U/s288/IMG_1796.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET The English name of 'amla' Indian gooseberry, denotes that it is indigenous to India. It is a light green fruit and grows on a small tree which is found in wet forests of hill areas throughout the Indian subcontinent. Though all arts of the tree ha!e medicinal !alue, it is the fruit which is highly otent. It is belie!ed that what gold is to the minerals, amla is to the herbs. "alled amala#i, dhatri hala and !ayastha in $ans#rit and Emblica officinalis scientifically, it is the most widely used herb in the ayur!edic system of medicine. This tangy fruit is considered to be the eli%ir of good health. The story goes that se!eral &''' years ago when the Indian (erbal $ystem of )edicine Ayur!eda was already de!elo ed, sages or rishis would go dee into the forests loo#ing for newer and more effecti!e remedies. One such sage "hya!an blended together certain energising herbs, fruits and s ices based on a secret reci e. The rinci le fruit used in his mi%ture "hya!an rash was 'amla' to which are attributed near magical owers. This dar# brown tonic is till today sold and consumed in India and is belie!ed to increase mental and hysical well*being. Amla is a rare fruit which contains all tastes e%ce t salty. +ith sourness as the foremost taste, it is at the same time sweet, astringent, bitter and ungent. It is light, dry and cold in effect and the most concentrated form of ,itamin " in the entire lant #ingdom and is a ro%imately -' times the !itamin " content of an orange. .es, sounds ama/ing, isn0t it1 It0s true. It is a !ery otent form of ,itamin " and yet is easily assimilated by the human body. The ,itamin " in the Amla fruit is bonded with tannins that rotect it from being destroyed by heat or light. Amla enhances the absor tion of food, by strengthening digestion. It does this by increasing the fire 2#nown as 3Agni3 in Ayur!eda4 in the stomach, without creating any e%cess stomach acids. The rich source of ,itamin " from the fruit acts as a great deto%ifying agent for a sluggish li!er, and hel s to ma#e the s#in clear and radiant. It also romotes healthier hair, and boosts the absor tion of calcium, thus creating healthier bones, teeth, nails and hair. (el s to maintain youthful hair colour and retards remature greying. In India, you find many use amla owder to wash their hair than use sham oo. This is the traditional form of washing one's hair with dry
amla owder and one couldn0t find a better natural sham oo than amla. In fact e!en the water in which dried amla has been boiled ma#es a good finishing rinse and adds gloss and bounce to hair...54 This wonder herb 'Indian Gooseberry' is cooling, diuretic, and a la%ati!e. It has antibacterial, cardio*tonic, anti!iral, and resistance building ro erties. It's antibacterial and astringent ro erties, hel s to re!ent infection and hel s in the healing of ulcers, and hy eracidity. It is antis asmodic, and has a mild stimulant action on the heart and hel s in lowering cholesterol. Indian gooseberry is a wonder herb and one of the recious gifts of nature to man. It contributes towards health and longe!ity. Indian gooseberry has been used as !aluable ingredient of !arious medicines in India and abroad. It is !alued chiefly for o ts high !itamin " content. 6e eated laboratory tests show that e!ery &'' gms of fresh fruit ro!ides.78'* to 9:' mg s of !itamin ". The !itamin " !alue of amla increases further when the ;uice is e%tracted from the fruit. How it grows Amla is the fruit of a small deciduous tree grown all o!er India. The ale green flowers grow in clusters below the lea!es and gi!e way to the fruit around winter. Appearance and taste Amla fruits are between l.< to -.<cm in diameter, ale green and translucent. They ha!e a fine glossy s#in and crunchy cris flesh. The s#in is faintly di!ided into 9 lobes and there is one seed within each lobe. The fruit can be round or slightly edged. The aroma is sour. The fruit tastes acidic and lea!es the teeth tingling if bitten into. )ature fruits are sweeter. Buying and storing The fruits can be used fresh or dried. =ried amlas are sometimes ground into a owder and are also a!ailable stoned and cho ed so they are easy to reconstitute. $tore the dried ieces or owder in an airtight container for u to a year. If buying fresh, loo# for fruits that are green and ha!e a tight smooth s#in. The fresh fruits need to be ut into the refrigerator and will #ee for - wee#s. Medicinal uses Amla is the ma;or ingredient in se!eral herbal tonics which are good for the li!er eyes and stomach. A fermented li>uor is made of the fruits to relie!e indigestion, anaemia, ;aundice, heart ailments, iles and consti ation. Amla is a !ery rich source of ,itamin " and is used to cure the common cold, scur!y and ulmonary tuberculosis. Indian beauticians ha!e used amla in !arious hair re arations for centuries. Amla hair oil 2coconut oil in which amla has been boiled4 is e%cellent for hair growth and nourishment. E!en the water in which dried amla has been boiled ma#es a good finishing rinse and adds gloss and bounce to hair. Amla is also used in sham oos dyes and in#s. The timber from the amla tree is used for furniture and the lea!es are used in cardamom lantations as manure. The medicinal !alue of this fruit is endless... In reser!ing it whole, the fruit is first brined, washed and ric#ed, blanched in an alum solution, layered with sugar until a syru is formed, and then boiled. It is then ac#ed in cans or crystalli/ed as a confection. In India, a sauce is made from the dried, chi ed flesh. In its re aration, the chi s are coo#ed in water, mashed in a mortar with caraway seeds, and further seasoned with salt and yogurt. This, also, is commonly eaten after fasting.
