Warrior Way
Warrior Way
Warrior Way
INTRODUCTION All mater al n t! s "oo# s ta#en $rom t!e $ rst $our o$ Don Carlos Castanedas "oo#s o$ Tolte% &no'led(e) T! s !as "een done to solate t!e tea%! n(s *ro*er $rom t!e story o$ Castaneda+s a**rent %es! *) Its use s ntended to "e su**lemental and %om*lementary to t!e or ( nal 'or#) It s!ould "e noted t!at t!ese tea%! n(s 'ere s*e% $ %ally d re%ted to Don Carlos, and 'ere not ne%essar ly tau(!t as t!ey 'ould !a-e "een to anot!er a**rent %e) Nonet!eless, t s !o*ed t!ey ' ll *ro- de use$ul (u dan%e to t!e s n%ere student) .Ed tor
CONTENTS BA/ANCE00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 YOUR S1IRIT IS UNBA/ANCED00000000000000000000000000000 THE 1ATH O2 &NOW/ED3E000000000000000000000000000000000 WARRIORS0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE 1ATH WITH A HEART000000000000000000000000000000000 HUNTERS00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1ERSONA/ 1OWER000000000000000000000000000000000000 WI//0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE CRAC& BETWEEN THE WOR/DS000000000000000000000000 SORCERY00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SEEIN3000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 CONTRO//ED 2O//Y0000000000000000000000000000000000 THE 2OUR ENEMIES O2 A MAN O2 &NOW/ED3E00000000000000 1ROCEDURES000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ERASIN3 1ERSONA/ HISTORY0000000000000000000000000000 DEATH AS AN AD4ISOR00000000000000000000000000000000 /OSIN3 SE/2.IM1ORTANCE000000000000000000000000000000 ASSUMIN3 RES1ONSIBI/ITY 2OR ONE+S ACTS000000000000000 STO11IN3 THE WOR/D000000000000000000000000000000000 SETTIN3 U1 DREAMIN300000000000000000000000000000000 NOT.DOIN30000000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE A//IES00000000000000000000000000000000000000 2INDIN3 YOUR S1OT000000000000000000000000000000000 THE RI3HT WAY O2 WA/&IN30000000000000000000000000000 /ISTENIN3 TO THE SOUNDS O2 THE WOR/D00000000000000000 THE 3AIT O2 1OWER000000000000000000000000000000000 IN MOMENTS O2 2EAR OR DISTRESS00000000000000000000000 STO11IN3 OUR 2E//OW MEN00000000000000000000000000000 CON2RONTIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S0000000000000000000000000000 NOTHIN300000000000000000000000000000000000000000
THE WARRIOR+S 3A5E00000000000000000000000000000000 THE 2I3HTIN3 2ORM0000000000000000000000000000000000 THE CUBIC CENTIMETER O2 CHANCE00000000000000000000000 THE 1/ACE O2 1REDE/ICTION0000000000000000000000000000 SEEIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S00000000000000000000000000000000 SEEIN3 1EO1/E WHO AREN+T 1RESENT000000000000000000000 E61/ANATION00000000000000000000000000000000000000 THE THE THE THE TOTA/ITY O2 ONESE/200000000000000000000000000000 DAY O2 THE TONA/0000000000000000000000000000000 A22AIRS O2 THE NA3UA/0000000000000000000000000000 SORCERER+S E61/ANATION00000000000000000000000000
BA/ANCE YOUR S1IRIT IS UNBA/ANCED You d'ell u*on yoursel$ too mu%!) T!at+s t!e trou"le) T!at *rodu%es a terr "le $at (ue, and t!at $at (ue ' ll ma#e you dea$ and "l nd to e-eryt! n( else) See# and see t!e mar-els all around you) You ' ll (et t red o$ loo# n( at yoursel$ alone) T!e 'ay I see t you 'ant to %l n( to your ar(uments, des* te t!e $a%t t!at t!ey "r n( not! n( to you7 you 'ant to rema n t!e same e-en at t!e %ost o$ your 'ell."e n() I+m tal# n( a"out t!e $a%t t!at you+re not %om*lete) You !a-e no *ea%e) Well."e n( s a %ond t on one !as to (room, a %ond t on one !as to "e%ome a%8ua nted ' t! n order to see# t) You don+t #no' '!at 'ell."e n( s "e%ause you !a-e ne-er e9*er en%ed t) T!e only t! n( you #no' !o' to see# s a sense o$ d sor entat on, ll."e n( and %on$us on) In order to a%%om*l s! t!e $eat o$ ma# n( yoursel$ m sera"le you !a-e to 'or# n a most ntense $as! on, and t s a"surd you !a-e ne-er real :ed you %an 'or# ;ust t!e same n ma# n( yoursel$ %om*lete and stron() T!e tr %# s n '!at one em*!as :es) We e t!er ma#e oursel-es m sera"le, or 'e ma#e oursel-es stron() T!e amount o$ 'or# s t!e same) You ndul(e) You $eel t!at ndul( n( n dou"ts and tr "ulat ons s t!e s (n o$ a sens t -e man) Well, t!e trut! o$ t!e matter s t!at you+re t!e $art!est t! n( $rom "e n( sens t -e) So '!y *retend< A 'arr or a%%e*ts n !um"leness '!at !e s) You al'ays ns st on #no' n( t! n(s $rom t!e "e( nn n(, "ut t!ere+s no "e( nn n(7 t!e "e( nn n( s only n your t!ou(!t) You ns st on e9*la n n( t! n(s as $ t!e '!ole 'orld 'ere %om*osed o$ t! n(s t!at %an "e e9*la ned) W!y s!ould t!e 'orld "e only as you t! n# t s< W!o (a-e you t!e aut!or ty to say so< To "el e-e t!e 'orld s only as you t! n# t s s stu* d) T!e 'orld s a myster ous *la%e) THE 1ATH O2 &NOW/ED3E
/et+s say t!at a rule o$ t!um" $or you s!ould "e t!at '!en you %ome to see me you s!ould %ome *re*ared to d e) I$ you %ome ready to d e, t!ere s!ouldn+t "e any * t$alls or un'el%ome sur*r ses, or any unne%essary a%ts) E-eryt! n( s!ould (ently $all nto *la%e "e%ause you+re e9*e%t n( not! n() Man l -es only to learn) And $ !e learns t s "e%ause t!at s t!e nature o$ ! s lot, $or (ood or "ad) We do %on$use oursel-es del "erately) All o$ us are a'are o$ our do n(s) Our *uny reason del "erately ma#es tsel$ nto t!e monster t $an% es tsel$ to "e) It+s too l ttle $or su%! a " ( mold t!ou(!) T!ere are 'orlds u*on 'orlds, r (!t !ere n $ront o$ us) And t!ey are not! n( to lau(! at) E-ery t me one s %areless n matters o$ sor%ery, one s *lay n( ' t! an mm nent and senseless deat! t!at %ould "e a-erted "y "e n( t!ou(!t$ul and a'are) One (oes to #no'led(e or to 'ar ' t! $ear, ' t! res*e%t, a'are t!at one s (o n( to 'ar, and ' t! a"solute %on$ den%e n onesel$) 1ut your trust n yoursel$, not n me) Out t!ere, t!ere s only #no'led(e) &no'led(e s $r (!ten n(, true7 "ut $ a 'arr or a%%e*ts t!e $r (!ten n( nature o$ #no'led(e !e %an%els out ts a'esomeness) &no'led(e s a most *e%ul ar a$$a r, es*e% ally $or a 'arr or) &no'led(e $or a 'arr or s somet! n( t!at %omes at on%e, en(ul$s ! m, and *asses on) &no'led(e %omes $loat n( l #e s*e%#s o$ (old dust, t!e same dust t!at %o-ers t!e ' n(s o$ mot!s) So, $or a 'arr or, #no'led(e s l #e ta# n( a s!o'er, or "e n( ra ned on "y s*e%#s o$ (old dust) T! n# o$ t! s) T!e 'orld doesn+t y eld to us d re%tly, t!e des%r *t on o$ t!e 'orld stands n "et'een) So, *ro*erly s*ea# n(, 'e are al'ays one ste* remo-ed and our e9*er en%e o$ t!e 'orld s al'ays a re%olle%t on o$ t!e e9*er en%e) We are *erenn ally re%olle%t n( t!e nstant t!at !as ;ust !a**ened, ;ust *assed) We re%olle%t, re%olle%t, re%olle%t) T!ere s no $uture) T!e $uture s only a 'ay o$ tal# n() 2or a sor%erer t!ere s only t!e !ere and no') Sol d ty, %or*orealness are memor es) T!ere$ore, l #e e-eryt! n( else 'e $eel a"out t!e 'orld, t!ey are memor es 'e a%%umulate) Memor es o$ t!e des%r *t on) You !a-e t!e memory o$ my sol d ty, t!ere$ore you $eel me as "e n( sol d)
We are *er%e -ers) We are an a'areness7 'e are not o";e%ts7 'e !a-e no sol d ty) We are "oundless) T!e 'orld o$ o";e%ts and sol d ty s a 'ay o$ ma# n( our *assa(e on eart! %on-en ent) It s only a des%r *t on t!at 'as %reated to !el* us) We, or rat!er our reason, $or(et t!at t!e des%r *t on and t!us entra* t!e total ty o$ oursel-es n a - % ous % r%le $rom '! %! 'e rarely es%a*e n our l $et me) A *!ony sor%erer tr es to e9*la n e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld ' t! e9*lanat ons !e s not sure a"out, and so e-eryt! n( s ' t%!%ra$t) But t!en you+re no "etter) You also 'ant to e9*la n e-eryt! n( your 'ay "ut you+re not sure o$ your e9*lanat on e t!er) T!e *at! o$ #no'led(e s a $or%ed one) In order to learn 'e must "e s*urred) In t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e 'e are al'ays $ (!t n( somet! n(, a-o d n( somet! n(, *re*ared $or somet! n(7 and t!at somet! n( s al'ays ne9*l %a"le, (reater, more *o'er$ul t!an us) T!e ne9*l %a"le $or%es ' ll %ome to you, so t!ere s not! n( you %an do no' "ut *re*are yoursel$ $or t!e stru((le) But t!ere+s no em*t ness n t!e l $e o$ a man o$ #no'led(e, I tell you) E-eryt! n( s $ lled to t!e "r m) E-eryt! n( s $ lled to t!e "r m and e-eryt! n( s e8ual) WARRIORS I$ you really $eel your s* r t s d storted you s!ould $ 9 t.*ur(e t, ma#e t *er$e%t, "e%ause t!ere s no ot!er tas# n our ent re l -es '! %! s more 'ort!'! le) Not to $ 9 t!e s* r t s to see# deat!, and t!at s t!e same as to see# not! n(, s n%e deat! s (o n( to o-erta#e us re(ardless o$ anyt! n() To see# t!e *er$e%t on o$ t!e 'arr or+s s* r t s t!e only tas# 'ort!y o$ our man!ood) My "ene$a%tor sa d t!at '!en a man em"ar#s on t!e *at!s o$ sor%ery !e "e%omes a'are, n a (radual manner, t!at ord nary l $e !as "een $ore-er le$t "e! nd) T!at #no'led(e s ndeed a $r (!ten n( a$$a r7 t!at t!e means o$ t!e ord nary 'orld are no lon(er a "u$$er $or ! m7 and t!at !e must ado*t a ne' 'ay o$ l $e $ !e s (o n( to sur- -e) T!e $ rst t! n( !e ou(!t to do, at t!at *o nt, s to 'ant to "e%ome a 'arr or, a -ery m*ortant ste* and de% s on) A 'arr or starts o$$ ' t! t!e %erta nty t!at ! s s* r t s o$$ "alan%e7 t!en "y l - n( n $ull %ontrol and a'areness, "ut ' t!out !urry or %om*uls on, !e does ! s ult mate "est to (a n ! s "alan%e)
T!ere s no $la' n t!e 'arr or+s 'ay) 2ollo' t and your a%ts %annot "e %r t % :ed "y anyone) T!e "as % d $$eren%e "et'een an ord nary man and a 'arr or s t!at a 'arr or ta#es e-eryt! n( as a %!allen(e '! le an ord nary man ta#es e-eryt! n( e t!er as a "less n( or a %urse) A 'arr or must "e %alm and %olle%ted and ne-er lose ! s (r *) Only as a 'arr or %an one ' t!stand t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) A 'arr or %annot %om*la n or re(ret anyt! n() H s l $e s an endless %!allen(e, and %!allen(es %annot *oss "ly "e (ood or "ad) C!allen(es are s m*ly %!allen(es) You ! n(e e-eryt! n( on t!e $eel n( t!at e-eryt! n( s too mu%! $or you) No matter !o' mu%! you l #e to $eel sorry $or yoursel$, you !a-e to %!an(e t!at) It doesn+t ; "e ' t! t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or) All o$ us (o t!rou(! t!e same s!enan (ans) T!e only 'ay to o-er%ome t!em s to *ers st n a%t n( l #e a 'arr or) T!e rest %omes o$ tsel$ and "y tsel$) T!e rest s #no'led(e and *o'er) Men o$ #no'led(e !a-e "ot!) And yet none o$ t!em %ould tell !o' t!ey (ot to !a-e t!em, e9%e*t t!at t!ey #e*t on a%t n( l #e 'arr ors and at a ( -en moment e-eryt! n( %!an(ed) A 'arr or must "e $lu d and must s! $t !armon ously ' t! t!e 'orld around ! m '!et!er t s t!e 'orld o$ reason or t!e 'orld o$ ' ll) T!e most dan(erous *art o$ t!at s! $t n( %omes $ort! e-ery t me t!e 'arr or $ nds t!at t!e 'orld s ne t!er t!e one nor t!e ot!er) I 'as told t!at t!e only 'ay to su%%eed n t!at %ru% al s! $t n( 'as "y *ro%eed n( n one+s a%t ons as $ one "el e-ed) In ot!er 'ords t!e se%ret o$ a 'arr or s t!at !e "el e-es ' t!out "el e- n() But o"- ously a 'arr or %annot ;ust say !e "el e-es and let t (o at t!at) T!at 'ould "e too easy) To ;ust "el e-e 'ould e9onerate ! m $rom e9am n n( ! s s tuat on) A 'arr or, '!ene-er !e !as to n-ol-e ! msel$ ' t! "el e- n(, does t as a %!o %e, as an e9*ress on o$ ! s nnermost *red le%t on) A 'arr or doesn+t "el e-e, a 'arr or !as to "el e-e) Only as a 'arr or %an one sur- -e t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e, "e%ause t!e art o$ a 'arr or s to "alan%e t!e terror o$ "e n( a man ' t! t!e 'onder o$ "e n( a man) Any 'arr or %an "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e) As I told you, a 'arr or s an m*e%%a"le !unter t!at !unts *o'er) I$ !e su%%eeds n ! s !unt n( !e %an "e a man o$ #no'led(e)
But you 'ant to $ nd t!e mean n( o$ l $e) A 'arr or doesnt %are a"out mean n(s) I$ /u%as l -ed l #e a 'arr or..and !e !ad a %!an%e to, as 'e all !a-e a %!an%e to..!e 'ould set ! s l $e strate( %ally) T!us $ !e %ouldn+t a-o d an a%% dent t!at %rus!ed ! s r "s, !e 'ould !a-e $ound means to o$$set t!at !and %a*, or a-o d ts %onse8uen%es, or "attle a(a nst t!em) I$ /u%as 'ere a 'arr or !e 'ouldn+t "e s tt n( n ! s d n(y !ouse dy n( o$ star-at on) He 'ould "e "attl n( to t!e end) You must %ult -ate t!e $eel n( t!at a 'arr or needs not! n() You say you need !el*, !el* $or '!at< You !a-e e-eryt! n( needed $or t!e e9tra-a(ant ;ourney t!at s your l $e) I !a-e tr ed to tea%! you t!at t!e real e9*er en%e s to "e a man, and t!at '!at %ounts s "e n( al -e7 l $e s t!e l ttle detour t!at 'e are ta# n( no') / $e tsel$ s su$$ % ent, sel$.e9*lanatory and %om*lete) A 'arr or understands t! s and l -es a%%ord n(ly7 t!ere$ore one may say ' t!out "e n( *resum*tuous t!at t!e e9*er en%e o$ e9*er en%es s "e n( a 'arr or) I$ a 'arr or needs sola%e !e s m*ly %!ooses anyone and e9*resses to t!at *erson e-ery deta l o$ ! s turmo l) A$ter all, t!e 'arr or s not see# n( to "e understood or !el*ed7 "y tal# n( !e+s merely rel e- n( ! msel$ o$ ! s *ressure) T!at s, *ro- d n( t!at t!e 'arr or s ( -en to tal# n(7 $ !e+s not !e tells no one) But you+re not l - n( l #e a 'arr or alto(et!er) Not yet any'ay) And t!e * t$alls t!at you en%ounter must "e truly monumental) You !a-e all my sym*at!y) A 'arr or ma#es ! s o'n mood) You d dn+t #no' t!at) T!e !ardest t! n( n t!e 'orld s to assume t!e mood o$ a 'arr or) It s o$ no use to "e sad and %om*la n and $eel ;ust $ ed n do n( so, "el e- n( t!at someone s al'ays do n( somet! n( to us) No"ody s do n( anyt! n( to any"ody, mu%! less a 'arr or) Sel$.* ty doesn+t ; "e ' t! *o'er) T!e mood o$ a 'arr or %alls $or %ontrol o-er ! msel$ and at t!e same t me t %alls $or a"andon n( ! msel$) It+s a d $$ %ult te%!n 8ue) It s re8u red t!at you !old onto yoursel$ and let (o o$ yoursel$ at t!e same t me) T!at+s '!at I %all t!e mood o$ a 'arr or) It+s %on-en ent to al'ays a%t n su%! a mood) It %uts t!rou(! t!e %ra* and lea-es one *ur $ ed) One needs t!e mood o$ a 'arr or $or e-ery s n(le a%t) Ot!er' se one "e%omes d storted) T!ere s no *o'er n l $e t!at la%#s t! s mood) /oo# at yoursel$) E-eryt! n( o$$ends and u*sets you) You '! ne and %om*la n and $eel t!at e-eryone s
ma# n( you dan%e to t!e r tune) You are a lea$ at t!e mer%y o$ t!e ' nd) T!ere s no *o'er n your l $e) W!at an u(ly $eel n( t!at must "e) T!e sel$.%on$ den%e o$ t!e 'arr or s not t!e sel$.%on$ den%e o$ t!e a-era(e man) T!e a-era(e man see#s %erta nty n t!e eyes o$ t!e onloo#er and %alls t!at sel$.%on$ den%e) T!e 'arr or see#s m*e%%a" l ty n ! s o'n eyes and %alls t!at !um"leness) T!e a-era(e man s !oo#ed to ! s $ello' men, '! le t!e 'arr or s !oo#ed only to ! msel$) 1er!a*s you are %!as n( ra n"o's) You+re a$ter t!e sel$.%on$ den%e o$ t!e a-era(e man, '!en you s!ould "e a$ter t!e !um"leness o$ a 'arr or) T!e d $$eren%e "et'een t!e t'o s remar#a"le) Sel$.%on$ den%e enta ls #no' n( somet! n( $or sure7 !um"leness means "e n( m*e%%a"le n one+s a%t ons and $eel n(s) A 'arr or %annot "e !el*less, or "e' ldered, not under any % r%umstan%es) 2or a 'arr or t!ere s t me only $or ! s m*e%%a" l ty7 e-eryt! n( else dra ns ! s *o'er, m*e%%a" l ty re*len s!es t) Im*e%%a" l ty s to do your "est n '!ate-er you+re en(a(ed n) T!e #ey to all t!ese matters o$ m*e%%a" l ty s t!e sense o$ !a- n( or not !a- n( t me) As a rule o$ t!um", '!en you $eel and a%t l #e an mmortal "e n( t!at !as all t!e t me n t!e 'orld you are not m*e%%a"le7 at t!ose t mes you s!ould turn, loo# around, and t!en you ' ll real :e t!at your $eel n( o$ !a- n( t me s an d o%y) T!ere are no sur- -ors on t! s eart!) A 'arr or s ne-er dle and ne-er n a !urry) A 'arr or #no's t!at !e s 'a t n( and '!at !e s 'a t n( $or7 and '! le !e 'a ts !e 'ants not! n(, and t!us '!ate-er l ttle t! n( !e (ets s more t!an !e %an ta#e) I$ !e needs to eat !e $ nds a 'ay, "e%ause !e s not !un(ry7 $ somet! n( !urts ! s "ody !e $ nds a 'ay to sto* t, "e%ause !e s not n *a n) To "e !un(ry or to "e n *a n means t!at t!e man !as a"andoned ! msel$ and s no lon(er a 'arr or7 and t!e $or%es o$ ! s !un(er and *a n ' ll destroy ! m) A rule o$ t!um" $or a 'arr or s t!at !e ma#es ! s de% s ons so %are$ully t!at not! n( t!at may !a**en as a result o$ t!em %an sur*r se ! m, mu%! less dra n ! s *o'er) Worry and t! n# "e$ore you ma#e any de% s on, "ut on%e you ma#e t, "e on your 'ay $ree $rom 'orr es or t!ou(!ts) T!ere ' ll "e a m ll on ot!er de% s ons st ll a'a t n( you) T!at+s t!e 'arr or+s 'ay) / $e $or a 'arr or s an e9er% se n strate(y)
You are a'are o$ e-eryt! n( only '!en you t! n# you s!ould "e7 t!e %ond t on o$ a 'arr or, !o'e-er, s to "e a'are o$ e-eryt! n( at all t mes) A 'arr or s ne-er a-a la"le7 ne-er s !e stand n( n t!e road, 'a t n( to "e %lo""ered) T!us !e %uts to a m n mum ! s %!an%es o$ t!e un$oreseen) W!at you %all a%% dents are, most o$ t!e t me, -ery easy to a-o d, e9%e*t $or $ools '!o are l - n( !elter.s#elter) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, s a !unter) He %al%ulates e-eryt! n() T!at+s %ontrol) But on%e ! s %al%ulat ons are o-er, !e a%ts) He lets (o= T!at+s a"andon) A 'arr or s not a lea$ at t!e mer%y o$ t!e ' nd) No one %an *us! ! m7 no one %an ma#e ! m do t! n(s a(a nst ! msel$ or a(a nst ! s "etter ;ud(ment) A 'arr or s tuned to sur- -e, and !e sur- -es n t!e "est o$ all *oss "le $as! ons) T!e mood o$ a 'arr or s not so $ar.$et%!ed $or yours or any"ody+s 'orld) You need t n order to %ut t!rou(! all t!e (u$$) To a%! e-e t!e mood o$ a 'arr or s not a s m*le matter) It s a re-olut on) To re(ard t!e l on and t!e 'ater rats and our $ello' men as e8uals s a ma(n $ %ent a%t o$ t!e 'arr or s* r t) It ta#es *o'er to do t!at) A 'arr or ta#es ! s lot, '!ate-er t may "e, and a%%e*ts t n ult mate !um"leness) He a%%e*ts n !um"leness '!at !e s, not as (rounds $or re(ret, "ut as a l - n( %!allen(e) It ta#es t me $or e-ery one o$ us to understand t!at *o nt and $ully l -e t) I, $or nstan%e, !ated t!e mere ment on o$ t!e 'ord >!um"leness)> I+m an Ind an and 'e Ind ans !a-e al'ays "een !um"le and !a-e done not! n( else "ut lo'er our !eads) I t!ou(!t !um"leness 'as not n t!e 'arr or+s 'ay) I 'as 'ron(= I #no' no' t!at t!e !um"leness o$ a 'arr or s not t!e !um"leness o$ a "e((ar) T!e 'arr or lo'ers ! s !ead to no one, "ut at t!e same t me, !e doesn+t *erm t anyone to lo'er ! s !ead to ! m) T!e "e((ar, on t!e ot!er !and, $alls to ! s #nees at t!e dro* o$ a !at and s%ra*es t!e $loor $or anyone !e deems to "e ! (!er7 "ut at t!e same t me !e demands t!at someone lo'er t!an ! m s%ra*e t!e $loor $or ! m) T!at+s '!y I don+t understand '!at masters $eel l #e) I #no' only t!e !um"leness o$ a 'arr or, and t!at ' ll ne-er *erm t me to "e anyone+s master) You l #e t!e !um"leness o$ a "e((ar) You "o' your !ead to reason)
A 'arr or s al'ays ready) To "e a 'arr or s not a s m*le matter o$ ' s! n( to "e one) It s rat!er an endless stru((le t!at ' ll (o on to t!e -ery last moment o$ our l -es) No"ody s "orn a 'arr or, n e9a%tly t!e same 'ay t!at no"ody s "orn a reasona"le "e n() We ma#e oursel-es nto t!e one or t!e ot!er) It+s your duty to *ut your m nd at ease) Warr ors do not ' n - %tory "y "eat n( t!e r !eads a(a nst t!e 'alls, "ut "y o-erta# n( t!e 'alls) Warr ors ;um* o-er t!e 'alls7 t!ey don+t demol s! t!em) T!e s* r t o$ t!e 'arr or s not (eared to ndul( n( and %om*la n n(, nor s t (eared to ' nn n( or los n() T!e s* r t o$ a 'arr or s (eared only to stru((le, and e-ery stru((le s a 'arr or+s last "attle on eart!) T!us t!e out%ome matters -ery l ttle to ! m) In ! s last "attle on eart! a 'arr or lets ! s s* r t $lo' $ree and %lear) And as !e 'a(es ! s "attle, #no' n( t!at ! s ' ll s m*e%%a"le, a 'arr or lau(!s and lau(!s) T! s s your 'orld) You are a man o$ t!at 'orld) And out t!ere, n t!at 'orld s your !unt n( (round) As a !unter, a 'arr or #no's t!at t!e 'orld s made to "e used) So !e uses e-ery " t o$ t) A 'arr or s l #e a * rate t!at !as no 8ualms n ta# n( and us n( anyt! n( !e 'ants, e9%e*t t!at t!e 'arr or doesn+t m nd, or !e doesn+t $eel nsulted '!en !e s used and ta#en ! msel$) A 'arr or sele%ts t!e tems t!at ma#e ! s 'orld) He sele%ts del "erately, $or e-ery tem !e %!ooses s a s! eld t!at *rote%ts ! m $rom t!e onslau(!ts o$ t!e $or%es !e s str - n( to use) A 'arr or 'ould use ! s s! elds to *rote%t ! msel$ $rom ! s ally, $or nstan%e) T!e a-era(e man, '!o s e8ually surrounded "y t!ose ne9*l %a"le $or%es, s o"l - ous to t!em "e%ause !e !as ot!er # nds o$ s*e% al s! elds to *rote%t ! msel$) /oo# around you) 1eo*le are do n( t!at '! %! *eo*le do) T!ose are t!e r s! elds) W!ene-er a sor%erer !as an en%ounter ' t! any o$ t!ose ne9*l %a"le and un"end n( $or%es 'e !a-e tal#ed a"out, ! s (a* o*ens, ma# n( ! m more sus%e*t "le to ! s deat! t!an !e ord nar ly s7 'e d e t!rou(! t!at (a*, t!ere$ore $ t s o*en one s!ould !a-e ! s ' ll ready to $ ll t7 t!at s $ one s a 'arr or) I$ one s not a 'arr or, l #e yoursel$, t!en one !as no ot!er re%ourse "ut to use t!e a%t - t es o$ da ly l $e to ta#e one+s m nd a'ay $rom t!e $r (!t o$ t!e en%ounter and t!us allo' one+s (a* to %lose) A 'arr or en%ounters t!ose ne9*l %a"le and un"end n( $or%es "e%ause !e s del "erately see# n( t!em, t!us !e s al'ays *re*ared $or t!e en%ounter)
I *ersonally "el e-e t!at to "e a 'arr or s more su ta"le t!an anyt! n( else) T!ere$ore I !a-e endea-ored to s!o' you t!ose $or%es as a sor%erer *er%e -es t!em, "e%ause only under t!e r terr $y n( m*a%t %an one "e%ome a 'arr or) To see ' t!out $ rst "e n( a 'arr or 'ould ma#e you 'ea#7 t 'ould ( -e you a $alse mee#ness, a des re to retreat7 your "ody 'ould de%ay "e%ause you 'ould "e%ome nd $$erent) It s my *ersonal %omm tment to ma#e you a 'arr or so you 'on+t %rum"le) I !a-e !eard you say t me and t me a(a n t!at you are al'ays *re*ared to d e) I don+t re(ard t!at $eel n( as ne%essary) I t! n# t s a useless ndul(en%e) A 'arr or s!ould "e *re*ared only to "attle) I !a-e also !eard you say t!at your *arents n;ured your s* r t) I t! n# t!e s* r t o$ man s somet! n( t!at %an "e n;ured -ery eas ly, alt!ou(! not "y t!e same a%ts you yoursel$ %all n;ur ous) I "el e-e your *arents d d n;ure you "y ma# n( you ndul(ent and so$t and ( -en to d'ell n() T!ere s not! n( n t! s 'orld t!at a 'arr or %annot a%%ount $or) You see, a 'arr or %ons ders ! msel$ already dead, so t!ere s not! n( $or ! m to lose) T!e 'orst !as already !a**ened to ! m, t!ere$ore !e+s %lear and %alm7 ;ud( n( ! m "y ! s a%ts or "y ! s 'ords, one 'ould ne-er sus*e%t t!at !e !as ' tnessed e-eryt! n() A 'arr or treats e-eryt! n( ' t! res*e%t and does not tram*le on anyt! n( unless !e !as to) A 'arr or ne-er turns ! s "a%# to *o'er ' t!out aton n( $or t!e $a-ors re%e -ed) In order to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e one must "e a 'arr or, not a '! m*er n( %! ld) One must str -e ' t!out ( - n( u*, ' t!out a %om*la nt, ' t!out $l n%! n(, unt l one sees, only to real :e t!at not! n( matters)
THE 1ATH WITH A HEART It s t!e %ons stent %!o %e o$ t!e *at! ' t! !eart '! %! ma#es a 'arr or d $$erent $rom t!e a-era(e man) He #no's t!at a *at! !as !eart '!en !e s one ' t! t, '!en !e e9*er en%es a (reat *ea%e and *leasure n tra-ers n( ts len(t!) Anyt! n( s one o$ a m ll on *at!s) T!ere$ore you must al'ays #ee* n m nd t!at a *at! s only a *at!7 $ you $eel you s!ould not $ollo' t, you must not stay ' t! t under any %ond t ons) To !a-e su%! %lar ty you must lead a d s% *l ned l $e) Only t!en ' ll you #no' t!at any *at! s only a *at! and t!ere s no a$$ront to onesel$ or to ot!ers n dro** n( t $ t!at s '!at your
