Warrior Way

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The key takeaways are about the teachings of Toltec wisdom and how to become a warrior through balance, knowledge and personal power.

The contents of the book include sections on balance, the path of knowledge, warriors, hunting, personal power, sorcery and seeing.

The author says that a warrior is always joyful because his love for the earth is unalterable, and the earth embraces him and bestows inconceivable gifts upon him.

THE WARRIORS WAY By Don Juan Matus as told to Don Carlos Castaneda

INTRODUCTION All mater al n t! s "oo# s ta#en $rom t!e $ rst $our o$ Don Carlos Castanedas "oo#s o$ Tolte% &no'led(e) T! s !as "een done to solate t!e tea%! n(s *ro*er $rom t!e story o$ Castaneda+s a**rent %es! *) Its use s ntended to "e su**lemental and %om*lementary to t!e or ( nal 'or#) It s!ould "e noted t!at t!ese tea%! n(s 'ere s*e% $ %ally d re%ted to Don Carlos, and 'ere not ne%essar ly tau(!t as t!ey 'ould !a-e "een to anot!er a**rent %e) Nonet!eless, t s !o*ed t!ey ' ll *ro- de use$ul (u dan%e to t!e s n%ere student) .Ed tor

CONTENTS BA/ANCE00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 YOUR S1IRIT IS UNBA/ANCED00000000000000000000000000000 THE 1ATH O2 &NOW/ED3E000000000000000000000000000000000 WARRIORS0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE 1ATH WITH A HEART000000000000000000000000000000000 HUNTERS00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1ERSONA/ 1OWER000000000000000000000000000000000000 WI//0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE CRAC& BETWEEN THE WOR/DS000000000000000000000000 SORCERY00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SEEIN3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CONTRO//ED 2O//Y0000000000000000000000000000000000 THE 2OUR ENEMIES O2 A MAN O2 &NOW/ED3E00000000000000 1ROCEDURES000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ERASIN3 1ERSONA/ HISTORY0000000000000000000000000000 DEATH AS AN AD4ISOR00000000000000000000000000000000 /OSIN3 SE/2.IM1ORTANCE000000000000000000000000000000 ASSUMIN3 RES1ONSIBI/ITY 2OR ONE+S ACTS000000000000000 STO11IN3 THE WOR/D000000000000000000000000000000000 SETTIN3 U1 DREAMIN300000000000000000000000000000000 NOT.DOIN30000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE A//IES00000000000000000000000000000000000000 2INDIN3 YOUR S1OT000000000000000000000000000000000 THE RI3HT WAY O2 WA/&IN30000000000000000000000000000 /ISTENIN3 TO THE SOUNDS O2 THE WOR/D00000000000000000 THE 3AIT O2 1OWER000000000000000000000000000000000 IN MOMENTS O2 2EAR OR DISTRESS00000000000000000000000 STO11IN3 OUR 2E//OW MEN00000000000000000000000000000 CON2RONTIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S0000000000000000000000000000 NOTHIN300000000000000000000000000000000000000000

THE WARRIOR+S 3A5E00000000000000000000000000000000 THE 2I3HTIN3 2ORM0000000000000000000000000000000000 THE CUBIC CENTIMETER O2 CHANCE00000000000000000000000 THE 1/ACE O2 1REDE/ICTION0000000000000000000000000000 SEEIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S00000000000000000000000000000000 SEEIN3 1EO1/E WHO AREN+T 1RESENT000000000000000000000 E61/ANATION00000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE THE THE THE TOTA/ITY O2 ONESE/200000000000000000000000000000 DAY O2 THE TONA/0000000000000000000000000000000 A22AIRS O2 THE NA3UA/0000000000000000000000000000 SORCERER+S E61/ANATION00000000000000000000000000

BA/ANCE YOUR S1IRIT IS UNBA/ANCED You d'ell u*on yoursel$ too mu%!) T!at+s t!e trou"le) T!at *rodu%es a terr "le $at (ue, and t!at $at (ue ' ll ma#e you dea$ and "l nd to e-eryt! n( else) See# and see t!e mar-els all around you) You ' ll (et t red o$ loo# n( at yoursel$ alone) T!e 'ay I see t you 'ant to %l n( to your ar(uments, des* te t!e $a%t t!at t!ey "r n( not! n( to you7 you 'ant to rema n t!e same e-en at t!e %ost o$ your 'ell."e n() I+m tal# n( a"out t!e $a%t t!at you+re not %om*lete) You !a-e no *ea%e) Well."e n( s a %ond t on one !as to (room, a %ond t on one !as to "e%ome a%8ua nted ' t! n order to see# t) You don+t #no' '!at 'ell."e n( s "e%ause you !a-e ne-er e9*er en%ed t) T!e only t! n( you #no' !o' to see# s a sense o$ d sor entat on, ll."e n( and %on$us on) In order to a%%om*l s! t!e $eat o$ ma# n( yoursel$ m sera"le you !a-e to 'or# n a most ntense $as! on, and t s a"surd you !a-e ne-er real :ed you %an 'or# ;ust t!e same n ma# n( yoursel$ %om*lete and stron() T!e tr %# s n '!at one em*!as :es) We e t!er ma#e oursel-es m sera"le, or 'e ma#e oursel-es stron() T!e amount o$ 'or# s t!e same) You ndul(e) You $eel t!at ndul( n( n dou"ts and tr "ulat ons s t!e s (n o$ a sens t -e man) Well, t!e trut! o$ t!e matter s t!at you+re t!e $art!est t! n( $rom "e n( sens t -e) So '!y *retend< A 'arr or a%%e*ts n !um"leness '!at !e s) You al'ays ns st on #no' n( t! n(s $rom t!e "e( nn n(, "ut t!ere+s no "e( nn n(7 t!e "e( nn n( s only n your t!ou(!t) You ns st on e9*la n n( t! n(s as $ t!e '!ole 'orld 'ere %om*osed o$ t! n(s t!at %an "e e9*la ned) W!y s!ould t!e 'orld "e only as you t! n# t s< W!o (a-e you t!e aut!or ty to say so< To "el e-e t!e 'orld s only as you t! n# t s s stu* d) T!e 'orld s a myster ous *la%e) THE 1ATH O2 &NOW/ED3E

/et+s say t!at a rule o$ t!um" $or you s!ould "e t!at '!en you %ome to see me you s!ould %ome *re*ared to d e) I$ you %ome ready to d e, t!ere s!ouldn+t "e any * t$alls or un'el%ome sur*r ses, or any unne%essary a%ts) E-eryt! n( s!ould (ently $all nto *la%e "e%ause you+re e9*e%t n( not! n() Man l -es only to learn) And $ !e learns t s "e%ause t!at s t!e nature o$ ! s lot, $or (ood or "ad) We do %on$use oursel-es del "erately) All o$ us are a'are o$ our do n(s) Our *uny reason del "erately ma#es tsel$ nto t!e monster t $an% es tsel$ to "e) It+s too l ttle $or su%! a " ( mold t!ou(!) T!ere are 'orlds u*on 'orlds, r (!t !ere n $ront o$ us) And t!ey are not! n( to lau(! at) E-ery t me one s %areless n matters o$ sor%ery, one s *lay n( ' t! an mm nent and senseless deat! t!at %ould "e a-erted "y "e n( t!ou(!t$ul and a'are) One (oes to #no'led(e or to 'ar ' t! $ear, ' t! res*e%t, a'are t!at one s (o n( to 'ar, and ' t! a"solute %on$ den%e n onesel$) 1ut your trust n yoursel$, not n me) Out t!ere, t!ere s only #no'led(e) &no'led(e s $r (!ten n(, true7 "ut $ a 'arr or a%%e*ts t!e $r (!ten n( nature o$ #no'led(e !e %an%els out ts a'esomeness) &no'led(e s a most *e%ul ar a$$a r, es*e% ally $or a 'arr or) &no'led(e $or a 'arr or s somet! n( t!at %omes at on%e, en(ul$s ! m, and *asses on) &no'led(e %omes $loat n( l #e s*e%#s o$ (old dust, t!e same dust t!at %o-ers t!e ' n(s o$ mot!s) So, $or a 'arr or, #no'led(e s l #e ta# n( a s!o'er, or "e n( ra ned on "y s*e%#s o$ (old dust) T! n# o$ t! s) T!e 'orld doesn+t y eld to us d re%tly, t!e des%r *t on o$ t!e 'orld stands n "et'een) So, *ro*erly s*ea# n(, 'e are al'ays one ste* remo-ed and our e9*er en%e o$ t!e 'orld s al'ays a re%olle%t on o$ t!e e9*er en%e) We are *erenn ally re%olle%t n( t!e nstant t!at !as ;ust !a**ened, ;ust *assed) We re%olle%t, re%olle%t, re%olle%t) T!ere s no $uture) T!e $uture s only a 'ay o$ tal# n() 2or a sor%erer t!ere s only t!e !ere and no') Sol d ty, %or*orealness are memor es) T!ere$ore, l #e e-eryt! n( else 'e $eel a"out t!e 'orld, t!ey are memor es 'e a%%umulate) Memor es o$ t!e des%r *t on) You !a-e t!e memory o$ my sol d ty, t!ere$ore you $eel me as "e n( sol d)

We are *er%e -ers) We are an a'areness7 'e are not o";e%ts7 'e !a-e no sol d ty) We are "oundless) T!e 'orld o$ o";e%ts and sol d ty s a 'ay o$ ma# n( our *assa(e on eart! %on-en ent) It s only a des%r *t on t!at 'as %reated to !el* us) We, or rat!er our reason, $or(et t!at t!e des%r *t on and t!us entra* t!e total ty o$ oursel-es n a - % ous % r%le $rom '! %! 'e rarely es%a*e n our l $et me) A *!ony sor%erer tr es to e9*la n e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld ' t! e9*lanat ons !e s not sure a"out, and so e-eryt! n( s ' t%!%ra$t) But t!en you+re no "etter) You also 'ant to e9*la n e-eryt! n( your 'ay "ut you+re not sure o$ your e9*lanat on e t!er) T!e *at! o$ #no'led(e s a $or%ed one) In order to learn 'e must "e s*urred) In t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e 'e are al'ays $ (!t n( somet! n(, a-o d n( somet! n(, *re*ared $or somet! n(7 and t!at somet! n( s al'ays ne9*l %a"le, (reater, more *o'er$ul t!an us) T!e ne9*l %a"le $or%es ' ll %ome to you, so t!ere s not! n( you %an do no' "ut *re*are yoursel$ $or t!e stru((le) But t!ere+s no em*t ness n t!e l $e o$ a man o$ #no'led(e, I tell you) E-eryt! n( s $ lled to t!e "r m) E-eryt! n( s $ lled to t!e "r m and e-eryt! n( s e8ual) WARRIORS I$ you really $eel your s* r t s d storted you s!ould $ 9 t.*ur(e t, ma#e t *er$e%t, "e%ause t!ere s no ot!er tas# n our ent re l -es '! %! s more 'ort!'! le) Not to $ 9 t!e s* r t s to see# deat!, and t!at s t!e same as to see# not! n(, s n%e deat! s (o n( to o-erta#e us re(ardless o$ anyt! n() To see# t!e *er$e%t on o$ t!e 'arr or+s s* r t s t!e only tas# 'ort!y o$ our man!ood) My "ene$a%tor sa d t!at '!en a man em"ar#s on t!e *at!s o$ sor%ery !e "e%omes a'are, n a (radual manner, t!at ord nary l $e !as "een $ore-er le$t "e! nd) T!at #no'led(e s ndeed a $r (!ten n( a$$a r7 t!at t!e means o$ t!e ord nary 'orld are no lon(er a "u$$er $or ! m7 and t!at !e must ado*t a ne' 'ay o$ l $e $ !e s (o n( to sur- -e) T!e $ rst t! n( !e ou(!t to do, at t!at *o nt, s to 'ant to "e%ome a 'arr or, a -ery m*ortant ste* and de% s on) A 'arr or starts o$$ ' t! t!e %erta nty t!at ! s s* r t s o$$ "alan%e7 t!en "y l - n( n $ull %ontrol and a'areness, "ut ' t!out !urry or %om*uls on, !e does ! s ult mate "est to (a n ! s "alan%e)

T!ere s no $la' n t!e 'arr or+s 'ay) 2ollo' t and your a%ts %annot "e %r t % :ed "y anyone) T!e "as % d $$eren%e "et'een an ord nary man and a 'arr or s t!at a 'arr or ta#es e-eryt! n( as a %!allen(e '! le an ord nary man ta#es e-eryt! n( e t!er as a "less n( or a %urse) A 'arr or must "e %alm and %olle%ted and ne-er lose ! s (r *) Only as a 'arr or %an one ' t!stand t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) A 'arr or %annot %om*la n or re(ret anyt! n() H s l $e s an endless %!allen(e, and %!allen(es %annot *oss "ly "e (ood or "ad) C!allen(es are s m*ly %!allen(es) You ! n(e e-eryt! n( on t!e $eel n( t!at e-eryt! n( s too mu%! $or you) No matter !o' mu%! you l #e to $eel sorry $or yoursel$, you !a-e to %!an(e t!at) It doesn+t ; "e ' t! t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or) All o$ us (o t!rou(! t!e same s!enan (ans) T!e only 'ay to o-er%ome t!em s to *ers st n a%t n( l #e a 'arr or) T!e rest %omes o$ tsel$ and "y tsel$) T!e rest s #no'led(e and *o'er) Men o$ #no'led(e !a-e "ot!) And yet none o$ t!em %ould tell !o' t!ey (ot to !a-e t!em, e9%e*t t!at t!ey #e*t on a%t n( l #e 'arr ors and at a ( -en moment e-eryt! n( %!an(ed) A 'arr or must "e $lu d and must s! $t !armon ously ' t! t!e 'orld around ! m '!et!er t s t!e 'orld o$ reason or t!e 'orld o$ ' ll) T!e most dan(erous *art o$ t!at s! $t n( %omes $ort! e-ery t me t!e 'arr or $ nds t!at t!e 'orld s ne t!er t!e one nor t!e ot!er) I 'as told t!at t!e only 'ay to su%%eed n t!at %ru% al s! $t n( 'as "y *ro%eed n( n one+s a%t ons as $ one "el e-ed) In ot!er 'ords t!e se%ret o$ a 'arr or s t!at !e "el e-es ' t!out "el e- n() But o"- ously a 'arr or %annot ;ust say !e "el e-es and let t (o at t!at) T!at 'ould "e too easy) To ;ust "el e-e 'ould e9onerate ! m $rom e9am n n( ! s s tuat on) A 'arr or, '!ene-er !e !as to n-ol-e ! msel$ ' t! "el e- n(, does t as a %!o %e, as an e9*ress on o$ ! s nnermost *red le%t on) A 'arr or doesn+t "el e-e, a 'arr or !as to "el e-e) Only as a 'arr or %an one sur- -e t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e, "e%ause t!e art o$ a 'arr or s to "alan%e t!e terror o$ "e n( a man ' t! t!e 'onder o$ "e n( a man) Any 'arr or %an "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e) As I told you, a 'arr or s an m*e%%a"le !unter t!at !unts *o'er) I$ !e su%%eeds n ! s !unt n( !e %an "e a man o$ #no'led(e)

But you 'ant to $ nd t!e mean n( o$ l $e) A 'arr or doesnt %are a"out mean n(s) I$ /u%as l -ed l #e a 'arr or..and !e !ad a %!an%e to, as 'e all !a-e a %!an%e to..!e 'ould set ! s l $e strate( %ally) T!us $ !e %ouldn+t a-o d an a%% dent t!at %rus!ed ! s r "s, !e 'ould !a-e $ound means to o$$set t!at !and %a*, or a-o d ts %onse8uen%es, or "attle a(a nst t!em) I$ /u%as 'ere a 'arr or !e 'ouldn+t "e s tt n( n ! s d n(y !ouse dy n( o$ star-at on) He 'ould "e "attl n( to t!e end) You must %ult -ate t!e $eel n( t!at a 'arr or needs not! n() You say you need !el*, !el* $or '!at< You !a-e e-eryt! n( needed $or t!e e9tra-a(ant ;ourney t!at s your l $e) I !a-e tr ed to tea%! you t!at t!e real e9*er en%e s to "e a man, and t!at '!at %ounts s "e n( al -e7 l $e s t!e l ttle detour t!at 'e are ta# n( no') / $e tsel$ s su$$ % ent, sel$.e9*lanatory and %om*lete) A 'arr or understands t! s and l -es a%%ord n(ly7 t!ere$ore one may say ' t!out "e n( *resum*tuous t!at t!e e9*er en%e o$ e9*er en%es s "e n( a 'arr or) I$ a 'arr or needs sola%e !e s m*ly %!ooses anyone and e9*resses to t!at *erson e-ery deta l o$ ! s turmo l) A$ter all, t!e 'arr or s not see# n( to "e understood or !el*ed7 "y tal# n( !e+s merely rel e- n( ! msel$ o$ ! s *ressure) T!at s, *ro- d n( t!at t!e 'arr or s ( -en to tal# n(7 $ !e+s not !e tells no one) But you+re not l - n( l #e a 'arr or alto(et!er) Not yet any'ay) And t!e * t$alls t!at you en%ounter must "e truly monumental) You !a-e all my sym*at!y) A 'arr or ma#es ! s o'n mood) You d dn+t #no' t!at) T!e !ardest t! n( n t!e 'orld s to assume t!e mood o$ a 'arr or) It s o$ no use to "e sad and %om*la n and $eel ;ust $ ed n do n( so, "el e- n( t!at someone s al'ays do n( somet! n( to us) No"ody s do n( anyt! n( to any"ody, mu%! less a 'arr or) Sel$.* ty doesn+t ; "e ' t! *o'er) T!e mood o$ a 'arr or %alls $or %ontrol o-er ! msel$ and at t!e same t me t %alls $or a"andon n( ! msel$) It+s a d $$ %ult te%!n 8ue) It s re8u red t!at you !old onto yoursel$ and let (o o$ yoursel$ at t!e same t me) T!at+s '!at I %all t!e mood o$ a 'arr or) It+s %on-en ent to al'ays a%t n su%! a mood) It %uts t!rou(! t!e %ra* and lea-es one *ur $ ed) One needs t!e mood o$ a 'arr or $or e-ery s n(le a%t) Ot!er' se one "e%omes d storted) T!ere s no *o'er n l $e t!at la%#s t! s mood) /oo# at yoursel$) E-eryt! n( o$$ends and u*sets you) You '! ne and %om*la n and $eel t!at e-eryone s

ma# n( you dan%e to t!e r tune) You are a lea$ at t!e mer%y o$ t!e ' nd) T!ere s no *o'er n your l $e) W!at an u(ly $eel n( t!at must "e) T!e sel$.%on$ den%e o$ t!e 'arr or s not t!e sel$.%on$ den%e o$ t!e a-era(e man) T!e a-era(e man see#s %erta nty n t!e eyes o$ t!e onloo#er and %alls t!at sel$.%on$ den%e) T!e 'arr or see#s m*e%%a" l ty n ! s o'n eyes and %alls t!at !um"leness) T!e a-era(e man s !oo#ed to ! s $ello' men, '! le t!e 'arr or s !oo#ed only to ! msel$) 1er!a*s you are %!as n( ra n"o's) You+re a$ter t!e sel$.%on$ den%e o$ t!e a-era(e man, '!en you s!ould "e a$ter t!e !um"leness o$ a 'arr or) T!e d $$eren%e "et'een t!e t'o s remar#a"le) Sel$.%on$ den%e enta ls #no' n( somet! n( $or sure7 !um"leness means "e n( m*e%%a"le n one+s a%t ons and $eel n(s) A 'arr or %annot "e !el*less, or "e' ldered, not under any % r%umstan%es) 2or a 'arr or t!ere s t me only $or ! s m*e%%a" l ty7 e-eryt! n( else dra ns ! s *o'er, m*e%%a" l ty re*len s!es t) Im*e%%a" l ty s to do your "est n '!ate-er you+re en(a(ed n) T!e #ey to all t!ese matters o$ m*e%%a" l ty s t!e sense o$ !a- n( or not !a- n( t me) As a rule o$ t!um", '!en you $eel and a%t l #e an mmortal "e n( t!at !as all t!e t me n t!e 'orld you are not m*e%%a"le7 at t!ose t mes you s!ould turn, loo# around, and t!en you ' ll real :e t!at your $eel n( o$ !a- n( t me s an d o%y) T!ere are no sur- -ors on t! s eart!) A 'arr or s ne-er dle and ne-er n a !urry) A 'arr or #no's t!at !e s 'a t n( and '!at !e s 'a t n( $or7 and '! le !e 'a ts !e 'ants not! n(, and t!us '!ate-er l ttle t! n( !e (ets s more t!an !e %an ta#e) I$ !e needs to eat !e $ nds a 'ay, "e%ause !e s not !un(ry7 $ somet! n( !urts ! s "ody !e $ nds a 'ay to sto* t, "e%ause !e s not n *a n) To "e !un(ry or to "e n *a n means t!at t!e man !as a"andoned ! msel$ and s no lon(er a 'arr or7 and t!e $or%es o$ ! s !un(er and *a n ' ll destroy ! m) A rule o$ t!um" $or a 'arr or s t!at !e ma#es ! s de% s ons so %are$ully t!at not! n( t!at may !a**en as a result o$ t!em %an sur*r se ! m, mu%! less dra n ! s *o'er) Worry and t! n# "e$ore you ma#e any de% s on, "ut on%e you ma#e t, "e on your 'ay $ree $rom 'orr es or t!ou(!ts) T!ere ' ll "e a m ll on ot!er de% s ons st ll a'a t n( you) T!at+s t!e 'arr or+s 'ay) / $e $or a 'arr or s an e9er% se n strate(y)


You are a'are o$ e-eryt! n( only '!en you t! n# you s!ould "e7 t!e %ond t on o$ a 'arr or, !o'e-er, s to "e a'are o$ e-eryt! n( at all t mes) A 'arr or s ne-er a-a la"le7 ne-er s !e stand n( n t!e road, 'a t n( to "e %lo""ered) T!us !e %uts to a m n mum ! s %!an%es o$ t!e un$oreseen) W!at you %all a%% dents are, most o$ t!e t me, -ery easy to a-o d, e9%e*t $or $ools '!o are l - n( !elter.s#elter) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, s a !unter) He %al%ulates e-eryt! n() T!at+s %ontrol) But on%e ! s %al%ulat ons are o-er, !e a%ts) He lets (o= T!at+s a"andon) A 'arr or s not a lea$ at t!e mer%y o$ t!e ' nd) No one %an *us! ! m7 no one %an ma#e ! m do t! n(s a(a nst ! msel$ or a(a nst ! s "etter ;ud(ment) A 'arr or s tuned to sur- -e, and !e sur- -es n t!e "est o$ all *oss "le $as! ons) T!e mood o$ a 'arr or s not so $ar.$et%!ed $or yours or any"ody+s 'orld) You need t n order to %ut t!rou(! all t!e (u$$) To a%! e-e t!e mood o$ a 'arr or s not a s m*le matter) It s a re-olut on) To re(ard t!e l on and t!e 'ater rats and our $ello' men as e8uals s a ma(n $ %ent a%t o$ t!e 'arr or s* r t) It ta#es *o'er to do t!at) A 'arr or ta#es ! s lot, '!ate-er t may "e, and a%%e*ts t n ult mate !um"leness) He a%%e*ts n !um"leness '!at !e s, not as (rounds $or re(ret, "ut as a l - n( %!allen(e) It ta#es t me $or e-ery one o$ us to understand t!at *o nt and $ully l -e t) I, $or nstan%e, !ated t!e mere ment on o$ t!e 'ord >!um"leness)> I+m an Ind an and 'e Ind ans !a-e al'ays "een !um"le and !a-e done not! n( else "ut lo'er our !eads) I t!ou(!t !um"leness 'as not n t!e 'arr or+s 'ay) I 'as 'ron(= I #no' no' t!at t!e !um"leness o$ a 'arr or s not t!e !um"leness o$ a "e((ar) T!e 'arr or lo'ers ! s !ead to no one, "ut at t!e same t me, !e doesn+t *erm t anyone to lo'er ! s !ead to ! m) T!e "e((ar, on t!e ot!er !and, $alls to ! s #nees at t!e dro* o$ a !at and s%ra*es t!e $loor $or anyone !e deems to "e ! (!er7 "ut at t!e same t me !e demands t!at someone lo'er t!an ! m s%ra*e t!e $loor $or ! m) T!at+s '!y I don+t understand '!at masters $eel l #e) I #no' only t!e !um"leness o$ a 'arr or, and t!at ' ll ne-er *erm t me to "e anyone+s master) You l #e t!e !um"leness o$ a "e((ar) You "o' your !ead to reason)


A 'arr or s al'ays ready) To "e a 'arr or s not a s m*le matter o$ ' s! n( to "e one) It s rat!er an endless stru((le t!at ' ll (o on to t!e -ery last moment o$ our l -es) No"ody s "orn a 'arr or, n e9a%tly t!e same 'ay t!at no"ody s "orn a reasona"le "e n() We ma#e oursel-es nto t!e one or t!e ot!er) It+s your duty to *ut your m nd at ease) Warr ors do not ' n - %tory "y "eat n( t!e r !eads a(a nst t!e 'alls, "ut "y o-erta# n( t!e 'alls) Warr ors ;um* o-er t!e 'alls7 t!ey don+t demol s! t!em) T!e s* r t o$ t!e 'arr or s not (eared to ndul( n( and %om*la n n(, nor s t (eared to ' nn n( or los n() T!e s* r t o$ a 'arr or s (eared only to stru((le, and e-ery stru((le s a 'arr or+s last "attle on eart!) T!us t!e out%ome matters -ery l ttle to ! m) In ! s last "attle on eart! a 'arr or lets ! s s* r t $lo' $ree and %lear) And as !e 'a(es ! s "attle, #no' n( t!at ! s ' ll s m*e%%a"le, a 'arr or lau(!s and lau(!s) T! s s your 'orld) You are a man o$ t!at 'orld) And out t!ere, n t!at 'orld s your !unt n( (round) As a !unter, a 'arr or #no's t!at t!e 'orld s made to "e used) So !e uses e-ery " t o$ t) A 'arr or s l #e a * rate t!at !as no 8ualms n ta# n( and us n( anyt! n( !e 'ants, e9%e*t t!at t!e 'arr or doesn+t m nd, or !e doesn+t $eel nsulted '!en !e s used and ta#en ! msel$) A 'arr or sele%ts t!e tems t!at ma#e ! s 'orld) He sele%ts del "erately, $or e-ery tem !e %!ooses s a s! eld t!at *rote%ts ! m $rom t!e onslau(!ts o$ t!e $or%es !e s str - n( to use) A 'arr or 'ould use ! s s! elds to *rote%t ! msel$ $rom ! s ally, $or nstan%e) T!e a-era(e man, '!o s e8ually surrounded "y t!ose ne9*l %a"le $or%es, s o"l - ous to t!em "e%ause !e !as ot!er # nds o$ s*e% al s! elds to *rote%t ! msel$) /oo# around you) 1eo*le are do n( t!at '! %! *eo*le do) T!ose are t!e r s! elds) W!ene-er a sor%erer !as an en%ounter ' t! any o$ t!ose ne9*l %a"le and un"end n( $or%es 'e !a-e tal#ed a"out, ! s (a* o*ens, ma# n( ! m more sus%e*t "le to ! s deat! t!an !e ord nar ly s7 'e d e t!rou(! t!at (a*, t!ere$ore $ t s o*en one s!ould !a-e ! s ' ll ready to $ ll t7 t!at s $ one s a 'arr or) I$ one s not a 'arr or, l #e yoursel$, t!en one !as no ot!er re%ourse "ut to use t!e a%t - t es o$ da ly l $e to ta#e one+s m nd a'ay $rom t!e $r (!t o$ t!e en%ounter and t!us allo' one+s (a* to %lose) A 'arr or en%ounters t!ose ne9*l %a"le and un"end n( $or%es "e%ause !e s del "erately see# n( t!em, t!us !e s al'ays *re*ared $or t!e en%ounter)


I *ersonally "el e-e t!at to "e a 'arr or s more su ta"le t!an anyt! n( else) T!ere$ore I !a-e endea-ored to s!o' you t!ose $or%es as a sor%erer *er%e -es t!em, "e%ause only under t!e r terr $y n( m*a%t %an one "e%ome a 'arr or) To see ' t!out $ rst "e n( a 'arr or 'ould ma#e you 'ea#7 t 'ould ( -e you a $alse mee#ness, a des re to retreat7 your "ody 'ould de%ay "e%ause you 'ould "e%ome nd $$erent) It s my *ersonal %omm tment to ma#e you a 'arr or so you 'on+t %rum"le) I !a-e !eard you say t me and t me a(a n t!at you are al'ays *re*ared to d e) I don+t re(ard t!at $eel n( as ne%essary) I t! n# t s a useless ndul(en%e) A 'arr or s!ould "e *re*ared only to "attle) I !a-e also !eard you say t!at your *arents n;ured your s* r t) I t! n# t!e s* r t o$ man s somet! n( t!at %an "e n;ured -ery eas ly, alt!ou(! not "y t!e same a%ts you yoursel$ %all n;ur ous) I "el e-e your *arents d d n;ure you "y ma# n( you ndul(ent and so$t and ( -en to d'ell n() T!ere s not! n( n t! s 'orld t!at a 'arr or %annot a%%ount $or) You see, a 'arr or %ons ders ! msel$ already dead, so t!ere s not! n( $or ! m to lose) T!e 'orst !as already !a**ened to ! m, t!ere$ore !e+s %lear and %alm7 ;ud( n( ! m "y ! s a%ts or "y ! s 'ords, one 'ould ne-er sus*e%t t!at !e !as ' tnessed e-eryt! n() A 'arr or treats e-eryt! n( ' t! res*e%t and does not tram*le on anyt! n( unless !e !as to) A 'arr or ne-er turns ! s "a%# to *o'er ' t!out aton n( $or t!e $a-ors re%e -ed) In order to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e one must "e a 'arr or, not a '! m*er n( %! ld) One must str -e ' t!out ( - n( u*, ' t!out a %om*la nt, ' t!out $l n%! n(, unt l one sees, only to real :e t!at not! n( matters)