The fruits can be used fresh or dried. =ried amlas are sometimes ground into a owder and are also a!ailable stoned and cho ed so they are easy to reconstitute. $tore the dried ieces or owder in an airtight container for u to a year. If buying fresh, loo# for fruits that are green and ha!e a tight smooth s#in. The fresh fruits need to be ut into the refrigerator and will #ee for - wee#s. Generally amla is used in ic#les, reser!es and ;ams. I will share with you a !ery tasty and healthy reci e made of amla called 'amla murabba'. Healing options: 6es iratory disorders5 Indian gooseberry is beneficial in the treatment of res iratory disorders. It is es ecially !aluable in tuberculosis of the lungs asthma and bronchitis. =iabetes5 This herb, due to its high !itamin " content, is effecti!e in controlling diabetes. A tables oon of its ;uice mi%ed with a cu of bitter gourd ;uice, ta#en daily for two months. +ill stimulates the ancreas and enable is to secrete insulin, thus reducing the blood sugar in the diabetes. =iet restrictions should be strictly obser!ed while ta#ing this medicine. It will also re!ent eye com lication in diabetes. (eart =isorder5 Indian gooseberry is considered an effecti!e remedy for heart disease. It tones u the functions of all the organs of the body and builds u health by destroying the heterogeneous or harmful and disease causes elements. It also renews energy. Eye disorder5 The ;uice of Indian Gooseberry with honey is useful in reser!ing eyesight. It is beneficial in the treatment of con;uncti!itis and glaucoma. It reduces intracular tension in a remar#able manner. a cu of ;uice mi%ed with honey can be ta#en twice daily for this condition. 6heumatism5 To treat rheumatism a teas oon of the owder of the dry fruit mi%ed with - teas oons of ;aggery can be ta#en twice daily for a month. $cur!y5 As an e%tremely rich source of !itamin ", Indian gooseberry is one of the best remedy for scur!y. ?owder of the dry herb, mi%ed with an e>ual >uantity of sugar, can be ta#en in doses of & teas oon, thrice daily with mil#. Ageing5 Indian gooseberry has re!itali/ing effects, as it contains an element which is !ery !aluable in re!enting ageing and in maintaining strength in old age .It im ro!es body resistance and rotect the body against infection. It strengthens the heart, hair and different gland in the body. (air Tonic5 Indian gooseberry is an acce ted hair tonic in traditional reci es for enriching hair growth and igmentation. The fruit, cut into ieces is dried referably in the shade. These ieces are boiled in coconut oil till the solid matter becomes charres. This dar#ish oil is e%cellent in re!enting graying .The water is which dried amla ieces are soa#ed o!ernight is also nourishing to hair and can be used for the last rinse while washing the hair. Indian gooseberry is used in !arious ways. The best way to ta#e it with the least loss !itamin ", is to eat it raw with a little salt. It is often used in the form of ic#les and it is dried and owdered. The berry may also be used as a !egetable. It is boiled in a small amount of water till soft and ta#en with a little salt.
Culinary uses "oming to the culinary uses of amla, rural fol# in India eat this highly acid, fresh, raw fruit, followed by water, roducing a sweet and refreshing aftertaste. It is a common ractice in Indian homes to coo# the fruits whole with sugar and saffron and gi!e one or two to their child e!ery morning.=uring my childhood ,I remember mom ric#ing the gooseberries with a for# and soa# them in salted turmeric water for - to @ days.Ao!ed eating these tangy berries soa#ed in turmeric water during summers. Though it is an ideal souring agent amla is not widely used in Indian coo#ery. (owe!er it is often made into chutneys and reser!es. Bresh amla can be added to salads or used as a garnish. 6i e fruit can be cho ed into a fruit salad. oose!erry is an e"cellent #edicine $or in$ertility related pro!le#s.
II. %&'%A&ATION(
(oo)*a A#la +Dry oose!erry, As Mout* -res*ener
Ingredients & #g. fresh big or small amla 2gooseberry4 &/7 cu salt Met*od +i e gooseberries clean on a dry #itchen towel. "ut thic# slices off them, discarding the stone. Once all are cut, toss in salt and mi%. ?lace in a orcelain, china or glass container. "o!er and #ee aside for @*7 hours. =rain in a colander for & hour till all li>uid has drained out. $un*dry on a thic# clean cloth till the ieces are dry and cris . This may ta#e 9 to : days in summer and more in winter. $tore in airtight container. ?o a few in mouth after meals. $taying eriod5 +ill #ee for - or more months if ro erly stored. Cote5 Though the big round !ariety of amla is always used for this reci e, the small sour !ariety is also !ery tasty. Of course the bigger !ariety is much more o ular because of its medicinal and cosmetic ro erties. ...................................................................................................... AMLA /AM Ingredients: & #g. fresh big firm amlas &*&/7 #g. sugar 7 gms. "itric acid &/- ts . alum 2for each usage4 Met*od: +ash and ric# amlas all o!er with a for#.