!eart tells you to do) But your de% s on to #ee* on t!e *at! or to lea-e t must "e $ree o$ $ear or am" t on) I 'arn you) /oo# at e-ery *at! %losely and del "erately) Try t as many t mes as you t! n# ne%essary) T! s 8uest on s one t!at only a -ery old man as#s) My "ene$a%tor told me a"out t on%e '!en I 'as youn(, and my "lood 'as too - (orous $or me to understand t) No' I understand t) I ' ll tell you '!at t s7 does t! s *at! !a-e a !eart< I$ t does, t!e *at! s (ood7 $ t doesn+t t s o$ no use) Bot! *at!s lead no'!ere7 "ut one !as a !eart and t!e ot!er doesn+t) One ma#es $or a ;oy$ul ;ourney7 as lon( as you $ollo' t you are one ' t! t) T!e ot!er ma#es you %urse your l $e) One ma#es you stron() T!e ot!er 'ea#ens you) Today I am ne t!er a 'arr or or a d a"lero) 2or me t!ere s only t!e tra-el n( on t!e *at!s t!at !a-e a !eart, on any *at! t!at may !a-e a !eart) T!ere I tra-el, and t!e only 'ort!'! le %!allen(e $or me s to tra-erse ts $ull len(t!) And t!ere I tra-el, loo# n(, loo# n( "reat!lessly) HUNTERS I$ you 'ould l -e out !ere n t!e ' lderness you 'ould #no' t!at dur n( t!e t' l (!t t!e ' nd "e%omes *o'er) A !unter t!at s 'ort! ! s salt #no's t!at, and a%ts a%%ord n(ly) He used t!e t' l (!t and t!at *o'er ! dden n t!e ' nd) I$ t s %on-en ent to ! m, t!e !unter ! des $rom t!e *o'er "y %o-er n( ! msel$ and rema n n( mot onless unt l t!e t' l (!t s (one and t!e *o'er !as sealed ! m nto ts *rote%t on) T!e *rote%t on o$ t!e *o'er seals you l #e a %o%oon) A !unter %an stay out n t!e o*en and no *uma or %oyote or sl my "u( 'ould "ot!er ! m) A mounta n l on %ould %ome u* to t!e !unter+s nose and sn $$ ! m, and $ t!e !unter does not mo-e, t!e l on 'ould lea-e) I %an (uarantee you t!at) I$ t!e !unter, on t!e ot!er !and, 'ants to "e not %ed all !e !as to do s stand on a ! llto* at t!e t me o$ t!e t' l (!t and t!e *o'er ' ll na( ! m and see# ! m all n (!t) T!ere$ore $ a !unter 'ants to tra-el all n (!t or $ !e 'ants to "e #e*t a'a#e !e must ma#e ! msel$ a-a la"le to t!e ' nd) T!ere n l es t!e se%ret o$ t!e (reat !unters) To "e a-a la"le and una-a la"le at t!e *re% se turn o$ t!e road) You must learn to "e%ome del "erately a-a la"le and una-a la"le) As your l $e (oes no', you are un' tt n(ly a-a la"le at all t mes) /et me *ut t anot!er 'ay) It ma#es no d $$eren%e to ! de $ e-eryone #no's you are ! d n()
Your *ro"lems r (!t no' stem $rom t!at) W!en you are ! d n( e-eryone #no's t!at you are ! d n(, and '!en you are not, you are a-a la"le $or e-eryone to ta#e a *o#e at you) We are $ools, all o$ us, and you %annot "e d $$erent) At one t me n my l $e I, l #e you, made mysel$ a-a la"le o-er and o-er a(a n unt l t!ere 'as not! n( o$ me le$t $or anyt! n( e9%e*t *er!a*s %ry n() And t!at I d d, ;ust l #e yoursel$) I 'as youn(er t!an you t!ou(!, "ut one day I !ad enou(! and I %!an(ed) /et+s say t!at one day, '!en I 'as "e%om n( a !unter, I learned t!e se%ret o$ "e n( a-a la"le and una-a la"le) You must ta#e yoursel$ a'ay) You must retr e-e yoursel$ $rom t!e m ddle o$ a tra$$ %#ed 'ay) Your '!ole "e n( s t!ere, t!us t s o$ no use to ! de7 you 'ould only ma( ne t!at you are ! dden) Be n( n t!e m ddle o$ t!e road means t!at e-eryone *ass n( "y 'at%!es your %om n(s and (o n(s) Hey= W!ate-er !a**ened to your $r end< T!at ( rl you used to really l #e) You on%e !ad a 'oman, a -ery dear 'oman, and t!en one day you lost !er) W!y sn+t s!e ' t! you< T!ere are not so many reasons) T!ere s only one) You made yoursel$ too a-a la"le) Be n( na%%ess "le s t!e *o nt) I "rou(!t u* t!e memory o$ t! s *erson only as a means to s!o' you d re%tly '!at I %ouldn+t s!o' you ' t! t!e ' nd) You lost !er "e%ause you 'ere a%%ess "le7 you 'ere al'ays ' t! n !er rea%! and your l $e 'as a rout ne one) It 'as and t s a rout ne) It s an unusual rout ne and t!at ( -es you t!e m*ress on t!at t s not a rout ne, "ut I assure you t!at t s) T!e art o$ a !unter s to "e%ome na%%ess "le) In t!e %ase o$ t!at ( rl t 'ould+-e meant t!at you !ad to "e%ome a !unter and meet !er s*ar n(ly) Not t!e 'ay you d d) You stayed ' t! !er day a$ter day, unt l t!e only $eel n( t!at rema ned 'as "oredom) True< To "e na%%ess "le means t!at you tou%! t!e 'orld around you s*ar n(ly) You don+t eat $ -e 8ua l7 you eat one) You don+t dama(e t!e *lants ;ust to ma#e a "ar"e%ue * t) You dont e9*ose yoursel$ to t!e *o'er o$ t!e ' nd unless t s mandatory) You don+t use and s8uee:e *eo*le unt l t!ey !a-e s!r -eled to not! n(, es*e% ally t!e *eo*le you lo-e) A !unter #no's !e ' ll lure (ame nto ! s tra*s o-er and o-er a(a n so !e doesn+t 'orry) To 'orry s to "e%ome a%%ess "le, un' tt n(ly a%%ess "le) On%e you 'orry you %l n( to anyt! n( out o$ des*erat on7 and on%e you %l n(
you are "ound to (et e9!austed, or to e9!aust '!oe-er or '!ate-er you are %l n( n( to) I+-e told you already t!at to "e na%%ess "le does not mean to ! de or to "e se%ret -e) It doesn+t mean t!at you %an+t deal ' t! *eo*le e t!er) A !unter uses ! s 'orld s*ar n(ly and ' t! tenderness, re(ardless o$ '!et!er t!e 'orld m (!t "e t! n(s, or *lants, or an mals, or *eo*le, or *o'er) A !unter deals nt mately ' t! ! s 'orld and yet !e s na%%ess "le to t!at same 'orld) He s na%%ess "le "e%ause !e+s not s8uee: n( ! s 'orld out o$ s!a*e) He ta*s t l (!tly, stays $or as lon( as !e needs to, and t!en s' $tly mo-es a'ay lea- n( !ardly a mar#) You 'orry a"out eat n( e-ery day around noont me, and around s 9 n t!e e-en n(, and around e (!t n t!e morn n() You 'orry a"out eat n( at t!ose t mes e-en $ you+re not !un(ry) It+ll "e easy $or you to real :e t!at a (ood !unter #no's one t! n( a"o-e all.. !e #no's t!e rout nes o$ ! s *rey) T!at+s '!at ma#es ! m a (ood !unter) To "e a !unter s not ;ust to tra* (ame) A !unter t!at s 'ort! ! s salt does not %at%! (ame "e%ause !e sets ! s tra*s, or "e%ause !e #no's t!e rout nes o$ ! s *rey, "ut "e%ause !e ! msel$ !as no rout nes) T! s s ! s ad-anta(e) He s not at all l #e t!e an mals !e s a$ter, $ 9ed "y !ea-y rout nes and *red %ta"le 8u r#s) He s $ree, $lu d and un*red %ta"le) As I told you "e$ore, n my eyes you "e!a-e l #e your *rey) On%e n my l $e someone *o nted out t!e same t! n( to me, so you+re not un 8ue n t!at) All o$ us "e!a-e l #e t!e *rey 'e are a$ter) T!at, o$ %ourse, also ma#es us *rey $or somet! n( or someone else) No' t!e %on%ern o$ a !unter, '!o #no's all t! s, s to sto* "e n( a *rey ! msel$) Do you see '!at I mean< A (ood !unter %!an(es ! s 'ays as o$ten as !e needs) A !unter must not only #no' a"out t!e !a" ts o$ ! s *rey, !e also must #no' t!at t!ere are *o'ers on t! s eart! t!at (u de men and an mals and e-eryt! n( t!at s l - n() 1o'ers t!at (u de our l -es and our deat!s) To "e a !unter means t!at one #no's a (reat deal) It means t!at one %an see t!e 'orld n d $$erent 'ays) In order to "e a !unter one must "e n *er$e%t "alan%e ' t! e-eryt! n( else, ot!er' se !unt n( 'ould "e%ome a mean n(less %!ore) 2or nstan%e, today 'e too# a l ttle sna#e) I !ad to a*olo( :e to !er $or %utt n( !er l $e o$$ so suddenly and de$ n tely7 I d d #no' n( t!at my o'n l $e ' ll also "e %ut o$$ someday n -ery mu%! t!e
same $as! on7 suddenly and de$ n tely) So, all n all, 'e and t!e sna#es are on a *ar) One o$ t!em $ed us today) I am a !unter) I lea-e -ery l ttle to %!an%e) 1er!a*s I s!ould e9*la n to you t!at I learned to "e a !unter) I !a-e not al'ays l -ed t!e 'ay I do no') At one *o nt n my l $e I !ad to %!an(e) No' I+m *o nt n( t!e d re%t on to you) I+m (u d n( you) I #no' '!at I+m tal# n( a"out7 someone tau(!t me all t! s) I d dn+t $ (ure t out $or mysel$) I+m !a- n( a (esture ' t! you) Ot!er *eo*le !a-e !ad a s m lar (esture7 someday you yoursel$ ' ll !a-e t!e same (esture ' t! ot!ers) /et+s say t!at t s my turn) One day I $ound out t!at $ I 'anted to "e a !unter 'ort!y o$ sel$ res*e%t I !ad to %!an(e my 'ay o$ l $e) I used to '! ne and %om*la n a (reat deal) I !ad (ood reason to $eel s!ort%!an(ed) I am an Ind an and Ind ans are treated l #e do(s) T!ere 'as not! n( I %ould do to remedy t!at, so all I 'as le$t ' t! 'as my sorro') But t!en my (ood $ortune s*ared me and someone tau(!t me to !unt) And I real :ed t!at t!e 'ay I l -ed 'as not l - n(0so I %!an(ed t) 1ERSONA/ 1OWER 1o'er s somet! n( t!at a 'arr or deals ' t!) At $ rst t+s an n%red "le, $ar$et%!ed a$$a r7 t s !ard to e-en t! n# a"out t) T! s s '!at+s !a**en n( to you no') T!en *o'er "e%omes a ser ous matter7 one may not !a-e t, or one may not e-en $ully real :e t!at t e9 sts, yet one #no's t!at somet! n( s t!ere, somet! n( '! %! 'as not not %ea"le "e$ore) Ne9t *o'er s man $ested as somet! n( un%ontrolla"le t!at %omes to onesel$) It s not *oss "le $or me to say !o' t %omes to onesel$) It s not *oss "le $or me to say !o' t %omes or '!at t really s) It s not! n( and yet t ma#es mar-els a**ear "e$ore your -ery eyes) And $ nally *o'er s somet! n( n onesel$, somet! n( t!at %ontrols one+s a%ts and yet o"eys one+s %ommand) We are lum nous "e n(s) And $or a lum nous "e n( only *ersonal *o'er matters) But $ you as# me '!at *ersonal *o'er s, I !a-e to tell you t!at my e9*lanat on ' ll not e9*la n t) I+m as youn( as I 'ant to "e) T! s a(a n s a matter o$ *ersonal *o'er) I$ you store *o'er your "ody %an *er$orm un"el e-a"le $eats) On t!e ot!er !and $ you d ss *ate *o'er you+ll "e a $at old man n no t me) My "ene$a%tor 'as a man o$ - olent nature) He stored *o'er t!rou(! t!at $eel n() E-eryt! n( !e d d 'as stron( and d re%t) He le$t me ' t! a memory
o$ somet! n( %rus! n( t!rou(! t! n(s) And e-eryt! n( t!at !a**ened to ! m too# *la%e n t!at manner) 1ersonal *o'er s a $eel n(, somet! n( l #e "e n( lu%#y) Or one may %all t a mood) 1ersonal *o'er s somet! n( one a%8u res re(ardless o$ one+s or ( n) A 'arr or s a !unter o$ *o'er, and I am (o n( to tea%! you !o' to !unt and store t) T!e d $$ %ulty ' t! you, '! %! s t!e d $$ %ulty ' t! all o$ us, s to "e %on- n%ed) You need to "el e-e t!at *ersonal *o'er %an "e used and t!at t s *oss "le to store t7 "ut you !a-en+t "een %on- n%ed so $ar) To "e %on- n%ed means t!at you %an a%t "y yoursel$) It ' ll ta#e you a (reat deal o$ e$$ort to do t!at) Mu%! more !as to "e done) You !a-e ;ust "e(un) A Man o$ &no'led(e s one '!o !as $ollo'ed trut!$ully t!e !ards! *s o$ learn n(7 a man '!o !as, ' t!out rus! n( or $alter n(, (one as $ar as !e %an n unra-el n( t!e se%rets o$ *ersonal *o'er) He #no's $or a $a%t t!at t ' ll ma#e ! m a%t n t!e most a**ro*r ate $as! on) Trust your *ersonal *o'er) T!at+s all one !as n t! s '!ole myster ous 'orld) A 'arr or s m*e%%a"le '!en !e trusts ! s *ersonal *o'er re(ardless o$ '!et!er t s small or enormous) 1o'er s a -ery *e%ul ar a$$a r) It s m*oss "le to * n t do'n and say '!at t really s) It s a $eel n( t!at one !as a"out %erta n t! n(s) 1o'er s *ersonal) It "elon(s to onesel$ alone) My "ene$a%tor, $or nstan%e, %ould ma#e a *erson mortally ll "y merely loo# n( at ! m) Women 'ould 'ane a'ay a$ter !e !ad set eyes on t!em) Yet !e d d not ma#e *eo*le s %# all t!e t me, "ut only '!en ! s *ersonal *o'er 'as n-ol-ed) A !unter o$ *o'er entra*s t and t!en stores t a'ay as ! s *ersonal $ nd n() T!us, *ersonal *o'er (ro's, and you may !a-e t!e %ase o$ a 'arr or '!o !as so mu%! *ersonal *o'er t!at !e "e%omes a man o$ #no'led(e) 1o'er s a -ery 'e rd a$$a r) In order to !a-e t and %ommand t one must !a-e *o'er to "e( n ' t!) It+s *oss "le, !o'e-er, to store t, l ttle "y l ttle, unt l one !as enou(! to susta n onesel$ n a "attle o$ *o'er) T!ere are lots o$ t! n(s you do no' '! %! 'ould !a-e seemed nsane to you ten years a(o) T!ose t! n(s t!emsel-es d d not %!an(e, "ut your dea o$ yoursel$ %!an(ed7 '!at 'as m*oss "le "e$ore s *er$e%tly *oss "le no' and *er!a*s your total su%%ess n %!an( n( yoursel$ s only a matter o$ t me) In t! s a$$a r t!e only *oss "le %ourse t!at a 'arr or !as s to a%t %ons stently
and ' t!out reser-at ons) You #no' enou(! o$ t!e 'arr or+s 'ay to a%t a%%ord n(ly, "ut your old !a" ts and rout nes stand n your 'ay) It doesn+t matter '!at one re-eals or #ee*s to onesel$) E-eryt! n( 'e do, e-eryt! n( 'e are, rests on our *ersonal *o'er) I$ 'e !a-e enou(! o$ t, one 'ord uttered to us m (!t "e su$$ % ent to %!an(e t!e %ourse o$ our l -es) But $ 'e don+t !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er t!e most ma(n $ %ent * e%e o$ ' sdom %an "e re-ealed to us and t!at re-elat on 'on+t ma#e a damn " t o$ d $$eren%e) I+m (o n( to utter *er!a*s t!e (reatest * e%e o$ #no'led(e anyone %an -o %e) /et me see '!at you %an do ' t! t) Do you #no' t!at at t! s -ery moment you are surrounded "y etern ty< And do you #no' t!at you %an use t!at etern ty $ you so des re< Do you #no' t!at you %an e9tend yoursel$ $ore-er n any d re%t on< Do you #no' t!at one moment %an "e etern ty< T! s s not a r ddle7 t+s a $a%t, "ut only $ you mount t!at moment and use t to ta#e t!e total ty o$ yoursel$ $ore-er n any d re%t on) You d dn+t !a-e t! s #no'led(e "e$ore) No' you do) I !a-e re-ealed t to you, "ut t doesn+t ma#e a " t o$ d $$eren%e, "e%ause you don+t !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er to ut l :e my re-elat on) Yet $ you d d !a-e enou(! *o'er, my 'ords alone 'ould ser-e as t!e means $or you to round u* t!e total ty o$ yoursel$ and to (et t!e %ru% al *art o$ t out o$ t!e "oundar es n '! %! t s %onta ned) T!at+s t!e $la' ' t! 'ords) T!ey al'ays $or%e us to $eel enl (!tened, "ut '!en 'e turn around to $a%e t!e 'orld t!ey al'ays $a l us and 'e end u* $a% n( t!e 'orld as 'e al'ays !a-e, ' t!out enl (!tenment) 2or t! s reason a sor%erer see#s to a%t rat!er t!an tal# and to t! s e$$e%t !e (ets a ne' des%r *t on o$ t!e 'orld..a ne' des%r *t on '!ere tal# n( s not t!at m*ortant, and '!ere ne' a%ts !a-e ne' re$le%t ons) One learns to a%t l #e a 'arr or "y a%t n(, not "y tal# n() T!ere s only one 'ay to learn, and t!at 'ay s to (et do'n to "us ness) To only tal# a"out *o'er s useless) I$ you 'ant to #no' '!at *o'er s, and $ you 'ant to stress t you must ta%#le e-eryt! n( yoursel$) T!e road to #no'led(e and *o'er s -ery d $$ %ult and -ery lon() No' you do !a-e enou(! to 'a(e a (ood "attle, "ut not enou(! to stay n t!e dar# "y yoursel$) You+ll d e) T!e ent t es o$ t!e n (!t ' ll %rus! you l #e a "u() You %an s*end t!e n (!t "y yoursel$ n your "ed, "ut not n t!e mounta ns)
T! s a**l es only to t!e ' lderness, '!ere t!ere are no *eo*le around, es*e% ally t!e ' lderness n ! (! mounta ns) S n%e t!e natural a"odes o$ t!e ent t es o$ t!e n (!t are ro%#s and %re- %es, you %annot (o to t!e mounta ns $rom no' on unless you !a-e stored enou(! *ersonal *o'er) You are do n( t "y l - n( t!e 'ay I re%ommended) / ttle "y l ttle you are *lu(( n( u* all your *o nts o$ dra na(e) You don+t !a-e to "e del "erate a"out t, "e%ause *o'er al'ays $ nds a 'ay) Ta#e me as an e9am*le) I d dn+t #no' I 'as stor n( *o'er '!en I $ rst "e(an to learn t!e 'ays o$ a 'arr or) Just l #e you, I t!ou(!t I 'asn+t do n( anyt! n( n *art %ular, "ut t!at 'as not so) 1o'er !as t!e *e%ul ar ty o$ "e n( unnot %ea"le '!en t s "e n( stored) Don+t ta9 yoursel$ ' t! e9*lanat ons) W!at I sa d ma#es no sense to you, s m*ly "e%ause you don+t !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er) Yet you !a-e more t!an '!en you started, so t! n(s !a-e "e(un to !a**en to you) We are (o n( n sear%! o$ *o'er and e-eryt! n( you do %ounts) Wat%! t!e ' nd, es*e% ally to'ard t!e end o$ t!e day) T!ere s no *lan '!en t %omes to !unt n( *o'er) Hunt n( *o'er or !unt n( (ame s t!e same) A !unter !unts '!ate-er *resents tsel$ to ! m) T!us !e must al'ays "e n a state o$ read ness) You #no' a"out t!e ' nd, and no' you may !unt *o'er n t!e ' nd "y yoursel$) But t!ere are ot!er t! n(s you don+t #no' a"out '! %! are, l #e t!e ' nd, t!e %enter o$ *o'er at %erta n t mes and at %erta n *la%es) WI// 1er!a*s t!e $ rst t! n( t!at one s!ould do s to #no' t!at one %an de-elo* t!e ' ll) A 'arr or #no's t! s and *ro%eeds to 'a t $or t) Your m sta#e s not to #no' t!at you are 'a t n( $or your ' ll) W!at you yoursel$ %all ' ll s %!ara%ter and stron( d s*os t on) W!at a sor%erer %alls ' ll s a $or%e t!at %omes $rom ' t! n and atta%!es tsel$ to t!e 'orld out t!ere) It %omes out t!rou(! t!e "elly, r (!t !ere, '!ere t!e lum nous $ "ers are) A 'arr or !as to use ! s ' ll and ! s *at en%e to $or(et) In $a%t, a 'arr or !as only ! s ' ll and ! s *at en%e and ' t! t!em !e "u lds anyt! n( !e 'ants) You !a-e started learn n( t!e 'ays o$ sor%erers) You !a-e no more t me $or
retreats and re(rets) You only !a-e t me to l -e l #e a 'arr or and 'or# $or *at en%e and ' ll, '!et!er you l #e t or not) I t! n# t!ere s no 'ay o$ tal# n( a"out t) W ll s somet! n( -ery s*e% $ %) It !a**ens myster ously) T!ere s no real 'ay o$ tell n( !o' one uses t, e9%e*t t!at t!e results o$ us n( t!e ' ll are astound n() Coura(e s not ' ll) Men o$ %oura(e are de*enda"le men, no"le men *erenn ally surrounded "y *eo*le '!o $lo%# around t!em and adm re t!en7 yet -ery $e' men o$ %oura(e !a-e ' ll) Usually t!ey are $earless men '!o are ( -en to *er$orm n( dar n( %ommon.sense a%ts7 most o$ t!e t me a %oura(eous man s also $earsome and $eared) W ll, on t!e ot!er !and, !as to do ' t! aston s! n( $eats t!at de$y %ommon sense) W ll s not a s 9t! sense) Rat!er t s a relat on "et'een oursel-es and t!e *er%e -ed 'orld) T!e ' ll de-elo*s n a 'arr or n s* te o$ e-ery o**os t on o$ t!e reason) W ll s somet! n( -ery %lear and *o'er$ul '! %! %an d re%t our a%ts) W ll s somet! n( a man uses, $or nstan%e, to ' n a "attle '! %! !e, "y all %al%ulat ons, s!ould lose) W ll s '!at ma#es you su%%eed '!en your t!ou(!ts tell you t!at youre de$eated) W ll s '!at ma#es you n-ulnera"le) W ll s '!at sends a sor%erer t!rou(! a 'all7 t!rou(! s*a%e7 to t!e moon $ !e 'ants) W ll s a $or%e '! %! s t!e true l n# "et'een men and t!e 'orld) T!e 'orld s '!ate-er 'e *er%e -e, n '!ate-er manner 'e may *er%e -e t) 1er%e - n( t!e 'orld enta ls a *ro%ess o$ a**re!end n( '!ate-er *resents tsel$ to us) T! s *art %ular *er%e - n( s done ' t! our senses and our ' ll) An a-era(e man %an ?(ra" t!e t! n(s o$ t!e 'orld only ' t! ! s !ands, or ! s eyes, or ! s ears, "ut a sor%erer %an (ra" t!em also ' t! ! s nose, or ! s ton(ue, or ! s ' ll, es*e% ally ' t! ! s ' ll) I %annot really des%r "e !o' t s done, "ut you yoursel$, $or nstan%e, %annot des%r "e to me !o' you !ear) It !a**ens t!at I am also %a*a"le o$ !ear n(, so 'e %an tal# a"out '!at 'e !ear, "ut not a"out !o' 'e !ear) A sor%erer uses ! s ' ll to *er%e -e t!e 'orld) T!at *er%e - n(, !o'e-er, s not l #e !ear n() W!en 'e loo# at t!e 'orld or '!en 'e !ear t, 'e !a-e t!e m*ress on t!at t s out t!ere and t!at t s real) W!en 'e *er%e -e t!e 'orld ' t! our ' ll 'e #no' t!at t s not as ?out t!ere or as ?real as 'e t! n#)
T!ere s a (a* n us7 l #e t!e so$t s*ot on t!e !ead o$ a %! ld '! %! %loses ' t! a(e) T! s (a* o*ens as one de-elo*s ones ' ll, at t!e *la%e o$ your lum nous $ "ers) Its an o*en n() It allo's a s*a%e $or t!e ' ll to s!oot out, l #e an arro') W!en a 'arr or !as a%8u red *at en%e !e s on ! s 'ay to ' ll) He #no's !o' to 'a t) H s deat! s ts ' t! ! m on ! s mat, t!ey are $r ends) H s deat! ad- ses ! m, n myster ous 'ays, !o' to %!oose, !o' to l -e strate( %ally) And t!e 'arr or 'a ts) I 'ould say t!at t!e 'arr or learns ' t!out any !urry "e%ause !e #no's !e s 'a t n( $or ! s ' ll7 and one day !e su%%eeds n *er$orm n( somet! n( ord nar ly 8u te m*oss "le to a%%om*l s!) He may not e-en not %e ! s e9traord nary deed) But as !e #ee*s on *er$orm n( m*oss "le a%ts, or as m*oss "le t! n(s #ee* on !a**en n( to ! m, !e "e%omes a'are t!at a sort o$ *o'er s emer( n() A *o'er t!at %omes out o$ ! s "ody as !e *ro(resses on t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) At $ rst t s l #e an t%! n( on t!e "elly, or a 'arm s*ot t!at %annot "e soot!ed7 t!en t "e%omes a *a n, a (reat d s%om$ort) Somet mes t!e *a n and d s%om$ort are so (reat t!at t!e 'arr or !as %on-uls ons $or mont!s, t!e more se-ere t!e %on-uls ons t!e "etter $or ! m) A $ ne *o'er s al'ays !eralded "y (reat *a n) W!en t!e %on-uls ons %ome t!e 'arr or not %es !e !as stran(e $eel n(s a"out t! n(s) He not %es t!at !e %an a%tually tou%! anyt! n( !e 'ants ' t! a $eel n( t!at %omes out o$ ! s "ody $rom a s*ot r (!t "elo' or r (!t a"o-e ! s na-el) T!at $eel n( s t!e ' ll and '!en !e s %a*a"le o$ (ra"" n( ' t! t, one %an r (!t$ully say t!at t!e 'arr or s a sor%erer and !as a%8u red ' ll) T!at *a n s not a"solutely ne%essary) I $or e9am*le, !a-e ne-er !ad t and ' ll ;ust !a**ened to me) T!e -ery t! n( t!at %ould !el* you de-elo* your ' ll s am dst all t!e l ttle t! n(s you do) One day I 'as n t!e mounta ns and I stum"led u*on a *uma, a $emale one7 s!e 'as -ery " ( and -ery !un(ry) I ran and s!e ran a$ter me) I %l m"ed a ro%# and s!e stood a $e' $eet a'ay, ready to ;um*) I t!re' ro%#s at !er) S!e (ro'led and "e(an to %!ar(e me) It 'as t!en t!at my ' ll $ully %ame out, and I sto**ed !er ' t! t "e$ore s!e ;um*ed on me I %aressed !er ' t! my ' ll) I a%tually ru""ed !er t ts ' t! t) S!e loo#ed at me ' t! slee*y eyes and lay do'n and I ran l #e a son o$ a " t%! "e$ore s!e (ot o-er t)
4ery drast % t! n(s !a-e to !a**en to you n order $or you to allo' your "ody to *ro$ t $rom all you !a-e learned) W ll s a *o'er) And s n%e t s a *o'er t !as to "e %ontrolled and tuned, and t!at ta#es t me) I #no' t!at and Im *at ent ' t! you) W!en I 'as your a(e I 'as as m*uls -e as you) Yet I !a-e %!an(ed) Our ' ll o*erates n s* te o$ our ndul(en%e) 2or e9am*le, your ' ll s already o*en n( your (a*, l ttle "y l ttle) T!e se%ret o$ t!e lum nous "e n(s s t!at t!ey !a-e anot!er r n( o$ *o'er '! %! s ne-er used, t!e ' ll) T!e tr %# o$ t!e sor%erer s t!e same tr %# o$ t!e a-era(e man) Bot! !a-e a des%r *t on7 one, t!e a-era(e man, u*!olds t ' t! ! s reason7 t!e ot!er, t!e sor%erer, u*!olds t ' t! ! s ' ll) Bot! des%r *t ons !a-e t!e r rules and t!e rules are *er%e -a"le, "ut t!e ad-anta(e o$ t!e sor%erer s t!at ' ll s more en(ul$ n( t!an reason) T!e su((est on t!at I 'ant to ma#e at t! s *o nt s t!at $rom no' on you s!ould let yoursel$ *er%e -e '!et!er t!e des%r *t on s u*!eld "y your reason or "y your ' ll) I $eel t!at s t!e only 'ay $or you to use your da ly 'orld as a %!allen(e and a -e! %le to a%%umulate enou(! *ersonal *o'er n order $or you to (et to t!e total ty o$ yoursel$) THE CRAC& BETWEEN THE WOR/DS T!e *art %ular t! n( to learn s !o' to (et to t!e %ra%# "et'een t!e 'orlds and !o' to enter t!e ot!er 'orld) T!ere s a %ra%# "et'een t!e t'o 'orlds, t!e 'orld o$ t!e d a"leros and t!e 'orld o$ l - n( men) T!ere s a *la%e '!ere t!e t'o 'orlds o-erla*) T!e %ra%# s t!ere) It o*ens and %loses l #e a door n t!e ' nd) To (et t!ere a man must e9er% se ! s ' ll) He must, I s!ould say, de-elo* an ndom ta"le des re $or t, a s n(le.m nded ded %at on) But !e must do t ' t!out t!e !el* o$ any *o'er or any man) T!e man ! msel$ must *onder and ' s! u* to a moment n '! %! ! s "ody s ready to under(o t!e ;ourney) T!at moment s announ%ed "y *rolon(ed s!a# n( o$ t!e l m"s and - olent -om t n() T!e man usually %annot slee* or eat, and 'anes a'ay) W!en t!e %on-uls ons do not sto* t!e man s ready to (o, and t!e %ra%# "et'een t!e 'orlds a**ears r (!t n $ront o$ ! s eyes l #e a monumental door, a %ra%# t!at (oes u* and do'n) W!en t!e %ra%# o*ens t!e man !as to sl de t!rou(! t) It s !ard to see on t!e ot!er s de o$ t!e "oundary) It s ' ndy, l #e a sandstorm) T!e ' nd '! rls around) T!e man t!en must 'al# n any d re%t on) It ' ll "e a s!ort or a lon(