THE 1ATH WITH A HEART It s t!e %ons stent %!o %e o$ t!e *at! ' t! !eart '! %! ma#es a 'arr or d $$erent $rom t!e a-era(e man) He #no's t!at a *at! !as !eart '!en !e s one ' t! t, '!en !e e9*er en%es a (reat *ea%e and *leasure n tra-ers n( ts len(t!) Anyt! n( s one o$ a m ll on *at!s) T!ere$ore you must al'ays #ee* n m nd t!at a *at! s only a *at!7 $ you $eel you s!ould not $ollo' t, you must not stay ' t! t under any %ond t ons) To !a-e su%! %lar ty you must lead a d s% *l ned l $e) Only t!en ' ll you #no' t!at any *at! s only a *at! and t!ere s no a$$ront to onesel$ or to ot!ers n dro** n( t $ t!at s '!at your


!eart tells you to do) But your de% s on to #ee* on t!e *at! or to lea-e t must "e $ree o$ $ear or am" t on) I 'arn you) /oo# at e-ery *at! %losely and del "erately) Try t as many t mes as you t! n# ne%essary) T! s 8uest on s one t!at only a -ery old man as#s) My "ene$a%tor told me a"out t on%e '!en I 'as youn(, and my "lood 'as too - (orous $or me to understand t) No' I understand t) I ' ll tell you '!at t s7 does t! s *at! !a-e a !eart< I$ t does, t!e *at! s (ood7 $ t doesn+t t s o$ no use) Bot! *at!s lead no'!ere7 "ut one !as a !eart and t!e ot!er doesn+t) One ma#es $or a ;oy$ul ;ourney7 as lon( as you $ollo' t you are one ' t! t) T!e ot!er ma#es you %urse your l $e) One ma#es you stron() T!e ot!er 'ea#ens you) Today I am ne t!er a 'arr or or a d a"lero) 2or me t!ere s only t!e tra-el n( on t!e *at!s t!at !a-e a !eart, on any *at! t!at may !a-e a !eart) T!ere I tra-el, and t!e only 'ort!'! le %!allen(e $or me s to tra-erse ts $ull len(t!) And t!ere I tra-el, loo# n(, loo# n( "reat!lessly) HUNTERS I$ you 'ould l -e out !ere n t!e ' lderness you 'ould #no' t!at dur n( t!e t' l (!t t!e ' nd "e%omes *o'er) A !unter t!at s 'ort! ! s salt #no's t!at, and a%ts a%%ord n(ly) He used t!e t' l (!t and t!at *o'er ! dden n t!e ' nd) I$ t s %on-en ent to ! m, t!e !unter ! des $rom t!e *o'er "y %o-er n( ! msel$ and rema n n( mot onless unt l t!e t' l (!t s (one and t!e *o'er !as sealed ! m nto ts *rote%t on) T!e *rote%t on o$ t!e *o'er seals you l #e a %o%oon) A !unter %an stay out n t!e o*en and no *uma or %oyote or sl my "u( 'ould "ot!er ! m) A mounta n l on %ould %ome u* to t!e !unter+s nose and sn $$ ! m, and $ t!e !unter does not mo-e, t!e l on 'ould lea-e) I %an (uarantee you t!at) I$ t!e !unter, on t!e ot!er !and, 'ants to "e not %ed all !e !as to do s stand on a ! llto* at t!e t me o$ t!e t' l (!t and t!e *o'er ' ll na( ! m and see# ! m all n (!t) T!ere$ore $ a !unter 'ants to tra-el all n (!t or $ !e 'ants to "e #e*t a'a#e !e must ma#e ! msel$ a-a la"le to t!e ' nd) T!ere n l es t!e se%ret o$ t!e (reat !unters) To "e a-a la"le and una-a la"le at t!e *re% se turn o$ t!e road) You must learn to "e%ome del "erately a-a la"le and una-a la"le) As your l $e (oes no', you are un' tt n(ly a-a la"le at all t mes) /et me *ut t anot!er 'ay) It ma#es no d $$eren%e to ! de $ e-eryone #no's you are ! d n()


Your *ro"lems r (!t no' stem $rom t!at) W!en you are ! d n( e-eryone #no's t!at you are ! d n(, and '!en you are not, you are a-a la"le $or e-eryone to ta#e a *o#e at you) We are $ools, all o$ us, and you %annot "e d $$erent) At one t me n my l $e I, l #e you, made mysel$ a-a la"le o-er and o-er a(a n unt l t!ere 'as not! n( o$ me le$t $or anyt! n( e9%e*t *er!a*s %ry n() And t!at I d d, ;ust l #e yoursel$) I 'as youn(er t!an you t!ou(!, "ut one day I !ad enou(! and I %!an(ed) /et+s say t!at one day, '!en I 'as "e%om n( a !unter, I learned t!e se%ret o$ "e n( a-a la"le and una-a la"le) You must ta#e yoursel$ a'ay) You must retr e-e yoursel$ $rom t!e m ddle o$ a tra$$ %#ed 'ay) Your '!ole "e n( s t!ere, t!us t s o$ no use to ! de7 you 'ould only ma( ne t!at you are ! dden) Be n( n t!e m ddle o$ t!e road means t!at e-eryone *ass n( "y 'at%!es your %om n(s and (o n(s) Hey= W!ate-er !a**ened to your $r end< T!at ( rl you used to really l #e) You on%e !ad a 'oman, a -ery dear 'oman, and t!en one day you lost !er) W!y sn+t s!e ' t! you< T!ere are not so many reasons) T!ere s only one) You made yoursel$ too a-a la"le) Be n( na%%ess "le s t!e *o nt) I "rou(!t u* t!e memory o$ t! s *erson only as a means to s!o' you d re%tly '!at I %ouldn+t s!o' you ' t! t!e ' nd) You lost !er "e%ause you 'ere a%%ess "le7 you 'ere al'ays ' t! n !er rea%! and your l $e 'as a rout ne one) It 'as and t s a rout ne) It s an unusual rout ne and t!at ( -es you t!e m*ress on t!at t s not a rout ne, "ut I assure you t!at t s) T!e art o$ a !unter s to "e%ome na%%ess "le) In t!e %ase o$ t!at ( rl t 'ould+-e meant t!at you !ad to "e%ome a !unter and meet !er s*ar n(ly) Not t!e 'ay you d d) You stayed ' t! !er day a$ter day, unt l t!e only $eel n( t!at rema ned 'as "oredom) True< To "e na%%ess "le means t!at you tou%! t!e 'orld around you s*ar n(ly) You don+t eat $ -e 8ua l7 you eat one) You don+t dama(e t!e *lants ;ust to ma#e a "ar"e%ue * t) You dont e9*ose yoursel$ to t!e *o'er o$ t!e ' nd unless t s mandatory) You don+t use and s8uee:e *eo*le unt l t!ey !a-e s!r -eled to not! n(, es*e% ally t!e *eo*le you lo-e) A !unter #no's !e ' ll lure (ame nto ! s tra*s o-er and o-er a(a n so !e doesn+t 'orry) To 'orry s to "e%ome a%%ess "le, un' tt n(ly a%%ess "le) On%e you 'orry you %l n( to anyt! n( out o$ des*erat on7 and on%e you %l n(


you are "ound to (et e9!austed, or to e9!aust '!oe-er or '!ate-er you are %l n( n( to) I+-e told you already t!at to "e na%%ess "le does not mean to ! de or to "e se%ret -e) It doesn+t mean t!at you %an+t deal ' t! *eo*le e t!er) A !unter uses ! s 'orld s*ar n(ly and ' t! tenderness, re(ardless o$ '!et!er t!e 'orld m (!t "e t! n(s, or *lants, or an mals, or *eo*le, or *o'er) A !unter deals nt mately ' t! ! s 'orld and yet !e s na%%ess "le to t!at same 'orld) He s na%%ess "le "e%ause !e+s not s8uee: n( ! s 'orld out o$ s!a*e) He ta*s t l (!tly, stays $or as lon( as !e needs to, and t!en s' $tly mo-es a'ay lea- n( !ardly a mar#) You 'orry a"out eat n( e-ery day around noont me, and around s 9 n t!e e-en n(, and around e (!t n t!e morn n() You 'orry a"out eat n( at t!ose t mes e-en $ you+re not !un(ry) It+ll "e easy $or you to real :e t!at a (ood !unter #no's one t! n( a"o-e all.. !e #no's t!e rout nes o$ ! s *rey) T!at+s '!at ma#es ! m a (ood !unter) To "e a !unter s not ;ust to tra* (ame) A !unter t!at s 'ort! ! s salt does not %at%! (ame "e%ause !e sets ! s tra*s, or "e%ause !e #no's t!e rout nes o$ ! s *rey, "ut "e%ause !e ! msel$ !as no rout nes) T! s s ! s ad-anta(e) He s not at all l #e t!e an mals !e s a$ter, $ 9ed "y !ea-y rout nes and *red %ta"le 8u r#s) He s $ree, $lu d and un*red %ta"le) As I told you "e$ore, n my eyes you "e!a-e l #e your *rey) On%e n my l $e someone *o nted out t!e same t! n( to me, so you+re not un 8ue n t!at) All o$ us "e!a-e l #e t!e *rey 'e are a$ter) T!at, o$ %ourse, also ma#es us *rey $or somet! n( or someone else) No' t!e %on%ern o$ a !unter, '!o #no's all t! s, s to sto* "e n( a *rey ! msel$) Do you see '!at I mean< A (ood !unter %!an(es ! s 'ays as o$ten as !e needs) A !unter must not only #no' a"out t!e !a" ts o$ ! s *rey, !e also must #no' t!at t!ere are *o'ers on t! s eart! t!at (u de men and an mals and e-eryt! n( t!at s l - n() 1o'ers t!at (u de our l -es and our deat!s) To "e a !unter means t!at one #no's a (reat deal) It means t!at one %an see t!e 'orld n d $$erent 'ays) In order to "e a !unter one must "e n *er$e%t "alan%e ' t! e-eryt! n( else, ot!er' se !unt n( 'ould "e%ome a mean n(less %!ore) 2or nstan%e, today 'e too# a l ttle sna#e) I !ad to a*olo( :e to !er $or %utt n( !er l $e o$$ so suddenly and de$ n tely7 I d d #no' n( t!at my o'n l $e ' ll also "e %ut o$$ someday n -ery mu%! t!e


same $as! on7 suddenly and de$ n tely) So, all n all, 'e and t!e sna#es are on a *ar) One o$ t!em $ed us today) I am a !unter) I lea-e -ery l ttle to %!an%e) 1er!a*s I s!ould e9*la n to you t!at I learned to "e a !unter) I !a-e not al'ays l -ed t!e 'ay I do no') At one *o nt n my l $e I !ad to %!an(e) No' I+m *o nt n( t!e d re%t on to you) I+m (u d n( you) I #no' '!at I+m tal# n( a"out7 someone tau(!t me all t! s) I d dn+t $ (ure t out $or mysel$) I+m !a- n( a (esture ' t! you) Ot!er *eo*le !a-e !ad a s m lar (esture7 someday you yoursel$ ' ll !a-e t!e same (esture ' t! ot!ers) /et+s say t!at t s my turn) One day I $ound out t!at $ I 'anted to "e a !unter 'ort!y o$ sel$ res*e%t I !ad to %!an(e my 'ay o$ l $e) I used to '! ne and %om*la n a (reat deal) I !ad (ood reason to $eel s!ort%!an(ed) I am an Ind an and Ind ans are treated l #e do(s) T!ere 'as not! n( I %ould do to remedy t!at, so all I 'as le$t ' t! 'as my sorro') But t!en my (ood $ortune s*ared me and someone tau(!t me to !unt) And I real :ed t!at t!e 'ay I l -ed 'as not l - n(0so I %!an(ed t) 1ERSONA/ 1OWER 1o'er s somet! n( t!at a 'arr or deals ' t!) At $ rst t+s an n%red "le, $ar$et%!ed a$$a r7 t s !ard to e-en t! n# a"out t) T! s s '!at+s !a**en n( to you no') T!en *o'er "e%omes a ser ous matter7 one may not !a-e t, or one may not e-en $ully real :e t!at t e9 sts, yet one #no's t!at somet! n( s t!ere, somet! n( '! %! 'as not not %ea"le "e$ore) Ne9t *o'er s man $ested as somet! n( un%ontrolla"le t!at %omes to onesel$) It s not *oss "le $or me to say !o' t %omes to onesel$) It s not *oss "le $or me to say !o' t %omes or '!at t really s) It s not! n( and yet t ma#es mar-els a**ear "e$ore your -ery eyes) And $ nally *o'er s somet! n( n onesel$, somet! n( t!at %ontrols one+s a%ts and yet o"eys one+s %ommand) We are lum nous "e n(s) And $or a lum nous "e n( only *ersonal *o'er matters) But $ you as# me '!at *ersonal *o'er s, I !a-e to tell you t!at my e9*lanat on ' ll not e9*la n t) I+m as youn( as I 'ant to "e) T! s a(a n s a matter o$ *ersonal *o'er) I$ you store *o'er your "ody %an *er$orm un"el e-a"le $eats) On t!e ot!er !and $ you d ss *ate *o'er you+ll "e a $at old man n no t me) My "ene$a%tor 'as a man o$ - olent nature) He stored *o'er t!rou(! t!at $eel n() E-eryt! n( !e d d 'as stron( and d re%t) He le$t me ' t! a memory


o$ somet! n( %rus! n( t!rou(! t! n(s) And e-eryt! n( t!at !a**ened to ! m too# *la%e n t!at manner) 1ersonal *o'er s a $eel n(, somet! n( l #e "e n( lu%#y) Or one may %all t a mood) 1ersonal *o'er s somet! n( one a%8u res re(ardless o$ one+s or ( n) A 'arr or s a !unter o$ *o'er, and I am (o n( to tea%! you !o' to !unt and store t) T!e d $$ %ulty ' t! you, '! %! s t!e d $$ %ulty ' t! all o$ us, s to "e %on- n%ed) You need to "el e-e t!at *ersonal *o'er %an "e used and t!at t s *oss "le to store t7 "ut you !a-en+t "een %on- n%ed so $ar) To "e %on- n%ed means t!at you %an a%t "y yoursel$) It ' ll ta#e you a (reat deal o$ e$$ort to do t!at) Mu%! more !as to "e done) You !a-e ;ust "e(un) A Man o$ &no'led(e s one '!o !as $ollo'ed trut!$ully t!e !ards! *s o$ learn n(7 a man '!o !as, ' t!out rus! n( or $alter n(, (one as $ar as !e %an n unra-el n( t!e se%rets o$ *ersonal *o'er) He #no's $or a $a%t t!at t ' ll ma#e ! m a%t n t!e most a**ro*r ate $as! on) Trust your *ersonal *o'er) T!at+s all one !as n t! s '!ole myster ous 'orld) A 'arr or s m*e%%a"le '!en !e trusts ! s *ersonal *o'er re(ardless o$ '!et!er t s small or enormous) 1o'er s a -ery *e%ul ar a$$a r) It s m*oss "le to * n t do'n and say '!at t really s) It s a $eel n( t!at one !as a"out %erta n t! n(s) 1o'er s *ersonal) It "elon(s to onesel$ alone) My "ene$a%tor, $or nstan%e, %ould ma#e a *erson mortally ll "y merely loo# n( at ! m) Women 'ould 'ane a'ay a$ter !e !ad set eyes on t!em) Yet !e d d not ma#e *eo*le s %# all t!e t me, "ut only '!en ! s *ersonal *o'er 'as n-ol-ed) A !unter o$ *o'er entra*s t and t!en stores t a'ay as ! s *ersonal $ nd n() T!us, *ersonal *o'er (ro's, and you may !a-e t!e %ase o$ a 'arr or '!o !as so mu%! *ersonal *o'er t!at !e "e%omes a man o$ #no'led(e) 1o'er s a -ery 'e rd a$$a r) In order to !a-e t and %ommand t one must !a-e *o'er to "e( n ' t!) It+s *oss "le, !o'e-er, to store t, l ttle "y l ttle, unt l one !as enou(! to susta n onesel$ n a "attle o$ *o'er) T!ere are lots o$ t! n(s you do no' '! %! 'ould !a-e seemed nsane to you ten years a(o) T!ose t! n(s t!emsel-es d d not %!an(e, "ut your dea o$ yoursel$ %!an(ed7 '!at 'as m*oss "le "e$ore s *er$e%tly *oss "le no' and *er!a*s your total su%%ess n %!an( n( yoursel$ s only a matter o$ t me) In t! s a$$a r t!e only *oss "le %ourse t!at a 'arr or !as s to a%t %ons stently


and ' t!out reser-at ons) You #no' enou(! o$ t!e 'arr or+s 'ay to a%t a%%ord n(ly, "ut your old !a" ts and rout nes stand n your 'ay) It doesn+t matter '!at one re-eals or #ee*s to onesel$) E-eryt! n( 'e do, e-eryt! n( 'e are, rests on our *ersonal *o'er) I$ 'e !a-e enou(! o$ t, one 'ord uttered to us m (!t "e su$$ % ent to %!an(e t!e %ourse o$ our l -es) But $ 'e don+t !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er t!e most ma(n $ %ent * e%e o$ ' sdom %an "e re-ealed to us and t!at re-elat on 'on+t ma#e a damn " t o$ d $$eren%e) I+m (o n( to utter *er!a*s t!e (reatest * e%e o$ #no'led(e anyone %an -o %e) /et me see '!at you %an do ' t! t) Do you #no' t!at at t! s -ery moment you are surrounded "y etern ty< And do you #no' t!at you %an use t!at etern ty $ you so des re< Do you #no' t!at you %an e9tend yoursel$ $ore-er n any d re%t on< Do you #no' t!at one moment %an "e etern ty< T! s s not a r ddle7 t+s a $a%t, "ut only $ you mount t!at moment and use t to ta#e t!e total ty o$ yoursel$ $ore-er n any d re%t on) You d dn+t !a-e t! s #no'led(e "e$ore) No' you do) I !a-e re-ealed t to you, "ut t doesn+t ma#e a " t o$ d $$eren%e, "e%ause you don+t !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er to ut l :e my re-elat on) Yet $ you d d !a-e enou(! *o'er, my 'ords alone 'ould ser-e as t!e means $or you to round u* t!e total ty o$ yoursel$ and to (et t!e %ru% al *art o$ t out o$ t!e "oundar es n '! %! t s %onta ned) T!at+s t!e $la' ' t! 'ords) T!ey al'ays $or%e us to $eel enl (!tened, "ut '!en 'e turn around to $a%e t!e 'orld t!ey al'ays $a l us and 'e end u* $a% n( t!e 'orld as 'e al'ays !a-e, ' t!out enl (!tenment) 2or t! s reason a sor%erer see#s to a%t rat!er t!an tal# and to t! s e$$e%t !e (ets a ne' des%r *t on o$ t!e 'orld..a ne' des%r *t on '!ere tal# n( s not t!at m*ortant, and '!ere ne' a%ts !a-e ne' re$le%t ons) One learns to a%t l #e a 'arr or "y a%t n(, not "y tal# n() T!ere s only one 'ay to learn, and t!at 'ay s to (et do'n to "us ness) To only tal# a"out *o'er s useless) I$ you 'ant to #no' '!at *o'er s, and $ you 'ant to stress t you must ta%#le e-eryt! n( yoursel$) T!e road to #no'led(e and *o'er s -ery d $$ %ult and -ery lon() No' you do !a-e enou(! to 'a(e a (ood "attle, "ut not enou(! to stay n t!e dar# "y yoursel$) You+ll d e) T!e ent t es o$ t!e n (!t ' ll %rus! you l #e a "u() You %an s*end t!e n (!t "y yoursel$ n your "ed, "ut not n t!e mounta ns)


T! s a**l es only to t!e ' lderness, '!ere t!ere are no *eo*le around, es*e% ally t!e ' lderness n ! (! mounta ns) S n%e t!e natural a"odes o$ t!e ent t es o$ t!e n (!t are ro%#s and %re- %es, you %annot (o to t!e mounta ns $rom no' on unless you !a-e stored enou(! *ersonal *o'er) You are do n( t "y l - n( t!e 'ay I re%ommended) / ttle "y l ttle you are *lu(( n( u* all your *o nts o$ dra na(e) You don+t !a-e to "e del "erate a"out t, "e%ause *o'er al'ays $ nds a 'ay) Ta#e me as an e9am*le) I d dn+t #no' I 'as stor n( *o'er '!en I $ rst "e(an to learn t!e 'ays o$ a 'arr or) Just l #e you, I t!ou(!t I 'asn+t do n( anyt! n( n *art %ular, "ut t!at 'as not so) 1o'er !as t!e *e%ul ar ty o$ "e n( unnot %ea"le '!en t s "e n( stored) Don+t ta9 yoursel$ ' t! e9*lanat ons) W!at I sa d ma#es no sense to you, s m*ly "e%ause you don+t !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er) Yet you !a-e more t!an '!en you started, so t! n(s !a-e "e(un to !a**en to you) We are (o n( n sear%! o$ *o'er and e-eryt! n( you do %ounts) Wat%! t!e ' nd, es*e% ally to'ard t!e end o$ t!e day) T!ere s no *lan '!en t %omes to !unt n( *o'er) Hunt n( *o'er or !unt n( (ame s t!e same) A !unter !unts '!ate-er *resents tsel$ to ! m) T!us !e must al'ays "e n a state o$ read ness) You #no' a"out t!e ' nd, and no' you may !unt *o'er n t!e ' nd "y yoursel$) But t!ere are ot!er t! n(s you don+t #no' a"out '! %! are, l #e t!e ' nd, t!e %enter o$ *o'er at %erta n t mes and at %erta n *la%es) WI// 1er!a*s t!e $ rst t! n( t!at one s!ould do s to #no' t!at one %an de-elo* t!e ' ll) A 'arr or #no's t! s and *ro%eeds to 'a t $or t) Your m sta#e s not to #no' t!at you are 'a t n( $or your ' ll) W!at you yoursel$ %all ' ll s %!ara%ter and stron( d s*os t on) W!at a sor%erer %alls ' ll s a $or%e t!at %omes $rom ' t! n and atta%!es tsel$ to t!e 'orld out t!ere) It %omes out t!rou(! t!e "elly, r (!t !ere, '!ere t!e lum nous $ "ers are) A 'arr or !as to use ! s ' ll and ! s *at en%e to $or(et) In $a%t, a 'arr or !as only ! s ' ll and ! s *at en%e and ' t! t!em !e "u lds anyt! n( !e 'ants) You !a-e started learn n( t!e 'ays o$ sor%erers) You !a-e no more t me $or


retreats and re(rets) You only !a-e t me to l -e l #e a 'arr or and 'or# $or *at en%e and ' ll, '!et!er you l #e t or not) I t! n# t!ere s no 'ay o$ tal# n( a"out t) W ll s somet! n( -ery s*e% $ %) It !a**ens myster ously) T!ere s no real 'ay o$ tell n( !o' one uses t, e9%e*t t!at t!e results o$ us n( t!e ' ll are astound n() Coura(e s not ' ll) Men o$ %oura(e are de*enda"le men, no"le men *erenn ally surrounded "y *eo*le '!o $lo%# around t!em and adm re t!en7 yet -ery $e' men o$ %oura(e !a-e ' ll) Usually t!ey are $earless men '!o are ( -en to *er$orm n( dar n( %ommon.sense a%ts7 most o$ t!e t me a %oura(eous man s also $earsome and $eared) W ll, on t!e ot!er !and, !as to do ' t! aston s! n( $eats t!at de$y %ommon sense) W ll s not a s 9t! sense) Rat!er t s a relat on "et'een oursel-es and t!e *er%e -ed 'orld) T!e ' ll de-elo*s n a 'arr or n s* te o$ e-ery o**os t on o$ t!e reason) W ll s somet! n( -ery %lear and *o'er$ul '! %! %an d re%t our a%ts) W ll s somet! n( a man uses, $or nstan%e, to ' n a "attle '! %! !e, "y all %al%ulat ons, s!ould lose) W ll s '!at ma#es you su%%eed '!en your t!ou(!ts tell you t!at youre de$eated) W ll s '!at ma#es you n-ulnera"le) W ll s '!at sends a sor%erer t!rou(! a 'all7 t!rou(! s*a%e7 to t!e moon $ !e 'ants) W ll s a $or%e '! %! s t!e true l n# "et'een men and t!e 'orld) T!e 'orld s '!ate-er 'e *er%e -e, n '!ate-er manner 'e may *er%e -e t) 1er%e - n( t!e 'orld enta ls a *ro%ess o$ a**re!end n( '!ate-er *resents tsel$ to us) T! s *art %ular *er%e - n( s done ' t! our senses and our ' ll) An a-era(e man %an ?(ra" t!e t! n(s o$ t!e 'orld only ' t! ! s !ands, or ! s eyes, or ! s ears, "ut a sor%erer %an (ra" t!em also ' t! ! s nose, or ! s ton(ue, or ! s ' ll, es*e% ally ' t! ! s ' ll) I %annot really des%r "e !o' t s done, "ut you yoursel$, $or nstan%e, %annot des%r "e to me !o' you !ear) It !a**ens t!at I am also %a*a"le o$ !ear n(, so 'e %an tal# a"out '!at 'e !ear, "ut not a"out !o' 'e !ear) A sor%erer uses ! s ' ll to *er%e -e t!e 'orld) T!at *er%e - n(, !o'e-er, s not l #e !ear n() W!en 'e loo# at t!e 'orld or '!en 'e !ear t, 'e !a-e t!e m*ress on t!at t s out t!ere and t!at t s real) W!en 'e *er%e -e t!e 'orld ' t! our ' ll 'e #no' t!at t s not as ?out t!ere or as ?real as 'e t! n#)


T!ere s a (a* n us7 l #e t!e so$t s*ot on t!e !ead o$ a %! ld '! %! %loses ' t! a(e) T! s (a* o*ens as one de-elo*s ones ' ll, at t!e *la%e o$ your lum nous $ "ers) Its an o*en n() It allo's a s*a%e $or t!e ' ll to s!oot out, l #e an arro') W!en a 'arr or !as a%8u red *at en%e !e s on ! s 'ay to ' ll) He #no's !o' to 'a t) H s deat! s ts ' t! ! m on ! s mat, t!ey are $r ends) H s deat! ad- ses ! m, n myster ous 'ays, !o' to %!oose, !o' to l -e strate( %ally) And t!e 'arr or 'a ts) I 'ould say t!at t!e 'arr or learns ' t!out any !urry "e%ause !e #no's !e s 'a t n( $or ! s ' ll7 and one day !e su%%eeds n *er$orm n( somet! n( ord nar ly 8u te m*oss "le to a%%om*l s!) He may not e-en not %e ! s e9traord nary deed) But as !e #ee*s on *er$orm n( m*oss "le a%ts, or as m*oss "le t! n(s #ee* on !a**en n( to ! m, !e "e%omes a'are t!at a sort o$ *o'er s emer( n() A *o'er t!at %omes out o$ ! s "ody as !e *ro(resses on t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) At $ rst t s l #e an t%! n( on t!e "elly, or a 'arm s*ot t!at %annot "e soot!ed7 t!en t "e%omes a *a n, a (reat d s%om$ort) Somet mes t!e *a n and d s%om$ort are so (reat t!at t!e 'arr or !as %on-uls ons $or mont!s, t!e more se-ere t!e %on-uls ons t!e "etter $or ! m) A $ ne *o'er s al'ays !eralded "y (reat *a n) W!en t!e %on-uls ons %ome t!e 'arr or not %es !e !as stran(e $eel n(s a"out t! n(s) He not %es t!at !e %an a%tually tou%! anyt! n( !e 'ants ' t! a $eel n( t!at %omes out o$ ! s "ody $rom a s*ot r (!t "elo' or r (!t a"o-e ! s na-el) T!at $eel n( s t!e ' ll and '!en !e s %a*a"le o$ (ra"" n( ' t! t, one %an r (!t$ully say t!at t!e 'arr or s a sor%erer and !as a%8u red ' ll) T!at *a n s not a"solutely ne%essary) I $or e9am*le, !a-e ne-er !ad t and ' ll ;ust !a**ened to me) T!e -ery t! n( t!at %ould !el* you de-elo* your ' ll s am dst all t!e l ttle t! n(s you do) One day I 'as n t!e mounta ns and I stum"led u*on a *uma, a $emale one7 s!e 'as -ery " ( and -ery !un(ry) I ran and s!e ran a$ter me) I %l m"ed a ro%# and s!e stood a $e' $eet a'ay, ready to ;um*) I t!re' ro%#s at !er) S!e (ro'led and "e(an to %!ar(e me) It 'as t!en t!at my ' ll $ully %ame out, and I sto**ed !er ' t! t "e$ore s!e ;um*ed on me I %aressed !er ' t! my ' ll) I a%tually ru""ed !er t ts ' t! t) S!e loo#ed at me ' t! slee*y eyes and lay do'n and I ran l #e a son o$ a " t%! "e$ore s!e (ot o-er t)


