Automobile Electric Ignition

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Engine Performance
To have an efficient running engine, there must be the
correct amount of fuel mixed with the correct amount
of air. These must be present in a sealed container and
shocked by the right amount of heat, at the correct
time. With total efficiency, the engine would burn all
the fuel it receives and would release extremely low
amounts of pollutants in its exhaust. Although total
efficiency is not possible at this time, late-model
engines emit very low amounts of pollutants, thanks to
emission control devices.
To have highly efficient engines, the basic engine needs
highly efficient ignition, fuel, and emission control sys-
tems. Although there are many different designs of
these systems, the designs are similar in operation.
Engine performance systems are some of the most tech-
nologically advanced systems found on modern vehi-
cles. They all rely on a network of input sensors and
output devices and tie directly into the electronic
engine control system. Mastery of these systems is nec-
essary for an automotive technician.
The material in Section 4 matches the content areas of
the ASE certification test on engine performance and
sections of the certification test on engine repair.
Chapter 21 I Ignition
Chapter 22 I Ignition System
Chapter 23 I Fuel Systems
Chapter 24 I Fuel System
Diagnosis and Service
Chapter 25 I Carburetors
Chapter 26 I Carburetor
Diagnosis and Service
Chapter 27 I Fuel Injection
Chapter 28 I Fuel Injection
Diagnosis and Service
Chapter 29 I Emission
Control Systems
Chapter 30 I Emission
Control Diagnosis and Service
Chapter 31 I On-Board
Diagnostic Systems
Chapter 32 I On-Board
Diagnostic System Diagnosis
and Service
One of the requirements for an efficient engine is the cor-
rect amount of heat shock, delivered at the right time.
This requirement is the responsibility of the ignition sys-
tem. The ignition system supplies properly timed, high-
voltage surges to the spark plugs. These voltage surges
cause combustion inside the cylinder.
The ignition system must create a spark, or current
flow, across each pair of spark plug electrodes at the prop-
er instant, under all engine operating conditions. This
may sound relatively simple, but when one considers the
number of spark plug firings required and the extreme
variation in engine operating conditions, it is easy to
understand why ignition systems are so complex.
If a six-cylinder engine is running at 4,000 revolutions
per minute (rpm), the ignition system must supply 12,000
sparks per minute because the ignition system must fire
3 spark plugs per revolution. These plug firings must also
occur at the correct time and generate the correct amount
of heat. If the ignition system fails to do these things, fuel
economy, engine performance, and emission levels will be
adversely affected.
For each cylinder in an engine, the ignition system has
three main jobs. First, it must generate an electrical
spark that has enough heat to ignite the air/fuel mixture
in the combustion chamber. Secondly, it must maintain
that spark long enough to allow for the combustion of
all the air and fuel in the cylinders. Lastly, it must deliv-
er the spark to each cylinder so combustion can begin
at the right time during the compression stroke of each
When the combustion process is completed, a very
high pressure is exerted against the top of the piston. This
pressure pushes the piston down on its power stroke. This
pressure is the force that gives the engine power. For an
engine to produce the maximum amount of power it can,
the maximum pressure from combustion should be pre-
sent when the piston is at 10 to 23 degrees after top dead
center (ATDC). Because combustion of the air/fuel mix-
ture within a cylinder takes a short period of time, usu-
ally measured in thousandths of a second (milliseconds),
the combustion process must begin before the piston is
on its power stroke. Therefore, the delivery of the spark
must be timed to arrive at some point before the piston
reaches top dead center.
Determining how much before TDC the spark should
begin gets complicated because of the fact that as the
speed of the piston as it moves from its compression
stroke to its power stroke increases, the time needed for
combustion stays about the same. This means the spark
should be delivered earlier as the engines speed increas-
es (Figure 211). However, as the engine has to provide
more power to do more work, the load on the crankshaft
N Describe the three major functions of an ignition system. N Name the operating conditions of an engine
that affect ignition timing. N Name the two major electrical circuits used in ignition systems and their com-
mon components. N Describe the operation of ignition coils, spark plugs, and ignition cables. N Explain how
high voltage is induced in the coil secondary winding. N Describe the various types of spark timing systems,
including electronic switching systems and their related engine position sensors. N Explain the basic opera-
tion of a computer-controlled ignition system. N Explain how the fuel injection system may rely on compo-
nents of the ignition system. N Describe the various types of spark timing systems, including electronic
switching systems and their related engine position sensors. N Describe the operation of distributor-based
ignition systems. N Describe the operation of distributorless ignition systems.
Figure 211 Ignition must begin earlier as engine speed
increases. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
tends to slow down the acceleration of the piston and the
spark should be somewhat delayed.
Figuring out when the spark should begin gets more
complicated due to the fact that the rate of combustion
varies according to certain factors. Higher compression
pressures tend to speed up combustion. Higher octane
gasolines ignite less easily and require more burning time.
Increased vaporization and turbulence tend to decrease
combustion times. Other factors, including intake air
temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure, also
affect combustion. Because of all of these complications,
delivering the spark at the right time is a difficult task.
There are basically two types of ignition found on
todays vehicles: distributor ignition (BDI) and electronic
ignition (EI) or distributorless ignition systems (DIS).
The various designs and operation of these two types are
discussed in this chapter.
Ignition timing refers to the precise time spark occurs.
Ignition timing is specified by referring to the position of
the #1 piston relation to crankshaft rotation. Ignition tim-
ing reference timing marks can be located on engine parts
and on a pulley or flywheel to indicate the position of the
#1 piston. Vehicle manufacturers specify initial or base
ignition timing.
When the marks are aligned at TDC, or 0, the piston
in cylinder #1 is at TDC of its compression stroke. Addi-
tional numbers on a scale indicate the number of degrees
of crankshaft rotation before TDC (BTDC) or after TDC
(ATDC). In a majority of engines, the initial timing is
specified at a point between TDC and 20 degrees BTDC.
If optimum engine performance is to be maintained,
the ignition timing of the engine must change as the oper-
ating conditions of the engine change. Ignition systems
allow for these necessary changes in many ways; these are
covered in greater detail later in this chapter. All the dif-
ferent operating conditions affect the speed of the engine
and the load on the engine. All ignition timing changes
are made in response to these primary factors.
Engine RPM
At higher rpms, the crankshaft turns through more
degrees in a given period of time. If combustion is to be
completed by 10 degrees ATDC, ignition timing must
occur sooner or be advanced.
However, air/fuel mixture turbulence (swirling)
increases with rpm. This causes the mixture inside the
cylinder to turn faster. Increased turbulence requires that
ignition must occur slightly later or be slightly retarded.
These two factors must be balanced for best engine
performance. Therefore, while the ignition timing must
be advanced as engine speed increases, the amount of
advance must be decreased some to compensate for the
increased turbulence.
Engine Load
The load on an engine is related to the work it must do.
Driving up hills or pulling extra weight increases engine
load. Under load there is resistance on the crankshaft,
therefore the pistons have a harder time moving through
534 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
their strokes. This is evident by the low measured vacu-
um during heavy loads.
Under light loads and with the throttle plate(s) par-
tially opened, a high vacuum exists in the intake mani-
fold. The amount of air/fuel mixture drawn into the
manifold and cylinders is small. On compression, this
thin mixture produces less combustion pressure and com-
bustion time is slow. To complete combustion by 10
degrees ATDC, ignition timing must be advanced.
Under heavy loads, when the throttle is opened fully,
a larger mass of air/fuel mixture can be drawn in, and the
vacuum in the manifold is low. High combustion pressure
and rapid burning results. In such a case, the ignition tim-
ing must be retarded to prevent complete burning from
occurring before 10 degrees ATDC.
Firing Order
Up to this point, the primary focus of discussion has been
ignition timing as it relates to any one cylinder. However,
the function of the ignition system extends beyond timing
the arrival of a spark to a single cylinder. It must perform
this task for each cylinder of the engine in a specific
Each cylinder of an engine must produce power once
in every 720 degrees of crankshaft rotation. Each cylin-
der must have a power stroke at its own appropriate time
during the rotation. To make this possible, the pistons and
rods are arranged in a precise fashion. This is called the
engines firing order. The firing order is arranged to
reduce rocking and imbalance problems. Because the
potential for this rocking is determined by the design and
construction of the engine, the firing order varies from
engine to engine. Vehicle manufacturers simplify cylinder
identification by numbering each cylinder (Figure 212).
Regardless of the particular firing order used, the num-
ber 1 cylinder always starts the firing order, with the rest
of the cylinders following in a fixed sequence.
The ignition system must be able to monitor the rota-
tion of the crankshaft and the relative position of each pis-
ton to determine which piston is on its compression
stroke. It must also be able to deliver a high-voltage surge
to each cylinder at the proper time during its compres-
sion stroke. How the ignition system does these things
depends on the design of the system.
All ignition systems consist of two interconnected elec-
trical circuits: a primary (low voltage) circuit and a sec-
ondary (high voltage) circuit (Figure 213).
Depending on the exact type of ignition system, com-
ponents in the primary circuit include the following.
Ignition switch
Ballast resistor or resistance wire (some systems)
Starting by-pass (some systems)
Ignition coil primary winding
Triggering device
Switching device or control module
The secondary circuit includes these components.
Ignition coil secondary winding
Distributor cap and rotor (some systems)
Ignition (spark plugs) cables
Spark plugs
Primary Circuit Operation
When the ignition switch is on, current from the battery
flows through the ignition switch and primary circuit
resistor to the primary winding of the ignition coil. From
here it passes through some type of switching device and
back to ground. The switching device can be electroni-
cally or mechanically controlled by the triggering device.
The current flow in the ignition coils primary winding
creates a magnetic field. The switching device or control
module interrupts this current flow at predetermined
times. When it does, the magnetic field in the primary
winding collapses. This collapse generates a high-voltage
surge in the secondary winding of the ignition coil. The
secondary circuit of the system begins at this point.
Some ignition systems have a ballast resistor con-
nected in series between the ignition switch and the coil
positive terminal. This resistor supplies the correct
amount of voltage and current to the coil. In some igni-
tion systems, a calibrated resistance wire is used in place
of the ballast resistor. Today, many ignition systems are
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 535
Figure 212 Examples of typical firing orders.
1 3
4 2
3 2
5 3 1
6 4 2
7 5 3 1
8 6 4 2
Figure 213 Ignition systems have a primary and secondary (high voltage) circuit. Courtesy of Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America,
536 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
not equipped with the resistor. These systems supply 12
volts directly to the coil.
There are also some ignition systems that do not
require a ballast resistor. For instance, some control units
directly regulate the current flow through the primary of
the coil. Hall-effect and optical systems do not require bal-
last resistors either. The signal voltage is not changed by
the speed of the distributor because it is in an inductive
magnetic signal generating system.
Secondary Circuit Operation
The secondary circuit carries high voltage to the spark
plugs. The exact manner in which the secondary circuit
delivers these high voltage surges depends on the system
design. Until 1984 all ignition systems used some type of
distributor to accomplish this job. However, in an effort
to reduce emissions, improve fuel economy, and boost
component reliability, most auto manufacturers are now
using distributorless or Electronic Ignition (EI) systems.