;ourney, de*end n( on ! s ' ll *o'er) A stron(.' lled man ;ourneys s!ortly) An unde% ded, 'ea# man ;ourneys lon( and *re%ar ously) A$ter t! s ;ourney t!e man arr -es at a sort o$ *lateau) It s *oss "le to d st n(u s! some o$ ts $eatures %learly) It s a *lane a"o-e t!e (round) It s *oss "le to re%o(n :e t "y t!e ' nd, '! %! t!ere "e%omes e-en more - olent, roar n( all around) On to* o$ t!at *lateau s t!e entran%e to t!e ot!er 'orld) And t!ere stands a s# n t!at se*arates t!e t'o 'orlds7 dead men (o t!rou(! t ' t!out a no se, "ut 'e !a-e to "rea# t ' t! an out%ry) T!e ' nd (at!ers stren(t!, t!e same unruly ' nd t!at "lo's on t!e *lateau) W!en t!e ' nd !as (at!ered enou(! $or%e, t!e man !as to "e n$le9 "le, too, so t!at !e %an $ (!t t!e ' nd) All !e needs s a (entle s!o-e7 !e does not need to "e "lo'n to t!e ends o$ t!e ot!er 'orld) On%e on t!e ot!er s de, t!e man ' ll !a-e to 'ander around) H s (ood $ortune 'ould "e to $ nd a !el*er near"y@not to $ar $rom t!e entran%e) T!e man !as to as# ! m $or !el*) In ! s o'n 'ords !e !as to as# t!e !el*er to tea%! ! m and ma#e ! m a d a"lero) W!en t!e !el*er a(rees, !e # lls t!e man on t!e s*ot, and '! le !e s dead !e tea%!es ! m) W!en you ma#e t!e tr * yoursel$, de*end n( on your lu%#, you may $ nd a (reat d a"lero n t!e !el*er '!o ' ll # ll and tea%! you) Most o$ t!e t me t!ou(!, one en%ounters lesser "ru;os '!o !a-e -ery l ttle to tea%!) But ne t!er you nor t!ey !a-e t!e *o'er to re$use) T!e "est nstan%e s to $ nd a male !el*er lest one "e%ome t!e *rey o$ a d a"lera, '!o ' ll ma#e one su$$er n an un"el e-a"le manner) Women are al'ays l #e t!at) But t!at de*ends on lu%# alone, unless ones "ene$a%tor s a (reat d a"lero ! msel$, n '! %! e-ent !e ' ll !a-e many !el*ers n t!e ot!er 'orld, and %an d re%t one to see a *art %ular !el*er) My "ene$a%tor 'as su%! a man) He d re%ted me to en%ounter ! s s* r t !el*er) A$ter your return you ' ll not "e t!e same man) You are %omm tted to %ome "a%# and see your !el*er o$ten) And you are %omm tted to 'ander $art!er and $art!er $rom t!e entran%e, unt l $ nally one day you ' ll (o too $ar and ' ll not "e a"le to return) SORCERY In order to "e a sor%erer a man must "e *ass onate) A *ass onate man !as eart!ly "elon( n(s and t! n(s dear to ! m@ $ not! n( else, ;ust t!e *at! '!ere !e 'al#s)
T!e 'orld s ndeed $ull o$ $r (!ten n( t! n(s and 'e are !el*less %reatures surrounded "y $or%es t!at are ne9*l %a"le and un"end n() T!e a-era(e man, n (noran%e, "el e-es t!at t!ose $or%es %an "e e9*la ned or %!an(ed7 !e really doesnt #no' !o' to do t!at, "ut !e e9*e%ts t!at t!e a%t ons o$ man# nd ' ll e9*la n t!em or %!an(e t!em sooner or later) T!e sor%erer, on t!e ot!er !and, does not t! n# o$ e9*la n n( or %!an( n( t!em7 nstead !e learns to use su%! $or%es "y red re%t n( ! msel$ and ada*t n( to t!e r d re%t on) T!ats ! s tr %#) T!ere s -ery l ttle to sor%ery on%e you $ nd out ts tr %#) Sor%ery s to a**ly ones ' ll to a #ey ;o nt) Sor%ery s nter$eren%e) A sor%erer sear%!es and $ nds t!e #ey ;o nt o$ anyt! n( !e 'ants to a$$e%t and t!en !e a**l es ! s ' ll to t) A sor%erer doesnt !a-e to see to "e a sor%erer7 all !e !as to #no' s !o' to use ! s ' ll) A sor%erer s only sl (!tly "etter o$$ t!an t!e a-era(e man) Sor%ery does not !el* ! m l -e a "etter l $e7 n $a%t I s!ould say t!at sor%ery ! nders ! m7 t ma#es ! s l $e %um"ersome, *re%ar ous) By o*en n( ! msel$ to #no'led(e a sor%erer "e%omes more -ulnera"le t!an t!e a-era(e man) On t!e one !and ! s $ello' men !ate ! m and $ear ! m and ' ll str -e to end ! s l $e7 on t!e ot!er !and t!e ne9*l %a"le and un"end n( $or%es t!at surround e-ery one o$ us, "y r (!t o$ our "e n( al -e, are $or a sor%erer a sour%e o$ e-en (reater dan(er) To "e * er%ed "y a $ello' man s ndeed *a n$ul, "ut not! n( n %om*ar son to "e n( tou%!ed "y an ally) A sor%erer, "y o*en n( ! msel$ to #no'led(e $alls *rey to su%! $or%es and !as only one means o$ "alan% n( ! msel$, ! s ' ll7 t!us !e must $eel and a%t l #e a 'arr or) I ' ll re*eat t! s on%e more7 only as a 'arr or %an one sur- -e t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) W!at !el*s a sor%erer to l -e a "etter l $e s t!e stren(t! o$ "e n( a 'arr or) To "e a sor%erer s a terr "le "urden) I-e told you t!at t s mu%! "etter to "e a"le to see) A man '!o sees s e-eryt! n(7 n %om*ar son t!e sor%erer s a sad $ello') SEEIN3 I$ a man sees !e doesnt !a-e to l -e l #e a 'arr or, or l #e anyt! n( else, $or !e %an see t! n(s as t!ey really are and d re%t ! s l $e a%%ord n(ly)
On%e a man learns to see !e $ nds ! msel$ alone n t!e 'orld ' t! not! n( "ut $olly) But '!en a man learns to see, !e real :es t!at !e %an no lon(er t! n# a"out t!e t! n(s !e loo#s at) And $ !e %annot t! n# a"out '!at !e loo#s at e-eryt! n( "e%omes un m*ortant) I d dnt say 'ort!less) I sa d un m*ortant) E-eryt! n( s e8ual and t!ere$ore un m*ortant) 2or e9am*le, t!ere s no 'ay $or me to say t!at my a%ts are more m*ortant t!an yours, or t!at one t! n( s more essent al t!an anot!er, t!ere$ore all t! n(s are e8ual, and "y "e n( e8ual t!ey are un m*ortant) 2or nstan%e 'e need to loo# ' t! our eyes to lau(!, "e%ause only '!en 'e loo# at t! n(s %an 'e %at%! t!e $unny ed(e o$ t!e 'orld) On t!e ot!er !and, '!en our eyes see, e-eryt! n( s so e8ual t!at not! n( s $unny) Our eyes loo# so 'e may lau(!, or %ry, or re;o %e, or "e sad, or "e !a**y) I *ersonally dont l #e to "e sad, so '!ene-er I ' tness somet! n( t!at 'ould ord nar ly ma#e me sad, I s m*ly s! $t my eyes and see t nstead o$ loo# n( at t) But '!en I en%ounter somet! n( $unny I loo# and I lau(!) Bl nd men to not lau(!) T!e r "od es ;er# a l ttle ' t! t!e r **le o$ lau(!ter) Hey !a-e ne-er loo#ed at t!e $unny ed(e o$ t!e 'orld and !a-e to ma( ne t) T!e r lau(!ter s not roar n() See n( s $or m*e%%a"le men) Tem*er your s* r t no', "e%ome a 'arr or, learn to see, and t!en youll #no' t!at t!ere s no end to ne' 'orlds $or our - s on) W!en you see t!ere are no lon(er $am l ar $eatures n t!e 'orld) E-eryt! n( s ne') E-eryt! n( !as ne-er !a**ened "e$ore) He 'orld s n%red "le) T! n(s dont d sa**ear) T!ey dont -an s!) T!ey s m*ly "e%ome not! n( and yet t!ey are st ll t!ere) You 'ant me to des%r "e t to you so you %an "e( n to t! n# a"out t, t!e 'ay you do ' t! e-eryt! n( else) In t!e %ase o$ see n( !o'e-er t! n# n( s not t!e ssue at all, so I %annot tell you '!at t s l #e to see) I-e told you already, see n( s not sor%ery) Yet one may eas ly %on$use t!em, "e%ause a man '!o sees %an learn, n no t me at all, to man *ulate an ally, and may "e%ome a sor%erer) On t!e ot!er !and, a man may learn %erta n te%!n 8ues n order to %ommand an ally and t!us "e%ome a sor%erer, and yet !e may ne-er learn to see) Bes des see n( s %ontrary to sor%ery) See n( ma#es one real :e t!e un m*ortan%e o$ t all)
See n( s not a $or%e, "ut rat!er a 'ay o$ (ett n( t!rou(! t! n(s) A sor%erer may !a-e a -ery stron( ' ll and yet !e may not see7 '! %! means t!at only a man o$ #no'led(e *er%e -es t!e 'orld ' t! ! s senses and ' t! ! s ' ll and also ' t! ! s see n() Men loo# d $$erent '!en you see) You ' ll see men as $ "ers o$ l (!t) Yes) 2 "ers l #e '! te %o"'e"s) 4ery $ ne t!reads t!at % r%ulate $rom t!e !ead to t!e na-el) T!us a man loo#s l #e an e(( o$ % r%ulat n( $ "ers) And ! s arms and le(s are l #e lum nous "r stles, "urst n( out n all d re%t ons) Bes des e-ery man s n tou%! ' t! e-eryt! n( else, not t!rou(! ! s !ands, t!ou(!, "ut t!rou(! a "un%! o$ lon( $ "ers t!at s!oot out $rom t!e %enter o$ ! s a"domen) T!ose $ "ers ;o n a man to ! s surround n(s7 t!ey #ee* ! s "alan%e, t!ey ( -e ! m sta" l ty) So, as you may see someday, a man s a lum nous e(( '!et!er !es a "e((ar or a # n( and t!eres no 'ay to %!an(e anyt! n(, or rat!er, '!at %ould "e %!an(ed n t!at lum nous e((< W!at< We are lum nous "e n(s and e-eryt! n( 'e are or e-eryt! n( 'e $eel s!o's n our $ "ers) Humans !a-e a "r (!tness *e%ul ar only to t!em) T!ats t!e only 'ay to tell t!em a*art $rom ot!er lum nous "e n(s) My "ene$a%tor 'as a sor%erer o$ (reat *o'ers) He 'as a 'arr or t!rou(! and t!rou(!) H s ' ll 'as ndeed ! s most ma(n $ %ent a%%om*l s!ment) But a man %an (o st ll $urt!er t!an t!at7 a man %an learn to see) U*on learn n( to see !e no lon(er needs to l -e l #e a 'arr or, nor "e a sor%erer) U*on learn n( to see a man "e%omes e-eryt! n( "y "e%om n( not! n() He, so to s*ea#, -an s!es and yet !es t!ere) I 'ould say t!at t! s s t!e t me '!en a man %an "e or %an (et anyt! n( !e des res) But !e des res not! n(, and nstead o$ *lay n( ' t! ! s $ello' men l #e t!ey 'ere toys, !e meets t!em n t!e m dst o$ t!e r $olly) T!e only d $$eren%e "et'een t!em s t!at a man '!o sees !as no lon(er an a%t -e nterest n ! s $ello' men) See n( !as already deta%!ed ! m $rom a"solutely e-eryt! n( !e #ne' "e$ore) CONTRO//ED 2O//Y On%e a man learns to see !e $ nds ! msel$ alone n t!e 'orld ' t! not! n( "ut $olly) Your a%ts, as 'ell as t!e a%ts o$ your $ello' men n (eneral a**ear to "e m*ortant to you "e%ause you !a-e learned to t! n# t!ey are m*ortant) We learn to t! n# a"out e-eryt! n(, and t!en 'e tra n our eyes to loo# as 'e t! n# a"out t!e t! n(s 'e loo# at) We loo# at oursel-es already t! n# n( t!at
'e are m*ortant) And t!ere$ore 'e-e (ot to $eel m*ortant) You dont understand me no' "e%ause o$ your !a" t o$ t! n# n( as you loo# and t! n# n( as you t! n#) I told you on%e t!at our lot as men s to learn, $or (ood or "ad) I !a-e learned to see and I tell you t!at not! n( really matters7 no' t s your turn7 *er!a*s someday you ' ll see and you ' ll #no' '!et!er t! n(s matter or not) 2or me not! n( matters, "ut *er!a*s $or you e-eryt! n( ' ll) You s!ould #no' "y no' t!at a man o$ #no'led(e l -es "y a%t n(, not "y t! n# n( a"out a%t n(, nor "y t! n# n( a"out '!at !e ' ll t! n# '!en !e $ n s!es a%t n() A man o$ #no'led(e %!ooses a *at! ' t! !eart and $ollo's t7 and t!en !e loo#s and re;o %es and lau(!s7 and t!en !e sees and #no's) He #no's t!at ! s l $e ' ll "e o-er alto(et!er too soon7 !e #no's t!at !e, as 'ell as e-ery"ody else, s not (o n( any'!ere7 !e #no's, "e%ause !e sees, t!at not! n( s more m*ortant t!an anyt! n( else) You t! n# a"out your a%ts) T!ere$ore you !a-e to "el e-e your a%ts are as m*ortant as you t! n# t!ey are, '!en n real ty not! n( o$ '!at one does s m*ortant) Not! n(= But t!en $ not! n( really matters !o' %an I (o on l - n(< It 'ould "e more s m*le to d e7 t!ats '!at you "el e-e, "e%ause youre t! n# n( a"out l $e, ;ust as youre t! n# n( no' '!at see n( 'ould "e l #e) So I %annot tell you '!at t s l #e to see) No' you 'ant me to des%r "e t!e reasons $or my %ontrolled $olly and I %an only tell you t!at %ontrolled $olly s -ery mu%! l #e see n(7 t s somet! n( you %annot t! n# a"out) Your *ro"lem s t!at you %on$use t!e 'orld ' t! '!at *eo*le do) A(a n youre not un 8ue n t!at) E-ery one o$ us do t!at) T!e t! n(s *eo*le do are t!e s! elds a(a nst t!e $or%es t!at surround us7 '!at 'e do as *eo*le ( -es us %om$ort and ma#es us $eel sa$e7 '!at *eo*le do s r (!t$ully -ery m*ortant, "ut only as a s! eld) We ne-er learn t!at t!e t! n(s 'e do as *eo*le are only s! elds and 'e let t!em dom nate and to**le our l -es) In $a%t I %ould say t!at $or man# nd, '!at *eo*le do s more m*ortant t!an t!e 'orld tsel$) T!e 'orld s all t!at s en%ased !ere) / $e, deat!, *eo*le, t!e all es, and e-eryt! n( else t!at surrounds us) T!e 'orld s n%om*re!ens "le) We 'ont e-er understand t7 'e 'ont e-er unra-el ts se%rets) T!us 'e must treat t as t s, a s!eer mystery) An a-era(e man doesnt do t! s t!ou(!) T!e 'orld s ne-er a mystery $or ! m, and '!en !e arr -es at old a(e !e s %on- n%ed !e !as not! n( more to
l -e $or) An old man !as not e9!austed t!e 'orld) He !as e9!austed only '!at *eo*le do) But n ! s stu* d %on$us on !e "el e-es t!at t!e 'orld !as no more myster es $or ! m) W!at a 'ret%!ed *r %e to *ay $or our s! elds) A 'arr or s a'are o$ t! s %on$us on and learns to treat t! n(s *ro*erly) T!e t! n(s t!at *eo*le do %annot under any %ond t ons "e more m*ortant t!an t!e 'orld) And t!us a 'arr or treats t!e 'orld as an endless mystery and '!at *eo*le do as an endless $olly) I am !a**y t!at you $ nally as#ed me a"out my %ontrolled $olly a$ter so many years, and yet t 'ouldnt !a-e mattered to me n t!e least $ you !ad ne-er as#ed) Yet I !a-e %!osen to $eel !a**y, as $ I %ared t!at you as#ed, as $ t 'ould matter t!at I %are) T!at s %ontrolled $olly) 1er!a*s ts not *oss "le to e9*la n) Certa n t! n(s n your l $e matter to you "e%ause t!eyre m*ortant to you, "ut $or me not a s n(le t! n( s m*ortant any lon(er, ne t!er my a%ts nor t!e a%ts o$ my $ello' men) I (o on l - n( t!ou(!, "e%ause I !a-e my ' ll) Be%ause I !a-e tem*ered my ' ll t!rou(!out my l $e unt l ts neat and '!olesome and no' t doesnt matter to me t!at not! n( matters) My ' ll %ontrols t!e $olly o$ my l $e) Ta#e my son Eulal o as an e9am*le) He 'as %rus!ed "y ro%#s '! le 'or# n( n t!e %onstru%t on o$ t!e 1an.Amer %an H (!'ay) My a%ts to'ard ! m at t!e moment o$ ! s deat! 'ere %ontrolled $olly) W!en I %ame do'n to t!e "last n( area !e 'as almost dead, "ut ! s "ody 'as so stron( t!at t #e*t on mo- n( and # %# n() I stood n $ront o$ ! m and told t!e "oys n t!e road %re' not to mo-e ! m any more7 t!ey o"eyed me and stood t!ere surround n( my son, loo# n( at ! s man(led "ody) I stood t!ere too, "ut I d d not loo#) I s! $ted my eyes so I %ould see ! s *ersonal l $e d s nte(rat n(, e9*and n( un%ontrolla"ly "eyond ts l m ts, l #e a $o( o$ %rystals, "e%ause t!at s t!e 'ay l $e and deat! m 9 and e9*and) T!at s '!at I d d at t!e t me o$ my sons deat!) T!ats all one %ould e-er do, and t!at s %ontrolled $olly) Had I loo#ed at ! m I 'ould !a-e 'at%!ed ! m "e%om n( mmo" le and I 'ould !a-e $elt a %ry ns de o$ me, "e%ause ne-er a(a n 'ould I loo# at ! s $ ne $ (ure *a% n( t!e eart!) I sa' ! s deat! nstead, and t!ere 'as no sadness, no $eel n() H s deat! 'as e8ual to e-eryt! n( else) So you may say t!at '!en t %omes to t!e deat! o$ a *erson I lo-e, my %ontrolled $olly s to s! $t my eyes) In ot!er 'ords a man o$ #no'led(e !as no !onor, no d (n ty, no $am ly, no name, no %ountry, "ut only l $e to "e l -ed, and under t!ose % r%umstan%es ! s only t e to ! s $ello' men s ! s %ontrolled $olly) T!us a man o$ #no'led(e
endea-ors, and s'eats and *u$$s, and $ one loo#s at ! m !e s ;ust l #e any ord nary man, e9%e*t t!at t!e $olly o$ ! s l $e s under %ontrol) Not! n( "e n( more m*ortant t!an anyt! n( else, a man o$ #no'led(e %!ooses any a%t, and a%ts t out as $ t matters to ! m) H s %ontrolled $olly ma#es ! m say t!at '!at !e does matters and ma#es ! m a%t as $ t d d, and yet !e #no's t!at t doesnt7 so '!en !e $ul$ lls ! s a%ts !e retreats n *ea%e, and '!et!er ! s a%ts 'ere (ood or "ad, or 'or#ed or d dnt, s n no 'ay *art o$ ! s %on%ern) A man o$ #no'led(e may %!oose, on t!e ot!er !and, to rema n totally m*ass -e and ne-er a%t, and "e!a-e as $ to "e m*ass -e really matters to ! m, and !e ' ll "e r (!t$ully true at t!at too, "e%ause t!at 'ould also "e ! s %ontrolled $olly) Its *oss "le to ns st, to *ro*erly ns st, e-en t!ou(! 'e #no' t!at '!at 'ere do n( s useless) But 'e must #no' $ rst t!at our a%ts are useless and yet 'e must *ro%eed as $ 'e d dnt #no' t) T!ats a sor%erers %ontrolled $olly) A man o$ #no'led(e l #es, t!ats all) He l #es '!ate-er or '!oe-er !e 'ants, "ut !e uses ! s %ontrolled $olly to "e un%on%erned a"out t) T!e o**os te o$ '!at youre do n( no') To l #e or "e l #ed "y *eo*le s not all one %an do as a man) THE 2OUR ENEMIES O2 A MAN O2 &NOW/ED3E A man (oes to #no'led(e as !e (oes to 'ar, ' t! $ear, ' t! res*e%t and ' t! a"solute assuran%e) 3o n( to #no'led(e or (o n( to 'ar n any ot!er manner s a m sta#e and '!oe-er ma#es t ' ll l -e to re(ret ! s ste*s) W!en a man !as $ul$ lled t!ose $our re8u s tes t!ere re no m sta#es $or '! %! !e ' ll !a-e to a%%ount7 under su%! %ond t ons ! s a%ts lose t!e "lunder n( 8ual ty o$ a $ools a%ts) I$ su%! a man $a ls, or su$$ers a de$eat, !e ' ll !a-e lost only a "attle, and t!ere ' ll "e no * t $ul re(rets o-er t!at) A man o$ #no'led(e s one '!o !as $ollo'ed trut!$ully t!e !ards! *s o$ learn n(, a man '!o !as, ' t!out rus! n( or $alter n(, (one as $ar as !e %an n unra-el n( t!e se%rets o$ *o'er and #no'led(e) Not anyone %an "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e) In order to "e%ome one a man must %!allen(e and de$eat ! s $our natural enem es) Any"ody '!o de$eats t!em "e%omes a man o$ #no'led(e) Anyone %an try to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e7 -ery $e' men a%tually su%%eed, "ut t!at s only natural) T!e
enem es a man en%ounters on t!e *at! o$ learn n( to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e are truly $orm da"le7 most men su%%um" to t!em) To "e a man o$ #no'led(e !as no *ermanen%e) One s ne-er a man o$ #no'led(e, not really) Rat!er, one "e%omes a man o$ #no'led(e $or a -ery "r e$ nstant, a$ter de$eat n( t!e $our natural enem es) W!en a man starts to learn !e s ne-er %lear a"out ! s o";e%t -es) H s *ur*ose s $aulty7 ! s ntent s -a(ue) He !o*es $or re'ards t!at ' ll ne-er mater al :e $or !e #no's not! n( o$ t!e !ards! *s o$ learn n() He slo'ly "e( ns to learn@" t "y " t at $ rst, t!en n " ( %!un#s) And ! s t!ou(!ts soon %las!) W!at !e learns s ne-er '!at !e * %tured, or ma( ned, and so !e "e( ns to "e a$ra d) /earn n( s ne-er '!at one e9*e%ts) E-ery ste* o$ learn n( s a ne' tas#, and t!e $ear t!e man s e9*er en% n( "e( ns to mount mer% lessly) H s *ur*ose "e%omes a "attle$ eld) And t!us !e !as stum"led u*on t!e $ rst o$ ! s natural enem es7 $ear= A terr "le enemy@trea%!erous and d $$ %ult to o-er%ome) It rema ns %on%ealed at e-ery turn o$ t!e 'ay, *ro'l n(, 'a t n() And $ t!e man, terr $ ed n ts *resen%e, runs a'ay, ! s enemy ' ll !a-e *ut an end to ! s 8uest) He ' ll ne-er "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e) He ' ll *er!a*s "e a "ully, or a !armless, s%ared man7 at any rate !e ' ll "e a de$eated man) H s $ rst enemy ' ll !a-e *ut an end to ! s %ra- n(s) A man s de$eated only '!en !e no lon(er tr es, and a"andons ! msel$) On%e one o$ t!ese enem es o-er*o'ers a man t!ere s not! n( !e %an do) I$ !e ( -es n to $ear !e ' ll ne-er %on8uer t, "e%ause !e ' ll s!y a'ay $rom learn n( and ne-er try a(a n) But $ !e tr es to learn $or years n t!e m dst o$ ! s $ear, !e ' ll e-entually %on8uer t "e%ause !e ' ll ne-er !a-e really a"andoned ! msel$ to t) He must not run a'ay) He must de$y ! s $ear and, n s* te o$ t !e must ta#e t!e ne9t ste* n learn n(, and t!e ne9t and t!e ne9t) He must "e $ully a$ra d, and yet !e must not sto*) T!at s t!e rule7 and a moment ' ll %ome '!en ! s $ rst enemy retreats) T!e man "e( ns to $eel sure o$ ! msel$) H s ntent "e%omes stron(er, learn n( s no lon(er a terr $y n( tas#)
W!en t! s ;oy$ul moment %omes, t!e man %an say ' t!out !es tat on t!at !e !as de$eated ! s $ rst natural enemy) It !a**ens l ttle "y l ttle, and yet t!e $ear s -an8u s!ed suddenly, and $ast) By t!en a man #no's ! s des res7 !e #no's !o' to sat s$y t!ose des res) He %an ant % *ate t!e ne' ste*s o$ learn n(, and a s!ar* %lar ty surrounds e-eryt! n() T!e man $eels not! n( s %on%ealed) And t!us !e !as en%ountered ! s se%ond enemy) On%e a man !as -an8u s!ed $ear, !e s $ree $rom t $or t!e rest o$ ! s l $e, "e%ause nstead o$ $ear !e !as a%8u red %lar ty@a %lar ty o$ m nd '! %! erases $ear) T!at %lar ty o$ m nd '! %! s so !ard to o"ta n, d s*els $ear "ut also "l nds) It $or%es t!e man ne-er to dou"t ! msel$) It ( -es ! m t!e assuran%e !e %an do anyt! n( !e *leases, $or !e sees %learly nto e-eryt! n() And !e s %oura(eous "e%ause !e s %lear, and !e sto*s at not! n( "e%ause !e s %lear) But all t!at s a m sta#e7 t s l #e somet! n( n%om*lete) I$ t!e man y elds to t! s ma#e."el e-e *o'er !e !as su%%um"ed to ! s se%ond enemy and ' ll "e *at ent '!en !e s!ould rus!) And !e ' ll $um"le ' t! learn n( unt l !e ' nds u* n%a*a"le o$ learn n( anyt! n( more) H s se%ond enemy !as ;ust sto**ed ! m %old $rom try n( to "e%ome a man o$ #no'led(e7 nstead !e may turn nto a "uoyant 'arr or, or a %lo'n) Yet t!e %lar ty $or '! %! !e !as *a d so dearly ' ll ne-er %!an(e to dar#ness and $ear a(a n) He ' ll "e %lear as lon( as !e l -es, "ut !e ' ll no lon(er learn, or yearn $or anyt! n() He must do '!at !e d d ' t! $ear7 !e must de$y ! s %lar ty and use t only to see, and 'a t *at ently and measure %are$ully "e$ore ta# n( ne' ste*s7 !e must t! n# a"o-e all, t!at ! s %lar ty 'as only a *o nt "e$ore ! s eyes) And t!us !e ' ll !a-e o-er%ome ! s se%ond enemy, and ' ll arr -e at a *os t on '!ere not! n( %an !arm ! m anymore) T! s ' ll not "e a m sta#e) It ' ll not "e only a *o nt "e$ore ! s eyes) It ' ll "e true *o'er) He ' ll #no' at t! s *o nt t!at t!e *o'er !e !as "een *ursu n( $or so lon( s $ nally ! s) He %an do ' t! t '!ate-er *leases ! m) H s ally s at ! s %ommand) H s ' s! s t!e rule) He sees all t!at s around ! m) But !e !as also %ome a%ross ! s t! rd enemyA 1o'er= 1o'er s t!e stron(est o$ all enem es) And naturally t!e eas est t! n( to do s ( -e n7 a$ter all t!e man s truly n- n% "le) He %ommands7 !e "e( ns "y ta# n( %al%ulated r s#s, and ends "y ma# n( rules, "e%ause !e s a master)
A man at t! s sta(e !ardly not %es ! s t! rd enemy %los n( n on ! m) And suddenly, ' t!out #no' n(, !e ' ll %erta nly !a-e lost t!e "attle) H s enemy ' ll !a-e turned ! m nto a %ruel, %a*r % ous man) But !e ' ll ne-er lose ! s %lar ty or ! s *o'er) He !as to %ome to real :e t!e *o'er !e !as seem n(ly %on8uered s n real ty ne-er ! s) He must #ee* ! msel$ n l ne at all t mes, !andl n( %are$ully and $a t!$ully all t!at !e !as learned) I$ !e %an see t!at %lar ty and *o'er, ' t!out ! s %ontrol o-er ! msel$, are 'orse t!an m sta#es, !e ' ll rea%! a *o nt '!ere e-eryt! n( s !eld n %!e%#) He ' ll #no' '!en and !o' to use ! s *o'er) And t!us !e ' ll !a-e de$eated ! s t! rd enemy) T!e man ' ll "e, "y t!en, at t!e end o$ ! s ;ourney o$ learn n(, and almost ' t!out 'arn n( !e ' ll %ome u*on t!e last o$ ! s enem es7 Old a(e= T! s enemy s t!e %ruelest o$ all, t!e one !e 'ont "e a"le to de$eat %om*letely, "ut only $ (!t a'ay) T! s s t!e t me '!en a man !as no more $ears, no more m*at ent %lar ty o$ m nd@a t me '!en all ! s *o'er s n %!e%#, "ut also t!e t me '!en !e !as an uny eld n( des re to rest) I$ !e ( -es n totally to ! s des re to l e do'n and $or(et, $ !e soot!s ! msel$ n t redness, !e ' ll !a-e lost ! s last round, and ! s enemy ' ll %ut ! m do'n nto a $ee"le old %reature) H s des re to retreat ' ll o-errule all ! s %lar ty, ! s *o'er and ! s #no'led(e) But $ t!e man slou(!s o$$ ! s t redness, and l -es ! s $ate t!rou(!, !e %an t!en "e %alled a man o$ #no'led(e, $ only $or t!e "r e$ moment '!en !e su%%eeds n $ (!t n( o$$ ! s last n- n% "le enemy) T!at moment o$ %lar ty, *o'er and #no'led(e s enou(!)
