Traxit e
Traxit e
Traxit e
OHSAS 18001
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001
Traxit International GmbH Prinzenstrae 46-50 58332 Schwelm Germany Tel.: (+49) 23 36 / 919-100 Fax: (+49) 23 36 / 919-101 Email:
Traxit International GmbH Prinzenstrae 46-50 58332 Schwelm Germany Tel.: (+49) 23 36 / 919-100 Fax: (+49) 23 36 / 919-101 Email:
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001
Dry Lubricant
Coating Agent
Production, Sales and Service are Subject to the Highest Safety and Quality Standards for Satisfied Customers and a Clean Environment
T R A X I T I N T E R N AT I O N A L G m b H P R I N Z E N S T R A S S E 4 6 - 5 0 5 8 3 3 2 S C H W E L M G e r ma ny Te l . : ( + 4 9 ) 2 3 3 6 / 9 1 9 - 1 0 0 F a x : ( + 4 9 ) 2 3 3 6 / 9 1 9 - 1 0 1 E ma i l : i n fo @ t ra x i t . c o m w w w. t ra x i t . c o m
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001
Low Carbon Wire: For the drawing of low carbon wire whether mechanical descaled or acid cleaned a low fat calcium lubricant is normally recommended. If the wire needs to be carefully cleaned after drawing for electro-plating or coppering then a water soluble sodium soap should be used at least in the final passes. We provide products such as: Coatings: ZEL 520 ZEL 565 Dry lubricants: C 4540 CCF 6 E 25 F 80 B G 25 G 40 SL 2020 B TR 300
Stainless Steel Wire: In the last decade there have been many changes in the use of calcium soaps. We have increased our range of sodium soaps having greater stability against pressure and temperature. Coatings have been improved to protect alloys and ferritic alloys against corrosion. Synthetic lubricants protect the wire during strong subsequent deformation processes. A major innovation is to use an emulsion, based on vegetable oil for austenitic wire on multipass machines. The result is optimum brightness and cleanability. We provide products such as: Coatings: ZEL 760 AB ZEL 800 KRS Dry lubricants: C 500 C 4540 GT 45 B TR 41 B TRAXIT 2 V 60 B Emulsions: Cortrax 4 Cortrax 880
High Carbon Wire: It is necessary to subdivide the three main pre-treatments: First: acid cleaned plus coating (lime, Salt coating) Second: acid cleaned plus phosphate and coating layer (lime, Salt) Third: Mechanical descaled plus coating layer (Salt) inline. For the above applications calcium soaps with a medium to high fat content are necessary. Whether pressure dies are to be used is also an important factor in selecting the correct lubricant. Due to the relation between calcium and sodium soaps in the drawing machine, line speed and roughness is an additional influence on the combination of soaps; i.e. the higher the speed the greater the use of sodium soaps. For phosphate coated wire, sometimes benefits can be obtained using a calcium soap with a high content of fillers. We can adjust the colour of the finished wire. We provide products such as: Coatings: ZEL 535 ZEL 565 Dry lubricants: AT 2 C 4540 GT 7 GT 65 SL 2020 B SL 808 B TR 41 TR 200
Rubber Applications: For the high tensile type of wire used for these applications a sodium based soap with fillers is best. Both the soap and the coating used must have good cleanability and less residuals after heat treatment. The industry is seeing a change in pre-treatment from acid cleaning to mechanical descaling needing different soaps to achieve optimum quality. We provide products such as: Coatings: ZEL 520 Dry lubricants: C 4550 SL 2020 B SL 2050 V 60 B Emulsions: EHD 232
T R A X I T I N T E R N AT I O N A L G m b H P R I N Z E N S T R A S S E 4 6 - 5 0 5 8 3 3 2 S C H W E L M G e r ma ny Te l . : ( + 4 9 ) 2 3 3 6 / 9 1 9 - 1 0 0 F a x : ( + 4 9 ) 2 3 3 6 / 9 1 9 - 1 0 1 E ma i l : i n fo @ t ra x i t . c o m w w w. t ra x i t . c o m
ISO 9001
OHSAS 18001
