Automatic Tool Changer
Automatic Tool Changer
Automatic Tool Changer
An Automatic Tool Changer is equipment that reduces cycle times by automatically changing tools between cuts. Automatic tool changers are differentiated by tool-to-tool time and the number of tools they can hold. CNC machines are in general, more expensive than general purpose manoperated machine tools, special attention is given to the design of the NC machines and production tooling in order to reduce the time spent in both wor and machine set up. Tooling systems for NC are designed to eliminate operator error and maximi!e productive machine hours. CNC tool changers allow a machine to perform more than one function without requiring an operator to change the tooling. A CNC tool changer can quic ly change the end effectors without the requirement of multiple robots. Tool changers can be a manual tool changers or automatic tool changers. A CNC tool changer fulfills the requirement of multiple tooling for a wide variety of machine tools. A CNC machine tool raises the productivity by automatically translating designs into instructions for a computer controller on a machine tool. The spindle axis of a CNC machine tool fixes the chuc s which is integral to the lathe"s functioning. A CNC tool storage system is an organi!ed, efficient, and secure method of storing tools at all stages and time. The main component of a CNC tool storage system is a CNC tool holder. A CNC tool holder is suitable for vertically storing all types of preset tools.
1. Automation and requirement of Automation
Automation in production system # Automated manufacturing $ystems # %ixed Automation, &rogrammable Automation and %lexible Automation # Automation &rinciples and strategies # '$A principle, Automation (igration Theory, Ten strategies for automation # )easons for Automation
2. Toolings For Numerical Control
Toolings for Numerical Control # Alternatives for Automatic tool changing # semiautomatic tool changing # preset tooling
Automatic Tool Changer # *hat is automatic Tool Changer # *hy Automatic Tool Changer is needed # Types of Automatic tool Changer # tool Change system with gripper Arm # +escription of gripper arm - Tool Change system with Chain (aga!ine # Tool Change system with +isc (aga!ine
!. "ro#ect $etails
&ro,ect Concept # +escription of &arts # Construction of &arts # +egrees of %reedom # +etails About main &arts # )ac and &inion (echanism %or gripper Arm - )elay what is )elay and -ow it wor s # )elay $pecifications # -ow an electric motor wor s # $pecifications of .ear motors # /dea about circuit # Circuit +iagram and description of Circuit +iagram
%. NC S&stems
$ome elements of the production systems are li ely to be automated, where as the others will be operated manually or clerically. %or our purposes here, automation can be defined as a technology concerned with the application of mechanical, electronic and computer based systems to operate and control production. /n modern production systems, the two categories overlap to some extent, because the automated manufacturing systems operating on the factory floor are themselves often implemented by computer systems and connected to the computeri!ed manufacturing support systems and management information system operating at the plant and enterprise levels. The term computer integrated manufacturing is used to indicate this extensive use of computers in production systems.
Automated manufacturing systems operate in the factory on the physical product. They perform operations such as processing, assembly, inspection, or material handling in some cases accomplishing more than one of these operations in the same system. They are called automated because they perform their operations with a reduced level of human participation compared with the corresponding manual process. /n some highly automated systems, there is virtually no human participation. 2xamples of automated manufacturing systems includes1 Automated machine tools that process machine parts Transfer lines that perform a series of machining operations Automated assembly systems (anufacturing systems that use industrial robots to perform processing or assembly operations Automatic material handling and storage systems to integrate manufacturing operations Automatic inspection system for quality control
Automated manufacturing systems can be classified into three basic types 3. %ixed automation 4. &rogrammable automation 5. %lexible automation All the three types of automation differ in certain specific ways as per their characteristics. They are discussed in detail below.
