 64F to 72F 600 (18C to 22C) that day. Al400 though the cooler-than-design wet-bulb temperatures helped 200 reduce the plants energy use, 0 the 0.6 kW/ton (2.1 kW/kW) average is impressive.
Cooling Load, tons
Efciency, kW/ton
Similarly, the team considered increasing the number of operating cooling tower cells from N, the number of operating chillers, to N +1. Based on examination of the plant data, it was estimated that increasing the available heat-exchange surface could decrease system power by 0.03 to 0.05 kW/ton (0.1 to 0.18 kW/kW). Of course, the challenge is to ensure that each cell receives its minimum ow. (This adjustment was not implemented during the 2003 cooling season.) Figure 6 graphs system operation on Aug. 24 31, one week after implementing the agreed-upon adjustments. At rst glance, it appears that the plant performed poorly on Aug. 25 (i.e., power use exceeded 2.5 kW/ton [8.8 kW/kW]). Closer examination of the data and system revealed the failure of a pump sensor. The faulty sensor registered almost 1400 kW when, in fact, the pump was off. Readings returned to normal when the sensor was replaced. Prompt diagnosis was made possible by the facility management systems 0.80 data-rich, graphical environment. With the sensor working 0.70 properly, plant performance 0.60 ranged from 0.50 to 0.60 kW/ 0.50 ton (1.8 to 2.1 kW/kW)ef0.40 cient operation indeed.
Project Prognosis
The most signicant hurdle in the Winchester Medical 0 Center project was integrating the FMS with the heating and electrical generation sysAug. 7 Aug. 8 Fine-Tuning Operation tems, electrical switchgear Soon after initial startup, Figure 5: Summary of chilled water plant performance for Aug. and circuit breakers, and 7 8, 2003. the building owner, plant variable-speed drives. The operators, consulting engineer, and providers of the chilled challenge lay not in the capability of the FMS, but in obtainwater plant and controls met on-site to discuss ways to optimize ing information and support from the electrical equipment system performance. provider, and in establishing the communications interface For example, not starting another chiller unless the chilled between the FMS and the heating plant. In each case, the owner water temperature exceeded setpoint by 2F (1C) for 15 min- perceived an large gap between the integration capability hed utes resulted in a loss of cooling in critical areas of the hospital. paid for and what he received. Reducing the deadband to 1F (0.6C) for 15 minutes appeared As an example, although the specication required a comto mitigate that problem. munication interface between the heating plant and the FMS, Also, the number of operating chilled water pumps was it was necessary to hardwire the control points. Although the increased as a means of reducing pump power (e.g., now work was done well and provides the required data exchange, threenot twochilled water pumps operate in conjunction the owner questions whether he received the benet he exwith two chillers). Some might argue that this strategy cant pected from the heating system provider. reduce pump power because power is proportional to ow and To avoid such credibility gaps and facilitate system intepressure difference. These parameters dont change whether gration, the specication must explicitly dene what data two or three pumps operate. However, bringing an additional will be communicated, the method of exchange, and who will pump online distributes ow through more ttings, reducing supply the necessary hardware, front-end graphics and system operating pressure and, therefore, pump power. control software.
2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00
Health-Care HVAC
A Clean Bill of Health
2. Bahneth, W.P. and E. Peyer. 2001. Comparative analysis of
Winchester Medical Centers FMS gathers data from all plant variable and constant primary-ow chilled-water-plant performance. Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning Engineering 73(4):41 50. components, including: 3. Bynum, H. and E. Merwin. 1999. Variable ow: A control Power use of all chiller compressors, water pumps, and engineers perspective. ASHRAE Journal 41(1):26 30. cooling tower fans; 4. Coad, W.J. 1998. A fundamental perspective on chilled water Condenser-water temperature; systems. Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning Engineering 70(8). Chilled water ow; and 5. Groenke, S. and M. Schwedler. 2002. Seriesseries counterow Speed from all variable-speed drives. for central chilled water plants. ASHRAE Journal 44(6):23 29. Programming allows the FMS to analyze the information 6. Hartman, T. 2001. All-variable-speed centrifugal chiller plants. based on outdoor conditions and to control the components as ASHRAE Journal 43(9):43 51. an efcient team so that the plant, as a whole, uses the least 7. Houghton, D. 1996. Know your ow: A market survey of liquid possible power to generate each ton of chilled water. ow meters. E SOURCE Tech Update TU-96-3. This approach not only minimizes the medical centers oper8. Kirsner, W. 1996. The demise of the primarysecondary pumpating expense; it also benets ing paradigm for chilled water plant design. Heating/Piping/ the environment. Minimizing 2,500 3.50 Air Conditioning Engineering the use of electrical energy 68(11). 3.00 lessens the amount of power 2,000 9. Kreutzmann, J. 2002. that must be generated, which 2.50 Campus cooling: Retrotting in turn decreases power plant 1,500 systems. Heating/Piping/Air emissions. 2.00 Conditioning Engineering This projects successful 74(7):27 34. 1.50 1,000 outcome is largely attribut10. Luther, K. 1998. Applyable to the active involvement 1.00 ing variable volume pumping. 500 of the same team throughout Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning 0.50 planning, design, installation, Engineering 70(10). 0 0 and start-up. Team members 11. Schwedler, M. and B. invested considerable time in Bradley. 2003. Variable primary on-site visits and communicaow in chilled-water systems. Heating/Piping/Air Conditioning tion. Great care was taken to Figure 6: Summary of chilled water plant performance for Aug. Engineering 75(3):37 45. explain and understand all op- 24 31, 2003. 12. Schwedler, M. and B. tions under consideration, and to integrate the infrastructure, equipment, and controls into a Bradley. 2000. Variable-primary-ow systems: An idea for chilledcohesive system. Mutual trust and respect made team interac- water plants the time of which has come. Heating/Piping/Air Contions more effective. The highly integrated, highly efcient plant ditioning Engineering 72(4):41 44. 13. Taylor, S.T. 2002. Degrading chilled water plant delta-T: that now serves Winchester Medical Center demonstrates the Causes and mitigation. ASHRAE Transactions 108(1):641 653. value of healthy, synergistic teamwork.
Cooling Load, tons
No project of this scope can succeed without operators and technicians who willingly perform the day-to-day work necessary to run and optimize the plant. The authors thank Paul Otworth and George Sloane, whose insights and willingness to innovate streamlined the operation of this cutting-edge plant. Ronnie Mitchell also deserves special recognition for his tireless programming and calibration efforts; his extensive knowledge of chilled water and automation systems beneted the entire team.
1. Avery, G. 2001. Improving the efciency of chilled water plants. ASHRAE Journal 43(5):14 18. H10
14. Taylor, S.T. 2002. Primary-only vs. primary-secondary variable ow systems. ASHRAE Journal 44(2):25 29. 15. Waltz, J.P. 1997. Dont ignore variable ow. Contracting Business 54(7). 16. Braun, J.E. and G.T. Diderrich. 1990. Near-optimal control of cooling towers for chilled-water systems. ASHRAE Transactions 96(2):806 813. 17. Cascia, M.A. 2000. Implementation of a near-optimal global set point control method in a DDC controller. ASHRAE Transactions 106(1):249 263. 18. Hydeman, M., K. Gillespie, and R. Kammerud. 1997. PG&Es CoolTools Project: A toolkit to improve evaluation and operation of chilled water plants. Cool $ense National Forum on Integrated Chiller Retrots, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Pacic Gas & Electric. 19. Schwedler, Mick. 1998. Chiller/tower interaction: Take it to the limitor just halfway? ASHRAE Journal 40(7):32 39. June 2006
Efciency, kW/ton