The Eldar: by Doug Newton-Walters Some Text Excerpted From EPIC Swordwind Download It FREE From

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The Eldar

By Doug Newton-Walters

Some text excerpted from EPIC Swordwind

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Army Special Rules
The eldar army uses many special rules and units. Below lead their brethren to war. You may take a maximum of
are some army wide rules and conventions the army uses ONE Exarch Lord per aspect type in the army (i.e. If you
on the tabletop. have two units of striking scorpions and one unit of fire
dragons you may take one striking scorpion Exarch Lord
and one fire dragon Exarch Lord).
The following rules affect all aspect warrior units, unit
upgrades, Exarchs, Exarch Lords, and Phoenix Lords WEAPONS
and Thanes.
All aspect warriors wear specialised armour suited to their Weapons with this property impart the very power of the
individual method of warfare. Irrespective of unit type, all stars into their target, heating them to a supernova until
aspect warriors mount a twin-linked shuriken pistol in their they blast apart in a fiery conflagration of death. Fusion
armour that can be used to confer an additional attack as weapons roll 2D6 for armour penetration.
per the Pistol rules (although you don't get the re-rolls for
twin-linked in combat!). PRECISE
Only the eldar could produce weapons so advanced that
Aspect warriors are consummate fighters, capable of they could hit a buzzwing in mid flight. Precise weapons roll
feats that even the mightiest warriors of other races would to hit as normal and only on a miss do they roll for scatter
struggle to achieve. If an aspect warrior is equipped with (use the small arrow above the 'I' if a HIT result comes
two ranged weapons they may fire both in the shooting up).
phase The technological mastery of the eldar allows them
to sheath their warriors in powerful psycho-reactive armour,
protecting them from enemy attacks and allowing them
great freedom on the battlefield. Any model with Guardian
armour receives a 3+ armour save and may move as Jet VECTORED ENGINES
Pack Infantry if they wish. They still count as Infantry in all All eldar skimmers are masterworks of engineering, capable
other respects (and so cannot Deep Strike etc).(following of turning on the spot and accelerating from a standstill in
the normal rules for shooting). moments. All eldar skimmers have Vectored Engines which
means they may re-roll any failed Dangerous Terrain tests
When submerged in their war-self, aspect warriors fear
they make. If they would crash due to an Immobilised result
very little and will only quit the battlefield when victory is
they instead land on the ground as if they hadn't moved.
impossible. Aspect units may attempt to regroup even if
below 50% of their starting strength.

EXARCHS When the eldar go to war, their aspect warriors alone are
The following rules affect all Exarchs and Exarch Lords not enough to stem the tide. Thus with heavy hearts the
(including Phoenix Lords and Thanes). eldar civilian population don the armour of the guardian
and go into battle to support their aspect brothers. It is a
When an eldar sets their mind to a task they are capable
testament to the innate skill and ability of the eldar race that
of reaching levels of perfection bordering on the divine.
even their civilian militia have the skills to face the enemy
The dark side of this innate capacity is the risk of being
on an even footing.
lost on a particular path so completely that, although the
eldar becomes the most perfect example of their craft, Often guardian units will be led by a craftguard, an eldar
they lose all other vestiges of self, existing only as a living who has been on the path of the warrior many times and
embodiment of their art. Exarchs are the product of this who aids the Autarchs in organisation and disposition of
capacity in warfare. Exarchs are Independent Characters eldar forces.
that treat the aspect squad they are attached to as a
Retinue (see the Warhammer 40,00 rulebook for details). Guardians wear guardian armour which confers a 3+
armour save. They may also move as Jet Pack Infantry if
They wear wraithbone armour containing the spirits of they wish (this includes Fall Back moves). They still count
previous exarchs and their body slowly merges with the as Infantry in all other respects (and so cannot Deep Strike,
armour until nought is left but an animated shell, fueled by count as Scoring Units etc).
the power of the souls within. Exarchs and Exarch Lords
wear armour that follows all the rules and contains all the
equipment their aspect uses but grants them a 2+ save and
a 5+ invulnerable save.

Exarchs rarely feel fear and when they do it is as if at a great

distance, a half-remembered thing. Exarchs are Stubborn
and confer this ability to the unit they are part of.

The Exarch Lords are the oldest and most powerful exarchs
within their shrine. It is they that oversee and guide the
warriors beneath them and when battle calls it is they that

a The Avatar of Khaine a
At the heart of every craftworld sits its Avatar, the Kaela Mensha Khaine, but maybe he is destroyed utterly,
craftworld’s own incarnation of the Bloody-Handed God of his spirit a sacrifice to the merciless Bloody-Handed God.
the Eldar, Kaela Mensha Khaine. Aroused from his throne
of smouldering iron, the Avatar leads the warriors of his When an Avatar is created on a craftworld they immediately
craftworld to battle. Huge and all-powerful, the Avatar is move into the Webway. On Biel-Tan, the Court of the Young
a god incarnate, the embodiment of the Eldar racial soul, King travels with the Avatar as he enters the Webway. The
and a deadly opponent even for the most mighty powers Farseers in an Eldar army are able to predict where and
of Chaos. when the Avatar will be as they travel through the webway,
and can call the Avatar to the battlefield.
When the Eldar begin the march to war, the Avatar is
awoken by the brave sacrifice of a warrior known as the When called the Avatar bursts out of the Webway and back
Young King – an Aspect Warrior chosen annually by the into reality, a screaming engine of fury and destruction. The
craftworld’s rulers. What happens to the Young King after Avatar will appear for a brief time, rampaging across the
he enters the Avatar’s throne room to awaken him, none battlefield and bringing destruction on the enemy, before
can say for certain. returning to the Webway to travel to the next place where
he will be needed.
Perhaps he lives on within the Bloody- Handed God for all
eternity, his spirit intermingling with the greater spirit that is

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Boon of the War God
Avatar 10 10 7 7 4 7 4 10 2+ The Avatar's of Khaine are each puissant warriors,
manifesting many powerful abilities and attacks.
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature.
Mighty Strike
The Avatar focuses his rage into the wailing doom, the
tortured runes upon its surface screaming as the power
Fleet, Fearless.
builds up. The Avatar may sacrifice any number of attacks to
increase his Strength. For every attack removed, increase
his strength by +1.
The Avatar is a walking manifestation of the eldar god of
war. It has a 4+ invulnerable save and the Eternal Warrior
Blazing Rage
special rule. It is treated as a daemon for the purposes of
Fire roars from the Avatar's mouth and eyes and magma
any special rules.
spills from the joints in his armour. Any unit losing combat
with the Avatar automatically fails their Morale test.
When the Avatar strides the battlefield its rage infuses
Towering Inferno
the souls of all the eldar around it, hardening them to the
When an Avatar thunders into combat the heat of his rage
horrors of war. Any friendly eldar unit with a model within
incinerates all before him. Their skin shrivels and their hair
12" of the Avatar becomes Fearless.
bursts into flame as their very soul is burnt in the fires of the
War God's fury. At the beginning of the Shooting phase any
Molten Body:
enemy model in base contact with the Avatar suffers a S4
The Avatar's body is burning iron powered by molten
AP3 hit. Any enemy model within 3" suffers a S4 AP- hit.
magma. Any weapon with the Melta rule and any flamer
weapons (ie heavy flamers, burnas, incinerators etc) cannot
Raging Blast
wound the Avatar. Plasma weapons (starcannons, plasma
The Avatar's channels its incandescent rage into the suin
rifles etc) will only wound the Avatar on a 6 regardless of
dellae, blasting the enemy apart in showers of burning gore.
their strength.
Change the profile of its ranged attack to the following:
The Wailing Doom Range Strength AP Type
A mighty weapon of incalculable power, the Suin Dellae
may take the form of a sword, spear or vicious bladed axe. 12" 9 1 Assault 1,
No matter the form it takes, in the hands of the god of war Blast, Fusion
it is deadly. The Avatar may use the wailing doom in one of Template 6 3 Assault 1
two ways. It may be used one handed to confer a +1 attack
bonus, or two handed to confer a +1 strength bonus.
Conflagration of Death
In the shooting phase it may be fired in one of two ways:
Some Avatar's manifest the ability to direct the fires that
Range Strength AP Type power them, sending roiling sheets of flame out in all
directions with a bone shattering roar. Instead of firing his
12" 8 1 Assault 1, weapon the Avatar may use this ability. Any unit within 2D6"
Fusion suffers 1D6 S5 AP4 hits and must take a Morale test if they
Template 5 4 Assault 1 suffer any casualties.

h Farseer h
The Eldar are a psychically sensitive race and have the far from rigorous individuals, and powerful orators and
inner strength to develop their powers in many extraordinary diplomats may well organise the craftworld’s affairs from
ways. Eldar who choose this path are called Seers. A Seer day to day, but the actions of almost all Eldar are ultimately
uses mystic runes to focus his powers, enabling him to guided by the intricately scryed counsel of the Farseers.
foretell the future, and he carries spirit stones containing
the spirits of long dead Seers as his spiritual guides. A Farseer does not normally fight in the Eldar’s wars, but in
times of desperate need his incomparable powers will be
The most powerful Seers of all are the Farseers of which employed on the battlefield. Farseers, however, are rather
every craftworld has only a very few. They do not normally less aggressive individuals than Warlocks, and their role on
wake, but spend their time in a state of trance, their spirits the battlefield will not simply be that of psychic warrior.
roaming at will through the wraithbone, directing the
psycho-energy flow throughout the entire craftworld. Rather a Farseer may well engage in rather more subtle
counter-strategies and feints, seeking perhaps to minimise
Their visionary skills enable the Eldar to avoid the dangers Eldar losses, or even end hostilities altogether if he sees
that beset the craftworlds, exploring the possible future that fate will be best served by such actions.
paths that lie ahead, and determining how those paths may
be altered. To a greater or lesser degree it is the Farseers
who rule almost all the craftworlds of the Eldar. They are

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Warp attack on a 3+. Any Daemonic unit attempting to
Farseer 5 5 3 4 3 4 1 10 3+ charge a unit with a model with a ghost helm counts as
charging into difficult terrain against a target with defensive
grenades. Any daemonic unit attempting to fire a ranged
Unit Type: Infantry.
weapon at a unit with a model with a ghost helm must test
to see them, rolling 2D6x3 for the spotting distance. If they
fail they may target a different unit.
Fleet, Psyker, Independent Character.
Runes of Witnessing
A Farseer uses his rune of witnessing to guide his second
Rune Armour
sight along the twisting strands of fate. A Farseer with runes
Mighty wraithbone runes cover this ancient armour
of witnessing rolls 3D6 when making psychic tests and may
channeling the wearer's psychic might to protect them from
choose which ever two he wishes.
harm. Rune armour grants a 4+ invulnerable save and
counts as Guardian Armour.
Runes of Warding
These are used by Farseers to throw up psychic interference
and confound the efforts of enemy psykers. All enemy
Few weapons in the mortal realm are the equal of a
psychic tests are taken on 3D6, suffering perils of the Warp
witchblade. Channeling its bearer's soul fire it can scorch
on any roll of 12 or more.
the very essence from the target, leaving nothing but a
shriveled husk. Witchblades are two-handed close combat
Spirit Stones
weapons that wound on a 2+ and ignore armour saves. On
These are repositories for the dead souls of the eldar.
a roll of 6 to wound the target suffers Instant Death. Against
Farseers may take them into battle for their guidance and
Vehicles the weapon strikes at Strength 9.
power, charging themselves with psychic energy. Farseers
with spirit stones can use two psychic powers per turn
Singing Spear
although they may not cast the same one twice.
These Beautifully crafted blades literally hum with pent
up energy, rising to a crescendo of agony as they hurtle
through the air toward their target. Singing Spears function
as witchblades but may also be thrown in the shooting
phase instead of firing a weapon:

Range Strength AP Type

12" X 2 Assault 1

Ghost Helm
All Seers of the eldar understand the dangers of the warp,
indeed they would never reach any level of proficiency
without such knowledge. To aid them against the darkness
of the immaterium they wear ghost helms, psychically
resonant helmets that disguise them from the ever hungry
predators of the warp.
Any model with a ghost helm may ignore a Perils of the

i Seer Council i
Although there are many divisions of the Path of the Seer mind. As a former student of the Path of the Warrior, a
most Seers are peaceful members of their society. However Warlock can also carry a psychically attuned Witch Blade,
some Seers’ powers go far beyond passive prediction. There a weapon which contains a helix-shaped psychic matrix
is one aspect of the Seer which is bellicose and aggressive, through which he can channel his own energies.
and individuals of this kind are called Warlocks.
Warlocks never forsake their warrior training, and remain
Warlocks are Seers who have once trodden the Path of at all times mindful of the specialised roles of the Aspect
the Warrior. It is their previous experience as warriors Warriors. A Warlock will employ his gifts of foresight
that enables them to control their destructive impulses in divination to assess how, when and where these Warrior
battle. Aspects will prove most destructive to the enemy.