1. Fi1ed Automation %ixed automation is a system in which the sequence of processing operations is fixed by the equipment configuration. 2ach of the operations in the sequence is usually simple, involving perhaps a plain linear or rotational motion or an uncomplicated combination of the two6 for example, the feeding of a rotating spindle. /t is the integration and coordination of many such operations into one piece of equipment that ma es the system complex. Typical features of fixed automation are1 -igh initial investment for custom-engineered equipment -igh production rates )elatively inflexible in accommodation product variety The economic ,ustification for fixed automation is found in products that are produced in very large quantities and at high production rates. The high initial cost of the equipment can be spread over a very large number of units, thus ma ing unit cost attractive compared with alternative methods of production. 2xample of fixed automation includes machining transfer lines and automated assembly machines. 2. "rogramma2le Automation /n programmable automation, the production equipment is designed with the capability to change the sequence of operations to accommodate different product configurations. The operation sequence is controlled by a program which is a set of instructions coded so that they can be read and interpreted by the system. New programs can be prepared and entered in to the equipment to produce new products. $ome of the features that characteri!e programmable automation include1 -igh investment in general purpose equipment 7ower production rates than fixed automation %lexibility to deal with variations and changes in product configuration 5
&rogrammable automated systems are used in low and medium volume production. The parts or products are typically made in batches. To produce each new batch of a different product, the system must be reprogrammed with the set of machine instructions that correspond to the new product. 3. Fle1i2le Automation %lexible automation is an extension of programmable automation. A flexible automation system is capable of producing a variety of parts with virtually no time lost for changeovers from one part style to the next. There is no lost production time while reprogramming the system and altering the physical setup 8tooling, fixture, machine settings9. /t is a case of soft variety, so that the amount of changeover required between styles is minimal. The features of flexible automation can be summari!ed as follows1 -igh investment for a custom engineered system Continuous production of variable mixture of products (edium production rates %lexibility to deal with product design variations
2xamples of flexible automation are the flexible manufacturing systems for performing machining operations that date bac to the late 3:;<s.
NC "3-S
There are mainly three approaches for dealing with automation pro,ects 3. The '$A principle 4. Ten strategies for automation 5. Automation migration strategy The )SA .rinci.le The '$A principle is a common sense approach to automation pro,ects. $imilar procedures have been suggested in manufacturing and automation trade literature, but none has a more captivating title than this one. '$A stands for1 )nderstand the existing process Sim.lif& the process Automate the process A statement of the '$A principle appeared in the A&/C$ 8American &roduction and /nventory Control $ociety9 article. The article was concerned with implementation of enterprise resource planning but the '$A approach is so general that it is applicable to nearly any automation pro,ect. 1.
)nderstand the e1isting .rocess
The obvious purpose of the first step in the '$A approach is to comprehend the current process in all of its details. *hat are the inputs= *hat are the outputs= *hat exactly happens to the wor unit between input and output= *hat is the function of the process= -ow does it add value to the product= *hat are the upstream and downstream operations in the production sequenced, and can they be combined with the process under consideration=
(athematical models of the process may also be useful to indicate relationships between input parameters and output variables. *hat are the important output variables= -ow are these output variables affected by inputs to the process, such as raw material properties, process settings, operating parameters, and environmental conditions= This information may be valuable in identifying what output variables need to be measured for feedbac purposes and in formulating algorithms for automatic process control.
2. Sim.lif& the .rocess
>nce the existing process is understood, then the search can begin for ways to simplify. This often involves a chec list of questions about the existing process. *hat is the purpose of this step or this transport= /s this step necessary= Can this step be eliminated= /s the most appropriate technology being used in this step= -ow can this step be simplified= Are there necessary steps in the process that might be eliminated without detracting from function= $ome of the ten strategies of automation and production systems are applicable to try to simplify the process. Can steps be integrated into a manually operated production line=
3. Automate the .rocess
>nce the process has been reduced to its simplest form, then automation can be considered. The possible forms of automation include those listed in ten strategies discussed in the following section. An automation migration strategy might be implemented for a new product that has not yet proven itself. Ten strategies for automation %ollowing the '$A principle is a good first step in any automation pro,ect. As suggested previously, it may turn out that automation of the process is unnecessary or cannot be cost ,ustified after it has been simplified.
/f automation seems a feasible solution to improve productivity, quality or other measure of performance, then the following strategies provide a road map to search for these improvements. These strategies are as relevant and appropriate today as they did in ?<s. They are referred as strategies for automation because some of them are applicable whether the process is a candidate for automation or ,ust for simplification.
1. S.eciali/ation of o.eration
The first strategy involves the use of special purpose equipment designed to perform one operation with the greatest possible efficiency. This is analogous to the concept of labor speciali!ation, which is employed to improve the labor productivity.