ERASIN3 1ERSONA/ HISTORY T! s s t!e l ttle se%ret Im (o n( to ( -e you today) No"ody #no's my *ersonal ! story) No"ody #no's '!o I am or '!at I do) Not e-en I) Ho' %an I #no' '!o I am, '!en I am all t! s< One day I $ound out t!at *ersonal ! story 'as no lon(er ne%essary $or me, and, l #e dr n# n(, I dro**ed t) One must $ rst !a-e t!e des re to dro* t, and t!en one must *ro%eed !armon ously to %!o* t o$$, l ttle "y l ttle) Smo# n( and dr n# n( are not! n() Not! n( at all $ 'e 'ant to dro* t!em) 1eo*le !ardly e-er real :e t!at 'e %an %ut anyt! n( $rom our l -es, any t me, ;ust l #e t!at) Your trou"le s t!at you !a-e to e9*la n e-eryt! n( to e-ery"ody, %om*uls -ely and at t!e same t me you 'ant to #ee* t!e $res!ness, t!e ne'ness o$ '!at you do) You must rene' your *ersonal ! story "y tell n( your *arents, your relat -es, and your $r ends e-eryt! n( you do) On t!e ot!er !and, $ you !a-e no *ersonal ! story, no e9*lanat ons are needed7 no"ody s an(ry or d s llus oned ' t! your a%ts, and a"o-e all no one * ns you do'n ' t! t!e r t!ou(!ts) Your $r ends, t!ose you !a-e #no'n $or a lon( t me) You must lea-e t!em 8u %#ly) W!ats 'ron( s t!at on%e t!ey #no' you, you are an a$$a r ta#en $or (ranted and $rom t!at moment on you 'ont "e a"le to "rea# t!e t e o$ t!e r t!ou(!ts) I *ersonally l #e t!e ult mate $reedom o$ "e n( un#no'n) No one #no's me ' t! stead$ast %erta nty, t!e 'ay *eo*le #no' you $or nstan%e) It s "est to erase all *ersonal ! story, "e%ause t!at ' ll ma#e us $ree $rom t!e en%um"er n( t!ou(!ts o$ ot!er *eo*le) W!en not! n( s $or sure 'e rema n alert, *erenn ally on our toes) It s more e9% t n( not to #no' '! %! "us! t!e ra"" t s ! d n( "e! nd t!an to "e!a-e as t!ou(! 'e #no' e-eryt! n() 2rom no' on you must s m*ly s!o' *eo*le '!ate-er you %are to s!o' t!em, "ut ' t!out e-er tell n( e9a%tly !o' you-e done t)
You al'ays #ne' !o' to l e) T!e only t! n( t!at 'as m ss n( 'as t!at you d dnt #no' '!y to do t) No' you do) You see, 'e only !a-e t'o alternat -es7 'e e t!er ta#e e-eryt! n( $or sure and real or 'e dont) I$ 'e $ollo' t!e $ rst, 'e end u* "ored to deat! ' t! oursel-es and ' t! t!e 'orld) I$ 'e $ollo' t!e se%ond and erase *ersonal ! story, 'e %reate a $o( around us, a -ery e9% t n( and myster ous state n '! %! no"ody #no's '!ere t!e ra"" t ' ll *o* out, not e-en oursel-es / ttle "y l ttle you must %reate a $o( around yoursel$7 you must erase e-eryt! n( around you unt l not! n( %an "e ta#en $or (ranted, unt l not! n( s any lon(er $or sure an real) Dont ta#e t! n(s $or (ranted) You must "e( n to erase yoursel$) DEATH AS AN AD4ISOR T!e t! n( to do '!en youre m*at ent s to turn to your le$t and as# ad- %e $rom your deat!) An mmense amount o$ *ett ness s dro**ed $ your deat! ma#es a (esture to you, or $ you %at%! a (l m*se o$ t, or $ you ;ust !a-e t!e $eel n( t!at your %om*an on s 'at%! n( you) Deat! s our eternal %om*an on) It s al'ays to our le$t, at an arms len(t!) It !as al'ays "een 'at%! n( you) It al'ays ' ll unt l t!e day t ta*s you) A 'arr or t! n#s o$ ! s deat! '!en t! n(s "e%ome un%lear, "e%ause t!e dea o$ deat! s t!e only t! n( t!at tem*ers our s* r t) Your deat! ( -es you a l ttle 'arn n() It al'ays %omes as a %! ll) Deat! s t!e only ' se ad- sor t!at 'e !a-e) W!ene-er you $eel, as you al'ays do, t!at e-eryt! n( s (o n( 'ron( and youre a"out to "e ann ! lated, turn to your deat! and as# $ t!at s so) Your deat! ' ll tell you t!at youre 'ron(7 t!at not! n( really matters outs de ts tou%!) Your deat! ' ll tell you, BI !a-ent tou%!ed you yet)C T!e reason you #ee* on %om n( to see me s -ery s m*le) E-ery t me you !a-e seen me your "ody !as learned %erta n t! n(s, e-en a(a nst your des re) And $ nally your "ody no' needs to %ome "a%# to see me to learn more) /ets say your "ody #no's t!at t s (o n( to d e, e-en t!ou(! you ne-er t! n# a"out t) So I-e "een tell n( your "ody t!at I too am (o n( to d e and "e$ore I do I 'ould l #e to s!o' your "ody %erta n t! n(s, t! n(s '! %! you %annot ( -e to your "ody yoursel$) 2or e9am*le your "ody needs
$r (!t) It l #es t) Your "ody needs t!e dar#ness and t!e ' nd) So lets say t!at your "ody returns to see me "e%ause I am ts $r end) T!ere s not! n( 'ron( ' t! "e n( a$ra d) W!en you $ear you see t! n(s n a d $$erent 'ay) 2r (!t ne-er n;ures anyone) W!at n;ures t!e s* r t s !a- n( someone al'ays on your "a%#, "eat n( you, tell n( you '!at to do and '!at not to do) By t!e t me #no'led(e "e%omes a $r (!ten n( a$$a r t!e man also real :es t!at deat! s t!e rre*la%ea"le *artner t!at s ts ne9t to ! m on t!e mat) E-ery " t o$ #no'led(e t!at "e%omes *o'er !as deat! as ts %entral $or%e) Deat! lends t!e ult mate tou%!, and '!ate-er s tou%!ed "y deat! ndeed "e%omes *o'er) A man '!o $ollo's t!e *at!s o$ sor%ery s %on$ronted ' t! mm nent ann ! lat on at e-ery turn o$ t!e 'ay, and una-o da"ly "e%omes #eenly a'are o$ ! s deat!) W t!out t!e a'areness o$ deat! !e 'ould "e only an ord nary man n-ol-ed n ord nary a%ts) He 'ould la%# t!e ne%essary *oten%y, t!e ne%essary %on%entrat on t!at trans$orms ones ord nary t me on eart! nto ma( %al *o'er) T!us to "e a 'arr or a man !as to "e, $ rst o$ all, and r (!t$ully so, #eenly a'are o$ ! s o'n deat!) But to "e %on%erned ' t! deat! 'ould $or%e any one o$ us to $o%us on t!e sel$ and t!at 'ould "e de" l tat n() So t!e ne9t t! n( one needs to "e a 'arr or s deta%!ment) T!e dea o$ mm nent deat!, nstead o$ "e%om n( an o"sess on, "e%omes an nd $$eren%e) Only t!e dea o$ deat! ma#es a man su$$ % ently deta%!ed so !e s n%a*a"le o$ a"andon n( ! msel$ to anyt! n() Only t!e dea o$ deat! ma#es a man su$$ % ently deta%!ed so !e %ant deny ! msel$ anyt! n() A man o$ t!at sort, !o'e-er, does not %ra-e, $or !e !as a%8u red a s lent lust $or l $e and $or all t! n(s o$ l $e) He #no's ! s deat! s stal# n( ! m and 'ont ( -e ! m t me to %l n( to anyt! n(, so !e tr es, ' t!out %ra- n(, all o$ e-eryt! n() A deta%!ed man, '!o #no's !e !as no *oss " l ty o$ $end n( o$$ ! s deat!, !as only one t! n( to "a%# ! msel$ ' t!7 t!e *o'er o$ ! s de% s ons) He !as to "e, so to s*ea#, t!e master o$ ! s %!o %es) He must $ully understand t!at ! s %!o %e s ! s res*ons " l ty and on%e !e ma#es t t!ere s no lon(er t me $or re(rets or re%r m nat ons) H s de% s ons are $ nal, s m*ly "e%ause ! s deat! ' ll not *erm t ! m t me to %l n( to anyt! n() Not! n( s *end n( n t!e 'orld) Not! n( s $ n s!ed, yet not! n( s resol-ed)
And t!us ' t! an a'areness o$ ! s deat!, ' t! ! s deta%!ment, and ' t! t!e *o'er o$ ! s de% s ons a 'arr or sets ! s l $e n a strate( %al manner) T!e #no'led(e o$ ! s deat! (u des ! m and ma#es ! m deta%!ed and s lently lusty7 t!e *o'er o$ ! s $ nal de% s ons ma#es ! m a"le to %!oose ' t!out re(rets and '!at !e %!ooses s al'ays strate( %ally t!e "est7 and so !e *er$orm e-eryt! n( !e !as to ' t! (usto and lusty e$$ % en%y) T!e ndul(en%e o$ deny n( s "y $ar t!e 'orst7 t $or%es us to "el e-e 'e are do n( (reat t! n(s, '!en n e$$e%t 'e are only $ 9ed ' t! n oursel-es) You s!ould not !a-e any remorse $or anyt! n( you !a-e done, "e%ause to solate ones a%ts as "e n( mean, or u(ly, or e- l s to *la%e an un'arranted m*ortan%e on t!e sel$) /oo# at me) I !a-e no dou"ts or remorse) E-eryt! n( I do s my de% s on and my res*ons " l ty) T!e s m*lest t! n( I do, to ta#e you $or a 'al# n t!e desert, $or nstan%e, may -ery 'ell mean my deat!) Deat! s stal# n( me) T!ere$ore, I !a-e no room $or dou"ts or remorse) I$ I !a-e to d e as a result o$ ta# n( you $or a 'al#, t!en I must d e) You, on t!e ot!er !and, $eel t!at you are mmortal, and t!e de% s ons o$ an mmortal man %an "e %an%eled or re(retted or dou"ted) In a 'orld '!ere deat! s t!e !unter, my $r end t!ere s not t me $or re(rets or dou"ts) T!ere s only t me $or de% s ons) W!en a man "e!a-es n su%! a manner one may r (!t$ully say t!at !e s a 'arr or and !as a%8u red *at en%e) Deat! s not l #e a *erson) It s rat!er a *resen%e) But one may also %!oose to say t!at t s not! n( and yet t s e-eryt! n() One ' ll "e r (!t on e-ery %ount) Deat! s '!ate-er one ' s!es) I am at ease ' t! *eo*le, so deat! s a *erson $or me) I am also ( -en to myster es, so deat! !as !ollo' eyes $or me) I %an loo# t!rou(! t!em) T!ey are l #e t'o ' ndo's, and yet t!ey mo-e) And so I %an say t!at deat! ' t! ts !ollo' eyes loo#s at a 'arr or '! le !e dan%es $or t!e last t me on eart!) It s t!e same $or e-ery 'arr or t!at !as a dan%e o$ *o'er and yet t s not) Deat! ' tnesses a 'arr ors last dan%e, "ut t!e manner n '! %! a 'arr or sees ! s deat! s a *ersonal matter) It %ould "e anyt! n(@a " rd, a l (!t, a *erson, a "us!, a *e""le, a * e%e o$ $o( or an un#no'n *resen%e)
Deat! !as t'o sta(es) T!e $ rst s a "la%#out) It s a mean n(less sta(e, n '! %! one e9*er en%es a l (!tness t!at ma#es one $eel !a**y, %om*lete and t!at e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld s at ease) But t!at s only a s!allo' state7 t soon -an s!es and one enters a ne' realm, a realm o$ !ars!ness and *o'er) T!e se%ond s t!e real sta(e '!ere one meets ' t! deat!7 t s a "r e$ moment, a$ter t!e $ rst "la%#out, '!en 'e $ nd t!at 'e are some!o' oursel-es a(a n) It s t!en t!at deat! smas!es a(a nst us ' t! 8u et $ury and *o'er unt l t d ssol-es our l -es nto not! n() Deat! enters t!rou(! t!e "elly) R (!t t!rou(! t!e (a* o$ t!e ' ll) T!at area s t!e most m*ortant and sens t -e *art o$ a man) It s t!e area o$ t!e ' ll and also t!e area t!rou(! '! %! all o$ us d e) I #no' t "e%ause my ally !as (u ded me to t!at sta(e) A sor%erer tunes ! s ' ll "y lett n( deat! o-erta#e ! m, and '!en !e s $lat and "e( ns to e9*and, ! s m*e%%a"le ' ll ta#es o-er and assem"les t!e $o( nto one *erson a(a n) It s ! s ' ll '! %! assem"les a sor%erer, "ut as ! s old a(e ma#es ! m $ee"le ! s ' ll 'anes and a moment ne- ta"ly %omes '!en !e s no lon(er %a*a"le o$ %ommand n( ! s ' ll) He t!en !as not! n( ' t! '! %! to o**ose t!e s lent $or%e o$ ! s deat!, and ! s l $e "e%omes l #e t!e l -es o$ all ! s $ello' men, an e9*and n( $o( mo- n( "eyond ts l m ts) Our deat! s 'a t n( and t! s -ery a%t 'ere *er$orm n( no' may 'ell "e our last "attle on eart!) I %all t a "attle "e%ause t s a stru((le) Most *eo*le mo-e $rom a%t to a%t ' t!out any stru((le or t!ou(!t) A !unter, on t!e %ontrary assesses e-ery a%t7 and s n%e !e !as an nt mate #no'led(e o$ ! s deat!, !e *ro%eeds ;ud % ously, as $ e-ery a%t 'ere ! s last "attle) Only a $ool 'ould $a l to not %e t!e ad-anta(e a !unter !as o-er ! s $ello' men) A !unter ( -es ! s last "attle ts due res*e%t) Its only natural t!at ! s last a%t on eart! s!ould "e t!e "est o$ ! msel$) Its *leasura"le t!at 'ay) It dulls t!e ed(e o$ ! s $r (!t) I$ you are (o n( to d e t!ere s no t me $or t m d ty, s m*ly "e%ause t m d ty ma#es you %l n( to somet! n( t!at e9 sts only n your t!ou(!ts) It soot!s you '! le e-eryt! n( s at a lull) But t!en t!e a'esome myster ous 'orld ' ll o*en ts mout! $or you, as t ' ll o*en $or e-ery one o$ us, and t!en you ' ll real :e t!at your sure 'ays 'ere not sure at all) Be n( t m d *re-ents us $rom e9am n n( and e9*lo t n( our lot as men) A%ts !a-e *o'er, and es*e% ally '!en t!e *erson a%t n( #no's t!at t!ose a%ts are ! s last "attle) T!ere s a stran(e %onsum n( !a** ness n a%t n(
' t! t!e $ull #no'led(e t!at '!ate-er one s do n( may -ery 'ell "e ones last a%t on eart!) I re%ommend t!at you re%ons der your l $e and "r n( your a%ts nto t!at l (!t) Your %ont nu ty only ma#es you t m d) Your a%ts %annot *oss "ly !a-e t!e $la r, t!e *o'er, t!e %om*ell n( $or%e o$ t!e a%ts *er$ormed "y a man '!o #no's t!at !e s $ (!t n( ! s last "attle on eart!) In ot!er 'ords your %ont nu ty does not ma#e you !a**y or *o'er$ul) 2o%us your attent on on t!e l n# "et'een you and your deat!, ' t!out remorse or sadness or 'orry n() 2o%us your attent on on t!e $a%t you dont !a-e t me and let your a%ts $lo' a%%ord n(ly) /et ea%! o$ your a%ts "e your last "attle on eart!) Only under t!ose %ond t ons ' ll your a%ts !a-e t!e r r (!t$ul *o'er) Ot!er' se t!ey ' ll "e, $or as lon( as you l -e, t!e a%ts o$ a t m d man) T! s, '!ate-er youre do n( no', may "e your last "attle on eart!) It may -ery 'ell "e your last "attle) T!ere s no *o'er '! %! %ould (uarantee t!at you are (o n( to l -e one more m nute) I$ you do not t! n# o$ your deat!, your ent re l $e ' ll "e only *ersonal %!aos) W!at else %an a man !a-e, e9%e*t ! s l $e and ! s deat!< /OSIN3 SE/2.IM1ORTANCE You ta#e yoursel$ too ser ously) You are too damn m*ortant n your o'n m nd) T!at must "e %!an(ed= You are so (oddamn m*ortant t!at you $eel ;ust $ ed to "e annoyed ' t! e-eryt! n() Youre so damn m*ortant t!at you %an a$$ord to lea-e $ t! n(s dont (o your 'ay) I su**ose you t! n# t!at s!o's you !a-e %!ara%ter) T!ats nonsense= Youre 'ea# and %on%e ted) Sel$. m*ortan%e s anot!er t! n( t!at must "e dro**ed, ;ust l #e *ersonal ! story) As lon( as you $eel t!at you are t!e most m*ortant t! n( n t!e 'orld you %annot really a**re% ate t!e 'orld around you) You are l #e a !orse ' t! "l nders) All you see $ yoursel$ a*art $rom e-eryt! n( else) 2rom no' on tal# to t!e l ttle *lants) Tal# to t!em unt l you lose all sense o$ m*ortan%e) Tal# to t!em unt l you %an do t n $ront o$ ot!ers) T!e 'orld around us s a mystery, and men are no "etter t!an anyt! n( else) I$ a l ttle
*lant s (enerous ' t! us 'e must t!an# !er, or *er!a*s s!e ' ll not let us (o) 1lants are -ery *e%ul ar t! n(s) T!ey are al -e and t!ey $eel) You must tal# to t!e *lants "e$ore you * %# t!em) In order to see t!e *lants you must tal# to t!em *ersonally) You must (et to #no' t!em nd - dually7 t!en t!e *lants %an tell you anyt! n( you 'ant to #no' a"out t!em) You must tal# to t!em n a loud and %lear -o %e $ you 'ant t!em to ans'er you) It doesnt matter '!at you say to a *lant) You %an ;ust as 'ell ma#e u* 'ords7 '!ats m*ortant s t!e $eel n( o$ l # n( t and treat n( t as an e8ual) A man '!o (at!ers *lants must a*olo( :e e-ery t me $or ta# n( t!em and must assure t!em t!at someday ! s o'n "ody ' ll ser-e as $ood $or t!em) So, all n all, t!e *lants and oursel-es are e-en) Ne t!er 'e nor t!ey are more or less m*ortant) Come on, tal# to t!e l ttle *lant) Tell t t!at you dont $eel m*ortant anymore) ASSUMIN3 RES1ONSIBI/ITY 2OR ONES ACTS One must assume res*ons " l ty $or "e n( n a 'e rd 'orld) We are n a 'e rd 'orld, you #no') 2or you t!e 'orld s 'e rd "e%ause $ youre not "ored ' t! t youre at odds ' t! t) 2or me t!e 'orld s 'e rd "e%ause t s stu*endous, a'esome, myster ous, un$at!oma"le7 my nterest !as "een to %on- n%e you t!at you must assume res*ons " l ty $or "e n( !ere, n t! s mar-elous 'orld, n t! s mar-elous desert, n t! s mar-elous t me) I 'anted to %on- n%e you t!at you must learn to ma#e e-ery a%t %ount, s n%e you are (o n( to "e !ere $or only a s!ort '! le, n $a%t too s!ort $or ' tness n( all t!e mar-els o$ t) W!en a man de% des to do somet! n( !e must (o all t!e 'ay, "ut !e must #no' $ rst '!y !e s do n( t, and t!en !e must *ro%eed ' t! ! s a%t ons ' t!out !a- n( dou"ts or remorse a"out t!em) In a 'orld '!ere deat! s t!e !unter, my $r end, t!ere s not t me $or re(rets or dou"ts) T!ere s only t me $or de% s ons)
It doesnt matter '!at t!e de% s on s) Not! n( %ould "e more or less ser ous t!an anyt! n( else) Dont you see< In a 'orld '!ere deat! s t!e !unter t!ere are no " ( or small de% s ons) T!ere are only de% s ons t!at 'e ma#e n t!e $a%e o$ our ne- ta"le deat!) To assume t!e res*ons " l ty o$ ones de% s ons means t!at one s ready to d e $or t!em) You may (o to any *la%e you ' s!, "ut $ you do, you must assume t!e $ull res*ons " l ty $or t!at a%t) A 'arr or l -es ! s l $e strate( %ally) He 'ould attend a *arty or reun on, $or nstan%e, only $ ! s strate(y %alls $or t) T!at means, o$ %ourse, t!at !e 'ould "e n total %ontrol and 'ould *er$orm all t!e a%ts t!at !e deems ne%essary) W!en !e a%ts ' t! ! s $ello' men a 'arr or $ollo's t!e do n( o$ strate(y, and n t!at do n( t!ere are no - %tor es or de$eats) In t!at do n( t!ere are only a%t ons) STO11IN3 THE WOR/D Ill tell you '!at 'e tal# to oursel-es a"out) We tal# a"out our 'orld) In $a%t 'e ma nta n our 'orld ' t! our nternal tal#) W!ene-er t!e d alo(ue sto*s, t!e 'orld %olla*ses and e9traord nary $a%ets o$ oursel-es sur$a%e, as t!ou(! t!ey !ad "een #e*t !ea- ly (uarded "y our 'ords) You are l #e you are "e%ause you tell yoursel$ t!at you are t!at 'ay) A 'arr or s a'are t!at t!e 'orld ' ll %!an(e as soon as !e sto*s tal# n( to ! msel$, and !e must "e *re*ared $or t!at monumental ;olt) T!e 'orld s su%!.and.su%! or so.and.so only "e%ause 'e tell oursel-es t!at t!at s t!e 'ay t s) I$ 'e sto* tell n( oursel-es t!at t!e 'orld s so.and.so, t!e 'orld 'ould sto* "e n( so.and.so) At t! s moment I dont t! n# youre ready $or su%! a momentous "lo', t!ere$ore you must start slo'ly to undo t!e 'orld) W!ene-er 'e $ n s! tal# n( to oursel-es t!e 'orld s al'ays as t s!ould "e) We rene' t, 'e # ndle t ' t! l $e, 'e u*!old t ' t! our nternal tal#) Not only t!at, "ut 'e also %!oose our *at!s as 'e tal# to oursel-es) T!us 'e re*eat t!e same %!o %es o-er and o-er unt l t!e day 'e d e, "e%ause 'e #ee* on re*eat n( t!e same nternal tal#)
To %!an(e your dea o$ t!e 'orld s t!e %ru9 o$ sor%ery, and sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue s t!e only 'ay to a%%om*l s! t) T!e rest s ;ust *add n() No' youre n t!e *os t on to #no' t!at not! n( o$ '!at you-e seen or done, ' t! t!e e9%e*t on o$ sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue, %ould, "y tsel$, !a-e %!an(ed anyt! n( n you, or n your dea o$ t!e 'orld) T!e *ro- s on s, o$ %ourse, t!at t!at %!an(e s!ould not "e deran(ed) No' you %an understand '!y a tea%!er doesnt %lam* do'n on ! s a**rent %e) T!at 'ould only "reed o"sess on and mor" d ty) T!e %!an(e Im tal# n( a"out ne-er ta#es *la%e "y de(rees7 t !a**ens suddenly) And you are not *re*ar n( yoursel$ $or t!at sudden a%t t!at ' ll "r n( a total %!an(e) T!e 'orld s a mystery) T! s, '!at youre loo# n( at s not all t!ere s to t) T!ere s mu%! more to t!e 'orld, so mu%! more, n $a%t, t!at t s endless) So '!en youre try n( to $ (ure t out, all youre really do n( s try n( to ma#e t!e 'orld $am l ar) You and I are r (!t !ere, n t!e 'orld t!at you %all real, s m*ly "e%ause 'e "ot! #no' t) You dont #no' t!e 'orld o$ *o'er, t!ere$ore you %annot ma#e t nto a $am l ar s%ene) Im l #e you) I d dnt 'ant t) I %ouldnt $ nd a reason to !a-e t) I !ad all t!e dou"ts t!at you !a-e and ne-er $ollo'ed t!e nstru%t ons I 'as ( -en, or I ne-er t!ou(!t I d d7 yet n s* te o$ my stu* d ty I stored enou(! *o'er, and one day my *ersonal *o'er ma#e t!e 'orld %olla*se) And on%e you #no' '!at ts l #e to sto* t!e 'orld you real :e t!ere s a reason $or t) You see, one o$ t!e arts o$ t!e 'arr or s to %olla*se t!e 'orld $or a s*e% $ % reason and t!en restore t a(a n n order to #ee* on l - n() SETTIN3 U1 DREAMIN3 Be%ome a%%ess "le to *o'er7 ta%#le your dreams) You %all t!em dreams "e%ause you !a-e no *o'er) A 'arr or, "e n( a man '!o see#s *o'er, doesnt %all t!em dreams, !e %alls t!em real) W!at you %all dreams are real $or a 'arr or) You must understand t!at a 'arr or s not a $ool) A 'arr or s an mma%ulate !unter '!o !unts *o'er7 !es not drun# or %ra:ed, and !e !as ne t!er t!e t me nor t!e d s*os t on to "lu$$, or to l e to ! msel$, or to ma#e a 'ron( mo-e) T!e sta#es are too ! (! $or t!at) T!e sta#es are ! s tr mmed orderly l $e '! %! !e !as ta#en so lon( to t (!ten and *er$e%t) He s not (o n( to t!ro' t!at a'ay "y ma# n( some stu* d m s%al%ulat on, "y ta# n( somet! n( $or "e n( somet! n( else)
Dream n( s real $or a 'arr or "e%ause n t !e %an a%t del "erately, !e %an %!oose and re;e%t, !e %an sele%t $rom a -ar ety o$ tems t!ose '! %! lead to *o'er, and t!en !e %an man *ulate t!em and use t!em, '! le n an ord nary dream !e %annot a%t del "erately) In dream n( you !a-e *o'er7 you %an %!an(e t! n(s you may $ nd out %ountless %on%ealed $a%ts7 you %an %ontrol '!ate-er you 'ant) You must start "y do n( somet! n( -ery s m*le) Ton (!t n your dreams you must loo# at your !ands) You %an, o$ %ourse, loo# at '!ate-er you (oddam *lease@your toes, or your "elly, or your *e%#er, $or t!at matter) I sa d your !ands "e%ause t!at 'as t!e eas est t! n( $or me to loo# at) Dont t! n# ts a ;o#e) Dream n( s as ser ous as see n( or dy n(, or any ot!er t! n( n t! s a'esome, myster ous 'orld) E-ery t me you loo# at anyt! n( n your dreams t %!an(es s!a*e) T!e tr %# n learn n( to set u* dream n( s o"- ously not ;ust to loo# at t! n(s "ut to susta n t!e s (!t o$ t!em) Dream n( s real '!en one !as su%%eeded n "r n( n( e-eryt! n( nto $o%us) T!en t!ere s no d $$eren%e "et'een '!at you do '!en you slee* and '!at you do '!en you are not slee* n() Do you see '!at I mean< W!en t!ey "e( n to %!an(e s!a*e you must mo-e your s (!t a'ay $rom t!em and * %# somet! n( else, and t!en loo# at your !ands a(a n) It ta#es a lon( t me to *er$e%t t! s te%!n 8ue) E-ery t me you loo# at your !ands you rene' t!e *o'er needed $or dream n(, so n t!e "e( nn n( dont loo# at too may t! n(s) 2our tems ' ll su$$ %e e-ery t me) /ater on you may enlar(e t!e s%o*e unt l you %an %o-er all you 'ant, "ut as soon as t!e ma(es "e( n to s! $t and you $eel you are los n( %ontrol (o "a%# to your !ands) W!en you $eel you %an (a:e at t! n(s nde$ n tely you ' ll "e ready $or a ne' te%!n 8ue) Im (o n( to tea%! you t! s ne' te%!n 8ue no', "ut I e9*e%t you to *ut to use only '!en you are ready) T!e ne9t ste* n sett n( u* dream n( s to learn to tra-el) T!e same 'ay you !a-e learned to loo# at your !ands you %an ' ll yoursel$ to mo-e, to (o *la%es) 2 rst you !a-e to esta"l s! a *la%e you 'ant to (o) 1 %# a 'ell.#no'n
