Magick Mozart 1
Magick Mozart 1
Magick Mozart 1
by Frater S.A.
The Analysis
So let's try to analyse the story of the opera in Mystery terms. The first thing we must remember is that
in Mozart's time, most of the psychological terms we now use were not invented yet. The concepts
were of course familiar to what we loosely may term "the wise", but the terminology was different.
We talk, for instance, about "integrating the Higher and the Lower Selves". They might have referred to
the same thing under the name of "The Conjoining of the Sun and the Moon". The integration of two
aspects of consciousness was frequently termed "a Marriage", for instance, and images and symbols
from earth-level marriage ceremonies were employed.
They certainly didn't talk about "The Shadow of the Psyche" or about "repressed material", but of
"demons". In fact, it is possible, indeed very likely, that we have lost something in dropping this
colourful vocabulary. It is entirely possible that they used the term "demon", not out of ignorance, but
because their basic way of thinking was different: it might have allowed for this kind of interpretation
of the psychic facts. Certainly, what we coolly might term "a repressed complex" -thereby reducing it
to a neat, easily handled object - frequently takes on an independent psychic existence, sometimes even
outside the psyche itself. The old term "demon" is perhaps, in such cases, a more accurate term, simply
because it is evocative to our mind and not dry and clinical. The mind is never dry, nor is it clinical.
The symbolism employed in The Magic Flute is not known to us in its entirety. However, the story is a
spiritual one, and many of the symbols employed are known to us: they are still employed in a spiritual
context; they are still in use Freemasonry and within the occult. As Masons, Schikaneder and Mozart
must have been familiar with basic occult history and symbology; elements of the Kabbalah and of
Alchemy were certainly known to them. It is very easy to understand some of the more obvious
symbols. I'm not saying that Mozart was a Kabbalist; in fact, there is nothing to support such an idea. It
is possible, however, to interpret the story of The Magic Flute in the light of general kabbalistic
symbolism, because most of it is archetypal anyway: for instance, the symbol of, say, a forest means
much the same thing in Western Kabbalah as it does in Jungian analysis or, indeed, in Dante's Divine
Comedy. There is a common layer of meaning which runs through all of them, but equally, I don't think
that Mozart was, for instance, into Gematria, Notariqon or any of the more abstruse Kabbalistic
As an occultist, it is always wise to remember the story of Procrustes, who used to solve the problem
with houseguests being too tall or too short for the beds he provided for them by simply cutting off
their legs or racking them until they fitted! As occultists we are equally prone to make the same mistake
- forcing the facts fit our theories.
I shall try to avoid this particular trap, but don't be surprised if you, after the end of this lecture, find the
odd toe lying about this room. Shoot me, not Mozart! I will simply try to use the basic elements of
Western Qabalah to demonstrate how the Magic Flute might be interpreted in the light of esoteric
symbolism. Mozart and Schikaneder might not agree with every detail in this particular interpretation.
However, archetypes being what they are - common to all humankind - I think they would agree in
The Overture
To quote from Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music: "Let's start from the very beginning". So let's
start, therefore, with the Overture. An overture is usually a kind of collection of orchestral highlights
from the opera which follows: it's a potpourri or a medley as it were. The overture of The Magic Flute
is different, however: not a single bar of it is taken from the opera itself. It is a separate piece
altogether. Now, this has caused some musicologists to believe that it has nothing to do with the opera,
and that it perhaps was added afterwards.
This is not true, and there are two strong points of evidence which demonstrate this. Firstly, the key of
the overture is E flat major, which acts as a kind of central key throughout the entire opera. E flat major
is a key which has a special Masonic significance; one reason for this is that E flat major is written with
three flats, symbolic of the Trinity, and also of a certain group of three men which is very central to the
basic "Masonic myth", if I may call it so. Mozart was not alone in using E flat major in this way - other
composers have used it as well, notably Beethoven, who also was a Mason, and there are plenty of
other examples.
