Station: NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. SIM/1/TS/1/011 Sheet 1 of 14
Station: NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. SIM/1/TS/1/011 Sheet 1 of 14
Station: NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. SIM/1/TS/1/011 Sheet 1 of 14
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P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER SL.NO. LIST OF CONTENTS
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P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER 1.0 PLANT DETAILS The Steam -enerator i. of nat/ra$ 0ir0/$ation. 1ater t/2e de.i-n. arran-ed for 3re../ri4ed firin-. Ba.i0a$$5 it i. a t6o dr/m 7erti0a$ 2ent t/2e arran-ement 6ith 6ater 0oo$ed f/rna0e 6a$$. 0om2ined 6ith the 0on7e0ti7e 2oi$er 2an8 ./rfa0e. The 0om3$ete .team -enerator i. of the 2ottom ./33orted de.i-n re.tin- on 0on0rete 3ede.ta$.. The /33er and $o6er dr/m. are 0onne0ted 25 the 2an8 t/2e.. The .team dr/m i. 3ro7ided 6ith effi0ient interna$. for .team .e3aration. The /nheated do6n 0omer. are $o0ated in the rear ha$f of 2oi$er .ide 6a$$ en./re. ade9/ate 0ir0/$ation in the 2oi$er. The 2oi$er 2an8 t/2e. are arran-ed in $ine for the 2e.t heat a2.or3tion. !inim/m draft $o.. and ea.5 t/2e in.3e0tion and 0$eanin-. Re9/ired a00e..i2i$it5 i. 3ro7ided at the .ide of the 2oi$er 2an8 0on7e0ti7e ./rfa0e. %de9/ate 3ee3 ho$e. are 3ro7ided to 6at0h the f$ame. (eed6ater i. fed into the /33er dr/m and 0ir0/$ation i. maintained in the 2oi$er 2an8 thro/-h the do6n0omer.. (rom the 2ottom dr/m 6ater f$o6. thro/-h the heat a2.ot2inf/rna0e t/2e. and 2a08 into the .team dr/m. %fter .e3aration of moi.t/re in the interna$.: the .at/rated .team f$o6. thro/-h ./3erheater. and to SH o/t$et .team 0o$$e0tin- header from 6here the main .team i. ta33ed off. The main f/e$. are Hea75 (/e$ &i$ and Li-ht Die.e$ &i$. The firin- .5.tem 0on.i.t. of one no oi$ 2/rner 6ith re-i.ter $o0ated in the front 6a$$ to 0arr5 !CR 0a3a0it5 6ith either of the f/e$.. The f/e$ oi$ i. .team atomi4ed: $i-ht oi$ i. air atomi4ed. Hi-h Ener-5 %r0 ;HE%< i-nitor i. /.ed for $i-htin- /3 the 2/rner. % f$ame .0annin- .5.tem i. 3ro7ided to monitor the f$ame 0ondition in the f/rna0e. Si-nat/re. NTPC BHEL STATUS
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NTPC Ref No. S !"1"TS"1"011 P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER 1.0 PLANT DETAILS The H(& .5.tem 0on.i.t. of H(& da5 tan8: , > 100? f/e$ oi$ 3re../ri4in- 3/m3. 6ith heater.: 0ontro$.: 3i3in-: 7a$7e. and fittin-.. The LD& .5.tem 0on.i.t. of LD& da5 tan8 6ith 1 > 100? LD& 3re../ri4in- 3/m3 6ith re9/ired 0ontro$. 3i3in-. @a$7e. and fittin-.. The 2oi$er i. e9/i33ed 6ith a deaerator and feed 3/m3. to ./33$5 deaerated feed 6ater at 105 De-. C to the 2oi$er. B$o6 do6n .5.tem 6ith 2$o6 do6n tan8: HP and LP 0hemi0a$ .5.tem tan8.: 3/m3.: 3i3in- 7a$7e. and fittin-. are a$.o 3ro7ided. The 2oi$er i. e9/i33ed 6ith t6o Radia$ (D fan. ;,>60?