Non Ferrous Wire: Concrete Applications: The deformation process can be by either rolling or by drawing. It is important to use a high surface lubricant carrier for the rolling process. Slippering and welding ability are important factors. Fibre wire is mainly produced on long drawing machines. It is necessary to use sodium soaps with the highest possible heat stability and longest lasting drawing film. They are usable with or without pressure dies. We have soap combinations for PSC-wire and strand with maximum heat resistance and pick up for uniform colouring with low residuals during the baking process. We provide products such as: Coatings: ZEL 520 Dry lubricants: AT 2 C 4540 DS 51 E DS 601 DS 610 F 80 B GT 8 MB 60 SL 2020 B Other Applications: - CHQ can be mechanically descaled or phosphate coated. After mechanical descaling a sodium soap is necessary which gives a clean wire and a long die life. Our TRAXIT 2889 is recommended. After annealing a calcium soap with fillers like MoS2 is usable, which helps the life of the equipment used in subsequent cold forming. Phosphate coated and soaped wire with low reduction should be drawn with a straight sodium soap which cleans the wire and reduces the dust pollution. TRAXIT 2889 is suitable. - Oil tempered wire. It is important for high quality high carbon wire to build the appropriate crystal structure after the annealing process. The surface which has a particular surface oxidation needs a calcium soap with high adherence and performance. A certain level of EP-additive in the soap is generally essential. - Rope wire needs soaps with high fat levels. This high tensile wire is mostly drawn at high speed. In the beginning it requires a calcium soap for the best pick up followed by a sodium soap with additives at the highest speeds towards the end of the machine. Due to high tensile and the high speed of the process the temperature levels in all parts of the machine reach high levels and as a result, soaps with high softening and melting points are necessary: GT 45 B, SL 808 B or SL 2020 B. - Shaved wire is free of any oxide layer and any decarbonisation. The surface is smoother than on any other kind of wire. The lubricant must coat the wire to reduce the diameter on multi-pass machines. Calcium soaps with filler and sodium soaps with lower fat content are recommended. We provide products such as: Dry lubricants: 2889 GT 45 B SL 2020 B SL 808 B TR 41 B Because of the very smooth surface of the wire it is necessary to use high fat content sodium soaps without fillers. The adherence must be high and the residuals after baking, low. Emulsions based on vegetable oils and fats with dispersed solid ingredients are recommended. Different types totally free of foam to use on spray units are available. We provide products such as: Dry lubricants: 2889 2830 Emulsions: Cortrax 700 Cortrax 880
Welding Wire: The coating pre-treatment for CO2 welding wire, can be either sulphate based or sulphate free depending on needs. For drawing, a combination of strongly adhering calcium soaps in the first passes with sodium soaps in the later passes is normal. We can offer however special sodium soaps with fillers that can be used in all dies. For wet drawing applications special emulsions have been developed to give optimum performance at low concentrations, both cleaning the wire of calcium soap residues and lubricating in the dies. The Skin Pass Emulsion has a high resistance to the acid residues coming from the coppering process. We provide products such as: Coatings: ZEL 520 ZEL 565 Dry lubricants: C 4540 G 25 SL 2020 B TR 41 TR 45 TR 300 V 60 B Emulsions: Cortrax 30 EHD 220 SK EHD 242 EHD 730
T R A X I T I N T E R N AT I O N A L G m b H P R I N Z E N S T R A S S E 4 6 - 5 0 5 8 3 3 2 S C H W E L M G e r ma ny Te l . : ( + 4 9 ) 2 3 3 6 / 9 1 9 - 1 0 0 F a x : ( + 4 9 ) 2 3 3 6 / 9 1 9 - 1 0 1 E ma i l : i n fo @ t ra x i t . c o m w w w. t ra x i t . c o m