Secondly, the overture begins with three chords, three heavy, accented, majestic chords - in E flat
major. These three chords are separated by long pauses which makes them stand out like three great
pillars. Indeed, this is exactly what they represent. In a Masonic Lodge of a certain degree, there are
three Pillars: one in each Quarter, next to each major Officer: East, South and West (there is no Officer
of the North). Note that we are not talking about Jakin & Boaz, the usual black and silver pillars so
familiar to us today, but something totally different: the Pillars of the Three Officers, who have high-
sounding titles like Worshipful Master. Those familiar with the rituals of the Golden Dawn will
recognize these titles, because the Golden Dawn was founded by Masons (three Masons, in fact!) and
much of the Masonic symbolism was carried over into that of the Golden Dawn.
So these three chords symbolize the Three Officers - or the Three Masonic Pillars. They are the Three
that rule the Lodge. Indeed, throughout the score of The Magic Flute, attention is constantly drawn to
the number three in various ways.
So Mozart, by choosing E flat major - a Masonic key - and by opening the entire opera with a reference
to the Three Who Rule The Lodge (the "Masonic Trinity" if you like), is by this very act symbolically
asserting that what is to take place is under the aegis, as it were, of the Masters of the Lodge. It's rather
like opening Lodge, declaring that everything that is to take place therein will be under the protection
of the Light, under the protection of the Most High, whatever name you choose to recognize It by.
The Trombones
In the overture, Mozart also draws special attention to the trombones. It's as if he wants to emphasize
that they have a special function. Indeed, they do: throughout the rest of the opera, fanfares or chords
for the three trombones (there's that number three again) announce the next stage or phase of the
process of initiation. They urge the protagonists on, they make things happen.
Trombones are extremely ancient instruments. The name is Italian for "large trumpet", but whereas
trumpets are martial instruments - having to do with the forces of Mars: energy, courage, war, and so
forth - the trombones, on the other hand, are particularly royal instruments. Traditionally, trombones
and their ancestors were mainly used in religious ceremony. They represented the majesty and divinity
of the King; compared to the trumpets, their sound is heavier, calmer, more dignified and expansive: all
qualities of Jupiter. So we might say that trumpets belong to the Sphere of Gevurah on the Tree of Life,
and trombones belong to the Sphere of Chesed.
However, we might also put the trombones in Tifaret, the Royal Sephira above all others, the Sphere of
the King. Tifaret is also the Sphere of Sacrifice and of Higher Initiation, and since The Magic Flute is
an opera about initiation and the trombones are given the task of summoning the characters to their
initiation, we can regard the trombones as symbols of Tifaret, the Sphere of the Sun and of the Higher
If you listen to the second half of the overture, try to identify what the trombones are doing; there is
one place where they very clearly are "sounding the summons", and towards the end you can hear them
stand out clearly as they are playing very loud, off-beat accents; it's like Mozart is telling us: "Look:
take note of the trombones; they have a special significance!"
Scene 1 - the Main Characters
When the First Act begins, we find ourselves in the wilderness, in a large forest. At the back is a
circular or roundish temple (though I very much suspect it is nine-sided, but more of that later on).
Tamino enters, pursued by a large serpent which is threatening to kill him. He faints, but as he does so,
the doors of the temple open and three veiled ladies rush out to kill the beast with spears of silver.
A forest - a classic symbol of the unconscious; also a symbol of life itself, the tangled circumstances we
frequently find ourselves in. Another forest which immediately comes to mind is the one in which
Dante finds himself at the beginning of his Divine Comedy: he was also threatened by various wild
animals. In fact this forest, this wilderness, is nothing other than Yesod, the Sphere of the Moon and of
the unconscious, which is further borne out by the fact that the three veiled Ladies are servants of the
Queen of the Night: they are Priestesses of the Moon, as witness their silver spears. Three, of course,
being the number of the Great Mother, Binah: the black veils refer to the Veiled Isis.
Tamino, on the other hand, is a Prince. What, then, is a Prince? A Prince is a King's son, a young man,
whose destiny is to succeed his father and become the Ruler of the Land. Seen microcosmically, a King
(or a Queen, for that matter) is a balanced human being, in command of his own inner Kingdom and
thereby of his own circumstances: he has achieved integration of his Lower and Higher Selves: he is a
true Initiate in the deepest sense of the word. A Prince is someone who is still aspiring to all this: he is a
candidate, seeking Initiation.