=issol!e alum in - litres water. $oa# amlas in this water for -7 hours. +ash again with alum water. ?ut amlas in boiling water and boil for - minutes. 6emo!e #ee aside. ?re are sugar syru with @/7 litre water. $yru should be ;ust stic# enough when touch between finger and thumb. ?ut amlas in syru for -7 hours. 6emo!e amlas from syru . Doil the syru to original consistency. Add citric acid and strain. ?ut amlas bac# in syru . Eee aside for -7 hours. 6e eat this rocess 56emo!e amla, boil syru , add amla for 7 days. Dy now amla will sto oo/ing water, and ma#ing li>uid thinner. ?reser!e cooled murabba in a clean tight ;ar. Ma)ing ti#e: rocess ta#e a little time for each of < days. Ma)es: - #g. amla with syru (*el$li$e: @ months AMLA %IC0L' 1 Ingredients Met*od amla 2big !ariety4 * &/- #g !egetable oil * &/7 #g red chilly owder 5* -'' grams salt 5* -'' grams rai 2seesam seeds4 5* &/7 s oon ;ira 5* &/7 s oon methi seeds 5* &/7 s on udad dal 5* &/7 s oon asa hotidia owder 5* & s oon full dried red chillis 5* 9 nos curry lea!es 2#are a#u4 5* &'*&< M'THOD +ash and dry Amla. Ta#e &/7#g of oil in to a non*stic an , heat the oil and add red chillys frist. Aet them become slightly brown at this stage add 6ai, ;ira, udad dal, methi seeds, curry lea!es, as hotodia in the last. +hen rai started ma#ing sound add Amla into the an. Add -'' grams salt. "oo# Amla on low flame. "o!ered with a late filled with water. If re>uired s rin#el little water in the Amlas. "oo# until the Amla de!ides lea!ing seeds if you ress them. Cow sto coo#ing and lea!e aside till become cool. Add chilli owder and mi% well. Amla achar is ready for use. $tore it in a dry bottle after cooling. $torage time5* It can be used for -*@ months only. It cannot be used for the whole year. $o re are accordingly in less >uantity only.
A#la %ic)le 2
Ingredients: Amla * &/- Eg $alt * &<' Gms Feera 2cumin seeds4 * - Ts
$aunf2 fennel seeds4 * - Ts )ethi daana 2fenugree# seeds4 * &*- Ts 6ed chilli owder * &*- Ts (aldi * &*- Ts )ustard oil * &/- cu Met*od: Doil the amlas in water for < miniutes. 6emo!e from water. A ly &'' Gms salt. Eee aside for <*9 hours for the water to drain out. =eseed the amlas and cut into half or lea!e them whole. (eat oil. $hut off the gas. Add ;eera, saunf, methi daana, red chilli owder, haldi and <' Gms salt. Add the dried amlas. "oo# for &*- miniutes. "ool. The ic#le is ready for use the ne%t day. "onsume within - wee#s.
An in!aluable winter reser!e. Amlas 2Indian gooseberries4 are a ma;or ingredient in se!eral herbal tonics as they are re uted to be good for the li!er, eyes and stomach. Amlas are the richest #nown source of !itamin ". Amlas are abundantly a!ailable during the winter months. I actually buy a large >uantity of this fruit each year to ma#e murabbas. +hole amlas simmered in a cardamom and saffron fla!oured syru is one of my ersonal fa!ourites. There are se!eral traditional reci es for ma#ing this murabba. $ome soa# the amlas in alum 2 hit#ari4 o!ernight whilst others sun*dry amlas. I find it easiest to coo# the amlas in boiling water to get rid of all its bitter ;uices. The entire rocess ta#es about - to @ days. Birst the amlas are simmered in a thin sugar syru and left aside for - days during which the amlas slowly and gradually soa# in the syru . On the third day, the syru is boiled again along with the fla!ouring to a thic# honey li#e consistency and the amlas are added. The thic# syru hel s in the reser!ation of the murabba and also com lements the shar and acidic amla taste. +hen reser!ed for a long eriod of time, the syru of the murabba turns to a dar# brown to an almost blac# colour and ta#es in all the goodness of the amlas. I am sure you will en;oy this reci e. "oo#ing Time 5 & hour &< mins. )aturing Time 5 - days. ?re aration Time 5 &' mins. $torage u to & year 5 In a cool dry lace. )a#es - &/- cu s. Ingredients -' nos. 2<'' grams4 amlas 2Indian gooseberries4 -G cu s 2<'' grams4 sugar H teas oon cardamom 2elaichi4 owder a few saffron strands
A#la /uice
Ta#e one cu of grated Amla and add three cu s of water to it. Doil it in a !essel till it becomes soft 2a ro%. & G * -hrs4I cool it. To one*cu of this aste, add two cu s of sugar and grind to a fine aste 2.ou may use cardamom owder and saffron too for taste4. Eee in fridge. Bor one glass of water add - tbs aste. =rin# daily for good health.
