Syllabus - Marketing Management

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The key takeaways from the syllabus are that the course will cover basic marketing concepts and strategies from the perspective of a marketing manager. Students will analyze markets, develop marketing plans, understand consumer behavior and complete a team project. The assessments include quizzes, exams, a service diary, teamwork and a presentation.

The main components of the course assignments are exams and quizzes, a service diary, participation through attendance and contributions to class discussions, and a team project where students will collectively develop a marketing plan for a selected company.

Each week will cover 1-3 chapters from the textbook covering topics like strategic planning, segmentation, products, pricing, promotion and more. Students will also work in teams to present on various aspects of developing a marketing plan.

BA 311 Marke tin g Manage m en t : Syllabus revised 01/17/ 0 8 Winter 2008

Ins tr u c t o r: Email: Na sir Sh e ik h S e c t i o n 00 4 : THU 17 4 0 - 21 2 0 na s ir. s h e i k h @ e r i ! o n . n e t "#N: 40 2 $ 4 #oo m s : %& 14 0

!urse atal!g "es#ri$ti!n and %rere&uisites Basic marketing concepts from the perspective of the marketing manager. Key focus is to examine the marketing planning and analysis necessary to develop sound marketing plans and strategies. Specific topics include the role of marketing within the firm, analysis of marketing opportunities, selection of target markets and market segmentation, marketing strategies in a global marketplace, use of technology in marketing mix decisions. Experiential learning approaches for class participation will be used. Prerequisites: BA205 and junior standing. !urse 'earning (b)e#tives Analy e markets and recogni e market opportunities !evelop marketing strategy and tactics in a global market environment "nderstand market segmentation strategies, target marketing and research !iscuss products, distribution, price and promotion in contemporary strategies "nderstand consumer behavior and business#to#business marketing *e&uire d +e,t $harles %. &amb, 'oseph (. )air, $arl *c!aniel, MKTG 2007/2008, +SB, -#./0#10230#3 Assessmen t (vervie 4ui es


(inal Exam Service !iary

.-5 /15

6eam Agreement 7 8eer 9eview 15 6eam 8ro:ect 7 8resentation /15

!urse Website $lass materials are posted at http;<<<faculty<,asir<course.html. Students are expected to access course presentation materials in advance of class sessions. Supplemental content and the class pro:ect will be posted on this site. A#ade mi# .!nesty $ourse participants are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty. Academic onest! is a requirement "or #assing t is course. N'TE; Students who are interested in learning about :obs, internships and career events can visit SBA /.- or sign up for the ="ndergrad &istserve> in $areer Services at
Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management
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Winter 2008

!urse Assignm e n ts 3. E(ams ) *ui!!es: $ombination of multiple choice and short essay ?uestions, with an emphasis on applying course concepts to actual business situations. $ontent includes materials from the text, class discussions, case assignments and team presentations. $%ams are cumu&ati'e. /. Ser ice +iar,: %ritten record of / critical incidents @must include 3 positive and 3 negativeA experienced as a consumer during the first B weeks of the course. $ritical incidents stand out because you are either very satisfied or very dissatisfied by them. !iary entries must include both the expectations and perceptions of value received, along with supporting details. Summary must review these incidents using gap analysis, discuss how the firmCs marketing contributed to the gap and include marketing recommendations for the business. State which incident was most memorable and suggest why. Also refer to Appendix for =service diary guidance>. (ue )ee* 8+ ma%imum &engt 5 #ages. .. -artici.ation: Attendance, preparation and contribution to discussion are re?uired to pass this class. Attendance at all classes is expected and is mandatory at all team presentations. Any absence on the day assignments or exams are scheduled must be cleared in advance. 9eading and homework assignments are to be completed prior to class. Students are expected to apply concepts from the reading during class discussion, case analysis and written assignments. %ritten assignments are due at the beginning of class, must be typed using 3/ point font, and will be graded for writing ?uality, grammar, spelling and clarity, as well as content. ,ate -or* is acce#ted on&! -it #rior a##ro'a&. 0. Team -ro/ect: 6he class will collectively develop a marketing plan over the course of the term, for a company product or service selected during the first class session. Students will be divided into ten teams during the first week. Each team will be responsible for developing a component of the marketing plan. 6eam deliverables include;
+eam %r!)e#t / "eliverables
+eam Agreement Signed Agreement due Week 2 Expectations Participation an$ %ork&oa$ !eam management E)a&#ati)e criteria Signat#res +eam *e$!rt 8 10 Pages (Paper and Digital Copy) due On Day o Presentation eiterate assignment 'ontext an$ research( cite so#rces A$$ress re&e)ant iss#es S#mmari+e conc&#sions eference &ist +eam %resentati!n 20 !0 "inutes (Paper Copy o Slides) due on Day o Presentation !opic "ackgro#n$ 'ontext an$ topic research 'omponent ana&*sis ecommen$ation,sS#mmar* . 'onc&#sions %eer 0valuati!ns #ndi$idual %orms due on Day o Presentation Meetings esearch Paper Presentation Effecti)eness


Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management

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Winter 2008

Evaluative grading criteria for team pro:ects are posted on the course web page and include; $larity and ?uality of written, visual and oral presentations $ompelling nature of arguments and recommendations $ohesiveness and completeness of topic analysis and plan components +ntegration of report and presentation with course materials 6eam contract and peer review Audience presentation feedback 6he following / sections provide information on; 6eam 8ro:ect D *arketing 8lan $omponents 6eam 8ro:ect D 6eam Agreement Euidelines

Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management

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Winter 2008

+eam %r!)e#t / Marke tin g %lan

Team Topic Present a t i on Due

!m$!ne n ts


"or.orate an1 In1ustr, %ack2roun1 3eek 4 8rofile our firm, including si e, corporate strategy @business, mission, values, and goalsA financial performance, and market position within the industry it competes in. 8rovide a chronological history of ma:or corporate events and summari e their relevance. 8rovide a complete overview and B$E matrix for the primary product lines<divisions. !efine the role our firm plays in its industry @innovator, market leader, technology leader, low#cost provider, mid#si ed player, late entrant, etc.A


En ironmental Scan 5e(ce.t com.etition6 in S3'T 7ormat 3eek 4 +dentify significant trends within the following five external environment and categori e them as Fpportunities or 6hreats for our firm; # Economic (actors # 6echnology !evelopments # Social 6rends # Environmental $oncerns# 8olitical < &egal < Eovernmental Elements !iscuss the Strengths or %eaknesses of our firmCs ability to respond to or leverage these trends. Support your comments with specific examples. Summari e key points from the environmental scanG make recommendations for our firm.


"om.etiti e &ssessment 5en ironmental6 in S3'T 7ormat 3eek 8 !iscuss the primary competitive issues and significant trends within this industry. $ategori e them as Fpportunities or 6hreats for our firm. !iscuss the Strengths or %eaknesses of our firmCs ability to respond to or leverage these trends. Support your comments with specific examples 8rovide an overview of the competitive landscape faced by our firm +dentify the top two firms that present the largest competitive threats over the next 3/ months and provide your rationale for this threat.


9arket Se2ment 9atri( 3eek $ +dentify the various markets served by our firmHs products<services and discuss our segmentation strategy. !iscuss the relative attractiveness of the markets served using 8orters 1 $ompetitive (orces and the opportunities to expand using AnsoffCs Erowth *atrix. 9ecommend one market segment for the class to focus on for the remainder of the plan development. +dentify the two ma:or competitors associated with that segment. "om.etitor ' er ie: 5se2ment6 3eek 7 8rofile the two ma:or competitors identified by 6eams I. and I0, including si e, strategy, financial performance, market position and corporate history. 8rovide a B$E matrix for the primary product lines, and relative contribution of each line to the competitive firmHs revenue. !iscuss the Strengths and %eaknesses of each competitor, relative to its ability to compete against our firm.