2. Com2ined o.erations
&roduction occurs as a sequence of operations. Complex parts may require do!ens, or even hundreds of processing steps. The strategy of combined operation involves reducing the number of distinct production machines or wor stations through which the part must be routed. This is accomplished by performing more than one operation at a given machine, thereby reducing the number of separate machines needed. $ince each machine typically involves a setup, setup time can usually be saved as a consequence of this strategy. (aterial handling effort and non operation time are also reduced. (anufacturing lead time is reduced for better customer service.
3. Simultaneous o.erations
simultaneously perform the operations that are combined at one wor station. 4.
ntegration of o.erations
ncreased fle1i2ilit&
This strategy attempts to achieve maximum utili!ation of equipment for ,ob shop and medium volume situations by using the same equipment for a variety of parts or products. /t involves the use of the flexible automation concepts. 6.
m.ro4ed material handling and storage
A great opportunity for reducing nonproductive time exists in the use of automated material handling and storage systems. Typical benefits include reduced wor in progress and shorter manufacturing lead times. 7.
*nline ins.ection
is completed. This means that any poor quality product has already been produced by the time it is inspected. /ncorporating inspection into the manufacturing process permits corrections to the process as the product is being made. 8.
"rocess control and o.timi/ation
This includes a wide range of control schemes intended to operate the individual processes and associated equipment more efficiently. 0y this strategy, the individual process times can be reduced and product quality improved. 9. "lant o.erations control *hereas the previous strategy was concerned with the control of the individual manufacturing process, this strategy is concerned with control at the plant level.
15. Com.uter integrated manufacturing
Ta ing the previous strategy one level higher, we have the integration of factory operations with engineering design and the business functions of the firm. C/( involves extensive use of computer applications, computer data bases, and computer networ ing throughout the enterprise.
The ten strategies constitute a chec list of the possibilities for improving the production system through automation or simplification. They should not be considered as mutually exclusive. %or most situations, multiple strategies can be implemented in one improvement pro,ect.
Automation migration strateg&
>wing to competitive mar etplace, a company often needs to introduce a new product in the shortest possible time. As mentioned previously, the easiest and least expensive way to accomplish this ob,ective is to design a manual production method, using a sequence of wor stations operating independently. /f the product turns out to be successful, and high future demand is anticipated, then it ma es sense for the company to automate production. A typical automation migration strategy is the following1 &hase 31 manual production using single station manned cells operating independently. This is used for introduction of the new product for reasons already mentioned1 quic tooling to get started. &hase 41 Automated production using single station automated cells operating independently. As demand for the product grows, and it becomes clear that automation can be ,ustified, then the single stations are automated to reduce labor and increase production rate. &hase 51 Automated integrated production using a multistation and low cost
automated system with serial operations and automated transfer of wor units between stations.
Companies underta e
computer integrated manufacturing for a variety of good reasons. $ome of the reasons used to ,ustify automation are the following1 1.
To increase la2or .roducti4it&
Automating a manufacturing operation usually increases production rate and labor productivity. This means greater output per hour of labor input.
2. To reduce la2or cost
2ver increasing labor cost has been and continuous to be the trend in the world"s industriali!ed societies. Consequently, higher investment in automation has become economically ,ustifiable to replace manual operations.
3. To mitigate the effects of la2or shortages
There is a general shortage of labor in many advanced nations, and this has stimulated the development of automated operations as a substitute for labor.
!. To reduce or eliminate routine manual and clerical tas6s
An argument can be put forth that there is social value in automating operations that are routine, boring, fatiguing, and possibly ir some.
%. To im.ro4e 7or6er safet&
0y automating a given operation, and transferring the wor er from active participation in the process to a supervisory role, the wor is made safer.
Automation not only results in higher production rates than manual operations6 it also performs the manufacturing process with greater uniformity and conformity to quality specifications.
(. To reduce manufacturing lead time
Automation helps to reduce the elapsed time between customer order and product delivery, providing a competitive advantage to the manufacturer for future orders. 8. To accom.lish .rocesses that cannot 2e done manuall& Certain operations cannot be accomplished without the aid of a machine. These processes have requirements for precision, miniaturi!ation, or complexity of geometry that cannot be achieved manually.
8. To a4oid the high cost of not automating
There is a significant competitive advantage gained in automating a manufacturing plant. The advantage cannot easily be demonstrated on a company"s pro,ect authori!ation form. The benefits of automation often show up in unexpected and intangible ways, such as an improved quality, higher sales, better labor relations, and better company image. Companies that do not automate are li ely to find themselves at a competitive disadvantage with their customers, their employees and the general public.