An in!aluable winter reser!e. Amlas 2Indian gooseberries4 are a ma;or ingredient in se!eral herbal tonics as they are re uted to be good for the li!er, eyes and stomach. Amlas are the richest #nown source of !itamin ". Amlas are abundantly a!ailable during the winter months. I actually buy a large >uantity of this fruit each year to ma#e murabbas. +hole amlas simmered in a cardamom and saffron fla!oured syru is one of my ersonal fa!ourites. There are se!eral traditional reci es for ma#ing this murabba. $ome soa# the amlas in alum 2 hit#ari4 o!ernight whilst others sun*dry amlas. I find it easiest to coo# the amlas in boiling water to get rid of all its bitter ;uices. The entire rocess ta#es about - to @ days. Birst the amlas are simmered in a thin sugar syru and left aside for - days during which the amlas slowly and gradually soa# in the syru . On the third day, the syru is boiled again along with the fla!ouring to a thic# honey li#e consistency and the amlas are added. The thic# syru hel s in the reser!ation of the murabba and also com lements the shar and acidic amla taste. +hen reser!ed for a long eriod of time, the syru of the murabba turns to a dar# brown to an almost blac# colour and ta#es in all the goodness of the amlas. I am sure you will en;oy this reci e as much I ha!e en;oyed ma#ing it for you. "oo#ing Time 5 & hour &< mins. )aturing Time 5 - days. ?re aration Time 5 &' mins. $torage u to & year 5 In a cool dry lace. )a#es - &/- cu s. Ingredients -' nos. 2<'' grams4 amlas 2Indian gooseberries4 -G cu s 2<'' grams4 sugar H teas oon cardamom 2elaichi4 owder a few saffron strands AMLA /AM Ingredients: & #g. fresh big firm amlas &*&/7 #g. sugar 7 gms. "itric acid
&/- ts . alum 2for each usage4 Met*od: +ash and ric# amlas all o!er with a for#. =issol!e alum in - litres water. $oa# amlas in this water for -7 hours. +ash again with alum water. ?ut amlas in boiling water and boil for - minutes. 6emo!e #ee aside. ?re are sugar syru with @/7 litre water. $yru should be ;ust stic# enough when touch between finger and thumb. ?ut amlas in syru for -7 hours. 6emo!e amlas from syru . Doil the syru to original consistency. Add citric acid and strain. ?ut amlas bac# in syru . Eee aide for -7 hours. 6e eat this rocess 56emo!e amla, boil syru , add amla for 7 days. Dy now amla will sto oo/ing water, and ma#ing li>uid thinner. ?reser!e cooled murabba in a clean tight ;ar. Ma)ing ti#e: rocess ta#e a little time for each of < days. Ma)es: - #g. amla with syru (*el$li$e: @ months
?re aration5 +ash and boil amla in a !essel until the amlas become light yellow and trans arent. The amlas should not become soft. They should be boiled only to facilitate the remo!al of the seed, otherwise remo!ing seed from fresh amlas is difficult. Ta#e out the seeds and coarsely grind the amla meat 2 ul 4. "ombine with ground ginger sugar and water in a hea!y sauce an and lace o!er medium heat. Add "innamon stic#s and cardamom owder. $tir constantly till sugar melts. 6educe the heat to low and simmer until the amla and ginger are !ery trasns arent and the syru gets thic#, about 2-' minutes4 and you get a semi thic# consistency.It should be li#e a s read. Add honey and continue to heat until you get a thic# consistency of a )urabba. 6emo!e the cinnamon stic#s from the murabba and cool. Transfer it to a glass ;ar. $tore, refrigerated, for u to a month.
Kse as a s read li#e ;am or ha!e a tables oonful of murabba e!ery day morning and e!ening. Alternati!ely you can ma#e the mi% a little thic#er and our on a late with ghee a lied to it. After cooling it should be cut into s>uares or diamonds and eaten. Amla is called sar!adosha hara 2remo!er of all diseases4 and ginger is a !ery efficient all*rounder.
A#la Mura!!a
Ingredients: & cu of grated Amla 2gooseberries4 - tbs s water & &/7 cu s sugar & ts cardamom seeds2crushed4 -*inch iece of cinnamon stic# ?re aration5 +ash and grate the amla. "ombine with sugar and water in a hea!y sauce an and lace o!er medium heat. $tir constantly till sugar melts. 6educe the heat to low and add remaining ingredients,and simmer until the amla's are clear and the ;uice gets thic#,about &< minutes and you get a semi thic# consistency.It should be li#e a s read. 6emo!e the cinnamon stic# from the murabba and cool. Transfer it to a glass ;ar. $tore, refrigerated, for u to a month. Kse as a s read li#e a ;am or ha!e a ts of murabba e!ery day..54as amla is called sar!adosha hara *remo!er of all diseases. Bor thousands of years this herbal re aration has been renowned for its ability to enhance the harmonious relationshi between mind and body and to bring all three doshas into balance. This roduct contains the legendary amla fruit 2also called Amala#i4 and in!ol!es -& ste s of roduction. +e use the wild forest fruit, which is smaller and more costly but much more highly regarded.