Figure 214 Typical spark distribution system. Courtesy of American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
In a Distributor Ignition (DI) system, high-voltage
from the secondary winding passes through an ignition
cable running from the coil to the distributor. The
distributor then distributes the high voltage to the indi-
vidual spark plugs through a set of ignition cables (Figure
214). The cables are arranged in the distributor cap
according to the firing order of the engine. A rotor which
is driven by the distributor shaft rotates and completes
the electrical path from the secondary winding of the coil
to the individual spark plugs. The distributor delivers the
spark to match the compression stroke of the piston. The
distributor assembly may also have the capability of
advancing or retarding ignition timing.
The distributor cap is mounted on top of the distrib-
utor assembly and an alignment notch in the cap fits over
a matching lug on the housing. Therefore the cap can
only be installed in one position, which assures the cor-
rect firing sequence.
The rotor is positioned on top of the distributor shaft,
and a projection inside the rotor fits into a slot in the
shaft. This allows the rotor to only be installed in one
position. A metal strip on the top of the rotor makes con-
tact with the center distributor cap terminal, and the outer
end of the strip rotates past the cap terminals as it rotates
(Figure 215). This action completes the circuit between
the ignition coil and the individual spark plugs according
to the firing order.
EI systems have no distributor; spark distribution is
controlled by an electronic control unit and/or the vehi-
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 537
Figure 215 Relationship of a rotor and distributor cap.
Courtesy of American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
Figure 216 An electronic ignition system for a 6-cylinder engine. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
cles computer (Figure 216). Instead of a single ignition
coil for all cylinders, each cylinder may have its own igni-
tion coil, or two cylinders may share one coil. The coils
are wired directly to the spark plug they control. An igni-
tion control module, tied into the vehicles computer con-
trol system, controls the firing order and the spark timing
and advance. This module is typically located under the
coil assembly.
A specific amount of energy is available in a secondary
ignition circuit. In a secondary ignition circuit, the ener-
gy is normally produced in the form of voltage required
to start firing the spark plug and then a certain amount
of current flow across the spark plug electrodes to main-
tain the spark. Distributorless ignition systems are capa-
ble of producing much higher energy than conventional
ignition systems.
Since distributor ignition and electronic ignition sys-
tems are both firing spark plugs with approximately the
same air gap across the electrodes, the voltage required
to start firing the spark plugs in both systems is similar.
If the additional energy in the EI systems is not released
in the form of voltage, it will be released in the form of
current flow. This results in longer spark plug firing times.
The average firing time across the spark plug electrodes
in an EI system is 1.5 milliseconds compared to approx-
imately 1 millisecond in a DI system. This extra time may
seem insignificant, but it is very important. Current emis-
sion standards demand leaner air-fuel ratios, and this
538 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
additional spark duration on EI systems helps to prevent
cylinder misfiring with leaner air-fuel ratios. This is why
most car manufacturers have equipped their engines with
EI systems.
All ignition systems share a number of common compo-
nents. Some, such as the battery and ignition switch, per-
form simple functions. The battery supplies low-voltage
current to the ignition primary circuit. The current flows
when the ignition switch is in the start or run position.
Full-battery voltage is always present at the ignition
switch, as if it were directly connected to the battery.
Ignition Coils
To generate a spark to begin combustion, the ignition sys-
tem must deliver high voltage to the spark plugs. Because
the amount of voltage required to bridge the gap of the
spark plug varies with the operating conditions, most late-
model vehicles can easily supply 30,000 to 60,000 volts
to force a spark across the air gap. Since the battery deliv-
ers 12 volts, a method of stepping up the voltage must be
used. Multiplying battery voltage is the job of a coil.
The ignition coil is a pulse transformer. It transforms
battery voltage into short bursts of high voltage. As ex-
plained previously, when a wire is moved through a mag-
netic field, voltage is induced in the wire. The inverse of
this principle is also truewhen a magnetic field moves
across a wire, voltage is induced in the wire.
If a wire is bent into loops forming a coil and a mag-
netic field is passed through the coil, an equal amount of
voltage is generated in each loop of wire. The more loops
of wire in the coil, the greater the total voltage induced.
Also, the faster the magnetic field moves through the
coil, the higher the voltage induced in the coil. If the
speed of the magnetic field is doubled, the voltage out-
put doubles.
An ignition coil uses these principles and has two coils
of wire wrapped around an iron core. An iron or steel core
is used because it has low inductive reluctance. In other
words, iron freely expands or strengthens the magnetic
field around the windings. The first, or primary, coil is
normally composed of 100 to 200 turns of 20-gauge wire.
This coil of wire conducts battery current. When a cur-
rent is passing through the primary coil, it magnetizes the
iron core. The strength of the magnet depends directly on
the number of wire loops and the amount of current flow-
ing through those loops. The secondary coil of wires may
consist of 15,000 to 25,000, or more, turns of very fine
copper wire.
Because of the effects of counter EMF on the current
flowing through the primary winding, it takes some time
for the coil to become fully magnetized or saturated.
Therefore current flows in the primary winding for some
time between firings of the spark plugs. The period of
time during which there is primary current flow is called
dwell. The length of the dwell period is important.
When current flows through a conductor, it will
immediately reach its maximum value as allowed by the
resistance in the circuit. If a conductor is wound into a
coil, maximum current will not be immediately present.
As the magnetic field begins to form as the current begins
to flow, the magnetic lines of force of one part of the wind-
ing pass over another part of the winding. This tends to
cause an opposition to current flow. This occurrence is
called reactance. Reactance causes a temporary resis-
tance to current flow and delays the flow of current from
reaching its maximum value. When maximum current
flow is present in a winding, the winding is said to be sat-
urated and the strength of its magnetic field will also be
at a maximum.
Saturation can only occur if the dwell period is long
enough to allow for maximum current flow through the
primary windings. A less than saturated coil will not be
able to produce the voltage it was designed to produce.
If the energy from the coil is too low, the spark plugs may
not fire long enough or not fire at all.
When the primary coil circuit is suddenly opened, the
magnetic field instantly collapses. The sudden collapsing
of the magnetic field produces a very high voltage in the
secondary windings. This high voltage is used to push cur-
rent across the gap of the spark plug. Figure 217 shows
the coils primary and secondary circuits in basic terms.
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 539
Figure 217 Current passing through the coils primary
winding creates magnetic lines of force that cut across and
induce voltage in the secondary windings.
Figure 219 Typical E-core ignition coil. Courtesy of Ford
Motor Company
soft iron core is positioned at the center of the ignition
coil and an insulated primary winding is wound around
the core. The two ends of the primary winding are con-
nected to the primary terminals on top of the coil (Fig-
ure 218). These terminals are usually identified with
positive and negative symbols. Enamel-type insulation
prevents the primary windings from touching each other.
Paper insulation is also placed between the layers of
Secondary coil windings are on the inside of the pri-
mary winding. A similar insulation method is used on the
secondary and primary windings. The ends of the sec-
ondary winding are usually connected to one of the pri-
mary terminals and to the high-tension terminal in the coil
tower. When the windings and core assembly is mount-
ed in the coil container, the core rests on a ceramic insu-
lating cup in the bottom of the container. Metal sheathing
is placed around the outside of the coil windings in the
container. This sheathing concentrates the magnetic field
on the outside of the windings. A sealing washer is posi-
tioned between the tower and the container to seal the
unit. The coil assembly is filled with oil through the screw
hole in the high-tension terminal. The unit is sealed to pro-
tect the windings and to keep the oil inside. The oil helps
to cool the coil.
Most newer coils are not oil-cooled; they are air-cooled
instead. These coils are constructed in much the same
way, except the core is constructed from laminated sheets
of iron. These sheets are shaped like the letter E and
the primary and secondary windings are wound around
the center of the E-core (Figure 219).
SECONDARY VOLTAGE The typical amount of sec-
ondary coil voltage required to jump the spark plug gap
is 10,000 volts. Most coils have at least 25,000 volts avail-
able from the secondary. The difference between the
required voltage and the maximum available voltage is
referred to as secondary reverse voltage. This reserve volt-
age is necessary to compensate for high cylinder pres-
sures and increased secondary resistances as the spark
plug gap increases through use. The maximum available
voltage must always exceed the required firing voltage or
ignition misfire will occur. If there is an insufficient
amount of voltage available to push current across the
gap, the spark plug will not fire.
Since DI and EI systems are both firing spark plugs
with approximately the same air gaps, the amount of volt-
age required to fire the spark is nearly the same in both
systems. However, EI systems have higher voltage
reserves. If the additional voltage in an EI system is not
used to start the spark across the plugs gap, it is used to
maintain the spark for a longer period of time.
The number of ignition coils used in an ignition sys-
tem varies with the type of ignition system found on a
vehicle. In most ignition systems with a distributor, only
one ignition coil is used. The high voltage of the secondary
winding is directed, by the distributor, to the various
spark plugs in the system. Therefore, there is one sec-
ondary circuit with a continually changing path.
While distributor systems have a single secondary cir-
cuit with a continually changing path, distributorless sys-
tems have several secondary circuits, each with an
unchanging path.
Spark Plugs
Every type of ignition system uses spark plugs. The spark
plugs provide the crucial air gap across which the high
voltage from the coil flows in the form of an arc. The three
main parts of a spark plug are the steel core, the ceram-
ic core, or insulator, which acts as a heat conductor; and
a pair of electrodes, one insulated in the core and the
540 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
() terminal
Secondary winding
22,000 windings
magnetic field
Primary winding
200 turns
(+) terminal
High tension terminal
Soft iron core
Figure 218 Ignition coil design. Courtesy of Daimler-
Chrysler Corporation
Figure 2110 Components of a typical spark plug.
other grounded on the shell. The shell holds the ceramic
core and electrodes in a gas-tight assembly and has the
threads needed for plug installation in the engine (Figure
2110). An ignition cable connects the secondary to the
top of the plug. Current flows through the center of the
plug and arcs from the tip of the center (or side) electrode
to the ground electrode. The resulting spark ignites the
air/fuel mixture in the combustion chamber. Most auto-
motive spark plugs also have a resistor between the top
terminal and the center electrode. This resistor reduces
radio frequency interference (RFI), which prevents noise
on stereo equipment. Voltage peaks from RFI could also
interfere with, or damage, on-board computers. There-
fore, when resistor-type spark plugs are used as original
equipment, replacement spark plugs must also be resis-
tor-type. The resistor, like all other resistances in the sec-
ondary, increases the voltage needed to jump the gap of
the spark plug.
Spark plugs come in many different sizes and designs
to accommodate different engines. To fit properly, spark
plugs must be of the proper size and reach. Another design
factor that determines the usefulness of a spark plug for a
specific application is its heat range. The desired heat
range depends on the design of the engine and on the type
of driving conditions the vehicle is subject to.