The enclosing helmets that are worn by Warlocks are kept Bonesingers are another caste of Eldar psyker, potent
in the shrines of the Warrior Aspects. A Warlock can only artisian-musicians whose psychic voice can shape
don his warriorseer self by returning to his old shrine and wraithbone into breathtaking forms. The principle builders
receiving the helmet from an Exarch as part of the blood of the Eldar, bonesingers are the foundation upon which the
ritual of the Aspect Warrior. The Warlocks are both warriors remnants of the once great Eldar Empire sit. Without them
and Seers, the most deadly combination imaginable. the Craftworlds would decay and the eldar armies would
stand defenceless against the coming darkness. Such is
A Warlock can focus energies in destructive as well as their power that even on the battlefield eldar constructs
creative ways, sending psychic blasts hurtling from his respond to their call, rising again to fight.
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv of the immaterium they wear ghost helms, psychically
Warlock 5 5 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+ resonant helmets that disguise them from the ever hungry
Bonesinger 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 9 2+ predators of the warp.
Any model with a ghost helm may ignore a Perils of the
Warp attack on a 3+. Any Daemonic unit attempting to
Unit Type: Infantry.
charge a unit with a model with a ghost helm counts as
charging into difficult terrain against a target with defensive
grenades. Any daemonic unit attempting to fire a ranged
Fleet, Stubborn (Warlock only), Psyker, Independent
weapon at a unit with a model with a ghost helm must test
to see them, rolling 2D6x3 for the spotting distance. If they
fail they may target a different unit.
Rune Armour
Spirit Harp
Mighty wraithbone runes cover this ancient armour
This fey instrument acts as a focus for the Bonesinger's
channeling the wearer's psychic might to protect them from
power, enabling them expertly direct their energies and
harm. Rune armour grants a 4+ invulnerable save and
repair any damage. Models with a Spirit Harp succeed in
counts as Guardian Armour.
casting their song on a 4+.
Few weapons in the mortal realm are the equal of a
Another instrument in the repertoire of the Bonesinger, the
witchblade. Channeling its bearer's soul fire it can scorch
wraithflute creates intricate harmonies that resonate and
the very essence from the target, leaving nothing but a
reinforce one another. This functions as a spirit harp and
shriveled husk. Witchblades are two-handed close combat
allows the result to be re-rolled.
weapons that wound on a 2+ and ignore armour saves. On
a roll of 6 to wound the target suffers Instant Death. Against
Vehicles the weapon strikes at Strength 9.

Singing Spear
These beautifully crafted blades literally hum with pent
up energy, rising to a crescendo of agony as they hurtle
through the air toward their target. Singing Spears function
as witchblades but may also be thrown in the shooting
phase instead of firing a weapon:

Range Strength AP Type

12" X 2 Assault 1

Ghost Helm
All Seers of the eldar understand the dangers of the warp,
indeed they would never reach any level of proficiency
without such knowledge. To aid them against the darkness


Unless otherwise stated, these powers work as described A warlock's power is available permanently, so he does not
in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook, are used at the start of take psychic tests to use it and is thus unaffected by Perils
the eldar turn and do not require the Eldar psyker to have of the Warp.
line of sight to the target.
Doom Veil of Isha's Tears
Morai-Heg's Curse The Warlock clouds the minds of the enemy, creating
The Farseer searches for the threads of destiny that spells a shifting psychic mist that hides the unit from enemy
destruction for the enemy and manipulates it into being. All weapons. The Warlock and the unit he is with count as
hits caused upon any enemy unit within 24" of the Farseer being in cover and receive a 4+ cover save.
gain a reroll to wound or penetrate until the start of the next
eldar turn. Destructor
Fury of Khaine
Eldritch Storm The warlock focuses his anger and rage and unleashes
Asuryam's Wrath Unbound it at the enemy in a roiling blast of deadly psychic power.
The Farseer summons a crackling corona of energy down Destructor is used in the shooting phase instead of firing a
upon the enemy, exploding out with arcs of lightning and weapon using the following profile:
hurling the enemy in all directions. This psychic power is
used in the shooting phase instead of firing a weapon.
Range Strength AP Type
Place the large blast marker centred on an enemy model
within 36". Vehicles touched by the template suffer 2D6+5 Template 5 4 Assault 1
armour penetration, are spun around to face a random
direction as determined by the scatter dice (a hit allows the
eldar player to choose the facing), and suffer an automatic Embolden
crew shaken result. Kurnous' Pride
The Warlock instills an unshakable faith and courage in his
comrades, reaching into their minds with visions of mighty
Range Strength AP Type
heros and great victories. The Warlock and his squad may
36" 5 4 Assault 1, re-roll failed Leadership tests.
Large Blast,
Entangling* Enhance
Khaine's Perfection
The warlock uses his arcane powers to imbue his fellow
*Units suffering any casualties from this weapon that have warriors with lightning speed and legendary skill. The
not fallen back from a failed morale test move 1D6" in their Warlock and all models in the same unit gain +1 Weapon
next movement phase and may not shoot. Skill and Initiative. Enhance is not cumulative.

Fortune Heal
Asuryan's Defiance Isha's Embrace
Scrying the strands of fate the Farsser determines where Channeling the limitless energies of the warp the Warlock
the enemy will attack, warning his fellow eldar so that they can mend and seal all but the most deadly wounds,
may avoid incoming enemy attacks. Any friendly eldar units allowing his warriors to continue fighting and protecting the
within 6" of the Farseer may re-roll all failed armour, cover, remnants of his people. The Warlock and his unit receive
and invulnerable saves until the start of the next eldar the Feel no Pain special rule. This does not work on units
turn. with Wraithsight (whether they are affected by it or not).

Wisdom of Asuryan
The Farseer's prophetic powers warn him of the enemy's
foul intent allowing him to reposition and direct his warriors A Bonesinger's Song is available permanently, so he does
to deadly effect. Any friendly eldar units within 6" of the not take psychic tests to use it and is unaffected by Perils of
Farseer may re-roll all failed to hit rolls (both ranged the Warp. Bone Songs require a roll of 4+ to see if the song
and melee) until the start of the next eldar turn. Barrage has had enough time to work (see Spirit Harp for details).
weapons may re-roll their scatter dice instead.
Mind War Vaul's Lament
Morai-Heg's Spite Weaving complex etheric harmonies, the bonesinger
The Farseer reaches out to destroy the minds of the enemy communes with the souls of the dead, fortifying their mortal
with an irresistable mental onslaught. This psychic power shells. At the beginning of the eldar turn the bonesinger
is used in the shooting phase instead of firing a weapon. may heal back one wound on a wraithlord or two wounds
Choose any unengaged unit or model within 24" of the on a wraithguard unit if they are within 6" of him. This may
Farseer and in line of sight. Both players roll a D6 and add bring back wraithguard casualties.
the leadership values of their respective units or models
(use majority leadership in the case of units). For each Restore
point the farseer wins by, the target suffers a wound with no Triumph of Vaul
armour saves allowed. Any casualties caused are chosen Haunting melodies float across the battlefield, mending
by the eldar player. weapons and soothing engines. At the beginning of the
eldar turn the bonesinger may restore a Weapon Destroyed
or Immobilised result on a single vehicle within 12".

n Autarch n
While a craftworld’s Seers act as its guides and counsellors, An Autarch's insight into the specialities of each element
there are also times when the Eldar look for powerful of the eldar way of war gives him an unparalleled strategic
leaders and masters. In times of war, this role is fulfilled by ability that an Exarch, obsessed with one facet of war, could
the Autarchs – great warriors who have trodden the Path never hope to achieve.
of the Warrior for so long that the every incident of battle is
known to them. When an eldar army is led by an Autarch it functions as
a well honed machine, each component acting in perfect
The Autarchs are looked to when a craftworld’s Seers deem concert with the others. However, it is not purely as a
that the Eldar’s fate is leading irrevocably to war, and it is commander that the Autarch excels. When the battle-lust
these same individuals to whom such wartime leadership is calls he will spearhead assaults, duelling with the leaders
charged. The skill, cunning and experience of these Eldar is of the enemy army or destroying war machines with
unrivalled, and so the Autarchs lead their fellows to battle, contemptuous ease.
imparting every lesson of war they can.
Winged Autarchs will often soar at the head of their forces,
Autarchs are great leaders on the battlefield, but it is here swooping down into the fray to change the course of a
and here alone where they lead the Eldar, for they are conflict with a single well-placed kill.
individuals with nothing but the fire of war coursing through
their veins.

Autarch 6 6 3 3 3 6 3 10 3+

Unit Type: Infantry.

Fleet, Independent Character.

Master Strategist
Autarchs are superb strategists, able to command the
eldar warhost in perfect synchronicity to produce an effect
greater than the sum of its parts. Whilst an Autarch is alive
(irrespective of whether he is on the table) you may choose
to add +1 to your rolls for reserves.

The Path of War

Autarchs have followed the path of war for countless
centuries, learning all the intricacies and nuances of battle
from the different Aspect Temples. If they join a unit of
Aspect Warriors they will be affected by any Exarch powers
and special rules the unit has. Any rules that have an affect
on Aspect Warriors also affect Autarchs the same way.

Guardian Armour
The technological mastery of the eldar allows them to
sheath their warriors in powerful psycho-reactive armour,
protecting them from enemy attacks and allowing them
great freedom on the battlefield. Any model with Guardian
armour receives a 3+ armour save and may move as Jet
Pack Infantry if they wish. They still count as Infantry in all
other respects (and so cannot Deep Strike etc).

Autarchs wear sleeve-mounted forceshield generators
in order to deflect enemy attacks, allowing them to lead
form the front where the fighting is fiercest. Grants a 4+
invulnerable save.

3 Dire Avengers 3
The Dire Avengers represent the Aspect of the War God as to the movements of its wearer, moulding and reshaping
noble warrior – merciless to his foes and unstinting in his itself to fit like a glove as the warrior moves and fights. The
devotion to his people. They are the least specialised and material itself is quite rigid when the warrior is still, and its
the most tactically flexible of all Warrior Aspects. They are surface is reactive to impact so that it stiffens even further
also the most common, and their shrines are the largest if subjected to a blow. Some suits also include inflexible
amongst all the craftworlds. bone-like plates to protect vulnerable areas.

Their ritual weapon is the shuriken catapult. Of all weapons The most skilled and dangerous Avengers are the
this one is most distinctively Eldar and it is a fitting armament Implacable Avengers. These warriors have followed the
for the Dire Avenger as the most archetypal Eldar warrior. path of the Warrior for hundreds of years, staying exclusively
to the Aspect of the Avenger. They stray dangerously close
In common with most other Aspect Warriors Dire Avengers to becoming locked on a single path, but their prowess on
wear a flexible armoured suit of Aspect armour. This is the battlefield cannot be denied.
fashioned from a psycho-sensitive material which reacts

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Exarch Powers
Dire Avenger 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ Defend
Implacable Avenger 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+ The Exarch leads his squad in a complex pattern of parries
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ and dodges designed to avoid enemy blows. Enemy models
directing their attacks toward the Exarch and his unit lose
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
one Attack every assault phase (to a minimum of 1).
Unit Type: Infantry. Bladestorm
The Dire Avengers empty their weapons in a devastating
SPECIAL RULES hurricane of hissing bladed discs. The Exarch and his unit
Fleet, Stubborn. add 1 to the number of shots they each may fire with their
shuriken weapons for that turn. If they do this they may not
Wargear fire next turn as they reload.
Avenger Aspect Armour
Grants a 3+ armour save and mounts a twin-linked shuriken Vengeance Bringers
pistol in the arms. The black vengeance of the Dire Avengers is legendary.
When their ire is up nothing can stand in their way, not
Diresword even death itself. When a model from this unit dies it may
These potent weapons incorporate a spirit stone in the immediately make all of its attacks (even if it has already
hilt that can seer the mind of anyone foolish enough to done so this phase) unless it was killed by a weapon that
allow themselves to be struck by it. Direswords are power caused Instant Death.
weapons. If a model suffers a wound from a diresword both
players must immediately roll a D6 and add the leadership
values of their respective models. If the Exarch beats the
target's roll, the target immediately suffers Instant Death.

Power Glaive
Elegant polearms, power glaives are deadly weapons
in the hands of a master. Power glaives are two-handed
power weapons that add +1 to the user's strength.

Shimmershields are advanced field projectors that
amplify the energy fields woven into the Exarch's armour,
surrounding his whole squad. The whole unit receives a 5+
invulnerable save, not just the Exarch.

Avenger Catapult
Expertly crafted shuriken weapons that imbue the anger
and hatred of their firer into their rounds, avenger catapults
allow the Dire Avenger to deliver their vengeance from afar.
They have the following profile:

Range Strength AP Type

18" 5 4 Assault 2

2 Howling Banshees 2
In Eldar legend the Banshee calls the dead spirit into the Death, they say, will find you when your time is come, no
Warp, and its eerie howl is said to be a certain premonition matter where you may hide, and the same may be said of
of death. The Banshee’s call has an even more sinister the Howling Banshees.
implication, for it is said to call spirits from their spirit stones
and so to lure them into the arms of the Chaos gods. These Aspect Warriors are armed with shuriken pistols and
Certainly the release of a spirit is often accompanied by a power swords, weapons of the close-quarter fighter, and
strange call, felt rather than heard, and it has been known it is at hand-to-hand combat that they excel. Their other
for spirits to disperse unexpectedly into the Warp when weapon is the Banshee mask, an enclosing death’s head
transferring between spirit stones. helmet which contains a psychosonic amplifier. This device
intensifies the warrior’s battlecry into a howling shriek
Unlike most other Aspects the Howling Banshees are of psychic rage. By means of their Banshee masks the
almost always female Eldar, for the Banshee is said to be warriors focus their enmity, flooding the central nervous
a female spirit. The Howling Banshees are fast and mobile, system of their adversary with psychic energy and causing
and their warrior training is in swiftness of foot and mobility. temporary paralysis.