- tbls roasted L owdered $esame seeds & small Aemon How to #a)e a#la ac*ar:
+ash and dry amla and #ee aside. (eat oil in a an and fry green chillies for - minutes. 6emo!e the chillies from the an Add ;eera and mustard seeds. Then add amla and fry for few minutes. $ rin#le some water and co!er the an with a lid and let it stay for 9 minutes. Turn the flame to medium and stir regularly.
A#la Mura!!a
& #ilo amla. - #ilos sugar. & / - ts . each of an*#a*chuna and alum. A few dro s essence of saffron
Met*od: ?o#e each amla nicely with a shar needle all o!er. =issol!e alum and chuna in water and soa# the amlas in it for & hour. +ash in water and boil them till they are soft.=rain out the water and set aside. ?ut 7 cu s water in sugar and re are a syru of one*thread consistency. ?ut in the amlas and coo# o!er a slow fire till the syru turns >uite thic#. 6emo!e from fire, cool, mi% in essence and ut in airtight bottle. Eat after 7 days. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
7 gms. "itric acid &/- ts . alum 2for each usage4 )ethod5 +ash and ric# amlas all o!er with a for#. =issol!e alum in - liters water. $oa# amlas in this water for -7 hours. +ash again with alum water. ?ut amlas in boiling water and boil for - minutes. 6emo!e #ee aside. ?re are sugar syru with @/7 liter water. $yru should be ;ust stic# enough when touch between finger and thumb. ?ut amlas in syru for -7 hours. 6emo!e amlas from syru . Doil the syru to original consistency. Add citric acid and strain. ?ut amlas bac# in syru . Eee aide for -7 hours. 6e eat this rocess 5 6emo!e amla, boil syru , add amla for 7 days. Dy now amla will sto oo/ing water, and ma#ing li>uid thinner. ?reser!e cooled murabba in a clean tight ;ar. )a#ing time5 rocess ta#e a little time for each of < days. )a#es5 - #g. amla with syru $helf life5 @ months MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A#la %ic)le
Ingredients 5 < amla 7 nos green chillies - ts turmeric & ts mustard @ ts oil & ts hing )ethod 5 "oo# the amla in coo#er with little water. Grind the coo#ed amla with green chillies. In a #adai heat oil, add mustard seeds, hing, turmeric owder after mustard s lutter add the aste of amla L chillies coo# it for < minutes. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Amla "hutney
Ingredients: $hreded coconut &/- cu
Amla Green chillies Garlic clo!es Ginger "oriander lea!es $ugar salt
How to make Amla Chutney: "ut amla into four ieces and remo!e seed. )i% all other ingredients in a mi%er and grind fine aste using little water. Amla chutney is ready. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Indian Gooseberry )urabba A#la Mura!!a is 3ery delicious. A#la is 3ery !ene$icial $or *ealt*. It4s ric* in iron and 3ita#in c. A#la is a3aila!le in t*e #ar)et during winters only and in t*is season itsel$ we can #a)e t*e a#la #ura!!a and store it. If this Amla )urabba is consumed daily in summers it strengthens the brain. Bor the murabba, Amla should be ri e and should not ha!e any stains. Ingredients Amla 2Indian Gooseberry4 T & #g $ugar T &.< #g 2=iabetics, use moderately4 "ardamom T : to &' 2 eel and grind4 Eesar T half small s oon Dlac# e er T & small s oon Dlac# $alt T & small s oon Bitcari T half s oon Met*od $oa# the amla along with fitcari 2alum4 in water for @ days. Ta#e out the amlas and wash them. ?o#e the amlas with a for#. ?ut & liter water in a utensil and heat it. After the water boils, add the amlas and turn off the burner. Eee the utensil co!ered for &' minutes. Ta#e out the amlas and #ee them in a filter so that the water see s away. )i% G liter water in sugar and ma#e a sweet syru . ?ut amlas in the sweet syru and heat them. After the amlas becomes soft and the sweet syru becomes thic# turn off the burner. Cow mi% cardamom, blac# e er, blac# salt and #esar in the amla syru . "ool the Amla )urabba and store them, along with sweet syru , in a glass container. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Honey A#la . t*is recipe includes sugar 5 *oney.
$elect ri e amlas. Amlas * - cu s $ugar * - cu s (oney * G cu Edible cam hor * a tiny inch $affron * H ts 2 warm L owder4 +ash L dry amlas. Dundle them in a thin cloth L tie. Allow lenty of water to boil in a broad !essel. +hen the water boils, ut the bundle in boiling water L boil for < minutes. $witch off L remo!e the bundle. O en L cool the amlas. ?o#e all o!er the surface of amlas with a clean thic# needle. )a#e a syru with sugar L - cu s of water. +hen it boils well, add & tbs mil#. Allow !igorous boiling when dirt will start floating. $train to get the clean syru . +hen it becomes stic#y 2 G string4, add amlas. Doil till one*string is reached. Add honey L s ices L allow to boil a little more. 6emo!e, cool L bottle. This can be eaten for its own medicinal !alue and also as a side dish with arathas L a s icy sab;iO MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Neer Melli))ai . A#las in Brine6 to !e e"act 7 Amlas * 7 cu s Green chillies * : T &', slit into two
6oc# salt * G cu +ash L dry amlas thoroughly. )a#e !ertical slits with the ti of a shar #nife, along <, 9 laces in the amlas so that soa#ing will be facilitated. Ta#e enough water to comfortably immerse the amlas L boil the water in a !essel. Doil the water. As soon as it starts boiling, switch off. Immediately add the amlas, green chillies and salt. "ool L bottle. Grind - tbs freshly grated coconut with 7, < amlas L a green chilli from the abo!e. )i% with fresh curds, adding !ery little salt if necessary. Tem er with a red chilli L mustard seeds in G ts oil. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A#la Mura!!a
Ingredients: 7<'gms Amla 2gooseberries4 &/7 cu water - cu s sugar &ts . cardamom seeds2crushed4 &/7th ts . turmeric owder -*inch iece of cinnamon stic# &/- bay leaf %reparation: +ash and stem the amla . "ombine with water in a hea!y sauce an and lace o!er high heat. +hen water starts boiling add sugar and stir constantly till sugar melts.
