Chapter 01
Chapter 01
Chapter 01
The growth in urban traffic congestion has been recognized as a serious problem in all large metropolitan areas in the country, with significant effect on the economy, travel behavior, land use and a cause of discomfort for millions of motorists. Although traffic congestion is not a new problem in urban areas, it has been extended to suburban areas sooner than expected. Schrank and Lomax (1997) estimated that the annual cost of congestion in 50 urban areas in 1994 exceeded $53 billion. They also estimated that 90 percent of total congestion costs in major urban areas are attributed to travel delay, with the other 10 percent attributed to fuel cost. The decline in urban mobility resulting from traffic congestion has become a major concern to the transportation and business community and to the public in general. Various detection systems have been installed in urban areas as a means of monitoring traffic congestion in order to assist drivers in making better travel decisions. In addition, the prediction of future traffic conditions has become a critical component for many Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications such as Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) and Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). Among the many issues that require attention in congestion management is the need for analytical procedures as well as traffic simulation procedures to study the effect of congestion and, furthermore, to be utilized in evaluating alternative congestion-mitigating strategies. A key issue in utilizing these procedures is an understanding of the assumptions and limitations of these procedures in order that they are utilized within their domain of application. Several methods have been used for measuring congestion (based on travel time and delay studies). Although numerous theories and mathematical methods, despite the importance of
these methods, have been developed to alleviate traffic congestion, there is no unified congestion measure for use by public agencies. None of existing methods provide consistent and accurate results. To obtain such results, one would need not just better methods but better information about traffic patterns. Moreover, current methods neither produce comparable results for various systems with similar congestion conditions nor are they appropriate for evaluating the effect of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications such as traffic management systems. There is a need for a new congestion measure that accounts for variations in traffic pattern resulting from the implementation of traffic management systems. Several Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs) have been used to quantify congestion, including travel time, delay, number of vehicle stops, queue lengths, and acceleration noise. Furthermore, several analytical and simulation approaches have been developed to quantify the different MOEs. The focus of this dissertation is on the estimation of delay, queue size, and number of vehicle stops using analytical and simulation approaches.
number of vehicles in queue, produced according to the INTEGRATION microscopic traffic simulation model are consistent with standard traffic flow theories. c. Having established the validity of the delay estimates produced by the INTEGRATION microscopic traffic simulation model, the dissertation will attempt to quantify the impact of non-homogeneous (heterogeneous) traffic flow conditions on delay estimates. Specifically, the research will investigate the delay associated with a mixed flow of buses and passenger cars at an isolated signalized intersection. An analysis of non-homogeneous flow is currently beyond the scope of state-of-the-art analytical approaches.
model provides an opportunity to evaluate conditions that are beyond the scope of analytical approaches Chapter 3 describes the proposed research methodology prior to comparing the delay estimates at an isolated fixed-time signalized intersection in Chapter 4. Chapter 5 extends the research that was presented in Chapter 4 by focusing on the estimations of delay at over-saturated fix-time signalized intersections. While significant research has been conducted on the computation of delay at under-saturated fixed-time signalized intersections, less research has addressed on over-saturated signalized intersection and even less research has addressed the issue of queue length and vehicle stop estimations. Chapter 6 compares, develops and analyzes alternative analytical and simulation procedures for computing these parameters. A major limitation of analytical approaches is the assumption that traffic flow is homogeneous. Chapter 7 investigates and compares alternative approaches for estimating delay at a fixed-time signalized approach for heterogeneous traffic arrivals. Finally, the conclusions of dissertation are presented in Chapter 8.