4ery drast % t! n(s !a-e to !a**en to you n order $or you to allo' your "ody to *ro$ t $rom all you !a-e learned) W ll s a *o'er) And s n%e t s a *o'er t !as to "e %ontrolled and tuned, and t!at ta#es t me) I #no' t!at and Im *at ent ' t! you) W!en I 'as your a(e I 'as as m*uls -e as you) Yet I !a-e %!an(ed) Our ' ll o*erates n s* te o$ our ndul(en%e) 2or e9am*le, your ' ll s already o*en n( your (a*, l ttle "y l ttle) T!e se%ret o$ t!e lum nous "e n(s s t!at t!ey !a-e anot!er r n( o$ *o'er '! %! s ne-er used, t!e ' ll) T!e tr %# o$ t!e sor%erer s t!e same tr %# o$ t!e a-era(e man) Bot! !a-e a des%r *t on7 one, t!e a-era(e man, u*!olds t ' t! ! s reason7 t!e ot!er, t!e sor%erer, u*!olds t ' t! ! s ' ll) Bot! des%r *t ons !a-e t!e r rules and t!e rules are *er%e -a"le, "ut t!e ad-anta(e o$ t!e sor%erer s t!at ' ll s more en(ul$ n( t!an reason) T!e su((est on t!at I 'ant to ma#e at t! s *o nt s t!at $rom no' on you s!ould let yoursel$ *er%e -e '!et!er t!e des%r *t on s u*!eld "y your reason or "y your ' ll) I $eel t!at s t!e only 'ay $or you to use your da ly 'orld as a %!allen(e and a -e! %le to a%%umulate enou(! *ersonal *o'er n order $or you to (et to t!e total ty o$ yoursel$) THE CRAC& BETWEEN THE WOR/DS T!e *art %ular t! n( to learn s !o' to (et to t!e %ra%# "et'een t!e 'orlds and !o' to enter t!e ot!er 'orld) T!ere s a %ra%# "et'een t!e t'o 'orlds, t!e 'orld o$ t!e d a"leros and t!e 'orld o$ l - n( men) T!ere s a *la%e '!ere t!e t'o 'orlds o-erla*) T!e %ra%# s t!ere) It o*ens and %loses l #e a door n t!e ' nd) To (et t!ere a man must e9er% se ! s ' ll) He must, I s!ould say, de-elo* an ndom ta"le des re $or t, a s n(le.m nded ded %at on) But !e must do t ' t!out t!e !el* o$ any *o'er or any man) T!e man ! msel$ must *onder and ' s! u* to a moment n '! %! ! s "ody s ready to under(o t!e ;ourney) T!at moment s announ%ed "y *rolon(ed s!a# n( o$ t!e l m"s and - olent -om t n() T!e man usually %annot slee* or eat, and 'anes a'ay) W!en t!e %on-uls ons do not sto* t!e man s ready to (o, and t!e %ra%# "et'een t!e 'orlds a**ears r (!t n $ront o$ ! s eyes l #e a monumental door, a %ra%# t!at (oes u* and do'n) W!en t!e %ra%# o*ens t!e man !as to sl de t!rou(! t) It s !ard to see on t!e ot!er s de o$ t!e "oundary) It s ' ndy, l #e a sandstorm) T!e ' nd '! rls around) T!e man t!en must 'al# n any d re%t on) It ' ll "e a s!ort or a lon(


;ourney, de*end n( on ! s ' ll *o'er) A stron(.' lled man ;ourneys s!ortly) An unde% ded, 'ea# man ;ourneys lon( and *re%ar ously) A$ter t! s ;ourney t!e man arr -es at a sort o$ *lateau) It s *oss "le to d st n(u s! some o$ ts $eatures %learly) It s a *lane a"o-e t!e (round) It s *oss "le to re%o(n :e t "y t!e ' nd, '! %! t!ere "e%omes e-en more - olent, roar n( all around) On to* o$ t!at *lateau s t!e entran%e to t!e ot!er 'orld) And t!ere stands a s# n t!at se*arates t!e t'o 'orlds7 dead men (o t!rou(! t ' t!out a no se, "ut 'e !a-e to "rea# t ' t! an out%ry) T!e ' nd (at!ers stren(t!, t!e same unruly ' nd t!at "lo's on t!e *lateau) W!en t!e ' nd !as (at!ered enou(! $or%e, t!e man !as to "e n$le9 "le, too, so t!at !e %an $ (!t t!e ' nd) All !e needs s a (entle s!o-e7 !e does not need to "e "lo'n to t!e ends o$ t!e ot!er 'orld) On%e on t!e ot!er s de, t!e man ' ll !a-e to 'ander around) H s (ood $ortune 'ould "e to $ nd a !el*er near"y@not to $ar $rom t!e entran%e) T!e man !as to as# ! m $or !el*) In ! s o'n 'ords !e !as to as# t!e !el*er to tea%! ! m and ma#e ! m a d a"lero) W!en t!e !el*er a(rees, !e # lls t!e man on t!e s*ot, and '! le !e s dead !e tea%!es ! m) W!en you ma#e t!e tr * yoursel$, de*end n( on your lu%#, you may $ nd a (reat d a"lero n t!e !el*er '!o ' ll # ll and tea%! you) Most o$ t!e t me t!ou(!, one en%ounters lesser "ru;os '!o !a-e -ery l ttle to tea%!) But ne t!er you nor t!ey !a-e t!e *o'er to re$use) T!e "est nstan%e s to $ nd a male !el*er lest one "e%ome t!e *rey o$ a d a"lera, '!o ' ll ma#e one su$$er n an un"el e-a"le manner) Women are al'ays l #e t!at) But t!at de*ends on lu%# alone, unless ones "ene$a%tor s a (reat d a"lero ! msel$, n '! %! e-ent !e ' ll !a-e many !el*ers n t!e ot!er 'orld, and %an d re%t one to see a *art %ular !el*er) My "ene$a%tor 'as su%! a man) He d re%ted me to en%ounter ! s s* r t !el*er) A$ter your return you ' ll not "e t!e same man) You are %omm tted to %ome "a%# and see your !el*er o$ten) And you are %omm tted to 'ander $art!er and $art!er $rom t!e entran%e, unt l $ nally one day you ' ll (o too $ar and ' ll not "e a"le to return) SORCERY In order to "e a sor%erer a man must "e *ass onate) A *ass onate man !as eart!ly "elon( n(s and t! n(s dear to ! m@ $ not! n( else, ;ust t!e *at! '!ere !e 'al#s)


T!e 'orld s ndeed $ull o$ $r (!ten n( t! n(s and 'e are !el*less %reatures surrounded "y $or%es t!at are ne9*l %a"le and un"end n() T!e a-era(e man, n (noran%e, "el e-es t!at t!ose $or%es %an "e e9*la ned or %!an(ed7 !e really doesnt #no' !o' to do t!at, "ut !e e9*e%ts t!at t!e a%t ons o$ man# nd ' ll e9*la n t!em or %!an(e t!em sooner or later) T!e sor%erer, on t!e ot!er !and, does not t! n# o$ e9*la n n( or %!an( n( t!em7 nstead !e learns to use su%! $or%es "y red re%t n( ! msel$ and ada*t n( to t!e r d re%t on) T!ats ! s tr %#) T!ere s -ery l ttle to sor%ery on%e you $ nd out ts tr %#) Sor%ery s to a**ly ones ' ll to a #ey ;o nt) Sor%ery s nter$eren%e) A sor%erer sear%!es and $ nds t!e #ey ;o nt o$ anyt! n( !e 'ants to a$$e%t and t!en !e a**l es ! s ' ll to t) A sor%erer doesnt !a-e to see to "e a sor%erer7 all !e !as to #no' s !o' to use ! s ' ll) A sor%erer s only sl (!tly "etter o$$ t!an t!e a-era(e man) Sor%ery does not !el* ! m l -e a "etter l $e7 n $a%t I s!ould say t!at sor%ery ! nders ! m7 t ma#es ! s l $e %um"ersome, *re%ar ous) By o*en n( ! msel$ to #no'led(e a sor%erer "e%omes more -ulnera"le t!an t!e a-era(e man) On t!e one !and ! s $ello' men !ate ! m and $ear ! m and ' ll str -e to end ! s l $e7 on t!e ot!er !and t!e ne9*l %a"le and un"end n( $or%es t!at surround e-ery one o$ us, "y r (!t o$ our "e n( al -e, are $or a sor%erer a sour%e o$ e-en (reater dan(er) To "e * er%ed "y a $ello' man s ndeed *a n$ul, "ut not! n( n %om*ar son to "e n( tou%!ed "y an ally) A sor%erer, "y o*en n( ! msel$ to #no'led(e $alls *rey to su%! $or%es and !as only one means o$ "alan% n( ! msel$, ! s ' ll7 t!us !e must $eel and a%t l #e a 'arr or) I ' ll re*eat t! s on%e more7 only as a 'arr or %an one sur- -e t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) W!at !el*s a sor%erer to l -e a "etter l $e s t!e stren(t! o$ "e n( a 'arr or) To "e a sor%erer s a terr "le "urden) I-e told you t!at t s mu%! "etter to "e a"le to see) A man '!o sees s e-eryt! n(7 n %om*ar son t!e sor%erer s a sad $ello') SEEIN3 I$ a man sees !e doesnt !a-e to l -e l #e a 'arr or, or l #e anyt! n( else, $or !e %an see t! n(s as t!ey really are and d re%t ! s l $e a%%ord n(ly)


On%e a man learns to see !e $ nds ! msel$ alone n t!e 'orld ' t! not! n( "ut $olly) But '!en a man learns to see, !e real :es t!at !e %an no lon(er t! n# a"out t!e t! n(s !e loo#s at) And $ !e %annot t! n# a"out '!at !e loo#s at e-eryt! n( "e%omes un m*ortant) I d dnt say 'ort!less) I sa d un m*ortant) E-eryt! n( s e8ual and t!ere$ore un m*ortant) 2or e9am*le, t!ere s no 'ay $or me to say t!at my a%ts are more m*ortant t!an yours, or t!at one t! n( s more essent al t!an anot!er, t!ere$ore all t! n(s are e8ual, and "y "e n( e8ual t!ey are un m*ortant) 2or nstan%e 'e need to loo# ' t! our eyes to lau(!, "e%ause only '!en 'e loo# at t! n(s %an 'e %at%! t!e $unny ed(e o$ t!e 'orld) On t!e ot!er !and, '!en our eyes see, e-eryt! n( s so e8ual t!at not! n( s $unny) Our eyes loo# so 'e may lau(!, or %ry, or re;o %e, or "e sad, or "e !a**y) I *ersonally dont l #e to "e sad, so '!ene-er I ' tness somet! n( t!at 'ould ord nar ly ma#e me sad, I s m*ly s! $t my eyes and see t nstead o$ loo# n( at t) But '!en I en%ounter somet! n( $unny I loo# and I lau(!) Bl nd men to not lau(!) T!e r "od es ;er# a l ttle ' t! t!e r **le o$ lau(!ter) Hey !a-e ne-er loo#ed at t!e $unny ed(e o$ t!e 'orld and !a-e to ma( ne t) T!e r lau(!ter s not roar n() See n( s $or m*e%%a"le men) Tem*er your s* r t no', "e%ome a 'arr or, learn to see, and t!en youll #no' t!at t!ere s no end to ne' 'orlds $or our - s on) W!en you see t!ere are no lon(er $am l ar $eatures n t!e 'orld) E-eryt! n( s ne') E-eryt! n( !as ne-er !a**ened "e$ore) He 'orld s n%red "le) T! n(s dont d sa**ear) T!ey dont -an s!) T!ey s m*ly "e%ome not! n( and yet t!ey are st ll t!ere) You 'ant me to des%r "e t to you so you %an "e( n to t! n# a"out t, t!e 'ay you do ' t! e-eryt! n( else) In t!e %ase o$ see n( !o'e-er t! n# n( s not t!e ssue at all, so I %annot tell you '!at t s l #e to see) I-e told you already, see n( s not sor%ery) Yet one may eas ly %on$use t!em, "e%ause a man '!o sees %an learn, n no t me at all, to man *ulate an ally, and may "e%ome a sor%erer) On t!e ot!er !and, a man may learn %erta n te%!n 8ues n order to %ommand an ally and t!us "e%ome a sor%erer, and yet !e may ne-er learn to see) Bes des see n( s %ontrary to sor%ery) See n( ma#es one real :e t!e un m*ortan%e o$ t all)


See n( s not a $or%e, "ut rat!er a 'ay o$ (ett n( t!rou(! t! n(s) A sor%erer may !a-e a -ery stron( ' ll and yet !e may not see7 '! %! means t!at only a man o$ #no'led(e *er%e -es t!e 'orld ' t! ! s senses and ' t! ! s ' ll and also ' t! ! s see n() Men loo# d $$erent '!en you see) You ' ll see men as $ "ers o$ l (!t) Yes) 2 "ers l #e '! te %o"'e"s) 4ery $ ne t!reads t!at % r%ulate $rom t!e !ead to t!e na-el) T!us a man loo#s l #e an e(( o$ % r%ulat n( $ "ers) And ! s arms and le(s are l #e lum nous "r stles, "urst n( out n all d re%t ons) Bes des e-ery man s n tou%! ' t! e-eryt! n( else, not t!rou(! ! s !ands, t!ou(!, "ut t!rou(! a "un%! o$ lon( $ "ers t!at s!oot out $rom t!e %enter o$ ! s a"domen) T!ose $ "ers ;o n a man to ! s surround n(s7 t!ey #ee* ! s "alan%e, t!ey ( -e ! m sta" l ty) So, as you may see someday, a man s a lum nous e(( '!et!er !es a "e((ar or a # n( and t!eres no 'ay to %!an(e anyt! n(, or rat!er, '!at %ould "e %!an(ed n t!at lum nous e((< W!at< We are lum nous "e n(s and e-eryt! n( 'e are or e-eryt! n( 'e $eel s!o's n our $ "ers) Humans !a-e a "r (!tness *e%ul ar only to t!em) T!ats t!e only 'ay to tell t!em a*art $rom ot!er lum nous "e n(s) My "ene$a%tor 'as a sor%erer o$ (reat *o'ers) He 'as a 'arr or t!rou(! and t!rou(!) H s ' ll 'as ndeed ! s most ma(n $ %ent a%%om*l s!ment) But a man %an (o st ll $urt!er t!an t!at7 a man %an learn to see) U*on learn n( to see !e no lon(er needs to l -e l #e a 'arr or, nor "e a sor%erer) U*on learn n( to see a man "e%omes e-eryt! n( "y "e%om n( not! n() He, so to s*ea#, -an s!es and yet !es t!ere) I 'ould say t!at t! s s t!e t me '!en a man %an "e or %an (et anyt! n( !e des res) But !e des res not! n(, and nstead o$ *lay n( ' t! ! s $ello' men l #e t!ey 'ere toys, !e meets t!em n t!e m dst o$ t!e r $olly) T!e only d $$eren%e "et'een t!em s t!at a man '!o sees !as no lon(er an a%t -e nterest n ! s $ello' men) See n( !as already deta%!ed ! m $rom a"solutely e-eryt! n( !e #ne' "e$ore) CONTRO//ED 2O//Y On%e a man learns to see !e $ nds ! msel$ alone n t!e 'orld ' t! not! n( "ut $olly) Your a%ts, as 'ell as t!e a%ts o$ your $ello' men n (eneral a**ear to "e m*ortant to you "e%ause you !a-e learned to t! n# t!ey are m*ortant) We learn to t! n# a"out e-eryt! n(, and t!en 'e tra n our eyes to loo# as 'e t! n# a"out t!e t! n(s 'e loo# at) We loo# at oursel-es already t! n# n( t!at


'e are m*ortant) And t!ere$ore 'e-e (ot to $eel m*ortant) You dont understand me no' "e%ause o$ your !a" t o$ t! n# n( as you loo# and t! n# n( as you t! n#) I told you on%e t!at our lot as men s to learn, $or (ood or "ad) I !a-e learned to see and I tell you t!at not! n( really matters7 no' t s your turn7 *er!a*s someday you ' ll see and you ' ll #no' '!et!er t! n(s matter or not) 2or me not! n( matters, "ut *er!a*s $or you e-eryt! n( ' ll) You s!ould #no' "y no' t!at a man o$ #no'led(e l -es "y a%t n(, not "y t! n# n( a"out a%t n(, nor "y t! n# n( a"out '!at !e ' ll t! n# '!en !e $ n s!es a%t n() A man o$ #no'led(e %!ooses a *at! ' t! !eart and $ollo's t7 and t!en !e loo#s and re;o %es and lau(!s7 and t!en !e sees and #no's) He #no's t!at ! s l $e ' ll "e o-er alto(et!er too soon7 !e #no's t!at !e, as 'ell as e-ery"ody else, s not (o n( any'!ere7 !e #no's, "e%ause !e sees, t!at not! n( s more m*ortant t!an anyt! n( else) You t! n# a"out your a%ts) T!ere$ore you !a-e to "el e-e your a%ts are as m*ortant as you t! n# t!ey are, '!en n real ty not! n( o$ '!at one does s m*ortant) Not! n(= But t!en $ not! n( really matters !o' %an I (o on l - n(< It 'ould "e more s m*le to d e7 t!ats '!at you "el e-e, "e%ause youre t! n# n( a"out l $e, ;ust as youre t! n# n( no' '!at see n( 'ould "e l #e) So I %annot tell you '!at t s l #e to see) No' you 'ant me to des%r "e t!e reasons $or my %ontrolled $olly and I %an only tell you t!at %ontrolled $olly s -ery mu%! l #e see n(7 t s somet! n( you %annot t! n# a"out) Your *ro"lem s t!at you %on$use t!e 'orld ' t! '!at *eo*le do) A(a n youre not un 8ue n t!at) E-ery one o$ us do t!at) T!e t! n(s *eo*le do are t!e s! elds a(a nst t!e $or%es t!at surround us7 '!at 'e do as *eo*le ( -es us %om$ort and ma#es us $eel sa$e7 '!at *eo*le do s r (!t$ully -ery m*ortant, "ut only as a s! eld) We ne-er learn t!at t!e t! n(s 'e do as *eo*le are only s! elds and 'e let t!em dom nate and to**le our l -es) In $a%t I %ould say t!at $or man# nd, '!at *eo*le do s more m*ortant t!an t!e 'orld tsel$) T!e 'orld s all t!at s en%ased !ere) / $e, deat!, *eo*le, t!e all es, and e-eryt! n( else t!at surrounds us) T!e 'orld s n%om*re!ens "le) We 'ont e-er understand t7 'e 'ont e-er unra-el ts se%rets) T!us 'e must treat t as t s, a s!eer mystery) An a-era(e man doesnt do t! s t!ou(!) T!e 'orld s ne-er a mystery $or ! m, and '!en !e arr -es at old a(e !e s %on- n%ed !e !as not! n( more to


l -e $or) An old man !as not e9!austed t!e 'orld) He !as e9!austed only '!at *eo*le do) But n ! s stu* d %on$us on !e "el e-es t!at t!e 'orld !as no more myster es $or ! m) W!at a 'ret%!ed *r %e to *ay $or our s! elds) A 'arr or s a'are o$ t! s %on$us on and learns to treat t! n(s *ro*erly) T!e t! n(s t!at *eo*le do %annot under any %ond t ons "e more m*ortant t!an t!e 'orld) And t!us a 'arr or treats t!e 'orld as an endless mystery and '!at *eo*le do as an endless $olly) I am !a**y t!at you $ nally as#ed me a"out my %ontrolled $olly a$ter so many years, and yet t 'ouldnt !a-e mattered to me n t!e least $ you !ad ne-er as#ed) Yet I !a-e %!osen to $eel !a**y, as $ I %ared t!at you as#ed, as $ t 'ould matter t!at I %are) T!at s %ontrolled $olly) 1er!a*s ts not *oss "le to e9*la n) Certa n t! n(s n your l $e matter to you "e%ause t!eyre m*ortant to you, "ut $or me not a s n(le t! n( s m*ortant any lon(er, ne t!er my a%ts nor t!e a%ts o$ my $ello' men) I (o on l - n( t!ou(!, "e%ause I !a-e my ' ll) Be%ause I !a-e tem*ered my ' ll t!rou(!out my l $e unt l ts neat and '!olesome and no' t doesnt matter to me t!at not! n( matters) My ' ll %ontrols t!e $olly o$ my l $e) Ta#e my son Eulal o as an e9am*le) He 'as %rus!ed "y ro%#s '! le 'or# n( n t!e %onstru%t on o$ t!e 1an.Amer %an H (!'ay) My a%ts to'ard ! m at t!e moment o$ ! s deat! 'ere %ontrolled $olly) W!en I %ame do'n to t!e "last n( area !e 'as almost dead, "ut ! s "ody 'as so stron( t!at t #e*t on mo- n( and # %# n() I stood n $ront o$ ! m and told t!e "oys n t!e road %re' not to mo-e ! m any more7 t!ey o"eyed me and stood t!ere surround n( my son, loo# n( at ! s man(led "ody) I stood t!ere too, "ut I d d not loo#) I s! $ted my eyes so I %ould see ! s *ersonal l $e d s nte(rat n(, e9*and n( un%ontrolla"ly "eyond ts l m ts, l #e a $o( o$ %rystals, "e%ause t!at s t!e 'ay l $e and deat! m 9 and e9*and) T!at s '!at I d d at t!e t me o$ my sons deat!) T!ats all one %ould e-er do, and t!at s %ontrolled $olly) Had I loo#ed at ! m I 'ould !a-e 'at%!ed ! m "e%om n( mmo" le and I 'ould !a-e $elt a %ry ns de o$ me, "e%ause ne-er a(a n 'ould I loo# at ! s $ ne $ (ure *a% n( t!e eart!) I sa' ! s deat! nstead, and t!ere 'as no sadness, no $eel n() H s deat! 'as e8ual to e-eryt! n( else) So you may say t!at '!en t %omes to t!e deat! o$ a *erson I lo-e, my %ontrolled $olly s to s! $t my eyes) In ot!er 'ords a man o$ #no'led(e !as no !onor, no d (n ty, no $am ly, no name, no %ountry, "ut only l $e to "e l -ed, and under t!ose % r%umstan%es ! s only t e to ! s $ello' men s ! s %ontrolled $olly) T!us a man o$ #no'led(e


endea-ors, and s'eats and *u$$s, and $ one loo#s at ! m !e s ;ust l #e any ord nary man, e9%e*t t!at t!e $olly o$ ! s l $e s under %ontrol) Not! n( "e n( more m*ortant t!an anyt! n( else, a man o$ #no'led(e %!ooses any a%t, and a%ts t out as $ t matters to ! m) H s %ontrolled $olly ma#es ! m say t!at '!at !e does matters and ma#es ! m a%t as $ t d d, and yet !e #no's t!at t doesnt7 so '!en !e $ul$ lls ! s a%ts !e retreats n *ea%e, and '!et!er ! s a%ts 'ere (ood or "ad, or 'or#ed or d dnt, s n no 'ay *art o$ ! s %on%ern) A man o$ #no'led(e may %!oose, on t!e ot!er !and, to rema n totally m*ass -e and ne-er a%t, and "e!a-e as $ to "e m*ass -e really matters to ! m, and !e ' ll "e r (!t$ully true at t!at too, "e%ause t!at 'ould also "e ! s %ontrolled $olly) Its *oss "le to ns st, to *ro*erly ns st, e-en t!ou(! 'e #no' t!at '!at 'ere do n( s useless) But 'e must #no' $ rst t!at our a%ts are useless and yet 'e must *ro%eed as $ 'e d dnt #no' t) T!ats a sor%erers %ontrolled $olly) A man o$ #no'led(e l #es, t!ats all) He l #es '!ate-er or '!oe-er !e 'ants, "ut !e uses ! s %ontrolled $olly to "e un%on%erned a"out t) T!e o**os te o$ '!at youre do n( no') To l #e or "e l #ed "y *eo*le s not all one %an do as a man) THE 2OUR ENEMIES O2 A MAN O2 &NOW/ED3E A man (oes to #no'led(e as !e (oes to 'ar, ' t! $ear, ' t! res*e%t and ' t! a"solute assuran%e) 3o n( to #no'led(e or (o n( to 'ar n any ot!er manner s a m sta#e and '!oe-er ma#es t ' ll l -e to re(ret ! s ste*s) W!en a man !as $ul$ lled t!ose $our re8u s tes t!ere re no m sta#es $or '! %! !e ' ll !a-e to a%%ount7 under su%! %ond t ons ! s a%ts lose t!e "lunder n( 8ual ty o$ a $ools a%ts) I$ su%! a man $a ls, or su$$ers a de$eat, !e ' ll !a-e lost only a "attle, and t!ere ' ll "e no * t $ul re(rets o-er t!at) A man o$ #no'led(e s one '!o !as $ollo'ed trut!$ully t!e !ards! *s o$ learn n(, a man '!o !as, ' t!out rus! n( or $alter n(, (one as $ar as !e %an n unra-el n( t!e se%rets o$ *o'er and #no'led(e) Not anyone %an "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e) In order to "e%ome one a man must %!allen(e and de$eat ! s $our natural enem es) Any"ody '!o de$eats t!em "e%omes a man o$ #no'led(e) Anyone %an try to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e7 -ery $e' men a%tually su%%eed, "ut t!at s only natural) T!e


enem es a man en%ounters on t!e *at! o$ learn n( to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e are truly $orm da"le7 most men su%%um" to t!em) To "e a man o$ #no'led(e !as no *ermanen%e) One s ne-er a man o$ #no'led(e, not really) Rat!er, one "e%omes a man o$ #no'led(e $or a -ery "r e$ nstant, a$ter de$eat n( t!e $our natural enem es) W!en a man starts to learn !e s ne-er %lear a"out ! s o";e%t -es) H s *ur*ose s $aulty7 ! s ntent s -a(ue) He !o*es $or re'ards t!at ' ll ne-er mater al :e $or !e #no's not! n( o$ t!e !ards! *s o$ learn n() He slo'ly "e( ns to learn@" t "y " t at $ rst, t!en n " ( %!un#s) And ! s t!ou(!ts soon %las!) W!at !e learns s ne-er '!at !e * %tured, or ma( ned, and so !e "e( ns to "e a$ra d) /earn n( s ne-er '!at one e9*e%ts) E-ery ste* o$ learn n( s a ne' tas#, and t!e $ear t!e man s e9*er en% n( "e( ns to mount mer% lessly) H s *ur*ose "e%omes a "attle$ eld) And t!us !e !as stum"led u*on t!e $ rst o$ ! s natural enem es7 $ear= A terr "le enemy@trea%!erous and d $$ %ult to o-er%ome) It rema ns %on%ealed at e-ery turn o$ t!e 'ay, *ro'l n(, 'a t n() And $ t!e man, terr $ ed n ts *resen%e, runs a'ay, ! s enemy ' ll !a-e *ut an end to ! s 8uest) He ' ll ne-er "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e) He ' ll *er!a*s "e a "ully, or a !armless, s%ared man7 at any rate !e ' ll "e a de$eated man) H s $ rst enemy ' ll !a-e *ut an end to ! s %ra- n(s) A man s de$eated only '!en !e no lon(er tr es, and a"andons ! msel$) On%e one o$ t!ese enem es o-er*o'ers a man t!ere s not! n( !e %an do) I$ !e ( -es n to $ear !e ' ll ne-er %on8uer t, "e%ause !e ' ll s!y a'ay $rom learn n( and ne-er try a(a n) But $ !e tr es to learn $or years n t!e m dst o$ ! s $ear, !e ' ll e-entually %on8uer t "e%ause !e ' ll ne-er !a-e really a"andoned ! msel$ to t) He must not run a'ay) He must de$y ! s $ear and, n s* te o$ t !e must ta#e t!e ne9t ste* n learn n(, and t!e ne9t and t!e ne9t) He must "e $ully a$ra d, and yet !e must not sto*) T!at s t!e rule7 and a moment ' ll %ome '!en ! s $ rst enemy retreats) T!e man "e( ns to $eel sure o$ ! msel$) H s ntent "e%omes stron(er, learn n( s no lon(er a terr $y n( tas#)


W!en t! s ;oy$ul moment %omes, t!e man %an say ' t!out !es tat on t!at !e !as de$eated ! s $ rst natural enemy) It !a**ens l ttle "y l ttle, and yet t!e $ear s -an8u s!ed suddenly, and $ast) By t!en a man #no's ! s des res7 !e #no's !o' to sat s$y t!ose des res) He %an ant % *ate t!e ne' ste*s o$ learn n(, and a s!ar* %lar ty surrounds e-eryt! n() T!e man $eels not! n( s %on%ealed) And t!us !e !as en%ountered ! s se%ond enemy) On%e a man !as -an8u s!ed $ear, !e s $ree $rom t $or t!e rest o$ ! s l $e, "e%ause nstead o$ $ear !e !as a%8u red %lar ty@a %lar ty o$ m nd '! %! erases $ear) T!at %lar ty o$ m nd '! %! s so !ard to o"ta n, d s*els $ear "ut also "l nds) It $or%es t!e man ne-er to dou"t ! msel$) It ( -es ! m t!e assuran%e !e %an do anyt! n( !e *leases, $or !e sees %learly nto e-eryt! n() And !e s %oura(eous "e%ause !e s %lear, and !e sto*s at not! n( "e%ause !e s %lear) But all t!at s a m sta#e7 t s l #e somet! n( n%om*lete) I$ t!e man y elds to t! s ma#e."el e-e *o'er !e !as su%%um"ed to ! s se%ond enemy and ' ll "e *at ent '!en !e s!ould rus!) And !e ' ll $um"le ' t! learn n( unt l !e ' nds u* n%a*a"le o$ learn n( anyt! n( more) H s se%ond enemy !as ;ust sto**ed ! m %old $rom try n( to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e7 nstead !e may turn nto a "uoyant 'arr or, or a %lo'n) Yet t!e %lar ty $or '! %! !e !as *a d so dearly ' ll ne-er %!an(e to dar#ness and $ear a(a n) He ' ll "e %lear as lon( as !e l -es, "ut !e ' ll no lon(er learn, or yearn $or anyt! n() He must do '!at !e d d ' t! $ear7 !e must de$y ! s %lar ty and use t only to see, and 'a t *at ently and measure %are$ully "e$ore ta# n( ne' ste*s7 !e must t! n# a"o-e all, t!at ! s %lar ty 'as only a *o nt "e$ore ! s eyes) And t!us !e ' ll !a-e o-er%ome ! s se%ond enemy, and ' ll arr -e at a *os t on '!ere not! n( %an !arm ! m anymore) T! s ' ll not "e a m sta#e) It ' ll not "e only a *o nt "e$ore ! s eyes) It ' ll "e true *o'er) He ' ll #no' at t! s *o nt t!at t!e *o'er !e !as "een *ursu n( $or so lon( s $ nally ! s) He %an do ' t! t '!ate-er *leases ! m) H s ally s at ! s %ommand) H s ' s! s t!e rule) He sees all t!at s around ! m) But !e !as also %ome a%ross ! s t! rd enemyA 1o'er= 1o'er s t!e stron(est o$ all enem es) And naturally t!e eas est t! n( to do s ( -e n7 a$ter all t!e man s truly n- n% "le) He %ommands7 !e "e( ns "y ta# n( %al%ulated r s#s, and ends "y ma# n( rules, "e%ause !e s a master)


A man at t! s sta(e !ardly not %es ! s t! rd enemy %los n( n on ! m) And suddenly, ' t!out #no' n(, !e ' ll %erta nly !a-e lost t!e "attle) H s enemy ' ll !a-e turned ! m nto a %ruel, %a*r % ous man) But !e ' ll ne-er lose ! s %lar ty or ! s *o'er) He !as to %ome to real :e t!e *o'er !e !as seem n(ly %on8uered s n real ty ne-er ! s) He must #ee* ! msel$ n l ne at all t mes, !andl n( %are$ully and $a t!$ully all t!at !e !as learned) I$ !e %an see t!at %lar ty and *o'er, ' t!out ! s %ontrol o-er ! msel$, are 'orse t!an m sta#es, !e ' ll rea%! a *o nt '!ere e-eryt! n( s !eld n %!e%#) He ' ll #no' '!en and !o' to use ! s *o'er) And t!us !e ' ll !a-e de$eated ! s t! rd enemy) T!e man ' ll "e, "y t!en, at t!e end o$ ! s ;ourney o$ learn n(, and almost ' t!out 'arn n( !e ' ll %ome u*on t!e last o$ ! s enem es7 Old a(e= T! s enemy s t!e %ruelest o$ all, t!e one !e 'ont "e a"le to de$eat %om*letely, "ut only $ (!t a'ay) T! s s t!e t me '!en a man !as no more $ears, no more m*at ent %lar ty o$ m nd@a t me '!en all ! s *o'er s n %!e%#, "ut also t!e t me '!en !e !as an uny eld n( des re to rest) I$ !e ( -es n totally to ! s des re to l e do'n and $or(et, $ !e soot!s ! msel$ n t redness, !e ' ll !a-e lost ! s last round, and ! s enemy ' ll %ut ! m do'n nto a $ee"le old %reature) H s des re to retreat ' ll o-errule all ! s %lar ty, ! s *o'er and ! s #no'led(e) But $ t!e man slou(!s o$$ ! s t redness, and l -es ! s $ate t!rou(!, !e %an t!en "e %alled a man o$ #no'led(e, $ only $or t!e "r e$ moment '!en !e su%%eeds n $ (!t n( o$$ ! s last n- n% "le enemy) T!at moment o$ %lar ty, *o'er and #no'led(e s enou(!)