6educe the heat to low and add remaining ingredients, and simmer until the amla's are clear and the ;uice gets thic#, about &< minutes. 6emo!e the whole s ices. "ool it to room tem erature, transfer it to a glass ;ar and seal well. $tore, refrigerated, for u to - wee#s. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A#la (*ar!at
Grate & #.g. amla, churn in a grinder and ta#e out the ;uice. Cow mi% &and half #.g. sugar in amla ;uice and coo# on a slow flame till it becomes a bit thic#. $witch off the burner. mi% one*fourth ts . "ardamom owder and &ts . of acetic acid to reser!e. Kse after - days as the reser!ati!e has been mi%ed. )i% - tbls . or more s>uash as er your choice in a glass of water and drin#. It's highly beneficial for memory, #nown for cooling effect, full of !it.c and a good blood urifier. Cote5 only after getting cold, fill into the bottles.
A#la (*er!et
Ta#e one cu of grated Amla and add three cu s of water to it. Doil it in a !essel till it becomes soft 2a ro%. & G * -hrs4I "ool it. To one*cu of this aste, add two cu s of sugar and grind to a fine aste 2.ou may use cardamom owder and saffron too for taste4. Eee in fridge. Bor one glass of water add - tbs aste. =rin# daily for good health. --------------------------------------------------------------
Ingredients 5 & inch long Ginger root, - no. of Amla 2Indian gooseberry 4. - ts (oney. )ethod5 INCLUDEPICTURE " /37 !/3 #/" 7#%/p&c3.'pg" () *ER+E,-R*.TINET INCLUDEPICTURE " /37 !/3 #/" 7#%/p&c3.'pg" () *ER+E,-R*.TINET
*ER+E,-R*.TINET +ash and eel Ginger , and cut it into small ieces. "ut Amla and crush this together with ginger ieces in a grinder. ma#e smooth ul of it, and add half glass water to it. $train into Glass using strainer. Add - ts honey to it, and add some crush blac# e er to it, A healthy drin# is ready to ma#e yourself feel re;u!enating this winter. It is easy to ma#e and much beneficial to health . =rin# it fresh only. do not store it after ma#ing it. as it is easy to ma#e one can ma#e anytime within - minutes. Also tastes too good with taste of Amla and Bla!our of Ginger in it. This is a traditional drin# which many eo le in Gu;arat drin#, s ecially in +inter to #ee health u to date all the year through. It is said that it hel s in #ee ing cold away, and good for those who ha!e res iratory system roblems. In $aurashtra region of Gu;arat I ha!e seen this #ind of drin#s sold by eo le, standing on road line in the early morning li#e 9a.m. or so, and most of the eo le en;oy it while ha!ing morning wal#. +hat a lo!ely way to #ee one's self ha y. There are many benefits related to Amla and Ginger, s ecially when ta#en in its fresh form in the winter. Amla is a rich source of !itamin ", and a good tonic for hair too. Ginger, as we all #now is !ery hel ful in cold and cough, along with that it also hel in res iratory disorders and do you #now, It is an e%cellent ?ain#illerO yes, its true, $o now waiting for what 1 $till winter is in its full form, get ;ust these @ ingredients and do a fa!our to yourself. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Gojju - a sweet-sour-spicy, tamarind-based stew, usually made with a sour fruit or vegetable.
G_1796.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET We can mince amla and make it into a pickle, or just crush and add some salt to it, or eat it plain, or dry it, Indian gooseberries are otently rich in ,itamin ", all of which is absorbed easily by the body, which ma#es them highly medicinal. Bor this reason, it is !ital in re;u!enating s#in, hair and tissues., great solution if you ha!e a hair loss roblem4 Ayur!eda holds this humble fruit in high esteem. Decause of its rare ability to ossess < out of 9 ossible tastes 2sweet, sour, bitter, astringent and ungent4, these berries can be used as medicine in all body ty es, for maintaining the health of many !ital organs.