s*ot@*er!a*s your s%!ool, or a *ar#, a $r ends !ouse@t!en ' ll yoursel$ to (o t!ere) T! s te%!n 8ue s -ery d $$ %ult) You must *er$orm t'o tas#sA You must ' ll yoursel$ to (o to t!e s*e% $ % lo%ale, and t!en, '!en you !a-e mastered t!at te%!n 8ue, you !a-e to learn to %ontrol t!e e9a%t t me o$ your tra-el n() Ea%! 'arr or !as ! s o'n 'ay o$ dream n() Ea%! 'ay s d $$erent) T!e only t! n( '! %! 'e all !a-e n %ommon s t!at 'e *lay tr %#s n order to $or%e oursel-es to a"andon t!e 8uest) T!e %ountermeasure s to *ers st n s* te o$ all t!e "arr ers and d sa**o ntments) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on o$ !o' to sele%t a to* % $or dream n(, s t!at a 'arr or %!ooses t!e to* % "y del "erately !old n( an ma(e n ! s m nd '! le !e s!uts o$$ ! s nternal d alo(ue) In ot!er 'ords, $ !e s %a*a"le o$ not tal# n( to ! msel$ $or a moment and t!en !olds t!e ma(e or t!e t!ou(!t o$ '!at !e 'ants n dream n(, e-en $ only $or an nstant, t!en t!e des red to* % ' ll %ome to ! m, Im sure you-e done t!at, alt!ou(! you 'ere not a'are o$ t) You must 'ear a !ead"and to slee*) 3ett n( a !ead"and s a tr %#y maneu-er) I %annot ( -e you one, "e%ause you yoursel$ !a-e to ma#e t $rom s%rat%!) But you %annot ma#e one unt l you !a-e !ad a - s on o$ t n dream n() See '!at I mean< T!e !ead"and !as to "e made a%%ord n( to t!e s*e% $ % - s on) And t must !a-e a str * a%ross t t!at $ ts t (!tly to t!e to* o$ t!e !ead) Or t may -ery 'ell "e l #e a t (!t %a*) Dream n( s easy '!en one 'ears a *o'er o";e%t on to* o$ t!e !ead) You %ould 'ear a %a* or *ut on a %o'l, l #e a $r ar, and (o to slee*, "ut t!ose tems 'ould only %ause ntense dreams) Not dream n() T!e - s on o$ t!e !ead"and does not !a-e to o%%ur only n dream n() It %an !a**en n states o$ 'a#e$ulness and as a result o$ any $ar.$et%!ed and totally unrelated e-ent, su%! as 'at%! n( t!e $l (!t o$ " rds, t!e mo-ement o$ 'ater, t!e %louds, and so on) A !unter o$ *o'er 'at%!es e-eryt! n(, and e-eryt! n( tells ! m some se%ret) NOT.DOIN3
Not.do n( s so d $$ %ult and so *o'er$ul t!at you s!ould not ment on t) Not unt l you !a-e sto**ed t!e 'orld7 only t!en %an one tal# a"out t $reely, $ t!ats '!at you 'ant to do) Ta#e t!at ro%#, $or nstan%e) To loo# at t s do n(, "ut to see t s not.do n() T!at ro%# s a ro%# "e%ause o$ all t!e t! n(s you #no' !o' to do to t) I %all t!at do n() A man o$ #no'led(e, $or nstan%e, #no's t!at t!e ro%# s a ro%# only "e%ause o$ do n(, so $ !e doesnt 'ant t!e ro%# to "e a ro%# all !e !as to do s not.do n() See '!at I mean< I say t!at you are ma# n( t! s nto a *e""le "e%ause you #no' t!e do n( n-ol-ed n t) No', n order to sto* t!e 'orld you must sto* do n() In t!e %ase o$ t! s l ttle ro%# t!e $ rst t! n( '! %! do n( does to t s to s!r n# t to t! s s :e) So t!e *ro*er t! n( to do, '! %! a 'arr or does $ !e 'ants to sto* t!e 'orld, s to enlar(e a l ttle ro%# or any ot!er t! n(, "y not.do n() You-e "een 'at%! n( t $or a lon( t me) It !as somet! n( o$ you no') A 'arr or al'ays tr es to a$$e%t t!e $or%e o$ do n( "y %!an( n( t nto not.do n() Do n( 'ould "e to lea-e t!e *e""le ly n( around "e%ause t s merely a small ro%#) Not.do n( 'ould "e to *ro%eed ' t! t!at *e""le as $ t 'ere somet! n( $ar "eyond a mere ro%#) In t! s %ase, t!at *e""le !as soa#ed n you $or a lon( t me and no' t s you, and as su%!, you %annot lea-e t ly n( around, "ut must "ury t) I$ you 'ould !a-e *ersonal *o'er, !o'e-er, not.do n( 'ould "e to %!an(e t!at *e""le nto a *o'er o";e%t) I !a-e to tell you t!at t really doesnt matter '!et!er or not all t! s s true) It s !ere t!at a 'arr or !as a *o nt o$ ad-anta(e o-er t!e a-era(e man) An a-era(e man %ares t!at t! n(s are e t!er true or $alse, "ut a 'arr or doesnt) An a-era(e man *ro%eeds n a s*e% $ % 'ay ' t! t! n(s t!at !e #no's are true, !e a%ts and "el e-e n '!at !e does) But $ t! n(s are sa d to "e untrue, !e doesnt %are to a%t, or !e doesnt "el e-e n '!at !e does) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, a%ts n "ot! nstan%es) I$ t! n(s are sa d to "e true, !e 'ould a%t n order to do do n() I$ t! n(s are sa d to "e untrue, !e st ll 'ould a%t n order to do not.do n() See '!at I mean< T!e most d $$ %ult *art a"out t!e 'arr ors 'ay s to real :e t!at t!e 'orld s a $eel n() W!en one s not.do n(, one s $eel n( t!e 'orld, and one $eels t!e 'orld t!rou(! ts l nes) You must $eel e-eryt! n(, ot!er' se t!e 'orld loses ts sense)
Not.do n( s -ery s m*le, "ut -ery d $$ %ult) It s not a matter o$ understand n( "ut o$ master n( t) See n(, o$ %ourse, s t!e $ nal a%%om*l s!ment o$ a man o$ #no'led(e, and see n( s atta ned only '!en one !as sto**ed t!e 'orld t!rou(! t!e te%!n 8ue o$ not.do n() W!en one does somet! n( ' t! *eo*le t!e %on%ern s!ould "e only ' t! *resent n( t!e %ase to t!e r "od es) T!ats '!at I-e "een do n( ' t! you so $ar, lett n( your "ody #no') W!o %ares '!et!er or not you understand< 2 nd a "us!) 2 9 your attent on not on t!e lea-es, "ut on t!e s!ado's o$ t!e lea-es) S!ado's are l #e t!e doors o$ not.do n() A man o$ #no'led(e, $or e9am*le, %an tell t!e nnermost $eel n(s o$ men "y 'at%! n( t!e r s!ado's) You may say t!ere s mo-ement n t!em, or you may say t!at t!e l nes o$ t!e 'orld are s!o'n n t!em, or you may say t!at $eel n(s %ome $rom t!em) To "el e-e t!at s!ado's are ;ust s!ado's s do n() T!at "el e$ s some!o' stu* d) T! n# a"out t t! s 'ay7 t!ere s so mu%! more to e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld t!at o"- ously t!ere must "e more to s!ado's too, A$ter all '!at ma#es t!em s!ado's s our do n() In o"ser- n( s!ado's one !as to %ross t!e eyes and yet #ee* a s!ar* ma(e n $o%us) T!e dea s to let one s!ado' "e su*er m*osed on t!e ot!er "y %ross n( t!e eyes) T!rou(! t!at *ro%ess one %an as%erta n a %erta n $eel n( '! %! emanates $rom s!ado's) T!ere s really no 'ay o$ des%r " n( '!at I mean) Dream n( s t!e not.do n( o$ dreams, and as you *ro(ress n your not.do n( you ' ll also *ro(ress n dream n() T!e tr %# s not to sto* loo# n( $or your !ands, e-en $ you dont "el e-e '!at youre do n( !as any mean n() In $a%t, as I !a-e told you "e$ore, a 'arr or doesnt need to "el e-e, "e%ause as lon( as !e #ee*s a%t n( ' t!out "el e- n( !e s not.do n() Dur n( t!e day s!ado's are t!e doors o$ not.do n() But at n (!t, s n%e -ery l ttle do n( *re-a ls n t!e dar#, e-eryt! n( s a s!ado', n%lud n( t!e all es) E-eryt! n( I !a-e tau(!t you so $ar !as "een an as*e%t o$ not.do n() A 'arr or a**l es not.do n( to e-eryt! n( n t!e 'orld, and yet I %ant tell you more a"out t t!an '!at I !a-e sa d today) You must let your o'n "ody d s%o-er t!e *o'er and $eel n( o$ not.do n()
I already #no' you t! n# you are rotten) T!ats your do n() No' n order to a$$e%t t!at do n( I am (o n( to re%ommend t!at you learn anot!er do n() 2rom no' on, and $or a *er od o$ e (!t days, I 'ant you to l e to yoursel$) Instead o$ tell n( yoursel$ t!e trut!, t!at you are u(ly and rotten and nade8uate, you ' ll tell yoursel$ t!at you are t!e %om*lete o**os te, #no' n( t!at you are ly n( and t!at you are a"solutely "eyond !o*e) It may !oo# you nto anot!er do n(, and t!en you may real :e t!at "ot! do n(s are l es, unreal, t!at to ! n(e yoursel$ to e t!er one s a 'aste o$ t me, "e%ause t!e only t! n( t!at s real s t!e "e n( n you t!at s (o n( to d e) To arr -e at t!at "e n( s t!e not.do n( o$ t!e sel$) E-eryt! n( 'e do, as I !a-e told you, s a matter o$ do n() A man o$ #no'led(e %ould !oo# ! msel$ to e-eryones do n( and %ome u* ' t! 'e rd t! n(s) But t!ey are not 'e rd, not really) T!ey are 'e rd only to t!ose '!o are tra**ed n do n() /ets say t!at '!en e-ery one o$ us s "orn 'e "r n( ' t! us a l ttle r n( o$ *o'er) T!at l ttle r n( s almost mmed ately *ut to use) So e-ery one o$ us s already !oo#ed $rom " rt! and our r n(s o$ *o'er are ;o ned to e-eryone elses) In ot!er 'ords, our r n(s o$ *o'er are !oo#ed to t!e do n( o$ t!e 'orld n order to ma#e t!e 'orld) We are *er%e -ers) T!e 'orld t!at 'e *er%e -e, t!ou(!, s an llus on) It 'as %reated "y a des%r *t on t!at 'as told to us s n%e t!e moment 'e 'ere "orn) We, t!e lum nous "e n(s, are "orn ' t! t'o r n(s o$ *o'er, "ut 'e use only one to %reate t!e 'orld) T!at r n(, '! %! s !oo#ed -ery soon a$ter 'e are "orn, s reason, and ts %om*an on s tal# n() Bet'een t!e t'o t!ey %on%o%t and ma nta n t!e 'orld) So, n essen%e, t!e 'orld t!at your reason 'ants to susta n s t!e 'orld %reated "y a des%r *t on and ts do(mat % and n- ola"le rules, '! %! reason learns to a%%e*t and de$end) 2or nstan%e, our r n(s o$ *o'er, yours and m ne, are !oo#ed r (!t no' to t!e do n( o$ t! s room) Our r n(s o$ *o'er are s* nn n( t! s room nto "e n( at t! s -ery moment) You see, e-ery one o$ us #no's t!e do n( o$ rooms "e%ause, n one 'ay or anot!er, 'e !a-e s*ent mu%! o$ our l -es n rooms) A man o$ #no'led(e, on t!e ot!er !and, de-elo*s anot!er r n( o$ *o'er) I 'ould %all t t!e r n( o$
not.do n(, "e%ause t s !oo#ed to not.do n() W t! t!at r n(, t!ere$ore, !e %an s* n anot!er 'orld) Your d $$ %ulty s t!at you !a-ent de-elo*ed your e9tra r n( o$ *o'er and your "ody doesnt #no' not.do n() We !a-e all "een tau(!t to a(ree a"out do n() You dont !a-e any dea o$ t!e *o'er t!at t!at a(reement "r n(s ' t! t) But, $ortunately, not.do n( s e8ually m ra%ulous and *o'er$ul) I$ you 'ant to #no' '!at I mean "y not.do n( you !a-e to do a s m*le e9er% se) S n%e 'e are %on%erned ' t! not.do n( t doesnt matter '!et!er you do t!e e9er% se no' or ten years $rom no') / e do'n) Bend your r (!t arm at t!e el"o', t!en turn your !and unt l t!e *alm s $a% n( t!e $ront7 %ur-e your $ n(ers so your !and loo#s as $ t s !old n( a door#no", and t!en "e( n to mo-e your arm "a%# and $ort! n a % r%ular mot on l #e t!e a%t o$ *us! n( and *ull n( a le-er atta%!ed to a '!eel) A 'arr or does t!at mo-ement e-ery t me !e 'ants to *us! somet! n( out o$ ! s "ody, somet! n( l #e a d sease or an un'el%om n( $eel n() T!e dea s to *us! and *ull an ma( nary o**os n( $or%e unt l one $eels a !ea-y o";e%t, a sol d "ody, sto** n( t!e $ree mo-ement o$ t!e !and) In t!e %ase o$ t! s e9er% se not.do n( %ons sts n re*eat n( t unt l one $eels t!e !ea-y "ody ' t! t!e !and n s* te o$ t!e $a%t t!at you %an ne-er "el e-e t s *oss "le to $eel t) Not.do n( s only $or -ery stron( 'arr ors and you dont !a-e t!e *o'er to deal ' t! t yet) No' you ' ll only tra* !orrendous t! n(s ' t! your !and) So do t l ttle "y l ttle, unt l your !and doesnt (et %old anymore) W!ene-er your !and rema ns 'arm you %an a%tually $eel t!e l nes o$ t!e 'orld ' t! t) T!e most dura"le l nes a man o$ #no'led(e *rodu%es %ome $rom t!e m ddle o$ t!e "ody) But !e %an also ma#e t!em ' t! ! s eyes or ' t! ! s !ands) /ets say t!at you %an $eel t!em) T!e most d $$ %ult *art a"out t!e 'arr ors 'ay s to real :e t!at t!e 'orld s a $eel n() W!en one s not.do n( one s $eel n( t!e 'orld, and one $eels t!e 'orld t!rou(! ts l nes) T!ere are n$ n te num"ers o$ l nes t!at ;o n us to t! n(s) T!e e9er% se o$ not. do n( I !a-e ;ust des%r "ed ' ll !el* anyone to $eel a l ne t!at %omes out $rom t!e mo- n( !and, a l ne t!at one %an *la%e or %ast '!ere-er one 'ants
to) T! s s only an e9er% se, "e%ause t!e l nes $ormed "y t!e !and are not dura"le enou(! to "e o$ real -alue n a *ra%t %al s tuat on) /oo# at t!e s!ado' o$ t!at "oulder) T!e s!ado' s t!e "oulder, and yet t snt) To o"ser-e t!e "oulder n order to #no' '!at t!e "oulder s, s do n(, "ut to o"ser-e ts s!ado' s not.do n() T!e se%ret o$ a stron( "ody s not n '!at you do to t "ut '!at you dont do) S t !ere unt l 'e lea-e and not.do) THE A//IES An ally s a *o'er a man %an "r n( nto ! s l $e to !el* ! m, to ad- se ! m, and ( -e ! m t!e stren(t! ne%essary to *er$orm a%ts, '!et!er " ( or small, r (!t or 'ron() T! s ally s ne%essary to en!an%e a mans l $e, (u de ! s a%ts, and $urt!er ! s #no'led(e) In $a%t, an ally s t!e nd s*ensa"le a d to #no' n() T!e all es are ne t!er (ood nor e- l, "ut are *ut to use "y t!e sor%erers $or '!ate-er *ur*ose t!ey see $ t) An ally ' ll ma#e you see and understand t! n(s a"out '! %! no !uman "e n( %ould *oss "ly enl (!ten you) An ally s a *o'er %a*a"le o$ %arry n( a man "eyond t!e "oundar es o$ ! msel$) T! s s !o' an ally %an re-eal matters no !uman "e n( %ould) An ally ta#es you out to ( -e you *o'er) T!e 'ay one understands t!e ally s a *ersonal matter) T!e only 'ay to #no' '!at an ally s s "y e9*er en% n( t) O-er t!e years I !a-e stru((led to *re*are you $or t!e momentous en%ounter ' t! an ally) A tea%!er must a%8ua nt ! s d s% *le ' t! ally l ttle my l ttle, * e%e "y * e%e) Our reason s *etty and t s al'ays at odds ' t! our "ody) T! s, o$ %ourse, s only a 'ay o$ tal# n(, "ut t!e tr um*! o$ a man o$ #no'led(e s t!at !e !as ;o ned t!e t'o to(et!er) S n%e youre not a man o$ #no'led(e, your "ody does t! n(s no' t!at your reason does not %om*re!end) T!e ally s one o$ t!ose t! n(s) T!e ally s 'a t n( $or you) T!ats $or sure) It s r (!t !ere, or t!ere, or any ot!er *la%e) T!e ally s 'a t n( $or you, ;ust l #e deat! s 'a t n( $or you, e-ery'!ere and no'!ere) 2or t!e same reason t!at deat! 'a ts $or you, "e%ause you 'ere "orn) T!ere s no *oss " l ty o$ e9*la n n( at t! s *o nt
'!at s meant "y t!at) You must $ rst e9*er en%e t!e ally) You must *er%e -e t n ts $ull $or%e, t!en t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on may t!ro' l (!t on t) E-eryt! n( t!ey do s s (n $ %ant) 2rom t!e r a%t ons a "ru;o %an somet mes dra' ! s *o'er) E-en $ a "ru;o does not !a-e an ally o$ ! s o'n, as lon( as !e #no's !o' to see, !e %an !andle *o'er "y 'at%! n( t!e a%ts o$ t!e all es) My "ene$a%tor tau(!t me to do t!at, and $or years "e$ore I !ad my o'n ally I 'at%!ed $or all es amon( %ro'ds o$ *eo*le and e-ery t me I sa' one t tau(!t me somet! n() I l #e to s t n *ar#s and "us de*ots and 'at%!) Somet mes I %an s*ot an ally r (!t a'ay7 at ot!er t mes I %an see only real *eo*le) On%e I sa' t'o all es s tt n( n a "us, s de "y s de) T!ats t!e only t me n my l $e I !a-e seen t'o to(et!er) Real *eo*le loo# l #e lum nous e((s '!en you see t!em) Non*eo*le al'ays loo# l #e *eo*le) T!ats '!at I meant '!en I sa d you %annot see an ally) T!e all es ta#e d $$erent $orms) T!ey loo# l #e do(s, %oyotes, " rds, e-en tum"le'eeds, or anyt! n( else, "ut t!e all es %an "e seen only n t!e $orm t!ey are *ortray n() T!at $orm s (ood enou(! to $ool t!e eyes7 our eyes t!at s) A do( s ne-er $ooled, ne t!er s a %ro') In t!e %om*any o$ men t!ey "e!a-e l #e men) In t!e %om*any o$ an mals t!ey "e!a-e l #e an mals) An mals are usually a$ra d o$ t!em7 !o'e-er $ t!ey are a%%ustomed to see n( t!e all es t!ey lea-e t!em alone) We oursel-es do somet! n( s m lar) We !a-e s%ores o$ all es amon( us, "ut 'e dont "ot!er t!em) S n%e our eyes %an only loo# at t! n(s 'e dont not %e t!em) A man '!o ' s!es to $ nd one o$ t!ese "e n(s !as to tra-el $ar and (o "y ! msel$) At a d stant and lonely *la%e t!e man !as to ta#e all t!e ne%essary ste*s alone) You must determ ne t!e r (!t d re%t on mmed ately u*on arr - n( at t!e to* o$ a ! ll) As soon as you are on t!e to*, $a%e your (ood d re%t on) You s!ould al'ays $a%e t, es*e% ally '!en youre n trou"le) Remem"er t!at) As soon as you rea%! t!e ! llto* you !a-e to e9tend your r (!t arm n $ront o$ you ' t! t!e *alm o$ your !and do'n and your $ n(ers stret%!ed out l #e a $an, e9%e*t $or t!e t!um", '! %! !as to "e tu%#ed a(a nst t!e *alm) Ne9t you !a-e to turn your !ead to t!e nort! and $old your arm o-er your %!est, *o nt n( your !and also to t!e nort!7 t!en dan%e, *utt n( your le$t $oot "e! nd t!e r (!t one, "eat n( t!e (round ' t! t!e t * o$ your le$t toes) W!en
you $eel a 'armt! %om n( u* your le$t le( "e( n s'ee* n( your arm slo'ly $rom nort! to sout! and t!en to t!e nort! a(a n) T!e s*ot o-er '! %! t!e *alm o$ your !and $eels 'arm as you s'ee* your arm s t!e *la%e '!ere you must s t, and t s also t!e d re%t on n '! %! you must loo#) I$ t!e s*ot s to'ard t!e east, or n your (ood d re%t on, t!e results ' ll "e e9%ellent) I$ t!e s*ot '!ere your !and (ets 'arm s to'ard t!e nort! you ' ll ta#e a "ad "eat n( "ut you may turn t!e t de n your $a-or) I$ t!e s*ot s to'ard t!e sout! you ' ll !a-e a !ard $ (!t) No' $ your !and does not (et 'arm at all '! le you s'ee* t, $a%e t!e east a(a n and run n an easterly d re%t on unt l you are out o$ "reat!) Sto* t!ere and re*eat t!e same maneu-ers) You must #ee* on runn n( to'ard t!e east, re*eat n( t!ese mo-ements unt l your !and (ets 'arm) ? You ' ll need to s'ee* your arm u* to $our t mes at $ rst, "ut as you "e%ome more $am l ar ' t! t!e mo-ement you ' ll need only one s n(le s'ee* to #no' '!et!er or not your !and s (o n( to (et 'arm) On%e you esta"l s! a s*ot '!ere your !and (ets 'arm, s t t!ere7 t!at s your $ rst *o nt) I$ you are $a% n( t!e sout! or t!e nort!, you !a-e to ma#e u* your m nd '!et!er you $eel stron( enou(! to stay) I$ you !a-e dou"ts a"out yoursel$, (et u* and lea-e) T!ere s no need to stay $ you are not %on$ dent) I$ you de% de to st %# around %lear an area " ( enou(! to "u ld a $ re a"out $ -e $eet a'ay $rom your $ rst *o nt) T!e $ re must "e n a stra (!t l ne to t!e d re%t on you are loo# n() T!e area '!ere you "u ld t!e $ re s your se%ond *o nt) T!en (at!er all t!e t' (s you %an n "et'een t!ose t'o *o nts and ma#e a $ re) S t on your $ rst *o nt and loo# at t!e $ re) Sooner or later t!e s* r t ' ll %ome and you ' ll see t) You !a-e to s t "y t!e $ re and $ you see t!e s!ado' you !a-e to lea-e mmed ately) You !a-e to rema n, !o'e-er, $ you en%ounter ot!er %ond t ons, su%! as a stron( ' nd t!at 'ould # ll your $ re and 'ould #ee* you $rom # ndl n( t a(a n dur n( $our attem*ts7 or $ a "ran%! "rea#s $rom a near"y tree) T!e "ran%! really !as to "rea# and you !a-e to ma#e sure t!at t s not merely t!e sound o$ a "ran%! "rea# n( o$$) Ot!er %ond t ons you !a-e to "e a'are o$ are ro%#s t!at roll, or *e""les '! %! are t!ro'n at your $ re, or any %onstant no se, and you t!en !a-e to 'al# n t!e d re%t on n '! %! any o$ t!ese *!enomena o%%ur unt l t!e s* r t re-eals tsel$)
I$ your !and does not (et 'arm at all a$ter $our s'ee* n( mo-ements, s'ee* your arm slo'ly $rom nort! to sout! and t!en turn around and s'ee* t to t!e 'est) I$ your !and (ets 'arm on any *la%e to'ard t!e 'est, dro* e-eryt! n( and run) Run do'n! ll to'ard t!e $lat area, and no matter '!at you !ear or $eel "e! nd you, dont turn around) As soon as you (et to t!e $lat area, no matter !o' $r (!tened you are, dont #ee* on runn n() Dro* to t!e (round, ta#e o$$ your ;a%#et, "un%! t around your na-el, and %url u* l #e a "all, tu%# n( your #nees a(a nst your stoma%!) You must also %o-er your eyes ' t! your !ands, and your arms !a-e to rema n t (!t a(a nst your t! (!s) You must stay n t!at *os t on unt l morn n() I$ you $ollo' t!ese s m*le ste*s no !arm ' ll e-er %ome to you) In %ase you %annot (et to t!e $lat area n t me, dro* to t!e (round r (!t '!ere you are) You ' ll !a-e a !orr d t me t!ere) You ' ll "e !arassed, "ut $ you #ee* %alm and dont mo-e or loo# you ' ll %ome out o$ t ' t!out a s n(le s%rat%!) T!ere are many 'ays n '! %! su%! a "e n( *uts a 'arr or to t!e test) It m (!t suddenly lea* n $ront o$ you n t!e most !orrendous a**earan%e, or t m (!t (ra" you $rom t!e "a%# and not turn you loose and #ee* you * nned do'n $or !ours) t m (!t also to**le a tree on you) T!ese are truly dan(erous $or%es, and alt!ou(! t!ey %annot # ll a man !and to !and, t!ey %an %ause ! s deat! "y $r (!t, or "y a%tually lett n( o";e%ts $all on ! m, or "y a**ear n( suddenly and %aus n( ! m to stum"le, lose ! s $oot n(, and (o o-er a *re% * %e) I$ you e-er $ nd one o$ t!ese "e n(s under na**ro*r ate % r%umstan%es you s!ould ne-er attem*t to stru((le ' t! t "e%ause t ' ll # ll you) It ' ll ro" your soul) So you s!ould t!ro' yoursel$ to t!e (round and "ear t unt l morn n() W!en a man s $a% n( t!e ally, t!e ( -er o$ se%rets, !e !as to muster u* al ! s %oura(e and (ra" t "e$ore t (ra"s ! m, or %!ase t "e$ore t %!ases ! m) T!e %!ase must "e relentless and t!en %omes t!e stru((le) T!e man must 'restle t!e s* r t to t!e (round and #ee* t t!ere unt l t ( -es ! m *o'er) W!en one stru((les ' t! t!em t!ey are sol d, "ut t!at $eel n( lasts only a moment) T!ose "e n(s rely on a mans $ear, t!ere$ore $ t!e man stru((l n( ' t! one o$ t!em s a 'arr or, t!e "e n( loses ts tens on -ery 8u %#ly '! le t!e man "e%omes more - (orous) One %an a%tually a"sor" t!e s* r ts tens on)
T!at tens on s *o'er) W!en one tou%!es t!em, t!ey - "rate as $ t!ey 'ere ready to r * one a*art) But t!at s only a s!o') T!e tens on ends '!en t!e man ma nta ns ! s (r *) T!ey "e%ome $la%% d) T!ey st ll !a-e su"stan%e t!ou(!) But t s not l #e anyt! n( one !as e-er tou%!ed) A 'arr or allo's t!e ally to %ome to ! m only '!en !e s (ood and ready) W!en !e s stron( enou(! to (ra**le ' t! t!e ally !e o*ens ! s (a* and lur%!es out, (ra"s t!e ally, #ee*s ! m * nned do'n and ma nta ns ! s stare on ! m $or e9a%tly t!e t me !e !as to, t!en !e mo-es ! s eyes a'ay and releases t!e ally and lets ! m (o) A 'arr or, my l ttle $r end s t!e master at all t mes) To meet an ally ' t!out "e n( *re*ared s l #e atta%# n( a l on ' t! your $arts) 2INDIN3 YOUR S1OT In order to $ nd t!e *ro*er *la%e to rest, all you !a-e to do s %ross your eyes) One %an $eel ' t! t!e eyes '!en t!e eyes are not loo# n( r (!t nto t! n(s) T!ey are not s (!ts *ro*er) I$ you loo# at a "us! or a tree or a ro%# '!ere you may l #e to rest, your eyes %an ma#e you $eel '!et!er or not t!ats t!e "est rest n( *la%e) On%e you learn to se*arate t!e ma(es and see t'o o$ e-eryt! n(, you must $o%us your attent on n t!e area "et'een t!e t'o ma(es) Any %!an(e 'ort!y o$ not %e ' ll ta#e *la%e t!ere, n t!at area) W! le you rema n rooted n your B(ood s*otC not! n( %an %ause you "od ly !arm, "e%ause you !a-e t!e assuran%e t!at at t!at s*ot you are at your -ery "est) I$ I 'ere t!ere and told you '!ere t!e s*ot 'as you 'ould ne-er !a-e t!e %on$ den%e needed to %la m t as true #no'led(e) T!us, #no'led(e s ndeed *o'er) T!ere s also a "ad s*ot, %alled t!e enemy) T!ese t'o *la%es are t!e #ey to a mans 'ell."e n(, es*e% ally $or a man '!o s *ursu n( #no'led(e) T!e s!eer a%t o$ s tt n( on ones s*ot %reates su*er or stren(t!7 on t!e ot!er !and, t!e enemy 'ea#ens a man and %an e-en %ause ! s deat!) THE RI3HT WAY O2 WA/&IN3