Howling Banshee 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ Triskele
Shrieking Banshee 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+ Triskeles are tripled-bladed weapons capable of being
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ thrown great distances in a coruscating arc that slices
through anything in their path. They count as a power
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
weapon and may be used as a ranged weapon with the
following profile:
Unit Type: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES Range Strength AP Type

12" 3 2 Assault 3
Screaming Death
The Aspect of the Banshee emphasises speed and terror
over brute strength. When they begin their charge nothing is Mirror Blades
safe from their blades. If the unit Runs during the Shooting Paired swords of unrivaled craftsmanship mirror blades are
phase they move 2D6". as deadly as they are beautiful, describing glittering arcs
of death around the Exarch. Mirror blades are screaming
Wargear blades that increase the user's attacks by +2 instead of the
Banshee Aspect Armour normal +1.
Grants a 3+ armour save and mounts a twin-linked
shuriken pistol in the arms. The armour also incorporates a Exarch Powers
banshee mask that utilities psychosonic amplifiers to send Acrobatic
out shivering waves of psychic energy, frazzling enemy The Banshees use their inhuman reflexes to leap and
nervous systems and causing temporary paralysis. In the bound around their enemies. They have the Counter Attack
first round of an assault models wearing Banshee masks special rule.
count as Initiative 10 and ignore the Initiative effects of all
terrain and grenade types. War Shout
The Exarch uses her Banshee mask to unleash a terrifying
Banshee Blade howl of fury and despair, blasting the enemy into insensibility.
The Howling Banshees use sophisticated power swords to In the first round of an assault any enemy unit she or her
slay their foes, the unnaturally sharpened blades emitting squad are fighting must pass a Leadership test or count as
their own hissing shriek as they fly through the air. Banshee having WS1 for the rest of that assault phase.
blades are power weapons and any units in combat with
models with banshee blades suffer -1 Leadership. Blade Dance
With grace and power the Banshees turn their blades into
Screaming Blade whirring mirrors of deadly silver, creating an impenetrable
Deadlier still than the banshee blade, screaming blades are barrier. Units making attacks at the Banshee unit must re-
the most awesome of their kind, wielded only by the most roll successful hits.
skilled Banshees. Screaming blades function as banshee
blades and are also Rending.

The Executioner is a lightweight double ended power glaive
capable of lightning parries and able to slice an opponent in
twain with a single blow. It is a two-handed power weapon
that adds +2 to the user's strength and anyone in base to
base contact reduces their attacks by -1 (to a minimum of

6 Fire Dragons 6
This Warrior Aspect is modelled upon the dragon of Eldar fortifications or other stationary forces, using their deadly
myth, the sinuous fire-breathing reptile which represents weapons to root out well armoured troops or emplaced
wanton destruction and devastation. weapons. Their fusion guns are powerful enough to deal with
all but the heaviest of armoured vehicles or fortifications.
Their armour is the colour of fire and flame, and they carry
awesomely powerful fusion guns which spew deadly fire. Inferno Dragons become ever closer to the ideal of the Fire
Their Aspect armour is more complex than that of a Dire Dragon shrine. They stride into battle wielding two fusion
Avenger, and has many spiny protrusions which help guns bringing ruin wherever they go.
to make it stiffer though less flexible. This is important
because the Fire Dragon’s weapons have a relatively short The Exarchs of the Fire Dragons are the most like the
range, so they must close with their enemies in order to Avatar of their bloody-handed god. As they become more
deliver a murderous blast from their fusion guns. and more powerful their psychic might manifests as swirling
cinders and smoking armour, each a tiny simulacrum of
The ideal role of the Fire Dragons is to attack fixed their dread god.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Dragon's Breath
Fire Dragon 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ The Dragon's Breath is the mirror of the Fire Pike, designed
Inferno Dragon 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+ around unleashing a powerful fire blast rather than a
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ concentrated beam. Choose which profile you wish to use
each round before firing:
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
Range Strength AP Type
Unit Type: Infantry.
12" 8 1 Assault 1, Fusion
SPECIAL RULES Template 6 3 Assault 1
Fleet, Tank Hunters.

Dragon Aspect Armour Exarch Powers
Grants a 3+ armour save and mounts twin-linked shuriken Dragon Slayer
pistols in the arms. Some Fire Dragons train beyond the destroying of enemy
war machines, extending their art to the monstrous
Fusion Gun creatures found throughout the galaxy. The unit may re-roll
The signature weapon of the Fire Dragons, fusion guns failed to wound rolls against Monstrous Creatures and may
can obliterate enemy vehicles in seconds. They have the use their melta bombs against them in close combat like
following profile: Walkers (1 attack with a 6+ to hit) ignoring armour saves.

Range Strength AP Type Wall of Fire

The Fire Dragons are capable of using their weapons to
12" 8 1 Assault 1, Fusion
create a flaming barrier between them and the foe. The unit
counts as having defensive grenades and each model in
any unit initiating an assault with them suffers a S4 hit.
Dragon Gun
The Inferno Dragons carry horrifyingly powerful weapons of Dragon's Rage
heat and flame, capable of incinerating troops or destroying The unit can combine their weapons into a massive blast of
war machines with contemptuous ease. Choose which superheated death. So long as there are at least two models
profile you wish to use each round before firing: in the unit you may use this ability. The unit sacrifices their
Range Strength AP Type shooting to use this ability with the following profile:

12" 8 1 Assault 1, Fusion Range Strength AP Type

Template 5 4 Assault 1 12" 5 4 Assault 1, Large

Fire Pike *Any model under the central hole is struck by a S8 AP1 hit
This elegant weapon is as sophisticated as it is deadly, that rolls 2D6 for armour penetration. Add 1 to the strength
capable of producing an intensely powerful melta beam. of both profiles for each model over two that contributes to
Choose which profile you wish to use each round before the attack. In all cases the shot ignores cover saves. Use
firing: the highest BS for Scatter rolls.
Range Strength AP Type
18" 9 1 Assault 1, Fusion
Template 5 4 Assault 1

5 Striking Scorpions 5
Though small the scorpion is deadly, and may sting and Their weapons are the shuriken pistol and chainsword,
kill a creature many times its size. The Warrior Aspect of a combination which is deadly in its own right, but it is
the Striking Scorpion epitomises the deadly attributes of its reinforced by the Striking Scorpions’ unique mandiblaster.
namesake, and they are one of the most potent of all close-
quarter fighting Aspect Warriors. The helmet of the Striking Scorpion incorporates a pair
of weapon pods positioned and shaped much like the
Although not as swift as the Howling Banshees, the mandibles of a scorpion. Each pod houses a mandiblaster
other common close quarter fighting Aspect, the Striking weapon, a unique and deadly device which the Aspect
Scorpions are more heavily armoured. The Striking Warriors call the Sting of the Scorpion. The mandiblaster
Scorpions’ Aspect armour is reinforced with rigid plates is an extremely short-ranged weapon, useful at a distance
that offer more protection than most other Aspects. Their of only a few metres or so. It is fired by means of a psychic
costumes are primarily green, but may incorporate bands node within the helmet.
of strongly contrasting colours such as black, yellow and

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Chainsabre
Striking Scorpion 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ Some Exarch prefer using shorter more precise weapons
Stalking Scorpion 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+ so that they place their blows where they matter the most.
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ This is a one-handed weapon with the Rending special
rule that when used in conjunction with another chainsabre
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
allow all to hit and to wound rolls to be re-rolled.
Unit Type: Infantry. Exarch Powers
SPECIAL RULES The unit becomes one with the shadows, using them to
Fleet, Infiltrate. hide from their enemies as they approach. The unit has the
Stealth special rule.
Scorpion Aspect Armour Silent Hunters
Grants a 2+ armour save and mounts a twin-linked shuriken The scorpions are able to disappear into the battlefield,
pistol in the arms. Scorpion aspect armour also houses a only reappearing again when they pounce on their prey.
pair of Mandiblasters, powerful laser pods that fire into The unit ignores difficult terrain for assaulting and moving
combat. These grant the user +1 attack. purposes.
Scorpion Chainsword Far Stalker
The Scorpions use deadly chainswords to slaughter When the scorpions mark their prey, nothing will stand
their foes. Utilising wraithbone teeth on a gravitic rail, the between them and death. When the unit makes an Outflank
scorpion chainsword can go from a standstill to full speed move they may choose which short edge to come from, or
in milliseconds, emitting nothing more than a soft whisper if they decide to roll, a 5-6 means they may deploy from the
until it hits flesh. This is a one handed close combat weapon long table edge opposite them instead of the short edges. If
that adds +1 strength to the wielder and has the Rending they do this they may not also have a transport.
special rule.

Scorpion Chainglaive
Utlisied by stalking scorpions the chainglaive is a brutal
weapon and can even damage enemy vehicles. This is a
two-handed close combat weapon that adds +2 strength to
the wielder and has the Rending special rule.

Biting Blade
Only scorpion exarchs dare use the Biting Blade for its wild,
spinning teeth are almost uncontrollable when they bite into
the prey. This is a two-handed weapon that adds +3 to the
user's Strength and has the Rending rule that works on a
roll of 5 and 6 to wound.

Scorpion Claw
This is a brutal weapon lacking in any subtlety. It's sole
purpose is to annihilate the foe, tearing them limb from
limb. This is a two-handed power weapon that doubles
the wielder's strength and halves their Initiative (rounding
down). It also has a shuriken catapult mounted in the wrist.
It may not be combined with another close combat weapon
to receive an additional attack when being used.

4 Dark Reapers 4
The Dark Reapers are the most sinister and the most to lock onto a fast moving target, and increase their already
lethal of the Warrior Aspects. They portray the War God deadly accuracy still further.
as Destroyer, and their skull-encrusted costume embodies
death as the dark reaper of souls. The tactical role of the Dark Reapers is to provide heavy,
long-ranged support. Dark Reapers usually take up positions
Their Aspect armour is much heavier and more enclosing in cover, often behind the main Eldar line of advance, from
than the suits of most other Aspects, and so offers the Dark where they direct their deadly weapons against suitable
Reapers more protection but also slows down the wearer. enemy targets. Their unerring accuracy enables them to
dominate the battlefield, pinning down enemy forces before
This effect is exacerbated by the Dark Reapers’ heavy they can advance, and destroying selected targets at will.
equipment, which includes a long ranged missile launcher
and heavy limb supports which increase the Eldar’s stability
when firing. The Dark Reapers’ armour also incorporates
sensory and range-finding equipment, which allows them

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Tempest Launcher
Dark Reaper 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ An ancient weapon, the tempest launcher is used to fire
Shadow Reaper 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+ clusters of reaper missiles in trajectory arcs. It has the
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ following profile:
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
Range Strength AP Type
Unit Type: Infantry.
36" 6 3 Heavy 2,
Acute Senses. Blast, Pinning

Reaper Aspect Armour Exarch Powers
Grants a 2+ armour save and mounts twin-linked shuriken Crack Shot
pistols in the arms. Also incorporated is a Reaper Range The exarch is a supreme master of all ranged weapons,
Finder, a sophisticated array of targeting systems that able to pinpoint his targets with unerring accuracy. All shots
allow the reaper to hit with unerring accuracy. Units hit by made by the exarch ignore cover saves and may re-roll
someone with a range finder reduce their cover saves by failed to wound rolls. The weapon counts as AP1 against
-1 to a minimum of 6+. vehicles.

Reaper Launcher Fast Shot

Few weapons are as dangerous as the reaper launcher. The Exarch can lay down a lethal hail of fire from any
Combing long range, high rate of fire and strength, very weapon, firing shot after shot into the enemy. He increases
little can withstand a barrage from the reapers. It has the the number of shots his weapon fires by 1. This may be
following profile: combined with Crack Shot.

Divide and Destroy

Range Strength AP Type The unit knows exactly where to place their shots to cause
maximum damage to the opposing force; precise cuts that
48" 8 3 Heavy 2
cause the enemy to crumble. You may choose two different
enemy units to target when the unit fires.
Reaper Cannons
Despite their somewhat shorter range, the reaper cannon
is no less deadly than its brother, the reaper launcher.
When a unit of shadow reapers opens fire with their reaper
cannons nothing is left but scorched ruins. It has the
following profile:

Range Strength AP Type

36" 7 3 Heavy
1, Blast,

7 Swooping Hawks 7
The Swooping Hawks take their name from the wild hunting incorporate small jet motors and gravitic reaction lifters.
birds of the Eldar myths that they are portrayed as birds When they fly their wings vibrate with such speed they turn
of vengeance and retribution. In ancient times the Eldar into a blur of colour and emit a characteristic shrieking note.
believed that the spirit of a murdered person would pass The Swooping Hawks’ ritual weapon is a lasblaster and a
into a hawk, in which form it would seek out the murderer, special pack of grenades. These grenades are contained
hovering above his head as a mark of guilt for all to see. The in a pack strapped to the warrior’s leg. Grenades can be
Swooping Hawks are the most mobile of all Aspect Warriors removed from the pack and thrown by hand, or discharged
as they have the ability to glide or even to fly high into the directly from the pack whilst in flight, scattering lethal
air. Their wings are made from vibrating feather plates and charges over the enemy below.
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Hawk's Talon
Swooping Hawk 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ These might laser weapons are powerful enough to destroy
Striking Hawk 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+ light vehicles. It has the following profile:
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+ Range Strength AP Type

Unit Type: Jump Infantry. 30" 6 5 Assault 4

Fleet, Turbo Boost. Sunrifle
The sunrifle is powerful enough to slay whole squads with a
Wargear blinding burst of laser beams. It has the following profile:
Hawk Aspect Armour
Grants a 3+ armour save and mounts a twin-linked shuriken
Range Strength AP Type
pistol in the arms and a grenade pack allowing the unit to
drop grenades on the enemy. During the movement phase 24" 5 5 Assault 6,
the unit may drop one grenade each on one enemy unit Pinning
they have flown over. If they have Deep Struck that turn
then they may choose any unit on the table. Treat the attack
as a multiple barrage with the following profile: Haywire Grenades
These are used to destroy enemy vehicles by shorting out
their electrical systems and igniting their fuel. Each model
Range Strength AP Type
may make a single attack, if it hits roll a dice:
- 5 5 Assault 1, 1=No Effect 2-4=Glancing Hit 5-6=Penetrating Hit
Blast, Pinning
Exarch Powers
Lasblaster The unit leaps into the air leaving their enemies milling in
Even in the shadows of their former glory, eldar weaponry confusion. At the beginning of the eldar turn so long as the
is still unmatched particularly their laser technology. The unit is not Falling Back they may immediately Deep Strike
lasblaster has the following profile: as if they had just come on from reserve.