A terminal post on top of the center electrode is the
point of contact for the spark plug cable. The center elec-
trode, commonly made of a copper alloy, is surrounded
by a ceramic insulator and a copper and glass seal is locat-
ed between the electrode and the insulator. These seals
prevent combustion gases from leaking out of the cylin-
der. Ribs on the insulator increase the distance between
the terminal and the shell to help prevent electric arcing
on the outside of the insulator. The steel spark plug shell
is crimped over the insulation and a ground electrode, on
the lower end of the shell, is positioned directly below the
center electrode. There is an air gap between these two
electrodes, and the width of this air gap is specified by the
auto manufacturer. Some spark plugs have platinum-
tipped electrodes (Figure 2111), that greatly extend the
life of the plug.
A spark plug socket may be placed over a hex-shaped
area near the top of the shell for plug removal and instal-
lation. Threads on the lower end of the shell allow the
plug to be threaded into the engines cylinder head.
Size. Automotive spark plugs are available in either 14-
or 18-millimeter diameters. All 18-millimeter plugs fea-
ture tapered seats that match similar seats in the cylinder
head and need no gaskets. The 14-millimeter variety can
have either a flat seat that requires a gasket or a tapered
seat that does not. The latter is the most commonly used.
All spark plugs have a hex-shaped shell that accommo-
dates a socket wrench for installation and removal. The
14-millimeter, tapered seat plugs have shells with a
inch hex; 14-millimeter gasketed and 18-millimeter
tapered seat plugs have shells with a
16-inch hex.
Reach. One of the most important design characteristics
of spark plugs is the reach (Figure 2112). This refers to
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 541
Figure 2111 A platinum-tipped spark plug.
Figure 2112 Spark plug reach: long versus short.
Figure 2113 Spark plug heat range: hot versus cold.
the length of the shell from the contact surface at the seat
to the bottom of the shell, including both threaded and
nonthreaded sections. Reach is crucial. The plugs air gap
must be properly placed in the combustion chamber so
it can produce the correct amount of heat. Installing plugs
with too short a reach means the electrodes are in a pock-
et and the arc is not able to adequately ignite the air/fuel
mixture. If the reach is too long, the exposed plug threads
can get so hot they will ignite the air/fuel mixture at the
wrong time, causing preignition. Preignition is a term
used to describe abnormal combustion, which is caused
by something other than the heat of the spark.
Heat Range. When the engine is running, most of the
plugs heat is concentrated on the center electrode. Heat
is quickly dissipated from the ground electrode because
it is threaded into the cylinder head. The spark plug heat
path is from the center electrode through the insulator
into the shell and to the cylinder head, where the heat is
absorbed by engine coolant circulating through the cylin-
der head. Spark plug heat range is determined by the
depth of the insulator before it contacts the shell. For
example, in a cold-range spark plug, the depth of the insu-
lator is short before it contacts the shell. This cold-type
spark plug has a short heat path, which provides cooler
electrode operation (Figure 2113).
In a hot spark plug, the insulator depth is increased
before it makes contact with the shell. This provides a
longer heat path and increases electrode temperature. A
spark plug needs to retain enough heat to clean itself
between firings, but not be so hot that it damages itself
or causes premature ignition of the air/fuel mixture in the
If an engine is driven continually at low speeds, the
spark plugs may become carbon fouled. Under this con-
dition, a hotter range spark plug may be required. Severe
high-speed driving over an extended time period may
require a colder range spark plug to prevent electrode
burning from excessive combustion chamber heat.
The heat range is indicated by a code imprinted on the
side of the plug, usually on the porcelain insulator.
Spark Plug Air Gap. The correct spark plug air gap is
essential to achieve optimum engine performance and
long plug life. A gap that is too wide requires higher volt-
age to jump the gap. If the required voltage is greater than
what is available, the result is misfiring. Misfiring results
from the inability of the ignition to jump the gap or the
inability to maintain the spark. On the other hand, a gap
that is too narrow requires lower voltages, which leads to
rough idle and prematurely burned electrodes, due to
higher current flow. Always set the gap according to the
manufacturers specifications.
Ignition Cables
Spark plug cables, or ignition cables, make up the sec-
ondary wiring. These cables carry the high voltage from
the distributor or the multiple coils to the spark plugs. The
cables are not solid wire; instead they contain fiber cores
that act as resistors in the secondary circuit (Figure
2114). They cut down on radio and television interfer-
ence, increase firing voltages, and reduce spark plug wear
by decreasing current. Insulated boots on the ends of the
cables strengthen the connections as well as prevent dust
and water infiltration and voltage loss.
Some engines have spark plug cable heat shields
(Figure 2115) pressed into the cylinder head. These
shields surround each spark plug boot and spark plug.
They protect the spark plug boot from damage due to the
extreme heat generated by the nearby exhaust manifold.
To better understand the operation of current ignition
systems, it is helpful to first review how older, fully
mechanical distributor systems worked.
When spark plugs must be replaced, follow the
recommendations for plug type as specified by
the engine and plug manufacturers. These are
recommendations only. However, until you know
more about the engine and its operating conditions
than the manufacturers do, follow their
recommendations. I
542 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Glass and cotton braid
Hypalon normal
Silicon high temperature
Figure 2114 Spark plug cable construction. Courtesy
of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Figure 2116 Typical early solid-state ignition system. Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Figure 2115 Spark plug boot heat shields. Courtesy of
DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Breaker Point Ignition
Breaker point ignition systems were used on vehicles for
more than 60 years, but were abandoned many years ago
as engineers looked for ways to decrease emissions and
increase fuel efficiency.
The distributor assembly acted as a mechanical switch
to turn the primary circuit on and off. The distributors
shaft, cam, breaker points, and condenser performed this
function. Contact points are used as the primary circuit
triggering and switching device. The breaker point assem-
bly, which was mounted on the breaker plate inside the
distributor, consisted of a fixed contact, movable contact,
movable arm, rubbing block, pivot, and spring. The fixed
contact was grounded through the distributor housing,
and the movable contact was connected to the negative
terminal of the coils primary winding. As the cam turned
by the camshaft, the movable arm opened and closed,
which opened and closed the primary circuit in the coil.
When the points were closed, primary current flow
attempted to saturate the coil. When the points opened,
primary current stopped and the magnetic field collapsed,
causing high voltage to be induced in the secondary. The
firing of the plug was the result of opening the points.
Because voltage was still present at the movable arm
when the breaker arms opened, current could continue
to arc across the open point gap, which could damage
the points. To prevent this, a condenser was attached to
the movable arm. In this way, the voltage at the movable
arm was retained by the condenser instead of arcing
across the gap.
The distributor also mechanically adjusted the time
the spark arrived at the cylinder through the use of two
mechanisms: the centrifugal advance and the vacuum
advance units. This improved engine performance, fuel
efficiency, and emission levels.
As its name implies, the distributor mechanically dis-
tributed the spark so that it arrived at the right time during
the compression stroke of each cylinder. The distributors
shaft, rotor, and cap performed this function.
Solid-State Ignition
From the fully mechanical breaker point system, ignition
technology progressed to basic electronic or solid-state
ignitions (Figure 2116). Breaker points were replaced
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 543
Spark plug wire
Distributor cap
and rotor
Ignition coil
Voltage signal
from pick-up
with electronic triggering and switching devices. The elec-
tronic switching components are normally inside a sepa-
rate housing known as an electronic control unit (ECU)
or control module. The original (solid state) electronic
ignitions still relied on mechanical and vacuum advance
mechanisms in the distributor.
As technology advanced, many manufacturers ex-
panded the ability of the ignition control modules. For
example, by tying a manifold vacuum sensor into the igni-
tion module circuitry, the module could now detect when
the engine was under heavy load and retard the timing
automatically. Similar add-on sensors and circuits were
designed to control spark knock, start-up emissions, and
altitude compensation.
Computer-Controlled Ignition
Computer-controlled ignition systems offer continuous
spark timing control through a network of engine sensors
and a central microprocessor. Based on the inputs it re-
ceives, the central microprocessor or computer makes
decisions regarding spark timing and sends signals to the
ignition module to fire the spark plugs according to those
inputs and the programs in its memory.
Electronic ignition systems control the primary circuit
with an NPN transistor. The transistors emitter is con-
nected to ground. The collector is connected to the neg-
ative () terminal of the coil. When the triggering device
supplies a small amount of current to the base of the
switching transistor, the collector and emitter allow cur-
rent to build up in the coil primary circuit. When the cur-
rent to the base is interrupted by the switching device, the
collector and emitter interrupt the coil primary current.
An example of how this works is shown in Figure 2117,
which is a simplified diagram of an electronic ignition
Engine Position Sensors
The time when the primary circuit must be opened and
closed is related to the position of the pistons and the
crankshaft. Therefore, the position of the crankshaft is
used to control the flow of current to the base of the
switching transistor.
A number of different types of sensors are used to
monitor the position of the crankshaft and control the
flow of current to the base of the transistor. These engine
position sensors and generators serve as triggering
devices and include magnetic pulse generators, metal
detection sensors, Hall-effect sensors, and photoelectric
(optical) sensors.
The mounting location of these sensors depends on
the design of the ignition system. All four types of sen-
sors can be mounted in the distributor, which is turned
by the camshaft.
Magnetic pulse generators and Hall-effect sensors can
also be located on the crankshaft. These sensors are also
commonly used on EI systems.
Magnetic Pulse Generator
Basically, a magnetic pulse generator consists of two
parts: a timing disc and a pick-up coil. The timing disc
may also be called a reluctor, trigger wheel, pulse ring,
armature, or timing core. The pick-up coil, which con-
sists of a length of wire wound around a weak permanent
magnet, may also be called a stator, sensor, or pole piece.
Depending on the type of ignition system used, the tim-
ing disc may be mounted on the distributor shaft, at the
rear of the crankshaft (Figure 2118), or on the crank-
shaft vibration damper (Figure 2119).
The magnetic pulse or PM generator operates on basic
electromagnetic principles. Remember that a voltage can
only be induced when a conductor moves through a mag-
netic field. The magnetic field is provided by the pick-up
unit and the rotating timing disc provides the movement
through the magnetic field needed to induce voltage.
As the disc teeth approach the pick-up coil, they repel
the magnetic field, forcing it to concentrate around the
pick-up coil (Figure 2120A). Once the tooth passes by
the pick-up coil, the magnetic field is free to expand or
unconcentrate (Figure 2120B), until the next tooth on
the disc approaches. Approaching teeth concentrate the
544 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2117 When the triggering device supplies a small amount of current to the transistors base, the primary coil
circuit is closed and current flows.
Figure 2120 (A) Wide gap produces a weak magnet-
ic signal (B) Narrow gap produces a strong magnetic field.
Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Since there is no movement or change in the field, volt-
age at this precise moment drops to zero. At this point,
the switching device inside the ignition module reacts to
the zero voltage signal by turning the ignitions primary
circuit current off. As explained earlier, this forces the
magnetic field in the primary coil to collapse, discharg-
ing a secondary voltage to the distributor or directly to
the spark plug.
As soon as the tooth rotates past the pick-up coil, the
magnetic field expands again and another voltage signal
is induced. The only difference is that the polarity of the
charge is reversed. Negative becomes positive or positive
becomes negative. Upon sensing this change in voltage,
the switching device turns the primary circuit back on and
the process begins all over.