ERASIN3 1ERSONA/ HISTORY T! s s t!e l ttle se%ret Im (o n( to ( -e you today) No"ody #no's my *ersonal ! story) No"ody #no's '!o I am or '!at I do) Not e-en I) Ho' %an I #no' '!o I am, '!en I am all t! s< One day I $ound out t!at *ersonal ! story 'as no lon(er ne%essary $or me, and, l #e dr n# n(, I dro**ed t) One must $ rst !a-e t!e des re to dro* t, and t!en one must *ro%eed !armon ously to %!o* t o$$, l ttle "y l ttle) Smo# n( and dr n# n( are not! n() Not! n( at all $ 'e 'ant to dro* t!em) 1eo*le !ardly e-er real :e t!at 'e %an %ut anyt! n( $rom our l -es, any t me, ;ust l #e t!at) Your trou"le s t!at you !a-e to e9*la n e-eryt! n( to e-ery"ody, %om*uls -ely and at t!e same t me you 'ant to #ee* t!e $res!ness, t!e ne'ness o$ '!at you do) You must rene' your *ersonal ! story "y tell n( your *arents, your relat -es, and your $r ends e-eryt! n( you do) On t!e ot!er !and, $ you !a-e no *ersonal ! story, no e9*lanat ons are needed7 no"ody s an(ry or d s llus oned ' t! your a%ts, and a"o-e all no one * ns you do'n ' t! t!e r t!ou(!ts) Your $r ends, t!ose you !a-e #no'n $or a lon( t me) You must lea-e t!em 8u %#ly) W!ats 'ron( s t!at on%e t!ey #no' you, you are an a$$a r ta#en $or (ranted and $rom t!at moment on you 'ont "e a"le to "rea# t!e t e o$ t!e r t!ou(!ts) I *ersonally l #e t!e ult mate $reedom o$ "e n( un#no'n) No one #no's me ' t! stead$ast %erta nty, t!e 'ay *eo*le #no' you $or nstan%e) It s "est to erase all *ersonal ! story, "e%ause t!at ' ll ma#e us $ree $rom t!e en%um"er n( t!ou(!ts o$ ot!er *eo*le) W!en not! n( s $or sure 'e rema n alert, *erenn ally on our toes) It s more e9% t n( not to #no' '! %! "us! t!e ra"" t s ! d n( "e! nd t!an to "e!a-e as t!ou(! 'e #no' e-eryt! n() 2rom no' on you must s m*ly s!o' *eo*le '!ate-er you %are to s!o' t!em, "ut ' t!out e-er tell n( e9a%tly !o' you-e done t)


You al'ays #ne' !o' to l e) T!e only t! n( t!at 'as m ss n( 'as t!at you d dnt #no' '!y to do t) No' you do) You see, 'e only !a-e t'o alternat -es7 'e e t!er ta#e e-eryt! n( $or sure and real or 'e dont) I$ 'e $ollo' t!e $ rst, 'e end u* "ored to deat! ' t! oursel-es and ' t! t!e 'orld) I$ 'e $ollo' t!e se%ond and erase *ersonal ! story, 'e %reate a $o( around us, a -ery e9% t n( and myster ous state n '! %! no"ody #no's '!ere t!e ra"" t ' ll *o* out, not e-en oursel-es / ttle "y l ttle you must %reate a $o( around yoursel$7 you must erase e-eryt! n( around you unt l not! n( %an "e ta#en $or (ranted, unt l not! n( s any lon(er $or sure an real) Dont ta#e t! n(s $or (ranted) You must "e( n to erase yoursel$) DEATH AS AN AD4ISOR T!e t! n( to do '!en youre m*at ent s to turn to your le$t and as# ad- %e $rom your deat!) An mmense amount o$ *ett ness s dro**ed $ your deat! ma#es a (esture to you, or $ you %at%! a (l m*se o$ t, or $ you ;ust !a-e t!e $eel n( t!at your %om*an on s 'at%! n( you) Deat! s our eternal %om*an on) It s al'ays to our le$t, at an arms len(t!) It !as al'ays "een 'at%! n( you) It al'ays ' ll unt l t!e day t ta*s you) A 'arr or t! n#s o$ ! s deat! '!en t! n(s "e%ome un%lear, "e%ause t!e dea o$ deat! s t!e only t! n( t!at tem*ers our s* r t) Your deat! ( -es you a l ttle 'arn n() It al'ays %omes as a %! ll) Deat! s t!e only ' se ad- sor t!at 'e !a-e) W!ene-er you $eel, as you al'ays do, t!at e-eryt! n( s (o n( 'ron( and youre a"out to "e ann ! lated, turn to your deat! and as# $ t!at s so) Your deat! ' ll tell you t!at youre 'ron(7 t!at not! n( really matters outs de ts tou%!) Your deat! ' ll tell you, BI !a-ent tou%!ed you yet)C T!e reason you #ee* on %om n( to see me s -ery s m*le) E-ery t me you !a-e seen me your "ody !as learned %erta n t! n(s, e-en a(a nst your des re) And $ nally your "ody no' needs to %ome "a%# to see me to learn more) /ets say your "ody #no's t!at t s (o n( to d e, e-en t!ou(! you ne-er t! n# a"out t) So I-e "een tell n( your "ody t!at I too am (o n( to d e and "e$ore I do I 'ould l #e to s!o' your "ody %erta n t! n(s, t! n(s '! %! you %annot ( -e to your "ody yoursel$) 2or e9am*le your "ody needs


$r (!t) It l #es t) Your "ody needs t!e dar#ness and t!e ' nd) So lets say t!at your "ody returns to see me "e%ause I am ts $r end) T!ere s not! n( 'ron( ' t! "e n( a$ra d) W!en you $ear you see t! n(s n a d $$erent 'ay) 2r (!t ne-er n;ures anyone) W!at n;ures t!e s* r t s !a- n( someone al'ays on your "a%#, "eat n( you, tell n( you '!at to do and '!at not to do) By t!e t me #no'led(e "e%omes a $r (!ten n( a$$a r t!e man also real :es t!at deat! s t!e rre*la%ea"le *artner t!at s ts ne9t to ! m on t!e mat) E-ery " t o$ #no'led(e t!at "e%omes *o'er !as deat! as ts %entral $or%e) Deat! lends t!e ult mate tou%!, and '!ate-er s tou%!ed "y deat! ndeed "e%omes *o'er) A man '!o $ollo's t!e *at!s o$ sor%ery s %on$ronted ' t! mm nent ann ! lat on at e-ery turn o$ t!e 'ay, and una-o da"ly "e%omes #eenly a'are o$ ! s deat!) W t!out t!e a'areness o$ deat! !e 'ould "e only an ord nary man n-ol-ed n ord nary a%ts) He 'ould la%# t!e ne%essary *oten%y, t!e ne%essary %on%entrat on t!at trans$orms ones ord nary t me on eart! nto ma( %al *o'er) T!us to "e a 'arr or a man !as to "e, $ rst o$ all, and r (!t$ully so, #eenly a'are o$ ! s o'n deat!) But to "e %on%erned ' t! deat! 'ould $or%e any one o$ us to $o%us on t!e sel$ and t!at 'ould "e de" l tat n() So t!e ne9t t! n( one needs to "e a 'arr or s deta%!ment) T!e dea o$ mm nent deat!, nstead o$ "e%om n( an o"sess on, "e%omes an nd $$eren%e) Only t!e dea o$ deat! ma#es a man su$$ % ently deta%!ed so !e s n%a*a"le o$ a"andon n( ! msel$ to anyt! n() Only t!e dea o$ deat! ma#es a man su$$ % ently deta%!ed so !e %ant deny ! msel$ anyt! n() A man o$ t!at sort, !o'e-er, does not %ra-e, $or !e !as a%8u red a s lent lust $or l $e and $or all t! n(s o$ l $e) He #no's ! s deat! s stal# n( ! m and 'ont ( -e ! m t me to %l n( to anyt! n(, so !e tr es, ' t!out %ra- n(, all o$ e-eryt! n() A deta%!ed man, '!o #no's !e !as no *oss " l ty o$ $end n( o$$ ! s deat!, !as only one t! n( to "a%# ! msel$ ' t!7 t!e *o'er o$ ! s de% s ons) He !as to "e, so to s*ea#, t!e master o$ ! s %!o %es) He must $ully understand t!at ! s %!o %e s ! s res*ons " l ty and on%e !e ma#es t t!ere s no lon(er t me $or re(rets or re%r m nat ons) H s de% s ons are $ nal, s m*ly "e%ause ! s deat! ' ll not *erm t ! m t me to %l n( to anyt! n() Not! n( s *end n( n t!e 'orld) Not! n( s $ n s!ed, yet not! n( s resol-ed)


And t!us ' t! an a'areness o$ ! s deat!, ' t! ! s deta%!ment, and ' t! t!e *o'er o$ ! s de% s ons a 'arr or sets ! s l $e n a strate( %al manner) T!e #no'led(e o$ ! s deat! (u des ! m and ma#es ! m deta%!ed and s lently lusty7 t!e *o'er o$ ! s $ nal de% s ons ma#es ! m a"le to %!oose ' t!out re(rets and '!at !e %!ooses s al'ays strate( %ally t!e "est7 and so !e *er$orm e-eryt! n( !e !as to ' t! (usto and lusty e$$ % en%y) T!e ndul(en%e o$ deny n( s "y $ar t!e 'orst7 t $or%es us to "el e-e 'e are do n( (reat t! n(s, '!en n e$$e%t 'e are only $ 9ed ' t! n oursel-es) You s!ould not !a-e any remorse $or anyt! n( you !a-e done, "e%ause to solate ones a%ts as "e n( mean, or u(ly, or e- l s to *la%e an un'arranted m*ortan%e on t!e sel$) /oo# at me) I !a-e no dou"ts or remorse) E-eryt! n( I do s my de% s on and my res*ons " l ty) T!e s m*lest t! n( I do, to ta#e you $or a 'al# n t!e desert, $or nstan%e, may -ery 'ell mean my deat!) Deat! s stal# n( me) T!ere$ore, I !a-e no room $or dou"ts or remorse) I$ I !a-e to d e as a result o$ ta# n( you $or a 'al#, t!en I must d e) You, on t!e ot!er !and, $eel t!at you are mmortal, and t!e de% s ons o$ an mmortal man %an "e %an%eled or re(retted or dou"ted) In a 'orld '!ere deat! s t!e !unter, my $r end t!ere s not t me $or re(rets or dou"ts) T!ere s only t me $or de% s ons) W!en a man "e!a-es n su%! a manner one may r (!t$ully say t!at !e s a 'arr or and !as a%8u red *at en%e) Deat! s not l #e a *erson) It s rat!er a *resen%e) But one may also %!oose to say t!at t s not! n( and yet t s e-eryt! n() One ' ll "e r (!t on e-ery %ount) Deat! s '!ate-er one ' s!es) I am at ease ' t! *eo*le, so deat! s a *erson $or me) I am also ( -en to myster es, so deat! !as !ollo' eyes $or me) I %an loo# t!rou(! t!em) T!ey are l #e t'o ' ndo's, and yet t!ey mo-e) And so I %an say t!at deat! ' t! ts !ollo' eyes loo#s at a 'arr or '! le !e dan%es $or t!e last t me on eart!) It s t!e same $or e-ery 'arr or t!at !as a dan%e o$ *o'er and yet t s not) Deat! ' tnesses a 'arr ors last dan%e, "ut t!e manner n '! %! a 'arr or sees ! s deat! s a *ersonal matter) It %ould "e anyt! n(@a " rd, a l (!t, a *erson, a "us!, a *e""le, a * e%e o$ $o( or an un#no'n *resen%e)


Deat! !as t'o sta(es) T!e $ rst s a "la%#out) It s a mean n(less sta(e, n '! %! one e9*er en%es a l (!tness t!at ma#es one $eel !a**y, %om*lete and t!at e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld s at ease) But t!at s only a s!allo' state7 t soon -an s!es and one enters a ne' realm, a realm o$ !ars!ness and *o'er) T!e se%ond s t!e real sta(e '!ere one meets ' t! deat!7 t s a "r e$ moment, a$ter t!e $ rst "la%#out, '!en 'e $ nd t!at 'e are some!o' oursel-es a(a n) It s t!en t!at deat! smas!es a(a nst us ' t! 8u et $ury and *o'er unt l t d ssol-es our l -es nto not! n() Deat! enters t!rou(! t!e "elly) R (!t t!rou(! t!e (a* o$ t!e ' ll) T!at area s t!e most m*ortant and sens t -e *art o$ a man) It s t!e area o$ t!e ' ll and also t!e area t!rou(! '! %! all o$ us d e) I #no' t "e%ause my ally !as (u ded me to t!at sta(e) A sor%erer tunes ! s ' ll "y lett n( deat! o-erta#e ! m, and '!en !e s $lat and "e( ns to e9*and, ! s m*e%%a"le ' ll ta#es o-er and assem"les t!e $o( nto one *erson a(a n) It s ! s ' ll '! %! assem"les a sor%erer, "ut as ! s old a(e ma#es ! m $ee"le ! s ' ll 'anes and a moment ne- ta"ly %omes '!en !e s no lon(er %a*a"le o$ %ommand n( ! s ' ll) He t!en !as not! n( ' t! '! %! to o**ose t!e s lent $or%e o$ ! s deat!, and ! s l $e "e%omes l #e t!e l -es o$ all ! s $ello' men, an e9*and n( $o( mo- n( "eyond ts l m ts) Our deat! s 'a t n( and t! s -ery a%t 'ere *er$orm n( no' may 'ell "e our last "attle on eart!) I %all t a "attle "e%ause t s a stru((le) Most *eo*le mo-e $rom a%t to a%t ' t!out any stru((le or t!ou(!t) A !unter, on t!e %ontrary assesses e-ery a%t7 and s n%e !e !as an nt mate #no'led(e o$ ! s deat!, !e *ro%eeds ;ud % ously, as $ e-ery a%t 'ere ! s last "attle) Only a $ool 'ould $a l to not %e t!e ad-anta(e a !unter !as o-er ! s $ello' men) A !unter ( -es ! s last "attle ts due res*e%t) Its only natural t!at ! s last a%t on eart! s!ould "e t!e "est o$ ! msel$) Its *leasura"le t!at 'ay) It dulls t!e ed(e o$ ! s $r (!t) I$ you are (o n( to d e t!ere s no t me $or t m d ty, s m*ly "e%ause t m d ty ma#es you %l n( to somet! n( t!at e9 sts only n your t!ou(!ts) It soot!s you '! le e-eryt! n( s at a lull) But t!en t!e a'esome myster ous 'orld ' ll o*en ts mout! $or you, as t ' ll o*en $or e-ery one o$ us, and t!en you ' ll real :e t!at your sure 'ays 'ere not sure at all) Be n( t m d *re-ents us $rom e9am n n( and e9*lo t n( our lot as men) A%ts !a-e *o'er, and es*e% ally '!en t!e *erson a%t n( #no's t!at t!ose a%ts are ! s last "attle) T!ere s a stran(e %onsum n( !a** ness n a%t n(


' t! t!e $ull #no'led(e t!at '!ate-er one s do n( may -ery 'ell "e ones last a%t on eart!) I re%ommend t!at you re%ons der your l $e and "r n( your a%ts nto t!at l (!t) Your %ont nu ty only ma#es you t m d) Your a%ts %annot *oss "ly !a-e t!e $la r, t!e *o'er, t!e %om*ell n( $or%e o$ t!e a%ts *er$ormed "y a man '!o #no's t!at !e s $ (!t n( ! s last "attle on eart!) In ot!er 'ords your %ont nu ty does not ma#e you !a**y or *o'er$ul) 2o%us your attent on on t!e l n# "et'een you and your deat!, ' t!out remorse or sadness or 'orry n() 2o%us your attent on on t!e $a%t you dont !a-e t me and let your a%ts $lo' a%%ord n(ly) /et ea%! o$ your a%ts "e your last "attle on eart!) Only under t!ose %ond t ons ' ll your a%ts !a-e t!e r r (!t$ul *o'er) Ot!er' se t!ey ' ll "e, $or as lon( as you l -e, t!e a%ts o$ a t m d man) T! s, '!ate-er youre do n( no', may "e your last "attle on eart!) It may -ery 'ell "e your last "attle) T!ere s no *o'er '! %! %ould (uarantee t!at you are (o n( to l -e one more m nute) I$ you do not t! n# o$ your deat!, your ent re l $e ' ll "e only *ersonal %!aos) W!at else %an a man !a-e, e9%e*t ! s l $e and ! s deat!< /OSIN3 SE/2.IM1ORTANCE You ta#e yoursel$ too ser ously) You are too damn m*ortant n your o'n m nd) T!at must "e %!an(ed= You are so (oddamn m*ortant t!at you $eel ;ust $ ed to "e annoyed ' t! e-eryt! n() Youre so damn m*ortant t!at you %an a$$ord to lea-e $ t! n(s dont (o your 'ay) I su**ose you t! n# t!at s!o's you !a-e %!ara%ter) T!ats nonsense= Youre 'ea# and %on%e ted) Sel$. m*ortan%e s anot!er t! n( t!at must "e dro**ed, ;ust l #e *ersonal ! story) As lon( as you $eel t!at you are t!e most m*ortant t! n( n t!e 'orld you %annot really a**re% ate t!e 'orld around you) You are l #e a !orse ' t! "l nders) All you see $ yoursel$ a*art $rom e-eryt! n( else) 2rom no' on tal# to t!e l ttle *lants) Tal# to t!em unt l you lose all sense o$ m*ortan%e) Tal# to t!em unt l you %an do t n $ront o$ ot!ers) T!e 'orld around us s a mystery, and men are no "etter t!an anyt! n( else) I$ a l ttle


*lant s (enerous ' t! us 'e must t!an# !er, or *er!a*s s!e ' ll not let us (o) 1lants are -ery *e%ul ar t! n(s) T!ey are al -e and t!ey $eel) You must tal# to t!e *lants "e$ore you * %# t!em) In order to see t!e *lants you must tal# to t!em *ersonally) You must (et to #no' t!em nd - dually7 t!en t!e *lants %an tell you anyt! n( you 'ant to #no' a"out t!em) You must tal# to t!em n a loud and %lear -o %e $ you 'ant t!em to ans'er you) It doesnt matter '!at you say to a *lant) You %an ;ust as 'ell ma#e u* 'ords7 '!ats m*ortant s t!e $eel n( o$ l # n( t and treat n( t as an e8ual) A man '!o (at!ers *lants must a*olo( :e e-ery t me $or ta# n( t!em and must assure t!em t!at someday ! s o'n "ody ' ll ser-e as $ood $or t!em) So, all n all, t!e *lants and oursel-es are e-en) Ne t!er 'e nor t!ey are more or less m*ortant) Come on, tal# to t!e l ttle *lant) Tell t t!at you dont $eel m*ortant anymore) ASSUMIN3 RES1ONSIBI/ITY 2OR ONES ACTS One must assume res*ons " l ty $or "e n( n a 'e rd 'orld) We are n a 'e rd 'orld, you #no') 2or you t!e 'orld s 'e rd "e%ause $ youre not "ored ' t! t youre at odds ' t! t) 2or me t!e 'orld s 'e rd "e%ause t s stu*endous, a'esome, myster ous, un$at!oma"le7 my nterest !as "een to %on- n%e you t!at you must assume res*ons " l ty $or "e n( !ere, n t! s mar-elous 'orld, n t! s mar-elous desert, n t! s mar-elous t me) I 'anted to %on- n%e you t!at you must learn to ma#e e-ery a%t %ount, s n%e you are (o n( to "e !ere $or only a s!ort '! le, n $a%t too s!ort $or ' tness n( all t!e mar-els o$ t) W!en a man de% des to do somet! n( !e must (o all t!e 'ay, "ut !e must #no' $ rst '!y !e s do n( t, and t!en !e must *ro%eed ' t! ! s a%t ons ' t!out !a- n( dou"ts or remorse a"out t!em) In a 'orld '!ere deat! s t!e !unter, my $r end, t!ere s not t me $or re(rets or dou"ts) T!ere s only t me $or de% s ons)


It doesnt matter '!at t!e de% s on s) Not! n( %ould "e more or less ser ous t!an anyt! n( else) Dont you see< In a 'orld '!ere deat! s t!e !unter t!ere are no " ( or small de% s ons) T!ere are only de% s ons t!at 'e ma#e n t!e $a%e o$ our ne- ta"le deat!) To assume t!e res*ons " l ty o$ ones de% s ons means t!at one s ready to d e $or t!em) You may (o to any *la%e you ' s!, "ut $ you do, you must assume t!e $ull res*ons " l ty $or t!at a%t) A 'arr or l -es ! s l $e strate( %ally) He 'ould attend a *arty or reun on, $or nstan%e, only $ ! s strate(y %alls $or t) T!at means, o$ %ourse, t!at !e 'ould "e n total %ontrol and 'ould *er$orm all t!e a%ts t!at !e deems ne%essary) W!en !e a%ts ' t! ! s $ello' men a 'arr or $ollo's t!e do n( o$ strate(y, and n t!at do n( t!ere are no - %tor es or de$eats) In t!at do n( t!ere are only a%t ons) STO11IN3 THE WOR/D Ill tell you '!at 'e tal# to oursel-es a"out) We tal# a"out our 'orld) In $a%t 'e ma nta n our 'orld ' t! our nternal tal#) W!ene-er t!e d alo(ue sto*s, t!e 'orld %olla*ses and e9traord nary $a%ets o$ oursel-es sur$a%e, as t!ou(! t!ey !ad "een #e*t !ea- ly (uarded "y our 'ords) You are l #e you are "e%ause you tell yoursel$ t!at you are t!at 'ay) A 'arr or s a'are t!at t!e 'orld ' ll %!an(e as soon as !e sto*s tal# n( to ! msel$, and !e must "e *re*ared $or t!at monumental ;olt) T!e 'orld s su%!.and.su%! or so.and.so only "e%ause 'e tell oursel-es t!at t!at s t!e 'ay t s) I$ 'e sto* tell n( oursel-es t!at t!e 'orld s so.and.so, t!e 'orld 'ould sto* "e n( so.and.so) At t! s moment I dont t! n# youre ready $or su%! a momentous "lo', t!ere$ore you must start slo'ly to undo t!e 'orld) W!ene-er 'e $ n s! tal# n( to oursel-es t!e 'orld s al'ays as t s!ould "e) We rene' t, 'e # ndle t ' t! l $e, 'e u*!old t ' t! our nternal tal#) Not only t!at, "ut 'e also %!oose our *at!s as 'e tal# to oursel-es) T!us 'e re*eat t!e same %!o %es o-er and o-er unt l t!e day 'e d e, "e%ause 'e #ee* on re*eat n( t!e same nternal tal#)


To %!an(e your dea o$ t!e 'orld s t!e %ru9 o$ sor%ery, and sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue s t!e only 'ay to a%%om*l s! t) T!e rest s ;ust *add n() No' youre n t!e *os t on to #no' t!at not! n( o$ '!at you-e seen or done, ' t! t!e e9%e*t on o$ sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue, %ould, "y tsel$, !a-e %!an(ed anyt! n( n you, or n your dea o$ t!e 'orld) T!e *ro- s on s, o$ %ourse, t!at t!at %!an(e s!ould not "e deran(ed) No' you %an understand '!y a tea%!er doesnt %lam* do'n on ! s a**rent %e) T!at 'ould only "reed o"sess on and mor" d ty) T!e %!an(e Im tal# n( a"out ne-er ta#es *la%e "y de(rees7 t !a**ens suddenly) And you are not *re*ar n( yoursel$ $or t!at sudden a%t t!at ' ll "r n( a total %!an(e) T!e 'orld s a mystery) T! s, '!at youre loo# n( at s not all t!ere s to t) T!ere s mu%! more to t!e 'orld, so mu%! more, n $a%t, t!at t s endless) So '!en youre try n( to $ (ure t out, all youre really do n( s try n( to ma#e t!e 'orld $am l ar) You and I are r (!t !ere, n t!e 'orld t!at you %all real, s m*ly "e%ause 'e "ot! #no' t) You dont #no' t!e 'orld o$ *o'er, t!ere$ore you %annot ma#e t nto a $am l ar s%ene) Im l #e you) I d dnt 'ant t) I %ouldnt $ nd a reason to !a-e t) I !ad all t!e dou"ts t!at you !a-e and ne-er $ollo'ed t!e nstru%t ons I 'as ( -en, or I ne-er t!ou(!t I d d7 yet n s* te o$ my stu* d ty I stored enou(! *o'er, and one day my *ersonal *o'er ma#e t!e 'orld %olla*se) And on%e you #no' '!at ts l #e to sto* t!e 'orld you real :e t!ere s a reason $or t) You see, one o$ t!e arts o$ t!e 'arr or s to %olla*se t!e 'orld $or a s*e% $ % reason and t!en restore t a(a n n order to #ee* on l - n() SETTIN3 U1 DREAMIN3 Be%ome a%%ess "le to *o'er7 ta%#le your dreams) You %all t!em dreams "e%ause you !a-e no *o'er) A 'arr or, "e n( a man '!o see#s *o'er, doesnt %all t!em dreams, !e %alls t!em real) W!at you %all dreams are real $or a 'arr or) You must understand t!at a 'arr or s not a $ool) A 'arr or s an mma%ulate !unter '!o !unts *o'er7 !es not drun# or %ra:ed, and !e !as ne t!er t!e t me nor t!e d s*os t on to "lu$$, or to l e to ! msel$, or to ma#e a 'ron( mo-e) T!e sta#es are too ! (! $or t!at) T!e sta#es are ! s tr mmed orderly l $e '! %! !e !as ta#en so lon( to t (!ten and *er$e%t) He s not (o n( to t!ro' t!at a'ay "y ma# n( some stu* d m s%al%ulat on, "y ta# n( somet! n( $or "e n( somet! n( else)