F*R N)+-R
$ince NC machines are in general, more expensive than general purpose man-operated machine tools, special attention is given to the design of the NC machines and production tooling in order to reduce the time spent in both wor and machine set up. Tooling systems for NC are designed to eliminate operator error and maximi!e productive machine hours. They do this in one or more of the following ways1 3. 'sing quic change tool holders 4. Automatic tool selection 5. Automatic tool Changer @. &resetting of tool A. %acilitating tool selection and tool changing through the numerical control program *hile tooling for NC machines might appear to be speciali!ed, the actual components and principles involved have much in common with what would be considered proper practice for conventional machine tools.
1. Tool 9olders
readily positioned with respect to the spindle axis of the machine. This requires that tolerances on length andCor diameter be held on all tools used in the machine. Arbor type cutters such as face mills and shell end mills are held in arbor type tool holders. $han type mills are held in positive loc holder. +rills, reamers and boring tools are held in a straight shan collet type holder. Taps are held in a tension and compression collet type holders. 14
Automatic tool selectors in NC ma e all the tool changes required to complete a predetermined sequence of machining operations on a part. There are two basic approaches to automatic tool selection1 *hen relatively small number of different tools is required, automatic tool selector is the turret type. The turret is rotated under program control to bring the proper tool into position. The tools are held in preset tool holder adapters which are mounted into turret spindles. An automatic tool changer and maga!ine of tools is frequently used in preference to the turret approach, when the number of tools to be used is large. 2ach tool is inserted in a common spindle as required. The tools which are mounted in uniform holders, are automatically pic ed up, placed into the spindle and loc ed in place. *hen the operations using that tool are completed it is returned to the tool storage maga!ine. %or changing tools rapidly it is better to place tool in maga!ine or turret in the order in which they will be used.
3. Automatic Tool Changer
%or three axis machines which perform a wide variety of operations tool changes a programmed into the tape for fully automatic selection and replacement. The automatic tool change system may consist of following elements1 )otary tool storage maga!ine for numerous tools. Automatic tool changer to remove tool holders from the machine spindle and replace them with tape programmed tools.
0asic tool holders adaptable to a multiplicity of cutting tool types and wor specifications. Tool coding rings and system for selection of proper tools in accordance with tape signals.
/n operation, the automatic tool change is accomplished in four steps1 0y tape command 8and from any location the maga!ine9 the tool maga!ine rotates to proper position to bring the pre selected tool into place for particular operation. >ne end of the tool change your arm then grasps the tool while the opposite end grasps the tool to be replaced in the spindle. The tool changer arm moves out away from the spindle removing one tool from the maga!ine and other tool from the spindle.
!. "reset Tooling
very considerable
savings can be made by reducing the machine down time during the period needed for the initial machine tool setup i.e. when preparing two machines a batch of different components. This reduction in setup time favourabaly influences the brea even point towards the use of NC machine tool. $ince the cost per minute of maintaining an NC machine in production is much greater than the cost of a tool setter wor ing on a bench with special tool setting equipment there arises the necessity for presetting the tools to be used by NC machines. /n other word the advantage of presetting tool in the tool room on precision tool presetting machine can readily be seen by calculating the cost of operator mista es and machine down time on ,obs which require continuous machine cycling. The time and costs for any interruption for trial cuts or to ad,ust tooling would be prohibitive.
T**3 C9AN0-R
An Automatic Tool Changer is equipment that reduces cycle times by automatically changing tools between cuts. Automatic tool changers are differentiated by tool-to-tool time and the number of tools they can hold. CNC tool changers allow a machine to perform more than one function without requiring an operator to change the tooling. A CNC tool changer can quic ly change the end effectors without the requirement of multiple robots. Tool changers can be a manual tool changers or automatic tool changers. A CNC tool changer fulfills the requirement of multiple tooling for a wide variety of machine tools. :h& Tool Changer is needed; Tool changer is equipment which is used in CNC machines to reduce the cycle time. The term applies to a wide variety of tooling, from indexable insert, single point tools to coded, preset tool holders for use in automatic tool changers. /t includes power-actuated, cross-slide tooling and turret tool holders for single spindle chuc ers, interchangeable-bloc boring tools. A number of basic types of tool holders are available that accommodate most face mills, end mills, drills, reamers, taps, boring tools, counterbores, countersin s, and spot facers. Arbor type cutters such as face mills and shell end mills are held in an arbor type tool holders. $han type mills are held in positive loc holder. +rills, reamers and boring tools are held in a straight shan collet type
holder. Taps are held in a tension and compression collet type holders.