The slotted disc is mounted on the crankshaft, vibra-
tion damper, or distributor shaft in a very precise man-
ner. When the disc teeth align with the pick-up coil, this
corresponds to the exact time certain pistons are near-
ing TDC. This means the zero voltage signal needed to
trigger the secondary circuit occurs at precisely the cor-
rect time.
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 545
Figure 2118 Magnetic pulse generator positioned to
sense flywheel rotation. Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Figure 2119 Crankshaft position sensor. Courtesy of
Ford Motor Company
magnetic lines of force, while passing teeth allow them to
expand. This pulsation of the magnetic field causes the
lines of magnetic force to cut across the winding in the
pick-up coil, inducing a small amount of AC voltage that
is sent to the switching device in the primary circuit.
When a disc tooth is directly in line with the pick-up
coil, the magnetic field is not expanding or contracting.
air gap
air gap
Figure 2121 Magnetic pulse generator (pick-up coil)
used on early Chrysler electronic ignition systems.
The pick-up coil might have only one pole as shown
as Figure 2121. Other magnetic pulse generators have
pick-up coils with two or more poles.
Metal Detection Sensors
Metal detection sensors are found on early electronic igni-
tion systems. They work much like a magnetic pulse gen-
erator with one major difference.
A trigger wheel is pressed over the distributor shaft
and a pick-up coil detects the passing of the trigger teeth
as the distributor shaft rotates. However, unlike a mag-
netic pulse generator, the pick-up coil of a metal detec-
tion sensor does not have a permanent magnet. Instead,
the pick-up coil is an electromagnet. A low level of cur-
rent is supplied to the coil by an electronic control unit,
inducing a weak magnetic field around the coil. As the
reluctor on the distributor shaft rotates, the trigger teeth
pass very close to the coil (Figure 2122). As the teeth
pass in and out of the coils magnetic field, the magnet-
ic field builds and collapses, producing a corresponding
change in the coils voltage. The voltage changes are
monitored by the control unit to determine crankshaft
Hall-Effect Sensor
The Hall-effect sensor or switch is the most commonly
used engine position sensor. There are several good rea-
sons for this. Unlike a magnetic pulse generator, the Hall-
effect sensor produces an accurate voltage signal
throughout the entire rpm range of the engine. Further-
more, a Hall-effect switch produces a square wave signal
that is more compatible with the digital signals required
by on-board computers.
Functionally, a Hall switch performs the same tasks
as a magnetic pulse generator. But the Hall switchs
method of generating voltage is quite unique. It is based
on the Hall-effect principle, which states: If a current is
allowed to flow through a thin conducting material, and
that material is exposed to a magnetic field, voltage is
The heart of the Hall generator is a thin semiconduc-
tor layer (Hall layer) derived from a gallium arsenate crys-
tal. Attached to it are two terminals-one positive and the
other negative-that are used to provide the source current
for the Hall transformation.
Directly across from this semiconductor element is a
permanent magnet. It is positioned so that its lines of flux
bisect the Hall layer at right angles to the direction of cur-
rent flow. Two additional terminals, located on either side
of the Hall layer, form the signal output circuit.
When a moving metallic shutter blocks the magnetic
field from reaching the Hall layer or element, the Hall-
effect switch produces a voltage signal. When the shut-
ter blade moves and allows the magnetic field to expand
and reach the Hall element, the Hall-effect switch does
not generate a voltage signal (Figure 2123).
The Hall switch is described as being on any time
the Hall layer is exposed to a magnetic field and a Hall
voltage is being produced (Figure 2124). However,
before this signal voltage can be of any use, it has to be
modified. After leaving the Hall layer, the signal is rout-
ed to an amplifier where it is strengthened and inverted
so the signal reads high when it is actually coming in low
and vice versa. Once it has been inverted, the signal goes
through a pulse-shaping device called the Schmitt trigger
where it is turned into a clean square wave signal. After
conditioning, the signal is sent to the base of a switching
transistor that is designed to turn on and off in response
to the signals generated by the Hall switch assembly.
The shutter wheel is the last major component of the
Hall switch. The shutter wheel consists of a series of
alternating windows and vanes that pass between the
Hall layer and magnet. The shutter wheel may be part of
546 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2122 In a metal detecting sensor, the revolv-
ing trigger wheel teeth alter the magnetic field produced by
the electromagnet in the pick-up coil.
Figure 2123 Blade and magnetic field action in a
Hall-effect switch.
the distributor rotor (Figure 2125) or be separate from
the rotor.
The points where the shutter vane begins to enter and
begins to leave the air gap are directly related to primary
circuit control. As the leading edge of a vane enters the
air gap, the magnetic field is deflected away from the Hall
layer; Hall voltage decreases. When that happens, the
modified Hall output signal increases abruptly and turns
on the switching transistor. Once the transistor is turned
on, the primary circuit closes and the coils energy stor-
age cycle begins.
Primary current continues to flow as long as the vane
is in the air gap. As the vane starts to leave the gap, how-
ever, the reforming Hall voltage signal prompts a paral-
lel decline in the modified output signal. When the output
signal goes low, the bias of the transistor changes. Primary
current flow stops.
In summary, the ignition module supplies current to
the coils primary winding as long as the shutter wheels
vane is in the air gap. As soon as the shutter wheel moves
away and the Hall voltage is produced, the control unit
stops primary circuit current, high secondary voltage is
induced, and ignition occurs.
In addition to ignition control, a Hall switch can also
be used to generate precise rpm signals (by determining
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 547
Magnet Hall
Blade out of
Hall effect switch
low voltage signal
Magnet Hall
Blade in Hall effect switch
high voltage signal
Figure 2124 Operation of a Hall-effect switch. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
Shutter blade
Hall effect
switch unit
Figure 2125 Hall effect switch mounted inside a
distributor. Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
Figure 2127 Typical centrifugal advance mechanism.
Figure 2126 Distributor with optical-type pick-ups.
Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
the frequency at which the voltage rises and falls) and pro-
vide the sync pulse for sequential fuel ignition operation.
Photoelectric Sensor
A fourth type of crankshaft position sensor is the photo-
electric sensor. The parts of this sensor include a light-
emitting diode (LED), a light-sensitive phototransistor
(photo cell), and a slotted disc called a light beam inter-
rupter (Figure 2126).
The slotted disc is attached to the distributor shaft.
The LED and the photo cell are situated over and under
the disc opposite each other. As the slotted disc rotates
between the LED and photo cell, light from the LED
shines through the slots. The intermittent flashes of light
are translated into voltage pulses by the photo cell. When
the voltage signal occurs, the control unit turns on the pri-
mary system. When the disc interrupts the light and the
voltage signal ceases, the control unit turns the primary
system off, causing the magnetic field in the coil to col-
lapse and sending a surge of voltage to a spark plug.
The photoelectric sensor sends a very reliable signal
to the control unit, especially at low engine speeds.
These units have been primarily used on Chrysler and
Mitsubishi engines. Some Nissan and General Motors
products have used them as well.
Timing Advance
As stated, early solid-state ignition systems changed the
timing mechanically. At idle, the firing of the spark plug
usually occurs just before the piston reaches top dead
center. At higher engine speeds, however, the spark must
be delivered to the cylinder much earlier in the cycle to
achieve maximum power from the air/fuel mixture
because the engine is moving through the cycle more
quickly. To change the timing of the spark in relation
to rpm, the centrifugal advance mechanism was used
(Figure 2127).
CENTRIFUGAL ADVANCE This mechanism consists
of a set of pivoted weights and springs connected to the
distributor shaft and a distributor armature assembly.
During idle speeds, the springs keep the weights in place
and the armature and distributor shaft rotate as one
assembly. When speed increases, centrifugal force caus-
es the weights to slowly move out against the tension of
the springs. This allows the armature assembly to move
ahead in relation to the distributor shaft rotation. The
ignitions triggering device is mounted to the armature
assembly. Therefore, as the assembly moves ahead, igni-
tion timing becomes more advanced.
VACUUM ADVANCE During part-throttle engine
operation, high vacuum is present in the intake manifold.
To get the most power and the best fuel economy from
the engine, the plugs must fire even earlier during the
compression stroke than is provided by a centrifugal
advance mechanism.
The heart of the vacuum advance mechanism (Figure
2128) is the spring-loaded diaphragm, which fits inside
a metal housing and connects to a movable plate on which
the pick-up coil is mounted. Vacuum is applied to one side
of the diaphragm in the housing chamber, while the other
side of the diaphragm is open to the atmosphere. Any
increase in vacuum allows atmospheric pressure to push
the diaphragm. In turn, this causes the movable plate to
rotate. The more vacuum present on one side of the
diaphragm, the more atmospheric pressure is able to
cause a change in timing. The rotation of the movable
plate moves the pick-up coil so the armature develops a
signal earlier. These units are also equipped with a spring
that returns the timing back to basic as the vacuum
548 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
The vacuum advance unit is bolted to the side of the
distributor housing. On some models, the vacuum hose
for the vacuum advance is connected directly to the
intake manifold, whereas on other models this hose is
connected to a fitting right above the throttle plates. The
diaphragm is pushed inward toward the distributor
housing by a spring positioned between the diaphragm
and the end of the sealed chamber. An arm is attached
to the side of the diaphragm next to the distributor hous-
ing, and the inner end of the arm is mounted over a pin
on the pickup plate.
If the engine is operating at a moderate cruising
speed, high intake manifold vacuum is applied to the
vacuum advance diaphragm, thereby advancing the tim-
ing. When the engine is operating at a moderate cruis-
ing speed with a partially opened throttle, the amounts
of cylinder air intake, compression pressure, and com-
pression temperature are low. Under these conditions,
the air/fuel mixture does not burn as fast and the addi-
tional spark advance provides more burn time, which
increases fuel economy and engine performance.
If the engine is operating at or near wide-open throt-
tle, the amounts of cylinder air intake, compression pres-
sure, and compression temperature are increased, which
causes faster burning of the air/fuel mixture. During these
operating conditions, the spark advance must be retard-
ed to prevent engine detonation. Intake manifold vacu-
um is very low at wide throttle opening. Therefore, little
vacuum is present to work against the spring in the vac-
uum advance unit. When this action occurs, the pick-up
coil is moved back toward the base timing position and
the amount of spark advance is reduced.
If the vacuum advance hose is connected above the
throttle plates, the vacuum advance does not provide any
spark advance when the engine is idling. When the vac-
uum advance hose is connected directly into the intake
manifold, the vacuum advance is fully advanced at idle
speed, which provides lower engine temperatures.
The reluctor and distributor shaft assembly rotates on
bushings in the aluminum distributor housing. A roll pin
extends through a retainer and the distributor shaft to
retain the shaft in the distributor. Another roll pin retains
the drive gear to the lower end of the shaft. On many
engines, this drive gear is meshed with the camshaft gear
to drive the distributor. Some distributors have an offset
slot on the end of the distributor shaft that meshes with
a matching slot in a gear driven from the camshaft. The
gear size is designed to drive the distributor at the same
speed as the camshaft, which rotates at one-half the speed
of the crankshaft in a four-stroke cycle engine.
If the distributor has advance mechanisms, the cen-
trifugal advance is sometimes mounted under the pickup
plate, and the vacuum advance is positioned on the side
of the distributor. Most engines manufactured in recent
years have computer-controlled spark advance, and the
distributor advance mechanisms are eliminated.