Dream n( s real $or a 'arr or "e%ause n t !e %an a%t del "erately, !e %an %!oose and re;e%t, !e %an sele%t $rom a -ar ety o$ tems t!ose '! %! lead to *o'er, and t!en !e %an man *ulate t!em and use t!em, '! le n an ord nary dream !e %annot a%t del "erately) In dream n( you !a-e *o'er7 you %an %!an(e t! n(s you may $ nd out %ountless %on%ealed $a%ts7 you %an %ontrol '!ate-er you 'ant) You must start "y do n( somet! n( -ery s m*le) Ton (!t n your dreams you must loo# at your !ands) You %an, o$ %ourse, loo# at '!ate-er you (oddam *lease@your toes, or your "elly, or your *e%#er, $or t!at matter) I sa d your !ands "e%ause t!at 'as t!e eas est t! n( $or me to loo# at) Dont t! n# ts a ;o#e) Dream n( s as ser ous as see n( or dy n(, or any ot!er t! n( n t! s a'esome, myster ous 'orld) E-ery t me you loo# at anyt! n( n your dreams t %!an(es s!a*e) T!e tr %# n learn n( to set u* dream n( s o"- ously not ;ust to loo# at t! n(s "ut to susta n t!e s (!t o$ t!em) Dream n( s real '!en one !as su%%eeded n "r n( n( e-eryt! n( nto $o%us) T!en t!ere s no d $$eren%e "et'een '!at you do '!en you slee* and '!at you do '!en you are not slee* n() Do you see '!at I mean< W!en t!ey "e( n to %!an(e s!a*e you must mo-e your s (!t a'ay $rom t!em and * %# somet! n( else, and t!en loo# at your !ands a(a n) It ta#es a lon( t me to *er$e%t t! s te%!n 8ue) E-ery t me you loo# at your !ands you rene' t!e *o'er needed $or dream n(, so n t!e "e( nn n( dont loo# at too may t! n(s) 2our tems ' ll su$$ %e e-ery t me) /ater on you may enlar(e t!e s%o*e unt l you %an %o-er all you 'ant, "ut as soon as t!e ma(es "e( n to s! $t and you $eel you are los n( %ontrol (o "a%# to your !ands) W!en you $eel you %an (a:e at t! n(s nde$ n tely you ' ll "e ready $or a ne' te%!n 8ue) Im (o n( to tea%! you t! s ne' te%!n 8ue no', "ut I e9*e%t you to *ut to use only '!en you are ready) T!e ne9t ste* n sett n( u* dream n( s to learn to tra-el) T!e same 'ay you !a-e learned to loo# at your !ands you %an ' ll yoursel$ to mo-e, to (o *la%es) 2 rst you !a-e to esta"l s! a *la%e you 'ant to (o) 1 %# a 'ell.#no'n


s*ot@*er!a*s your s%!ool, or a *ar#, a $r ends !ouse@t!en ' ll yoursel$ to (o t!ere) T! s te%!n 8ue s -ery d $$ %ult) You must *er$orm t'o tas#sA You must ' ll yoursel$ to (o to t!e s*e% $ % lo%ale, and t!en, '!en you !a-e mastered t!at te%!n 8ue, you !a-e to learn to %ontrol t!e e9a%t t me o$ your tra-el n() Ea%! 'arr or !as ! s o'n 'ay o$ dream n() Ea%! 'ay s d $$erent) T!e only t! n( '! %! 'e all !a-e n %ommon s t!at 'e *lay tr %#s n order to $or%e oursel-es to a"andon t!e 8uest) T!e %ountermeasure s to *ers st n s* te o$ all t!e "arr ers and d sa**o ntments) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on o$ !o' to sele%t a to* % $or dream n(, s t!at a 'arr or %!ooses t!e to* % "y del "erately !old n( an ma(e n ! s m nd '! le !e s!uts o$$ ! s nternal d alo(ue) In ot!er 'ords, $ !e s %a*a"le o$ not tal# n( to ! msel$ $or a moment and t!en !olds t!e ma(e or t!e t!ou(!t o$ '!at !e 'ants n dream n(, e-en $ only $or an nstant, t!en t!e des red to* % ' ll %ome to ! m, Im sure you-e done t!at, alt!ou(! you 'ere not a'are o$ t) You must 'ear a !ead"and to slee*) 3ett n( a !ead"and s a tr %#y maneu-er) I %annot ( -e you one, "e%ause you yoursel$ !a-e to ma#e t $rom s%rat%!) But you %annot ma#e one unt l you !a-e !ad a - s on o$ t n dream n() See '!at I mean< T!e !ead"and !as to "e made a%%ord n( to t!e s*e% $ % - s on) And t must !a-e a str * a%ross t t!at $ ts t (!tly to t!e to* o$ t!e !ead) Or t may -ery 'ell "e l #e a t (!t %a*) Dream n( s easy '!en one 'ears a *o'er o";e%t on to* o$ t!e !ead) You %ould 'ear a %a* or *ut on a %o'l, l #e a $r ar, and (o to slee*, "ut t!ose tems 'ould only %ause ntense dreams) Not dream n() T!e - s on o$ t!e !ead"and does not !a-e to o%%ur only n dream n() It %an !a**en n states o$ 'a#e$ulness and as a result o$ any $ar.$et%!ed and totally unrelated e-ent, su%! as 'at%! n( t!e $l (!t o$ " rds, t!e mo-ement o$ 'ater, t!e %louds, and so on) A !unter o$ *o'er 'at%!es e-eryt! n(, and e-eryt! n( tells ! m some se%ret) NOT.DOIN3


Not.do n( s so d $$ %ult and so *o'er$ul t!at you s!ould not ment on t) Not unt l you !a-e sto**ed t!e 'orld7 only t!en %an one tal# a"out t $reely, $ t!ats '!at you 'ant to do) Ta#e t!at ro%#, $or nstan%e) To loo# at t s do n(, "ut to see t s not.do n() T!at ro%# s a ro%# "e%ause o$ all t!e t! n(s you #no' !o' to do to t) I %all t!at do n() A man o$ #no'led(e, $or nstan%e, #no's t!at t!e ro%# s a ro%# only "e%ause o$ do n(, so $ !e doesnt 'ant t!e ro%# to "e a ro%# all !e !as to do s not.do n() See '!at I mean< I say t!at you are ma# n( t! s nto a *e""le "e%ause you #no' t!e do n( n-ol-ed n t) No', n order to sto* t!e 'orld you must sto* do n() In t!e %ase o$ t! s l ttle ro%# t!e $ rst t! n( '! %! do n( does to t s to s!r n# t to t! s s :e) So t!e *ro*er t! n( to do, '! %! a 'arr or does $ !e 'ants to sto* t!e 'orld, s to enlar(e a l ttle ro%# or any ot!er t! n(, "y not.do n() You-e "een 'at%! n( t $or a lon( t me) It !as somet! n( o$ you no') A 'arr or al'ays tr es to a$$e%t t!e $or%e o$ do n( "y %!an( n( t nto not.do n() Do n( 'ould "e to lea-e t!e *e""le ly n( around "e%ause t s merely a small ro%#) Not.do n( 'ould "e to *ro%eed ' t! t!at *e""le as $ t 'ere somet! n( $ar "eyond a mere ro%#) In t! s %ase, t!at *e""le !as soa#ed n you $or a lon( t me and no' t s you, and as su%!, you %annot lea-e t ly n( around, "ut must "ury t) I$ you 'ould !a-e *ersonal *o'er, !o'e-er, not.do n( 'ould "e to %!an(e t!at *e""le nto a *o'er o";e%t) I !a-e to tell you t!at t really doesnt matter '!et!er or not all t! s s true) It s !ere t!at a 'arr or !as a *o nt o$ ad-anta(e o-er t!e a-era(e man) An a-era(e man %ares t!at t! n(s are e t!er true or $alse, "ut a 'arr or doesnt) An a-era(e man *ro%eeds n a s*e% $ % 'ay ' t! t! n(s t!at !e #no's are true, !e a%ts and "el e-e n '!at !e does) But $ t! n(s are sa d to "e untrue, !e doesnt %are to a%t, or !e doesnt "el e-e n '!at !e does) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, a%ts n "ot! nstan%es) I$ t! n(s are sa d to "e true, !e 'ould a%t n order to do do n() I$ t! n(s are sa d to "e untrue, !e st ll 'ould a%t n order to do not.do n() See '!at I mean< T!e most d $$ %ult *art a"out t!e 'arr ors 'ay s to real :e t!at t!e 'orld s a $eel n() W!en one s not.do n(, one s $eel n( t!e 'orld, and one $eels t!e 'orld t!rou(! ts l nes) You must $eel e-eryt! n(, ot!er' se t!e 'orld loses ts sense)


Not.do n( s -ery s m*le, "ut -ery d $$ %ult) It s not a matter o$ understand n( "ut o$ master n( t) See n(, o$ %ourse, s t!e $ nal a%%om*l s!ment o$ a man o$ #no'led(e, and see n( s atta ned only '!en one !as sto**ed t!e 'orld t!rou(! t!e te%!n 8ue o$ not.do n() W!en one does somet! n( ' t! *eo*le t!e %on%ern s!ould "e only ' t! *resent n( t!e %ase to t!e r "od es) T!ats '!at I-e "een do n( ' t! you so $ar, lett n( your "ody #no') W!o %ares '!et!er or not you understand< 2 nd a "us!) 2 9 your attent on not on t!e lea-es, "ut on t!e s!ado's o$ t!e lea-es) S!ado's are l #e t!e doors o$ not.do n() A man o$ #no'led(e, $or e9am*le, %an tell t!e nnermost $eel n(s o$ men "y 'at%! n( t!e r s!ado's) You may say t!ere s mo-ement n t!em, or you may say t!at t!e l nes o$ t!e 'orld are s!o'n n t!em, or you may say t!at $eel n(s %ome $rom t!em) To "el e-e t!at s!ado's are ;ust s!ado's s do n() T!at "el e$ s some!o' stu* d) T! n# a"out t t! s 'ay7 t!ere s so mu%! more to e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld t!at o"- ously t!ere must "e more to s!ado's too, A$ter all '!at ma#es t!em s!ado's s our do n() In o"ser- n( s!ado's one !as to %ross t!e eyes and yet #ee* a s!ar* ma(e n $o%us) T!e dea s to let one s!ado' "e su*er m*osed on t!e ot!er "y %ross n( t!e eyes) T!rou(! t!at *ro%ess one %an as%erta n a %erta n $eel n( '! %! emanates $rom s!ado's) T!ere s really no 'ay o$ des%r " n( '!at I mean) Dream n( s t!e not.do n( o$ dreams, and as you *ro(ress n your not.do n( you ' ll also *ro(ress n dream n() T!e tr %# s not to sto* loo# n( $or your !ands, e-en $ you dont "el e-e '!at youre do n( !as any mean n() In $a%t, as I !a-e told you "e$ore, a 'arr or doesnt need to "el e-e, "e%ause as lon( as !e #ee*s a%t n( ' t!out "el e- n( !e s not.do n() Dur n( t!e day s!ado's are t!e doors o$ not.do n() But at n (!t, s n%e -ery l ttle do n( *re-a ls n t!e dar#, e-eryt! n( s a s!ado', n%lud n( t!e all es) E-eryt! n( I !a-e tau(!t you so $ar !as "een an as*e%t o$ not.do n() A 'arr or a**l es not.do n( to e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld, and yet I %ant tell you more a"out t t!an '!at I !a-e sa d today) You must let your o'n "ody d s%o-er t!e *o'er and $eel n( o$ not.do n()


I already #no' you t! n# you are rotten) T!ats your do n() No' n order to a$$e%t t!at do n( I am (o n( to re%ommend t!at you learn anot!er do n() 2rom no' on, and $or a *er od o$ e (!t days, I 'ant you to l e to yoursel$) Instead o$ tell n( yoursel$ t!e trut!, t!at you are u(ly and rotten and nade8uate, you ' ll tell yoursel$ t!at you are t!e %om*lete o**os te, #no' n( t!at you are ly n( and t!at you are a"solutely "eyond !o*e) It may !oo# you nto anot!er do n(, and t!en you may real :e t!at "ot! do n(s are l es, unreal, t!at to ! n(e yoursel$ to e t!er one s a 'aste o$ t me, "e%ause t!e only t! n( t!at s real s t!e "e n( n you t!at s (o n( to d e) To arr -e at t!at "e n( s t!e not.do n( o$ t!e sel$) E-eryt! n( 'e do, as I !a-e told you, s a matter o$ do n() A man o$ #no'led(e %ould !oo# ! msel$ to e-eryones do n( and %ome u* ' t! 'e rd t! n(s) But t!ey are not 'e rd, not really) T!ey are 'e rd only to t!ose '!o are tra**ed n do n() /ets say t!at '!en e-ery one o$ us s "orn 'e "r n( ' t! us a l ttle r n( o$ *o'er) T!at l ttle r n( s almost mmed ately *ut to use) So e-ery one o$ us s already !oo#ed $rom " rt! and our r n(s o$ *o'er are ;o ned to e-eryone elses) In ot!er 'ords, our r n(s o$ *o'er are !oo#ed to t!e do n( o$ t!e 'orld n order to ma#e t!e 'orld) We are *er%e -ers) T!e 'orld t!at 'e *er%e -e, t!ou(!, s an llus on) It 'as %reated "y a des%r *t on t!at 'as told to us s n%e t!e moment 'e 'ere "orn) We, t!e lum nous "e n(s, are "orn ' t! t'o r n(s o$ *o'er, "ut 'e use only one to %reate t!e 'orld) T!at r n(, '! %! s !oo#ed -ery soon a$ter 'e are "orn, s reason, and ts %om*an on s tal# n() Bet'een t!e t'o t!ey %on%o%t and ma nta n t!e 'orld) So, n essen%e, t!e 'orld t!at your reason 'ants to susta n s t!e 'orld %reated "y a des%r *t on and ts do(mat % and n- ola"le rules, '! %! reason learns to a%%e*t and de$end) 2or nstan%e, our r n(s o$ *o'er, yours and m ne, are !oo#ed r (!t no' to t!e do n( o$ t! s room) Our r n(s o$ *o'er are s* nn n( t! s room nto "e n( at t! s -ery moment) You see, e-ery one o$ us #no's t!e do n( o$ rooms "e%ause, n one 'ay or anot!er, 'e !a-e s*ent mu%! o$ our l -es n rooms) A man o$ #no'led(e, on t!e ot!er !and, de-elo*s anot!er r n( o$ *o'er) I 'ould %all t t!e r n( o$


not.do n(, "e%ause t s !oo#ed to not.do n() W t! t!at r n(, t!ere$ore, !e %an s* n anot!er 'orld) Your d $$ %ulty s t!at you !a-ent de-elo*ed your e9tra r n( o$ *o'er and your "ody doesnt #no' not.do n() We !a-e all "een tau(!t to a(ree a"out do n() You dont !a-e any dea o$ t!e *o'er t!at t!at a(reement "r n(s ' t! t) But, $ortunately, not.do n( s e8ually m ra%ulous and *o'er$ul) I$ you 'ant to #no' '!at I mean "y not.do n( you !a-e to do a s m*le e9er% se) S n%e 'e are %on%erned ' t! not.do n( t doesnt matter '!et!er you do t!e e9er% se no' or ten years $rom no') / e do'n) Bend your r (!t arm at t!e el"o', t!en turn your !and unt l t!e *alm s $a% n( t!e $ront7 %ur-e your $ n(ers so your !and loo#s as $ t s !old n( a door#no", and t!en "e( n to mo-e your arm "a%# and $ort! n a % r%ular mot on l #e t!e a%t o$ *us! n( and *ull n( a le-er atta%!ed to a '!eel) A 'arr or does t!at mo-ement e-ery t me !e 'ants to *us! somet! n( out o$ ! s "ody, somet! n( l #e a d sease or an un'el%om n( $eel n() T!e dea s to *us! and *ull an ma( nary o**os n( $or%e unt l one $eels a !ea-y o";e%t, a sol d "ody, sto** n( t!e $ree mo-ement o$ t!e !and) In t!e %ase o$ t! s e9er% se not.do n( %ons sts n re*eat n( t unt l one $eels t!e !ea-y "ody ' t! t!e !and n s* te o$ t!e $a%t t!at you %an ne-er "el e-e t s *oss "le to $eel t) Not.do n( s only $or -ery stron( 'arr ors and you dont !a-e t!e *o'er to deal ' t! t yet) No' you ' ll only tra* !orrendous t! n(s ' t! your !and) So do t l ttle "y l ttle, unt l your !and doesnt (et %old anymore) W!ene-er your !and rema ns 'arm you %an a%tually $eel t!e l nes o$ t!e 'orld ' t! t) T!e most dura"le l nes a man o$ #no'led(e *rodu%es %ome $rom t!e m ddle o$ t!e "ody) But !e %an also ma#e t!em ' t! ! s eyes or ' t! ! s !ands) /ets say t!at you %an $eel t!em) T!e most d $$ %ult *art a"out t!e 'arr ors 'ay s to real :e t!at t!e 'orld s a $eel n() W!en one s not.do n( one s $eel n( t!e 'orld, and one $eels t!e 'orld t!rou(! ts l nes) T!ere are n$ n te num"ers o$ l nes t!at ;o n us to t! n(s) T!e e9er% se o$ not. do n( I !a-e ;ust des%r "ed ' ll !el* anyone to $eel a l ne t!at %omes out $rom t!e mo- n( !and, a l ne t!at one %an *la%e or %ast '!ere-er one 'ants


to) T! s s only an e9er% se, "e%ause t!e l nes $ormed "y t!e !and are not dura"le enou(! to "e o$ real -alue n a *ra%t %al s tuat on) /oo# at t!e s!ado' o$ t!at "oulder) T!e s!ado' s t!e "oulder, and yet t snt) To o"ser-e t!e "oulder n order to #no' '!at t!e "oulder s, s do n(, "ut to o"ser-e ts s!ado' s not.do n() T!e se%ret o$ a stron( "ody s not n '!at you do to t "ut '!at you dont do) S t !ere unt l 'e lea-e and not.do) THE A//IES An ally s a *o'er a man %an "r n( nto ! s l $e to !el* ! m, to ad- se ! m, and ( -e ! m t!e stren(t! ne%essary to *er$orm a%ts, '!et!er " ( or small, r (!t or 'ron() T! s ally s ne%essary to en!an%e a mans l $e, (u de ! s a%ts, and $urt!er ! s #no'led(e) In $a%t, an ally s t!e nd s*ensa"le a d to #no' n() T!e all es are ne t!er (ood nor e- l, "ut are *ut to use "y t!e sor%erers $or '!ate-er *ur*ose t!ey see $ t) An ally ' ll ma#e you see and understand t! n(s a"out '! %! no !uman "e n( %ould *oss "ly enl (!ten you) An ally s a *o'er %a*a"le o$ %arry n( a man "eyond t!e "oundar es o$ ! msel$) T! s s !o' an ally %an re-eal matters no !uman "e n( %ould) An ally ta#es you out to ( -e you *o'er) T!e 'ay one understands t!e ally s a *ersonal matter) T!e only 'ay to #no' '!at an ally s s "y e9*er en% n( t) O-er t!e years I !a-e stru((led to *re*are you $or t!e momentous en%ounter ' t! an ally) A tea%!er must a%8ua nt ! s d s% *le ' t! ally l ttle my l ttle, * e%e "y * e%e) Our reason s *etty and t s al'ays at odds ' t! our "ody) T! s, o$ %ourse, s only a 'ay o$ tal# n(, "ut t!e tr um*! o$ a man o$ #no'led(e s t!at !e !as ;o ned t!e t'o to(et!er) S n%e youre not a man o$ #no'led(e, your "ody does t! n(s no' t!at your reason does not %om*re!end) T!e ally s one o$ t!ose t! n(s) T!e ally s 'a t n( $or you) T!ats $or sure) It s r (!t !ere, or t!ere, or any ot!er *la%e) T!e ally s 'a t n( $or you, ;ust l #e deat! s 'a t n( $or you, e-ery'!ere and no'!ere) 2or t!e same reason t!at deat! 'a ts $or you, "e%ause you 'ere "orn) T!ere s no *oss " l ty o$ e9*la n n( at t! s *o nt


'!at s meant "y t!at) You must $ rst e9*er en%e t!e ally) You must *er%e -e t n ts $ull $or%e, t!en t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on may t!ro' l (!t on t) E-eryt! n( t!ey do s s (n $ %ant) 2rom t!e r a%t ons a "ru;o %an somet mes dra' ! s *o'er) E-en $ a "ru;o does not !a-e an ally o$ ! s o'n, as lon( as !e #no's !o' to see, !e %an !andle *o'er "y 'at%! n( t!e a%ts o$ t!e all es) My "ene$a%tor tau(!t me to do t!at, and $or years "e$ore I !ad my o'n ally I 'at%!ed $or all es amon( %ro'ds o$ *eo*le and e-ery t me I sa' one t tau(!t me somet! n() I l #e to s t n *ar#s and "us de*ots and 'at%!) Somet mes I %an s*ot an ally r (!t a'ay7 at ot!er t mes I %an see only real *eo*le) On%e I sa' t'o all es s tt n( n a "us, s de "y s de) T!ats t!e only t me n my l $e I !a-e seen t'o to(et!er) Real *eo*le loo# l #e lum nous e((s '!en you see t!em) Non*eo*le al'ays loo# l #e *eo*le) T!ats '!at I meant '!en I sa d you %annot see an ally) T!e all es ta#e d $$erent $orms) T!ey loo# l #e do(s, %oyotes, " rds, e-en tum"le'eeds, or anyt! n( else, "ut t!e all es %an "e seen only n t!e $orm t!ey are *ortray n() T!at $orm s (ood enou(! to $ool t!e eyes7 our eyes t!at s) A do( s ne-er $ooled, ne t!er s a %ro') In t!e %om*any o$ men t!ey "e!a-e l #e men) In t!e %om*any o$ an mals t!ey "e!a-e l #e an mals) An mals are usually a$ra d o$ t!em7 !o'e-er $ t!ey are a%%ustomed to see n( t!e all es t!ey lea-e t!em alone) We oursel-es do somet! n( s m lar) We !a-e s%ores o$ all es amon( us, "ut 'e dont "ot!er t!em) S n%e our eyes %an only loo# at t! n(s 'e dont not %e t!em) A man '!o ' s!es to $ nd one o$ t!ese "e n(s !as to tra-el $ar and (o "y ! msel$) At a d stant and lonely *la%e t!e man !as to ta#e all t!e ne%essary ste*s alone) You must determ ne t!e r (!t d re%t on mmed ately u*on arr - n( at t!e to* o$ a ! ll) As soon as you are on t!e to*, $a%e your (ood d re%t on) You s!ould al'ays $a%e t, es*e% ally '!en youre n trou"le) Remem"er t!at) As soon as you rea%! t!e ! llto* you !a-e to e9tend your r (!t arm n $ront o$ you ' t! t!e *alm o$ your !and do'n and your $ n(ers stret%!ed out l #e a $an, e9%e*t $or t!e t!um", '! %! !as to "e tu%#ed a(a nst t!e *alm) Ne9t you !a-e to turn your !ead to t!e nort! and $old your arm o-er your %!est, *o nt n( your !and also to t!e nort!7 t!en dan%e, *utt n( your le$t $oot "e! nd t!e r (!t one, "eat n( t!e (round ' t! t!e t * o$ your le$t toes) W!en


you $eel a 'armt! %om n( u* your le$t le( "e( n s'ee* n( your arm slo'ly $rom nort! to sout! and t!en to t!e nort! a(a n) T!e s*ot o-er '! %! t!e *alm o$ your !and $eels 'arm as you s'ee* your arm s t!e *la%e '!ere you must s t, and t s also t!e d re%t on n '! %! you must loo#) I$ t!e s*ot s to'ard t!e east, or n your (ood d re%t on, t!e results ' ll "e e9%ellent) I$ t!e s*ot '!ere your !and (ets 'arm s to'ard t!e nort! you ' ll ta#e a "ad "eat n( "ut you may turn t!e t de n your $a-or) I$ t!e s*ot s to'ard t!e sout! you ' ll !a-e a !ard $ (!t) No' $ your !and does not (et 'arm at all '! le you s'ee* t, $a%e t!e east a(a n and run n an easterly d re%t on unt l you are out o$ "reat!) Sto* t!ere and re*eat t!e same maneu-ers) You must #ee* on runn n( to'ard t!e east, re*eat n( t!ese mo-ements unt l your !and (ets 'arm) ? You ' ll need to s'ee* your arm u* to $our t mes at $ rst, "ut as you "e%ome more $am l ar ' t! t!e mo-ement you ' ll need only one s n(le s'ee* to #no' '!et!er or not your !and s (o n( to (et 'arm) On%e you esta"l s! a s*ot '!ere your !and (ets 'arm, s t t!ere7 t!at s your $ rst *o nt) I$ you are $a% n( t!e sout! or t!e nort!, you !a-e to ma#e u* your m nd '!et!er you $eel stron( enou(! to stay) I$ you !a-e dou"ts a"out yoursel$, (et u* and lea-e) T!ere s no need to stay $ you are not %on$ dent) I$ you de% de to st %# around %lear an area " ( enou(! to "u ld a $ re a"out $ -e $eet a'ay $rom your $ rst *o nt) T!e $ re must "e n a stra (!t l ne to t!e d re%t on you are loo# n() T!e area '!ere you "u ld t!e $ re s your se%ond *o nt) T!en (at!er all t!e t' (s you %an n "et'een t!ose t'o *o nts and ma#e a $ re) S t on your $ rst *o nt and loo# at t!e $ re) Sooner or later t!e s* r t ' ll %ome and you ' ll see t) You !a-e to s t "y t!e $ re and $ you see t!e s!ado' you !a-e to lea-e mmed ately) You !a-e to rema n, !o'e-er, $ you en%ounter ot!er %ond t ons, su%! as a stron( ' nd t!at 'ould # ll your $ re and 'ould #ee* you $rom # ndl n( t a(a n dur n( $our attem*ts7 or $ a "ran%! "rea#s $rom a near"y tree) T!e "ran%! really !as to "rea# and you !a-e to ma#e sure t!at t s not merely t!e sound o$ a "ran%! "rea# n( o$$) Ot!er %ond t ons you !a-e to "e a'are o$ are ro%#s t!at roll, or *e""les '! %! are t!ro'n at your $ re, or any %onstant no se, and you t!en !a-e to 'al# n t!e d re%t on n '! %! any o$ t!ese *!enomena o%%ur unt l t!e s* r t re-eals tsel$)


I$ your !and does not (et 'arm at all a$ter $our s'ee* n( mo-ements, s'ee* your arm slo'ly $rom nort! to sout! and t!en turn around and s'ee* t to t!e 'est) I$ your !and (ets 'arm on any *la%e to'ard t!e 'est, dro* e-eryt! n( and run) Run do'n! ll to'ard t!e $lat area, and no matter '!at you !ear or $eel "e! nd you, dont turn around) As soon as you (et to t!e $lat area, no matter !o' $r (!tened you are, dont #ee* on runn n() Dro* to t!e (round, ta#e o$$ your ;a%#et, "un%! t around your na-el, and %url u* l #e a "all, tu%# n( your #nees a(a nst your stoma%!) You must also %o-er your eyes ' t! your !ands, and your arms !a-e to rema n t (!t a(a nst your t! (!s) You must stay n t!at *os t on unt l morn n() I$ you $ollo' t!ese s m*le ste*s no !arm ' ll e-er %ome to you) In %ase you %annot (et to t!e $lat area n t me, dro* to t!e (round r (!t '!ere you are) You ' ll !a-e a !orr d t me t!ere) You ' ll "e !arassed, "ut $ you #ee* %alm and dont mo-e or loo# you ' ll %ome out o$ t ' t!out a s n(le s%rat%!) T!ere are many 'ays n '! %! su%! a "e n( *uts a 'arr or to t!e test) It m (!t suddenly lea* n $ront o$ you n t!e most !orrendous a**earan%e, or t m (!t (ra" you $rom t!e "a%# and not turn you loose and #ee* you * nned do'n $or !ours) t m (!t also to**le a tree on you) T!ese are truly dan(erous $or%es, and alt!ou(! t!ey %annot # ll a man !and to !and, t!ey %an %ause ! s deat! "y $r (!t, or "y a%tually lett n( o";e%ts $all on ! m, or "y a**ear n( suddenly and %aus n( ! m to stum"le, lose ! s $oot n(, and (o o-er a *re% * %e) I$ you e-er $ nd one o$ t!ese "e n(s under na**ro*r ate % r%umstan%es you s!ould ne-er attem*t to stru((le ' t! t "e%ause t ' ll # ll you) It ' ll ro" your soul) So you s!ould t!ro' yoursel$ to t!e (round and "ear t unt l morn n() W!en a man s $a% n( t!e ally, t!e ( -er o$ se%rets, !e !as to muster u* al ! s %oura(e and (ra" t "e$ore t (ra"s ! m, or %!ase t "e$ore t %!ases ! m) T!e %!ase must "e relentless and t!en %omes t!e stru((le) T!e man must 'restle t!e s* r t to t!e (round and #ee* t t!ere unt l t ( -es ! m *o'er) W!en one stru((les ' t! t!em t!ey are sol d, "ut t!at $eel n( lasts only a moment) T!ose "e n(s rely on a mans $ear, t!ere$ore $ t!e man stru((l n( ' t! one o$ t!em s a 'arr or, t!e "e n( loses ts tens on -ery 8u %#ly '! le t!e man "e%omes more - (orous) One %an a%tually a"sor" t!e s* r ts tens on)


