International Marketing Plan
International Marketing Plan
International Marketing Plan
Md. Imdad Hossain Khan.MBA (East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh)
For any suggestions please mail,
You may or may NOT include all of the following pieces of information:
Geographical Setting
Labor Force
Unemployment Rate
Typical Working Conditions
Principal Industries
Portion of GNP contributed by various major industries
Ratio of private to publicly-owned businesses
Foreign Investment
Rate of
Which industries?
Types of Minerals and Resources
Transportation—Modes and Availability
Communication Systems—Modes, Availability, and Usage Rates
International Trade Statistics
Major Exports—Dollar Value and Trends
Major Imports—Dollar Values and Trends
Balance-of-Payments (Surplus or Deficit?)
Currency strength and stability and current rate of exchange
General Trade Restrictions and discussion of trade environment
Tariffs, Quotas, License Fees, Import Taxes, etc.
Memberships (WTO, Trade blocs, NATO, UN, etc.)
Official languages
Availability and Impact of Media—this section reports data on all media available within a
Later you will select specific media from among these as part of the promotional mix strategy for
your product.
Availability of Media
Availability of agency assistance
Percentage of population reached by each medium
Availability of Channels of Distribution—this section reports data on all channel middlemen
available within the country. Later you will select specific channels as part of your distribution
Retailers—number and typical size (small or large) of retail outlets/role of chain stores,
department stores,
and specialty stores
Wholesalers—number and typical size/cash or credit operators?
Other types of available agents or intermediaries
III. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS—this section describes the competitive situation facing you in your
focal country.
Brand Name—origin and significance
Positioning Strategy
Evaluate the product as an innovation as it is perceived by the intended market
Discuss also major product problems and resistances based on the preceding evaluation
Marketing Objectives
Target market (specific description of the market)
Expected market share or market penetration rate
Expected sales in dollar volume
Product Strategy
Product differentiators or competitive advantage
Support Services
Promotion Strategy
Major message thrust
Advertising—media mix, reach, costs
Sales Promotion—forms, objectives, and costs
Personal Selling
Miscellaneous promotional methods
Pricing Strategy
Handling Expenses (pier charges, wharf age fees, loading/unloading charges)
Customs duties
Import taxes
Wholesale and Retail Markups
Company’s gross margin
Retail price
Methods of Payment (cash in advance, open account, consignment, sight/time/date draft, letter of
credit, etc.)
Government Participation
Agencies that can help you
Regulations you must follow