The primary circuit of a distributor ignition (DI) system
is controlled electronically by one of the sensors just
described and an electronic control unit (module) that
contains some type of switching device.
Primary Circuit
When the ignition switch is in the ON position, current
from the battery flows through the ignition switch and
primary circuit resistor to the primary winding of the igni-
tion coil. From there it passes through some type of
switching device and back to ground. The switching de-
vice is controlled by the triggering device. The current
flow in the ignition coils primary winding creates a mag-
netic field. The switching device or control module inter-
rupts this current flow at predetermined times. When it
does, the magnetic field in the primary winding collaps-
es. This collapse generates a high-voltage surge in the sec-
ondary winding of the ignition coil. The secondary circuit
of the system begins at this point and as a result the spark
plug fires.
Once the plug stops firing, the transistor closes the pri-
mary coil circuit. The length of time the transistor allows
current flow in the primary ignition circuit is determined
by the electronic circuitry in the control module.
Some systems used a dual ballast resistor. The ceram-
ic ballast resistor assembly is mounted on the fire wall and
has a ballast resistor for primary current flow and an aux-
iliary resistor for the control module. The ballast resistor
has a 0.5-ohm resistance that maintains a constant pri-
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 549
Pickup coil
assembly Pickup
Figure 2128 Typical vacuum advance unit operation.
Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
mary current. The auxiliary ballast resistor uses a 5-ohm
resistance to limit voltage to the electronic control unit.
DI System Design
Through the years there have been many different designs
of DI systems. All operate in the basically the same way
but are configured differently. The systems described in
this section represent the different designs used by man-
ufacturers. These designs are based on the location of the
electronic control module (unit) (ECU) and or the type
of triggering device used.
DI Systems with External Ignition Module. Ford Motor
Company used two generations of Dura-Spark ignition
systems (Figure 2129). The second design (Dura-Spark
II) was based on the first (Dura-Spark I). The Dura-Spark
II had the ECU mounted away from the distributor, typ-
ically on a fender wall. The distributor was fitted with cen-
trifugal and vacuum advance assemblies. The negative
primary coil terminal is referred to as a distributor elec-
tronic control (dec) or tachometer (tach) terminal. This
terminal is connected to the ignition module.
The distributor pick-up coil is connected through two
wires to the module. A wire is also connected from the
distributor housing to the module. This wire supplies a
ground connection from the module to the pick-up plate;
therefore, the module does not need to be grounded at its
An armature is mounted on the distributor shaft with
a roll pin. The armature has a high point for each cylin-
der of the engine. Rivets are used to attach the pick-up
coil to the plate, which indicates that the pick-up gap is
not adjustable.
A unique feature of this ignition system is the design
of the distributor. The cap is a two-piece unit. An adapter,
the lower portion of the cap, is positioned on top of the
distributor housing. Its upper diameter is larger than the
lower. This increased diameter allows for a larger distrib-
utor cap. The larger diameter cap places the spark plug
terminals farther apart. This helps to prevent cross firing.
DI Systems with Module Mounted on the Distributor.
A thick film integrated (TFI) ignition system has the
ECU mounted on the distributor. This ignition system
from Ford uses an epoxy (E) core ignition coil. The wind-
ings of the coil are set in epoxy and are surrounded by
an iron core. Neither a ballast resistor nor resistor wire
are used to connect the ignition switch to the coil. The
negative primary coil terminal is referred to as a tach ter-
minal. This terminal is connected to the module. A wire
is connected from the ignition switch start terminal to
the module. The module-to-pick-up terminals extend
through the distributor housing, and three pick-up lead
wires are connected to these terminals (Figure 2130).
Heat-dissipating grease must be placed on the back of
the module to prevent overheating of the module. Con-
550 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2129 A typical DI system. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
ventional centrifugal and vacuum advances are used in
the TFI distributor.
DI Systems with Internal Ignition Module. Perhaps the
best example of a DI system with the ignition module
inside the distributor is the GM High Energy Ignition
(HEI) system (Figure 2131). Some HEI units also con-
tain the ignition coil, others have the coil remotely mount-
ed away from the distributor. Some early HEI designs
have centrifugal and vacuum advance units, while others
utilize electronic spark timing.
The pick-up coil surrounds the distributor shaft, and
a flat magnetic plate is bolted between the pick-up coil
and the pole piece. A timer core that has one high point
for each engine cylinder is attached to the distributor
shaft. The number of timer core high points matches the
number of teeth on the pole piece. This design allows the
timer core high points to be aligned with the pole piece
teeth at the same time. The module is mounted to the
breaker plate and is set in heat-dissipating grease. A
capacitor is connected from the module voltage supply
terminal to ground on the distributor housing.
In some HEI designs, the coil is mounted in the top
of the distributor cap; other designs have externally
mounted coils. The coil battery terminal is connected
directly to the ignition switch, and the coil tachometer
(tach) terminal is connected to the module (Figure
2132). HEI coils are basically E core coils and rely on
the surrounding air to dissipate the coils heat.
A wire also extends from the coils battery terminal to
the module. In systems with an internal ignition coil, a
ground wire is connected between the frame of the coil
and the distributor housing. This lead is used to dissipate
any voltage induced in the coils frame.
When the ignition switch is on and the distributor
shaft is not turning, the module opens the primary igni-
tion circuit. As the engine is cranked and the timer core
high points approach alignment with the pole piece teeth,
a positive voltage is induced in the pick-up coil. This volt-
age signal causes the module to close the primary circuit,
and current begins to flow through the primary windings,
causing a magnetic field to form around them.
At the instant of alignment between the timer core
high points and pole piece teeth, the pick-up coil voltage
drops to zero. As these high points move out of alignment,
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 551
(TFI only)
(without TFI)
(TFI only)
Figure 2130 TFI distributor assembly. Courtesy of Ford
Motor Company
Figure 2131 The control module mounted inside a
GM HEI distributor.
Ignition wire
(battery feed)
Latch (4)
Connect tachometer to
this terminal 8898
Connect tachometer to
diagnosis connector
terminals 6 and G.
Figure 2132 HEI distributor terminal identification.
Courtesy of General Motors CorporationOldsmobile Motor Division
a negative voltage is induced in the pick-up coil. This volt-
age signal to the module causes the module to open the
primary circuit. When this action occurs, the magnetic
field collapses across the ignition coil windings, and the
induced secondary voltage forces current through the sec-
ondary circuit and across the spark plug gap.
HEI modules have a variable dwell feature, which
closes the primary circuit sooner as engine speed increas-
es. In an eight-cylinder distributor, there are 45 degrees
of distributor shaft rotation between the timer core high
points. At idle speed, the module closes the primary cir-
cuit for 15 degrees and opens the circuit for 30 degrees.
If the engine is operating at high speed, the module may
close the primary circuit for 32 degrees and open the cir-
cuit for 13 degrees. This dwell increase which occurs with
speed increase allows for better coil saturation at higher
speeds. Since dwell is a function of the module, there is
no dwell adjustment.
Computer-Controlled DI Systems
Spark timing on these systems is controlled by a computer
that continuously adjusts ignition timing to obtain opti-
mum combustion. The computer monitors the engine
operating parameters with various sensors. Based on this
input, the computer signals an ignition module to col-
lapse the primary circuit, allowing the secondary circuit
to fire the spark plugs.
Timing control is selected by the computers program.
During engine starting, computer control is by-passed
and the mechanical setting of the distributor controls
spark timing. Once the engine is started and running,
spark timing is controlled by the computer. This scheme
or strategy allows the engine to start regardless of
whether the electronic control system is functioning
properly or not.
The goal of computerized spark timing is to produce
maximum engine power, top fuel efficiency, and mini-
mum emissions levels during all types of operating con-
ditions. The computer does this by continuously adjusting
ignition timing. The computer determines the best spark
timing based on certain engine operating conditions such
as crankshaft position, engine speed, throttle position,
engine coolant temperature, and initial and operating
manifold or barometric pressure. Once the computer
receives input from these and other sensors, it compares
the existing operating conditions to information perma-
nently stored or programmed into its memory. The com-
puter matches the existing conditions to a set of conditions
stored in its memory, determines proper timing setting,
and sends a signal to the ignition module to fire the plugs.
The computer continuously monitors existing condi-
tions, adjusting timing to match what its memory tells it
is the ideal setting for those conditions. It can do this very
quickly, making thousands of decisions in a single second.
The control computer typically has the following types of
information permanently programmed into it.
Speed-related spark advance. As engine speed in-
creases to a particular point, there is a need for more
advanced timing. As the engine slows, the timing
should be retarded or have less advance. The com-
puter bases speed-related spark advance decisions on
engine speed and signals from the TP sensor.
Load-related spark advance. This is used to improve
power and fuel economy during acceleration and
heavy load conditions. The computer defines the load
and the ideal spark advance by processing informa-
tion from the TP sensor, MAP, and engine speed sen-
sors. Typically, the more load on an engine, the less
spark advance is needed.
Warm-up spark advance. This is used when the engine
is cold, because a greater amount of advance is
required while the engine warms up.
Special spark advance. This is used to improve fuel
economy during steady driving conditions. During
constant speed and load conditions, the engine will be
more efficient with much advance timing.
Spark advance due to barometric pressure. This is
used when barometric pressure exceeds a preset cal-
ibrated value.
All of this information is looked at by the computer
to determine the ideal spark timing for all conditions. The
calibrated or programmed information in the computer
is contained in what is called software look-up tables.
Ignition timing can also work in conjunction with the
electronic fuel control system to provide emission con-
trol, optimum fuel economy, and improved driveability.
They are all dependent on spark advance. Some exam-
ples of computer-controlled DI systems follow.
Chryslers Dual Pick-up System. This system has two
Hall-effect switches in the distributor when the engine is
equipped with port fuel injection. In some units, the pick-
up unit used for ignition triggering is located above the
pick-up plate in the distributor and is referred to as the
reference pick-up. The second pick-up unit is positioned
below the plate. A ring with two notches is attached to
the distributor shaft and rotates through the lower pick-
up unit. This lower pick-up is called the synchronizer
(SYNC) pickup.
In other designs, the two pick-up units are mounted
below the pick-up plate and one set of blades rotates
through both Hall-effect units (Figure 2133). The shut-
ter blade representing number one cylinder has a large
opening in the center of the blade. When this blade rotates
through the SYNC pick-up, a different signal is produced
compared to the other blades. This number one blade sig-
nal informs the PCM when to activate the injectors.
552 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2133 A distributor assembly with two Hall-
effect switches below the pick-up plate. Courtesy of Daimler-
Chrysler Corporation
There are two Hall-effect pick-ups in distributors used
with Chrysler port fuel injection, whereas the distributors
used with throttle body injection have a single pick-up.
When the SYNC pickup signal is received by the PCM
every one-half distributor shaft revolution, or once every
crankshaft revolution, the PCM grounds two injectors to
inject fuel into two cylinders.