Curl your $ n(ers (ently as you 'al# so as to #ee* your attent on on t!e tra l and t!e surround n(s) One s!ould ne-er %arry anyt! n( n t!e !ands) I$ t! n(s !a-e to "e %arr ed one s!ould use a #na*sa%# or s!oulder "a() T!en loo#, ' t!out $o%us n( t!e eyes, at any *o nt d re%tly n $ront o$ you on t!e ar% t!at starts at t!e t * o$ your $eet and ends a"o-e t!e !or :on, /ISTENIN3 TO THE SOUNDS O2 THE WOR/D 2 rst o$ all you must use your ears to ta#e some o$ t!e "urden $rom your eyes) We !a-e "een us n( our eyes to ;ud(e t!e 'orld s n%e t!e t me 'e 'ere "orn) We tal# to ot!ers and to oursel-es ma nly a"out '!at 'e see) A 'arr or s a'are o$ t!at and l stens to t!e 'orld7 !e l stens to t!e sounds o$ t!e 'orld) E-eryt! n( s mean n($ul $or a 'arr or) T!e sounds !a-e !oles n t!em and so does e-eryt! n( around you) Ord nar ly a man does not !a-e t!e s*eed to %at%! t!e !oles, and t!us !e (oes t!rou(! l $e ' t!out *rote%t on) T!e 'orms, t!e " rds, t!e trees, all o$ t!em %an tell us un ma( na"le t! n(s $ only one %ould !a-e t!e s*eed to (ras* t!e r messa(e) But 'e must "e on (ood terms ' t! all t!e l - n( t! n(s o$ t! s 'orld) T! s s t!e reason '!y 'e must tal# to *lants 'e are a"out to # ll and a*olo( :e $or !urt n( t!em7 t!e same t! n( must "e done ' t! t!e an mals 'ere (o n( to !unt) We s!ould ta#e only enou(! $or our needs, ot!er' se t!e *lants and t!e an mals and t!e 'orms 'e !a-e # lled 'ould turn a(a nst us and %ause us d sease and m s$ortune) A 'arr or s a'are o$ t! s and str -es to a**ease t!em, so '!en !e *eers t!rou(! t!e !oles, t!e trees and " rds and 'orms ( -e ! m trut!$ul messa(es) THE 3AIT O2 1OWER Bend sl (!tly at t!e 'a st "ut #ee* your s* ne stra (!t, and t!en, ra s n( t!e #nees almost to t!e %!est, run n total dar#ness) T!e #ey s to let ones *ersonal *o'er $lo' out $reely so t %an mer(e ' t! t!e *o'er o$ t!e n (!t, and on%e t!at *o'er ta#es o-er t!ere s no %!an%e $or a sl *.u*) 2 rst, %url your $ n(ers a(a nst your *alms, stret%! n( out t!e t!um" and nde9 o$ ea%! !and) To $eel nade8uate at t! s *o nt s an ndul(en%e s n%e you %an al'ays see $a rly 'ell no matter !o' dar# t!e n (!t s, $ you do not $o%us on anyt! n(, "ut #ee* s%ann n( t!e (round r (!t n $ront o$ you) T!e (a t o$ *o'er s s m lar to $ nd n( t!e s*ot Bot! enta l a sense o$ a"andon
and a sense o$ trust, T!e (a t o$ 1o'er re8u res t!at one #ee* t!e eyes on t!e (round d re%tly n $ront, "e%ause e-en a (lan%e to e t!er s de ' ll *rodu%e an alterat on n t!e $lo' o$ mo-ement) Bend n( t!e trun# $or'ard s ne%essary n order to lo'er t!e eyes, and t!e reason $or l $t n( t!e #nees u* to t!e %!est s "e%ause t!e ste*s !a-e to "e -ery s!ort and sa$e) You ' ll stum"le a (reat deal at $ rst, "ut ' t! *ra%t %e, you %an run as s' $tly and as sa$ely as you %an n !e dayt me) IN MOMENTS O2 2EAR OR DISTRESS In moments o$ (reat dan(er, $ear or d stress *us! t!e d a*!ra(m do'n '! le ta# n( $our s!ar* (as*s o$ a r t!rou(! t!e mout!, $ollo'ed "y $our dee* n!alat ons and e9!alat ons t!rou(! t!e nose) T!e (as*s o$ a r !a-e to "e $elt as ;olts n t!e m ddle *art o$ t!e "ody) &ee* t!e !ands t (!tly %las*ed, %o-er n( t!e na-el, to ( -e stren(t! to t!e m dse%t on and !el* %ontrol t!e (as*s and dee* n!alat ons, '! %! !a-e to "e !eld $or a %ount o$ e (!t as one *resses t!e d a*!ra(m do'n) T!e e9!alat ons are done t' %e t!rou(! t!e nose and t' %e t!rou(! t!e mout!, n a slo' or a%%elerated $as! on, de*end n( on ones *re$eren%e) STO11IN3 OUR 2E//OW MEN I$ one 'ants to sto* our $ello' men one must al'ays "e outs de t!e % r%le t!at *resses t!em) T!at 'ay one %an al'ays d re%t t!e *ressure) CON2RONTIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S I$ you 'ere a 'arr or you 'ould #no' t!at t!e 'orst t! n( one %an do s %on$ront !uman "e n(s d re%tly) NOTHIN3 Not! n( n t!e l $e o$ a sor%erer s made o$ anyt! n( else) I$ somet! n( s anyt! n( at all, t s t!e t! n( tsel$) THE WARRIORS 3A5E
T!e 'arr ors (a:e s *la%ed on t!e r (!t eye o$ t!e ot!er *erson, and '!at t does s sto* t!e nternal d alo(ue7 t!us t!e dan(er o$ t!e maneu-er) E-en $ t s only $or an nstant, t!ere s no 'ay o$ des%r " n( t!e $eel n( t!at t!e "ody e9*er en%es) T!e (a:e on t!e r (!t eye s not a stare) It s rat!er a $or%e$ul (ra"" n( t!at one does t!rou(! t!e eye o$ t!e ot!er *erson) In ot!er 'ords, one (ra"s somet! n( t!at s "e! nd t!e eye) One !as t!e a%tual *!ys %al sensat on t!at one s !old n( somet! n( ' t! t!e ' ll) T! s s naturally, only a 'ay o$ tal# n(, a 'ay o$ e9*la n n( 'e rd *!ys %al sensat ons) T!eres no 'ay o$ e9a%tly des%r " n( '!at one does) Somet! n( sna*s $or'ard $rom some*la%e "elo' t!e stoma%!7 t!at somet! n( !as d re%t on and %an "e $o%used on anyt! n() It 'or#s only '!en t!e 'arr or learns to $o%us ! s ' ll) T!eres no 'ay o$ *ra%t % n( t, t!ere$ore I !a-e not re%ommended or en%oura(ed ts use) At a ( -en moment n t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or t s m*ly !a**ens) No one #no's '!y) THE 2I3HTIN3 2ORM T!e $ (!t n( $orm s a s*e% $ % "od ly *os t on to "e ma nta ned '! le you rema n at your "ene$ % al s*ot) It %ons sts o$ sla** n( t!e %al$ and t! (! o$ t!e r (!t le( and stom* n( your le$t $oot n a # nd o$ dan%e you !a-e to do '! le $a% n( t!e atta%#er, Under % r%umstan%es o$ e9treme dan(er !url an o";e%t at t!e enemy) Ord nar ly one ' ll use a *o'er o";e%t, "ut $ you *ossess none use any small ro%# t!at ' ll $ t nto t!e *alm o$ your r (!t !and, a ro%# you %an !old "y *ress n( t a(a nst your *alm ' t! your t!um") T!e !url n( o$ t!e o";e%t !as to "e a%%om*an ed "y a 'ar %ry, a yell t!at !as t!e *ro*erty o$ d re%t n( t!e o";e%t to ts mar#) Be %are$ul and del "erate a"out t!e out%ry and do not use t at random, "ut only under se-ere %ond t ons o$ ser ousness) T!e out%ry or 'ar %ry s somet! n( t!at rema ns ' t! a man $or t!e durat on o$ ! s l $e, t!us t !as to "e (ood $rom t!e -ery "e( nn n() T!e only 'ay to start t %orre%tly s "y !old n( "a%# ones natural $ear and !aste unt l one s a"solutely $ lled ' t! *o'er, and t!en t!e yell ' ll "urst out ' t! d re%t on
and *o'er) T!e *o'er s somet! n( t!at runs trou(! t!e "ody %om n( $rom t!e (round '!ere one stands) It s a # nd o$ *o'er t!at emanates $rom t!e "ene$ % al s*ot, to "e e9a%t) It s a $or%e t!at *us!es t!e yell out) I$ su%! a $or%e s *ro*erly mana(ed t!e "attle %ry ' ll "e *er$e%t) THE CUBIC CENTIMETER O2 CHANCE T!ere s somet! n( you ou(!t to "e a'are o$ "y no') I %all t t!e %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e) All o$ us, '!et!er or not 'e are 'arr ors, !a-e a %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e t!at *o*s out n $ront o$ our eyes $rom t me to t me) T!e d $$eren%e "et'een an a-era(e man and a 'arr or s t!at t!e 'arr or s a'are o$ t! s, and one o$ ! s tas#s s to "e alert, del "erately 'a t n(, so t!at '!en ! s %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e *o*s out !e !as t!e ne%essary s*eed, t!e *ro'ess to * %# t u*) C!an%e, (ood lu%#, *ersonal *o'er, or '!ate-er you may %all t, s a *e%ul ar state o$ a$$a rs) It s l #e a -ery small st %# t!at %omes out n $ront o$ us and n- tes us to *lu%# t) Usually 'e are too "usy, or too *reo%%u* ed, or ;ust too stu* d and la:y to real :e t!at t!at s our %u" % %ent meter o$ lu%#) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, s al'ays alert and t (!t and !as t!e s*r n(, t!e (um*t on ne%essary to (ra" t) 1/ACE O2 1REDI/ECTION E-ery 'arr or !as a *la%e to d e) A *la%e o$ ! s *red le%t on '! %! s soa#ed ' t! un$or(etta"le memor es, '!ere *o'er$ul e-ents !a-e le$t t!e r mar#, a *la%e '!ere !e !as ' tnessed mar-els, '!ere se%rets !a-e "een re-ealed to ! m, a *la%e '!ere !e !as stored ! s *ersonal *o'er) A 'arr or !as t!e o"l (at on to (o "a%# to t!at *la%e o$ ! s *red le%t on e-ery t me !e ta*s *o'er n order to store t t!ere) He e t!er (oes t!ere "y means o$ 'al# n( or "y means o$ dream n() SEEIN3 HUMAN BEIN3S You s!ould rela9, s!ut o$$ t!e nternal d alo(ue and let (o, mer( n( ' t! t!e *erson "e n( o"ser-ed) T!ere s no 'ay to e9*la n '!at t!at means7 t s somet! n( t!at t!e "ody $eels or does '!en *ut n o"ser-at onal %onta%t ' t! ot!er "od es) In t!e *ast I !a-e %alled t!at *ro%ess see n() It %ons sts o$ a lull o$ true s len%e
' t! n $ollo'ed "y an out'ard elon(at on o$ somet! n( n t!e sel$, an elon(at on t!at meets and mer(es ' t! t!e ot!er "ody, or ' t! anyt! n( ' t! n ones $ eld o$ a'areness) SEEIN3 1EO1/E WHO ARENT 1RESENT 2 rst you must sto* your nternal d alo(ue, t!en you must "r n( u* t!e ma(e o$ t!e *erson t!at you 'ant to see7 any t!ou(!t t!at one !olds n m nd n a state o$ s len%e s *ro*erly a %ommand, s n%e t!ere are no ot!er t!ou(!ts to %om*ete ' t! t)
THE TOTA/ITY O2 ONESE/2 I ' ll say to you t!at '!at matters to a 'arr or s arr - n( at t!e total ty o$ onesel$) You are at a -ery *o (nant %rossroad) 1er!a*s t!e last one, and also *er!a*s t!e most d $$ %ult to understand) Some o$ t!e t! n(s I am (o n( to *o nt out to you today ' ll *ro"a"ly ne-er "e %lear) T!ey are not su**osed to "e %lear any'ay) So dont "e em"arrassed or d s%oura(ed) All o$ us are dum" %reatures '!en 'e ;o n t!e 'orld o$ sor%ery, and to ;o n t doesnt n any sense nsure us t!at 'e ' ll %!an(e) Some o$ us rema n dum" unt l t!e -ery end) Dont $ret $ you dont ma#e sense out o$ '!at Im (o n( to tell you) Cons der n( your tem*erament, Im a$ra d t!at you m (!t #no%# yoursel$ out try n( to understand) Dont= W!at Im a"out to say s meant only to *o nt out a d re%t on) Im (o n( to tell you a"out t!e tonal Dtoe.na!lE and t!e na(ual Dna!.'a!lE) T! s t me I need your und - ded attent on, s n%e I am (o n( to a%8ua nt you ' t! t!e tonal and t!e na(ual) Sor%erers !a-e a s*e% al and un 8ue nterest n t!at #no'led(e) I 'ould say t!at t!e tonal and t!e na(ual are n t!e realm o$ men o$ #no'led(e) In your %ase, t! s s t!e l d t!at %loses e-eryt! n( I !a-e tau(!t you) T!us, I !a-e 'a ted unt l no' to tal# a"out t!em) T!e tonal s t!e or(an :er o$ t!e 'orld) 1er!a*s t!e "est 'ay o$ des%r " n( ts monumental 'or# s to say t!at on ts s!oulders rests t!e tas# o$ sett n( t!e %!aos o$ t!e 'orld n order) It s not $ar$et%!ed to ma nta n, as sor%erers do, t!at e-eryt! n( 'e #no' and do as men s t!e 'or# o$ t!e tonal) At t! s moment, $or nstan%e, '!at s en(a(ed n try n( to ma#e sense out o$ our %on-ersat on s your tonal7 ' t!out t t!ere 'ould "e only 'e rd sounds and (r ma%es and you 'ouldnt understand a t! n( o$ '!at Im say n() I 'ould say t!en t!at t!e tonal s a (uard an t!at *rote%ts somet! n( *r %eless, our -ery "e n() T!ere$ore an n!erent 8ual ty o$ t!e tonal s to "e %a(ey and ;ealous o$ ts do n(s) And s n%e ts do n(s are "y $ar t!e most
m*ortant *art o$ our l -es t s no 'onder t!at t e-entually %!an(es, n e-eryone o$ us, $rom a (uard an nto a (uard) A (uard an s "roadm nded and understand n() A (uard, on t!e ot!er !and, s a - ( lante, narro'.m nded and most o$ t!e t me des*ot %) I say, t!en, t!at t!e tonal n all o$ us !as "een made nto a *etty and des*ot % (uard '!en t s!ould "e a "roadm nded (uard an) T!e tonal s e-eryt! n( 'e are) Name t= Anyt! n( 'e !a-e a 'ord $or s t!e tonal) And s n%e t!e tonal s ts o'n do n(s, t!en e-eryt! n(, o"- ously, !as to $all under ts doma n) T!e tonal s e-eryt! n( 'e #no') I t! n# t! s n tsel$ s enou(! reason $or t!e tonal to "e su%! an o-er*o'er n( a$$a r) T!e tonal s e-eryt! n( 'e #no') And t!at n%ludes not only us, as *ersons, "ut e-eryt! n( n our 'orld) It %an "e sa d t!at t!e tonal s e-eryt! n( t!at meets t!e eye) We "e( n to (room t at t!e moment o$ our " rt!) T!e moment 'e ta#e t!e $ rst (as* o$ a r 'e also "reat!e n *o'er $or t!e tonal) So, t s *ro*er to say t!at t!e tonal o$ a !uman "e n( s nt mately t ed to ! s " rt!) You must remem"er t! s *o nt) It s o$ (reat m*ortan%e n understand n( all t! s) T!e tonal "e( ns at " rt! and ends at deat!) T!e tonal ma#es t!e 'orld only n a manner o$ s*ea# n() It %annot %reate or %!an(e anyt! n(, and yet t ma#es t!e 'orld "e%ause t ' tnesses and assesses t a%%ord n( to tonal rules) In a -ery stran(e manner t!e tonal s a %reator t!at doesnt %reate a t! n() In ot!er 'ords, t!e tonal ma#es u* t!e rules "y '! %! t a**re!ends t!e 'orld) So, n a manner o$ s*ea# n( t %reates t!e 'orld) We %an say t!at t!e tonal s l #e t!e to* o$ a ta"le, an sland) And on t! s sland 'e !a-e e-eryt! n() T! s sland s, n $a%t, t!e 'orld) T!ere s a *ersonal tonal $or e-ery one o$ us, and t!ere s a %olle%t -e one $or all o$ us at any ( -en t me, '! %! 'e %an %all t!e tonal o$ t!e t mes) /oo#= E-ery ta"le n t! s restaurant !as t!e same %on$ (urat on) Certa n tems are *resent on all o$ t!em) T!ey are, !o'e-er, nd - dually d $$erent $rom ea%! ot!er7 some ta"les are more %ro'ded t!an ot!ers7 t!ey !a-e d $$erent $ood on t!em, d $$erent *lates, d $$erent atmos*!ere, yet 'e !a-e
to adm t t!at all t!e ta"les are -ery al #e, n t!e same 'ay t ma#es all t!e ta"les n t! s restaurant al #e) Ea%! ta"le se*arately, ne-ert!eless s an nd - dual %ase, ;ust l #e t!e *ersonal tonal o$ ea%! o$ us) But t!e m*ortant $a%tor s to #ee* n m nd t!at e-eryt! n( 'e #no' a"out oursel-es and a"out our 'orld s on t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) See '!at I mean< T!e na(ual s t!e *art o$ us '! %! 'e do not deal ' t! at all) T!e na(ual s t!e *art o$ us $or '! %! t!ere s no des%r *t on@no 'ords, no names, no $eel n(s, no #no'led(e) T!e na(ual s not 3od, "e%ause 3od s an tem o$ our *ersonal tonal and o$ t!e tonal o$ t!e t mes) T!e tonal s, as I-e already sa d, e-eryt! n( 'e t! n# t!e 'orld s %om*osed o$, n%lud n( 3od, o$ %ourse) 3od !as no more m*ortan%e ot!er t!an "e n( *art o$ t!e tonal o$ our t me) 3od s only e-eryt! n( you %an t! n# o$, t!ere$ore, *ro*erly s*ea# n( !e s only anot!er tem on t!e sland) 3od %annot "e ' tnessed at ' ll, !e %an only "e tal#ed a"out) T!e na(ual, on t!e ot!er !and, s at t!e ser- %e o$ a 'arr or) It %an "e ' tnessed, "ut t %annot "e tal#ed a"out) T!e na(ual s t!ere surround n( t!e sland) T!e na(ual s t!ere, '!ere *o'er !o-ers) T!e na(ual s not e9*er en%e or ntu t on or %ons% ousness) T!ose terms and e-eryt! n( else you may %are to say are only tems on t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) T!e na(ual, on t!e ot!er !and, s only e$$e%t) T!e tonal "e( ns at " rt! and ends at deat!, "ut t!e na(ual ne-er ends) T!e na(ual !as no l m t) I-e sa d t!e na(ual s '!ere *o'er !o-ers7 t!at 'as only a 'ay o$ allud n( to t) By reasons o$ ts e$$e%t, *er!a*s t!e na(ual %an "est "e understood n terms o$ *o'er) We sense, $rom t!e moment 'e are "orn, t!at t!ere are t'o *arts to us) At t!e t me o$ " rt!, and $or a '! le a$ter 'e are all na(ual) We sense t!en, t!at n order to $un%t on 'e need a %ounter*art to '!at 'e !a-e) T!e tonal s m ss n( and t!at ( -es us, $rom t!e -ery "e( nn n(, a $eel n( o$ n%om*leteness) T!en t!e tonal starts to de-elo* and t "e%omes utterly m*ortant to our $un%t on n(, so m*ortant t!at t o*a8ues t!e s! ne o$ t!e na(ual, t o-er'!elms t) 2rom t!e moment 'e "e%ome all tonal 'e do not! n( else "ut to n%rement t!at old $eel n( o$ n%om*leteness '! %! a%%om*an es us $rom t!e moment o$ our " rt!, and '! %! tells us %onstantly t!at t!ere s anot!er *art to ( -e us %om*leteness)
2rom t!e moment 'e "e%ome all tonal 'e "e( n ma# n( *a rs) We sense our t'o s des "ut 'e al'ays re*resent t!em ' t! tems o$ t!e tonal) We say t!at t!e t'o *arts o$ us are t!e soul and t!e "ody) Or m nd and matter) Or (ood and e- l) 3od and Satan, We ne-er real :e, !o'e-er, t!at 'e are merely *a r n( t! n(s on t!e sland, -ery mu%! l #e *a r n( %o$$ee and tea, or "read and tort llas, or %! l and mustard) I tell you, 'e are 'e rd an mals) We (et %arr ed a'ay and n our madness 'e "el e-e oursel-es to "e ma# n( *er$e%t sense) Man doesnt mo-e "et'een (ood and e- l) H s true mo-ement s "et'een ne(at -eness and *os t -eness) No, t!ats 'ron() T!ere s no mo-ement) Man s only m nd) W!at you %all la*ses and $eel n(s s t!e na(ual) In order to tal# a"out t 'e must "orro' $rom t!e sland o$ t!e tonal, t!ere$ore t s more %on-en ent not to e9*la n t, "ut to s m*ly re%ount ts e$$e%ts) Cons der n( t!at t! s s t!e $ nal l d, t!e last sta(e o$ '!at I-e "een tea%! n( you, t s not too $ar$et%!ed to say t!at t en-elo*s e-eryt! n( I ment oned s n%e t!e $ rst day 'e met) You yoursel$ 'ould say t!at t!e na(ual and t!e tonal are ' t! n oursel-es) I mysel$ 'ould say t!at t!ey are not, "ut ne t!er o$ us 'ould "e r (!t) T!e tonal o$ your t me %alls $or you to ma nta n t!at e-eryt! n( deal n( ' t! your $eel n(s and t!ou(!ts ta#es *la%e ' t! n yoursel$) T!e sor%erers tonal says t!e o**os te, e-eryt! n( s outs de) W!os r (!t< No one) Ins de, outs de, t doesnt really matter) To e9*la n all t! s s not t!at s m*le) No matter !o' %le-er t!e %!e%# *o nts o$ t!e tonal are t!e $a%t o$ t!e matter s t!at t!e na(ual sur$a%es) Its %om n( to t!e sur$a%e s al'ays nad-ertent, t!ou(!) T!e tonals (reat art s to su**ress any man $estat on o$ t!e na(ual n su%! a manner t!at e-en $ ts *resen%e s!ould "e t!e most o"- ous t! n( n t!e 'orld, t s unnot %ea"le) I may (o around n % r%les "ut t!at s!ouldnt sur*r se or annoy you) I 'arned you a"out t!e d $$ %ulty o$ understand n( '!at I !a-e to tell) I 'ent t!rou(! all t!at r (amarole "e%ause my tonal s a'are t!at t s s*ea# n( a"out tsel$) In ot!er 'ords, my tonal s us n( tsel$ n order to understand t!e n$ormat on I 'ant your tonal to "e %lear a"out) /ets say t!at t!e tonal, s n%e t s #eenly a'are o$ !o' ta9 n( t s to s*ea# o$ tsel$ !as %reated t!e
terms ?I, ?mysel$ and so $ort! as a "alan%e and t!an#s to t!em t %an tal# ' t! ot!er tonals or ' t! tsel$) No' '!en I say t!e tonal $or%es us to do somet! n(, I dont mean t!at t!ere s a t! rd *arty t!ere) O"- ously t $or%es tsel$ to $ollo' ts o'n ;ud(ments) On %erta n o%%as ons, !o'e-er, or under %erta n s*e% al % r%umstan%es, somet! n( n t!e tonal tsel$ "e%omes a'are t!at t!ere s more to us) It s l #e a -o %e t!at %omes $rom t!e de*t!s, t!e -o %e o$ t!e na(ual) You see, t!e total ty o$ oursel-es s a natural %ond t on '! %! t!e tonal %annot o"l terate alto(et!er, and t!ere are moments, es*e% ally n t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or, n '! %! t!e total ty "e%omes a**arent) At t!ose moments one %an surm se and assess '!at 'e really are) I 'as %on%erned ' t! t!ose ;olts you !a-e !ad, "e%ause t!at s t!e 'ay t!e na(ual sur$a%es) At t!ose moments t!e tonal "e%omes a'are o$ t!e total ty o$ onesel$) It s al'ays a ;olt "e%ause t!at a'areness d sru*ts t!e lull) I %all t!at a'areness t!e total ty o$ t!e "e n( t!at s (o n( to d e) T!e dea s t!at at t!e moment o$ deat! t!e ot!er mem"er o$ t!e true *a r, t!e na(ual, "e%omes $ully o*erat -e and t!e a'areness and memor es and *er%e*t ons stored n our %al-es and t! (!s, n our "a%# and s!oulders and ne%#, "e( n to e9*and and d s nte(rate) / #e t!e "eads o$ an endless "ro#en ne%#la%e, t!ey $all asunder ' t!out t!e " nd n( $or%e o$ l $e) T!e total ty o$ oursel-es s a -ery ta%#y a$$a r) We need only a -ery small *ort on o$ t to $ul$ ll t!e most %om*le9 tas#s o$ l $e) Yet '!en 'e d e, 'e d e ' t! t!e total ty o$ oursel-es, W!y not, t!en, l -e ' t! t!at total ty) THE DAY O2 THE TONA/ I sa d t!at today 'as (o n( to "e t!e day o$ t!e tonal7 I meant t!at today I 'ant to deal ' t! t e9%lus -ely) /oo# at t!at youn( man n (reen *ants and a * n# s! rt) /oo# at t!e 'ay !es dressed, /oo# at t!ose s!oes= Hes not made to loo# l #e a "um7 !e s a "um) /oo# !o' 'ea# ! s "ody s) H s arms and le(s are t! n) He %an !ardly 'al#) No one %an *retend to loo# t!at 'ay) T!ere s de$ n tely somet! n( 'ron( ' t! ! m, not ! s % r%umstan%es t!ou(!) I !a-e to stress t!at I 'ant you to see t!at man as a tonal)
It enta ls to %ease ;ud( n( ! m n a moral sense, or e9%us n( ! m on t!e (round t!at !e s l #e a lea$ at t!e mer%y o$ t!e ' nd) In ot!er 'ords, t enta ls see n( a man ' t!out t! n# n( t!at !e s !o*eless or !el*less) You #no' '!at I am tal# n( a"out) You %an assess t!at youn( man ' t!out %ondemn n( or $or( - n( ! m) It doesnt matter t!at !es youn() Yout! s n no 'ay a "arr er a(a nst t!e deter orat on o$ t!e tonal) You t!ou(!t t!at t!ere m (!t "e a (reat many reasons $or t!at mans %ond t on) I $ nd t!at t!ere s only one, ! s tonal) It s not t!at ! s tonal s 'ea# "e%ause !e dr n#s) It s t!e ot!er 'ay around, !e dr n#s "e%ause ! s tonal s 'ea#) T!at 'ea#ness $or%es ! m to "e '!at !e s) But t!e same t! n( !a**ens to all o$ us, n one $orm or anot!er) Im ( - n( you an e9*lanat on t!at you !a-e ne-er en%ountered "e$ore) It s not ;ust $ %at on or a %ondemnat on, t!ou(!) T!at youn( mans tonal s 'ea# and t m d) And yet !es not un 8ue) All o$ us are more or less n t!e same "oat) T!ere s no need to treat t!e "ody n su%! an a'$ul manner) But t!e sad $a%t s t!at all o$ us !a-e learned to *er$e%t on !o' to ma#e our tonal 'ea#) I !a-e %alled t!at ndul( n() T!e tonal s -ery -ulnera"le) It %annot ' t!stand maltreatment) T!e '! te man, $rom t!e day !e set $oot on t! s land, !as systemat %ally destroyed not only t!e Ind an tonal o$ t!e t me, "ut also t!e *ersonal tonal o$ e-ery Ind an) One %an eas ly surm se t!at $or t!e *oor a-era(e Ind an t!e re (n o$ t!e '! te man !as "een s!eer !ell) And yet t!e rony s t!at $or anot!er # nd o$ Ind an t !as "een s!eer "l ss) 2or t!e sor%erer t!e Con8uest 'as t!e %!allen(e o$ a l $et me) T!ey 'ere t!e only ones '!o 'ere not destroyed "y t "ut ada*ted to t and used t to t!e r ult mate ad-anta(e) /ets say t!at t!e '! te man turned o-er all t!e stones t!at 'ere ' t! n t!e l m ts o$ t!e r o'n tonal) In t!e Ind an l $e, !o'e-er, t!ere 'ere t! n(s t!at 'ere n%om*re!ens "le to t!e '! te man7 t!ese t! n(s !e d d not e-en not %e) 1er!a*s t 'as t!e s!eer lu%# o$ t!e sor%erers, or *er!a*s t 'as t!e r #no'led(e t!at sa-ed t!em) T!e sor%erers $ound t!emsel-es !old n( on to t!e only t! n( le$t un%ontested, t!e na(ual) In ot!er 'ords t!e r tonal too# re$u(e n t!e r na(ual) T! s %ouldnt !a-e !a**ened !ad t not "een $or t!e