< 6ith e$e0tri0 motor dri7e. The 2oi$er and a/>i$arie. 6i$$ 2e 0om3$ete 6ith the re9/ired a00e..orie. a..o0iated e9/i3ment: fittin-. and 7a$7e.: inte-ra$ 3i3in- .5.tem. et0. Com3$ete air and f$/e -a. d/0tin- /3to and in0$/din- .tee$ 0himne5 6i$$ 2e 3ro7ided a$on- 6ith the re9/ired e>3an.ion Aoint.: dam3er and ./33ortin- .tee$ 6or8. Refra0tor5 and therma$ in./$ation: o/ter and inner 0a.inmateria$. 6i$$ 2e 3ro7ided a. re9/ired. STATUS
Si-nat/re. NTPC Station : NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. S !"1"TS"1"011 BHEL Sheet # of 1#
CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER 2.0 2.1 OBJECTIVE The o2Ae0ti7e of thi. 0ommi..ionin- .0hed/$e i. to 0$ean the interna$ ./rfa0e of the .team -eneratin- 3ortion and heatin./rfa0e ;< /.in- .3e0ified 0hemi0a$.. STATUS
Si-nat/re. NTPC Station : NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. S !"1"TS"1"011 BHEL Sheet 5 of 1#
P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER 3.0 PROPOSAL STATUS
The o2Ae0ti7e. are a0hie7ed 25 0arr5in- o/t the fo$$o6inte.tin- 3ro3o.a$.. 3.1 B5 0arr5in- o/t an effe0ti7e 2oi$-o/t: -rea.e: oi$ and an5 3rote0ti7e 0oatin-. a33$ied are remo7ed from the interior 3re../re 3art. of the a/>i$iar5 2oi$er
Si-nat/re. NTPC Station : NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. S !"1"TS"1"011 BHEL Sheet 6 of 1#
P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER 4.01 SERVICES REQUIRED %$$ the re9/ired 9/antitie. of 0hemi0a$. a. -i7en 2e$o6 .ho/$d 2e made a7ai$a2$e 3rior to the 0ommen0ement of the 3ro0e... STATUS
SPECIFICATION OF CHEMICALS & QUANTITY NAME OF CHEMICALS 1. Tri.odi/m Pho.3hate ;Na=P&#. 1,H,&< ; S:5C="1DD,< ,.Di.odi/m Pho.3hate;Na, HP &#.1, H,&< ; S:566"1DD1< 4.02 4.03 4.04 S/33$5 of ade9/ate D! 6ater to 2e en./red #15 @ S/33$5 a7ai$a2$e ,,0 %C"D0: 110@ %C: Contro$ S/33$5 a7ai$a2$e ;1hi0h e7er i. a33$i0a2$e<. " Ser7i0e %ir %7ai$a2$e ($ood Li-ht. " Te$e3hone. " 1a$8ie - Ta$8ie are a7ai$a2$e %m2/$an0e " 0ar for emer-en05 " fire tender a7ai$a2$e Dr/m $e7e$ -/a-e -$a.. .ho/$d 2e made a7ai$a2$e 6ith $i-htinarran-ement and ta$e-ta$e .6it0h 0/m $i-ht arran-ement S/ffi0ient 9/antit5 of Ra6"(ire 6ater to 2e en./red for the ne/tra$i.ation of the a$8a$i 2oi$ o/t eff$/ent in $ine 6ith %.P. 3o$$/tion 0ontro$ Board Norm. 15 B=0 B-
Si-nat/re. NTPC Station : NTPC - Simhadri P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER 5.0 5.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SAFETY EQUIPMENTS $ ENSURE THE AVAILABILITY OF 1. ')! B&&TS ;@ario/. Si4e.< ,. R/22er '$o7e. =. R/22er or Po$5thne %3ron. 6 Pair. 6 Pair. 6 No.. STATUS BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. S !"1"TS"1"011 BHEL Sheet C of 1#
1, No.. 6 No..