Distributors with Optical-Type Pick-ups. The 3.0 L V-6
engine available in some Chrysler products has a distrib-
utor fitted with an optical pick-up assembly with two
light-emitting diodes and two photo diodes. A thin plate
attached to the distributor shaft rotates between the
LEDs above the plate and the photo diodes below the
plate. This plate contains six equally spaced slots, which
rotate directly below the inner LED and photo diode.
The inner LED and photo diode act as the reference
pick-up. As in Hall-effect-pickup systems, the reference
pick-up in the optical distributor provides a crankshaft
position and speed signal to the PCM. When the ignition
switch is on, the PCM supplies voltage to the optical pick-
up, which causes the LEDs to emit light. If a solid part of
the plate is under the reference LED, this light does not
shine on the photo diode. Under this condition, the photo
diode does not conduct current, and the reference volt-
age signal to the PCM is 5 V. As a reference slot moves
under the LED, the light shines on the photo diode. The
diode then conducts current and the reference voltage
signal to the PCM is 0 V.
The outer LED, photo diode, and row of slots perform
a function similar to that of the SYNC pick-up in a dis-
tributor with Hall-effect pick-ups. The outer row of slots
is closely spaced, and the width between each slot repre-
sents 2 degrees of crankshaft rotation. On the outer row
there is one area where the slots are missing. When this
blank area rotates under the LED, a different SYNC volt-
age signal is produced, which informs the PCM regard-
ing the number one piston position. The PCM uses this
signal for injector control. As the outer row of slots rotates
under the outer LED, the SYNC voltage signal to the
PCM cycles from 0 V to 5 V. The reference pick-up sig-
nal informs the PCM when each piston is a specific num-
ber of degrees before TDC on the compression stroke.
When this signal is received, the PCM scans the inputs
and calculates the spark advance required by the engine.
The SYNC sensor signals always keep the PCM informed
of the exact position of the crankshaft. The PCM opens
the primary ignition circuit and fires the next spark plug
in the firing order to provide the calculated spark advance.
GMs HEI with EST. A seven- (Figure 2134) or eight-
terminal module is used in some General Motors dis-
tributors with computer-controlled spark advance and
fuel injection. Two of the module terminals are connect-
ed to the coil primary terminals, and two other module
terminals are connected to the pick-up coil. The other
four module terminals are connected through a four-wire
harness to the PCM. These four wires are identified as by-
pass, electronic spark timing (EST), ground, and refer-
ence wires.
When the engine is starting, the pick-up coil signal
goes directly to the module. Immediately after the engine
starts, the PCM sends a 5-V signal through the by-pass
wire to the module. This signal is converted to a digital
signal and causes the module circuit to switch, which
forces the pick-up signal to travel through the reference
wire to the PCM. Crankshaft position and speed infor-
mation are obtained from the pick-up signal to the PCM.
The PCM scans the input sensors and then sends a sig-
nal on the EST wire to the module. This signal commands
the module to open the primary circuit and fire the next
spark plug at the right instant to provide the precise spark
advance indicated by the input signals.
Hondas DI System with EST. Honda, as well as other
manufacturers, also fit the ignition module inside the dis-
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 553
Cap insulating ring
Insulating rotor
Hall effect and
fuel sync connectors
Shutter blade
coil contact
Hall effect
switch unit
Figure 2134 A seven-terminal GM HEI/EST ignition
module. Courtesy of General Motors CorporationChevrolet Motor
tributor (Figure 2135). The distributor is also fitted with
a Hall-effect switch that is directly connected to the con-
trol module. The only external electrical connections for
the module are from the PCM and to the ignition coil.
The PCM controls the activity of the module which, in
turn, controls the dwell of the primary and therefore the
ignition timing.
Fords TFI-IV System. In some DI systems with com-
puter-controlled spark advance, the module is mounted
away from the distributor or mounted to it. Ford Motor
Companys TFI-IV system is such a system. This system
is similar to the TFI-IV system that relied on a distribu-
tor fitted with mechanical and vacuum advance units.
The distributor contains the Profile Ignition Pickup
(PIP), an octane rod, and a Hall-effect vane switch stator.
During the period of time the Hall-effect device is turned
on and off, a digital voltage pulse is produced. The
pulse is used by EEC-IV electronics for crankshaft posi-
tion and the calculation of the required ignition timing.
Ignition timing required for a particular operating condi-
tion is determined by inputs from various sensors that are
correlated with values in the computers memory.
The PIP signal is an indication of crankshaft position
and engine speed. This signal is fed into the TFI-IV mod-
ule and to the PCM. This signal, along with many oth-
ers, allows the PCM to accurately calculate ignition
timing needs for the conditions. The PCM produces a sig-
nal Spout and sends it to the TFI-IV module. The mod-
ule compares the spout signal to the PIP signal then
controls the activity of the ignition coil and the firing of
the spark plugs.
554 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2135 Hondas distributor with a built-in control module. Courtesy of American Honda Motor Co., Inc.
In Electronic Ignition (EI) systems (Figure 2136), each
cylinder may have its own ignition coil, or two cylinders
may share one coil. The coils are wired directly to the
spark plug they control. An ignition control module, tied
into the vehicles computer control system, controls the
firing order and the spark timing and advance.
In many EI systems, a crank sensor located at the front
of the crankshaft is used to trigger the ignition system.
When a distributor is used in the ignition system, the dis-
tributor drive gear, shaft, and bushings are subject to
wear. Worn distributor components cause erratic ignition
timing and spark advance, which results in reduced econ-
omy and performance plus increased exhaust emissions.
Since the distributor is eliminated in EI systems, ignition
timing remains more stable over the life of the engine,
which means improved economy and performance with
reduced emissions.
There are many advantages of a distributorless igni-
tion system over one that uses a distributor. Here are some
of the more important ones:
Fewer moving parts, therefore less friction and wear.
Flexibility in mounting location. This is important
because of todays smaller engine compartments.
Less required maintenance; there is no rotor or dis-
tributor cap to service.
Reduced radio frequency interference because there
is no rotor to cap gap.
Elimination of a common cause of ignition misfire, the
buildup of water and ozone/nitric acid in the distrib-
utor cap.
Elimination of mechanical timing adjustments.
Places no mechanical load on the engine in order to
Increased available time for coil saturation.
Increased time between firings, which allows the coil
to cool more.
Basic Components
The computer, ignition module, and position sensors
combine to control spark timing and advance. The com-
puter collects and processes information to determine
the ideal amount of spark advance for the operating con-
ditions. The ignition module uses crank/cam sensor
data to control the timing of the primary circuit in the
coils (Figure 2137). Remember that there is more than
one coil in a distributorless ignition system. The igni-
tion module synchronizes the coils firing sequence in
relation to crankshaft position and firing order of the
engine. Therefore, the ignition module takes the place
of the distributor.
Primary current is controlled by transistors in the con-
trol module. There is one switching transistor for each
ignition coil in the system. The transistors complete the
ground circuit for the primary, thereby allowing for a
dwell period. When primary current flow is interrupted,
secondary voltage is induced in the coil and the coils
spark plug(s) fire. The timing and sequencing of ignition
coil action is determined by the control module and input
from a triggering device.
The control module is also responsible for limiting the
dwell time. In EI systems there is time between plug fir-
ings to saturate the coil. Achieving maximum current
flow through the coil is great if the system needs the high
voltage that may be available. However if the high volt-
age is not needed, the high current is not needed and the
heat it produces is not desired. Therefore, the control
module is programmed to only allow total coil saturation
when the very high voltage is needed or the need for it is
The ignition module also adjusts spark timing below
400 rpm (for starting) and when the vehicles control
computer by-pass circuit becomes open or grounded.
Depending on the exact DIS system, the ignition coils can
be serviced as a complete unit or separately. The coil
assembly is typically called a coil pack (Figure 2138)
and is comprised of two or more individual coils.
On those DIS systems that use one coil per spark plug,
the electronic ignition module determines when each
spark plug should fire and controls the on/off time of
each plugs coil.
The systems with a coil for every two spark plugs also
use an electronic ignition module, but they use the waste
sparkmethod of spark distribution. Each end of the coils
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 555
Figure 2136 A supercharged Buick 3800 V-6 with an
electronic ignition system. Courtesy of General Motors Corpora-
tionBuick Motor Division
Figure 2137 An EI system with two crankshaft position sensors and one camshaft position sensor. Courtesy of General
Motors CorporationCadillac Motor Car Division
556 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Ign. control
Ref/cam lo
Fuse Ignition
Knock sensor
ICM with coils
Camshaft position sensor
with sprocket
Crankshaft position sensors
with reluctor ring
Spark plugs
1/2X cam
4X ref
secondary winding is attached to a spark plug. Each coil
is connected to a pair of spark plugs in cylinders whose
pistons rise and fall together. When the field collapses in
the coil, voltage is sent to both spark plugs that are
attached to the coil. In all V-6s, the paired cylinders are
1 and 4, 2 and 5, and 3 and 6 (or 4 and 1 and 3 and 2 on
4-cylinder engines). With this arrangement, one cylinder
of each pair is on its compression stroke while the other
is on the exhaust stroke. Both cylinders get spark simul-
taneously, but only one spark generates power, while the
other is wasted out the exhaust. During the next revolu-
tion, the roles are reversed.
Due to the way the secondary coils are wired, when
the induced voltage cuts across the primary and sec-
ondary windings of the coil, one plug fires in the normal
directionpositive center electrode to negative side elec-
Figure 2139 Polarity of spark plugs in an EI system.
Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
trodeand the other plug fires just the reverse side to
center electrode (Figure 2139). As shown in Figure
2140, both plugs fire simultaneously, completing the
series circuit. Each plug always fires the same way on
both the exhaust and compression strokes.
The coil is able to overcome the increased voltage
requirements caused by reversed polarity and still fire two
plugs simultaneously because each coil is capable of pro-
ducing up to 100,000 volts. There is very little resistance
across the plug gap on exhaust, so the plug requires very
little voltage to fire, thereby providing its mate (the plug
that is on compression) with plenty of available voltage.
Figure 2141 shows a waste spark system in which
the coils are mounted directly over the spark plugs so no
wiring between the coils and plugs is necessary. On other
systems, the coil packs are mounted remote from the
spark plugs. High-tension secondary wires carry high-
voltage current from the coils to the plugs.
Some EI systems use the waste spark method of fir-
ing but only have one secondary wire coming off each
ignition coil. In these systems (Figure 2142), one spark
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 557
Figure 2138 A coil pack for a distributorless ignition
Figure 2140 The manner in which two spark plugs
are fired by a single ignition coil in EI system circuits.
ign mdl
Ign coil hsg
CoverElek ign mdl
Elek ign
Bolt/screwIgn coil hsg
Harness AsmElec
ign mdl wrg
Coil AsmIgn
Housing AsmIgn coil
coil hsg
RetainerSplg boot
SpacerIgn coil
ContactIgn coil
SealIgn coil
Housing Asm
Ign coil
Figure 2141 A cableless EI system. Courtesy of General
Motors CorporationOldsmobile Division
Figure 2142 A six-cylinder engine with three coils and three spark plug wires. Reprinted with permission
plug is connected directly to the ignition coil and the com-
panion spark plug is connected to the coil by a high-ten-
sion cable.