PGj_o/s288/IMG_1794.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET )ost of the berries are consumed raw, crushed with salt, and made a go;;u with the last handful. $er!es @ <*9 Indian gooseberries, lime si/e ball of tamarind & cu water & ts rice flour 2o tional4 & ts owdered ;aggery &/7 ts mustard seeds &/7 ts urad dal & ts oil & s rig curry lea!es salt to taste ?owder5 - ts channa dal &.< ts urad dal & ts coriander seeds &/: ts mustard seeds @*7 dried red chilis $oa# the ball of tamarind in &/7 cu of warm water. In &/7 ts oil, roast the ingredients to be owdered and grind to a coarse owder. It should not be fine, or your go;;u will end u li#e a aste. The owder should resemble a mi%ture of crushed dal and chilis. +ash the gooseberries and remo!e the stem if any. $lice into hal!es. In a sauce an, ta#e &/- ts of oil and sautU the gooseberries lightly till they soften. $>uee/e the ul out of tamarind and our the ;uice into the sauce an. 6e eat with more water till the tamarind water comes out clear. Add the coarse owder to the tamarind * gooseberries mi%. Dring to a boil on medium low heat. The longer it simmers, the better it will taste. Add salt and ;aggery. As the go;;u boils, it will thic#en * li#e a loose batter. It should not be watery thin li#e sou . Add &*- ts rice flour if necessary to ad;ust thic#ness, and boil. It will thic#en slightly as it cools. In a se arate ladle, heat the remaining oil, o mustard seeds, add urad dal and curry lea!esI and season go;;u. $er!e hot with rice or any lain bread.
G_1797.jpg" \* MERGEFORMATINET Gojju served with Akki roti (bread made with rice flour) Last bite: Go;;u is absolutely delicious when made with any fruit or !egetable...some of those that to the list are raw mangoes and green tomatoes. Dut the nelli##ai 2amla4 adds an e%tra unchI and authenticity, gi!en how rare to find it is. The taste of a small iece of nelli##ai, soa#ed in this s icy*sweet mi%ture, is nothing short. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A#la C*awanpras*
Amla "hawana rash is also an easy to re are home medicine for many ailments li#e lac# of a etite, giddiness and Anaemia. Desides it acts li#e a good s#in toner, moisturi/er and cleanser and if ta#en regularly the s#in ac>uires nourishment. It can be re ared in a large >uantity and can be stored for a long time. Ingredients Bresh Green gooseberry * & #g 2cho ed4 ?owdered ;aggery * & G #gs "lo!e * -' nos "ardamom 2+hole4 *-' nos "innamon stic#s 7 or < Met*od +ash the amla, wi e it dry $elect a dry ceramic container with a tight lid or an air tight bottle and ut all the ingredients along with amla
and mi% well. Once in fifteen days stir the mi%ture and close the lid tightly After si% months enough ;uice of amla would ha!e formed and the amla also would ha!e become !ery soft. Ta#e a s oonful of this amla ;uice along with the amla ieces e!ery day on em ty stomach to feel energetic through out the day.
An in!aluable winter reser!e. %reparation Ti#e : &' minutes Coo)ing Ti#e : @'*7' minutes
Gooseberries , amla $ugar Dlac# cardamom seeds, crushed Almonds, blanched and sli!ered $affron 2#esar4
& #ilogram & &/- #ilograms & teas oon &'*&< a few strands
Met*od ?lace amla in a an, add two cu s of water and co!er and coo# on low heat for ten to fifteen minutes till amla is tender and water has reduced to half the >uantity. =rain, se arate the amla segments, remo!e the seeds and set aside. 6eser!e the coo#ing li>uor. (eat sugar with one and a half litre of water in a thic#*bottomed an, till sugar dissol!es com letely and forms a syru of one string consistency. Add amla and continue to coo#. Add crushed blac# cardamom seeds, almonds and saffron. "ontinue to coo#, unco!ered, on low heat till the mi%ture is thic# and translucent. The syru by now should be of two*string consistency. "ool and store in airtight ;ars. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Amla*ginger*lemon $herbat
Ingredients5 & Eg Amla & Eg. Aemon - Eg. $ugar <'' gm. Ginger < gm salt < gm roc# salt )ethod5 )a#e ;uice of Amla, Aemon and Ginger. Add sugar and mi% it ro erly in a steel !essel. Then boil it together till -<*@' minutes till it becomes little thic#er. +hen it cools down, add salt and roc# salt. ?ac# it in a good glass ;ar. )ethod of using this sherbat5 Ta#e one cu of ;uice 2&'' ml4, add same >uantity of water and ser!e. This is e%cellent digesti!e sherbat. E!erybody li#es its taste. It is also !ery useful for any #ind of gastric troubles as well as for digestion com laints.