Range Strength AP Type The unit is so skilled at destroying enemy vehicles that
they can even bring down enemy aircraft. The unit never
24" 5 5 Assault 2
requires worse than a 4+ to hit a vehicle.

Winged Slayers
Blaster Pistol Shrieking like their namesake the unit dives toward the
The Blaster pistol is a more compact laser weapon used enemy raking them with laser energy before flying past at
for close quarter combat preceding an assault. It has the breathtaking speed. If the unit turbo-boosts it may shoot
following profile: any one unit it flies over as it does so.

Range Strength AP Type

12" 5 5 Pistol,
Assault 2

1 Warp Spiders 1
The Warp Spiders take their name from the tiny creatures psychic consciousness in a similar way to Warp space, it
which may be seen within the Dome of Crystal Seers is possible for it to become corrupted by the fragmented
amongst the wraithbone trees. These minute sparkling consciousnesses of lost human or other non-Eldar souls.
creatures can move anywhere within the craftworld by
means of the wraithbone core, melting their bodies into the The Warp Spider Aspect Warriors epitomise the doctrine
infinity circuit and crystallising at a new location. of aggressive defence. Their costumes and weaponry
reflect the tiny warp spiders after which they are named. By
They have evolved from the psycho-plastics of which the means of a compact warp-generator within their armoured
craftworld is made, and are therefore able to assimilate shell, the warriors are able to make short warp-jumps,
with the Eldar’s physical environment, moving through the disappearing and reappearing some metres away. This
infinity circuits much like the souls of dead Eldar. The spiders enables them to make sudden and totally unexpected
are aggressive hunters of intrusive psychic forces, and are attacks upon their foes. Their ritual weapon is the Death
attracted in vast numbers to the presence of any invasive Spinner, which projects a deadly cloud of monofilament
psychic entities. As the wraithbone core is supportive of wire.
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Void Render
Warp Spider 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ A smaller version of the Death Spinner these are used in
Void Spider 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+ pairs for vicious close ranged combat. It has the following
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ profile:
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+ Range Strength AP Type

Unit Type: Jump Infantry. 12" 6 6 Pistol, Blast,

Fleet. *Close combat attacks made with void renders receive the
rending special rule.
Surprise Assault
The warp generators used by the warp spiders are very Spinneret rifle
accurate and protect the user as much as possible from the These fire rigid strands of monowire, punching through
depredations of the warp. When the unit Deep Strikes onto armour and flesh with equal ease. It has the following
the table it counts as their move for that turn but they may profile:
otherwise act as normal. Instead of using the Deep Strike
mishap table the unit suffers a wound with no armour save
Range Strength AP Type
allowed if it rolls a double 1 for its scatter distance.
18" 8 1 Assault 2,
Wargear Rending,
Spider Aspect Armour Pinning
Grants a 2+ armour save and mounts a twin-linked
shuriken pistol in the arms. Also incorporated is a Warp
jump generator that makes the unit Jump Infantry and Exarch Powers
allows them to move in the Assault phase if they aren't in Warp Master
combat. Roll 2D6 and move them that distance in inches. If At the beginning of the eldar turn, so long as the unit is not
a double 1 is rolled the unit suffers a wound with no armour Falling Back it may give up its movement to Deep Strike
save allowed. onto the table just like a surprise assault.

Death Spinner Death Weaver

These weapons fire a massive cloud of monomolecular The unit can combine their weapons into a massive cloud
wire that slices and shreds anything it touches. It has the of drifting death. So long as there are at least two models
following profile: in the unit you may use this ability sacrificing their normal
shooting. Place the Large Blast marker on an enemy unit
within 18" (treating as a barrage weapon) and roll for
Range Strength AP Type scatter. Apply damage as a death spinner. Use the highest
Template* 6 6 Assault 1, BS for Scatter rolls.
Sundered Veil
The warp is a dangerous place with unknown, hidden
terrors. The Exarch can use his jump generator to weaken
the veil between reality and the warp, bringing a tide of
horror down on the foe. The exarch may forgo his attacks
to use this ability in any assault phase. Every enemy model
in combat with his unit must make an Initiative test or suffer
a wound with no armour save allowed. Roll 2D6 for the
warp spiders; on a double 1 they too suffer a wound with
no armour save allowed.
k Shining Spears k
The Shining Spears are unique among the Warrior Aspects riding skills with the deadly laser lance, powerful weapons
in that they are trained in the use of Eldar jetbikes. Their which deliver a short ranged, stinging blast of energy,
phenomenal speed enables them to carry the fighting knocking down and disorienting the enemy as the Shining
directly to their enemy, showering them with fire from Spears close-in. The weapon is sufficiently powerful to
the jetbikes’ canopy-mounted shuriken catapults before pierce even the thickest armour, while the Shining Spears
charging in. are sufficiently skilful that even this cumbersome looking
lance is, in their hands, a deftly controlled weapon when
Even more skilful than the jetbike squadrons found in most hand-to-hand fighting is required.
Eldar armies, Shining Spears combine their unrivalled

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Nova Blade
Shining Spear 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 1 9 2+ It has the following profile:
Blazing Spear 5 5 3 3(4) 1 6 2 9 2+
Exarch 6 6 4 3(4) 2 7 3 10 2+ Range Strength AP Type
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4(5) 3 8 3 10 2+
6" 8 1 Assault 1,
Unit Type: Eldar Jetbike. Lance, Blast

SPECIAL RULES On the turn a model with a nova blade charges they ignore
Expert Riders. armour saves.

Wargear Exarch Powers

Spear Aspect Armour Withdraw
Grants a 2+ armour save and mounts a twin-linked shuriken The unit can judge the tide of battle and extricate themselves
pistol in the arms. Comes with an eldar jetbike with twin- when the situation turns dire. They have the Hit and Run
linked shuriken catapults. special rule.

Laser Lance Cloud Rider

The laser lance has the following profile: When the Shining Spears go to war, they can come from
any direction bringing death. This unit has developed
the reflexes to guide their steeds at break neck speeds
Range Strength AP Type and deliver devastating charges. The unit may charge
after turbo boosting but must move 2D6" at the end of
6" 6 4 Assault 2,
the combat in the opposite direction they charged from
irrespective of whether they lost the combat or not. If the
unit lost the combat they move an additional 1D6" in the
On the turn a model with a laser lance charges they double direction they were going and count as broken as normal
their strength and ignore armour saves. (and may subsequently fall back in the opposite direction
in later turns).
Laser Blade
The laser blade has the following profile: Earth Dancer
With preternatural senses the unit can feel the lay of the
Range Strength AP Type land beneath them, dodging any obstacle with unearthly
ease. The unit ignores dangerous terrain tests.
6" 6 2 Assault 2,

On the turn a model with laser blades charges they ignore

armour saves.

Star Lance
These mighty laser weapons are powerful enough to
destroy light vehicles. It has the following profile:

Range Strength AP Type

6" 8 4 Assault 2,

On the turn a model with a star lance charges they double

their strength and ignore armour saves.

3 Guardians 3
Every Eldar is trained and ready to fight if need be and Eldar Guardians do not merely fight as infantry, but also
the Guardians are the craftworld’s most numerous body of provide crews for a variety of heavy weapons and vehicles
fighting troops. Most of these Eldar will be those engaged within the Eldar army (although larger, more specialised
upon other, non-military paths, who are only required to vehicles will always be crewed by dedicated artisans,
fight during the most dire of circumstances. Some, however, steersmen or followers of another similar path). To this
may be former Aspect Warriors, now treading another path end, Eldar Guardian squads are frequently accompanied
but more than capable of returning to their old warlike ways by floating weapons platforms, suspended by anti-grav
when the need arises and these warriors take up the mantle technology and bearing powerful heavy weapons or support
of Craftguard, leading their fellow eldar into battle. weapon (such as the scatter laser or D-cannon) with which
the Guardians can strike at targets too substantial for their
Other Eldar, too, may relish the opportunity of assuming own shuriken catapults.
the armour of the Guardian, such as young Eldar not
yet accepted upon the Path of the Warrior, or wounded,
convalescing or invalid Eldar forced to leave the Warrior
Path by the events of battles past.
Guardian 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+
Craftguard 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+

Unit Type: Infantry.


Guardian Armour
The technological mastery of the eldar allows them to
sheath their warriors in powerful psycho-reactive armour,
protecting them from enemy attacks and allowing them
great freedom on the battlefield. Any model with Guardian
armour receives a 3+ armour save and may move as Jet
Pack Infantry if they wish. They still count as Infantry in all
other respects (and so cannot Deep Strike etc).

Weapon Platform
Rather than manhandle their heaviest weapons onto
the battlefield, the eldar have perfected their anti-grav
technology to create platforms capable of gliding effortlessly
across all terrain. Any unit with a platform follows the rules
for Artillery Shooting (although they may be fired even if
the unit moves). In all other ways they count as an Infantry
unit. Treat the platform as a vehicle model during assaults.
Weapons platforms move in the same manner as the unit
they are with (so can move as Jet Pack Infantry etc).

Due to the number of models in the unit with a weapon

platform the chances of actually hitting it are small. Roll for
hits as per Artillery but apply the following results instead;
1-4 crew are hit, 5-6 platform is hit.

Each platform has the following profile:

Weapon Platform 3 10 10 10

S Rangers S
Rangers are outcasts, Eldar who have chosen to leave path, but even as Rangers their ties to their own race are
the Eldar path and instead pursue a life of freedom and never completely severed. Rangers are keenly attuned to
uncertainty in the wider universe. Theirs is a life free from the happenings of the Eldar race, and news of emerging
the rigidly structured constraints of the Path where the keen conflicts or dire perils invariably reaches their ears with
Eldar mind is instead occupied by the vigorous struggle to impossible speed.
survive in a hostile universe.
On occasion, Rangers will choose to unite with other Eldar,
Rangers have forsaken Eldar society, and instead walk acting as scouts for their people as need dictates. Skills
amongst all others, journeying, unseen or otherwise, to learned from a lifetime of wandering allow the Rangers
the worlds of the Imperium, the Sept worlds of the Tau, the to move swiftly and silently forwards, covering all manner
lost Maiden worlds of their ancient Empire and beyond. of terrain, observing the enemy without themselves ever
The Rangers’ business is theirs, and theirs alone. Some being noticed, and even holding positions far ahead of the
seek knowledge, others adventure or other, unfathomable main army.
A single Ranger, equipped with their customary long
Many Eldar eventually find their yearning to wander comes rifle, may well delay an enemy advance for days or even
to an end, and return to the craftworlds, and so too to the weeks.

Ranger 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 9 4+
Pathfinder 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 10 4+

Unit Type: Infantry.

Tank Hunters, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover,

In addition Pathfinders have:

Fearless, Scouts

Ignore Terrain
Pathfinders are masters of all terrain, capable of moving
silently through even the densest undergrowth. Pathfinders
ignore difficult terrain tests.

Stealth Masters
With extreme patience Pathfinders can almost disappear
into the wilderness. Pathfinders add +2 to their cover saves
instead of the normal +1.

Mesh Armour
Mesh is an advanced, lightweight armour consisting of
millions of layered discs that can flex and stiffen when
struck. Models wearing mesh have a 4+ armour save.

Ranger Longrifle
The sophisticated longrifle enables a ranger to pick off the
enemy at a distance, taking out squad leaders and special
weapon operators with casual ease. The ranger longrifle
has the following profile:

Range Strength AP Type

36" X 5 Heavy 1,

*Apply the Rending special rule to shots that hit on a 6

instead of wounding on a 6 (for both penetration and
wounding purposes). Any Rending shots are at AP1.
Pathfinders count any to hit rolls of 5 or 6 as Rending hits
instead of the normal 6.

G Guardian Jetbikes G
Where other races rely upon bikes, buggies or even steeds though typically only those Eldar with considerable training
to mount their infantry, the Eldar use their knowledge of anti- are equipped with jetbikes.
gravitic technology to produce jetbikes – lightly armoured
skimmers where a single rider sits atop the engines, to Of all the Eldar, it is the craftworld of Saim-Hann which
the rear of an armoured carapace beneath which a pair of is most renowned for its use of jetbikes, so much so that
shuriken catapults provide the bike’s firepower. most of the craftworld’s population have come to be divided
up into a number of so-called Wild Rider Kindreds which
The incredible speed of the jetbikes, and their ability to form roaming packs like the cavalry of old. Subsequently,
skim over even the most difficult terrain make them ideal the Wild Riders of Saim-Hann are considered somewhat
for swift assaults. The Eldar race towards the enemy at top primitive by the Eldar of other craftworlds.
speed, skimming around them as they unleash volley after
volley from their short-ranged, but very rapid firing, shuriken
cannons before escaping with the same incredible speed.