6. (a0e !a.8 ;Tran.3arent: P$a.ti0< # No.. C. (ir.t aid 2o> ;0ontainin- di$/te ammoni/m h5dro>ide: 50? .odi/m 2i0ar2onate .o$/tion: e5e $o0tion: 2anda-e.: tin0t/re of idodine: 0otton: 2/rno$ et0. 8. Safet5 .ho6er. EMERGENCY PROVISIONS 5.2 5.2.1 ($/.hin- and 6a.hin- 6ater ./33$ie. %m3$e ./33$ie. of f$/.hin- and 6a.hin- 6ater ./33$ie. .ha$$ 2e 3ro7ided at a$$ 3o..i2$e 3oint. of di.0har-e: .3i$$a-e or e.0a3e of 0hemi0a$.. %de9/ate 3ro7i.ion. .ha$$ 2e made for emer-en05 treatment of the e5e.: e5e 6a.h 2ott$e.: $o0ated 0on7enient$5 to 3$a0e. 6here 0har-in- of 0hemi0a$. are 3$anned. Te$e3hone fa0i$itie. .ha$$ 2e 3ro7ided 6ithin a rea.ona2$e di.tan0e of the 3$a0e 6here 0hemi0a$. are 2ein- /.ed
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P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER .0 .1 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES The te.tin- team .ho/$d 2e a6are of the o3eratin3ro0ed/re. of fire e>tin-/i.her. to 2e /.ed for 9/en0hinminor or maAor fire. The te.tin- team .ho/$d 2e a6are of the 3ro0ed/re to 2e fo$$o6ed in 0a.e of a00ident in7o$7in- 3er.onne$ inA/r5. STATUS
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P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER !.0 !.1 STATE OF THE PLANT %/>i$ar5 Boi$er ere0tion m/.t ha7e 2een 0om3$eted a. 3er a33ro7ed .0heme in re.3e0t of a$$ ie. ma0hani0a$: e$e0tri0a$ and CE area. H5dra/$i0 te.t of 2oi$er .ho/$d ha7e 2een 0om3$eted to the re9/ired 3arameter. P$. .3e0if5 the H+D. Te.t Pre../re. Pre2oi$er .5.tem 0ir0/it. .ho/$d 2e a7ai$a2$e for o3eration. (or a$8a$i 2oi$o/t: minim/m e..entia$ re9/ired for 2oi$er $i-ht /3 are made a7ai$a2$e Boi$er .ho/$d 2e read5 for re-/$ar o3eration a. 3er F E ! Sam3$in- .5.tem .ho/$d 2e read5. En./re free a00e.. to a$$ e9/i3ment. En./re the readine.. of fire fi-htin- .5.tem a. en7i.a-ed in the de.i-n. En./re the a7ai$a2i$it5 of fire tender near the 2oi$er area. STATUS
!.3 !.4
!. !.! !."
Si-nat/re. NTPC Station : NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. S !"1"TS"1"011 BHEL Sheet 10 of 1#
P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER ".0 METHOD AL%ALI BOIL OUT ".1 The 2oi$er ;.team -eneratin- ./rfa0e. and< i. fi$$ed 6ith an a$8a$ine .o$/tion 0ontainin- 500 33m of di.odi/m 3ho.3hate dode0a h5drate: and 1000 33m of Tri .odi/m 3ho.3hate do de0a h5drate and then fired to rai.e the 3re../re to 10 8-" 0m ,: fo$$o6in- the .3e0ified o3erationa$ 3ro0ed/re.. ".2 P&'()*+&) Pre3are the 2oi$ o/t 0hemi0a$ .o$/tion in deminera$i.ed 6ater in a 0hemi0a$ mi>in- tan8. The .o$/tion i. form/$ated 25 di..o$7in- the fo$$o6in- 3ro3ortionate 9/antitie. of 0hemi0a$.: de3endin- on the 7o$/me of the .5.tem to 2e 0$eaned. 1. ,. ".3 0.05? Na, HP&# 0.1 ? Na= P&# 1, H,& 1, H,& STATUS
Ho$d the .o$/tion 3re3ared a. a2o7e in the tan8 and homo-eni.e the .ame 25 3ro3er mi>in- the .o$/tion. Start fi$$in- the %/>. 2oi$er 6ith deminera$i.ed 6ater: /nti$ the 6ater i. .een $itt$e a2o7e the 2ottom of the /33er dr/m. Po/r the 0hemi0a$ .o$/tion 6ith the dr/m thro/-h the manho$e 25 .e7era$ in0rement.. C$o.e the man ho$e 0o7er and fi$$ /3 6ith D! 6ater /3to norma$ o3eration $e7e$.