T,"-S *F A)T*+AT
T**3 C9AN0-R
inds of tool changers available in mar et
according to the tool maga!ine arrangements provided. 3. Tool change system with gripper arm 4. Tool change system with chain maga!ine 5. Tool change system with disc maga!ine 1. Tool Change s&stem 7ith Arm /n this system, there are mainly two elements +isc with maga!ine .ripper arm /n this system, a disc is provided with maga!ine, in which different types of tools are loaded. /t can hold maximum 54 tools. /n maga!ines, all the tools which are required are fixed in the maga!ines. The tool which is programmed in controller according to the program will be indexed in front of the gripper arm and then the gripper arm grips the tool and performs the operation. After completion of the operation by each tool, the gripper arm places the tool bac in to the maga!ine. $escri.tion of the arm The tool changer gripper arm consists of a central aluminum structure with terminal tool grippers of hardened steel. Tool gripping and release are obtained by means of a spring-operated mechanism actuated by the rotation of the arm. The latter, in turning, engages or disengages the grippers from the tools when these are in exchange position. 2. Tool Change s&stem 7ith chain maga/ine /n this ind of system, a chain is provided with maga!ines for tool holding. This chain can hold numerous tools so it is used in heavy machineries. $tarting from 54 it can hold more than 3<< tools. 18
/n this
chain itself is indexed and the machining is done while eeping the tool in the chain only. 3. Tool change s&stem 7ith $isc maga/ine /n this system, the tools are held in a big disc. This disc is not similar to the disc provided in gripper arm mechanism. /n this disc, there are tool grippers provided separately for each maga!ine these grippers holds the tool and performs machining operation as well.
This system disc can hold 54 to maximum of ;@ tools. These type of tool changers are used in medium capacity machineries.
ro!ect "etails
+uring training, we have seen huge CNC units equipped with automatic tool changers. %rom there we have got the idea to replicate the same as our pro,ect. CNC machines are widely used in industries these days. %or saving time consumed in loading and unloading the tools, almost all the CNC machines are equipped with automatic tool changers.
"T *N
*F T9- "ARTS
-ere, we have selected the gripper arm type arrangement for our pro,ect. *e have made the model of gripper arm automatic tool changer. +ain Com.onents The main components of the gripper arm arrangement are1 3. 0ase 4. .riper arm 5. Tool holder @. $upport arm A. -ori!ontal rib +escription of all the parts used and its function is discussed here. The main parts are base, tool holder, support arm and gripper arm
1. Base<
*e have provided @<<x;<<x4< mm wooden base. This base holds the whole arrangement as well as supports it.
2. Arm<
An aluminum strip is provided on which the gripper arm is fixed. The gripper arm rotates 5;< degree and performs the machining operation as per our requirement.
The aluminum strip can oscillate about the support arm and gripper arm rotates 5;< degree about the pivot point and also reciprocates due to the rac and pinion arrangement provided in the gripper arm. $o the machining operation can be performed. The tool gripper mechanism also rotates 5;< degree which is provided at the end of gripper arm. $o mainly there are three motions 3. 4. 5. Tool gripper rotation 5;< degree *hole rac degree .ripper arm reciprocates due to rac mechanism These motions facilitate machining operations in all directions very easily.
!. Tool holder
strip at the bottom for holding the tools. *e have fixed a metal strip with the bottom strip so after putting the tool bac into the tool holder, the tool is loc ed. $o basically it is a loc ing and unloc ing mechanism for all the four tools.
%. Su..ort arm
supports the whole assembly mainly, the gripper arm and the hori!ontal rib. /t is a mild steel hollow shaft of 3A< mm diameter. /t is ept hollow so that all the wires can be passed inside the shaft.
+otors There are mainly three motors are used all of different )&( ranging from 3A rpm to @A rpm. (otors used here are the simple gear motors used for electrical purposes. These motors have the capacity to carry load upto @-A g. and then it can give torque of The motors are called gear motors which are directly available in mar et. The supply to the motors is given by : watts battery. The electric motor is a standard +C electric motor.