T!at tens on s *o'er) W!en one tou%!es t!em, t!ey - "rate as $ t!ey 'ere ready to r * one a*art) But t!at s only a s!o') T!e tens on ends '!en t!e man ma nta ns ! s (r *) T!ey "e%ome $la%% d) T!ey st ll !a-e su"stan%e t!ou(!) But t s not l #e anyt! n( one !as e-er tou%!ed) A 'arr or allo's t!e ally to %ome to ! m only '!en !e s (ood and ready) W!en !e s stron( enou(! to (ra**le ' t! t!e ally !e o*ens ! s (a* and lur%!es out, (ra"s t!e ally, #ee*s ! m * nned do'n and ma nta ns ! s stare on ! m $or e9a%tly t!e t me !e !as to, t!en !e mo-es ! s eyes a'ay and releases t!e ally and lets ! m (o) A 'arr or, my l ttle $r end s t!e master at all t mes) To meet an ally ' t!out "e n( *re*ared s l #e atta%# n( a l on ' t! your $arts) 2INDIN3 YOUR S1OT In order to $ nd t!e *ro*er *la%e to rest, all you !a-e to do s %ross your eyes) One %an $eel ' t! t!e eyes '!en t!e eyes are not loo# n( r (!t nto t! n(s) T!ey are not s (!ts *ro*er) I$ you loo# at a "us! or a tree or a ro%# '!ere you may l #e to rest, your eyes %an ma#e you $eel '!et!er or not t!ats t!e "est rest n( *la%e) On%e you learn to se*arate t!e ma(es and see t'o o$ e-eryt! n(, you must $o%us your attent on n t!e area "et'een t!e t'o ma(es) Any %!an(e 'ort!y o$ not %e ' ll ta#e *la%e t!ere, n t!at area) W! le you rema n rooted n your B(ood s*otC not! n( %an %ause you "od ly !arm, "e%ause you !a-e t!e assuran%e t!at at t!at s*ot you are at your -ery "est) I$ I 'ere t!ere and told you '!ere t!e s*ot 'as you 'ould ne-er !a-e t!e %on$ den%e needed to %la m t as true #no'led(e) T!us, #no'led(e s ndeed *o'er) T!ere s also a "ad s*ot, %alled t!e enemy) T!ese t'o *la%es are t!e #ey to a mans 'ell."e n(, es*e% ally $or a man '!o s *ursu n( #no'led(e) T!e s!eer a%t o$ s tt n( on ones s*ot %reates su*er or stren(t!7 on t!e ot!er !and, t!e enemy 'ea#ens a man and %an e-en %ause ! s deat!) THE RI3HT WAY O2 WA/&IN3


Curl your $ n(ers (ently as you 'al# so as to #ee* your attent on on t!e tra l and t!e surround n(s) One s!ould ne-er %arry anyt! n( n t!e !ands) I$ t! n(s !a-e to "e %arr ed one s!ould use a #na*sa%# or s!oulder "a() T!en loo#, ' t!out $o%us n( t!e eyes, at any *o nt d re%tly n $ront o$ you on t!e ar% t!at starts at t!e t * o$ your $eet and ends a"o-e t!e !or :on, /ISTENIN3 TO THE SOUNDS O2 THE WOR/D 2 rst o$ all you must use your ears to ta#e some o$ t!e "urden $rom your eyes) We !a-e "een us n( our eyes to ;ud(e t!e 'orld s n%e t!e t me 'e 'ere "orn) We tal# to ot!ers and to oursel-es ma nly a"out '!at 'e see) A 'arr or s a'are o$ t!at and l stens to t!e 'orld7 !e l stens to t!e sounds o$ t!e 'orld) E-eryt! n( s mean n($ul $or a 'arr or) T!e sounds !a-e !oles n t!em and so does e-eryt! n( around you) Ord nar ly a man does not !a-e t!e s*eed to %at%! t!e !oles, and t!us !e (oes t!rou(! l $e ' t!out *rote%t on) T!e 'orms, t!e " rds, t!e trees, all o$ t!em %an tell us un ma( na"le t! n(s $ only one %ould !a-e t!e s*eed to (ras* t!e r messa(e) But 'e must "e on (ood terms ' t! all t!e l - n( t! n(s o$ t! s 'orld) T! s s t!e reason '!y 'e must tal# to *lants 'e are a"out to # ll and a*olo( :e $or !urt n( t!em7 t!e same t! n( must "e done ' t! t!e an mals 'ere (o n( to !unt) We s!ould ta#e only enou(! $or our needs, ot!er' se t!e *lants and t!e an mals and t!e 'orms 'e !a-e # lled 'ould turn a(a nst us and %ause us d sease and m s$ortune) A 'arr or s a'are o$ t! s and str -es to a**ease t!em, so '!en !e *eers t!rou(! t!e !oles, t!e trees and " rds and 'orms ( -e ! m trut!$ul messa(es) THE 3AIT O2 1OWER Bend sl (!tly at t!e 'a st "ut #ee* your s* ne stra (!t, and t!en, ra s n( t!e #nees almost to t!e %!est, run n total dar#ness) T!e #ey s to let ones *ersonal *o'er $lo' out $reely so t %an mer(e ' t! t!e *o'er o$ t!e n (!t, and on%e t!at *o'er ta#es o-er t!ere s no %!an%e $or a sl *.u*) 2 rst, %url your $ n(ers a(a nst your *alms, stret%! n( out t!e t!um" and nde9 o$ ea%! !and) To $eel nade8uate at t! s *o nt s an ndul(en%e s n%e you %an al'ays see $a rly 'ell no matter !o' dar# t!e n (!t s, $ you do not $o%us on anyt! n(, "ut #ee* s%ann n( t!e (round r (!t n $ront o$ you) T!e (a t o$ *o'er s s m lar to $ nd n( t!e s*ot Bot! enta l a sense o$ a"andon


and a sense o$ trust, T!e (a t o$ 1o'er re8u res t!at one #ee* t!e eyes on t!e (round d re%tly n $ront, "e%ause e-en a (lan%e to e t!er s de ' ll *rodu%e an alterat on n t!e $lo' o$ mo-ement) Bend n( t!e trun# $or'ard s ne%essary n order to lo'er t!e eyes, and t!e reason $or l $t n( t!e #nees u* to t!e %!est s "e%ause t!e ste*s !a-e to "e -ery s!ort and sa$e) You ' ll stum"le a (reat deal at $ rst, "ut ' t! *ra%t %e, you %an run as s' $tly and as sa$ely as you %an n !e dayt me) IN MOMENTS O2 2EAR OR DISTRESS In moments o$ (reat dan(er, $ear or d stress *us! t!e d a*!ra(m do'n '! le ta# n( $our s!ar* (as*s o$ a r t!rou(! t!e mout!, $ollo'ed "y $our dee* n!alat ons and e9!alat ons t!rou(! t!e nose) T!e (as*s o$ a r !a-e to "e $elt as ;olts n t!e m ddle *art o$ t!e "ody) &ee* t!e !ands t (!tly %las*ed, %o-er n( t!e na-el, to ( -e stren(t! to t!e m dse%t on and !el* %ontrol t!e (as*s and dee* n!alat ons, '! %! !a-e to "e !eld $or a %ount o$ e (!t as one *resses t!e d a*!ra(m do'n) T!e e9!alat ons are done t' %e t!rou(! t!e nose and t' %e t!rou(! t!e mout!, n a slo' or a%%elerated $as! on, de*end n( on ones *re$eren%e) STO11IN3 OUR 2E//OW MEN I$ one 'ants to sto* our $ello' men one must al'ays "e outs de t!e % r%le t!at *resses t!em) T!at 'ay one %an al'ays d re%t t!e *ressure) CON2RONTIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S I$ you 'ere a 'arr or you 'ould #no' t!at t!e 'orst t! n( one %an do s %on$ront !uman "e n(s d re%tly) NOTHIN3 Not! n( n t!e l $e o$ a sor%erer s made o$ anyt! n( else) I$ somet! n( s anyt! n( at all, t s t!e t! n( tsel$) THE WARRIORS 3A5E


T!e 'arr ors (a:e s *la%ed on t!e r (!t eye o$ t!e ot!er *erson, and '!at t does s sto* t!e nternal d alo(ue7 t!us t!e dan(er o$ t!e maneu-er) E-en $ t s only $or an nstant, t!ere s no 'ay o$ des%r " n( t!e $eel n( t!at t!e "ody e9*er en%es) T!e (a:e on t!e r (!t eye s not a stare) It s rat!er a $or%e$ul (ra"" n( t!at one does t!rou(! t!e eye o$ t!e ot!er *erson) In ot!er 'ords, one (ra"s somet! n( t!at s "e! nd t!e eye) One !as t!e a%tual *!ys %al sensat on t!at one s !old n( somet! n( ' t! t!e ' ll) T! s s naturally, only a 'ay o$ tal# n(, a 'ay o$ e9*la n n( 'e rd *!ys %al sensat ons) T!eres no 'ay o$ e9a%tly des%r " n( '!at one does) Somet! n( sna*s $or'ard $rom some*la%e "elo' t!e stoma%!7 t!at somet! n( !as d re%t on and %an "e $o%used on anyt! n() It 'or#s only '!en t!e 'arr or learns to $o%us ! s ' ll) T!eres no 'ay o$ *ra%t % n( t, t!ere$ore I !a-e not re%ommended or en%oura(ed ts use) At a ( -en moment n t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or t s m*ly !a**ens) No one #no's '!y) THE 2I3HTIN3 2ORM T!e $ (!t n( $orm s a s*e% $ % "od ly *os t on to "e ma nta ned '! le you rema n at your "ene$ % al s*ot) It %ons sts o$ sla** n( t!e %al$ and t! (! o$ t!e r (!t le( and stom* n( your le$t $oot n a # nd o$ dan%e you !a-e to do '! le $a% n( t!e atta%#er, Under % r%umstan%es o$ e9treme dan(er !url an o";e%t at t!e enemy) Ord nar ly one ' ll use a *o'er o";e%t, "ut $ you *ossess none use any small ro%# t!at ' ll $ t nto t!e *alm o$ your r (!t !and, a ro%# you %an !old "y *ress n( t a(a nst your *alm ' t! your t!um") T!e !url n( o$ t!e o";e%t !as to "e a%%om*an ed "y a 'ar %ry, a yell t!at !as t!e *ro*erty o$ d re%t n( t!e o";e%t to ts mar#) Be %are$ul and del "erate a"out t!e out%ry and do not use t at random, "ut only under se-ere %ond t ons o$ ser ousness) T!e out%ry or 'ar %ry s somet! n( t!at rema ns ' t! a man $or t!e durat on o$ ! s l $e, t!us t !as to "e (ood $rom t!e -ery "e( nn n() T!e only 'ay to start t %orre%tly s "y !old n( "a%# ones natural $ear and !aste unt l one s a"solutely $ lled ' t! *o'er, and t!en t!e yell ' ll "urst out ' t! d re%t on


and *o'er) T!e *o'er s somet! n( t!at runs trou(! t!e "ody %om n( $rom t!e (round '!ere one stands) It s a # nd o$ *o'er t!at emanates $rom t!e "ene$ % al s*ot, to "e e9a%t) It s a $or%e t!at *us!es t!e yell out) I$ su%! a $or%e s *ro*erly mana(ed t!e "attle %ry ' ll "e *er$e%t) THE CUBIC CENTIMETER O2 CHANCE T!ere s somet! n( you ou(!t to "e a'are o$ "y no') I %all t t!e %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e) All o$ us, '!et!er or not 'e are 'arr ors, !a-e a %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e t!at *o*s out n $ront o$ our eyes $rom t me to t me) T!e d $$eren%e "et'een an a-era(e man and a 'arr or s t!at t!e 'arr or s a'are o$ t! s, and one o$ ! s tas#s s to "e alert, del "erately 'a t n(, so t!at '!en ! s %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e *o*s out !e !as t!e ne%essary s*eed, t!e *ro'ess to * %# t u*) C!an%e, (ood lu%#, *ersonal *o'er, or '!ate-er you may %all t, s a *e%ul ar state o$ a$$a rs) It s l #e a -ery small st %# t!at %omes out n $ront o$ us and n- tes us to *lu%# t) Usually 'e are too "usy, or too *reo%%u* ed, or ;ust too stu* d and la:y to real :e t!at t!at s our %u" % %ent meter o$ lu%#) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, s al'ays alert and t (!t and !as t!e s*r n(, t!e (um*t on ne%essary to (ra" t) 1/ACE O2 1REDI/ECTION E-ery 'arr or !as a *la%e to d e) A *la%e o$ ! s *red le%t on '! %! s soa#ed ' t! un$or(etta"le memor es, '!ere *o'er$ul e-ents !a-e le$t t!e r mar#, a *la%e '!ere !e !as ' tnessed mar-els, '!ere se%rets !a-e "een re-ealed to ! m, a *la%e '!ere !e !as stored ! s *ersonal *o'er) A 'arr or !as t!e o"l (at on to (o "a%# to t!at *la%e o$ ! s *red le%t on e-ery t me !e ta*s *o'er n order to store t t!ere) He e t!er (oes t!ere "y means o$ 'al# n( or "y means o$ dream n() SEEIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S You s!ould rela9, s!ut o$$ t!e nternal d alo(ue and let (o, mer( n( ' t! t!e *erson "e n( o"ser-ed) T!ere s no 'ay to e9*la n '!at t!at means7 t s somet! n( t!at t!e "ody $eels or does '!en *ut n o"ser-at onal %onta%t ' t! ot!er "od es) In t!e *ast I !a-e %alled t!at *ro%ess see n() It %ons sts o$ a lull o$ true s len%e


' t! n $ollo'ed "y an out'ard elon(at on o$ somet! n( n t!e sel$, an elon(at on t!at meets and mer(es ' t! t!e ot!er "ody, or ' t! anyt! n( ' t! n ones $ eld o$ a'areness) SEEIN3 1EO1/E WHO ARENT 1RESENT 2 rst you must sto* your nternal d alo(ue, t!en you must "r n( u* t!e ma(e o$ t!e *erson t!at you 'ant to see7 any t!ou(!t t!at one !olds n m nd n a state o$ s len%e s *ro*erly a %ommand, s n%e t!ere are no ot!er t!ou(!ts to %om*ete ' t! t)



THE TOTA/ITY O2 ONESE/2 I ' ll say to you t!at '!at matters to a 'arr or s arr - n( at t!e total ty o$ onesel$) You are at a -ery *o (nant %rossroad) 1er!a*s t!e last one, and also *er!a*s t!e most d $$ %ult to understand) Some o$ t!e t! n(s I am (o n( to *o nt out to you today ' ll *ro"a"ly ne-er "e %lear) T!ey are not su**osed to "e %lear any'ay) So dont "e em"arrassed or d s%oura(ed) All o$ us are dum" %reatures '!en 'e ;o n t!e 'orld o$ sor%ery, and to ;o n t doesnt n any sense nsure us t!at 'e ' ll %!an(e) Some o$ us rema n dum" unt l t!e -ery end) Dont $ret $ you dont ma#e sense out o$ '!at Im (o n( to tell you) Cons der n( your tem*erament, Im a$ra d t!at you m (!t #no%# yoursel$ out try n( to understand) Dont= W!at Im a"out to say s meant only to *o nt out a d re%t on) Im (o n( to tell you a"out t!e tonal Dtoe.na!lE and t!e na(ual Dna!.'a!lE) T! s t me I need your und - ded attent on, s n%e I am (o n( to a%8ua nt you ' t! t!e tonal and t!e na(ual) Sor%erers !a-e a s*e% al and un 8ue nterest n t!at #no'led(e) I 'ould say t!at t!e tonal and t!e na(ual are n t!e realm o$ men o$ #no'led(e) In your %ase, t! s s t!e l d t!at %loses e-eryt! n( I !a-e tau(!t you) T!us, I !a-e 'a ted unt l no' to tal# a"out t!em) T!e tonal s t!e or(an :er o$ t!e 'orld) 1er!a*s t!e "est 'ay o$ des%r " n( ts monumental 'or# s to say t!at on ts s!oulders rests t!e tas# o$ sett n( t!e %!aos o$ t!e 'orld n order) It s not $ar$et%!ed to ma nta n, as sor%erers do, t!at e-eryt! n( 'e #no' and do as men s t!e 'or# o$ t!e tonal) At t! s moment, $or nstan%e, '!at s en(a(ed n try n( to ma#e sense out o$ our %on-ersat on s your tonal7 ' t!out t t!ere 'ould "e only 'e rd sounds and (r ma%es and you 'ouldnt understand a t! n( o$ '!at Im say n() I 'ould say t!en t!at t!e tonal s a (uard an t!at *rote%ts somet! n( *r %eless, our -ery "e n() T!ere$ore an n!erent 8ual ty o$ t!e tonal s to "e %a(ey and ;ealous o$ ts do n(s) And s n%e ts do n(s are "y $ar t!e most


m*ortant *art o$ our l -es t s no 'onder t!at t e-entually %!an(es, n e-eryone o$ us, $rom a (uard an nto a (uard) A (uard an s "roadm nded and understand n() A (uard, on t!e ot!er !and, s a - ( lante, narro'.m nded and most o$ t!e t me des*ot %) I say, t!en, t!at t!e tonal n all o$ us !as "een made nto a *etty and des*ot % (uard '!en t s!ould "e a "roadm nded (uard an) T!e tonal s e-eryt! n( 'e are) Name t= Anyt! n( 'e !a-e a 'ord $or s t!e tonal) And s n%e t!e tonal s ts o'n do n(s, t!en e-eryt! n(, o"- ously, !as to $all under ts doma n) T!e tonal s e-eryt! n( 'e #no') I t! n# t! s n tsel$ s enou(! reason $or t!e tonal to "e su%! an o-er*o'er n( a$$a r) T!e tonal s e-eryt! n( 'e #no') And t!at n%ludes not only us, as *ersons, "ut e-eryt! n( n our 'orld) It %an "e sa d t!at t!e tonal s e-eryt! n( t!at meets t!e eye) We "e( n to (room t at t!e moment o$ our " rt!) T!e moment 'e ta#e t!e $ rst (as* o$ a r 'e also "reat!e n *o'er $or t!e tonal) So, t s *ro*er to say t!at t!e tonal o$ a !uman "e n( s nt mately t ed to ! s " rt!) You must remem"er t! s *o nt) It s o$ (reat m*ortan%e n understand n( all t! s) T!e tonal "e( ns at " rt! and ends at deat!) T!e tonal ma#es t!e 'orld only n a manner o$ s*ea# n() It %annot %reate or %!an(e anyt! n(, and yet t ma#es t!e 'orld "e%ause t ' tnesses and assesses t a%%ord n( to tonal rules) In a -ery stran(e manner t!e tonal s a %reator t!at doesnt %reate a t! n() In ot!er 'ords, t!e tonal ma#es u* t!e rules "y '! %! t a**re!ends t!e 'orld) So, n a manner o$ s*ea# n( t %reates t!e 'orld) We %an say t!at t!e tonal s l #e t!e to* o$ a ta"le, an sland) And on t! s sland 'e !a-e e-eryt! n() T! s sland s, n $a%t, t!e 'orld) T!ere s a *ersonal tonal $or e-ery one o$ us, and t!ere s a %olle%t -e one $or all o$ us at any ( -en t me, '! %! 'e %an %all t!e tonal o$ t!e t mes) /oo#= E-ery ta"le n t! s restaurant !as t!e same %on$ (urat on) Certa n tems are *resent on all o$ t!em) T!ey are, !o'e-er, nd - dually d $$erent $rom ea%! ot!er7 some ta"les are more %ro'ded t!an ot!ers7 t!ey !a-e d $$erent $ood on t!em, d $$erent *lates, d $$erent atmos*!ere, yet 'e !a-e


to adm t t!at all t!e ta"les are -ery al #e, n t!e same 'ay t ma#es all t!e ta"les n t! s restaurant al #e) Ea%! ta"le se*arately, ne-ert!eless s an nd - dual %ase, ;ust l #e t!e *ersonal tonal o$ ea%! o$ us) But t!e m*ortant $a%tor s to #ee* n m nd t!at e-eryt! n( 'e #no' a"out oursel-es and a"out our 'orld s on t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) See '!at I mean< T!e na(ual s t!e *art o$ us '! %! 'e do not deal ' t! at all) T!e na(ual s t!e *art o$ us $or '! %! t!ere s no des%r *t on@no 'ords, no names, no $eel n(s, no #no'led(e) T!e na(ual s not 3od, "e%ause 3od s an tem o$ our *ersonal tonal and o$ t!e tonal o$ t!e t mes) T!e tonal s, as I-e already sa d, e-eryt! n( 'e t! n# t!e 'orld s %om*osed o$, n%lud n( 3od, o$ %ourse) 3od !as no more m*ortan%e ot!er t!an "e n( *art o$ t!e tonal o$ our t me) 3od s only e-eryt! n( you %an t! n# o$, t!ere$ore, *ro*erly s*ea# n( !e s only anot!er tem on t!e sland) 3od %annot "e ' tnessed at ' ll, !e %an only "e tal#ed a"out) T!e na(ual, on t!e ot!er !and, s at t!e ser- %e o$ a 'arr or) It %an "e ' tnessed, "ut t %annot "e tal#ed a"out) T!e na(ual s t!ere surround n( t!e sland) T!e na(ual s t!ere, '!ere *o'er !o-ers) T!e na(ual s not e9*er en%e or ntu t on or %ons% ousness) T!ose terms and e-eryt! n( else you may %are to say are only tems on t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) T!e na(ual, on t!e ot!er !and, s only e$$e%t) T!e tonal "e( ns at " rt! and ends at deat!, "ut t!e na(ual ne-er ends) T!e na(ual !as no l m t) I-e sa d t!e na(ual s '!ere *o'er !o-ers7 t!at 'as only a 'ay o$ allud n( to t) By reasons o$ ts e$$e%t, *er!a*s t!e na(ual %an "est "e understood n terms o$ *o'er) We sense, $rom t!e moment 'e are "orn, t!at t!ere are t'o *arts to us) At t!e t me o$ " rt!, and $or a '! le a$ter 'e are all na(ual) We sense t!en, t!at n order to $un%t on 'e need a %ounter*art to '!at 'e !a-e) T!e tonal s m ss n( and t!at ( -es us, $rom t!e -ery "e( nn n(, a $eel n( o$ n%om*leteness) T!en t!e tonal starts to de-elo* and t "e%omes utterly m*ortant to our $un%t on n(, so m*ortant t!at t o*a8ues t!e s! ne o$ t!e na(ual, t o-er'!elms t) 2rom t!e moment 'e "e%ome all tonal 'e do not! n( else "ut to n%rement t!at old $eel n( o$ n%om*leteness '! %! a%%om*an es us $rom t!e moment o$ our " rt!, and '! %! tells us %onstantly t!at t!ere s anot!er *art to ( -e us %om*leteness)


2rom t!e moment 'e "e%ome all tonal 'e "e( n ma# n( *a rs) We sense our t'o s des "ut 'e al'ays re*resent t!em ' t! tems o$ t!e tonal) We say t!at t!e t'o *arts o$ us are t!e soul and t!e "ody) Or m nd and matter) Or (ood and e- l) 3od and Satan, We ne-er real :e, !o'e-er, t!at 'e are merely *a r n( t! n(s on t!e sland, -ery mu%! l #e *a r n( %o$$ee and tea, or "read and tort llas, or %! l and mustard) I tell you, 'e are 'e rd an mals) We (et %arr ed a'ay and n our madness 'e "el e-e oursel-es to "e ma# n( *er$e%t sense) Man doesnt mo-e "et'een (ood and e- l) H s true mo-ement s "et'een ne(at -eness and *os t -eness) No, t!ats 'ron() T!ere s no mo-ement) Man s only m nd) W!at you %all la*ses and $eel n(s s t!e na(ual) In order to tal# a"out t 'e must "orro' $rom t!e sland o$ t!e tonal, t!ere$ore t s more %on-en ent not to e9*la n t, "ut to s m*ly re%ount ts e$$e%ts) Cons der n( t!at t! s s t!e $ nal l d, t!e last sta(e o$ '!at I-e "een tea%! n( you, t s not too $ar$et%!ed to say t!at t en-elo*s e-eryt! n( I ment oned s n%e t!e $ rst day 'e met) You yoursel$ 'ould say t!at t!e na(ual and t!e tonal are ' t! n oursel-es) I mysel$ 'ould say t!at t!ey are not, "ut ne t!er o$ us 'ould "e r (!t) T!e tonal o$ your t me %alls $or you to ma nta n t!at e-eryt! n( deal n( ' t! your $eel n(s and t!ou(!ts ta#es *la%e ' t! n yoursel$) T!e sor%erers tonal says t!e o**os te, e-eryt! n( s outs de) W!os r (!t< No one) Ins de, outs de, t doesnt really matter) To e9*la n all t! s s not t!at s m*le) No matter !o' %le-er t!e %!e%# *o nts o$ t!e tonal are t!e $a%t o$ t!e matter s t!at t!e na(ual sur$a%es) Its %om n( to t!e sur$a%e s al'ays nad-ertent, t!ou(!) T!e tonals (reat art s to su**ress any man $estat on o$ t!e na(ual n su%! a manner t!at e-en $ ts *resen%e s!ould "e t!e most o"- ous t! n( n t!e 'orld, t s unnot %ea"le) I may (o around n % r%les "ut t!at s!ouldnt sur*r se or annoy you) I 'arned you a"out t!e d $$ %ulty o$ understand n( '!at I !a-e to tell) I 'ent t!rou(! all t!at r (amarole "e%ause my tonal s a'are t!at t s s*ea# n( a"out tsel$) In ot!er 'ords, my tonal s us n( tsel$ n order to understand t!e n$ormat on I 'ant your tonal to "e %lear a"out) /ets say t!at t!e tonal, s n%e t s #eenly a'are o$ !o' ta9 n( t s to s*ea# o$ tsel$ !as %reated t!e


terms ?I, ?mysel$ and so $ort! as a "alan%e and t!an#s to t!em t %an tal# ' t! ot!er tonals or ' t! tsel$) No' '!en I say t!e tonal $or%es us to do somet! n(, I dont mean t!at t!ere s a t! rd *arty t!ere) O"- ously t $or%es tsel$ to $ollo' ts o'n ;ud(ments) On %erta n o%%as ons, !o'e-er, or under %erta n s*e% al % r%umstan%es, somet! n( n t!e tonal tsel$ "e%omes a'are t!at t!ere s more to us) It s l #e a -o %e t!at %omes $rom t!e de*t!s, t!e -o %e o$ t!e na(ual) You see, t!e total ty o$ oursel-es s a natural %ond t on '! %! t!e tonal %annot o"l terate alto(et!er, and t!ere are moments, es*e% ally n t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or, n '! %! t!e total ty "e%omes a**arent) At t!ose moments one %an surm se and assess '!at 'e really are) I 'as %on%erned ' t! t!ose ;olts you !a-e !ad, "e%ause t!at s t!e 'ay t!e na(ual sur$a%es) At t!ose moments t!e tonal "e%omes a'are o$ t!e total ty o$ onesel$) It s al'ays a ;olt "e%ause t!at a'areness d sru*ts t!e lull) I %all t!at a'areness t!e total ty o$ t!e "e n( t!at s (o n( to d e) T!e dea s t!at at t!e moment o$ deat! t!e ot!er mem"er o$ t!e true *a r, t!e na(ual, "e%omes $ully o*erat -e and t!e a'areness and memor es and *er%e*t ons stored n our %al-es and t! (!s, n our "a%# and s!oulders and ne%#, "e( n to e9*and and d s nte(rate) / #e t!e "eads o$ an endless "ro#en ne%#la%e, t!ey $all asunder ' t!out t!e " nd n( $or%e o$ l $e) T!e total ty o$ oursel-es s a -ery ta%#y a$$a r) We need only a -ery small *ort on o$ t to $ul$ ll t!e most %om*le9 tas#s o$ l $e) Yet '!en 'e d e, 'e d e ' t! t!e total ty o$ oursel-es, W!y not, t!en, l -e ' t! t!at total ty) THE DAY O2 THE TONA/ I sa d t!at today 'as (o n( to "e t!e day o$ t!e tonal7 I meant t!at today I 'ant to deal ' t! t e9%lus -ely) /oo# at t!at youn( man n (reen *ants and a * n# s! rt) /oo# at t!e 'ay !es dressed, /oo# at t!ose s!oes= Hes not made to loo# l #e a "um7 !e s a "um) /oo# !o' 'ea# ! s "ody s) H s arms and le(s are t! n) He %an !ardly 'al#) No one %an *retend to loo# t!at 'ay) T!ere s de$ n tely somet! n( 'ron( ' t! ! m, not ! s % r%umstan%es t!ou(!) I !a-e to stress t!at I 'ant you to see t!at man as a tonal)


