This document provides an overview of organic certification in the United States. It discusses how organic is a regulated term overseen by the USDA National Organic Program. It outlines the categories of operations that can be certified organic including farmers, livestock producers, and food processors. It also reviews the three categories of certified organic labeling and the requirements and limitations of each. The document provides additional details on certification requirements, record keeping, and resources for more information on organic standards.
This document provides an overview of organic certification in the United States. It discusses how organic is a regulated term overseen by the USDA National Organic Program. It outlines the categories of operations that can be certified organic including farmers, livestock producers, and food processors. It also reviews the three categories of certified organic labeling and the requirements and limitations of each. The document provides additional details on certification requirements, record keeping, and resources for more information on organic standards.
Original Description:
How to become a certified organic producer from the Sustainable Economies Law Center.
This document provides an overview of organic certification in the United States. It discusses how organic is a regulated term overseen by the USDA National Organic Program. It outlines the categories of operations that can be certified organic including farmers, livestock producers, and food processors. It also reviews the three categories of certified organic labeling and the requirements and limitations of each. The document provides additional details on certification requirements, record keeping, and resources for more information on organic standards.
This document provides an overview of organic certification in the United States. It discusses how organic is a regulated term overseen by the USDA National Organic Program. It outlines the categories of operations that can be certified organic including farmers, livestock producers, and food processors. It also reviews the three categories of certified organic labeling and the requirements and limitations of each. The document provides additional details on certification requirements, record keeping, and resources for more information on organic standards.
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Crganlc ls a sLrlcLly regulaLed Lerm (unllke naLural" and susLalnable") naLlonal Crganlc rogram sLandards overseen by uSuA roducers musL be cerLlfled by 1hlrd arLy CerLlflers (CCCl, C1CC, CAl, eLc.) Crganlc rules are abouL a managemenL sysLem, noL [usL Lhe end producL very llmlLed use of synLheLlc subsLances no CMCs, no lrradlaLlon, no sewage sludge
1here are Lhree labellng caLegorles for cerLlfled organlc producLs: @AAB ()*#+,- ()*#+,- 5#42 :,$" ()*#+,-C Cnly lngredlenLs cerLlfled 100 Crganlc" Crganlc processlng alds May use uSuA organlc seal May use cerLlfler's logo AL leasL 93 organlc lngredlenLs LlmlLed approved nonorganlc lngredlenLs and processlng alds May use uSuA organlc seal May use cerLlfler's logo AL leasL 70 organlc lngredlenLs LlmlLed approved nonorganlc lngredlenLs and processlng alds MusL nC1 use uSuA seal May use cerLlfler's logo
lf you are noL a cerLlfled organlc operaLlon, you may only llsL organlc lngredlenLs wlLhln Lhe lngredlenL sLaLemenL (ex: lngredlenLs: organlc flour, sugar, organlc apples). 1hese producLs musL nC1 dlsplay Lhe uSuA seal or a cerLlfler's logo.
&+*)24,2+$': Crganlc cerLlflers revlew each organlc formula and label Lo make sure lL meeLs Lhe labellng requlremenLs. Suppllers provlde Lhelr organlc cerLlflcaLe Lo conflrm LhaL lngredlenLs are organlc. 1he naLlonal LlsL" ls a llmlLed llsL of nonagrlculLural lngredlenLs and processlng alds LhaL may be used. 0/+$#G,+#$,/+ H 0/GG,+*=,+*: Crganlc processors make sure LhaL organlc producLs aren'L mlxed wlLh nonorganlc producLs and LhaL organlc producLs are proLecLed from conLacL wlLh cleanlng maLerlals or packaglng LhaL may have prohlblLed resldues. I2-/)4JK22L,+*: Crganlc producers have Lhelr records lnspecLed every year and musL documenL sales, producLlon, and purchases Lo show LhaL Lhey malnLalned organlc lnLegrlLy.
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1he organlc regulaLlons can be confuslng - <2:#)2 of mlslnformaLlon abouL organlc on Lhe lnLerneL, ln Lhe medla, and ln Lhe food lndusLry! 1he naLlonal Crganlc rogram webslLe ls Lhe mosL rellable source for lnformaLlon: lL lncludes: lacL SheeLs LlsLs of cerLlflers lnformaLlon abouL allowed and prohlblLed maLerlals lACs CerLlflers' webslLes can provlde addlLlonal background abouL organlc as well as deLalls abouL fees and Lhe appllcaLlon process. CCCl, Cregon 1llLh, and CAl are several of Lhe largesL and oldesL organlc cerLlflers ln Lhe u.S. 1rade assoclaLlons and publlcaLlons from food producers and reLallers can provlde more lnformaLlon relevanL Lo your speclflc buslness - <6$ 4/+D$ 8/)*2$ $/ 8#-$ -"2-K!