$C -lectric +otor
>n the end of the motor is a small ;-tooth gear. This gear fits into the center of the planetary gear system, as shown here1
A gear attached to the motor fits in the middle of the three smaller gears
This gear system is the heart of any electric screwdriver. An electric motor by itself is a pretty wea device. Dou can grab the axle and stop a small motorEs rotation very easily. This means that the chuc moves very slowly relative to the motor, but that the chuc spinning because of the gear ratio9. has a great deal of torque 8it ta es A; times more strength to stop the motor from
Dou can see that this is a small motor, about as big around as a dime. %rom the outside you can see the steel can that forms the body of the motor, an axle, a nylon end cap and two battery leads. /f you hoo the battery leads of the motor up to a flashlight battery, the axle will spin. /f you reverse the leads, it will spin in the opposite direction. -ere are two other views of the same motor. 8Note the two slots in the side of the steel can in the second shot - their purpose will become more evident in a moment.9
N&lon ca.
The nylon end cap is held in place by two tabs that are part of the steel can. 0y bending the tabs bac , you can free the end cap and remove it. /nside the end cap are the motorEs brushes. These brushes transfer power from the battery to the commutator as the motor spins.
)ac plate
reciprocating movement of gripper arm. The mechanism is fixed in a ind of arrangement and in this arrangement, gripper arm is and pinion, the gripper arm fixed. +ue to up and down motion of rac
moves up and down and the whole mechanism rotates 5;< degree for performing the required tas . The gripper arm used here is of screw driver ind of arrangement. /t is available readily in mar et with different arrangements for different inds of screw heads.
$-0R--S *F FR--$*+
(ain aspect of this pro,ect is its degrees of freedom. /t has mainly 3< degrees of freedom. There are mainly 3. )otational motion of hori!ontal arm 4. )otational motion of )ac and pinion disc 5. )eciprocating motion of gripper arm @. )otational motion of gripper A. )eciprocating motion of tool holder loc unloc mechanism
Rotational +otion of 9ori/ontal Arm
The hori!ontal arm is pivoted about the main arm and it can rotate, cloc wise as well as anticloc wise about the main arm. This motion facilitates machining in any direction.
Rotational +otion of Rac6 and "inion $isc
The rac
/t is pivoted about the upper middle side. /t can rotate about the pivot point. This motion facilitates movement of tool gripper in any direction.
Reci.rocating +otion of Arm
)ac and pinion arrangement is provided for gripper arm. .ripper arm is fixed with pinion. $o reciprocating motion of the gripper arm can be obtained and machining can be done accordingly.
Rotational +otion of
The tool gripper which is almost cylindrical in shape and provided at the end of gripper arm for actually holding the tools can have circular motion. This motion facilitates the tas s li e fastening or loosening a screw.
*e have carried out the construction of the tool changer equipment in following manner. %irstly, we have attached the main arm 8which is of ;A mm diameter9 to the base. As mentioned above the base is wooden board of @<<x;<<x4< mm. >n this wooden board, the hollow arm is fixed with two bolts. The arm is ept hollow so that the wirings can be passed inside the hollow arm. >n the arm, a motor is fixed. (otor is of 4<rpm and it can carry maximum of @ gs. load. After fixing the hori!ontal arm to the main arm, at the end of the hori!ontal arm, the disc of rac and pinion arrangements is attached. This attachment is also fixed with motor. $o the whole rac and pinion disc can rotate 5;< degree. /n the rac and pinion arrangement, a gripper arm is attached. .ripper arm is attached so that up and down movement of the gripper arm can be achieved by rac and pinion mechanism. The gripper arm used here is of screw driver ind of arrangement. /t is available readily in mar et with different arrangements for different inds of screw heads. This ind of tool gripper arrangement is used. The all four tools are arranged in tool holder, and the tool gripper comes down, grips the tool and goes to the required location. A circuit with eight relays is used for four different tools holding and un-holding. A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under the control of another electrical circuit. The circuit diagram is very simple and it is explained in next page.
$escri.tion of the Circuit Circuit diagram is shown in previous page. /t is a very simple circuit. /t consists of transistors, )elays and motors. The detail about relay is given in next pages. )elay is an
electromagnetic switch which is used to convert AC to +C. The motors and all the other parts used in circuit can be run through +C supply. $o for converting AC current into +C we have used )elay. " Total & total is maximum total power which can be generated in a transistor. The S.ecifications All the specifications of the 0CA@F &N& transistor, we have used, is described in next page.
