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Dear Lover Large Print
Dear Lover Large Print
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This optimized ReadHowYouWant edition contains the complete, unabridged text of the original publisher's edition. Other aspects of the book may vary from the original edition. Copyright 2008 Accessible Publishing Systems PTY, Ltd. ACN 085 119 953 The text in this edition has been formatted and typeset to make reading easier and more enjoyable for ALL kinds of readers. In addition the text has been formatted to the specifications indicated on the title page. The formatting of this edition is the copyright of Accessible Publishing Systems Pty Ltd. Set in 16 pt. Verdana
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Foreword by Marianne Williamson...............................................i Introduction............................................................................v 1: You Are Love.......................................................................1 2: Chocolate Love....................................................................4 3: Yearning Is the Key to Love...................................................9 4: The Gift of Making Love......................................................12 5: Spiritual Sexiness..............................................................18 6: Orgasmic Love..................................................................24 7: Love and Fear...................................................................31 8: Your Sexual Essence..........................................................38 9: Your True Heart and Its Shells.............................................43 10: Offering or Betraying Your Heart........................................55 11: The Two-Bodied Play of Love.............................................65 12: Loving Larger Than Fear...................................................72 13: Trusting Your Man to Open You..........................................78 14: You Attract Your Reciprocal................................................82 15: Why Men Hold Back..........................................................88 16: Your Force of Attraction.....................................................98 17: Your Man Is Your Choice..................................................111 18: Expressing Pleasure and Hurt...........................................122 19: Masculine Insensitivity....................................................130 20: How to Stay Open..........................................................134 21: Opening Beyond an Impasse............................................143 22: Ending Relationships and the Him-Shaped Void..................149 23: Three Stages of Loving...................................................157 24: Love Is a Living Art.........................................................167 25: Showing Your Hearts Light in Public..................................173 26: Choosing Abuse and Refusing Love...................................187 27: Wanting to Be Opened....................................................193
28: A Summary of Trusting and Opening.................................197 29: Goodbye.......................................................................202 David Deida Resources.........................................................205 Finding God Through Sex......................................................206 Blue Truth...........................................................................207 Wild Nights.........................................................................208 Instant Enlightenment..........................................................209 The Enlightened Sex Manual..................................................210 Intimate Communion............................................................211 It's a Guy Thing...................................................................212 AUDIO................................................................................213 The Way of the Superior Man: The Teaching Sessions...............214 About the Author.................................................................215 Back Cover Material..............................................................217
ii surrender the past, surrender the walls, surrender the blame, surrender the defenses, surrender the limits, surrender the fear... Love is not a game for sissies. Most women I know are convinced by now, that spiritual surrender is the portal to love. Yet knowing that only goes so far. Surrender? we say. I get the conceptbut show me how! For its not so easy to surrender to love, when Daddy wasnt really there. Its not so easy to surrender to love, when someone we trusted abandoned or betrayed us. And its not so easy to surrender to love when the last relationship left us psychically bleeding for months or even years. It can take a lot of emotional effort to learn how to open the heart when the experience of life has shut it down. What we had thought were merely temporary protective mechanisms can become hardened over the years into entrenched defensive patterns. And we so grieve the ease and freedom of love. We remember what we lost when we are reading Shakespeares sonnets. We remember what we long for, reading Elizabeth Barrett Brownings poems to her beloved Robert. We remember the miracle we most want in our lives, listening to our favorite music
iii late at night, the heart yearning purely exquisitely for what it most deeply wants. and
That yearning itself is a prayer for the kind of wisdom that David Deida imparts. He is one of our new romantic shamans. Deida is outrageous and blunt and sometimes over the top. He howls as well as whispers; he confronts as well as comforts. The fire he carries can either burn or enlighten, depending on our use of it. But if his fiery gift is a gift for you, then I think that you will know it. You will feel the parts of you that need his message, and you will feel yourself eager to receive it. Your mind and heart will respond to the idea that we can learn how to love in a more meaningful way, delivering us from the patterns of pain that have plagued our journey so far. The journey to the heart of God is always the key to our deliverance, regardless of the source of our pain. But seeing how to apply that understanding is not always so easy when the pain strikes, the phone does not ring, the agreement is broken, or the hope is shattered. I am a little bit closer to my own love because I have listened to Deida and read this book. My heart is freer; may yours be too. Now sit back on a comfortable pillow. Dim the lights, except around this book. Say a prayer perhaps, and ask for the truth that lies beyond the veil. Pray to
iv learn about men what you need to learn, that you might learn to love them as you most long to do. And then listen with me to the wizard of romance. He speaks to us of a long lost promise. He speaks of truth. He speaks of love.
Dear Reader, I offer the following chapters to you as if you were my lover. Although you may be single or married, I offer these words to you as I would to my beloved. We may never meet, but I want to give you the opportunity to feel your heart through mine. For years, I have taught workshops around the world, opening with women and men while they share their deepest hearts desires. It seems we often come to know ourselves most deeply through the heart of someone who loves us, who is willing to open and see us as we truly are, who is willing to listen and feel our hearts yearning. To give and receive love fullythis is our hearts true desire, yours and mine. The yearning you feel in your heart is the same yearning that everyone feels. By feeling your hearts yearning through mine, I hope you will come to know yourself more deeply through the many hearts that have opened together in trust and allowed these words to emerge. All hearts want to open to God, or the boundless flow of divine love. You may or may not be a religious person, and still your heart yearns to open without bounds, to be seen and to be offered without limits.
vi This is what I mean by open to Godto open and feel everything and everyones heart as a divine expression of love. Sexuality is also a divine expression of loveor at least it could be. As I would offer my heart to my lover, the following chapters are offered to you so your heart may open to God, whether you are alone or in relationship, whether you are making tea or making love. My hope is that by feeling your heart through these words, you will come to know more deeply how divine love yearns to open through everyones heart. And so, recognizing that our hearts flow open with the same love, the following chapters are offered to you as if you were my dear lover. David Deida
2 love, to give yourself totally as loveand to be seen as the love that you are. You long to be claimed, taken open, surrendered blissfully, so that every moment of your life is ablaze as the light of loves passion, an offering of your hearts devotion, and adoration of loves radiant blessing. In an effort to create safety and self-reliance in your life and relationships, you may have built walls around your heart and accumulated tension in your body. Although sometimes these walls of protection are useful, they can, over time, act like shells of fear that block your true love. These shells can keep in the love you want to offer fully and keep out the love that your heart yearns to receive deeply. The secret to unfolding your hearts deepest bliss is to give and receive love fully, with or without a man. Instead of depending on a man, and instead of protecting your heart behind walls of accumulated disappointment, you can learn to open your body as if it were a big heart, vulnerable and full of loves radiant life-force. And it is this disposition of openhearted radiance that will gift the world as well as attract and keep a man capable of actually meeting your hearts deepest desire. Right now, is your breath textured as loveare you inhaling and exhaling with the same open pleasure you would if your lovers body were pressing against
3 yours in delicate mergeror is your breath tense with fearful thoughts of self-survival as well as an emotional sense of separation, desperation, or loneliness? Whether you are alone or in relationship, your spiritual and sexual bliss require a daily allotment of whole-body pleasure and deep heart offering, or else your joy will shrivel like an unwatered plant.