Teaching Plan - DIABETIC DIET
Teaching Plan - DIABETIC DIET
Teaching Plan - DIABETIC DIET
DESCRIPTION OF THE LEARNER: Patient Y, female, was diagnosed to have Diabetes Mellitus type 2. She said that she has only been taking Metformin, an oral hypoglycemic agent as her maintenance for her condition. She is not injecting any insulin to her body. She verbalized that she has little knowledge on the diet or food that she needs to take and also the lifestyle medications she need to do. She said that she wants to know about the diet for diabetic clients, what to avoid and what to eat and the proper nutrition she needs. She said that she is willing to learn. Furthermore, the client can speak Ilocano and Tagalog, and prefers to converse in any of the language and use it as a medium of instruction. LEARNING NEED: nutrition/diet for diabetic clients LEARNING DIAGNOSIS: Knowledge Deficit related to lack of information regarding nutrition or diet and lifestyle for diabetic clients GOAL: The client will be able to learn things about nutrition and diet and lifestyle for diabetic clients. LEARNING OBJECTIVES After 20 minutes of discussion, the client will be able to:
1. Enumerate and briefly
explain at least 3-5 diet tips or modifications for diabetic clients correctly
Make wise food choices: The best tip for a diabetes diet focuses on choosing healthy food options instead of foods full of fats, carbohydrates, starch, sugar, and so on. For example, eat whole grain breads and cereals instead of refined flour. Limit sweets: Substituting sugary foods with other
10 minutes Instant feedback: pamphlet containing information about the diet tips or The client will be able to modifications for diabetic clients. answer questions about the topic and enumerate and briefly explain at least 2-3 diet tips or modifications for diabetic clients correctly.
healthy alternatives such as fruit instead of ice-cream or pudding ranks second among our diabetes diet tips. Limit consumption of alcohol: Alcoholic drinks have no nutritional value, but contain a lot of calories. Eat less fat: Instead of butter or vegetable oils, use olive oil for cooking. Avoid fried foods; eat baked or grilled food instead. Eat plenty of whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables: Include greater amount of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as these provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Eat often: Do not starve yourself or remain hungry, as this will encourage you to overeat when you do eat. This diet tip for diabetes will prevent hypoglycemia, the risky condition where sugar level in the blood
Carefully control your intake of carbohydrates: Starches, fruits, and milk groups contain the highest amount of carbohydrates. Vegetables are low in carbohydrates. Eat a set amount of food: Do not overeat, nor starve yourself. Make use of measuring cups and spoons to ensure that your food servings are the right size. Stick to regular meal times: The best tip for a diabetes diet is to eat at regular intervals. Regular eating habits help your body regulate blood sugar levels. Avoid temptation: Keep your kitchen free of enticing food items.
2. Enumerate things to do with regards to lifestyle changes and exercises among diabetic clients correctly.
Lose weight if you are overweight. - Getting to a perfect weight is unrealistic for many people. However, losing some weight if you are obese or overweight will help to reduce your blood glucose level (and have other health benefits too). Do some physical activity regularly. - If you are able, a minimum of 30 minutes' brisk walking at least five times a week is advised. Anything more vigorous and more often is even better. For example, swimming, cycling, jogging, dancing. Ideally, you should do an activity that gets you at least mildly out of breath and mildly sweaty. You can spread the activity over the day - for example, two fifteen-minute spells per day of brisk walking, cycling, dancing, etc. Regular physical activity also reduces your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.
5 minutes pamphlet containing information about things to do with regards to lifestyle changes and exercises among diabetic clients.
Instant feedback: The client will be able to answer questions about the topic and enumerate things to do with regards to lifestyle changes and exercises among diabetic clients correctly.
3. Enumerate at least of the things to do to check for early signs of complications of diabetes correctly.
Checking for early signs of complications: Eye checks - to detect problems with the retina (a possible complication of diabetes) which can often be prevented from getting worse. Increased pressure in the eye (glaucoma) is also more common in people with diabetes and can usually be treated. Urine tests - which include testing for protein in the urine, which may indicate early kidney problems. Foot checks - to help to prevent foot ulcers. Other blood tests these include checks on kidney function and other general tests.
5 minutes Instant feedback: pamphlet containing information about points to The client will be able to remember before starting cancer answer questions about treatment. the topic and enumerate at least 4 points to remember before starting cancer treatment correctly.