A relay is a simple electro mechanical switch made up of an electro magnet and a set of contacts A relay is an electrical switch that opens and closes under the control of another electrical circuit. /n the original form, the switch is operated by an electromagnet to open or close one or many sets of contacts. )elays are found hidden in all sorts of devices.
"arts of a rela&
A simple electromagnetic relay, such as the one ta en from a car in the first picture, is an adaptation of an electromagnet. /t consists of a coil of wire surrounding a soft iron core, an iron yo e, which provides a low reluctance path for magnetic flux, a moveable iron armature, and a set, or sets, of contacts6 two in the relay pictured. The armature is hinged to the yo e and mechanically lin ed to a moving contact or contacts. /t is held in place by a spring so that when the relay is deenergi!ed there is an air gap in the magnetic circuit. *hen an electric current is passed through the coil, the resulting magnetic field attracts the armature and the consequent movement of the movable contact or contacts either ma es or brea s a connection with a fixed contact. /f the set of contacts was closed when the relay was de-energi!ed, then the movement opens the contacts and brea s the connection, and vice versa if the contacts were open. /f the coil is energi!ed with +C, a diode is frequently installed across the coil, to dissipate the energy from the collapsing magnetic field at deactivation, which would otherwise generate a voltage spi e dangerous to circuit components. $ome automotive relays already include that diode inside the relay case.
*F A R-3A,
)elays are ama!ingly simple devices. There are four parts in every 2lectromagnet Armature that can be attracted by the electromagnet $pring $et of electrical contacts
/n this figure, you can see that a relay consists of two separate and completely independent circuits. The first is at the bottom and drives the electromagnet. /n this circuit, a switch is controlling power to the electromagnet. *hen the switch is on, the electromagnet is on, and it attracts the armature 8blue9.
NC #$stem % An Idea
(any as of the The achievements conceptual, in computer-aided established design during and the manufacturing have a common origin in numerical control 8abbreviated NC9. framewor development of numerical control is still undergoing further refinement and enhancement in today"s CA+CCA( technology. Numerical control can be defined as a form of programmable automation in which the process is controlled by numbers, letters and symbols. /n NC the numbers form a program of instructions designed for a particular wor parts or ,ob. NC technology has been applied to the wide variety of operations, including drafting, assembly, inspection, sheet metal press wor ing, and spot welding. -owever, numerical control finds its principle applications in metal machining processes. The machined wor parts are designed in various si!es and shapes, and most machined parts that are produced in industry today are made in small to medium si!e batches.
C*+"*N-NTS *F AN NC S,ST-+
An operational numerical control system consists of the following three basic components. 3. &rogram of instructions 4. Controller unit, also called a machine control 'nit 5. (achine tool or other controlled process The general relationship among the three components is illustrated in figure. The program of instructions serves as the input to the controller unit, which in turn commands the machine tool or the other process to be controlled. /n NC system you need to write the part programs required to run the machine tool manually. &rograms are listing of codes in a proper sequence that as instructions for the machine. The program of instructions is the detailed step by step set of directions which tell the machine tool what to do. /t is a multifunction machine which incorporates several time saving features into a single piece of automated production equipment. All the components are explained in detail below.
&art program
(achine Tool
NC s&stem
"rogram of nstructions The program of instructions is the detailed step by step set of directions which tell the machine tool what to do. /t is coded in symbolic form on some type of input medium that can be interpreted by the controller unit. The most common input medium today is 3 inch wide punched tape. >ver the years, other forms of input media have been used, including punched cards, magnetic tapes, and even 5A-mm motion picture film.
Controller )nit The second basic component of the NC system is the controller unit. This consists of the electronics and hardware that read and interpret the program of instructions and convert it into mechanical actions of the machine tool. The typical elements of a conventional NC controller unit include the tape reader, a data buffer, signal output channels to the machine tool, feedbac elements. -ere, some systems are provided with Automatic Tool Changer so there will be no operator required for changing the tools and the tool changing time will also be reduced so the machining operation will be performed fast. channels from the machine tool, and the sequence control to co-ordinate the overall operation of the foregoing
+achine tool or other controlled .rocess The third basic component of an NC system is the machine tool or other controlled process. /t is the part of the NC system which performs useful wor . /n the most common example of an NC system, one designed to perform machining operations, the machine tool consists of the wor table and spindle as well as the motors and controls necessary to drive them. /t also includes the cutting tools,
operation. CNC S,ST-+ /n a CNC system, a dedicated computer is used to perform all basic NC functions. &art program of CNC is similar to part program of an NC system. This program is entered only once, and it serves as input for the computer. The CNC systems have more computational capability, more reliable and are flexible compared to NC system.