It is also very important to keep in mind that a Prince is an educated person. He has prepared himself
for Kingship through studies in many fields and disciplines. This is a prerequisite for a good ruler: only
a person with knowledge can rule well; therefore, he who wants to be King must first educate himself.
In the language of the Mysteries, this means that in order to become eligible for Initiation, we must
have reached the point where we have mastered the exoteric sciences, which train our minds and give
us the tools to understand the inner knowledge. There must be some degree of inner balance, otherwise
we won't perceive the inner teachings. There must be enough data in the mind, otherwise we won't
understand their import.
There is much preliminary work to be done before Initiation becomes possible. Dion Fortune says (in
The Initiate, His Training and Work):
"The emotions must flow freely, without conflict or distortion, in the channels which
Nature has appointed for them before they can be lifted to a higher level. You cannot
sublimate a pathology.
The professors of a university are not willing to ground students in the elements of
knowledge that belong to the schoolroom, and when the student wishes to undertake the
higher studies of esoteric science, he should come as completely equipped as exoteric
studies can make him."
This is the true meaning of Princehood. Tamino fulfils all these requirements: he is reasonably
balanced, he is brave and knowledgeable; he has stamina and self-control. In fact, Tamino may be
regarded as an image of the rational conscious mind itself, rather like "The Magician" of the Tarot. The
Kabbalists of old called this aspect of the microcosm, Ruach. A modern-day term is the Ego.
But right now Tamino, the conscious mind, is out of action, lying unconscious on the ground. The
Three Ladies, after some debate, all decide to return to the temple to inform the Queen of the Night, so
the Prince is just left there, but not for long.
A curious figure enters - Papageno, the Bird Catcher. In fact, it is difficult to tell whether he is human
or not: he is covered in feathers, and in one place he talks about something being "so horrible it makes
him moult"! His feathers are, in fact, not worn like a coat that can be taken off at will, but are part of
him. He is actually part human, part bird or animal. Papageno is a simple soul, a good-natured, earthy
character. He is not exactly what you would term an intellectual. He likes simple things; if he lived
today, his intellectual pursuits would limit themselves to comic books, TV soaps and a pint at the pub.
As he enters, he sings a simple little tune, very typical of him.
He operates at an instinctual level, and it is not surprising to learn that he is employed by the Temple of
the Moon where he, in exchange for the birds he catches, is given wine, figs and sponge-cake - all
sweet and pleasurable things.
A little further on in The Initiate, His Training and Work by Dion Fortune writes the following:
"The direction of the energies of life must be removed from the domain of the desires to
that of the will. Until this is done there can be no steady progression in any direction, for
the desires are called forth from without, not directed from within, and vary with the
external stimulus."
It is almost as if the character of Papageno was invented to illustrate this point. He is much more
interested in good food than in danger and adventure. He is basically a coward, has absolutely no self-
control, he rarely stops to think at all, but there is nothing evil in him. He is the personification of the
instincts, that part of the Ruach (the Ego) which Kabbalists term the Nefesch or the animal soul, that
part of us that connects us to Nature. It is interesting to note that he carries a set of pipes, a Pan Flute.
Aspects of one Person
As we go along, you will note that all the characters may be regarded as aspects of one person: Tamino
and Papageno are one. Tamino is the conscious mind of the person that is to be initiated, Papageno is
his unconscious animal soul. He is the Nefesch part of the Ruach, for the instincts can never entirely be
separated from the Ego. Treating persons in a drama or a myth as sub-personalities can often reveal
very interesting things.
Tamino wakes up
Tamino regains consciousness and assumes that Papageno is the one who has saved him from the
serpent, something Papageno doesn't particularly mind: in fact, he takes full credit for it - very typical
of the Nefesh, the instinctual level! However, the Three Ladies return and put a padlock on his mouth,
"to teach him not to lie to strange people, and to stop him from bragging about heroic deeds done by
others". So what we are seeing here is the Yesodic subconscious level disciplining the instincts.
Training such as this comes from many levels, not just the conscious one. In fact, the instincts are much
better disciplined by the unconscious than by the conscious mind.