Other EI systems have one coil for every spark plug.
The coil mounts directly to the spark plug and the assem-
bly (Figure 2143) is called a coil-on-plug assembly.
A few DIS systems have one coil per cylinder with two
spark plugs per cylinder. During starting only one plug is
fired. Once the engine is running the other plug also fires.
One spark plug is located on the intake side of the com-
bustion chamber while the other is located on the exhaust
side. Two coil packs are used, one for the plugs on the
intake side and the other for the plugs on the exhaust
side. These systems are called dual plug systems (Figure
2144). During dual plug operation, the two coil packs
are synchronized so each cylinders two plugs fire at the
same time. The coils fire two spark plugs at the same
time. Therefore, on a four-cylinder engine, four spark
plugs are fired at a time: two during the compression
stroke of the cylinder and two during the exhaust stroke
of another cylinder.
EI System Operation
From a general operating standpoint, most distributor-
less ignition systems are similar. However, there are vari-
ations in the way different distributorless systems obtain
558 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2143 A coil-on-plug assembly. Courtesy of Ford
Motor Company
a timing reference in regard to crankshaft and camshaft
Some engines use separate Hall-effect sensors to mon-
itor crankshaft and camshaft position for the control of
ignition and fuel injection firing orders. The crankshaft
pulley has interrupter rings that are equal in number to
half of the cylinders of the engine (Figure 2145). The
resultant signal informs the PCM as to when to fire the
plugs. The camshaft sensor helps the computer determine
when the number one piston is at TDC on the compres-
sion stroke.
Defining the different types of EI systems used by man-
ufacturers focuses on the location and type of sensors
used. There are other differences, such as the construction
of the coil pack, wherein some are a sealed assembly and
others have individually mounted ignition coils. Some EI
systems have a camshaft sensor mounted in the opening
where the distributor was mounted. The camshaft sensor
ring has one notch and produces a leading edge and trail-
ing edge signal once per camshaft revolution. These sys-
tems also use a crankshaft sensor. Both the camshaft and
crankshaft sensors are Hall-effect sensors.
Locating the cam sensor in the opening previously
occupied by the distributor merely takes advantage of the
bore and gear that was already present. Seeing that the
distributor was driven at camshaft speed, driving a
camshaft position sensor by the same mechanism just
made sense (Figure 2146). This modification really
made sense when older engine designs were modified for
distributorless ignition.
As the crankshaft rotates and the interrupter passes
in and out of the Hall-effect switch, the switch turns the
module reference voltage on and off. The three signals are
identical and the control module can not distinguish
which of these signals to assign to a particular coil. The
signal from the cam sensor gives the module the infor-
mation it needs to assign the signals from the crankshaft
sensors to the appropriate coils (Figure 2147). The
camshaft sensor synchronizes the crankshaft sensor sig-
nals with the position of the number one cylinder. From
there the module can energize the coils according to the
firing order of the engine. Once the engine has started,
the camshaft signal serves no purpose.
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 559
Figure 2144 A dual plug system for a four-cylinder engine. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
Figure 2145 A crankshaft pulley for a six-cylinder
engine has three interrupter rings.
Figure 2146 A camshaft sensor assembly designed to
fit into the distributor bore. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
Some systems have the camshaft sensor mounted in
the front of the timing chain cover (Figure 2148). A
magnet on the camshaft gear rotates past the inner end
of the camshaft sensor and produces a signal for each
camshaft revolution. GMs 3.8 L non-turbocharged SFI
V-6 engine has a firing order of 1-6-5-4-3-2. Spark plugs
1-4, 6-3, and 5-2 are paired together on the coil assem-
bly. When a trailing edge camshaft sensor signal is
received during initial starting, the coil module prepares
to fire the coil connected to spark plugs 5-2. After the
camshaft sensor signal is received, the next trailing edge
crankshaft sensor signal turns on the primary circuit of
the 5-2 coil, and the next leading edge crankshaft sensor
signal informs the coil module to open the primary cir-
cuit of the 5-2 coil (Figure 2149). When this coil fires,
one of these cylinders is always on the compression stroke
and the other cylinder is on the exhaust stroke. After the
5-2 coil firing, the coil module fires the 1-4 coil and the
6-3 coil in sequence. This firing sequence provides the
correct firing order.
On an SFI engine, the PCM grounds each injector
individually. The cam sensor signal is also used for injec-
tor sequencing. This cam sensor signal is sent from the
cam sensor through the coil module to the PCM. The
PCM grounds each injector in the intake port when the
piston for that cylinder is at 70 degrees before TDC on
the intake stroke.
When a crankshaft sensor failure occurs, the engine
does not start. If the camshaft sensor signal becomes
defective with the engine running, the engine continues
to run, but the PCM reverts to multiport fuel injection
without the camshaft signal information. Under this con-
dition, engine performance and economy decrease and
emission levels may increase. When an engine with a
defective cam sensor is shut off, it will not restart.
Other systems use a dual crankshaft sensor located
behind the crankshaft pulley. When this type of sensor is
used, there are two interrupter rings on the back of the
560 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2147 Camshaft sensor operation and the
resulting signal. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
Figure 2148 A camshaft position sensor mounted on
the timing chain cover.
Camshaft sensor signal
Crankshaft sensor signal
Figure 2149 Relationship between crankshaft and
camshaft signals on a GM 3.8L SFI engine. Courtesy of General
Motors CorporationBuick Motor Division
Figure 2150 The two sets of interrupter rings on a
crankshaft pulley designed for a dual crankshaft sensor. Cour-
tesy of General Motors CorporationOldsmobile Division
pulley (Figure 2150) that rotate through the Hall-effect
switches at the dual crankshaft sensor. The inner ring with
three equally spaced blades rotate through the inner Hall-
effect switch, whereas the outer ring with one opening
rotates through the outer Hall-effect.
In this dual sensor, the inner sensor provides three
leading edge signals and the outer sensor produces one
leading edge during one complete revolution of the crank-
shaft. The outer sensor is the SYNC sensor. This outer
sensor is referred to as a synchronizer (SYNC) sensor.
The signal from this sensor informs the coil module
regarding crankshaft position. The SYNC sensor signal
occurs once per crankshaft revolution and this signal is
synchronized with the inner crankshaft sensor signal to
fire the 6-3 coil.
The examples given so far depend on two revolutions
of the crankshaft to inform the PCM as to which number
cylinder is ready. These systems are referred to as slow-
start systems because the engine must crank through two
crankshaft revolutions before ignition begins.
The Fast-Start electronic ignition system used in GMs
Northstar system uses two crankshaft position sensors
(Figure 2151). A reluctor ring with 24 evenly spaced
notches and 8 unevenly spaced notches is cast onto the
center of the crankshaft. When the reluctor ring rotates
past the magnetic-type sensors, each sensor produces 32
high- and low-voltage signals per crankshaft revolution.
The A sensor is positioned in the upper crankcase, and
the B sensor is positioned in the lower crankcase. Since
the A sensor is above the B sensor, the signal from the A
sensor occurs 27 degrees before the B sensor signal.
The signals from the two sensors are sent to the igni-
tion control module. This module counts the number of
signals from one of the sensors that are between the other
sensor signals to sequence the ignition coils properly. This
allows the ignition system to begin firing the spark plugs
within 180 degrees of crankshaft rotation while starting
the engine. This system allows for much quicker starting
than other EI systems which require the crankshaft to
rotate one or two times before the coils are sequenced.
The camshaft position sensor is located in the rear
cylinder bank in front of the exhaust camshaft sprocket.
A reluctor pin in the sprocket rotates past the sensor, and
this sensor produces one high- and one low-voltage sig-
nal every camshaft revolution, or every two crankshaft
revolutions. The PCM uses the camshaft position sensor
signal to sequence the injectors properly.
Another example of a fast-start system also uses a dual
crankshaft sensor at the front of the crankshaft. The cam
sensor is mounted in the timing gear cover. Two Hall-
effect switches are located in the dual crankshaft sensor,
and two matching interrupter rings are attached to the
back of the crankshaft pulley. The inner ring on the crank-
shaft pulley has three blades of unequal lengths with
unequal spaces between the blades. On the outer ring,
there are 18 blades of equal length with equal spaces
between the blades. The signal from the inner Hall-effect
switch is referred to as the 3X signal, while the outer Hall-
effect switch is called the 18X signal. These signals are
sent from the dual crankshaft sensor to the coil module.
The coil module knows which coil to fire from the
number of 18X signals received during each 3X window
rotation (Figure 2152). For example, when two 18X
signals are received, the coil module is programmed to
sequence coil 3-6 next in the firing sequence. Within 120
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 561
rings (2)
Crankshaft position
of car
reluctor ring
Sensor signals
1 2 4
2 3 2
Figure 2151 A and B crankshaft sensors in a Northstar
engine. Courtesy of General Motors CorporationCadillac Motor Car
Figure 2152 3X and 18X crankshaft signals. Courtesy of General Motors CorporationCadillac Motor Car Division
degrees of crankshaft rotation, the coil module can iden-
tify which coil to sequence, and thus start firing the spark
plugs. Therefore, the system fires the spark plugs with less
crankshaft rotation during initial starting than the previ-
ous slow-start systems.
Once the engine is running, the system switches to the
EST mode. The PCM uses the 18X signal for crankshaft
position and speed information. The 18X signal may be
referred to as a high-resolution signal. If the 18X signal
is not present, the engine will not start. When the 3X sig-
nal fails with the engine running, the engine continues to
run, but the engine refuses to restart.
In this system, the cam sensor signal is used for injec-
tor sequencing, but it is not required for coil sequencing.
If the cam sensor signal fails, the PCM logic begins
sequencing the injectors after two cranking revolutions.
There is a one-in-six chance that the PCM logic will
ground the injectors in the normal sequence. When the
PCM logic does not ground the injectors in the normal
sequence, the engine hesitates on acceleration.
Finally, some engines use a magnetic pulse generator.
The timing wheel is cast on the crankshaft and has
machined slots on it. If the engine is a six-cylinder, there
will be seven slots, six of which are spaced exactly 60
degrees apart. The seventh notch is located 10 degrees
from the number six notch and is used to synchronize the
coil firing sequence in relation to crankshaft position
(Figure 2153). The same triggering wheel can be and is
used on four-cylinder engines. The computer only needs
to be programmed to interpret the signals differently than
on a six-cylinder.
The magnetic sensor, which protrudes into the side of
the block, generates a small AC voltage each time one of
the machined slots passes by. By counting the time
between pulses, the ignition module picks out the uneven-
ly spaced seventh slot, which starts the calculation of the
ignition coil sequencing. Once its counting is synchro-
nized with the crankshaft, the module is programmed to
accept the AC voltage signals of the select notches for fir-
ing purposes.
562 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
Figure 2153 Schematic of an EI system with a magnetic pulse generator-type crankshaft sensor. Note the notches on the
crankshaft-timing wheel. Courtesy of General Motors CorporationOldsmobile Division
Ford uses a similar system; however, the reluctor ring
has many more slots. The crankshaft sensor for their 4.6
L V-8 engine is a variable reluctance sensor that is trig-
gered by a 36 minus 1 (or 35) tooth trigger wheel locat-
ed inside the front cover of the engine (Figure 2154).
