Lecture 8 VBA
Lecture 8 VBA
Lecture 8 VBA
week we saw how If structures can also be used inVBA codes for user-defined functions. We have also seen that every Excel built-in function can in principle be used inside a VBA programme. For this we need to refer to it as:
we will combine all of this by seeing examples of VBA user-defined functions that use the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Excel built-in functions in combination with VBA IF structures. VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions are used in user-defined functions codes when the input values for the UDF are to be read from some table on the Excel spread sheet. There are many practical situations in which this may be useful. We will see this through several examples today!
Recall the first exercise on the last Lab sheet (Lab 6). You should have written down a code that computes the body mass index given the weight and height of a person in the following way:
Function bmi(we as Single, he as Single) as Single bmi= we/ (he) ^ 2 End Function In the Excel WS we would get: =bmi(70, 1.71) 24 We could now use this function together with a table of weights and heights to produce a new function that takes the name of a person as input and gives their bmi as output. Suppose we have the following table on the Excel WS:
If the name inputed does not exactly match one of the names in the table, the function returns an error message!
The Vlookups extract the weight (column 2) and height (column 3) for a given name from the table
Another sort of UDF that we could write using Lookup functions would be a function that takes someones bmi as input and returns a message as output, depending on the value (you wrote a code for such function also in the last Lab). We will do this by taking the table below as starting point: male female <20 <19 underweight 20-24.9 19-23.9 normal weight 25-29.9 24-28.9 overweight 30-39.9 29-38.9 obese 40 39 extreme obese The table that we need to enter in the d Excel WS would rather look like this
The first one works when the input bmi is that of a woman and the second one corresponds to the case of a man. Notice that the only difference is the table that the Vlookup function is looking at! As you did last week in the lab, it is not difficult now to write down the code for a function that combines these two together and takes as input both the bmi and the gender.
Alternatively, if the functions male and female are in the same module as the function both, you could also write the latter as:
We need a function that computes the average number of hours worked for a given name. For example, if the name is Parmar, then the function should return (41+45+50)/3 and similarly for the rest. A code that achieves this is:
The important things to notice for part ii) is that we need to define a new function which still takes the name of an employee as input. The output is one of the three given messages (so, it is of string type as well). The function should use the function defined before to compute the average amount of hours worked. A code for this would be
Important things: definition of variable types, declaration of the variable y (average number of hours worked), IFELSEIF structure. For question iii) we just had to evaluate both functions for the name Lopez and this gives: =avehours(Lopez) 43,333 =class(Lopez) decent performance