It enta ls to %ease ;ud( n( ! m n a moral sense, or e9%us n( ! m on t!e (round t!at !e s l #e a lea$ at t!e mer%y o$ t!e ' nd) In ot!er 'ords, t enta ls see n( a man ' t!out t! n# n( t!at !e s !o*eless or !el*less) You #no' '!at I am tal# n( a"out) You %an assess t!at youn( man ' t!out %ondemn n( or $or( - n( ! m) It doesnt matter t!at !es youn() Yout! s n no 'ay a "arr er a(a nst t!e deter orat on o$ t!e tonal) You t!ou(!t t!at t!ere m (!t "e a (reat many reasons $or t!at mans %ond t on) I $ nd t!at t!ere s only one, ! s tonal) It s not t!at ! s tonal s 'ea# "e%ause !e dr n#s) It s t!e ot!er 'ay around, !e dr n#s "e%ause ! s tonal s 'ea#) T!at 'ea#ness $or%es ! m to "e '!at !e s) But t!e same t! n( !a**ens to all o$ us, n one $orm or anot!er) Im ( - n( you an e9*lanat on t!at you !a-e ne-er en%ountered "e$ore) It s not ;ust $ %at on or a %ondemnat on, t!ou(!) T!at youn( mans tonal s 'ea# and t m d) And yet !es not un 8ue) All o$ us are more or less n t!e same "oat) T!ere s no need to treat t!e "ody n su%! an a'$ul manner) But t!e sad $a%t s t!at all o$ us !a-e learned to *er$e%t on !o' to ma#e our tonal 'ea#) I !a-e %alled t!at ndul( n() T!e tonal s -ery -ulnera"le) It %annot ' t!stand maltreatment) T!e '! te man, $rom t!e day !e set $oot on t! s land, !as systemat %ally destroyed not only t!e Ind an tonal o$ t!e t me, "ut also t!e *ersonal tonal o$ e-ery Ind an) One %an eas ly surm se t!at $or t!e *oor a-era(e Ind an t!e re (n o$ t!e '! te man !as "een s!eer !ell) And yet t!e rony s t!at $or anot!er # nd o$ Ind an t !as "een s!eer "l ss) 2or t!e sor%erer t!e Con8uest 'as t!e %!allen(e o$ a l $et me) T!ey 'ere t!e only ones '!o 'ere not destroyed "y t "ut ada*ted to t and used t to t!e r ult mate ad-anta(e) /ets say t!at t!e '! te man turned o-er all t!e stones t!at 'ere ' t! n t!e l m ts o$ t!e r o'n tonal) In t!e Ind an l $e, !o'e-er, t!ere 'ere t! n(s t!at 'ere n%om*re!ens "le to t!e '! te man7 t!ese t! n(s !e d d not e-en not %e) 1er!a*s t 'as t!e s!eer lu%# o$ t!e sor%erers, or *er!a*s t 'as t!e r #no'led(e t!at sa-ed t!em) T!e sor%erers $ound t!emsel-es !old n( on to t!e only t! n( le$t un%ontested, t!e na(ual) In ot!er 'ords t!e r tonal too# re$u(e n t!e r na(ual) T! s %ouldnt !a-e !a**ened !ad t not "een $or t!e


e9%ru% at n( %ond t ons o$ a -an8u s!ed *eo*le) T!e men o$ #no'led(e o$ today are t!e *rodu%t o$ t!ose %ond t ons and are t!e ult mate %onno sseurs o$ t!e na(ual, s n%e t!ey 'ere le$t t!ere t!orou(!ly alone) T!ere, t!e '! te man !as ne-er -entured) In $a%t !e doesnt e-en !a-e t!e dea t e9 sts) T!ere are, rou(!ly s*ea# n(, t'o s des to e-ery tonal) One s t!e outer *art, t!e $r n(e, t!e sur$a%e o$ t!e sland) T!ats t!e *art related to a%t on and a%t n(, t!e ru((ed s de) T!e ot!er *art s t!e de% s on and ;ud(ment, t!e nner tonal, so$ter and more del %ate, and more %om*le9) T!e *ro*er tonal s a tonal '!ere t!e t'o le-els are n *er$e%t !armony and "alan%e) 2or a *ro*er tonal e-eryt! n( on t!e sland o$ t!e tonal s a %!allen(e) Anot!er 'ay o$ say n( t s t!at $or a 'arr or e-eryt! n( n ! s 'orld s a %!allen(e) T!e (reatest %!allen(e o$ all s ! s " d $or *o'er) But *o'er %omes $rom t!e na(ual, and '!en a 'arr or $ nds ! msel$ at t!e ed(e o$ t!e day t means t!at t!e !our o$ t!e na(ual s a**roa%! n(, t!e 'arr ors !our o$ *o'er) You " d $or *o'er on%e and t!at " dd n( s rre-ers "le) I 'ont say t!at youre a"out to $ul$ ll your dest ny, "e%ause t!ere s no dest ny) T!e only t! n( t!at one %an say t!en s t!at youre a"out to $ul$ ll your *o'er) You !a-e l ttle t me le$t and none o$ t $or %ra*) A $ ne state) I 'ould say t!at t!e "est o$ us al'ays %omes out '!en 'e are a(a nst t!e 'all, '!en 'e $eel t!e s'ord dan(l n( o-er!ead) 1ersonally I 'ouldnt !a-e t any ot!er 'ay, A 'arr or doesnt e-er lea-e t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) He uses t) T! s s your 'orld) You %ant renoun%e t) It s useless to (et an(ry and $eel d sa**o nted ' t! onesel$) All t!at *ro-es s t!at ones tonal s n-ol-ed n an nternal "attle7 a "attle ' t! n t!e tonal s one o$ t!e most nane %ontests I %an t! n# o$) T!e t (!t l $e o$ a 'arr or s des (ned to end t!at stru((le) 2rom t!e "e( nn n( I !a-e tau(!t you to a-o d 'ear and tear) No' t!ere s no lon(er a 'ar ' t! n you, not as t used to "e, "e%ause t!e 'arr ors 'ay s !armony@t!e !armony "et'een a%t ons and de% s ons at $ rst, and t!en t!e !armony "et'een t!e tonal and t!e na(ual) T!rou(!out t!e t me I !a-e #no'n you, I !a-e tal#ed to "ot! your tonal and your na(ual) T!at s t!e 'ay t!e nstru%t on s!ould "e %onstru%ted) In t!e "e( nn n(, one !as to tal# to t!e tonal) It s t!e tonal t!at !as to rel n8u s! %ontrol) But t s!ould "e made to do so (ladly) 2or e9am*le, your


tonal !as rel n8u s!ed some %ontrols ' t!out mu%! stru((le, "e%ause t "e%ame %lear to t t!at, !ad t rema ned t!e 'ay t 'as t!e total ty o$ t 'ould "e dead "y no') In ot!er 'ords, t!e tonal s made to ( -e u* unne%essary t! n(s l #e sel$. m*ortan%e and ndul( n(, '! %! only *lun(e t nto "oredom) T!e '!ole trou"le s t!at t!e tonal %l n(s to t!ose t! n(s '!en t s!ould "e (lad to r d tsel$ o$ t!at %ra*) T!e tas# s to %on- n%e t!e tonal to "e%ome $ree and $lu d) T!ats '!at a sor%erer needs "e$ore anyt! n( else, a stron(, $ree tonal) T!e stron(er t (ets t!e less t %l n(s to ts do n(s, and t!e eas er t s to s!r n# t) T!e tonal s!r n#s at ( -en t mes, es*e% ally '!en t s em"arrassed) In $a%t, one o$ t!e $eatures o$ t!e tonal s ts s!yness) Its s!yness s not really an ssue) But t!ere are %erta n nstan%es '!en t!e tonal s ta#en "y sur*r se, and ts s!yness una-o da"ly ma#es t s!r n#) THE A22AIRS O2 THE NA3UA/ T!e a$$a rs o$ t!e na(ual %an "e ' tnessed only ' t! t!e "ody, not t!e reason) Our $la' s to ns st on rema n n( on our monotonous, t r n(, "ut %on-en ent sland) T!e tonal s t!e - lla n and t s!ouldnt "e) T!e a(reement t!at 'e are sol d o";e%ts s t!e tonals do n() W!en t!e tonal s!r n#s, e9traord nary t! n(s are *oss "le) But t!ey are e9traord nary only $or t!e tonal) T!e na(ual, on%e t "e( ns to sur$a%e, may %ause a (reat dama(e to t!e tonal "y %om n( out ' t!out any %ontrol) Your %ase s s*e% al, t!ou(!) You are ( -en to ndul( n( n su%! an e9a((erated manner t!at you 'ould d e and not e-en m nd t, or 'orse yet, not e-en "e a'are t!at youre dy n() Your tonal !as to "e %on- n%ed ' t! reasons, your na(ual ' t! a%t ons, unt l one *ro*s u* t!e ot!er) As I !a-e told you, t!e tonal rules, and yet t s -ery -ulnera"le) T!e na(ual, on t!e ot!er !and, ne-er, or almost ne-er, a%ts out7 "ut '!en t does t terr $ es t!e tonal) T!e tonal must "e *rote%ted at any %ost) T!e %ro'n !as to "e ta#en a'ay $rom t, "ut t must rema n as t!e *rote%ted o-erseer) Any t!reat to t!e tonal al'ays results n ts deat!) And $ t!e tonal d es, so does t!e '!ole man) Be%ause o$ ts n!erent 'ea#ness t!e tonal s eas ly destroyed, and t!us one o$ t!e "alan% n( arts o$ t!e 'arr or s to ma#e t!e


na8ual emer(e n order to *ro* u* t!e tonal) I say t!at t s an art, "e%ause sor%erers #no' t!at only "y "oost n( t!e tonal %an t!e na(ual emer(e) See '!at I mean) T!at "oost n( s %alled *ersonal *o'er) W!en one s deal n( ' t! t!e na(ual, one s!ould ne-er loo# nto t d re%tly) T!e only 'ay to loo# at t!e na(ual s as $ t 'ere a %ommon a$$a r) One must "l n# n order to "rea# t!e $ 9at on) Our eyes are t!e eyes o$ t!e tonal, or *er!a*s t 'ould "e more a%%urate to say t!at our eyes !a-e "een tra ned "y t!e tonal, t!ere$ore t!e tonal %la ms t!em) One o$ t!e sour%es o$ your "a$$lement and d s%om$ort s t!at your tonal doesnt let (o o$ your eyes) T!e day t does, your na(ual ' ll !a-e 'on a (reat "attle) Your o"sess on, or "etter yet, e-eryones o"sess on s to arran(e t!e 'orld a%%ord n( to t!e tonals rules7 so e-ery t me 'e are %on$ronted ' t! t!e na(ual, 'e (o out o$ our 'ay to ma#e our eyes st $$ and ntrans (ent) I must a**eal to t!e *art o$ your tonal '! %! understands t! s d lemma and you must ma#e an e$$ort to $ree your eyes) T!e *o nt s to %on- n%e t!e tonal t!at t!ere are ot!er 'orlds t!at %an *ass n $ront o$ t!e same ' ndo's) T!e eyes %an "e t!e ' ndo's to *eer nto "oredom or to *ee# nto t!at n$ n ty) I say t!at t s a -ery s m*le matter) 1er!a*s I say t s s m*le "e%ause I-e "een do n( t $or so lon() All you !a-e to do s set u* your ntent as a %ustoms !ouse) W!ene-er you are n t!e 'orld o$ t!e tonal, you s!ould "e an m*e%%a"le tonal7 no t me $or rrat onal %ra*) But '!ene-er youre n t!e 'orld o$ t!e na(ual, you s!ould also "e m*e%%a"le7 no t me $or rat onal %ra*) 2or t!e 'arr or, ntent s t!e (ate n "et'een) It %loses %om*letely "e! nd ! m '!en !e (oes e t!er 'ay) Anot!er t! n( one s!ould do '!en $a% n( t!e na(ual s to s! $t t!e l ne o$ t!e eyes $rom t me to t me, n order to "rea# t!e s*ell o$ t!e na(ual) C!an( n( t!e *os t on o$ t!e eyes al'ays eases t!e "urden o$ t!e tonal) I$ you are n a * n%! you s!ould "e a"le to s! $t "y yoursel$) T! s s! $t n( s!ould "e done only as a rel e$, t!ou(!, not as anot!er 'ay o$ *al sad n( yoursel$ to sa$e(uard t!e order o$ t!e tonal) My "et 'ould "e t!at you 'ould str -e to use t! s te%!n 8ue to ! de t!e rat onal ty o$ your tonal "e! nd t, and t!us "el e-e youre sa- n( t $rom e9t n%t on) T!e $la' o$ your reason n( s t!at no"ody 'ants or see#s t!e e9t n%t on o$ t!e tonals rat onal ty) T!at $ear s ll.$ounded) You are test n( no' '!et!er or not your tonal s %rammed ' t! nessent als) I$ t!ere are too many unne%essary tems on your sland you 'ont "e a"le to susta n t!e en%ounter ' t! t!e na(ual)


You may d e) No one s %a*a"le o$ sur- - n( a del "erate en%ounter ' t! t!e na(ual ' t!out a lon( tra n n() It ta#es years to *re*are t!e tonal $or su%! an en%ounter) Ord nar ly, $ an a-era(e man %omes $a%e to $a%e ' t! t!e na(ual t!e s!o%# 'ould "e too (reat and !e 'ould d e) T!e (oal o$ a 'arr ors tra n n( t!en s not to tea%! ! m to !e9 or to %!arm, "ut to *re*are ! s tonal not to %ra* out) A most d $$ %ult a%%om*l s!ment) A 'arr or must "e tau(!t to "e m*e%%a"le and t!orou(!ly em*ty "e$ore !e %ould e-en %on%e -e o$ ' tness n( t!e na(ual) T!e sland o$ t!e tonal !as to "e s'e*t %lean and ma nta ned %lean) T!ats t!e only alternat -e a 'arr or !as) A %lean sland o$$ers no res stan%e7 t s as sa$e as $ t!ere 'ere not! n( t!ere) A sudden $r (!t al'ays s!r n#s t!e tonal) T!e *ro"lem !ere s not to let t!e tonal s!r n# tsel$ out o$ t!e * %ture) A (ra-e ssue $or a 'arr or s to #no' e9a%tly '!en to allo' ! s tonal to s!r n# and '!en to sto* t) T! s s a (reat art) A 'arr or must stru((le l #e a demon to s!r n# ! s tonal7 and yet at t!e -ery moment t!e tonal s!r n#s, t!e 'arr or must re-erse all t!at stru((le to mmed ately !alt t!at s!r n# n() A$ter t!e tonal s!r n#s, t!e 'arr or s %los n( t!e (ate $rom t!e ot!er s de) As lon( as ! s tonal s un%!allen(ed and ! s eyes are tuned only $or t!e tonals 'orld, t!e 'arr or s on t!e sa$e s de o$ t!e $en%e) Hes on $am l ar (rounds and #no's all t!e rules) But '!en ! s tonal s!r n#s, !e s on t!e ' ndy s de, and t!at o*en n( must "e s!ut t (!t mmed ately, or !e 'ould "e s'e*t a'ay) And t! s s not ;ust a 'ay o$ tal# n() Beyond t!e (ate o$ t!e tonals eyes t!e ' nd ra(es) I mean a real ' nd) No meta*!or) A ' nd t!at %an "lo' ones l $e a'ay) In $a%t, t!at s t!e ' nd t!at "lo's all l - n( t! n(s on t! s eart!) As a rule t!e tonal must de$end tsel$, at any %ost, e-ery t me t s t!reatened7 so t s o$ no real %onse8uen%e !o' t!e tonal rea%ts n order to a%%om*l s! ts de$ense) T!e only m*ortant matter s t!at t!e tonal o$ a 'arr or must "e%ome a%8ua nted ' t! ot!er alternat -es) W!at a tea%!er a ms $or, n t! s %ase, s t!e total 'e (!t o$ t!ose *oss " l t es) It s t!e 'e (!t o$ t!ose ne' *oss " l t es '! %! !el*s to s!r n# t!e tonal) By t!e same to#en, t s t!e same 'e (!t '! %! !el*s sto* t!e tonal $rom s!r n# n( out o$ t!e * %ture) T!e na(ual %an *er$orm e9traord nary t! n(s, t! n(s t!at do not seem *oss "le, t! n(s t!at are unt! n#a"le $or t!e tonal) But t!e e9traord nary t! n( s t!at t!e *er$ormer !as no 'ay o$ #no' n( !o' t!ose t! n(s !a**en)


T!e se%ret o$ a sor%erer s t!at !e #no's !o' to (et to t!e na(ual, "ut on%e !e (ets t!ere, your (uess s as (ood as ! s '!at ta#es *la%e) /ets say t!at a 'arr or learns to tune ! s ' ll, to d re%t t to a * n*o nt, to $o%us t '!ere-er !e 'ants) It s as $ ! s ' ll, '! %! %omes $rom t!e m dse%t on o$ ! s "ody, s one s n(le lum nous $ "er, a $ "er t!at !e %an d re%t at any %on%e -a"le *la%e) T!at $ "er s t!e road to t!e na(ual) Or I %ould also say t!at t!e 'arr or s n#s nto t!e na(ual t!rou(! t!at s n(le $ "er) On%e !e !as sun#, t!e e9*ress on o$ t!e na(ual s a matter o$ ! s *ersonal tem*erament) I$ t!e 'arr or s $unny t!e na(ual s $unny) I$ t!e 'arr or s mor" d t!e na(ual s mor" d) I$ t!e 'arr or s mean t!e na(ual s mean) I$ you %annot understand youre n (reat s!a*e) It s '!en you understand t!at youre n a mess) T!ats $rom t!e *o nt o$ - e' o$ a sor%erer, o$ %ourse) 2rom t!e *o nt o$ - e' o$ an a-era(e man, $ you $a l to understand youre s n# n() In your %ase, I 'ould say t!at an a-era(e man 'ould t! n# t!at you are d sasso% ated, or youre "e( nn n( to "e%ome d sasso% ated) I-e ne-er *ut a "an on tal# n() We %an tal# a"out t!e na(ual to your !earts %ontent, as lon( as you dont try to e9*la n t) I$ you remem"er %orre%tly, I sa d t!at t!e na(ual s only $or ' tness n() So, 'e %an tal# a "out '!at 'e ' tnessed and a"out !o' 'e ' tnessed t) You 'ant to ta#e on t!e e9*lanat on o$ !o' t s all *oss "le t!ou(!, and t!at s an a"om nat on) You 'ant to e9*la n t!e na(ual ' t! t!e tonal) T!at s stu* d, es*e% ally n your %ase, s n%e you %an no lon(er ! de "e! nd your (noran%e) You #no' -ery 'ell t!at 'e ma#e sense n tal# n( only "e%ause 'e stay ' t! n %erta n "oundar es and t!ose "oundar es are not a**l %a"le to t!e na(ual) In order to "e an a-era(e tonal a man must !a-e un ty) H s '!ole "e n( must "elon( to t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) W t!out t!at un ty a man 'ould (o "erser#7 a sor%erer, !o'e-er, !as to "rea# t!at un ty, "ut ' t!out endan(er n( ! s "e n() A sor%erers (oal s to last7 t!at s, !e doesnt ta#e unne%essary r s#s, t!ere$ore !e s*ends years s'ee* n( ! s sland unt l a moment '!en !e %ould, n a manner o$ s*ea# n(, snea# o$$ t) 2or t!e na(ual t!ere s no land, or a r, or 'ater) At t! s *o nt you yoursel$ %an a(ree on t!at) So t!e na(ual (l des, or $l es, or '!ate-er t may do, n na(uals t me) T!e t'o t! n(s dont ; "e) 1o'er sets u* l m ts and a 'arr or s, lets say, a *r soner o$ *o'er7 a *r soner '!o !as one $ree %!o %e7 t!e %!o %e to e t!er a%t l #e an m*e%%a"le 'arr or, or l #e an ass) In t!e $ nal analys s *er!a*s t!e 'arr or s not a


*r soner "ut a sla-e o$ *o'er, "e%ause t!at %!o %e s no lon(er a %!o %e $or ! m) To a%t l #e an ass 'ould dra n ! m and %ause ! s dem se) An mmortal "e n( !as all t!e t me n t!e 'orld $or dou"ts and "e' lderment and $ears) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, %annot %l n( to t!e mean n(s made under t!e tonals order, "e%ause !e #no's $or a $a%t t!at t!e total ty o$ ! msel$ !as "ut a l ttle t me on t! s eart!) No' s '!en I need your total attent on) Attent on n t!e sense t!at 'arr ors understand attent on7 a true *ause, n order to allo' t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on to $ully soa# t!rou(! you) We are at t!e end o$ our tas#7 all t!e ne%essary nstru%t on !as "een ( -en to you and no' you must sto*, loo# "a%#, and re%ons der your ste*s) Sor%erers say t!at t! s s t!e only 'ay to %onsol date ones (a ns) T! s s t!e t me to "r n( $ort! all your *ersonal *o'er and $ul$ ll t! s m*oss "le tas# o$ "e n( yoursel$ ' t!out "e n( yoursel$) It !as "een my duty to !el* you n e-ery matter %on%ern n( your tonal and e-eryt! n( t!at I-e done ' t! you or to you 'as done to a%%om*l s! one s n(le tas#, t!e tas# o$ %lean n( and reorder n( your sland o$ t!e tonal) I-e told you %ountless t mes t!at a most drast % %!an(e 'as needed $ you 'anted to su%%eed n t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) T!at %!an(e s not a %!an(e o$ mood, or att tude, or outloo#7 t!at %!an(e enta ls t!e trans$ormat on o$ t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) At t! s *re% se *o nt a tea%!er 'ould usually say to ! s d s% *le t!at t!ey !a-e arr -ed at a $ nal %rossroad) To say su%! a t! n( s m slead n( t!ou(!) In my o* n on t!ere s no $ nal ste* to anyt! n() And s n%e t!ere s no $ nal ste* t!ere s!ouldnt "e any se%re%y a"out any *art o$ our lot as lum nous "e n(s) 1ersonal *o'er de% des '!o %an or '!o %annot *ro$ t "y a re-elat on7 my e9*er en%es ' t! my $ello' men !a-e *ro-en to me t!at -ery, -ery $e' o$ t!em 'ould "e ' ll n( to l sten7 and o$ t!ose $e' '!o l sten e-en $e'er 'ould "e ' ll n( to a%t on '!at t!ey !a-e l stened to, and o$ t!ose '!o are ' ll n( to a%t e-en $e'er !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er to *ro$ t "y t!e r a%ts) So, t!e matter o$ se%re%y a"out t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on "o ls do'n to a rout ne, *er!a*s a rout ne as em*ty as any ot!er rout ne) At any rate no' you #no' a"out t!e tonal and t!e na(ual, '! %! are t!e %ore o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) To #no' a"out t!em seems 8u te !armless) But "e$ore you -enture "eyond t! s *o nt a $a r 'arn n( s


re8u red7 a tea%!er s su**osed to s*ea# n earnest terms and 'arn ! s d s% *le t!at t!e !armlessness and *la% d ty o$ t! s moment are a m ra(e, t!at t!ere s a "ottomless a"yss n $ront o$ ! m, and t!at on%e t!e door o*ens t!ere s no 'ay to %lose t a(a n) T!e years o$ !ard tra n n( are only a *re*arat on $or t!e 'arr ors de-astat n( en%ounter ' t!0'!ate-er l es out t!ere, "eyond t! s *o nt) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on, '! %! doesnt seem l #e an e9*lanat on at all, s let!al) It seems !armless and %!arm n(, "ut as soon as t!e 'arr or o*ens ! msel$ to t, t del -ers a "lo' t!at no one %an *arry) To "e *re*ared $or t!e 'orst, "ut dont !urry or *an %) You dont !a-e any t me, and yet youre surrounded "y etern ty) W!at a *arado9 $or your reason) W!at ' ll !a**en !ere today de*ends on '!et!er or not you !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er to $o%us your un'a-er n( attent on on t!e ' n(s o$ your *er%e*t on) /et me "e( n "y tell n( you t!at a tea%!er ne-er see#s a**rent %es and no one %an sol % t t!e tea%! n(s) It s al'ays an omen '! %! *o nts out t!e a**rent %e) A 'arr or '!o may "e n t!e *os t on o$ "e%om n( a tea%!er must "e alert n order to %at%! ! s %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e) On%e t!e a**rent %e !as "een !oo#ed, t!e nstru%t on "e( ns) T!e $ rst a%t o$ a tea%!er s to ntrodu%e t!e dea t!at t!e 'orld 'e see s only a - e', a des%r *t on o$ t!e 'orld) E-ery e$$ort o$ a tea%!er s (eared to *ro-e t! s *o nt to ! s a**rent %e) But a%%e*t n( t seems to "e one o$ t!e !ardest t! n(s one %an do7 'e are %om*la%ently %au(!t n our *art %ular - e' o$ t!e 'orld, '! %! %om*els us to $eel and a%t as $ 'e #ne' e-eryt! n( a"out t!e 'orld) A tea%!er, $rom t!e -ery $ rst a%t !e *er$orms, a ms at sto** n( t!at - e') Sor%erers %all t sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue, and t!ey are %on- n%ed t!at t s t!e s n(le most m*ortant te%!n 8ue an a**rent %e %an learn) In order to sto* t!e - e' o$ t!e 'orld '! %! one !as !eld s n%e t!e %radle, t s not enou(! to ;ust ' s! or ma#e a resolut on) One needs a *ra%t %al tas#7 t!at *ra%t %al tas# s %alled t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n() It seems !armless and nonsens %al) As e-eryt! n( else '! %! !as *o'er n tsel$ or "y tsel$, t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n( does not attra%t attent on) You understood t and re(arded t, at least $or se-eral years, as a %ur ous 'ay o$ "e!a- n() It d dnt da'n on you unt l -ery re%ently t!at t!at 'as t!e most e$$e%t -e 'ay to sto* your nternal d alo(ue)


To(et!er ' t! t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n( a tea%!er must tea%! ! s a**rent %e anot!er *oss " l ty, '! %! s e-en more su"tle7 t!e *oss " l ty o$ a%t n( ' t!out "el e- n(, ' t!out e9*e%t n( re'ards@a%t n( ;ust $or t!e !ell o$ t) I 'ouldnt "e e9a((erat n( $ I told you t!at t!e su%%ess o$ a tea%!ers e$$orts de*ends on !o' 'ell and !o' !armon ously !e (u des ! s a**rent %e n t! s s*e% $ % res*e%t) Sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue s, !o'e-er, t!e #ey to t!e sor%erers 'orld) T!e rest o$ t!e a%t - t es are only *ro*s7 all t!ey do s a%%elerate t!e e$$e%t o$ sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue) Sor%erers are %on- n%ed t!at all o$ us are a "un%! o$ n n%om*oo*s) We %an ne-er rel n8u s! our %rummy %ontrol -oluntar ly, t!us 'e !a-e to "e tr %#ed) 2or me, tr %# n( meant to d stra%t your attent on, or to tra* t as t!e %ase re8u red) Eras n( *ersonal ! story and dream n( s!ould only "e a !el*) W!at any a**rent %e needs to "u$$er ! m s tem*eran%e and stren(t!) T!ats '!y a tea%!er ntrodu%es t!e 'arr ors 'ay, or l - n( l #e a 'arr or) T! s s t!e (lue t!at ;o ns to(et!er e-eryt! n( n t!e sor%erers 'orld) B t "y " t a tea%!er must $or(e and de-elo* t) W t!out t!e sturd ness and le-el.!eadedness o$ t!e 'arr ors 'ay t!ere s no *oss " l ty o$ ' t!stand n( t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) By no' t!ere s no 'ay $or you to re%olle%t t!e mmense e$$ort t!at you needed to esta"l s! sel$.* ty as a $eature o$ your sland) Sel$.* ty "ore ' tness to e-eryt! n( you d d) It 'as ;ust at your $ n(ert *s, ready to ad- se you) Deat! s %ons dered "y a 'arr or to "e a more amena"le ad- sor, '! %! %an also "e "rou(!t to "ear ' tness on e-eryt! n( one does, ;ust l #e sel$. * ty, or 'rat!) O"- ously, a$ter an untold stru((le you !a-e learned to $eel sorry $or yoursel$) But you %an also learn, n t!e same 'ay, to $eel your m*end n( end, and t!us you %an learn to !a-e t!e dea o$ deat! at your $ n(ert *s) As an ad- sor, sel$.* ty s not! n( %om*ared to deat!) T!ere s no 'ay to (et r d o$ sel$.* ty $or (ood7 t !as a de$ n te *la%e and %!ara%ter on your sland, a de$ n te $aFade '! %! s re%o(n :a"le) T!us, e-ery t me t!e o%%as on ar ses, sel$.* ty "e%omes a%t -e) It !as ! story) I$ you t!en %!an(e t!e $aFade o$ sel$.* ty, you 'ould !a-e s! $ted ts *la%e o$ *rom nen%e)