The sensor provides two types of information: crankshaft
position and engine speed.
The trigger wheel has a tooth every 10 degrees,
with one tooth missing. When the part of the wheel
that is missing a tooth passes by the sensor, there is a
longer than normal pause between signals from the
sensor. The ignition control module recognizes this
and is able to identify this long pause as the location
of piston #1.
Chrysler also uses a similar system. However, it uses
a different number of teeth on the reluctor, a camshaft
sensor, and a camshaft reluctor; therefore, the signals
received by the control module are also different. The
crankshaft timing sensor is mounted in an opening in the
transaxle bell housing. The inner end of this sensor is
positioned near a series of notches and slots that are inte-
gral with the engines flywheel.
A group of four slots is located on the flywheel for
each pair of engine cylinders. Thus, a total of 12 slots are
positioned around the flywheel. When the slots rotate
past the crankshaft timing sensor, the voltage signal from
the sensor changes from 0 V to 5 V. This varying voltage
signal informs the PCM regarding crankshaft position
and speed. The PCM calculates spark advance from this
signal. The PCM also uses the crankshaft timing sensor
signal along with other inputs to determine air-fuel ratio.
Base timing is determined by the signal from the last slot
in each group of slots.
The camshaft reference sensor is mounted in the top
of the timing gear cover (Figure 2155). A notched ring
on the camshaft gear has two single slots, two double
slots, and a triple slot. When a notch rotates past the
camshaft reference sensor, the signal from the sensor
changes from 0 V to 5 V. The single, double, and triple
notches provide different voltage signals. These signals
are sent to the PCM. The PCM determines the exact
camshaft and crankshaft position from the camshaft ref-
erence sensor signals, and the PCM uses these signals to
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 563
Figure 2154 Sensor activity to monitor engine speed and crankshaft position, as well as the location of the number one
piston. Courtesy of Ford Motor Company
Figure 2155 Camshaft sensor and notched cam gear.
Courtesy of DaimlerChrysler Corporation
sequence the coil primary windings and each pair of injec-
tors at the correct instant.
The development and spreading popularity of EI is
the result of reduced emissions, improved fuel economy,
and increased component reliability brought about by
these systems.
EI also offers advantages in production costs and
maintenance considerations. By removing the distributor,
the manufacturers realize substantial savings in ignition
parts and related machining costs. Also, by eliminating
the distributor, they do away with cracked caps, eroded
carbon buttons, burned-through rotors, moisture misfir-
ing, base timing adjustments, and the like.
C A U T I O N !
Since EI systems have considerably higher maxi-
mum secondary voltage compared to point-type or
electronic ignition systems, greater electrical shocks
are obtained from EI systems. Although such
shocks may not be directly harmful to the human
body, they may cause you to jump or react sud-
denly, which could result in personal injury. For
example, when you jump suddenly as a result of an
EI electrical shock, you may hit your head on the
vehicle hood or push your hand into a rotating cool-
Air gap
Ballast resistor
Base ignition timing
Breaker plate
Breaker point
Centrifugal advance
Coil pack
Contact points
Dual plug
Firing order
Heat range
Ignition timing
Inductive reluctance
Look-up tables
Photoelectric sensor
Primary circuit
Pulse transformer
Secondary circuit
Timer core
Vacuum advance
Waste spark
564 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e
vehicle equipped with an early elec-
tronic distributor ignition system is
experiencing spark detonation (knock-
ing) and erratic spark advance problems. The
vehicle has 82,000 miles on it.
The technician checks the engines base tim-
ing and finds it to be 5 degrees out of adjust-
ment. The technician makes the adjustment,
but it does not seem to hold steady. In fact, the
problem still occurs on the test drive made
immediately after the timing adjustment is
The technician then removes the distributor
for closer inspection. The centrifugal advance
mechanism appears to be in good order, but the
technician notices shiny worn areas on the tangs
of the distributor shafts drive coupling. Wear
on the tangs could mean the distributor shaft is
not in proper mesh with the camshaft. The tech-
nician replaces the worn drive coupling and rein-
stalls the distributor. After resetting initial
timing, the problem of erratic advance disap-
The ignition system supplies high voltage to the spark
plugs to ignite the air/fuel mixture in the combustion
The arrival of the spark is timed to coincide with the
compression stroke of the piston. This basic timing
can be advanced or retarded under certain conditions,
such as high engine rpm or extremely light or heavy
engine loads.
The ignition system has two interconnected electrical
circuits: a primary circuit and a secondary circuit.
The primary circuit supplies low voltage to the pri-
mary winding of the ignition coil. This creates a mag-
netic field in the coil.
A switching device interrupts primary current flow,
collapsing the magnetic field and creating a high-volt-
age surge in the ignition coil secondary winding.
The switching device used in electronic systems is an
NPN transistor. Old ignitions use mechanical break-
er point switching.
The secondary circuit carries high voltage surges to
the spark plugs. On some systems, the circuit runs
from the ignition coil, through a distributor, to the
spark plugs.
The distributor may house the switching device plus
centrifugal or vacuum timing advance mechanisms.
Some systems locate the switching device outside the
distributor housing.
Ignition timing is directly related to the position of
the crankshaft. Magnetic pulse generators and Hall-
effect sensors are the most widely used engine posi-
tion sensors. They generate an electrical signal at
certain times during crankshaft rotation. This signal
triggers the electronic switching device to control
ignition timing.
EI systems eliminate the distributor. Each spark plug,
or in some cases, pair of spark plugs, has its (their)
own ignition coil. Primary circuit switching and tim-
ing control is done using a special ignition module tied
into the vehicle control computer.
Computer-controlled ignition eliminates centrifugal
and vacuum timing mechanisms. The computer
receives input from numerous sensors. Based on this
data, the computer determines the optimum firing
time and signals an ignition module to activate the
secondary circuit at the precise time needed.
In some distributors, one pick-up is used for ignition
triggering and a second pick-up is used for injector
In some EI systems, the camshaft sensor signal in-
forms the computer when to sequence the coils and
fuel injectors.
In some EI systems, the crankshaft sensor signal pro-
vides engine speed and crankshaft position informa-
tion to the computer.
Some EI systems are called fast-start systems because
the spark plugs begin firing within 120 degrees of
crankshaft rotation.
Some EI systems have a combined crankshaft and
SYNC sensor at the front of the crankshaft.
Some EI systems may be called slow-start systems
because as many as two crankshaft revolutions are
required before the ignition system begins firing.
CHAP T ER 2 1 I g n i t i o n S y s t e m s 565
The following procedures are included in Chapter 21 of the Tech Manual that
accompanies this book:
1. Set ignition timing dynamically.
2. Check the resistance of primary circuit components.
3. Test spark plug firing voltages.
4. Test secondary circuit insulation.
1. Explain how the voltage is induced in the distrib-
utor pick-up coil as the reluctor high point
approaches alignment with the pick-up coil.
2. Explain why dwell time is important to ignition
system operation.
3. Name the engine operating conditions that affect
ignition timing requirements.
4. Explain how the plugs fire in a two-plug-per-coil
EI system.
5. Explain the components and operation of a mag-
netic pulse generator.
6. What happens when the low-voltage current flow
in the coil primary winding is interrupted by the
switching device?
a. The magnetic field collapses.
b. A high-voltage surge is induced in the coil sec-
ondary winding.
c. Both a and b.
d. Neither a nor b.
7. Which of the following is a function of all ignition
a. to generate sufficient voltage to force a spark
across the spark plug gap
b. to time the arrival of the spark to coincide with
the movement of the engines pistons
c. to vary the spark arrival time based on varying
operating conditions
d. all of the above
8. Reach, heat range, and air gap are all characteris-
tics that affect the performance of which ignition
system component?
a. ignition coils c. spark plugs
b. ignition cables d. breaker points
9. Technician A says a magnetic pulse generator is
equipped with a permanent magnet. Technician
B says a Hall-effect switch is equipped with a per-
manent magnet. Who is correct?
a. Technician A c. Both A and B
b. Technician B d. Neither A nor B
10. While discussing ignition systems, Technician A
says an ignition system must supply high voltage
surges to the spark plugs. Technician B says the
system must maintain the spark long enough to
burn all of the air/fuel mixture in the cylinder. Who
is correct?
a. Technician A c. Both A and B
b. Technician B d. Neither A nor B
11. While discussing ignition timing requirements,
Technician A says more advanced timing is desired
when the engine is under a heavy load. Technician
B says more advanced timing is desired when the
engine is running at high engine speeds. Who is
a. Technician A c. Both A and B
b. Technician B d. Neither A nor B
12. While discussing secondary voltage, Technician A
says the normal required secondary voltage is high-
er at idle speed than at wide-open throttle condi-
tions. Technician B says the maximum available
secondary voltage must always exceed the nor-
mally required secondary voltage. Who is correct?
a. Technician A c. Both A and B
b. Technician B d. Neither A nor B
13. Technician A says an ignition system must gener-
ate sufficient voltage to force a spark across the
spark plug gap. Technician B says the ignition sys-
tem must time the arrival of the spark to coincide
with the movement of the engines pistons and vary
it according to the operating conditions of the
engine. Who is correct?
a. Technician A c. Both A and B
b. Technician B d. Neither A nor B
14. While discussing electronic ignition systems, Tech-
nician A says a transistor actually controls prima-
ry current flow through the coil. Technician B says
a reluctor controls the primary coil current. Who
is correct?
a. Technician A c. Both A and B
b. Technician B d. Neither A nor B
15. Modern ignition cables contain fiber cores that act
as a _____ in the secondary circuit to cut down on
radio and television interference and reduce spark
plug wear.
a. conductor c. semiconductor
b. resistor d. heat shield
16. In EI systems using one ignition coil for every two
cylinders, Technician A says two plugs fire at the
same time, with one wasting the spark on the
exhaust stroke. Technician B says one plug fires in
the normal direction (center to side electrode) and
the other in reversed polarity (side-to-center elec-
trode). Who is correct?
a. Technician A c. Both A and B
b. Technician B d. Neither A nor B
17. The magnetic field surrounding the pick-up coil in
a magnetic pulse generator moves when the
a. reluctor tooth approaches the coil
b. reluctor tooth begins to move away from the
pick-up coil pole
c. reluctor is aligned with the pick-up coil pole
d. both a and b
18. The pick-up coil in a magnetic pulse generator
does not produce a voltage signal when
a. a reluctor tooth approaches the coil.
b. a reluctor tooth is aligned with the coil.
c. a reluctor tooth begins to move away from the
d. the coil is midway between two reluctor teeth.
19. Which type of engine position sensor requires its
voltage signal be amplified, inverted, and shaped
into a clean square wave signal?
a. magnetic pulse generator
b. metal detection sensor
c. Hall-effect sensor
d. photoelectric sensor
20. Which of the following electronic switching
devices has a reluctor with wide shutters rather
than teeth?
a. magnetic pulse generator
b. metal detection sensor
c. Hall-effect sensor
d. all of the above
566 SECT I ON 4 E n g i n e P e r f o r m a n c e

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