Test Methods: Integrated System For Monitoring Bridge Structures
Test Methods: Integrated System For Monitoring Bridge Structures
Test Methods: Integrated System For Monitoring Bridge Structures
Use of integrated monitoring system for composite bridges ensures an increased structural durability and leads to a reaction of costs for inspection, repairs and rehabilitation. Integrated monitoring system assists and improves investigation and planning activities and allows optimized allocation of financial resources. The permanent bridge monitoring system presents the following advantages: - reduces the interferences with traffic; - reduces the costs of access to the structure elements; - allows monitoring of structural elements with difficult access; - allows a precise real time assessment of bridges conditions; - allows a precise evaluation of the degradation mechanisms and of their appearance; - defines precise elements parameters of a bridge maintenance and repair strategy. Use of integrated monitoring system for composite bridges secures a reduction of 25% of maintenance costs and increases by 10% the operation life of concrete bridges.
The major part of the European infrastructure has reached an age where capital costs have decreased. But inspection and maintenance costs have grown such extensively, that they constitute the major part of the current costs. An ageing and deteriorating bridge stock presents the bridge owners with the growing challenge of maintaining the structures at a satisfactory level of safety, performance and aesthetic appearance within the allocated budgets. Selecting the optimal maintenance and rehabilitation strategy within the actual budget is a key point in bridge management for which an accurate assessment of performance and deterioration rate is necessary. For this assessment, the use of a integrated monitoring system has several advantages compared to the traditional approach of scattered visual inspections combined with occasional on-site testing with portable equipment and laboratory testing of collected samples. For this reasons, attention is more and more focusing on the development of permanent integrated monitoring system for durability assessment of concrete bridges.
ISSN 1582-3024
Test Methods
ISSN 1582-3024
Test Methods
Cristian-Claudiu Comisu
The objective of task 4 is the design, development and production of a number of sensors to be installed on the bridges to monitor their progressive deterioration. They have been firstly tested in laboratory where their performances have been
ISSN 1582-3024
Test Methods
compared to those of sensors and probes available on the market, to be next successfully installed and tested on an existing bridge. Task 5 aims at designing and integrating the systems for data acquisition and transfer with the software for data treatment and analysis. Task 6 represents the validation of the whole system that has been installed on an existing bridge in Romania. Data collected on site and transferred according to the results of task 5, are processed to evaluate the progress of deterioration, to define alarm thresholds and to establish maintenance strategies and compute the overall costs. Finally, task 7 deals with the technical and economic validation of the entire integrated system, as it is necessary to evaluate the potential market for the developed system.
ISSN 1582-3024
Test Methods
Cristian-Claudiu Comisu
effects of e.g. mechanical damage due to deterioration, vehicle impact, overloading or loss of prestressing should be covered by the monitoring system (table 1).
Table 1.
Process to monitor - corrosion - freeze-thaw - alkali-silica reaction - mechanical damage Relevant parameters Location Component of the system Requirements
- humidity/moisture content - temperature - pH - chloride content - corrosion initiation/rate - permanent deflections - cracks - static and dynamic behavior (structural safety)
areas critical: - safety - development of deterioration sensors /probes empirical models data acquisition data transfer software for data treatment
- robust - accurate - durable - easy to install/operate reliable trends of deterioration - automatic acquisition - adjustable frequency remote communication site/office -compatible with standard programs
To be effective, a permanent monitoring system must include a number of sensors installed on the structure, a data acquisition/transfer system and integrated software for analysis and treatment of information. They must have a long service life, be easy to install and to operate (traffic interference) and have a limited need for maintenance and calibration. The data acquisition system should allow for adjustable measuring frequency (preferably on-line control), two-way communication between site and office, and send out warnings if parts of the system have stopped working. The software should be compatible with recognized standard programs. Results and data for daily operation or for research purposes should be easily accessible. The software should enable a simple and easy to understand presentation of the development of the monitored key parameters, i.e. the history, current situation and future development based on simple models for extrapolation to result in quick answers for the end users in the light of the management of bridges.
