Ids Assignment - 1
Ids Assignment - 1
Ids Assignment - 1
STEP 1: Open MS Excel on your computer system either by directly searching on the search
tab or using the MS Excel icon, if present on the desktop. A snippet is shown below:
STEP 2: Prepare some data, and it should be in such a way that it is forming a tabular
structure (for example, taking a monthly report or sales report). Prepare an example data and
organize it in the tabular form.
STEP 3: Next to the 'Home' tab, you will see the 'Insert' tab; click on it, and you will see the
below shown 'Insert' tab options:
STEP 4: Click on 'Tables' or press 'Ctrl + T' in order to insert a table for your prepared data.
When you click on 'Tables', a dialog box will appear asking, "Where is the data for your
table?" and for it, you need to provide the cell reference from where you need to keep your
data in the tabular structure. You can also notice that it, by default, also take the cell
references as per the entered data.
STEP 5: Finally, the entered data will get converted into the tabular form, and our table will
be created successfully for the specified data.
When a user types an equal sign in a cell, they are starting to create a formula.
=B7+B8-(4*2) +1
When a user types an equal sign followed by a predefined set of letters (or clicks on the Fx
button in the formula bar), a function begins to be implemented.
It doesn’t just need to be a case of formula vs. function. Users can combine the two to create
an even more powerful analysis.
In common business practice, Excel users use the terms formula and function almost
interchangeably. From a communication and comprehension perspective, there’s not a big
difference. Just technically, a function is a piece of code that executes a predefined
calculation, while a formula is something you create yourself.
Excel Data Validation is a feature that restricts (validates) user input to a worksheet.
Technically, you create a validation rule that controls what kind of data can be entered into
a certain cell. We can create a customized message which will appear when a user inserts
any incorrect value or an incorrect format. We can even create dropdowns as well, which
saves unnecessary space and shows the values in a single cell.
To restrict data entry to a whole number or decimal, select the corresponding item in the
Allow box. And then, choose one of the following criteria in the Data box:
Between the two numbers or not between to exclude that range of numbers.
To allow data entry of a specific length, select Text length in the Allow box, and choose the
validation criteria in accordance with your business logic.
Every workbook contains at least one worksheet by default. When working with a large
amount of data, you can create multiple worksheets to help and organize your workbook
and make it easier to find content. You can also group worksheets to quickly add
information to multiple worksheets at the same time.
Locate and select the NEW SHEET button near the bottom-right corner of the Excel
If you need to duplicate the content of one worksheet to another, Excel allows you to copy an
existing worksheet.
a) Right-click the worksheet you want to copy, then select Move or Copy from the
worksheet menu.
b) The Move or Copy dialog box will appear. Choose where the sheet will
appear in the Before sheet: field. In our example, we'll choose (move to
end) to place the worksheet to the right of the existing worksheet.
c) Check the box next to Create a copy, then click OK.
d) The worksheet will be copied. It will have the same title as the original worksheet, as
well as a version number. In our example, we copied the November worksheet, so our
new worksheet is named November (2). All content from the November worksheet
has also been copied to the new worksheet.
e) You can also copy a worksheet to an entirely different workbook. You can select any
workbook that is currently open from the to book: drop-down menu.
Right click the worksheet you want to rename, then select Rename from the
worksheet menu.
Type the desired name for the worksheet.
Click anywhere outside the worksheet tab, or press Enter on your keyboard. The
worksheet will be renamed.
If you want to view a different worksheet, you can simply click the tab to switch to that
worksheet. However, with larger workbooks this can sometimes become tedious, as it may
require scrolling through all of the tabs to find the one you want. Instead, you can
simply right-click the scroll arrows in the lower-left corner too.
A dialog box will appear with a list of all of the sheets in your workbook. You can then
double-click the sheet you want to jump to.
The first Excel function you should be familiar with is the one that performs the basic
arithmetic operation of addition:
In the syntax of all Excel functions, an argument enclosed in [square brackets] is optional,
other arguments are required. Meaning, your Sum formula should include at least 1 number,
reference to a cell or a range of cells. For Example:
The Excel AVERAGE function does exactly what its name suggests, i.e., finds an average, or
arithmetic mean, of numbers. Its syntax is similar to SUM's:
The MAX and MIN formulas in Excel get the largest and smallest value in a set of numbers,
While the COUNT function deals only with those cells that contain numbers, the COUNTA
function counts all cells that are not blank, whether they contain numbers, dates, times, text,
logical values of TRUE and FALSE, errors or empty text strings (""):
Judging by the number of IF-related comments on our blog, it's the most popular function in
Excel. In simple terms, you use an IF formula to ask Excel to test a certain condition and
return one value or perform one calculation if the condition is met, and another value or
calculation if the condition is not met:
If your obviously correct Excel formulas return just a bunch of errors, one of the first things
to check is extra spaces in the referenced cells (You may be surprised to know how many
leading, trailing and in-between spaces lurk unnoticed in your sheets just until something
goes wrong!). There are several ways to remove unwanted spaces in Excel, with the TRIM
function being the easiest one:
=TRIM (text)
In case you want to take values from two or more cells and combine them into one cell, use
the concatenate operator (&) or the CONCATENATE function:
For example, to combine the values from cells A2 and B2, just enter the following formula in
a different cell:
To separate the combined values with a space, type the space character (" ") in the arguments
These are the two most popular logical functions to check multiple criteria. The difference is
how they do this:
In this example to import XML into Excel, we will assume we are trading the Euro currency
and would like to get the exchange rates from the European Central Bank web service. Copy
the address of the website from which the xml file is being downloaded.
Click on OK button.
You will get the following Excel import XML data.
STEP 1: First of all, open a blank Excel file and navigate to the Data tab in the Excel menu
STEP 2: In the Data Ribbon, you will see Get External Data dropdown button; click on it.
STEP 3: From this dropdown list, click on the From Text option. From text option will
allow importing plain text data (CSV data) to the Excel sheet.
STEP 4: Browse the CSV file in your system folder, select it and click on the Import button
at last.
1. Choose the file type that can best describe your data and specify if the data has a
2. Set the delimiters that your data will contain in Excel.
3. Set the column data format to General.
STEP 5: A text import wizard will open. Here, chooses the file type Delimited that will best
describe our data.
In the same wizard, mark the "My data has header" and then click on the Next button.
STEP 6: Set the comma delimiter here. Mark the Comma checkbox and see the preview how
data will be visible in the Excel worksheet after importing. Click the Next button.
STEP 7: In the third/last step, set the column format to General by marking the radio button
and finish the task.
STEP 8: A new popup panel will open where select the cell from where you want to import
the CSV file data and click on the OK button.
STEP 9: You can also select another cell back on the Excel worksheet from where the CSV
file will start importing. Your CSV file data has been successfully imported to the Excel file.
Now, you are allowed to data manipulation operations on it.
CSV file data has been imported in different columns as you have marked the Comma
delimiter checkbox in step 6.
In Excel, when you import data, you make a permanent connection that can be refreshed.
On the Data tab, in the Get & Transform Data group, click Get Data.
Click import.
Select a table on the left side of the navigator window and click on load.