Like many Eldar vehicles, bikes are piloted by Guardians,

Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+
Craftguard 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 3+

Unit Type: Eldar Jetbike.

Eldar Jetbike
See the Warhammer 40,000 rules for details on eldar
jetbikes. All eldar jetbikes come with twin-linked shuriken
catapults and grant the user a 3+ armour save.

g Vypers g
As well as the smaller jetbikes, the Eldar also make use
of Vypers; larger, twin-crewed vehicles, equipped with
a stable firing platform allowing the second crewmen to
operate the scatter laser which Vypers typically mount. Like
jetbikes, Vypers make use of the Eldar’s exquisite anti-grav
technology, though unlike jetbikes Vypers tend to use their
speed and agility to manoeuvre close the enemy to take
up the best shooting position, unleashing their withering
fire then skimming away at high speed before the enemy
can get to grips with them. Most jetbike squadrons typically
include a handful of Vypers to provide some heavy support
capable of taking on heavily armoured foes, such as enemy


G Falcon G
Where other races rely upon bikes, buggies or even steeds are equipped with jetbikes.
to mount their infantry, the Eldar use their knowledge of anti-
gravitic technology to produce jetbikes – lightly armoured Of all the Eldar, it is the craftworld of Saim-Hann which
skimmers where a single rider sits atop the engines, to is most renowned for its use of jetbikes, so much so that
the rear of an armoured carapace beneath which a pair of most of the craftworld’s population have come to be divided
shuriken catapults provide the bike’s firepower. up into a number of so-called Wild Rider Kindreds which
form roaming packs like the cavalry of old. Subsequently,
The incredible speed of the jetbikes, and their ability to the Wild Riders of Saim-Hann are considered somewhat
skim over even the most difficult terrain make them ideal primitive by the Eldar of other craftworlds.
for swift assaults. The Eldar race towards the enemy at top
speed, skimming around them as they unleash volley after
volley from their short-ranged, but very rapid firing, shuriken
cannons before escaping with the same incredible speed.
Like many Eldar vehicles, bikes are ridden by Guardians,
though typically only those Eldar with considerable training
Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+
Craftguard 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 3+

Unit Type: Eldar Jetbike.

Eldar Jetbike
See the Warhammer 40,000 rules for details on eldar
jetbikes. All eldar jetbikes come with twin-linked shuriken
catapults and grant the user a 3+ armour save.

g Fire Prism g
As well as the smaller jetbikes, the Eldar also make use
of Vypers; larger, twin-crewed vehicles, equipped with
a stable firing platform allowing the second crewmen to
operate the scatter laser which Vypers typically mount. Like
jetbikes, Vypers make use of the Eldar’s exquisite anti-grav
technology, though unlike jetbikes Vypers tend to use their
speed and agility to manoeuvre close the enemy to take
up the best shooting position, unleashing their withering
fire then skimming away at high speed before the enemy
can get to grips with them. Most jetbike squadrons typically
include a handful of Vypers to provide some heavy support
capable of taking on heavily armoured foes, such as enemy

Fire Prism 5 13 12 12

Unit Type: Tank, Skimmer, Fast.

Prism Cannon
Once a simple construction of the eldar empire, prism
cannons are now rarer specialist weapons used by eldar
vehicles like the Fire Prism. Most commonly an anti tank
weapon, the prism cannon can also be fired in a dispersed
manner to obliterate infantry. Choose which profile you
wish to use each round before firing:

Range Strength AP Type

Focused Heavy 1, Blast,
72" 10 1 Precise

72" 6 3 Heavy 1, Large
Blast, Precise

If a prism cannon has line of sight to another prism cannon

it may forgo its shooting in order to combine beams. Pick
one fire prism as the firer and the other(s) as the contributor.
The firer counts as twin-linked for that shot only. For
each cannon that adds to the first increase the Strength
and decrease the AP by 1 each (so two additional prism
cannons would make the shot S8 AP1 on dispersed) to a
maximum of S10 and AP1.

G War Walkers G
Where other races rely upon bikes, buggies or even steeds are equipped with jetbikes.
to mount their infantry, the Eldar use their knowledge of anti-
gravitic technology to produce jetbikes – lightly armoured Of all the Eldar, it is the craftworld of Saim-Hann which
skimmers where a single rider sits atop the engines, to is most renowned for its use of jetbikes, so much so that
the rear of an armoured carapace beneath which a pair of most of the craftworld’s population have come to be divided
shuriken catapults provide the bike’s firepower. up into a number of so-called Wild Rider Kindreds which
form roaming packs like the cavalry of old. Subsequently,
The incredible speed of the jetbikes, and their ability to the Wild Riders of Saim-Hann are considered somewhat
skim over even the most difficult terrain make them ideal primitive by the Eldar of other craftworlds.
for swift assaults. The Eldar race towards the enemy at top
speed, skimming around them as they unleash volley after
volley from their short-ranged, but very rapid firing, shuriken
cannons before escaping with the same incredible speed.
Like many Eldar vehicles, bikes are ridden by Guardians,
though typically only those Eldar with considerable training
Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+
Craftguard 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 3+

Unit Type: Eldar Jetbike.

Eldar Jetbike
See the Warhammer 40,000 rules for details on eldar
jetbikes. All eldar jetbikes come with twin-linked shuriken
catapults and grant the user a 3+ armour save.

g Support Weapons g
As well as the smaller jetbikes, the Eldar also make use
of Vypers; larger, twin-crewed vehicles, equipped with
a stable firing platform allowing the second crewmen to
operate the scatter laser which Vypers typically mount. Like
jetbikes, Vypers make use of the Eldar’s exquisite anti-grav
technology, though unlike jetbikes Vypers tend to use their
speed and agility to manoeuvre close the enemy to take
up the best shooting position, unleashing their withering
fire then skimming away at high speed before the enemy
can get to grips with them. Most jetbike squadrons typically
include a handful of Vypers to provide some heavy support
capable of taking on heavily armoured foes, such as enemy

Ranger 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 9 4+
Pathfinder 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 10 4+

Unit Type: Infantry.

Tank Hunters, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover,

In addition Pathfinders have:

Fearless, Scouts

Ignore Terrain
Pathfinders are masters of all terrain, capable of moving
silently through even the densest undergrowth. Pathfinders
ignore difficult terrain tests.

Stealth Masters
With extreme patience Pathfinders can almost disappear
into the wilderness. Pathfinders add +2 to their cover saves
instead of the normal +1.

Mesh Armour
Mesh is an advanced, lightweight armour consisting of
millions of layered discs that can flex and stiffen when
struck. Models wearing mesh have a 4+ armour save.

G Wave Serpent G
Where other races rely upon bikes, buggies or even steeds are equipped with jetbikes.
to mount their infantry, the Eldar use their knowledge of anti-
gravitic technology to produce jetbikes – lightly armoured Of all the Eldar, it is the craftworld of Saim-Hann which
skimmers where a single rider sits atop the engines, to is most renowned for its use of jetbikes, so much so that
the rear of an armoured carapace beneath which a pair of most of the craftworld’s population have come to be divided
shuriken catapults provide the bike’s firepower. up into a number of so-called Wild Rider Kindreds which
form roaming packs like the cavalry of old. Subsequently,
The incredible speed of the jetbikes, and their ability to the Wild Riders of Saim-Hann are considered somewhat
skim over even the most difficult terrain make them ideal primitive by the Eldar of other craftworlds.
for swift assaults. The Eldar race towards the enemy at top
speed, skimming around them as they unleash volley after
volley from their short-ranged, but very rapid firing, shuriken
cannons before escaping with the same incredible speed.
Like many Eldar vehicles, bikes are ridden by Guardians,
though typically only those Eldar with considerable training
Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+
Craftguard 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 3+

Unit Type: Eldar Jetbike.

Eldar Jetbike
See the Warhammer 40,000 rules for details on eldar
jetbikes. All eldar jetbikes come with twin-linked shuriken
catapults and grant the user a 3+ armour save.

g Wraithguard g
As well as the smaller jetbikes, the Eldar also make use
of Vypers; larger, twin-crewed vehicles, equipped with
a stable firing platform allowing the second crewmen to
operate the scatter laser which Vypers typically mount. Like
jetbikes, Vypers make use of the Eldar’s exquisite anti-grav
technology, though unlike jetbikes Vypers tend to use their
speed and agility to manoeuvre close the enemy to take
up the best shooting position, unleashing their withering
fire then skimming away at high speed before the enemy
can get to grips with them. Most jetbike squadrons typically
include a handful of Vypers to provide some heavy support
capable of taking on heavily armoured foes, such as enemy

Ranger 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 9 4+
Pathfinder 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 10 4+

Unit Type: Infantry.

Tank Hunters, Fleet, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover,

In addition Pathfinders have:

Fearless, Scouts

Ignore Terrain
Pathfinders are masters of all terrain, capable of moving
silently through even the densest undergrowth. Pathfinders
ignore difficult terrain tests.

Stealth Masters
With extreme patience Pathfinders can almost disappear
into the wilderness. Pathfinders add +2 to their cover saves
instead of the normal +1.

Mesh Armour
Mesh is an advanced, lightweight armour consisting of
millions of layered discs that can flex and stiffen when
struck. Models wearing mesh have a 4+ armour save.

G Wraithlord G
Where other races rely upon bikes, buggies or even steeds are equipped with jetbikes.
to mount their infantry, the Eldar use their knowledge of anti-
gravitic technology to produce jetbikes – lightly armoured Of all the Eldar, it is the craftworld of Saim-Hann which
skimmers where a single rider sits atop the engines, to is most renowned for its use of jetbikes, so much so that
the rear of an armoured carapace beneath which a pair of most of the craftworld’s population have come to be divided
shuriken catapults provide the bike’s firepower. up into a number of so-called Wild Rider Kindreds which
form roaming packs like the cavalry of old. Subsequently,
The incredible speed of the jetbikes, and their ability to the Wild Riders of Saim-Hann are considered somewhat
skim over even the most difficult terrain make them ideal primitive by the Eldar of other craftworlds.
for swift assaults. The Eldar race towards the enemy at top
speed, skimming around them as they unleash volley after
volley from their short-ranged, but very rapid firing, shuriken
cannons before escaping with the same incredible speed.
Like many Eldar vehicles, bikes are ridden by Guardians,
though typically only those Eldar with considerable training
Wraithlord 5 5 10 8 3 4 3 10 3+

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature.

Special Rules
Fearless, Wraithsight


Reroll failed to hit rolls.

Phoenix Lord
The Phoenix Lords are gods of battle, no longer mortal but
divine beings powered by the souls of the dead.

Phoenix Lord 9 9 5 5 4 10 4 10 2+

Unit Type: Infantry.

Fleet, Independent Character, Fearless

Each phoenix lord is the master of a specific aspect. Indeed
they might very well have been the creator of that method
of war in the first place. Phoenix lords may only join units if
they are the same aspect as themselves. They confer their
Fearless special rule on the unit and act in all ways like an
Exarch (conveying exarch powers etc).

Phoenix Warrior
The Phoenix Lords can never truly die, their immortal spirits
protected by the wraithbone shell in which they reside.
Phoenix Lords have the Eternal Warrior special rule. In
addition if a phoenix lord is ever slain leave the model on
the table. If an Exarch from the same aspect as the phoenix
lord moves into base to base contact they may make a
Leadership test, if they pass they have merged with the
phoenix lord. Remove the exarch and stand the phoenix
lord back up. It may act normally from then on (counting its
resurrection as its Movement phase). Exarchs restore the
phoenix lord to 1 wound and exarch lords to 2 wounds.

Phoenix Armour
The Phoenix Lords have strode the galaxy for so long that
their armour has become wholly part of their being. Were
it not for the pure wraithbone of its construction it would
have collapsed from the mighty energies flowing through
it. Phoenix armour grants the wearer a 2+ save and a 4+
invulnerable save. It contains all the same equipment etc
that is found in the aspect armour of their disciples.

Kar-Serathil, The Harrowed Legion
Damned Autarch of Biel Tann
The Cursed Host, Keeper of the Lost, Warrior of a of Joricha's Stand that Serathil's life was forever changed.
Thousand Voices; these and many more are the names of Guided by the visions of the seers she led a strike force of
Kar-Serathil, Damned Autarch of Biel Tann. aspect warriors

Before the events that were to shatter her soul forever, Kar-
Serathil was one of Biel Tann's most aggressive Autarchs,
relentlessly pursuing any that would dare step foot on the
Eldar Maiden Worlds. It was she that led the counter attack
that saw Warlord Kraktoof and his Busta Boyz annihilated
at the Canyons of Solace: using their over-enthusiasm for
explosives to bring down the canyon on themselves, driving
the orks completely from Ehrionalerotil.