One %!an(es t!e $aFade "y alter n( t!e use o$ t!e elements o$ t!e sland) Ta#e sel$.* ty a(a n) It 'as use$ul to you "e%ause you e t!er $elt m*ortant and deser- n( o$ "etter %ond t ons, "etter treatment, or "e%ause you 'ere un' ll n( to assume res*ons " l ty $or t!e a%ts t!at "rou(!t you to t!e state t!at el % ted sel$.* ty, or "e%ause you 'ere n%a*a"le o$ "r n( n( t!e dea o$ your m*end n( deat! to ' tness your a%ts and ad- se you) Eras n( *ersonal ! story and ts t!ree %om*an on te%!n 8ues are t!e sor%erers+ means $or %!an( n( t!e $aFade o$ t!e elements o$ t!e sland) 2or nstan%e, "y eras n( your *ersonal ! story, you !a-e den ed use to sel$.* ty7 n order $or sel$.* ty to 'or# you !ad to $eel m*ortant, rres*ons "le and mmortal) W!en t!ose $eel n(s 'ere altered n some 'ay, t 'as no lon(er *oss "le $or you to $eel sorry $or yoursel$) T!e same 'as true ' t! all t!e ot!er elements '! %! you-e %!an(ed on your sland) W t!out us n( t!ose $our te%!n 8ues you ne-er %ould-e su%%eeded n %!an( n( t!em) But %!an( n( $a%ades means only t!at one !as ass (ned a se%ondary *la%e to a $ormerly m*ortant element) Your sel$.* ty s st ll a $eature o$ your sland7 t ' ll "e t!ere n t!e "a%# n t!e same 'ay t!at t!e dea o$ your m*end n( deat!, or your !um"leness, or your res*ons " l ty $or your a%ts 'ere t!ere, ' t!out e-er "e n( used) 1o'er *lants !a-e t!e same e$$e%t on t!e tonal as t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n() Bot! $lood t ' t! n$ormat on and $or%e t!e nternal d alo(ue to %ome to a sto*) T!e *lants are e9%ellent $or t!at, "ut -ery %ostly) T!ey %ause untold dama(e to t!e "ody) T! s s t!e r dra'"a%#) T!ose *lants lead t!e a**rent %e d re%tly to t!e na(ual, and t!e ally s an as*e%t o$ t) We $un%t on at t!e %enter o$ reason e9%lus -ely, re(ardless o$ '!o 'e are or '!ere 'e %ome $rom) Reason %an naturally a%%ount n one 'ar or anot!er $or e-eryt! n( t!at !a**ens ' t! n ts - e' o$ t!e 'orld) T!e ally s somet! n( '! %! s outs de o$ t!at - e', outs de t!e ream o$ reason) It %an "e ' tnessed only at t!e %enter o$ t!e ' ll at t mes '!en our ord nary - e' !as sto**ed, t!ere$ore t s *ro*erly t!e na(ual) Sor%erers, !o'e-er, %an learn to *er%e -e t!e ally n a most ntr %ate 'ay, and n do n( so t!ey (et too dee*ly mmersed n a ne' - e') So, n order to *rote%t you $rom t!at $ate, I d d not em*!as :e t!e ally as sor%erers usually do) Sor%erers !a-e learned a$ter (enerat ons o$ us n( *o'er *lants to a%%ount n t!e r - e's $or e-eryt! n( t!at s a%%ounta"le a"out t!em) I 'ould say t!at sor%erers, "y us n( t!e r ' ll, !a-e su%%eeded n enlar( n( t!e r - e's o$ t!e 'orld) My tea%!er and "ene$a%tor 'ere t!e %learest e9am*les o$ t!at) T!ey 'ere men o$ (reat *o'er, "ut t!ey 'ere not men o$ #no'led(e) T!ey ne-er "ro#e


t!e "ounds o$ t!e r enormous - e's and t!us ne-er arr -ed at t!e total ty o$ t!emsel-es, yet t!ey #ne' a"out t) It 'asnt t!at t!ey l -ed a"errant l -es, %la m n( t! n(s "eyond t!e r rea%!7 t!ey #ne' t!ey !ad m ssed t!e "oat and t!at only at t!e r deat! 'ould t!e total mystery "e re-ealed to t!em) Sor%ery !ad ( -en t!em only a (l m*se, "ut ne-er t!e real means to (et to t!at elus -e total ty o$ onesel$) I (a-e you enou(! o$ t!e sor%erers - e' ' t!out lett n( you (et !oo#ed "y t) I sa d t!at only $ one * ts t'o - e's a(a nst ea%! ot!er %an one 'easel "et'een t!em and arr -e at t!e real 'orld) I meant t!at one %an arr -e at t!e total ty o$ onesel$ only '!en one $ully understands t!at t!e 'orld s merely a - e', re(ardless o$ '!et!er t!at - e' "elon(s to an ord nary man or a sor%erer) Here s '!ere I -ar ed $rom t!e trad t on) A$ter a l $elon( stru((le I #no' t!at '!at matters s not to learn a ne' des%r *t on "ut to arr -e at t!e total ty o$ onesel$) One s!ould (et to t!e na(ual ' t!out mal (n n( t!e tonal, and a"o-e all ' t!out n;ur n( ones "ody) T!at s t!e reason '!y I ne-er 'anted to d s%uss your en%ounters ' t! *o'er *lants, or let you tal# o"sess -ely a"ut t!em7 t!ere 'as no *o nt n ela"orat n( a"out t!e uns*ea#a"le) T!ose 'ere true e9%urs ons nto t!e na(ual, t!e un#no'n) 1o'er *lants s!a#e t!e tonal and t!reaten t!e sol d ty o$ t!e '!ole sland) It s at t! s t me t!at t!e a**rent %e retreats, and ' sely so7 !e 'ants to (et out o$ t!e '!ole mess) It s also at t! s t me t!at t!e tea%!er sets u* ! s most art$ul tra*, t!e 'ort!y o**onent) T! s tra* !as t'o *ur*oses) 2 rst, t ena"les t!e tea%!er to !old ! s a**rent %e, and se%ond, t ena"les t!e a**rent %e to !a-e a *o nt o$ re$eren%e $or $urt!er use) W t!out t!e a d o$ a 'ort!y o**onent, '!os not really an enemy, "ut a t!orou(!ly ded %ated ad-ersary, t!e a**rent %e !as no *oss " l ty o$ %ont nu n( on t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) T!e "est o$ men 'ould 8u t at t! s *o nt $ t 'ere le$t u* to t!em to de% de) Be%ause o$ t!e a%ts o$ a 'ort!y o**onent, t!en, an a**rent %e %an "e e t!er "lasted to * e%es or %!an(ed rad %ally) T!e tea%!er uses t!e 'ort!y o**onent to $or%e t!e a**rent %e nto t!e %!o %e o$ ! s l $e) T!e a**rent %e must %!oose "et'een t!e 'arr ors 'orld and ! s ord nary 'orld) But no de% s on s *oss "le unless t!e a**rent %e understands t!e %!o %e7 t!us a tea%!er must !a-e a t!orou(!ly *at ent and understand n( att tude and must lead ! s man ' t! a sure !and to t!at %!o %e, and a"o-e all !e must ma#e sure t!at ! s a**rent %e %!ooses t!e 'orld and l $e o$ a 'arr or)


All t!at 'as re8u red o$ you 'as to allo' your tonal to "e%ome a'are o$ !a- n( de% ded to ;o n t!e 'orld o$ sor%erers) T!e tonal doesnt #no' t!at de% s ons are n t!e realm o$ t!e na(ual) W!en 'e t! n# 'e de% de, all 'ere do n( s a%#no'led( n( t!at somet! n( "eyond our understand n( !as set u* t!e $rame o$ our so.%alled de% s ons, and all 'e do s a%8u es%e) In t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or t!ere s only one t! n(, one ssue alone '! %! s really unde% dedA !o' $ar one %an (o on t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e and *o'er) T!at s an ssue '! %! s o*en and no one %an *red %t ts out%ome) I on%e told you t!at t!e $reedom a 'arr or !as s e t!er to a%t m*e%%a"ly or to a%t l #e a n n%om*oo*) Im*e%%a" l ty s ndeed t!e only a%t '! %! s $ree and t!us t!e true measure o$ a 'arr ors s* r t) A$ter t!e a**rent %e !as "een ( -en ! s sor%ery tas# !es ready $or anot!er ty*e o$ nstru%t on) He s a 'arr or t!en) Dream n( s a *ra%t %al a d de- sed "y sor%erers) T!ey 'ere not $ools7 t!ey #ne' '!at t!ey 'ere do n( and sou(!t t!e use$ulness o$ t!e na(ual "y tra n n( t!e r tonal to let (o $or a moment, so to s*ea#, and t!en (ra" a(a n) T! s statement doesnt ma#e sense to you) But t!ats '!at you-e "een do n( all alon(7 tra n n( yoursel$ to let (o ' t!out los n( your mar"les) Dream n(, o$ %ourse, s t!e %ro'n o$ t!e sor%erers e$$orts, t!e ult mate use o$ t!e na(ual) THE SORCERERS E61/ANATION Sor%erers say 'e are ns de a "u""le) It s a "u""le nto '! %! 'e are *la%ed at t!e moment o$ our " rt!) At $ rst t!e "u""le s o*en, "ut t!en t "e( ns to %lose unt l t !as sealed us n) T!at "u""le s our *er%e*t on) We l -e ns de t!at "u""le all o$ our l -es) And '!at 'e ' tness on ts round 'alls s our o'n re$le%t on) T!e t! n( re$le%ted s our - e' o$ t!e 'orld) T!at - e' s $ rst a des%r *t on, '! %! s ( -en to us $rom t!e moment o$ our " rt! unt l all our attent on s %au(!t "y t and t!e des%r *t on "e%omes a - e') T!e tea%!ers tas# s to rearran(e t!at - e', to *re*are t!e lum nous "e n( $or t!e t me '!en t!e "ene$a%tor o*ens t!e "u""le $rom t!e outs de)


T!e "u""le s o*ened n order to allo' t!e lum nous "e n( a - e' o$ ! s total ty) Naturally t! s "us ness o$ %all n( t a "u""le s only a 'ay o$ tal# n(, "ut n t! s %ase t s an a%%urate 'ay) T!e del %ate maneu-er o$ lead n( a lum nous "e n( nto t!e total ty o$ ! msel$ re8u res t!at t!e tea%!er 'or# $rom ns de t!e "u""le and t!e "ene$a%tor $rom t!e outs de) T!e tea%!er reorders t!e - e' o$ t!e 'orld) I !a-e %alled t!at - e' t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) I-e sa d t!at e-eryt! n( 'e are s on t!at sland) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on says t!at t!e sland o$ t!e tonal s made "y our *er%e*t on, '! %! !as "een tra ned to $o%us on %erta n elements7 ea%! o$ t!ose elements and all o$ t!em to(et!er $orm our - e' o$ t!e 'orld) T!e ;o" o$ a tea%!er, nso$ar as t!e a**rent %es *er%e*t on s %on%erned, %ons sts o$ reorder n( all t!e elements o$ t!e sland on one !al$ o$ t!e "u""le) By no' you must !a-e real :ed t!at %lean n( and reorder n( t!e sland o$ t!e tonal means re(rou* n( all o$ ts elements on t!e s de o$ reason) My tas# !as "een to d sarran(e your ord nary - e', not to destroy t, "ut to $or%e t to rally on t!e s de o$ reason) T!e art o$ a tea%!er s to $or%e ! s d s% *le to (rou* ! s - e' o$ t!e 'orld on t!e r (!t !al$ o$ t!e "u""le) T!ats t!e s de o$ t!e tonal) T!e tea%!er al'ays addresses ! msel$ to t!at s de, and "y *resent n( ! s a**rent %e on t!e one !and ' t! t!e 'arr ors 'ay !e $or%es ! m nto reasona"leness, and so"r ety, and stren(t! o$ %!ara%ter and "ody7 and "y *resent n( ! m on t!e ot!er !and ' t! unt! n#a"le "ut real s tuat ons '! %! t!e a**rent %e %annot %o*e ' t!, !e $or%es ! m to real :e t!at ! s reason, alt!ou(! t s a most 'onder$ul a$$a r, %an only %o-er a small area) On%e t!e 'arr or s %on$ronted ' t! ! s n%a*a% ty to reason e-eryt! n( out, !e ' ll (o out o$ ! s 'ay to "olster and de$end ! s de$eated reason, and to t!at e$$e%t !e ' ll rally e-eryt! n( !es (ot around t) T!e tea%!er sees to t!at "y !ammer n( ! m mer% lessly unt l all ! s - e' o$ t!e 'orld s on one !al$ o$ t!e "u""le) T!e ot!er !al$ o$ t!e "u""le, t!e one t!at !as "een %leaned, %an t!en "e %la med "y somet! n( sor%erers %all ' ll) We %an "etter e9*la n t! s "y say n( t!at t!e tas# o$ t!e tea%!er s to ' *e %lean one !al$ o$ t!e "u""le and to reorder e-eryt! n( on t!e ot!er !al$) T!e "ene$a%tors tas# t!en s to o*en t!e "u""le on t!e s de t!at !as "een %leaned) On%e t!e seal s "ro#en, t!e 'arr or s ne-er t!e same) He !as t!en t!e %ommand o$ ! s total ty) Hal$ o$ t!e "u""le s t!e ult mate %enter o$ reason, t!e tonal) T!e ot!er !al$ s t!e ult mate %enter o$ ' ll, t!e na(ual) T!at s t!e order t!at s!ould *re-a l7 any ot!er arran(ement s nonsens %al and *etty, "e%ause t (oes a(a nst nature7 t ro"s us o$ our ma( %al !er ta(e and redu%es us to not! n()


We !a-e one s n(le ssue le$t) Sor%erers %all t t!e se%ret o$ t!e lum nous "e n(s, and t!at s t!e $a%t t!at 'e are *er%e -ers) We men and all t!e ot!er lum nous "e n(s on eart! are *er%e -ers) T!at s our "u""le, t!e "u""le o$ *er%e*t on) Our m sta#e s to "el e-e t!at t!e only *er%e*t on 'ort!y o$ a%#no'led(ement s '!at (oes t!rou(! our reason) Sor%erers "el e-e t!at reason s only one %enter and t!at t s!ouldnt ta#e so mu%! $or (ranted) T!eres no 'ay to (et to t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on unless one !as ' ll n(ly used t!e na(ual, or rat!er, unless one !as ' ll n(ly used t!e tonal to ma#e sense out o$ ones a%t ons ' t! t!e na(ual) Anot!er 'ay o$ ma# n( all t! s %lear s to say t!at t!e - e' o$ t!e tonal must *re-a l $ one s (o n( to use t!e na(ual t!e 'ay sor%erers do) Order n *er%e*t on s t!e e9%lus -e realm o$ t!e tonal7 only t!ere %an our a%t ons !a-e a se8uen%e7 only t!ere are t!ey l #e sta r'ays '!ere one %an %ount t!e ste*s) T!ere s not! n( o$ t!at sort n t!e na(ual) T!ere$ore, t!e - e' o$ t!e tonal s a tool, and as su%! t s not only t!e "est tool "ut t!e only one 'e-e (ot) T! s s t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) T!e na(ual s t!e uns*ea#a"le) All t!e *oss "le $eel n(s and "e n(s and sel-es $loat n t l #e "ar(es, *ea%e$ul, unaltered, $ore-er) T!en t!e (lue o$ l $e " nds some o$ t!em to(et!er) W!en t!e (lue o$ l $e " nds t!ose $eel n(s to(et!er a "e n( s %reated, a "e n( t!at loses t!e sense o$ ts true nature and "e%omes "l nded "y t!e (lare and %lamor o$ t!e area '!ere "e n(s !o-er, t!e tonal) T!e tonal s '!ere all t!e un $ ed or(an :at on e9 sts) A "e n( *o*s nto t!e tonal on%e t!e $or%e o$ l $e !as "ound all t!e needed $eel n(s to(et!er) I sa d t!at "e%ause I #no' t!at as soon as t!e $or%e o$ l $e lea-es t!e "ody all t!ose s n(le a'arenesses d s nte(rate and (o "a%# a(a n to '!ere t!ey %ame $rom, t!e na(ual) W!at a 'arr or does n ;ourney n( nto t!e un#no'n s -ery mu%! l #e dy n(, e9%e*t t!at ! s %luster o$ s n(le $eel n(s do not d s nte(rate "ut e9*and a " t ' t!out los n( t!e r to(et!erness) At deat!, !o'e-er, t!ey s n# dee*ly and mo-e nde*endently as $ t!ey !ad ne-er "een a un t) T!ere s no 'ay to re$er to t!e un#no'n) One %an only ' tness t) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on says t!at ea%! o$ us !as a %enter $rom '! %! t!e na(ual %an "e assessed, t!e ' ll) T!us, a 'arr or %an -enture nto t!e na(ual and let ! s %luster arran(e and rearran(e tsel$ n any 'ay *oss "le) I-e sa d to you t!at t!e e9*ress on o$ t!e na(ual s a *ersonal matter) I meant t!at t s u* to t!e nd - dual 'arr or ! msel$ to d re%t t!e arran(ement and rearran(ement o$ t!at %luster) T!e !uman $orm or !uman $eel n(s s t!e or ( nal one, *er!a*s t s t!e s'eetest $orm o$ t!em all to us7 t!ere are


!o'e-er, an endless num"er o$ alternat -e $orms '! %! t!e %luster may ado*t) I-e sa d to you t!at a sor%erer %an ado*t any $orm !e 'ants) T!at s true) A sor%erer '!o s n *ossess on o$ t!e total ty o$ ! msel$ %an d re%t *arts o$ ! s %luster to ;o n n any %on%e -a"le 'ay) T!e $or%e o$ l $e s '!at ma#es all t!at s!u$$l n( *oss "le) On%e t!e $or%e o$ l $e s e9!austed t!ere s no 'ay to reassem"le t!at %luster) I !a-e %alled t!at %luster t!e "u""le o$ *er%e*t on) I !a-e also sa d t!at t s sealed, %losed t (!tly, and t!at t ne-er o*ens unt l t!e moment o$ our deat!) Yet t %ould "e made to o*en) Sor%erers !a-e o"- ously learned t!at se%ret, and alt!ou(! not all o$ t!em arr -e at t!e total ty o$ t!emsel-es, t!ey #no' a"out t!e *oss " l ty o$ t) T!ey #no' t!at t!e "u""le o*ens only '!en *lun(ed nto t!e na(ual) T! s s t!e last o$ t!e sor%erers tr %#s) /ets say t!at '!at Im (o n( to re-eal to you s t!e last " t o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) U* to t! s *o nt your reason !as !a*!a:ardly $ollo'ed my do n(s) Your reason s ' ll n( to adm t t!at t!e 'orld s not as t!e des%r *t on *ortrays t, t!at t!ere s mu%! more to t t!an '!at meets t!e eye) In ot!er 'ords one %an *er%e -e t!e !ere and t!e t!ere at on%e) Your reason %annot $ (!t t!e *!ys %al #no'led(e t!at you are a nameless %luster o$ $eel n(s) Your reason at t! s *o nt m (!t e-en adm t t!at t!ere s anot!er %enter o$ assem"la(e, t!e ' ll, t!rou(! '! %! t s *oss "le to ;ud(e or assess and use t!e e9traord nary e$$e%ts o$ t!e na(ual) It !as $ nally da'ned on your reason t!at one %an re$le%t t!e na(ual t!rou(! t!e ' ll, alt!ou(! one %an ne-er e9*la n t) T!e %on- %t on t!at t!ere s a real you s a result o$ t!e $a%t t!at you !a-e rall ed e-eryt! n( you-e (ot around your reason) At t! s *o nt your reason adm ts t!at t!e na(ual s t!e ndes%r "a"le, not "e%ause t!e e- den%e !as %on- n%ed t, "ut "e%ause t s sa$e to adm t t!at) Your reason s on sa$e (round, all t!e elements o$ t!e tonal are on ts s de) To ma#e reason $eel sa$e s al'ays t!e tas# o$ t!e tea%!er) I-e tr %#ed your reason nto "el e- n( t!at t!e tonal 'as a%%ounta"le and *red %ta"le) I !a-e la"ored to ( -e you t!e m*ress on t!at only t!e na(ual 'as "eyond t!e s%o*e o$ e9*lanat on7 t!e *roo$ t!at t!e tr %# n( 'as su%%ess$ul s t!at at t! s moment t seems to you t!at n s* te o$ e-eryt! n( you !a-e (one t!rou(!, t!ere s st ll a %ore t!at you %an %la m as your o'n, your reason) T!ats a m ra(e) Your *re% ous reason s only a %enter o$ assem"la(e, a m rror t!at re$le%ts somet! n( '! %! s outs de o$ t)


T!e last * e%e o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on says t!at reason s merely re$le%t n( an outs de order, and t!at reason #no's not! n( a"out t!at order, t %annot e9*la n t, n t!e same 'ay t %annot e9*la n t!e na(ual) Reason %an only ' tness t!e e$$e%ts o$ t!e tonal, "ut ne-er %ould t understand t, or unra-el t) T!e -ery $a%t t!at 'e are t! n# n( and tal# n( *o nts out an order t!at 'e $ollo' ' t!out e-er #no' n( !o' 'e do t!at, or '!at t!e order s) Sor%erers do t!e same t! n( ' t! t!e r ' ll) T!ey say t!at t!rou(! t!e ' ll t!ey %an ' tness t!e e$$e%ts o$ t!e na(ual) I %an add no' t!at t!rou(! reason, no matter '!at 'e do ' t! t, or !o' 'e do t, 'e are merely ' tness n( t!e e$$e%ts o$ t!e tonal) In "ot! %ases t!ere s no !o*e, e-er, to understand or to e9*la n '!at t s 'e are ' tness n() A sor%erer %an use t!e ' n(s o$ ! s *er%e*t on to tou%! ot!er sens " l t es, a %ro's $or nstan%e, a %oyotes, a %r %#ets, or t!e order o$ ot!er 'orlds n t!at n$ n te s*a%e) T!e ' n(s o$ *er%e*t on %an ta#e us to t!e most re%ond te %on$ nes o$ t!e na(ual, or to t!e n%on%e -a"le 'orlds o$ t!e tonal) We !a-e arr -ed at t!e last *art o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) I on%e told you t!at t!ose t'o *o nts 'ere outs de o$ onesel$ and yet t!ey 'ere not) T!at s t!e *arado9 o$ t!e lum nous "e n(s) T!e tonal o$ e-ery one o$ us s "ut a re$le%t on o$ t!at ndes%r "a"le un#no'n $ lled ' t! order7 t!e na(ual o$ e-ery one o$ us s "ut a re$le%t on o$ t!at ndes%r "a"le -o %e t!at %onta ns e-eryt! n() As you s t !ere no', you !a-e not! n( e9%e*t t!e $or%e o$ your l $e t!at " nds t!at %luster o$ $eel n(s) S t !ere and turn o$$ your nternal d alo(ue) You may (at!er t!e *o'er needed to un$old t!e ' n(s o$ your *er%e*t on and $ly nto t!at n$ n tude) On%e you !a-e entered t!e un#no'n "y yoursel$ you %annot de*end on us to "r n( you "a%#, so a de% s on s mandatory7 you must de% de '!et!er or not to return) I must also add t!at $e' 'arr ors sur- -e t!e en%ounter ' t! t!e un#no'n7 not so mu%! "e%ause t s !ard, "ut "e%ause t!e na(ual s ent % n( "eyond any statement, and 'arr ors '!o are ;ourney n( nto t $ nd t!at to return to t!e tonal, or to t!e 'orld o$ order and no se and *a n, s a most una**eal n( a$$a r)


T!e de% s on to stay or to return s done "y somet! n( n us '! %! s ne t!er our reason nor our des re, "ut our ' ll, so t!ere s no 'ay o$ #no' n( t!e out%ome o$ t "e$ore!and) I$ you %!oose not to return you ' ll d sa**ear as $ t!e eart! !ad s'allo'ed you) But $ you %!oose to return to t! s eart! you must 'a t l #e a true 'arr or unt l your *art %ular tas#s are $ n s!ed) On%e t!ey are $ n s!ed e t!er n su%%ess or de$eat, you ' ll !a-e t!e %ommand o-er t!e total ty o$ yoursel$) T! s means t!at t!e 'arr or !as $ nally en%ountered *o'er) No one %an tell '!at ea%! 'arr or 'ould do ' t! t7 *er!a*s you ' ll roam *ea%e$ully and unnot %ed on t!e $a%e o$ t!e eart!, or *er!a*s you ' ll turn out to "e a !ate$ul man, or *er!a*s notor ous, or # nd) All t!at de*ends on t!e m*e%%a" l ty and t!e $reedom o$ your s* r t) T!e m*ortant t! n(, !o'e-er, s your tas#) T!at s t!e "esto'al made "y a tea%!er and "ene$a%tor to t!e r a**rent %es) I *ray t!at you ' ll su%%eed n "r n( n( your tas#s to a %ulm nat on) Wa t n( to $ul$ ll a tas# s a -ery s*e% al 'a t n() I$ you de% de to return to t! s eart! you ' ll !a-e to 'a t l #e a true 'arr or unt l your tas#s are $ul$ lled) Your only %!an%e s your m*e%%a" l ty) You must 'a t ' t!out loo# n( "a%#) You must 'a t ' t!out e9*e%t n( re'ards) And you must a m all o$ your *ersonal *o'er at $ul$ ll n( your tas#s) I$ you dont a%t m*e%%a"ly, $ you "e( n to $ret and (et m*at ent and des*erate, youll "e %ut do'n mer% lessly "y t!e s!ar*s!ooters $rom t!e un#no'n) I$, on t!e ot!er !and, your m*e%%a" l ty and *ersonal *o'er are su%! t!at you are %a*a"le o$ $ul$ ll n( your tas#s, you ' ll t!en a%! e-e t!e *rom se o$ *o'er) And '!ats t!at *rom se, you may as#) It s a *rom se t!at *o'er ma#es to men as lum nous "e n(s) Ea%! 'arr or !as a d $$erent $ate, so t!ere s no 'ay o$ tell n( '!at t!at *rom se ' ll "e $or you) You !a-e learned t!at t!e "a%#"one o$ a 'arr or s to "e !um"le and e$$ % ent) You !a-e learned to a%t ' t!out e9*e%t n( anyt! n( n return, No' I tell you t!at n order to ' t!stand '!at l es a!ead o$ you "eyond t! s day youll need your ult mate $or"earan%e) A 'arr or must al'ays "e ready) T!e $ate o$ all o$ us !ere !as "een to #no' t!at 'e are *r soners o$ *o'er) No one #no's '!y us n *art %ular, "ut '!at a (reat $ortune)


We are all alone) T!at s our %ond t on) We are alone) But to d e alone s not to d e n lonel ness) A 'arr or a%#no'led(es ! s *a n, "ut !e doesnt ndul(e n t) T!us t!e mood o$ a 'arr or '!o enters nto t!e un#no'n s not one o$ sadness7 on t!e %ontrary, !es ;oy$ul "e%ause !e $eels !um"led "y ! s (reat $ortune, %on$ dent t!at ! s s* r t s m*e%%a"le, and a"o-e all, $ully a'are o$ ! s e$$ % en%y) A 'arr ors ;oy$ulness %omes $rom !a- n( a%%e*ted ! s $ate, and $rom !a- n( trut!$ully assessed '!at l es a!ead o$ ! m) T!e l $e o$ a 'arr or %annot *oss "ly "e %old and lonely and ' t!out $eel n(s, "e%ause t s "ased on ! s a$$e%t on, ! s de-ot on, ! s ded %at on to ! s "elo-ed) And '!o, you may as#, s ! s "elo-ed< T! s eart!, t! s 'orld) 2or a 'arr or t!ere %an "e no (reater lo-e) Only $ one lo-es t! s eart! ' t! un"end n( *ass on %an one release ones sadness) A 'arr or s al'ays ;oy$ul "e%ause ! s lo-e s unaltera"le and ! s "elo-ed, t!e eart!, em"ra%es ! m and "esto's u*on ! m n%on%e -a"le ( $ts) T!e sadness "elon(s only to t!ose '!o !ate t!e -ery t! n( t!at ( -es s!elter to t!e r "e n(s) T! s lo-ely "e n(, '! %! s al -e to ts last re%esses and understands e-ery $eel n(, soot!ed me, t %ured me o$ my *a ns, and $ nally '!en I !ad $ully understood my lo-e $or t, t tau(!t me $reedom) / sten to t!at "ar# n() T!at s t!e 'ay my "elo-ed eart! s !el* n( me no' to "r n( t! s last *o nt to you) T!at "ar# n( s t!e saddest t! n( one %an !ear) T!at do(s "ar# n( s t!e no%turnal -o %e o$ a man) It %omes $rom a !ouse n t!at -alley to'ard t!e sout!) A man s s!out n( t!rou(! ! s do(, s n%e t!ey are %om*an on sla-es $or l $e) It s*ea#s o$ ! s sadness, ! s "oredom) Hes "e(( n( ! s deat! to %ome and release ! m $rom t!e dull and dreary %!a ns o$ ! s l $e) T!at "ar# n(, and t!e lonel ness t %reates, s*ea#s o$ t!e $eel n(s o$ men) Men $or '!om an ent re l $e 'as l #e one Sunday a$ternoon '! %! 'as not alto(et!er m sera"le, "ut rat!er !ot and dull and un%om$orta"le) T!ey s'eated and $ussed a (reat deal) T!ey d dnt #no' '!ere to (o, or '!at to do) T!at a$ternoon le$t t!em only ' t! t!e memory o$ *etty annoyan%es and ted um, and t!en suddenly t 'as o-er7 t 'as already n (!t)


T!e ant dote t!at # lls t!at *o son s !ere) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on %annot at all l "erate t!e s* r t) /oo# at you) You !a-e (otten t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on, "ut t doesnt ma#e any d $$eren%e t!at you #no' t) Youre more alone t!an e-er, "e%ause ' t!out an un'a-er n( lo-e $or t!e "e n( t!at ( -es you s!elter, aloneness s lonel ness) Only t!e lo-e $or t! s s*lendorous "e n( %an ( -e $reedom to a 'arr ors s* r ts7 and $reedom s ;oy, e$$ % en%y, and a"andon n t!e $a%e o$ any odds) T!at s t!e last lesson) It s al'ays le$t $or t!e -ery last moment, $or t!e moment o$ ult mate sol tude '!en a man $a%es ! s deat! and ! s aloneness) Only t!en does t ma#e sense) T!ere are many 'ays o$ say n( $are'ell) T!e "est 'ay s *er!a*s "y !old n( a *art %ular memory o$ ;oy$ulness) 2or nstan%e, $ you l -e l #e a 'arr or, t!e 'armt! you $elt '!en t!e l ttle "oy rode on your s!oulders ' ll "e $res! and %utt n( $or as lon( as you l -e) T!at s a 'arr ors 'ay o$ say n( $are'ell) G


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