e9%ru% at n( %ond t ons o$ a -an8u s!ed *eo*le) T!e men o$ #no'led(e o$ today are t!e *rodu%t o$ t!ose %ond t ons and are t!e ult mate %onno sseurs o$ t!e na(ual, s n%e t!ey 'ere le$t t!ere t!orou(!ly alone) T!ere, t!e '! te man !as ne-er -entured) In $a%t !e doesnt e-en !a-e t!e dea t e9 sts) T!ere are, rou(!ly s*ea# n(, t'o s des to e-ery tonal) One s t!e outer *art, t!e $r n(e, t!e sur$a%e o$ t!e sland) T!ats t!e *art related to a%t on and a%t n(, t!e ru((ed s de) T!e ot!er *art s t!e de% s on and ;ud(ment, t!e nner tonal, so$ter and more del %ate, and more %om*le9) T!e *ro*er tonal s a tonal '!ere t!e t'o le-els are n *er$e%t !armony and "alan%e) 2or a *ro*er tonal e-eryt! n( on t!e sland o$ t!e tonal s a %!allen(e) Anot!er 'ay o$ say n( t s t!at $or a 'arr or e-eryt! n( n ! s 'orld s a %!allen(e) T!e (reatest %!allen(e o$ all s ! s " d $or *o'er) But *o'er %omes $rom t!e na(ual, and '!en a 'arr or $ nds ! msel$ at t!e ed(e o$ t!e day t means t!at t!e !our o$ t!e na(ual s a**roa%! n(, t!e 'arr ors !our o$ *o'er) You " d $or *o'er on%e and t!at " dd n( s rre-ers "le) I 'ont say t!at youre a"out to $ul$ ll your dest ny, "e%ause t!ere s no dest ny) T!e only t! n( t!at one %an say t!en s t!at youre a"out to $ul$ ll your *o'er) You !a-e l ttle t me le$t and none o$ t $or %ra*) A $ ne state) I 'ould say t!at t!e "est o$ us al'ays %omes out '!en 'e are a(a nst t!e 'all, '!en 'e $eel t!e s'ord dan(l n( o-er!ead) 1ersonally I 'ouldnt !a-e t any ot!er 'ay, A 'arr or doesnt e-er lea-e t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) He uses t) T! s s your 'orld) You %ant renoun%e t) It s useless to (et an(ry and $eel d sa**o nted ' t! onesel$) All t!at *ro-es s t!at ones tonal s n-ol-ed n an nternal "attle7 a "attle ' t! n t!e tonal s one o$ t!e most nane %ontests I %an t! n# o$) T!e t (!t l $e o$ a 'arr or s des (ned to end t!at stru((le) 2rom t!e "e( nn n( I !a-e tau(!t you to a-o d 'ear and tear) No' t!ere s no lon(er a 'ar ' t! n you, not as t used to "e, "e%ause t!e 'arr ors 'ay s !armony@t!e !armony "et'een a%t ons and de% s ons at $ rst, and t!en t!e !armony "et'een t!e tonal and t!e na(ual) T!rou(!out t!e t me I !a-e #no'n you, I !a-e tal#ed to "ot! your tonal and your na(ual) T!at s t!e 'ay t!e nstru%t on s!ould "e %onstru%ted) In t!e "e( nn n(, one !as to tal# to t!e tonal) It s t!e tonal t!at !as to rel n8u s! %ontrol) But t s!ould "e made to do so (ladly) 2or e9am*le, your
tonal !as rel n8u s!ed some %ontrols ' t!out mu%! stru((le, "e%ause t "e%ame %lear to t t!at, !ad t rema ned t!e 'ay t 'as t!e total ty o$ t 'ould "e dead "y no') In ot!er 'ords, t!e tonal s made to ( -e u* unne%essary t! n(s l #e sel$. m*ortan%e and ndul( n(, '! %! only *lun(e t nto "oredom) T!e '!ole trou"le s t!at t!e tonal %l n(s to t!ose t! n(s '!en t s!ould "e (lad to r d tsel$ o$ t!at %ra*) T!e tas# s to %on- n%e t!e tonal to "e%ome $ree and $lu d) T!ats '!at a sor%erer needs "e$ore anyt! n( else, a stron(, $ree tonal) T!e stron(er t (ets t!e less t %l n(s to ts do n(s, and t!e eas er t s to s!r n# t) T!e tonal s!r n#s at ( -en t mes, es*e% ally '!en t s em"arrassed) In $a%t, one o$ t!e $eatures o$ t!e tonal s ts s!yness) Its s!yness s not really an ssue) But t!ere are %erta n nstan%es '!en t!e tonal s ta#en "y sur*r se, and ts s!yness una-o da"ly ma#es t s!r n#) THE A22AIRS O2 THE NA3UA/ T!e a$$a rs o$ t!e na(ual %an "e ' tnessed only ' t! t!e "ody, not t!e reason) Our $la' s to ns st on rema n n( on our monotonous, t r n(, "ut %on-en ent sland) T!e tonal s t!e - lla n and t s!ouldnt "e) T!e a(reement t!at 'e are sol d o";e%ts s t!e tonals do n() W!en t!e tonal s!r n#s, e9traord nary t! n(s are *oss "le) But t!ey are e9traord nary only $or t!e tonal) T!e na(ual, on%e t "e( ns to sur$a%e, may %ause a (reat dama(e to t!e tonal "y %om n( out ' t!out any %ontrol) Your %ase s s*e% al, t!ou(!) You are ( -en to ndul( n( n su%! an e9a((erated manner t!at you 'ould d e and not e-en m nd t, or 'orse yet, not e-en "e a'are t!at youre dy n() Your tonal !as to "e %on- n%ed ' t! reasons, your na(ual ' t! a%t ons, unt l one *ro*s u* t!e ot!er) As I !a-e told you, t!e tonal rules, and yet t s -ery -ulnera"le) T!e na(ual, on t!e ot!er !and, ne-er, or almost ne-er, a%ts out7 "ut '!en t does t terr $ es t!e tonal) T!e tonal must "e *rote%ted at any %ost) T!e %ro'n !as to "e ta#en a'ay $rom t, "ut t must rema n as t!e *rote%ted o-erseer) Any t!reat to t!e tonal al'ays results n ts deat!) And $ t!e tonal d es, so does t!e '!ole man) Be%ause o$ ts n!erent 'ea#ness t!e tonal s eas ly destroyed, and t!us one o$ t!e "alan% n( arts o$ t!e 'arr or s to ma#e t!e
na8ual emer(e n order to *ro* u* t!e tonal) I say t!at t s an art, "e%ause sor%erers #no' t!at only "y "oost n( t!e tonal %an t!e na(ual emer(e) See '!at I mean) T!at "oost n( s %alled *ersonal *o'er) W!en one s deal n( ' t! t!e na(ual, one s!ould ne-er loo# nto t d re%tly) T!e only 'ay to loo# at t!e na(ual s as $ t 'ere a %ommon a$$a r) One must "l n# n order to "rea# t!e $ 9at on) Our eyes are t!e eyes o$ t!e tonal, or *er!a*s t 'ould "e more a%%urate to say t!at our eyes !a-e "een tra ned "y t!e tonal, t!ere$ore t!e tonal %la ms t!em) One o$ t!e sour%es o$ your "a$$lement and d s%om$ort s t!at your tonal doesnt let (o o$ your eyes) T!e day t does, your na(ual ' ll !a-e 'on a (reat "attle) Your o"sess on, or "etter yet, e-eryones o"sess on s to arran(e t!e 'orld a%%ord n( to t!e tonals rules7 so e-ery t me 'e are %on$ronted ' t! t!e na(ual, 'e (o out o$ our 'ay to ma#e our eyes st $$ and ntrans (ent) I must a**eal to t!e *art o$ your tonal '! %! understands t! s d lemma and you must ma#e an e$$ort to $ree your eyes) T!e *o nt s to %on- n%e t!e tonal t!at t!ere are ot!er 'orlds t!at %an *ass n $ront o$ t!e same ' ndo's) T!e eyes %an "e t!e ' ndo's to *eer nto "oredom or to *ee# nto t!at n$ n ty) I say t!at t s a -ery s m*le matter) 1er!a*s I say t s s m*le "e%ause I-e "een do n( t $or so lon() All you !a-e to do s set u* your ntent as a %ustoms !ouse) W!ene-er you are n t!e 'orld o$ t!e tonal, you s!ould "e an m*e%%a"le tonal7 no t me $or rrat onal %ra*) But '!ene-er youre n t!e 'orld o$ t!e na(ual, you s!ould also "e m*e%%a"le7 no t me $or rat onal %ra*) 2or t!e 'arr or, ntent s t!e (ate n "et'een) It %loses %om*letely "e! nd ! m '!en !e (oes e t!er 'ay) Anot!er t! n( one s!ould do '!en $a% n( t!e na(ual s to s! $t t!e l ne o$ t!e eyes $rom t me to t me, n order to "rea# t!e s*ell o$ t!e na(ual) C!an( n( t!e *os t on o$ t!e eyes al'ays eases t!e "urden o$ t!e tonal) I$ you are n a * n%! you s!ould "e a"le to s! $t "y yoursel$) T! s s! $t n( s!ould "e done only as a rel e$, t!ou(!, not as anot!er 'ay o$ *al sad n( yoursel$ to sa$e(uard t!e order o$ t!e tonal) My "et 'ould "e t!at you 'ould str -e to use t! s te%!n 8ue to ! de t!e rat onal ty o$ your tonal "e! nd t, and t!us "el e-e youre sa- n( t $rom e9t n%t on) T!e $la' o$ your reason n( s t!at no"ody 'ants or see#s t!e e9t n%t on o$ t!e tonals rat onal ty) T!at $ear s ll.$ounded) You are test n( no' '!et!er or not your tonal s %rammed ' t! nessent als) I$ t!ere are too many unne%essary tems on your sland you 'ont "e a"le to susta n t!e en%ounter ' t! t!e na(ual)
You may d e) No one s %a*a"le o$ sur- - n( a del "erate en%ounter ' t! t!e na(ual ' t!out a lon( tra n n() It ta#es years to *re*are t!e tonal $or su%! an en%ounter) Ord nar ly, $ an a-era(e man %omes $a%e to $a%e ' t! t!e na(ual t!e s!o%# 'ould "e too (reat and !e 'ould d e) T!e (oal o$ a 'arr ors tra n n( t!en s not to tea%! ! m to !e9 or to %!arm, "ut to *re*are ! s tonal not to %ra* out) A most d $$ %ult a%%om*l s!ment) A 'arr or must "e tau(!t to "e m*e%%a"le and t!orou(!ly em*ty "e$ore !e %ould e-en %on%e -e o$ ' tness n( t!e na(ual) T!e sland o$ t!e tonal !as to "e s'e*t %lean and ma nta ned %lean) T!ats t!e only alternat -e a 'arr or !as) A %lean sland o$$ers no res stan%e7 t s as sa$e as $ t!ere 'ere not! n( t!ere) A sudden $r (!t al'ays s!r n#s t!e tonal) T!e *ro"lem !ere s not to let t!e tonal s!r n# tsel$ out o$ t!e * %ture) A (ra-e ssue $or a 'arr or s to #no' e9a%tly '!en to allo' ! s tonal to s!r n# and '!en to sto* t) T! s s a (reat art) A 'arr or must stru((le l #e a demon to s!r n# ! s tonal7 and yet at t!e -ery moment t!e tonal s!r n#s, t!e 'arr or must re-erse all t!at stru((le to mmed ately !alt t!at s!r n# n() A$ter t!e tonal s!r n#s, t!e 'arr or s %los n( t!e (ate $rom t!e ot!er s de) As lon( as ! s tonal s un%!allen(ed and ! s eyes are tuned only $or t!e tonals 'orld, t!e 'arr or s on t!e sa$e s de o$ t!e $en%e) Hes on $am l ar (rounds and #no's all t!e rules) But '!en ! s tonal s!r n#s, !e s on t!e ' ndy s de, and t!at o*en n( must "e s!ut t (!t mmed ately, or !e 'ould "e s'e*t a'ay) And t! s s not ;ust a 'ay o$ tal# n() Beyond t!e (ate o$ t!e tonals eyes t!e ' nd ra(es) I mean a real ' nd) No meta*!or) A ' nd t!at %an "lo' ones l $e a'ay) In $a%t, t!at s t!e ' nd t!at "lo's all l - n( t! n(s on t! s eart!) As a rule t!e tonal must de$end tsel$, at any %ost, e-ery t me t s t!reatened7 so t s o$ no real %onse8uen%e !o' t!e tonal rea%ts n order to a%%om*l s! ts de$ense) T!e only m*ortant matter s t!at t!e tonal o$ a 'arr or must "e%ome a%8ua nted ' t! ot!er alternat -es) W!at a tea%!er a ms $or, n t! s %ase, s t!e total 'e (!t o$ t!ose *oss " l t es) It s t!e 'e (!t o$ t!ose ne' *oss " l t es '! %! !el*s to s!r n# t!e tonal) By t!e same to#en, t s t!e same 'e (!t '! %! !el*s sto* t!e tonal $rom s!r n# n( out o$ t!e * %ture) T!e na(ual %an *er$orm e9traord nary t! n(s, t! n(s t!at do not seem *oss "le, t! n(s t!at are unt! n#a"le $or t!e tonal) But t!e e9traord nary t! n( s t!at t!e *er$ormer !as no 'ay o$ #no' n( !o' t!ose t! n(s !a**en)
T!e se%ret o$ a sor%erer s t!at !e #no's !o' to (et to t!e na(ual, "ut on%e !e (ets t!ere, your (uess s as (ood as ! s '!at ta#es *la%e) /ets say t!at a 'arr or learns to tune ! s ' ll, to d re%t t to a * n*o nt, to $o%us t '!ere-er !e 'ants) It s as $ ! s ' ll, '! %! %omes $rom t!e m dse%t on o$ ! s "ody, s one s n(le lum nous $ "er, a $ "er t!at !e %an d re%t at any %on%e -a"le *la%e) T!at $ "er s t!e road to t!e na(ual) Or I %ould also say t!at t!e 'arr or s n#s nto t!e na(ual t!rou(! t!at s n(le $ "er) On%e !e !as sun#, t!e e9*ress on o$ t!e na(ual s a matter o$ ! s *ersonal tem*erament) I$ t!e 'arr or s $unny t!e na(ual s $unny) I$ t!e 'arr or s mor" d t!e na(ual s mor" d) I$ t!e 'arr or s mean t!e na(ual s mean) I$ you %annot understand youre n (reat s!a*e) It s '!en you understand t!at youre n a mess) T!ats $rom t!e *o nt o$ - e' o$ a sor%erer, o$ %ourse) 2rom t!e *o nt o$ - e' o$ an a-era(e man, $ you $a l to understand youre s n# n() In your %ase, I 'ould say t!at an a-era(e man 'ould t! n# t!at you are d sasso% ated, or youre "e( nn n( to "e%ome d sasso% ated) I-e ne-er *ut a "an on tal# n() We %an tal# a"out t!e na(ual to your !earts %ontent, as lon( as you dont try to e9*la n t) I$ you remem"er %orre%tly, I sa d t!at t!e na(ual s only $or ' tness n() So, 'e %an tal# a "out '!at 'e ' tnessed and a"out !o' 'e ' tnessed t) You 'ant to ta#e on t!e e9*lanat on o$ !o' t s all *oss "le t!ou(!, and t!at s an a"om nat on) You 'ant to e9*la n t!e na(ual ' t! t!e tonal) T!at s stu* d, es*e% ally n your %ase, s n%e you %an no lon(er ! de "e! nd your (noran%e) You #no' -ery 'ell t!at 'e ma#e sense n tal# n( only "e%ause 'e stay ' t! n %erta n "oundar es and t!ose "oundar es are not a**l %a"le to t!e na(ual) In order to "e an a-era(e tonal a man must !a-e un ty) H s '!ole "e n( must "elon( to t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) W t!out t!at un ty a man 'ould (o "erser#7 a sor%erer, !o'e-er, !as to "rea# t!at un ty, "ut ' t!out endan(er n( ! s "e n() A sor%erers (oal s to last7 t!at s, !e doesnt ta#e unne%essary r s#s, t!ere$ore !e s*ends years s'ee* n( ! s sland unt l a moment '!en !e %ould, n a manner o$ s*ea# n(, snea# o$$ t) 2or t!e na(ual t!ere s no land, or a r, or 'ater) At t! s *o nt you yoursel$ %an a(ree on t!at) So t!e na(ual (l des, or $l es, or '!ate-er t may do, n na(uals t me) T!e t'o t! n(s dont ; "e) 1o'er sets u* l m ts and a 'arr or s, lets say, a *r soner o$ *o'er7 a *r soner '!o !as one $ree %!o %e7 t!e %!o %e to e t!er a%t l #e an m*e%%a"le 'arr or, or l #e an ass) In t!e $ nal analys s *er!a*s t!e 'arr or s not a
*r soner "ut a sla-e o$ *o'er, "e%ause t!at %!o %e s no lon(er a %!o %e $or ! m) To a%t l #e an ass 'ould dra n ! m and %ause ! s dem se) An mmortal "e n( !as all t!e t me n t!e 'orld $or dou"ts and "e' lderment and $ears) A 'arr or, on t!e ot!er !and, %annot %l n( to t!e mean n(s made under t!e tonals order, "e%ause !e #no's $or a $a%t t!at t!e total ty o$ ! msel$ !as "ut a l ttle t me on t! s eart!) No' s '!en I need your total attent on) Attent on n t!e sense t!at 'arr ors understand attent on7 a true *ause, n order to allo' t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on to $ully soa# t!rou(! you) We are at t!e end o$ our tas#7 all t!e ne%essary nstru%t on !as "een ( -en to you and no' you must sto*, loo# "a%#, and re%ons der your ste*s) Sor%erers say t!at t! s s t!e only 'ay to %onsol date ones (a ns) T! s s t!e t me to "r n( $ort! all your *ersonal *o'er and $ul$ ll t! s m*oss "le tas# o$ "e n( yoursel$ ' t!out "e n( yoursel$) It !as "een my duty to !el* you n e-ery matter %on%ern n( your tonal and e-eryt! n( t!at I-e done ' t! you or to you 'as done to a%%om*l s! one s n(le tas#, t!e tas# o$ %lean n( and reorder n( your sland o$ t!e tonal) I-e told you %ountless t mes t!at a most drast % %!an(e 'as needed $ you 'anted to su%%eed n t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) T!at %!an(e s not a %!an(e o$ mood, or att tude, or outloo#7 t!at %!an(e enta ls t!e trans$ormat on o$ t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) At t! s *re% se *o nt a tea%!er 'ould usually say to ! s d s% *le t!at t!ey !a-e arr -ed at a $ nal %rossroad) To say su%! a t! n( s m slead n( t!ou(!) In my o* n on t!ere s no $ nal ste* to anyt! n() And s n%e t!ere s no $ nal ste* t!ere s!ouldnt "e any se%re%y a"out any *art o$ our lot as lum nous "e n(s) 1ersonal *o'er de% des '!o %an or '!o %annot *ro$ t "y a re-elat on7 my e9*er en%es ' t! my $ello' men !a-e *ro-en to me t!at -ery, -ery $e' o$ t!em 'ould "e ' ll n( to l sten7 and o$ t!ose $e' '!o l sten e-en $e'er 'ould "e ' ll n( to a%t on '!at t!ey !a-e l stened to, and o$ t!ose '!o are ' ll n( to a%t e-en $e'er !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er to *ro$ t "y t!e r a%ts) So, t!e matter o$ se%re%y a"out t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on "o ls do'n to a rout ne, *er!a*s a rout ne as em*ty as any ot!er rout ne) At any rate no' you #no' a"out t!e tonal and t!e na(ual, '! %! are t!e %ore o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) To #no' a"out t!em seems 8u te !armless) But "e$ore you -enture "eyond t! s *o nt a $a r 'arn n( s
re8u red7 a tea%!er s su**osed to s*ea# n earnest terms and 'arn ! s d s% *le t!at t!e !armlessness and *la% d ty o$ t! s moment are a m ra(e, t!at t!ere s a "ottomless a"yss n $ront o$ ! m, and t!at on%e t!e door o*ens t!ere s no 'ay to %lose t a(a n) T!e years o$ !ard tra n n( are only a *re*arat on $or t!e 'arr ors de-astat n( en%ounter ' t!0'!ate-er l es out t!ere, "eyond t! s *o nt) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on, '! %! doesnt seem l #e an e9*lanat on at all, s let!al) It seems !armless and %!arm n(, "ut as soon as t!e 'arr or o*ens ! msel$ to t, t del -ers a "lo' t!at no one %an *arry) To "e *re*ared $or t!e 'orst, "ut dont !urry or *an %) You dont !a-e any t me, and yet youre surrounded "y etern ty) W!at a *arado9 $or your reason) W!at ' ll !a**en !ere today de*ends on '!et!er or not you !a-e enou(! *ersonal *o'er to $o%us your un'a-er n( attent on on t!e ' n(s o$ your *er%e*t on) /et me "e( n "y tell n( you t!at a tea%!er ne-er see#s a**rent %es and no one %an sol % t t!e tea%! n(s) It s al'ays an omen '! %! *o nts out t!e a**rent %e) A 'arr or '!o may "e n t!e *os t on o$ "e%om n( a tea%!er must "e alert n order to %at%! ! s %u" % %ent meter o$ %!an%e) On%e t!e a**rent %e !as "een !oo#ed, t!e nstru%t on "e( ns) T!e $ rst a%t o$ a tea%!er s to ntrodu%e t!e dea t!at t!e 'orld 'e see s only a - e', a des%r *t on o$ t!e 'orld) E-ery e$$ort o$ a tea%!er s (eared to *ro-e t! s *o nt to ! s a**rent %e) But a%%e*t n( t seems to "e one o$ t!e !ardest t! n(s one %an do7 'e are %om*la%ently %au(!t n our *art %ular - e' o$ t!e 'orld, '! %! %om*els us to $eel and a%t as $ 'e #ne' e-eryt! n( a"out t!e 'orld) A tea%!er, $rom t!e -ery $ rst a%t !e *er$orms, a ms at sto** n( t!at - e') Sor%erers %all t sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue, and t!ey are %on- n%ed t!at t s t!e s n(le most m*ortant te%!n 8ue an a**rent %e %an learn) In order to sto* t!e - e' o$ t!e 'orld '! %! one !as !eld s n%e t!e %radle, t s not enou(! to ;ust ' s! or ma#e a resolut on) One needs a *ra%t %al tas#7 t!at *ra%t %al tas# s %alled t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n() It seems !armless and nonsens %al) As e-eryt! n( else '! %! !as *o'er n tsel$ or "y tsel$, t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n( does not attra%t attent on) You understood t and re(arded t, at least $or se-eral years, as a %ur ous 'ay o$ "e!a- n() It d dnt da'n on you unt l -ery re%ently t!at t!at 'as t!e most e$$e%t -e 'ay to sto* your nternal d alo(ue)
To(et!er ' t! t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n( a tea%!er must tea%! ! s a**rent %e anot!er *oss " l ty, '! %! s e-en more su"tle7 t!e *oss " l ty o$ a%t n( ' t!out "el e- n(, ' t!out e9*e%t n( re'ards@a%t n( ;ust $or t!e !ell o$ t) I 'ouldnt "e e9a((erat n( $ I told you t!at t!e su%%ess o$ a tea%!ers e$$orts de*ends on !o' 'ell and !o' !armon ously !e (u des ! s a**rent %e n t! s s*e% $ % res*e%t) Sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue s, !o'e-er, t!e #ey to t!e sor%erers 'orld) T!e rest o$ t!e a%t - t es are only *ro*s7 all t!ey do s a%%elerate t!e e$$e%t o$ sto** n( t!e nternal d alo(ue) Sor%erers are %on- n%ed t!at all o$ us are a "un%! o$ n n%om*oo*s) We %an ne-er rel n8u s! our %rummy %ontrol -oluntar ly, t!us 'e !a-e to "e tr %#ed) 2or me, tr %# n( meant to d stra%t your attent on, or to tra* t as t!e %ase re8u red) Eras n( *ersonal ! story and dream n( s!ould only "e a !el*) W!at any a**rent %e needs to "u$$er ! m s tem*eran%e and stren(t!) T!ats '!y a tea%!er ntrodu%es t!e 'arr ors 'ay, or l - n( l #e a 'arr or) T! s s t!e (lue t!at ;o ns to(et!er e-eryt! n( n t!e sor%erers 'orld) B t "y " t a tea%!er must $or(e and de-elo* t) W t!out t!e sturd ness and le-el.!eadedness o$ t!e 'arr ors 'ay t!ere s no *oss " l ty o$ ' t!stand n( t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) By no' t!ere s no 'ay $or you to re%olle%t t!e mmense e$$ort t!at you needed to esta"l s! sel$.* ty as a $eature o$ your sland) Sel$.* ty "ore ' tness to e-eryt! n( you d d) It 'as ;ust at your $ n(ert *s, ready to ad- se you) Deat! s %ons dered "y a 'arr or to "e a more amena"le ad- sor, '! %! %an also "e "rou(!t to "ear ' tness on e-eryt! n( one does, ;ust l #e sel$. * ty, or 'rat!) O"- ously, a$ter an untold stru((le you !a-e learned to $eel sorry $or yoursel$) But you %an also learn, n t!e same 'ay, to $eel your m*end n( end, and t!us you %an learn to !a-e t!e dea o$ deat! at your $ n(ert *s) As an ad- sor, sel$.* ty s not! n( %om*ared to deat!) T!ere s no 'ay to (et r d o$ sel$.* ty $or (ood7 t !as a de$ n te *la%e and %!ara%ter on your sland, a de$ n te $aFade '! %! s re%o(n :a"le) T!us, e-ery t me t!e o%%as on ar ses, sel$.* ty "e%omes a%t -e) It !as ! story) I$ you t!en %!an(e t!e $aFade o$ sel$.* ty, you 'ould !a-e s! $ted ts *la%e o$ *rom nen%e)
One %!an(es t!e $aFade "y alter n( t!e use o$ t!e elements o$ t!e sland) Ta#e sel$.* ty a(a n) It 'as use$ul to you "e%ause you e t!er $elt m*ortant and deser- n( o$ "etter %ond t ons, "etter treatment, or "e%ause you 'ere un' ll n( to assume res*ons " l ty $or t!e a%ts t!at "rou(!t you to t!e state t!at el % ted sel$.* ty, or "e%ause you 'ere n%a*a"le o$ "r n( n( t!e dea o$ your m*end n( deat! to ' tness your a%ts and ad- se you) Eras n( *ersonal ! story and ts t!ree %om*an on te%!n 8ues are t!e sor%erers+ means $or %!an( n( t!e $aFade o$ t!e elements o$ t!e sland) 2or nstan%e, "y eras n( your *ersonal ! story, you !a-e den ed use to sel$.* ty7 n order $or sel$.* ty to 'or# you !ad to $eel m*ortant, rres*ons "le and mmortal) W!en t!ose $eel n(s 'ere altered n some 'ay, t 'as no lon(er *oss "le $or you to $eel sorry $or yoursel$) T!e same 'as true ' t! all t!e ot!er elements '! %! you-e %!an(ed on your sland) W t!out us n( t!ose $our te%!n 8ues you ne-er %ould-e su%%eeded n %!an( n( t!em) But %!an( n( $a%ades means only t!at one !as ass (ned a se%ondary *la%e to a $ormerly m*ortant element) Your sel$.* ty s st ll a $eature o$ your sland7 t ' ll "e t!ere n t!e "a%# n t!e same 'ay t!at t!e dea o$ your m*end n( deat!, or your !um"leness, or your res*ons " l ty $or your a%ts 'ere t!ere, ' t!out e-er "e n( used) 1o'er *lants !a-e t!e same e$$e%t on t!e tonal as t!e r (!t 'ay o$ 'al# n() Bot! $lood t ' t! n$ormat on and $or%e t!e nternal d alo(ue to %ome to a sto*) T!e *lants are e9%ellent $or t!at, "ut -ery %ostly) T!ey %ause untold dama(e to t!e "ody) T! s s t!e r dra'"a%#) T!ose *lants lead t!e a**rent %e d re%tly to t!e na(ual, and t!e ally s an as*e%t o$ t) We $un%t on at t!e %enter o$ reason e9%lus -ely, re(ardless o$ '!o 'e are or '!ere 'e %ome $rom) Reason %an naturally a%%ount n one 'ar or anot!er $or e-eryt! n( t!at !a**ens ' t! n ts - e' o$ t!e 'orld) T!e ally s somet! n( '! %! s outs de o$ t!at - e', outs de t!e ream o$ reason) It %an "e ' tnessed only at t!e %enter o$ t!e ' ll at t mes '!en our ord nary - e' !as sto**ed, t!ere$ore t s *ro*erly t!e na(ual) Sor%erers, !o'e-er, %an learn to *er%e -e t!e ally n a most ntr %ate 'ay, and n do n( so t!ey (et too dee*ly mmersed n a ne' - e') So, n order to *rote%t you $rom t!at $ate, I d d not em*!as :e t!e ally as sor%erers usually do) Sor%erers !a-e learned a$ter (enerat ons o$ us n( *o'er *lants to a%%ount n t!e r - e's $or e-eryt! n( t!at s a%%ounta"le a"out t!em) I 'ould say t!at sor%erers, "y us n( t!e r ' ll, !a-e su%%eeded n enlar( n( t!e r - e's o$ t!e 'orld) My tea%!er and "ene$a%tor 'ere t!e %learest e9am*les o$ t!at) T!ey 'ere men o$ (reat *o'er, "ut t!ey 'ere not men o$ #no'led(e) T!ey ne-er "ro#e