Ingredients5 & #g amlas - ts chemical lime & &/- #g sugar 9 cu s water & tbs lemon ;uice )ethod5 ?ric# amlas well with a for#, all o!er. =issol!e & ts lime in enough water to co!er amlas and soa# o!ernight. 6emo!e and wash well. 6e eat once more. =rain and wash thoroughly, s>uee/ing and rinsing again so no trace of the lime remains. Doil enough water to ta#e in amlas, comfortably then add amlas. "oo# till tender and trans arent. =rain and #ee aside. )a#e syru with sugar, lemon ;uice and 9 cu s water, till one thread consistency 2s#imming off any scum that #ee s forming4. Add the coo#ed amlas bring to a boil and simmer 7*< minutes. $tore in a clean airtight ;ar. .ou can add elaichi or any other fla!ouring of your choice while still hot. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
A#la %ic)le
Ingredients5 Amla * &/- Eg $alt * &<' Gms Feera 2cumin seeds4 * - Ts $aunf2 fennel seeds4 * - Ts )ethi daana 2fenugree# seeds4 * &*- Ts 6ed chilli owder * &*- Ts (aldi * &*- Ts )ustard oil * &/- cu )ethod5 Doil the amlas in water for < miniutes. 6emo!e from water. A ly &'' Gms salt. Eee aside for <*9 hours for the water to drain out. =eseed the amlas and cut into half or lea!e them whole. (eat oil. $hut off the gas. Add ;eera, saunf, methi daana, red chilli owder, haldi and <' Gms salt. Add the dried amlas. "oo# for &*- miniutes.
"ool. The ic#le is ready for use the ne%t day. "onsume within - wee#s.
Amla )urabba
Ingredients5 & cu of grated Amla 2gooseberries4 - tbs s water & &/7 cu s sugar & ts cardamom seeds 2crushed4 -*inch iece of cinnamon stic# ?re aration5 +ash and grate the amla. "ombine with sugar and water in a hea!y sauce an and lace o!er medium heat. $tir constantly till sugar melts. 6educe the heat to low and add remaining ingredients, and simmer until the amlas are clear and the ;uice gets thic#, about &< minutes and you get a semi thic# consistency. It should be li#e a s read. 6emo!e the cinnamon stic# from the murabba and cool. Transfer it to a glass ;ar. $tore, refrigerated, for u to a month. Kse as a s read li#e a ;am or ha!e a ts of murabba e!ery day..54as amla is called sar!adosha hara *remo!er of all diseases. Add ginger, cinnamon, 2blac# seeds4 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM E!er since a youngster, I was always ca;oled by my arents to ha!e a nelli##a e!eryday, either in its original form which you #now is rather tough or in a com arati!ely much edible !ersion li#e rahmi or !havanaprasham or as a ;uice 2easy to toss down your throats with closed eyes4 or as ic#led ones as a last
3IN/blog/4plo05e56&m0ges/7PI*173#27%83%$.9P+" () *ER+E,-R*.TINET
resort tem ting sweet or s icy and ones. Dut ney ney, li#e any other normal #id, I ne!er listened to them and e!entually was inured to see all the abo!e !ersions ending u either in the garbage bin or stac#ed away somewhere in the store room 2to be thrown away later on the cleaning day4. Dut with the assage of time, I began to reali/e the significance of consum tion of nelli##as. $o now when I ta#e a loo# bac#, I strongly feel maybe I should ha!e o ened my ears to them and should ha!e eaten all those stuff. (ow healthy they are1 )aybe I would ha!e been much more healthier now. If only I had those nelli##as. 2 +ell, who #nows, maybe I would also ha!e had a towering IV and right now may be would ha!e been busy crac#ing some dim*witted mathematical or scientific formulas and robably standing on the threshold of a new in!ention or disco!ery. )ay be would ha!e been titled the ne%t Einstein, 6aman, Gates 2114, or who ne%t. $ighO All lost ;ust because I dint ha!e those tasty nelli##as. Dut I cant hel wonder if they too had really listened to their arents and used to ha!e gooseberries e!eryday. "ome on, I guess there is no oint in mourning o!er s ilt mil#. Anyways, cant go bac# to the ast and ha!e all those nelli##as. 2 Dut can at least try com elling my little one to ha!e all those nelli##as and robably ma#e him an Einstein of the future. Too much to as# for I guess. )aybe my fol#s were woolgathering too about the same e isode as I am now. Assume all arents are li#e that. And am no different at all. +ell, now I am no Einstein or 6aman for that matter. Dut I ha!e de!elo ed enough head through e% eriences, mine as well as others that there are certain things in life which should be definitely gi!en ears to, es ecially if they come from elders. And among all those myriad instances is one such #ind of rather sim le one which is to ha!e ma%imum ossible consum tion of nelli##a or gooseberries in whate!er form ossible.
And here is a sim le ;uice !ersionI erha s concocted considering time and con!enience factors by a !ery good coo#, I guess. $o, here is how the sim le reci e for a gooseberry ;uice goes. .ou would re>uire &' Gooseberries 2Celli##a/Amla4 A small ginger iece $alt As re>uired +ater As re>uired for grinding )ethod5* &4 =eseed the gooseberries. "ut them into small ieces for better grinding. -4 Dlend all the ingredients in a blender. @4 $train the whole thing. 74 =ilute it further according to ser!ings and ser!e. .ou can also add a cou le of mint lea!es for a better fla!our. ?ls note that this >uantity would suffice for a ro%imately < * 9 ersons. And a huge warning for those who want to am lify their IVs within >uic# time by gul ing down the abo!e itcher alone es ecially before diluting, ls don0t do it as you would be earning your one way tic#et to the toilet. A arently, nelli##a is an e%cellent la%ati!e and forms one of the main arts of the ayur!edic medicine "riphala. (o e you got the oint.