The Three Ladies then present Prince Tamino with a small portrait of the daughter of the Queen of the
Night. And of course it's love at first sight - what else, especially since her name is "Pamina", a simple
variation on his own name, Tamino. This shows the basic unity between the two. Pamina can be
regarded as an aspect of himself which he has to reclaim in order to reach maturity and integration. In
fact, Pamina is his contrasexual image - or to use a Jungian term, his anima.
It is it not surprising to us, then, when we learn from the Three Priestesses that Pamina has been
abducted by a powerful evil sorcerer - the anima is in a fallen, captive state. Naturally, Tamino
promptly swears that he will save her
The Mission
Papageno's padlock is removed by the Three Ladies. He promises never to lie again. Tamino is given a
magic flute with protective properties to help him on his rescue mission. Papageno, not wanting to get
involved, decides that this is a probably a good time to vanish, but the Ladies stop him, saying that the
Queen has decreed that he is to follow Tamino to Sarastro's castle. Understandably, he is not too happy
about this, but agrees when he is given a set of silver bells, also with magical properties.
In the next scene, which is very brief, we're in Sarastro's palace. Slaves are are laughing, because
Pamina has escaped from her jailer, Monostatos. His name could be taken to mean "of a single state",
"Single-minded" or perhaps "One-Track minded". He is a Moor - in other words, he is black.
Monostatos is a cruel, embittered person who lusts after Pamina and is just about to rape her when he
suddenly sees Papageno through a window. Frightened by one another's appearance - "surely this is the
Devil" - they both run off in opposite directions.
icrocosmically speaking, Monostatos can perhaps be said to represent the Shadow, the complex of
repressed psychic material in our subconscious; our psychic "dustbin" if you like, or, using an old
Mystery term - the dreaded Dweller on the Threshold.
We, as moderns, cannot but help come up against the idea of racism here. We must keep in mind that
200 years ago, the so-called supremacy of the white races was rarely questioned. Therefore, it is very
interesting to note that Schikaneder and Mozart have assigned an aria to Monostatos in which he sings,
"skin colour matters not when one is in love". This might, perhaps, be seen as a reflection of the
Masonic ideals of the essential brotherhood of all humankind.
A procession appears: Sarastro comes riding a chariot, drawn by six lions - the symbolism of this is
perfectly obvious: six is the number of Tifaret; lions are solar symbols as well as symbols of royalty.
Sarastro is indeed a Priest-King, in fact, his name is probably an allusion to Zoroaster (or
"Zarathustra"), which further underlines his essential solar nature. There is no doubt about it: all this
symbolism shows us that Sarastro is the Higher Self, or, as Kabbalists term it, the Neschamah.
Sarastro sentences Monostatos to receive 77 strokes of the bastinado. Tamino and Papageno are taken
into the Temple of Trial to be purified, and the First Act ends with a chorus:
When virtue and justice
have strewn the path of the great with glory,
Then will the earth be the kingdom of heaven
And mortals will be like gods!
Act II
The second act begins with another march as the College of Priests process into a courtyard inside the
Temple of the Sun. There is a grove of palm trees - symbols of victory - with golden leaves. There is
reason to assume that the palm trees stand in for akacias, which have a deep symbolic significance
within Freemasonry. There are also eighteen seats or sieges; on each siege stands a pyramid and a large
black horn, set in gold. The pyramids puzzled me a great deal, until someone remarked that the 18 four-
sided pyramids make a total of 72 sides, which is the number of the Schemhamforasch, the Great Name
of God, which is inextricably linked to the Rosicrucian Mysteries. Each priest is holding a palm (read,
akacia) twig in his hand. Sarastro opens the meeting, saying,
"Brethren! Initiates of the Temple of Wisdom; Servants of Isis and Osiris! Tamino, who is
waiting at the Northern Gate of the Temple, is yearning to be free of the veil of the night, he
wants to behold the sanctuary of Light."
It's spelled out for us here: the candidate is about to raise his consciousness from the shadowy realms of
Yesod to Tifaret, where the Sun never sets, where, in fact, the Sun can be seen at Midnight.
We also learn that Pamina is destined for Tamino, and that this is the real reason for her abduction from
the Queen of the Night, who is described as being full of deceit, seeking to mislead the people with
illusion and superstition - glamour or maya - typical properties of an unbalanced Yesod.
