HACCP in Shrimp Farming
HACCP in Shrimp Farming
HACCP in Shrimp Farming
or chemicals may be used to treat Figure 1: Generic aquaculture process flow chart and critical control points.
shrimp at larval stages or when shrimp
are found infected. Shrimp is harvested SITE SELECTION
manually. Harvested shrimp is put in
ice within 15 minutes after catch, it is
then sorted and packed in ice and POND PREPARATION
shipped to the processing factory. The
process is depicted by Figure 1.
Haszard analysis WATER
The potential hazards in aquaculture OR HARVESTING
should be identified, and all activities
associated with production, harvesting,
processing, storage, distribution, and RECEIVAL
marketing evaluated. This includes a
review of:
• The use of antibiotics, and other PROCESSING
veterinary chemicals.
• Potential sources and specific points
of bacterial contamination during PRESERVATION
production and processing.
• The potential for microorganisms to
survive or multiply in aquaculture TRANSPORT
• The risks and the severity of all Note : Fry, feed, and other materials input such as lime, bacteria, premix,
hazards identified. chemicals and permitted antibiotics are assessed as control points
It is necessary to establish whether:
• Pathogenic microorganism/toxins potentially hazardous effects on production, harvesting, processing,
may be present in raw materials. consumers, handlers, and the and distribution.
• Pathogens may contaminate environment. Claims on the potential hazards from
aquaculture products after harvest. It is largely accepted that the Salmonella and Vibrio species in the
In Thailand it is recognized that microbiological quality of the context of shrimp are conflicting.
specific hazards that may be production environment impacts on the Salmonella and Vibrio cholerae are
encountered in shrimp aquaculture microbiological quality of the fish and known to be part of the natural
products include: Contamination by ultimately the processed product. They microflora of brackish water cultured
bacterial and viral parthogens e.g. represent a threat to human health shrimp, and pose a major concern for
Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae, and when they are consumed raw, hence processors and exporters (Reilly and
presence of antibiotics (and other there is needed for control over Kaferstein, 1997). In contrast,
substances) which may have Salmonella has not been recovered
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