Her star rose in Biel Tann and the seers gave her control
of larger and larger conflicts. It was on the human world

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Wargear
Kar-Serathil D3+5 D3+5 4 3 3 D3+5 3 10 2+ Spirit Armour
So many souls have been merged with Kar-Serathil's
armour that it is constantly in flux as barely contained
Unit Type: Jump Infantry.
energies course within. This grants a 2+ armour save and
a 4+ invulnerable save. It also follows the rules for banshee
Special Rules
masks and mandiblasters (these work together) and makes
Fearless, Eternal Warrior
the wearer Jump Infantry. The wearer may Turbo Boost
and counts as having a warp jump generator (although
Thousand Souls
they may not both be used at the same time).
Kar-Serathil contains within her uncounted souls of
dead aspect warriors, each contributing their power and
Psionic Lance
knowledge on the battlefield. Kar-Serathil knows every
Kar-Serathil carries an ancient weapon from the times
single Exarch power, but must choose which aspect's
before the Fall. Nothing more than a plaything in days gone
powers to use at the beginning of each phase (including
past, now it is a precious and deadly weapon. It is made
the opponents'). Do the same for her deployment method.
of purest wraithbone and constantly reforms in the user's
In addition, the effect of so many disharmonious souls in
hands, reflecting their mind's true desires. At the beginning
one form causes Kar-Serathil's fighting prowess to fluctuate
of each phase (yours and your opponent's) choose which
wildly. Roll to determine her WS, BS, and I values before
of the following forms it will mimic:
deployment (in view of your opponent).

Abhorrent Presence Fire Pike Scorpion's Claw

The disharmony within Serathil's soul has a destabilising Tempest Launcher Star Lance
effect on any eldar in close proximity to her. She may never
Hawk's Talon Executioner
join any eldar unit and any eldar units within 6" suffer -1 to
their Leadership. Spinnaret Rifle Dire Sword

Burning Vengeance
Occasionally souls within Kar-Serathil's armour attempt to
seize control, letting their bloodthirsty nature override their
discipline. Make a Leadership test for Kar-Serathil at the
beginning of every turn unless she is already in combat.
If she fails then one of the souls in her armour has taken
over. Roll on the following table to see what kind of soul
has taken control:

D6 Result
1-3: Assault the closest enemy unit
4-6: Remain stationary and fire at the
closest enemy unit

If neither of these criteria can be met (usually because

she is too far away or can't see the enemy) then she
stands still and does nothing as Kar-Serathil attempts to
restore control.

Prince Yriel
Autarch of Iyanden

Yriel 7 6 3 3 3 7 4 10 3+

Unit Type: Infantry.

Fleet, Independent Character, Master Strategist

Yriel's fate is bound to the spear of twilight and he is
constantly battling against its energies. At the end of the
game Yriel loses a wound unless he can make a forceshield

Guardian Armour, Assault Grenades

The Spear of Twilight

A mighty weapon from the doomed house of Ulthanesh,
the spear is said to contain the baleful energies of a dying
star within. It functions as a Singing Spear that may re-roll
all failed to hit and wound rolls. Any to wound rolls of 6
also ignore invulnerable saves. When used as a ranged
weapon it has the following profile:

Range Strength AP Type

12" 7 2 Pistol, Blast

The Eye of Wrath

This is a powerful monocular device fitted to Yriel's eye,
allowing him to unleash a storm of lightning against all who
stand before him. Yriel may use this ability once per game
in lieu of making any close combat attacks. Place the large
blast marker with the hole centred over Yriel. Every model
touched by the template suffers a S6 AP3 hit.

Eldrad Ulthran
Farseer of Ulthwe

Eldrad 5 5 2 5 4 3 1 10 2+

Unit Type: Infantry.

Special Rules
Independent Character

Eldrad Ulthran's farseeing ability is second to none; allowing
him to precisely affect the fates on the battlefield. If an army
with Eldrad chooses to Seize the Initiative it may re-roll
a failed result. You may also choose to pass or fail any
reserve rolls during the game (although when it reaches
turn 5 any units that have not come on, must come on).
You may choose to redeploy D3+1 friendly units before
the games starts but after Seizing the Initiative has been
rolled (this counts as true deployment, so the units may
be placed in reserve, taken out of reserve, Infiltrated in a
different location etc).

Psychic Powers
Eldrad Ulthran knows all the Farseer psychic powers and
increases their ranges by 6". Eldritch Storm becomes S6
AP3 and Eldrad may re-roll the dice for determining the
winner in a Mind War.

Ghosthelm, Spirit Stones, Runes of Witnessing, Runes
of Warding

The Shelwe Ithilar

Known as the 'Star Song' this ancient armour is heavily
swathed in psychic energy, channeling Eldrad's might into
an impenetrable shield. Eldrad receives a 3+ invulnerable
save and a 2+ armour save.

Staff of Ulthamar
The Fates themselves cannot hide from the power within
this staff. In the hands of Eldrad Ulthran this weapon seems
to have a mind of its own, reading the target's moves before
it makes them. This counts as a Witchblade that hits on a
2+ and causes Instant Death on 4+ to wound instead of a
6. The enemy halves its Initiative value (rounding up) when
rolling for Sweeping Advance. The staff also allows Eldrad
to cast an additional Psychic power every turn.
Iyanna Arienal
Wraithseer of Iyanden
Arienal is often accompanied by her companion and
protector Althenian Fireheart. He was Arienal's lover until
the call of war drove into the arms of Khaine, becoming an
Exarch of the Fire Dragons until the battle of Two Hundred
Pyres when his mortal shell was destroyed.
Arienal removed the spirit stone that contained his essence
from the spirit matrix of his exarch armour and fused it to
a wraithlord shell so that he could continue the fight for
his people. Freed from the souls of the Exarch armour
Althenian's mind became less driven although still extremely
focused. He now follows Arienal to war, constantly watching
over the one memory he has that refuses to die.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Althenian Fireheart
Iyanna Arienal 5 5 3 3 2 5 2 9 - You may take Althenian Fireheart along with Iyanna Arienal
as a single HQ choice. He must remain within 2" of her at
all times. He has the following profile:
Unit Type: Infantry.
SPECIAL RULES Althenian Fireheart 6 6 10 8 3 4 3 10 3+
Fleet, Independent Character

Wraithseer Unit Type: Monstrous Creature

Iyanna Arienal is a spiritseer without peer. Her bond to the
souls of the dead allows her to command entire legions SPECIAL RULES
of them on the battlefield and repair them during combat. Bodyshield
Arienal counts as a Spiritseer with a radius of effect of 24". Althenian and Arienal form a single unit on the battlefield
She may also use the Bone Song Resurrection on any and whilst Althenian is alive Arienal is invisible to Line of
eligible unit within 12", succeeding on a 3+. Sight. At the beginning of the Assault phase you may swap
their positions in combat.
Armour of Vaul Wargear
An ancient and powerful artifact, the Armour of Vaul uses Firepike, Two Flamers, Wraithsword.
the wearer's own mental power to shield them from attacks.
With the strength of will Arienal possesses, few enemies
have ever breached its defenses. Arienal will ignore any
wounds caused if she passes an unmodified Leadership

The Spear of Teuthlas

Dating back to the founding of Iyanden, this potent singing
spear saps the soul of its target, draining their will and that
of their comrades. This counts as a singing spear with
a range of 18". If a unit suffers any casualties from the
weapon it will be at +1 to its Leadership and count as in
Difficult Terrain in its next turn.

Vraqinath & Kolifronn
Kinblades of Ulthwe
Vraqinath and Kolifronn are twin warriors or Kinblades, of a standing force of guardian troops. Each leads a highly
the youngest to attain the title 'Blackguard' in the history of trained unit of guardians, the equal of any lesser race's elite
Ulthwe. Due to the highly psychic nature of all eldar, twins forces. Combined with the prescience of the seers, few
are especially closely bonded, their minds developing in armies can ever match Ulthwe on an even footing.
synchrony as they grow beneath their mother's heart.
During the 13th Black Crusade the Kinblades led many
Most twins follow paths into areas where their unique strike teams into battle to protect their people. At The Dark
abilities give them an amazing edge. Most eldar titan Hold they cornered and destroyed a Thousand Sons force
crews are composed of twins or even triplets, whilst the intent on breaching the webway. They forged a bond of
most difficult of bonesinging requires two minds in perfect friendship with Q'sandria, youngest of Eldrad Ulthran's
harmony. Vraqinath and Kolifronn however, followed a apprentices when they fought back to back against a tide
darker path. of daemons on Isha's Tear, preventing it being pulled into
the Eye of Terror.
From their youngest days the Kinblades were fractious.
They both took the path of the Outcast before they'd
reached their majority, leaving the Craftworld and its
restrictions behind. No one knows where they went or why,
but after less than a decade they had returned

Despite their intimate mind connection, the Kinblades

have distinctive predilections for different forms of warfare.
Vraqinath relishes combat up close, always leading his
troops into the heart of the enemy force. Kolifronn by
contrast prefers the cold, methodical use of firepower at a
distance, obliterating the enemy in a shower of shuriken.

Like all the Blackguard of Ulthwe, the Kinblades are part

Vraqinath 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+ Assault grenades, haywire grenades, guardian armour
Kolifronn 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+
Two power swords that allow re-rolls to hit and a star pistol
Unit Type: Jump Infantry.
and fusion pistol built into his armour's vambraces. He must
choose which weapon to fire during the shooting phase.
Special Rules
Two shuriken catapults (which counts as an Assault 4
weapon) with built in close combat weapons granting +1
attack in close combat.

Korisc Lhethilen
Wayfinder of Iyanden

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Specialist Ammunition
Korisc Lhethilen 5 8 3 3 3 5 3 10 3+ Korisc uses several esoteric ammunition types, each
tailored to a specific purpose and horrific in function.
Unit Type: Infantry.
Bio-Explosive Ammunition
This horrific shell utilises an advanced mutagenic compound
that speeds up the target's metabolism and makes them
Fleet, Independent Character, Tank Hunters, Infiltrate,
explode in a spectacular and dangerous fashion. It has the
Move Through Cover, Stealth Master, Fearless, Scouts
following profile:
Korisc's ability with ranged weapons enables him to down Range Strength AP Type
any foe or shoot the tusk off an ork at 5000 paces. When
applying wounds the controlling player gets to choose 48" X 4 Heavy 1,
which models take them, not the opposing player. Blast, Precise,
Poisoned (2+)
All eldar can excel in any field they choose to study, but Any unit taking casualties from this weapon must
for some their ability transcends the mortal realm into the immediately fall back as if they had failed a Morale Test.
supernatural. Korisc's affinity with weaponry and his innate
psychic ability allow him to perform feats impossible in Heart Render Ammunition
anyone of lesser ability. All his attacks ignore cover saves Extremely uncommon amongst the eldar of the Craftworlds,
and he may target any enemy unit in range, whether they this form of ammunition is constructed in the same manner
are within Line of Sight or not. If they are not in Line of Sight as Dark Eldar splinter ammunition.
they will receive a 4+ cover save (this is an exception to the
previous rule).
Range Strength AP Type
Wargear 48" X 5 Heavy 1,
Guardian Armour, Power Weapon, Defensive Sniper*
*Use the modified rules in the Fartaker's entry. Any model
The Fartaker
taking a wound from this weapon takes D3 wounds instead
Korisc carries a heavily modified longrifle from his days as
as the crystal shards work there way into their internal
a Pathfinder. Integrated advanced sights combined with his
organs. You may re-roll failed to wound rolls.
natural talent have made this weapon the bane of Alaitoc's
foes. It has the following profile:
Veil Breaker Ammunition
This remarkable device contains a warp distortion generator,
Range Strength AP Type engulfing the target in a tear in reality itself.

48" X 1 Heavy 2,
Sniper* Range Strength AP Type
48" X 1 Heavy 1,
*Apply the Rending special rule to shots that hit on a 4+ Blast, Barrage
instead of wounding on a 6 (for both penetration and
wounding purposes).
Causes wounds and penetrates vehicles in the same
manner as a D Cannon.
Eldar Army List
The following pages contain an army list that enables USING THE ARMY LISTS
you to field an Eldar army and fight battles using the
scenarios included in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. It To make a choice, look in the relevant section of the army
also provides you with the basic information you'll need in list and decide what unit you want to have in your army,
order to field an Exodite army in scenarios you've devised how many models there will be in it, and which upgrades
yourself, or that form part of a campaign. you want (if any). Remember that you cannot field models
that are equipped with weapons or wargear not shown on
The army list is split into five sections. All the squads, the model. Once this is done subtract the points value of
vehicles, and characters in the army are placed into one the unit from your total points, and then go back and make
of these depending upon their role on the battlefield. Each another choice. Continue doing this until you have spent all
model is also given a points value, which varies depending your points. Then you're ready to do battle!
on how effective that model is in battle. Before you choose
an army, you will need to agree with your opponent upon
a scenario and the total number of points each of you
will spend. Then you can proceed to pick your army as
described below. ARMY LIST ENTRIES

Each army list entry consists of the following:

USING A FORCE ORGANISATION CHART Unit Name: The type of unit, which may also showa
limitation on the maximum number of choices you can
make of that unit type.
The army lists are used in conjunction with the force
organisation chart from a scenario. Each chart is split into
five categories that correspond to the sections in the army Profile: These are the characteristics of that unit type,
list, and each category has one or more boxes. Each box including its points cost. Where the unit has different
indicates that you may make one choice from that section warriors, there may be more than one profile.
of the army list, while a dark-toned box means that you
must make a choice from that section. Note that unless a Squad: This shows the number of models in the unit, or the
model or vehicle forms part of a squad or squadron, it is a number of models you may take for one choice from the
single choice from what is available to your army. force organisation chart. Often this is a variable amount, in
which case it shows the minimum and maximum unit size.

Wargear: This is the unit's standard wargear. Where

models in a unit possesses different different equipment,
this will be noted. Where equipment is noted as 'All' every
model comes equipped with it in addition to any additional
equipment they may be described as having.