ISSN 1582-3024
Test Methods
- The costs of access to the structure and resources for inspection and testing are reduced - Structural elements with difficult access are easily monitored - A more precise evaluation of the actual conditions of the structures with particular regard to the timely warning of the onset of durability and structural problems - A more reliable prediction of the progress of damage as a function both of the measured parameters and of the application of realistic deterioration models, as well as a better understanding of individual deterioration mechanisms and their interaction - An input for undertaking preventative actions for low levels of deterioration - An input for defining maintenance and repair strategies (time and extent) as a function of the actual and foreseeable levels of deterioration - A feedback on the effectiveness of repairs - An evaluation of the need for further inspection and testing. It is estimated that with the implementation of such integrated monitoring systems it should be possible: - To reduce the operating costs of inspections and maintenance by 25%; - To reduce the traffic-related costs by 30 % by reducing the number and extent of site inspections; - To reduce the overall life costs of bridges by 10 % by applying the improved lifetime prediction models already from the design stage; - The operator of the structures will be able to take protective actions before damaging processes start.
The integrated system for monitoring and assessment of concrete bridges will result in an improved knowledge of individual mechanisms and their interaction, and in early warnings of initiation and progress of durability and structural problems, thus finally reducing inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation costs as well as traffic delays. This system may easily integrate and supplement the current practice in the field of inspection and testing and assist the end-user in the planning of maintenance programs. Additionally the operator of the structures will be able to take protective actions before damaging processes start. Their application will result in reduced costs of inspection and reduced interference to traffic. The use of permanent monitoring systems has several advantages once the system is installed:
ISSN 1582-3024
Test Methods
Cristian-Claudiu Comisu
- Traffic interference is reduced - The costs of access to the structure and resources for inspection and testing are reduced - Structural elements with difficult access are easily monitored - A more precise evaluation of the actual conditions of the structures with particular regard to the timely warning of the onset of durability and structural problems - A more reliable prediction of the progress of damage as a function both of the measured parameters and of the application of realistic deterioration models, as well as a better understanding of individual deterioration mechanisms and their interaction - An input for defining maintenance and repair strategies (time and extent) as a function of the actual and foreseeable levels of deterioration - An evaluation of the need for further inspection and testing. It is estimated that with the implementation of such integrated monitoring systems it should be possible: - To reduce the operating costs of inspections and maintenance by 25%; - To reduce the traffic-related costs by 30 % by reducing the number and extent of site inspections; - To reduce the overall life costs of bridges by 10 % by applying the improved lifetime prediction models already from the design stage; - The operator of the structures will be able to take protective actions before damaging processes start.
1. Pardi L, Thgersen F-Smart Structures: An European research funded project, Proc.IABMAS 02 2. Bler R., Mietz J., Raupach M., Klinghoffer O. - Corrosion Monitoring Sensors for Durability Assessment of Concrete Structures, Proc. SPIEs 7th Internat. Symp. on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach, article 3988 06 (2000). 3. Bler R., Mietz J., Raupach M., Klinghoffer O. - Corrosion Risk and Humidity Sensors for Durability Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Proc. EUROCORR 2000, London, article 100805 (2000). 4. Goltermann P., Jensen F., Andersen M.E. - Smart structures: Possibilities, experiences and benefits from permanent monitoring, Proc. IABMAS 02. 5. Bler R., Mietz J., Raupach M., Klinghoffer O. - Corrosion Monitoring Sensors for Durability Assessment of Concrete Structures, Proceedings SPIEs 7th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Newport Beach,article 3988 06, 2000 6. Schiel P.; Raupach M. - A New Sensor System for Monitoring the Corrosion Risk in Existing Structures. In: Second International Conference on Concrete Under Severe Conditions - Environment and Loading (CONSEC 98), Troms, Norway, 565 573, 21.- 24.06.1998
ISSN 1582-3024