t!e "ounds o$ t!e r enormous - e's and t!us ne-er arr -ed at t!e total ty o$ t!emsel-es, yet t!ey #ne' a"out t) It 'asnt t!at t!ey l -ed a"errant l -es, %la m n( t! n(s "eyond t!e r rea%!7 t!ey #ne' t!ey !ad m ssed t!e "oat and t!at only at t!e r deat! 'ould t!e total mystery "e re-ealed to t!em) Sor%ery !ad ( -en t!em only a (l m*se, "ut ne-er t!e real means to (et to t!at elus -e total ty o$ onesel$) I (a-e you enou(! o$ t!e sor%erers - e' ' t!out lett n( you (et !oo#ed "y t) I sa d t!at only $ one * ts t'o - e's a(a nst ea%! ot!er %an one 'easel "et'een t!em and arr -e at t!e real 'orld) I meant t!at one %an arr -e at t!e total ty o$ onesel$ only '!en one $ully understands t!at t!e 'orld s merely a - e', re(ardless o$ '!et!er t!at - e' "elon(s to an ord nary man or a sor%erer) Here s '!ere I -ar ed $rom t!e trad t on) A$ter a l $elon( stru((le I #no' t!at '!at matters s not to learn a ne' des%r *t on "ut to arr -e at t!e total ty o$ onesel$) One s!ould (et to t!e na(ual ' t!out mal (n n( t!e tonal, and a"o-e all ' t!out n;ur n( ones "ody) T!at s t!e reason '!y I ne-er 'anted to d s%uss your en%ounters ' t! *o'er *lants, or let you tal# o"sess -ely a"ut t!em7 t!ere 'as no *o nt n ela"orat n( a"out t!e uns*ea#a"le) T!ose 'ere true e9%urs ons nto t!e na(ual, t!e un#no'n) 1o'er *lants s!a#e t!e tonal and t!reaten t!e sol d ty o$ t!e '!ole sland) It s at t! s t me t!at t!e a**rent %e retreats, and ' sely so7 !e 'ants to (et out o$ t!e '!ole mess) It s also at t! s t me t!at t!e tea%!er sets u* ! s most art$ul tra*, t!e 'ort!y o**onent) T! s tra* !as t'o *ur*oses) 2 rst, t ena"les t!e tea%!er to !old ! s a**rent %e, and se%ond, t ena"les t!e a**rent %e to !a-e a *o nt o$ re$eren%e $or $urt!er use) W t!out t!e a d o$ a 'ort!y o**onent, '!os not really an enemy, "ut a t!orou(!ly ded %ated ad-ersary, t!e a**rent %e !as no *oss " l ty o$ %ont nu n( on t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e) T!e "est o$ men 'ould 8u t at t! s *o nt $ t 'ere le$t u* to t!em to de% de) Be%ause o$ t!e a%ts o$ a 'ort!y o**onent, t!en, an a**rent %e %an "e e t!er "lasted to * e%es or %!an(ed rad %ally) T!e tea%!er uses t!e 'ort!y o**onent to $or%e t!e a**rent %e nto t!e %!o %e o$ ! s l $e) T!e a**rent %e must %!oose "et'een t!e 'arr ors 'orld and ! s ord nary 'orld) But no de% s on s *oss "le unless t!e a**rent %e understands t!e %!o %e7 t!us a tea%!er must !a-e a t!orou(!ly *at ent and understand n( att tude and must lead ! s man ' t! a sure !and to t!at %!o %e, and a"o-e all !e must ma#e sure t!at ! s a**rent %e %!ooses t!e 'orld and l $e o$ a 'arr or)
All t!at 'as re8u red o$ you 'as to allo' your tonal to "e%ome a'are o$ !a- n( de% ded to ;o n t!e 'orld o$ sor%erers) T!e tonal doesnt #no' t!at de% s ons are n t!e realm o$ t!e na(ual) W!en 'e t! n# 'e de% de, all 'ere do n( s a%#no'led( n( t!at somet! n( "eyond our understand n( !as set u* t!e $rame o$ our so.%alled de% s ons, and all 'e do s a%8u es%e) In t!e l $e o$ a 'arr or t!ere s only one t! n(, one ssue alone '! %! s really unde% dedA !o' $ar one %an (o on t!e *at! o$ #no'led(e and *o'er) T!at s an ssue '! %! s o*en and no one %an *red %t ts out%ome) I on%e told you t!at t!e $reedom a 'arr or !as s e t!er to a%t m*e%%a"ly or to a%t l #e a n n%om*oo*) Im*e%%a" l ty s ndeed t!e only a%t '! %! s $ree and t!us t!e true measure o$ a 'arr ors s* r t) A$ter t!e a**rent %e !as "een ( -en ! s sor%ery tas# !es ready $or anot!er ty*e o$ nstru%t on) He s a 'arr or t!en) Dream n( s a *ra%t %al a d de- sed "y sor%erers) T!ey 'ere not $ools7 t!ey #ne' '!at t!ey 'ere do n( and sou(!t t!e use$ulness o$ t!e na(ual "y tra n n( t!e r tonal to let (o $or a moment, so to s*ea#, and t!en (ra" a(a n) T! s statement doesnt ma#e sense to you) But t!ats '!at you-e "een do n( all alon(7 tra n n( yoursel$ to let (o ' t!out los n( your mar"les) Dream n(, o$ %ourse, s t!e %ro'n o$ t!e sor%erers e$$orts, t!e ult mate use o$ t!e na(ual) THE SORCERERS E61/ANATION Sor%erers say 'e are ns de a "u""le) It s a "u""le nto '! %! 'e are *la%ed at t!e moment o$ our " rt!) At $ rst t!e "u""le s o*en, "ut t!en t "e( ns to %lose unt l t !as sealed us n) T!at "u""le s our *er%e*t on) We l -e ns de t!at "u""le all o$ our l -es) And '!at 'e ' tness on ts round 'alls s our o'n re$le%t on) T!e t! n( re$le%ted s our - e' o$ t!e 'orld) T!at - e' s $ rst a des%r *t on, '! %! s ( -en to us $rom t!e moment o$ our " rt! unt l all our attent on s %au(!t "y t and t!e des%r *t on "e%omes a - e') T!e tea%!ers tas# s to rearran(e t!at - e', to *re*are t!e lum nous "e n( $or t!e t me '!en t!e "ene$a%tor o*ens t!e "u""le $rom t!e outs de)
T!e "u""le s o*ened n order to allo' t!e lum nous "e n( a - e' o$ ! s total ty) Naturally t! s "us ness o$ %all n( t a "u""le s only a 'ay o$ tal# n(, "ut n t! s %ase t s an a%%urate 'ay) T!e del %ate maneu-er o$ lead n( a lum nous "e n( nto t!e total ty o$ ! msel$ re8u res t!at t!e tea%!er 'or# $rom ns de t!e "u""le and t!e "ene$a%tor $rom t!e outs de) T!e tea%!er reorders t!e - e' o$ t!e 'orld) I !a-e %alled t!at - e' t!e sland o$ t!e tonal) I-e sa d t!at e-eryt! n( 'e are s on t!at sland) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on says t!at t!e sland o$ t!e tonal s made "y our *er%e*t on, '! %! !as "een tra ned to $o%us on %erta n elements7 ea%! o$ t!ose elements and all o$ t!em to(et!er $orm our - e' o$ t!e 'orld) T!e ;o" o$ a tea%!er, nso$ar as t!e a**rent %es *er%e*t on s %on%erned, %ons sts o$ reorder n( all t!e elements o$ t!e sland on one !al$ o$ t!e "u""le) By no' you must !a-e real :ed t!at %lean n( and reorder n( t!e sland o$ t!e tonal means re(rou* n( all o$ ts elements on t!e s de o$ reason) My tas# !as "een to d sarran(e your ord nary - e', not to destroy t, "ut to $or%e t to rally on t!e s de o$ reason) T!e art o$ a tea%!er s to $or%e ! s d s% *le to (rou* ! s - e' o$ t!e 'orld on t!e r (!t !al$ o$ t!e "u""le) T!ats t!e s de o$ t!e tonal) T!e tea%!er al'ays addresses ! msel$ to t!at s de, and "y *resent n( ! s a**rent %e on t!e one !and ' t! t!e 'arr ors 'ay !e $or%es ! m nto reasona"leness, and so"r ety, and stren(t! o$ %!ara%ter and "ody7 and "y *resent n( ! m on t!e ot!er !and ' t! unt! n#a"le "ut real s tuat ons '! %! t!e a**rent %e %annot %o*e ' t!, !e $or%es ! m to real :e t!at ! s reason, alt!ou(! t s a most 'onder$ul a$$a r, %an only %o-er a small area) On%e t!e 'arr or s %on$ronted ' t! ! s n%a*a% ty to reason e-eryt! n( out, !e ' ll (o out o$ ! s 'ay to "olster and de$end ! s de$eated reason, and to t!at e$$e%t !e ' ll rally e-eryt! n( !es (ot around t) T!e tea%!er sees to t!at "y !ammer n( ! m mer% lessly unt l all ! s - e' o$ t!e 'orld s on one !al$ o$ t!e "u""le) T!e ot!er !al$ o$ t!e "u""le, t!e one t!at !as "een %leaned, %an t!en "e %la med "y somet! n( sor%erers %all ' ll) We %an "etter e9*la n t! s "y say n( t!at t!e tas# o$ t!e tea%!er s to ' *e %lean one !al$ o$ t!e "u""le and to reorder e-eryt! n( on t!e ot!er !al$) T!e "ene$a%tors tas# t!en s to o*en t!e "u""le on t!e s de t!at !as "een %leaned) On%e t!e seal s "ro#en, t!e 'arr or s ne-er t!e same) He !as t!en t!e %ommand o$ ! s total ty) Hal$ o$ t!e "u""le s t!e ult mate %enter o$ reason, t!e tonal) T!e ot!er !al$ s t!e ult mate %enter o$ ' ll, t!e na(ual) T!at s t!e order t!at s!ould *re-a l7 any ot!er arran(ement s nonsens %al and *etty, "e%ause t (oes a(a nst nature7 t ro"s us o$ our ma( %al !er ta(e and redu%es us to not! n()
We !a-e one s n(le ssue le$t) Sor%erers %all t t!e se%ret o$ t!e lum nous "e n(s, and t!at s t!e $a%t t!at 'e are *er%e -ers) We men and all t!e ot!er lum nous "e n(s on eart! are *er%e -ers) T!at s our "u""le, t!e "u""le o$ *er%e*t on) Our m sta#e s to "el e-e t!at t!e only *er%e*t on 'ort!y o$ a%#no'led(ement s '!at (oes t!rou(! our reason) Sor%erers "el e-e t!at reason s only one %enter and t!at t s!ouldnt ta#e so mu%! $or (ranted) T!eres no 'ay to (et to t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on unless one !as ' ll n(ly used t!e na(ual, or rat!er, unless one !as ' ll n(ly used t!e tonal to ma#e sense out o$ ones a%t ons ' t! t!e na(ual) Anot!er 'ay o$ ma# n( all t! s %lear s to say t!at t!e - e' o$ t!e tonal must *re-a l $ one s (o n( to use t!e na(ual t!e 'ay sor%erers do) Order n *er%e*t on s t!e e9%lus -e realm o$ t!e tonal7 only t!ere %an our a%t ons !a-e a se8uen%e7 only t!ere are t!ey l #e sta r'ays '!ere one %an %ount t!e ste*s) T!ere s not! n( o$ t!at sort n t!e na(ual) T!ere$ore, t!e - e' o$ t!e tonal s a tool, and as su%! t s not only t!e "est tool "ut t!e only one 'e-e (ot) T! s s t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) T!e na(ual s t!e uns*ea#a"le) All t!e *oss "le $eel n(s and "e n(s and sel-es $loat n t l #e "ar(es, *ea%e$ul, unaltered, $ore-er) T!en t!e (lue o$ l $e " nds some o$ t!em to(et!er) W!en t!e (lue o$ l $e " nds t!ose $eel n(s to(et!er a "e n( s %reated, a "e n( t!at loses t!e sense o$ ts true nature and "e%omes "l nded "y t!e (lare and %lamor o$ t!e area '!ere "e n(s !o-er, t!e tonal) T!e tonal s '!ere all t!e un $ ed or(an :at on e9 sts) A "e n( *o*s nto t!e tonal on%e t!e $or%e o$ l $e !as "ound all t!e needed $eel n(s to(et!er) I sa d t!at "e%ause I #no' t!at as soon as t!e $or%e o$ l $e lea-es t!e "ody all t!ose s n(le a'arenesses d s nte(rate and (o "a%# a(a n to '!ere t!ey %ame $rom, t!e na(ual) W!at a 'arr or does n ;ourney n( nto t!e un#no'n s -ery mu%! l #e dy n(, e9%e*t t!at ! s %luster o$ s n(le $eel n(s do not d s nte(rate "ut e9*and a " t ' t!out los n( t!e r to(et!erness) At deat!, !o'e-er, t!ey s n# dee*ly and mo-e nde*endently as $ t!ey !ad ne-er "een a un t) T!ere s no 'ay to re$er to t!e un#no'n) One %an only ' tness t) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on says t!at ea%! o$ us !as a %enter $rom '! %! t!e na(ual %an "e assessed, t!e ' ll) T!us, a 'arr or %an -enture nto t!e na(ual and let ! s %luster arran(e and rearran(e tsel$ n any 'ay *oss "le) I-e sa d to you t!at t!e e9*ress on o$ t!e na(ual s a *ersonal matter) I meant t!at t s u* to t!e nd - dual 'arr or ! msel$ to d re%t t!e arran(ement and rearran(ement o$ t!at %luster) T!e !uman $orm or !uman $eel n(s s t!e or ( nal one, *er!a*s t s t!e s'eetest $orm o$ t!em all to us7 t!ere are
!o'e-er, an endless num"er o$ alternat -e $orms '! %! t!e %luster may ado*t) I-e sa d to you t!at a sor%erer %an ado*t any $orm !e 'ants) T!at s true) A sor%erer '!o s n *ossess on o$ t!e total ty o$ ! msel$ %an d re%t *arts o$ ! s %luster to ;o n n any %on%e -a"le 'ay) T!e $or%e o$ l $e s '!at ma#es all t!at s!u$$l n( *oss "le) On%e t!e $or%e o$ l $e s e9!austed t!ere s no 'ay to reassem"le t!at %luster) I !a-e %alled t!at %luster t!e "u""le o$ *er%e*t on) I !a-e also sa d t!at t s sealed, %losed t (!tly, and t!at t ne-er o*ens unt l t!e moment o$ our deat!) Yet t %ould "e made to o*en) Sor%erers !a-e o"- ously learned t!at se%ret, and alt!ou(! not all o$ t!em arr -e at t!e total ty o$ t!emsel-es, t!ey #no' a"out t!e *oss " l ty o$ t) T!ey #no' t!at t!e "u""le o*ens only '!en *lun(ed nto t!e na(ual) T! s s t!e last o$ t!e sor%erers tr %#s) /ets say t!at '!at Im (o n( to re-eal to you s t!e last " t o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) U* to t! s *o nt your reason !as !a*!a:ardly $ollo'ed my do n(s) Your reason s ' ll n( to adm t t!at t!e 'orld s not as t!e des%r *t on *ortrays t, t!at t!ere s mu%! more to t t!an '!at meets t!e eye) In ot!er 'ords one %an *er%e -e t!e !ere and t!e t!ere at on%e) Your reason %annot $ (!t t!e *!ys %al #no'led(e t!at you are a nameless %luster o$ $eel n(s) Your reason at t! s *o nt m (!t e-en adm t t!at t!ere s anot!er %enter o$ assem"la(e, t!e ' ll, t!rou(! '! %! t s *oss "le to ;ud(e or assess and use t!e e9traord nary e$$e%ts o$ t!e na(ual) It !as $ nally da'ned on your reason t!at one %an re$le%t t!e na(ual t!rou(! t!e ' ll, alt!ou(! one %an ne-er e9*la n t) T!e %on- %t on t!at t!ere s a real you s a result o$ t!e $a%t t!at you !a-e rall ed e-eryt! n( you-e (ot around your reason) At t! s *o nt your reason adm ts t!at t!e na(ual s t!e ndes%r "a"le, not "e%ause t!e e- den%e !as %on- n%ed t, "ut "e%ause t s sa$e to adm t t!at) Your reason s on sa$e (round, all t!e elements o$ t!e tonal are on ts s de) To ma#e reason $eel sa$e s al'ays t!e tas# o$ t!e tea%!er) I-e tr %#ed your reason nto "el e- n( t!at t!e tonal 'as a%%ounta"le and *red %ta"le) I !a-e la"ored to ( -e you t!e m*ress on t!at only t!e na(ual 'as "eyond t!e s%o*e o$ e9*lanat on7 t!e *roo$ t!at t!e tr %# n( 'as su%%ess$ul s t!at at t! s moment t seems to you t!at n s* te o$ e-eryt! n( you !a-e (one t!rou(!, t!ere s st ll a %ore t!at you %an %la m as your o'n, your reason) T!ats a m ra(e) Your *re% ous reason s only a %enter o$ assem"la(e, a m rror t!at re$le%ts somet! n( '! %! s outs de o$ t)
T!e last * e%e o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on says t!at reason s merely re$le%t n( an outs de order, and t!at reason #no's not! n( a"out t!at order, t %annot e9*la n t, n t!e same 'ay t %annot e9*la n t!e na(ual) Reason %an only ' tness t!e e$$e%ts o$ t!e tonal, "ut ne-er %ould t understand t, or unra-el t) T!e -ery $a%t t!at 'e are t! n# n( and tal# n( *o nts out an order t!at 'e $ollo' ' t!out e-er #no' n( !o' 'e do t!at, or '!at t!e order s) Sor%erers do t!e same t! n( ' t! t!e r ' ll) T!ey say t!at t!rou(! t!e ' ll t!ey %an ' tness t!e e$$e%ts o$ t!e na(ual) I %an add no' t!at t!rou(! reason, no matter '!at 'e do ' t! t, or !o' 'e do t, 'e are merely ' tness n( t!e e$$e%ts o$ t!e tonal) In "ot! %ases t!ere s no !o*e, e-er, to understand or to e9*la n '!at t s 'e are ' tness n() A sor%erer %an use t!e ' n(s o$ ! s *er%e*t on to tou%! ot!er sens " l t es, a %ro's $or nstan%e, a %oyotes, a %r %#ets, or t!e order o$ ot!er 'orlds n t!at n$ n te s*a%e) T!e ' n(s o$ *er%e*t on %an ta#e us to t!e most re%ond te %on$ nes o$ t!e na(ual, or to t!e n%on%e -a"le 'orlds o$ t!e tonal) We !a-e arr -ed at t!e last *art o$ t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on) I on%e told you t!at t!ose t'o *o nts 'ere outs de o$ onesel$ and yet t!ey 'ere not) T!at s t!e *arado9 o$ t!e lum nous "e n(s) T!e tonal o$ e-ery one o$ us s "ut a re$le%t on o$ t!at ndes%r "a"le un#no'n $ lled ' t! order7 t!e na(ual o$ e-ery one o$ us s "ut a re$le%t on o$ t!at ndes%r "a"le -o %e t!at %onta ns e-eryt! n() As you s t !ere no', you !a-e not! n( e9%e*t t!e $or%e o$ your l $e t!at " nds t!at %luster o$ $eel n(s) S t !ere and turn o$$ your nternal d alo(ue) You may (at!er t!e *o'er needed to un$old t!e ' n(s o$ your *er%e*t on and $ly nto t!at n$ n tude) On%e you !a-e entered t!e un#no'n "y yoursel$ you %annot de*end on us to "r n( you "a%#, so a de% s on s mandatory7 you must de% de '!et!er or not to return) I must also add t!at $e' 'arr ors sur- -e t!e en%ounter ' t! t!e un#no'n7 not so mu%! "e%ause t s !ard, "ut "e%ause t!e na(ual s ent % n( "eyond any statement, and 'arr ors '!o are ;ourney n( nto t $ nd t!at to return to t!e tonal, or to t!e 'orld o$ order and no se and *a n, s a most una**eal n( a$$a r)
T!e de% s on to stay or to return s done "y somet! n( n us '! %! s ne t!er our reason nor our des re, "ut our ' ll, so t!ere s no 'ay o$ #no' n( t!e out%ome o$ t "e$ore!and) I$ you %!oose not to return you ' ll d sa**ear as $ t!e eart! !ad s'allo'ed you) But $ you %!oose to return to t! s eart! you must 'a t l #e a true 'arr or unt l your *art %ular tas#s are $ n s!ed) On%e t!ey are $ n s!ed e t!er n su%%ess or de$eat, you ' ll !a-e t!e %ommand o-er t!e total ty o$ yoursel$) T! s means t!at t!e 'arr or !as $ nally en%ountered *o'er) No one %an tell '!at ea%! 'arr or 'ould do ' t! t7 *er!a*s you ' ll roam *ea%e$ully and unnot %ed on t!e $a%e o$ t!e eart!, or *er!a*s you ' ll turn out to "e a !ate$ul man, or *er!a*s notor ous, or # nd) All t!at de*ends on t!e m*e%%a" l ty and t!e $reedom o$ your s* r t) T!e m*ortant t! n(, !o'e-er, s your tas#) T!at s t!e "esto'al made "y a tea%!er and "ene$a%tor to t!e r a**rent %es) I *ray t!at you ' ll su%%eed n "r n( n( your tas#s to a %ulm nat on) Wa t n( to $ul$ ll a tas# s a -ery s*e% al 'a t n() I$ you de% de to return to t! s eart! you ' ll !a-e to 'a t l #e a true 'arr or unt l your tas#s are $ul$ lled) Your only %!an%e s your m*e%%a" l ty) You must 'a t ' t!out loo# n( "a%#) You must 'a t ' t!out e9*e%t n( re'ards) And you must a m all o$ your *ersonal *o'er at $ul$ ll n( your tas#s) I$ you dont a%t m*e%%a"ly, $ you "e( n to $ret and (et m*at ent and des*erate, youll "e %ut do'n mer% lessly "y t!e s!ar*s!ooters $rom t!e un#no'n) I$, on t!e ot!er !and, your m*e%%a" l ty and *ersonal *o'er are su%! t!at you are %a*a"le o$ $ul$ ll n( your tas#s, you ' ll t!en a%! e-e t!e *rom se o$ *o'er) And '!ats t!at *rom se, you may as#) It s a *rom se t!at *o'er ma#es to men as lum nous "e n(s) Ea%! 'arr or !as a d $$erent $ate, so t!ere s no 'ay o$ tell n( '!at t!at *rom se ' ll "e $or you) You !a-e learned t!at t!e "a%#"one o$ a 'arr or s to "e !um"le and e$$ % ent) You !a-e learned to a%t ' t!out e9*e%t n( anyt! n( n return, No' I tell you t!at n order to ' t!stand '!at l es a!ead o$ you "eyond t! s day youll need your ult mate $or"earan%e) A 'arr or must al'ays "e ready) T!e $ate o$ all o$ us !ere !as "een to #no' t!at 'e are *r soners o$ *o'er) No one #no's '!y us n *art %ular, "ut '!at a (reat $ortune)
We are all alone) T!at s our %ond t on) We are alone) But to d e alone s not to d e n lonel ness) A 'arr or a%#no'led(es ! s *a n, "ut !e doesnt ndul(e n t) T!us t!e mood o$ a 'arr or '!o enters nto t!e un#no'n s not one o$ sadness7 on t!e %ontrary, !es ;oy$ul "e%ause !e $eels !um"led "y ! s (reat $ortune, %on$ dent t!at ! s s* r t s m*e%%a"le, and a"o-e all, $ully a'are o$ ! s e$$ % en%y) A 'arr ors ;oy$ulness %omes $rom !a- n( a%%e*ted ! s $ate, and $rom !a- n( trut!$ully assessed '!at l es a!ead o$ ! m) T!e l $e o$ a 'arr or %annot *oss "ly "e %old and lonely and ' t!out $eel n(s, "e%ause t s "ased on ! s a$$e%t on, ! s de-ot on, ! s ded %at on to ! s "elo-ed) And '!o, you may as#, s ! s "elo-ed< T! s eart!, t! s 'orld) 2or a 'arr or t!ere %an "e no (reater lo-e) Only $ one lo-es t! s eart! ' t! un"end n( *ass on %an one release ones sadness) A 'arr or s al'ays ;oy$ul "e%ause ! s lo-e s unaltera"le and ! s "elo-ed, t!e eart!, em"ra%es ! m and "esto's u*on ! m n%on%e -a"le ( $ts) T!e sadness "elon(s only to t!ose '!o !ate t!e -ery t! n( t!at ( -es s!elter to t!e r "e n(s) T! s lo-ely "e n(, '! %! s al -e to ts last re%esses and understands e-ery $eel n(, soot!ed me, t %ured me o$ my *a ns, and $ nally '!en I !ad $ully understood my lo-e $or t, t tau(!t me $reedom) / sten to t!at "ar# n() T!at s t!e 'ay my "elo-ed eart! s !el* n( me no' to "r n( t! s last *o nt to you) T!at "ar# n( s t!e saddest t! n( one %an !ear) T!at do(s "ar# n( s t!e no%turnal -o %e o$ a man) It %omes $rom a !ouse n t!at -alley to'ard t!e sout!) A man s s!out n( t!rou(! ! s do(, s n%e t!ey are %om*an on sla-es $or l $e) It s*ea#s o$ ! s sadness, ! s "oredom) Hes "e(( n( ! s deat! to %ome and release ! m $rom t!e dull and dreary %!a ns o$ ! s l $e) T!at "ar# n(, and t!e lonel ness t %reates, s*ea#s o$ t!e $eel n(s o$ men) Men $or '!om an ent re l $e 'as l #e one Sunday a$ternoon '! %! 'as not alto(et!er m sera"le, "ut rat!er !ot and dull and un%om$orta"le) T!ey s'eated and $ussed a (reat deal) T!ey d dnt #no' '!ere to (o, or '!at to do) T!at a$ternoon le$t t!em only ' t! t!e memory o$ *etty annoyan%es and ted um, and t!en suddenly t 'as o-er7 t 'as already n (!t)
T!e ant dote t!at # lls t!at *o son s !ere) T!e sor%erers e9*lanat on %annot at all l "erate t!e s* r t) /oo# at you) You !a-e (otten t!e sor%erers e9*lanat on, "ut t doesnt ma#e any d $$eren%e t!at you #no' t) Youre more alone t!an e-er, "e%ause ' t!out an un'a-er n( lo-e $or t!e "e n( t!at ( -es you s!elter, aloneness s lonel ness) Only t!e lo-e $or t! s s*lendorous "e n( %an ( -e $reedom to a 'arr ors s* r ts7 and $reedom s ;oy, e$$ % en%y, and a"andon n t!e $a%e o$ any odds) T!at s t!e last lesson) It s al'ays le$t $or t!e -ery last moment, $or t!e moment o$ ult mate sol tude '!en a man $a%es ! s deat! and ! s aloneness) Only t!en does t ma#e sense) T!ere are many 'ays o$ say n( $are'ell) T!e "est 'ay s *er!a*s "y !old n( a *art %ular memory o$ ;oy$ulness) 2or nstan%e, $ you l -e l #e a 'arr or, t!e 'armt! you $elt '!en t!e l ttle "oy rode on your s!oulders ' ll "e $res! and %utt n( $or as lon( as you l -e) T!at s a 'arr ors 'ay o$ say n( $are'ell) G