Si-nat/re. NTPC Station : NTPC - Simhadri BHEL Ref No. PS-DC-186-500-0015 NTPC Ref No. S !"1"TS"1"011 BHEL Sheet 11 of 1#
P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER
STATUS ".! Li-ht /3 the 2oi$er a. 3er & E ! and -rad/a$$5 rai.e the 3re../re to 10 B-"C!, . Ho$d the 3re../re for fo/r ho/r.. Pre.0ri2e 2$o6 do6n e7er5 , Hr.. &n0e: after 8i$$in- the fireG D/ration of the 2$o6 do6n .ha$$ 2e for one min/te En./re that the dr/m $e7e$ doe. not -o o/t of -a/-e -$a.. 7i.ion. Re3eat the o3eration of the 3re../re to 10 8-"0m, and 3re.0ri2in- 2$o6 do6n e7er5 , ho/r. ;Tota$ # B$o6 do6n.< after 8i$$in- fire. The 2oi$ o/t i. de0$ared 0om3$eted 6hen minim/m # 2$o6 do6n. are 0om3$eted. Drain the 2oi$er: 6hen it i. 0oo$ed: a. 3er & E ! &n0e the drainin- i. 0om3$eted: fi$$ the 2oi$er 6ith deminera$i.ed 6ater: thro/-h 2oi$er fi$$ 3/m3. Ba08 f$/.h the ./3erheater. 6ith D! 6ater 0ontainin- ,00 33m h5dra4ine and 3H 10.0 6ith NH= ti$$ it o7erf$o6. into the dr/m. Drain the 2oi$er to the 6a.te di.3o.a$ .5.tem. n.3e0t the /33er dr/m and man/a$$5 0$ean: if an5 $oo.e m/08 and .$/d-e are 3re.ent. The eff$/ent of a$8a$i 2oi$ o/t .ha$$ 2e ne/tra$i.ed and di.3o.ed in $ine 6ith %.P. 3o$$/tion 0ontro$ Board norm.. PH of the .o$/tion i. $o6ered to $e.. than D.0 25 ./ffi0ient di$/tion 6ith ra6 " fire 6ater.
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P$ant %rea : B& LER CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER
COMPLETION CRITERIA The 0om3$etion 0riteria i. time 2a.ed 2oi$ o/t at 10 83er.-.0m for 10 hr. 6ith intermittent 2$o6do6n at on0e in , ho/r. 6ith ea0h 2$o6do6n for 1 min/te D/ration. Dr/m i. in.3e0ted and a$$ the $oo.e m/08 and other dirt. are 0$eaned ; )33er Dr/m <
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CHE! C%L CLE%N N' &( %)* L %R+ B& LER 10.0 APPENDICES ,. 1. ,. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION Boi$er : Nat/ra$ 0ir0/$ation 6ater t/2e de.i-n: 2ottom ./33orted Boi$er Dr/m Dr/m D She$$ Len-th !ateria$ =. (/rna0e 1idth De3th Hei-ht #. S/3er Heater T/2e &.D No.of %..em2$ie. Heatin- S/rfa0e 5. 51.0 mm 15 1=.C5m, ,8DC mm 8,58 mm #,#, mm 1,1D;S< C6,;1< 8810 8610 S%515 'r C0
Predi0ted Performan0e 1. ,. =. 1. ,. =. F-'. SH Steam Com2/.tion %ir ($/e 'a. P&)00+&) Dr/m &3eratinDr/m De.i-n Steam Pre../re at SH& o/t$et T'///)0 55.0 61.0 65.0 %12C32 415 ,1.# ,5.0 18.0
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VALVE SET PRESSURE %SC OPEN CLOSE ,5.0 ,5.8 ,0.5 ,#.0 ,#.C 1D.6
C. 1ater @a$/me in m= 1.)33er dr/m /3to norma$ 6ater $e7e$ )33er dr/m f$ooded ,.Lo6er dr/m =.6ater 6a$$. in0$/din- Boi$er 2an8 t/2e. #.SH .5.tem /3to !.S.Sto3 7a$7e 8. SAFETY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Li.t of .i-natorie. re9/ired 2efore r/nnin- the .5.tem 6i$$ 2e m/t/a$$5 de0ided at .ite. (. MECHANICAL 2ELECTRICAL2C & I PLANT ITEM COMPLETION LIST The 3$ant item 0om3$etion $i.t for the a2o7e area. 6i$$ 2e m/t/a$$5 3re3ared at .ite 25 BHEL and NTPC. Si-nat/re. NTPC BHEL =.D 11.= #., 18.C ,.0