Options: This lists the different weapon and equipment

options for the unit and any additional points for taking
these options. It may also include an option to upgrade the
squad to include a character.

Special Rules: This is where you'll find any special rules

that apply to the unit. See the Forces of the Cult section for
the details of these rules.

g HQ g
Farseer 70 points each
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options: \
Farseer 5 5 3 4 3 4 1 10 3+ • The Farseer may replace his witchblade with a singing
spear for 5 points
Unit Type:
• The Farseer may replace his shuriken pistol with one of
• Infantry
the following:
- Star pistol for 15 points
- Fusion pistol for 10 points
- Neuro-disruptor for 20 points
• The Farseer may take any of the following:
• Shuriken pistol
- Runes of Witnessing for 15 points
• Rune armour
- Runes of Warding for 15 points
• Ghost helm
- Spirit Stones 20 points
• Witchblade
- Eldar Jetbike for 25 points
Special rules:
• The Farseer must take between one and four Farseer
• Psyker
powers from following:
• Fleet
- Doom for 40 points
• Independent Character
- Eldritch Storm for 30 points
- Fortune 35 points
Seer Council: For each Farseer in the army, you may take
- Guide for 35 points
an additional Seer Council. The Farseer and Seer Council
- Mind War for 20 points
count as a single HQ choice.

Seer Council 35 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv • Upgrade any model to a Spirit Seer for +5 points
Warlock 5 5 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+
Bonesinger 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 9 2+ • Each Bonesinger may upgrade their spirit harp to a
wraithflute for 15 points
Unit Type:
• Each model may replace their shuriken pistol with one of
• Infantry
the following:
- Star pistol for 15 points
- Fusion pistol for 10 points
• 3-6 Warlocks and/or Bonesingers
- Neuro-disruptor for 20 points
• Mount any model on an eldar jetbike for 20 points each
• Shuriken pistol
• Rune armour
• Each Warlock may take one Warlock power from
• Ghost helm
• Witchblade (Bonesingers instead carry a Spirit Harp)
- Enhance for 15 points
- Destructor for 10 points
Special rules:
- Embolden 5 points
• Psyker
- Conceal for 15 points
• Fleet
- Restore for 25 points
• Stubborn (Warlocks only)
• Independent Character
• Each Bonesinger may take one Bone Song from the
- Resurrection for 15 points
• Each Warlock may replace his witchblade with a singing
- Triumph of Vaul for 15 points
spear for 5 points

g HQ g
The Avatar 250 points
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Special rules:
Avatar 10 10 7 7 4 7 4 10 2+ • Daemonic
• Fleet
• Inspiring
Unit Type:
• Fearless
• Monstrous Creature (Unique)
• Molten Body
• The Avatar may take any of the following:
- Mighty Strike for 20 points
- Blazing Rage for 10 points
• The Wailing Doom
- Towering Inferno 15 points
- Raging Blast for 10 points
- Conflagration of Death 25 points

Autarch 75 points each

Autarch 6 6 3 3 3 6 3 10 3+ • The Autarch may take one of the following:
- Swooping Hawk wings for 10 points
- Warp Spider jump generator for 15 points
Unit Type:
- Eldar jetbike for 20 points
• Infantry
• The Autarch may replace his close combat weapon with
one of the following:
- Banshee blade for 10 points
- Scorpion chainsword for 7 points
- Laser lance (if mounted on a jetbike) for 20 points
• Shuriken pistol
• Guardian armour
• The Autarch may replace his shuriken pistol with one of
• Close combat weapon
the following:
• Haywire Grenades
- Star pistol for 15 points
• Assault Grenades
- Fusion pistol for 10 points
• Forceshield
- Neuro-disruptor for 20 points
Special rules:
• The Autarch may take one of the following:
• Fleet
- Avenger catapult for 5 points
• Master Strategist
- Fusion gun for 15 points
• The Path of War
- Lasblaster 4 points
• Independent Character
- Reaper launcher for 35 points
- Death spinner 10 points
• The Autarch may take one of the following:
- Banshee mask for 3 points
- Mandiblasters for 10 points

g HQ g
Phoenix Lord
You may only take one of each Phoenix Lord
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Special rules:
Phoenix Lord 9 9 5 5 4 10 4 10 2+ • Fleet
• Independent Character
• Fearless
Unit Type:
• Disciples
• Infantry
• Phoenix Warrior
Phoenix Aspect Armour

Asurmen 290 points

Disciples: Special Rules:
• Dire Avengers • Defend
• Bladestorm
Wargear: • Vengeance Bringers
• Shuriken Bracers • Battlefate
• Sword of Asur • War Shout
• Banner of the Asurya

Jain Zar 275 points

Disciples: Special Rules:
• Howling Banshees • Acrobatic
• War Shout
Wargear: • Blade Dance
• Silent Death • Screaming Death
• Blade of Destruction • Furious Charge
• Mask of Jain Zar

Karandras 285 points

Disciples: Special Rules:
• Striking Scorpions • Shadowstrike
• Silent Hunter
Wargear: • Far Stalker
• Scorpion's Bite • Infiltrate
• Shadow's Blade • Fear the Shadows
• Hunter's Claw

Fuegan 280 points

Disciples: Special Rules:
• Fire Dragons • Tank Hunter
• Dragon Slayer
Wargear: • Wall of Fire
• Fire Axe • Dragon's Rage
• Inferno Pike • Succour of Flame
• Armour of the Forget

g HQ g
Baharroth 280 points
Disciples: Special Rules:
• Swooping Hawks • Skyleap
• Intercept
Wargear: • Turbo Boost
• Mantle of the Raptor • Winged Slayer
• Eagle's Blade • Angel's Light
• Wind Talon

Maugan Ra 275 points

Disciples: Special Rules:
• Dark Reapers • Soul Reaping
• Divide and Destroy
Wargear: • Crack Shot
• The Maugetar • Fast Shot
• Armour of Death • Sight of the Damned
• The Kaelis Mor

Phoenix Thane
You may only take one of each Phoenix Thane
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Special rules:
Phoenix Thane 8 8 5 4 4 9 4 10 2+ • Fleet
• Independent Character
• Fearless
Unit Type:
• Disciples
• Infantry
• Phoenix Warrior
Phoenix Aspect Armour

Tel Vir 240 points

Disciples: Special Rules:
• Shining Spears • Shining Light
• Cloud Rider
Wargear: • Earth Dancer
• Khaine's Lance • Withdraw
• The White Flame • Wrath of Heaven

Xaranethiol 230 points

Disciples: Special Rules:
• Warp Spiders • Surprise Assault
• Warp Master
Wargear: • Sundered Veil
• Death's Shadow • Death Weaver
• Web Void • Hit and Run

g HQ g
The Avatar 250 points
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Special rules:
Avatar 10 10 7 7 4 7 4 10 2+ • Daemonic
• Fleet
• Inspiring
Unit Type:
• Fearless
• Monstrous Creature (Unique)
• Molten Body
• The Avatar may take any of the following:
- Mighty Strike for 20 points
- Blazing Rage for 10 points
• The Wailing Doom
- Towering Inferno 15 points
- Raging Blast for 10 points
- Conflagration of Death 25 points

w Elites w
Fire Dragons 20 points each
Fire Dragon 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ • Inferno Dragons may swap their fusion guns for dragon
Inferno Dragons 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+ guns for 5 points each
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
• May add an Exarch for 70 points or an Exarch Lord for
100 points
Unit Type:
• Infantry • The Character may replace his weapon with one of the
Number/Squad: - Fire Pike for 10 points
• 2-4 - Two dragon guns for 15 points
- Dragon's Breath for 10 points
• Fusion gun • The Character may take any of the following exarch
• Dragon aspect armour powers:
• Melta bombs - Dragon Slayer for 5 points
- Wall of Fire for 10 points
Special rules: - Dragon's Rage 15 points
• Tank Hunters
• Fleet Transport:
• May take a Wave Serpent (see Transport).
• The unit may be upgraded to Inferno Dragons for 10
points each

Wraithguard 40 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Wraithguard 4 4 6 6 2 3 1 10 3+ • The unit may take wraithblades for 5 points each.
Wraithprince 5 5 6 6 2 3 2 10 3+
• May upgrade one model to a wraithprince for 15 points.
Unit Type:
• Infantry
• The wraithprince may replace his wraithcannon with a
distortion blaster for 10 points.
• 3-8. A unit of 8 wraithguard may be taken as a Troops
choice for every Spiritseer in the army.
• May take a Wave Serpent (see Transport).
• Wraithcannon

Special rules:
• Fearless
• Wraithsight

w Elites w
Striking Scorpions 20 points each
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv • Stalking Scorpions may swap their scorpion chainswords
Striking Scorpion 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ for a chainglaive for 5 points each
Stalking Scorpion 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ Character:
• May add an Exarch for 70 points or an Exarch Lord for
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
100 points
Unit Type: • The Character may replace his scorpion chainsword with
• Infantry one of the following:
- Biting Blade for 10 points
Number/Squad: - Scorpion Claw for 20 points
• 3-6 - Two Chainsabres for 5 points
Wargear: • The Character may take any of the following exarch
• Scorpion chainsword powers:
• Scorpion aspect armour - Shadowstrike for 10 points
• Assault Grenades - Silent Hunter for 15 points
- Far Stalker for 20 points
Special rules:
• Infiltrate Transport:
• Fleet • May take a Wave Serpent (see Transport).
• The unit may be upgraded to Stalking Scorpions for 10
points each

Howling Banshees 20 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv • Shrieking Banshees may swap their banshee blades for
Howling Banshee 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ Screaming Blades for 5 points each
Shrieking Banshee 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ Character:
• May add an Exarch for 70 points or an Exarch Lord for
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
100 points
Unit Type: • The Character may replace her banshee blade with one
• Infantry of the following:
- Executioner for 15 points
Number/Squad: - Two Mirror Blades for 10 points
• 3-6 - Triskele 5 points
Wargear: • The Character may take any of the following exarch
• Banshee blade powers:
• Banshee aspect armour - Acrobatic for 5 points
- War Shout or 5 points
Special rules: - Blade Dance for 15 points
• Screaming Death
• Fleet Transport:
• May take a Wave Serpent (see Transport).
• The unit may be upgraded to Shrieking Banshees for 10
points each

s Troops s
Dire Avengers 16 points each
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Character:
Dire Avenger 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ • May add an Exarch for 66 points or an Exarch Lord for
Implacable Avenger 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+ 96 points
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+
• The Character may replace his close combat weapon with
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
one of the following:
- Dire Sword for 20 points
Unit Type: - Power glaive for 10 points
• Infantry
• The character may replace his close combat weapon and
Number/Squad: avenger catapult with a power weapon and shimmershield
• 3-6 for 15 points
Wargear: • The Character may replace his avenger catapult with a
• Avenger catapult shuriken cannon for 10 points
• Close combat weapon
• Avenger aspect armour • The Character may take any of the following exarch
Special rules: - Defend for 15 points
• Stubborn - Bladestorm for 15 points
• Fleet - Vengeance Bringers for 15 points
Options: Transport:
• The unit may be upgraded to Implacable Avengers for 10 • May take a Wave Serpent (see Transport).
points each

• Implacable Avengers may take an additional Avenger

Catapult for 5 points each

Rangers 18 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv • Pathfinders may replace a shuriken pistol with a power
Ranger 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 4+ weapons for 5 points each
Pathfinder 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+
Special rules:
Unit Type:
• Infantry
• Tank Hunters
• Fleet
• Infiltrate
• 3-6
• Move Through Cover
• Stealth
• Ranger long rifle
In addition Pathfinders have:
• 2 shuriken pistols
• Fearless
• Mesh armour
• Scouts
• Defensive grenades
• Ignore Terrain
• Stealth Masters
• Any models in the unit may be upgraded to a Pathfinder
for 8 points

s Troops s
Guardians 12 points each
Guardian 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+
Craftguard 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+ • Every fourth model may replace their weapons with one
of the following:
- Flamer for 5 points
Unit Type:
- Star rifle for 15 points
• Infantry
- Meltagun 10 points
• 4-12
• May upgrade one model to a craftguard for 12 points
• The craftguard may replace his close combat weapon
• Shuriken catapult or shuriken pistol and close combat
with a power weapon for 5 points.
• Defensive grenades
• The craftguard may replace his shuriken pistol with one
• Guardian armour
of the following:
- Fusion pistol for 10 points
Special rules:
- Star pistol for 15 points
• Fleet
• May take a Wave Serpent (see Transport).
• May take a weapon platform for every four models from
the following:
- Shuriken cannon for 20 points
- Brightlance for 45 points
- Starcannon for 50 points
- Eldar missile launcher 40 points
- Scatter laser for 30 points

The Kinblades of 100 points (pair)

Two Guardian squads may take one Kinblade each instead of a Craftguard. Must be purchased together.
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Kolifronn:
Vraqinath 5 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+ • Two power swords
Kolifronn 4 5 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+ • Fusion pistol
• Star pistol
Unit Type:
Special rules:
• Jump Infantry
• Fleet
• Tactical Synchronicity
• Blackguard
• Vraqinath
• Two Shuriken catapults (Assault 4)
• Kolifronn
• Two close combat weapons

s Troops s
Jetbike Squadron 24 points each
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Wargear:
Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+ • Eldar jetbike
Craftguard Jetbike 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 3+ • Shuriken pistol and close combat weapon

Unit Type:
• Every third model may swap their twin-linked shuriken
• Eldar Jetbike
catapults for a shuriken cannon for 10 points each.
• 4-12
• May upgrade one model to a craftguard for 12 points

• The craftguard may replace his close combat weapon

with a power weapon for 5 points.