Tar2et 9arket; -ositionin2 an1 <oals

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3eek =
Winter 2008

Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management

9ecommend, define and defend your target market. !iscuss demographic, geographic, psychographic, benefits sought, situational and behavioral factors as relevant. !iscuss the market growth characteristics, market si e and estimated market share held by our firm and our two ma:or competitors. $reate a 8roduct<*arket Erid and use it to develop your marketing goals, which represent what needs to be accomplished over the next 3/ months with this brand.


-ro1uct 9ana2ement; %ran1in2 an1 the -ro1uct >i?e ",cle 5->"6 3eek = !iscuss our firmHs market positioning strategy relative to its two primary competitors. "se a perceptual map to reflect the positioning strategy and your recommendation. !iscuss the branding strategy used by our firm and its fit, given our positioning strategy. %here is the product<service in the 8&$ and $onsumer Adoption $ycleJ %hat changes do you pro:ect over the next 3/ monthsJ $riti?ue our firmHs packaging strategy, our innovation and service issues as relevant.


"hannel Strate2, 3eek @ !efine our channel strategy. !iagram the flow from supplier to ultimate consumer. !iscuss the intermediary functions provided by the participants in our channel strategy. !iscuss the factors that are significant in shaping our channel strategy including; # $ustomer<*arket Served # 8roduct<Service $haracteristics # 8roduct &ife $ycle # $ompetition # Environmental (actors # )uman 9esource $onsiderations !iscuss how our distribution strategy serves, or fails to serve our marketing goals. !oes it support our positioningJ *ake recommendations for change if needed.


-romotional Strate2, 3eek @ %hich elements of the promotional mix does our firm utili eJ $riti?ue the firmHs current promotional activities within the context of our marketing goals, target market served and product<service positioning. *ake recommendations for modifying the promotional mix if needed. +s the promotional plan relying on a KpushK or KpullK strategyJ %hyJ !iscuss our promotional strategy within the context of Buyer 9eadiness and the 8&$.


-ricin2 Strate2, 3eek @ !escribe the pricing strategy our firm uses. Explain your rationale. !iscuss the price<?uality positioning of our product<service, relative to the top two competitors. !iscuss assumptions regarding the price elasticity of our target market. !iscuss how our pricing strategy serves to meet our marketing goals and how it ties into our positioning strategy.

Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management

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Winter 2008

+eam %r!)e#t +eam Agree m e n t 1uidelines Eood communication is important to effective team participation and management. +n order to facilitate this communication, each team needs to create a team agreement up front, which is due the second week of class as outlined in the schedule. 6his agreement lays the foundation for the team expectations, team management, and peer evaluation. Each of these elements should be included in the agreement as noted below.
&. Team E(.ectations

!efine in writing, your expectations, in terms of team participation as well as grade. Be honest with each other to ensure you are aligned with a compatible team. Specify; @3A Expectations regarding team attendance, participation and grade @/A )ow the workload will be distributed %. Team 9ana2ement !efine in writing, how the team will manage itself. Specify; @3A %ho will be assigned to keep team meeting attendance to hand in at the end of the term @/A 8rimary contributors to various sections @members must sign#off on this for each sectionA @.A A designated team leader and contact information ". -eer E aluation 6he criteria for reviewing each otherHs performance must be clearly spelled out and included in the team agreement. A sample criteria and evaluation format follows. Sam$le %eer 0valua ti!n 2!rm Lour ,ame; MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 6eam I; MMMMMM
!ntributi!n t! Analysis !ntributi!n t! %a$er (verall 055e#tiveness (verall 055!rt *esear#4 !ntributi!n t! Ad4eren#e t! +eam Agreement Attendan#eMeeting !ntributi!n t! %resentati!n +!tal %!ints

Member 3ame

9ate each team member 3 through 1 based on the following scale; 1 N Excellent 0 N Above Average . N Average / N Below Average
Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management
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3 N (ailure
Winter 2008