&art program
(achine Tool
CNC S&stem
N T *N
A system in which the actions are controlled by direct insertion of numerical data at some point. The system automatically interprets at least some portion of this data. $NC S,ST-+ The +NC system uses a central computer, which sends control signals to number of local CNC machines. &rogram is stored in the memory of host computer, when a machine tool needs control commands, host computer operation. instantaneously communicates with it and perform
CNC Computer
(Cc. Tool
-ost computer
CNC Computer
(Cc. Tool
CNC Computer
$NC S&stem
(CC. Tool
N--$ F*R CNC /n conventional machines, after loading the wor the wor piece. piece, you have to manually operate different hand wheels to feed the cutting tool into
)educe non-production time Achieve manufacturing flexibility /ncrease in production rate &roduce parts with complex shapes /mprove quality Achieve good surface finish and accuracy
$ingle spindle drilling machine Turning center or CNC lathe (illing center (achining center CNC Non conventional machines 82+(, AH( etc.9
1. "art "rogram 0efore ma ing a part program, you need to understand the1 3. .iven part drawing. 4. +ifferent machining operations to be performed on the ,ob. 5. $equence through which these operations are to be performed. @. Cutting conditions to be selected. 2. +achine Control )nit
/t is a main part of CNC system. This unit interprets the program of instructions and sends it to the next step in the process. All control signals to the machine tool are generated here, based on the instructions given in the part program. The (C' reads the part program, and then sends the control signals to the control unit of the machine tool in the form of electrical pulses. The drives in the machine
tool convert these electrical pulses into the equivalent mechanical motions.
(Interpretatio n)
3. "rocessing +achines &rocessing machines are designed to execute the metal machining wor as per the signals received from (C'. +ifferent types of and non-conventional machine tools. Conventional machines are developed for different operations. These include conventional machine tool includes lathe, milling, drilling etc. non-conventional machines are machines that uses non-conventional energy, such as thermal energy, chemical energy etc. 2xamples are, 2lectro Chemical .rinding 82C.9, 2lectro +ischarge (achining 82+(9 etc.
C*NC-"T *F "ART "R*0RA++ N0 n CNC machine tools> the o.erations to 2e .erformed are gi4en in a coded form> 7hich is 6no7n as .art .rogram. (anual part programming is a very tedious wor . %or manual programming a programmer must have sufficient nowledge of machining processes and part programming techniques. The programmer has to prepare a part program with a proper sequence of operations and appropriate selection of cutting parameters such as feed and speed. /n such cases chances of committing errors are high while developing a part program. There for the concept of computer assisted part programming came into existence so, computational errors are eliminated. &rogramming software does the calculations required to produce the component and the programmer communicates with this system, through the system language, which is based on 2nglish words. TD&2$ >% &)>.)A((/N. 7AN.'A.2$ A&T 8Automatically programmed tools9 C>(&ACT # 4 A+A&T 8Adaptation of A&T9 2JA&T 82xtended subset of A&T9 A'T>$&>T $&7/T
These languages are utili!ed as per type of machine, but A&T is widely used.
An Automatic Tool Changer is equipment that reduces cycle times by automatically changing tools between cuts. Automatic tool changers are differentiated by tool-to-tool time and the number of tools they can hold. *e have made the simplest model of an automatic tool changer. /n this model, there is scope of as many modifications as we want. 0y more investment, it can be made more sophisticated as per our requirement. %or example, by using the disc instead of tool holder we have used, more tools can be accommodated. 0y using timers for operations, the time required for a particular operation can be fixed and as per that time, the tool changing procedure can be carried out. $o, in this way, more modifications can be done in the model we have made.
Automation principles and strategies by (i ell .roover &roduction Technology &art // by >.&.Khanna Computer Aided design and manufacturing by (i ell &. .roover L 2mory *. Mimmers
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