English Club: Recruitment Interview Booklet
English Club: Recruitment Interview Booklet
English Club: Recruitment Interview Booklet
academy of banking
Before interviewing, quickly re ! t"e c n!i! te#$ %rofile in & 'inute to get t"e very ( $ic infor' tion) A. GREETINGS: T"i$ % rt i'$ for initi l $$e$$'ent of t"e c n!i! te#$ co''unic tion $kill, %%e r nce, n! $tyle) NOTE* + ke $ure you $'ile or $" ke " n! wit" t"e c n!i! te to for'ul te frien!ly n! co'fort (le t'o$%"ere for t"e w"ole interview) , Dou(le c"eck ( $ic %rofile of t"e c n!i! te to confir' t" t "e-$"e i$ t"e rig"t one on your li$t , A$k "i'-"er $o'e w r',u% que$tion$* &) Tell 'e $o'et"ing (out your $elf. /) 0" t !o you know (out EC. 1) 0" t ' !e you %%ly for 'e'(er$"i% of Engli$" clu( EC. B. INFORMATION EXCHANGE: T"i$ % rt !e l$ wit" ' king $$e$$'ent of t"e c n!i! te#$ %er$on l c" r cter n! "i$-"er fluency in Engli$" $%e king $kill) 2ue$tion$* 3OB 4E5FO5+ANCE &) 0" t !o you con$i!er your $trong n! we k %oint$ for t"e ctivitie$ in EC. /) Do you %refer working lone or in grou%$. 0"y. 1) 0" t woul! you $ y i$ t"e 'o$t i'%ort nt t"ing you re looking for in EC. 0"y. 6) Do you " ve ny rule$ in working or $tu!ying. De$cri(e $o'e of t"e') CA5EE5 7OAL8- +OTI9ATION :) 0" t i$ t"e 'o$t i'%ort nt t"ing to you. 0"y. ;) 0" t i$ your !re '. <) De$cri(e t"e kin! of %er$on you w nt to (eco'e in : ye r$. =) 0" t i$ your long ter' e'%loy'ent or c reer o(>ective$. ?) @ow !oe$ (eing 'e'(er of EC fit in wit" your over ll c reer go l$.
academy of banking
8ELF A88E88+ENT &A) Do you con$i!er your$elf $ucce$$ful %er$on. 0"y. &&) If I $ke! your frien!$ to co''ent $o'et"ing (out you, w" t woul! t"ey tell 'e. C5EATI9ITB &/) 0" t " ve you !one t" t you con$i!ere! truly cre tive. DECI8I9ENE88 &1) 0" t w $ your 'o$t !ifficult !eci$ion in t"e l $t $iC 'ont"$. 0" t ' !e it !ifficult. 4E58ONAL C@A5ACTE5 &6) 0" t i$ your f vourite (ook till ! te. Tell 'e $o'et"ing (out it. EC%l in w"y you like it) &:) De$cri(e %er$on w"o in$%ire! you 'o$t in %ur$uing your long,ter' go l$. In w" t w y !i! "e-$"e in$%ire! you. &;) 0"o i$ your f vourite ut"or n! w"y. LEADE58@I4 &<) 0" t woul! you $ y t"e 'o$t i'%ort nt qu lity w"ic" ' ke$ $ucce$$ful le !er. EC%l in w"y. &=) 8o'e of your te ' ' te$ " ve conflict wit" e c" ot"er, w" t woul! you !o $ te ' le !er. 8ITDATIONAL 2DE8TION8 &?) 8o'eti'e$ t work we re in t"e %o$ition of (eing %ulle! in ' ny !irection$ t one ti'e) @ow woul! you co%e wit" t" t $itu tion. /A) If t"e %re$i!ent of EC tell$ you to !o $o'et"ing in %%ro%ri te, w" t woul! you !o. /&) Bou " ve >u$t (een $ke! to $olve very i'%ort nt t $k w"ic" involve$ %ro(le' t" t you " ve never !e lt wit" (efore) 0" t !o you !o. C. WRAP UP , A$k t"e c n!i! te if "e-$"e " $ ny que$tion$) , 8 y t" nk$ to t"e c n!i! te n! "e-$"e ' y le ve)
academy of banking
N 'e
Interviewer#$ co''ent
academy of banking
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