"omments: 3inter 200=

Aan Week " "ate a y !h# 2an 10 *eadings / ases Assignments / +asks

!urse S#4edule -SU %& 411 9arketin2 9ana2ement

'h 1 An 3)er)ie% of Marketing 'h 2 Strategic P&anning for 'ompetiti)e A$)antage 'h 3 Socia& esponsi"i&it*( Ethics( an$ the Marketing En)ironment 'h / 8e)e&oping a 9&o"a& :ision

Se&ect compan* . 4orm teams Signed +eam Agreement due 6#i+ 'h 173


2an 15

;i"rar* Workshop 6#i+ 'h /71 !eam 1: 'orporate an$ <n$#str* Backgro#n$ 6#i+ 'h 57= !eam 2: En)ironmenta& Scan 6#i+ 'h 10712 !eam 3: 'ompetiti)e Assessment 6#i+ 'h 13710 !eam /: Market Segmentation 6#i+ 'h 11718 !eam 0: 'ompetiti)e 3)er)ie% Servi#e "iary due 6#i+ 'h 1= !eam 1: Market 9oa&s > !arget Market 8efinition !eam 5: Pro$#ct Management( Bran$ing > P;' 9#est Speakers !eam 8: 'hanne& Strateg* !eam =: Promotion Strateg* !eam 10: Pricing Strateg*


2an 2/

'h 0 'ons#mer 8ecision Making 'h 1 B#siness Marketing 'h 5 Segmenting an$ !argeting Markets


2an 31

'h 8 8ecision S#pport S*stems 'h = Pro$#ct 'oncepts 'h 10 8e)e&oping an$ Managing Pro$#cts


4e" 5

'h 11 Ser)ices an$ Nonprofit Marketing 'h 12 Marketing 'hanne&s 'h 13 etai&ing


4e" 1/

'h 1/ <ntegrate$ Marketing 'omm#nications 'h 10 A$)ertising an$ P#"&ic e&ations 'h 11 Sa&es Promotion an$ Persona& Se&&ing


4e" 21

'h 15 Pricing 'oncepts 'h 18 Setting the ight Price


4e" 28

'h 1= '#stomer

e&ationship Management


Mar 1



Mar 13

4ina& Exam

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9#est Speakers Winter 2008

Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management



Mar 20

2inal 0,am

Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management

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Winter 2008

&..en1i(- Ser ice +iar, <ui1ance ef: page 1117112 ? !he 9ap Mo$e& of Ser)ice 6#a&it*

Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management

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Winter 2008

+able !5


Positi)e <nci$ent 8escription 9ap Ana&*sis o efer to the 9ap Mo$e& of Ser)ice 6#a&it* , ef: pp 1117112-

Marketing recommen$ations ,$escri"e in terms of marketing mix etc@Negati)e <nci$ent 8escription 9ap Ana&*sis o efer to the 9ap Mo$e& of Ser)ice 6#a&it* , ef: pp 1117112-

Marketing recommen$ations ,$escri"e in terms of marketing mix etc@Most memora"&e inci$ent

&ote' (itle ea)* se)tion or easy reada+ility,

Servi#e "iary: Written recor$ of 2 critica& inci$ents ,m#st inc&#$e 1 positi)e an$ 1 negati)e- experience$ as a cons#mer $#ring the first 5 %eeks of the co#rse@ 'ritica& inci$ents stan$ o#t "eca#se *o# are either )er* satisfie$ or )er* $issatisfie$ "* them@ 8iar* entries m#st inc&#$e "oth the expectations an$ perceptions of )a&#e recei)e$( a&ong %ith s#pporting $etai&s@ S#mmar* m#st re)ie% these inci$ents #sing gap ana&*sis( $isc#ss ho% the firmAs marketing contri"#te$ to the gap an$ inc&#$e marketing recommen$ations for the "#siness@ State %hich inci$ent %as most memora"&e an$ s#ggest %h*@ Due Week 8, maximum length 5 pages@

Nasir Sheikh: BA 311 Marketing Management

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Winter 2008

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