Dedicated 150 points each

Amour Options:
BS F S R • May upgrade the twin-linked shuriken cannons to one
Wave Serpent 4 12(14) 12(14) 12 of the following:
- Twin-linked brightlance for 35 points
- Twin-linked starcannon for 40 points
Unit Type:
- Twin-linked Eldar missile launcher 30 points
• Tank, Skimmer, Fast
- Twin-linked scatter laser for 20 points
• May upgrade the two shuriken catapults to a single
• Two shuriken catapults
shuriken cannon for 10 points
• Twin-linked shuriken cannon
• Vectored engines
• May take any of the following:
- Spirit stones for 10 points
Special Rules:
- Holo-fields for 25 points
• Energy Field
- Star engines for 15 points
- Laser net for 15 points
- Crystal targeting matrix for 10 points
• May transport up to 12 models. Wraithguard count as
- Antigrav weapon stabilisers for 20 points
two models each.

t Fast Attack t
Shining Spears 38 points each
Shining Spear 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 1 9 2+ • Blazing Spears may swap their laser lances for laser
Blazing Spear 5 5 3 3(4) 1 6 2 9 2+ blades for free
Exarch 6 6 4 3(4) 2 7 3 10 2+
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4(5) 3 8 3 10 2+
• May add an Exarch for 88 points or an Exarch Lord for
118 points
Unit Type:
• Eldar jetbike • The Character may replace his laser lance with one of
the following:
Number/Squad: - Star lance for 15 points
• 2-4 - Nova blade for 15 points
- Two laser blades for 10 points
• Eldar jetbike • The Character may take any of the following exarch
• Laser lance powers:
• Spear aspect armour - Withdraw for 20 points
- Cloud Rider for 30 points
Special rules: - Earth Dancer for 15 points
• Expert Riders

• The unit may be upgraded to Blazing Spears for 10 points

Warp Spiders 32 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Warp Spider 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ • The unit may be upgraded to Void Spiders for 10 points
Void Spider 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+ each
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+
• Void Spiders may swap their death spinners for two Void
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
Renders for 5 points each
Unit Type: Character:
• Jump Infantry • May add an Exarch for 82 points or an Exarch Lord for
112 points
• 2-4 • The Character may replace his death spinner with one of
the following:
Wargear: - Two death spinners for 10 points
• Death Spinner - Spinneret rifle for 5 points
• Spider aspect armour
• The Character may take Powerblades for 15 points
Special rules:
• Surprise Assault • The Character may take any of the following exarch
• Fleet powers:
- Warp Master for 25 points
- Death Weaver for 10 points
- Sundered Veil for 30 points

t Fast Attack t
Swooping Hawks 25 points each
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv • Striking Hawks may swap their lasblasters for two blaster
Swooping Hawk 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+ pistols for 5 points each
Striking Hawk 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ Character:
• May add an Exarch for 78 points or an Exarch Lord for
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
108 points
Unit Type: • The Character may replace his lasblaster with one of the
• Jump Infantry following:
- Sun rifle for 15 points
Number/Squad: - Hawk's Talon for 10 points
• 3-6
• The Character may take Powerblades for 15 points
• Lasblaster • The Character may take any of the following exarch
• Haywire grenades powers:
• Hawk aspect armour - Skyleap for 25 points
- Intercept for 5 points
Special rules: - Winged Slayers for 10 points
• Fleet
• Turbo Boost

• The unit may be upgraded to Striking Hawks for 10 points

Vyper Squadron 65 points each

Amour Options:
BS F S R • May upgrade the shuriken cannon to one of the
Vyper 4 11 11 11 following:
- Brightlance for 35 points
- Starcannon for 40 points
Unit Type:
- Eldar missile launcher 30 points
• Skimmer, Fast
- Scatter laser for 20 points
• May upgrade the two shuriken catapults to a single
• 1-3
shuriken cannon for 10 points
• May take any of the following:
• Two shuriken catapults
- Spirit stones for 10 points
• Shuriken cannon
- Holo-fields for 25 points
• Vectored engines
- Star engines for 15 points
- Laser net for 15 points
- Crystal targeting matrix for 10 points
- Antigrav weapon stabilisers for 20 points

C Heavy Support C
Dark Reapers 48 points each
Dark Reaper 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ • Shadow Reapers may swap their reaper launchers for
Shadow Reaper 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+ reaper cannons for free
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
• May add an Exarch for 98 points or an Exarch Lord for
128 points
Unit Type:
• Infantry • The Character may replace his reaper launcher with one
of the following:
Number/Squad: - Tempest launcher for 20 points
• 2-4 - Eldar missile launcher for 15 points
- Two reaper launchers for 15 points
• Reaper Launcher • The Character may take any of the following exarch
• Reaper aspect armour powers:
- Crack Shot for 10 points
Special rules: - Fast Shot for 15 points
• Acute Senses - Target Priority for 20 points
Options: Transport:
• The unit may be upgraded to Shadow Reapers for 10 • May take a Wave Serpent (see Transport).
points each

Support Battery 20 points each

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Options:
Guardian 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+ • Every two models in the unit must take a Support Platform
Craftguard 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+ with one of the following weapons:
- Shadow weaver for 25 points
- D-cannon for 45 points
Unit Type:
- Vibrocannon 35 points
• Infantry
• May upgrade one model to a craftguard for 12 points/
• 2-6
• The craftguard may replace his close combat weapon
with a power weapon for 5 points.
• Shuriken catapult or shuriken pistol and close combat
• Defensive grenades
• Guardian armour

Special rules:
• Fleet

C Heavy Support C
Wraithlord 125 points each
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv • May take another weapon from the following:
Wraithlord 5 5 10 8 3 4 3 10 3+ - Brightlance for 35 points
- Starcannon for 40 points
- Eldar missile launcher 30 points
Unit Type:
- Scatter laser for 20 points
• Monstrous Creature
- Shuriken cannon for 15 points
• May upgrade each shuriken catapult to one of the
- Brightlance for 35 points
- Starcannon for 40 points
• Shuriken catapult or flamer
- Eldar missile launcher 30 points
• Another shuriken catapult or flamer
- Scatter laser for 20 points
• Shuriken cannon
- Shuriken cannon for 15 points
Special rules:
• May replace shuriken cannon with D-Cannon for 40
• Fearless
points. May not take any other options if this is chosen.
• Wraithsight
• May take up to two wraithblades for 10 points each
• May upgrade the shuriken cannon to one of the
- Brightlance for 35 points
- Starcannon for 40 points
- Eldar missile launcher 30 points
- Scatter laser for 20 points

War Walker Squadron 40 points each

Amour Options:
WS BS S F S R I A • May upgrade each shuriken cannon to one of the
Vyper 3 4 5 11 11 11 4 2 following:
- Brightlance for 35 points
- Starcannon for 40 points
Unit Type:
- Eldar missile launcher 30 points
• Walker
- Scatter laser for 20 points
• May take any of the following:
• 1-3
- Spirit stones for 10 points
- Holo-fields for 25 points
- Laser net for 15 points
• Two shuriken cannons

Special rules:
• Scouts
• Move Through Cover

C Heavy Support C
Falcon 150 points each
Amour Options:
BS F S R • May upgrade the shuriken cannon to one of the
Falcon 4 13 12 12 following:
- Brightlance for 35 points
- Starcannon for 40 points
Unit Type:
- Eldar missile launcher 30 points
• Tank, Skimmer, Fast
- Scatter laser for 20 points
• May upgrade the two shuriken catapults to a single
shuriken cannon for 10 points
• May take any of the following:
• Two shuriken catapults
- Spirit stones for 10 points
• Pulse laser
- Holo-fields for 25 points
• Shuriken cannon
- Star engines for 15 points
• Vectored engines
- Laser net for 15 points
- Crystal targeting matrix for 10 points
- Antigrav weapon stabilisers for 20 points
• May transport up to 6 models. Wraithguard count as two
models each.

Fire Prism 180 points each

Amour Options:
BS F S R • May upgrade the two shuriken catapults to a single
Fire Prism 5 13 12 12 shuriken cannon for 10 points

• May take any of the following:

Unit Type:
- Spirit stones for 10 points
• Tank, Skimmer, Fast
- Holo-fields for 25 points
- Star engines for 15 points
- Laser net for 15 points
- Crystal targeting matrix for 10 points
- Antigrav weapon stabilisers for 20 points
• Two shuriken catapults
• Prism Cannon
• Vectored engines

Troop Types Ranged Weapons
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Range S AP Type
Farseer 5 5 3 4 3 4 1 10 3+ Avenger Catapult 18" 5 4 Assault 2
Warlock 5 5 3 3 2 5 2 9 3+ Blaster Pistol 12" 5 5 Pistol, Assault 2
Bonesinger 4 4 3 3 2 4 1 9 2+ Brightlance 48" 10 1 Heavy 1
Autarch 6 6 3 3 3 6 3 10 3+ D-Cannon* 36" X 1 Heavy 1, Blast, Barrage
Avatar 10 10 7 7 4 7 4 10 2+ Death Spinner Template 6 6 Assault 1, Rending
Phoenix Lord 9 9 5 5 4 10 4 10 2+ Distortion Blaster 18" X 1 Assault 1, Blast
Phoenix Thane 8 8 5 4 4 9 4 10 2+ 12" 8 1 Assault 1, Fusion
Dragon Gun
Template 5 4 Assault 1
Exarch Lord 7 7 4 4 3 8 3 10 2+
12" 8 1 Assault 1, Fusion
Dragon's Breath
Exarch 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 10 2+ Template 6 3 Assault 1
48" 8 2 Heavy 1
Striking Scorpion 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ Eldar Missile Launcher
48" 5 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Pinning
Stalking Scorpion 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+ 18" 9 1 Assault 1, Melta
Fire Pike
Template 5 4 Assault 1
Howling Banshee 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Flamer Template 4 5 Assault 1
Shrieking Banshee 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Fusion Gun 12" 8 1 Assault 1, Fusion
Fire Dragon 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Fusion Pistol 6" 8 1 Pistol, Fusion
Inferno Dragon 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Hawk's Talon 30" 6 5 Assault 4
Dire Avenger 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Lasblaster 24" 5 5 Assault 2
Implacable Avenger 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Laser Blade* 6" 6 2 Assault 2, Lance
Swooping Hawk 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 3+
Laser Lance* 6" 6 4 Assault 2, Lance
Striking Hawk 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 3+
Meltagun 12" 8 1 Assault 1, Melta
Warp Spider 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+
Neuro-disruptor* Template X 1 Assault 1, Pinning
Void Spider 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+
Nova Blade* 6" 8 1 Assault 1, Blast, Lance
Guardian 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 8 3+
72" 9 2 Heavy 1, Blast, Precise
Craftguard 4 4 3 3 1 5 2 9 3+ Prism Cannon*
72" 5 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Precise
Guardian Jetbike 3 3 3 3(4) 1 4 1 8 3+ Pulse Laser 60" 9 2 Heavy 2
Craftguard Jetbike 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 2 9 3+ Reaper Cannon 36" 8 3 Heavy 1, Blast, Pinning
Ranger 3 4 3 3 1 4 1 8 4+ Reaper Launcher 48" 8 3 Heavy 2
Pathfinder 4 5 3 3 1 5 1 9 4+ Scatter Laser 36" 6 5 Heavy 6
Dark Reaper 4 4 3 3 1 5 1 9 2+ Shadow Weaver 60" 6 6 Heavy1,LargeBlast,Rending,Barrage
Shadow Reaper 5 5 3 3 1 6 2 9 2+ Shuriken Cannon 30" 5 4 Assault 4, Rending
Shining Spear 4 4 3 3(4) 1 5 1 9 2+ Shuriken Catapult 18" 4 4 Assault 2
Blazing Spear 5 5 3 3(4) 1 6 2 9 2+ Shuriken Pistol 12" 4 4 Pistol 2
Wraithguard 4 4 6 6 2 3 1 10 3+ Spinnaret Rifle 18" 8 1 Assault 2, Rending, Pinning
Wraithprince 5 5 6 6 2 3 2 10 3+ Starcannon 36" 7 2 Heavy 2, Blast
Wraithlord 5 5 10 8 3 4 3 10 3+ Star Lance* 6" 8 4 Assault 2, Lance
Star Pistol 12" 7 2 Pistol, Assault 2

Vehicles Star Rifle 24" 7 2 Assault 2

Armour Sun Rifle 24" 5 5 Assault 6
BS Front Side Rear
Tempest Launcher* 36" 6 3 Heavy 2, Barrage, Blast
Vyper 4 11 11 11
Triskele* 12" 3 2 Assault 3
Falcon 4 13 12 12
Fire Prism 5 13 12 12 Vibro Cannon* 48" 4 5 Heavy 1, Pinning
Wave Serpent 4 12 12 12 Void Render* 12" 6 4 Pistol, Blast, Rending
Weapon Platform - 10 10 10
Wraithcannon* 12" X 1 Assault 1
Support Weapon Platform - 12 12 12
*Additional rules found in the Forces section.
War Walker 3 4 5 11 11 11 4 2


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pFad - Phonifier reborn

Pfad - The Proxy pFad of © 2024 Garber Painting. All rights reserved.

Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.

Alternative Proxies:

Alternative Proxy

pFad Proxy

pFad v3 Proxy

pFad v4 Proxy