Also note that the Moon Temple is served only by women, and the Sun Temple only by men. Thus,
what we have got here is actually a polarity between the Moon and the Sun, between the subconscious
and the conscious - and the Age of Enlightenment was very much in favour of the conscious mind as a
guiding principle. Remember, the previous period of political and spiritual unrest (religious wars, witch
hunts, etc) had indeed proved to be a time of "lunacy" (and the word "lunacy" is derived from the latin
name for the Moon, Luna). Therefore, Reason, as symbolised by the Sun, was perceived as the only
However, we also learn that Sarastro is Pamina's father! Thus she is, in fact, the daughter of the Moon
and the Sun: pure alchemy. And by the way, during the priestly deliberations we hear, three times, the
initiation trombones sound their three-chord fanfare.
To modern ears this sounds decidedly sexist, so let me rephrase it slightly. The beginning of wisdom is
to be able to liberate yourself from being dominated by the forces of the subjective and subconsious
mind as represented by the Moon. It also has to do with controlling your sexuality; the Initiate is not
ruled by his passions. There is nothing wrong with having passions, not at all, but to advance on the
Path, your passions must not control you, you must rule over them; you must not suppress them, but
rule them wisely. Note, also, that Tamino and Papageno are not being told to give up women: it is a
simply a test, and as such is limited in time. Neither are women decried anywhere in the text, nor is the
female principle. We are simply talking about aspects of the soul. It has nothing to do with physical
gender. Let's not confuse the map with the terrain. This is extremely important in all occultism.
Suddenly, the Tree Ladies appear, seemingly out of nowhere. They try everything in order to make
Tamino and Papageno speak to them. Papageno, who has no self-control, can barely keep himself from
talking; Tamino constantly has to tell him to shut up. Finally, a chorus of Initiates proclaims: "The holy
threshold has been desecrated! Away with the women to Hell!". The Ladies vanish, but the Queen of
Night is still at large in the Temple..
Oh, yes, the Mysteries of Isis: those who are not able to think in symbols and would like to accuse The
Magic Flute of being sexist might have a slight problem here. The two men's hymn is one of the most
evocative passages in the opera: very suitable, by the way, for Lodge initiations.
Just as Tamino is about to enter the first cave, he hears the voice of Pamina, who has been given
permission to join him as an Initiate: they can now undergo the final test together. I rather like that:
remember that the Sun temple is a male temple, a temple of the Sun: only men are allowed as Initiates.
By letting Tamino and Pamina undergo the tests together, as one unit if you like - a syzygy - both
principles are joined together. This is a sure proof of balance and of a successful initiation. Anyone who
still thinks The Magic Flute is sexist?
They pass through the portal, which closes behind them. The music during the actual test is very quiet:
Tamino plays his magic flute, accompanied only by soft trombones (what else?) and kettle drums.
We do not see the actual tests - they remain secret and withdrawn - but finally Tamino and Pamina
emerge from the cave and the stage transforms into a brightly lit hall. A chorus greets them
triumphantly and bids them enter the Temple as full Initiates.
This is basically the whole story. After this, the Queen of the Night and Monostatos make an abortive
attempt to storm the Sun Temple: but of course the Sun cannot be conquered; the Queen of the Night
and her followers are thrown into the abyss, and immediately the stage transforms into a gigantic Sun.
Sarastro stands exalted; Tamino and Pamina are now wearing priestly robes. They are surrounded by
Egyptian priests on either side, and the Three Boys are holding flowers in their hands. The chorus
Hail to you who are blest!
You came through the night!
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks be to you, Osiris!
And thanks be to you, Isis!
Strength has conquered
And crowned as a reward
Beauty and Wisdom
With an everlasting crown!
And Papageno? He never became an initiate, having chosen the wine instead (what else would you
expect from the instincts?), but he did get his girl, Papagena, in the end. So everybody was happily
mated, each principle of the soul on its own level: Papageno - the instincts - "marries" (is integrated
with) Papagena. Tamino - the conscious mind-marries Pamina, the Anima; and the Higher Self,
Sarastro, through whom all of this came about, watches over them all. And Sarastro is the King that
Tamino is destined to succeed, in a higher initiation still. But that is another story.