King Tutankhamun Upon A Panther
King Tutankhamun Upon A Panther
King Tutankhamun Upon A Panther
This collection of hardwood figures buried with Tutankhamun (about 32 statues in total) were found divided between the Antechamber, urial chamber and the Treasur!" Seven of them represented the king himself while the rest included a strange group of divinities or ma!be representing the king himself in the form of those divinities ma!be to ac#uire their blessings" These statues were mostl! gilded or black in colour, both colours are associated with regeneration and rebirth" The! were wrapped in linen shawls with the manufacture date of the 3rd!ear of Akhenaten$s reign"
The greater number was recovered from the Treasur!, where the! had been crammed into 22 double%doored shrines of black resin%coated wood mounted on sleds and with sloping roofs" The doors of onl! one of those shrines had been opened b! tomb robbers while the seals of the remainder had survived untouched since Tutankhamun$s funeral" The! were mainl! made out of wood covered with gold leaf" The e!es of all figures are framed in bron&e and inlaid with glass or semi%precious
stones e'cept for (ebehsenewef and )wamwtef whose e!es are simpl! painted in black" The fittings, including the ob*ects the! carr! and their sandals, are of gilded copper%allo!" The bases of the ma*orit! of the statues are inscribed with the coronation name (niswt bit!) of Tut+ ,ebkheperure, beloved of -the appropriate diet!."
The function: According to /01A2) 3A2T42, these figures of gods or divinities represent a record of m!ths and beliefs, ritual and custom, associated with the dead and the afterlife" ut their e'act meaning in the burial is not clear to us, the! might have represented good or evil and5or the! ma! have some form of magic associated with them" 6ome scholars suggested that T7TA,K/A87, is represented in the form of these deities but we don9t have a strict meaning for that" 8a!be he wanted to embod! some of their aspects in the afterlife" 0thers suggest that the reason for placing them in the tomb might be due to the fact that the ancient 4g!ptians were religious people so the! were hoping for these deities to accompan! them in the afterlife:; The statue itself: This statue was found together with its pair covered with linen shawls in one black shrine in the Treasur!< here we can see the king represented standing upon a panther" Description: The statue is made out of gilded wood representing the king in the traditional ro!al attitude with his left%leg stepping forward" /e is wearing the white crown of 7pper 4g!pt with the uraeus upon his forehead for protection" /e is wearing a wide collar ( wsx collar) and the ro!al kilt (Sndyt)" /e is holding in his right hand the nxx or the flail and a long staff in the other hand both these ob*ects are made of gilded bron&e" The uraeus upon his forehead and the sandals are made out of bron&e" The e!es and e!ebrows are inlaid with glass" The king is represented standing upon a panther, which is a probabl! a sign of power and his wish to overcome the problems to be faced in the afterlife" The panther$s bod! is made out of wood covered with black resin e'cept for the facial markings and interior of ears, which are gilded" The name of the king is painted in !ellow on his pedestal"
1e don9t know e'actl! the purpose of this representation" There are some theories about this unusual position+ =" 8a!be to prove his power and strength being in control of a panther" 2" 8a!be b! standing on the panther he is confirming his authorit! on foreign lands< in this case the animal would represent the enem!" 3" 8a!be this position is connected with a funerar! concept dealing with triumph over the dangers of the ,etherworld so it is probabl! because the panther would help him in his *ourne! in the afterlife because according to an archaic belief, the panther represented the night sk! which s!mboli&es the underworld while the king is assimilated to the sun b! the golden tan of his skin, thus proving his triumph over death and con#uering the underworld" >" The panther probabl! represents here the goddess 8afdet who accompanied the king on his *ourne! to the be!ond" 8afdet was a guardian of the dead, it was her task to fend off the hostile snakes which were awaiting them in the be!ond" 6ome spells in the book of the dead are dedicated to the killing of snakes" ?n the underworld, 8afdet even becomes the helper of the sun god and overcomes the serpent%like Apophis" 6imilar panther statues were found in other ro!al tombs e"g" Amenhotep ??, Thotmose ?@ and /oremheb but the statues discovered were not connected to the figure of the king< the! onl! had mortises at the back, which would be later connected to the king$s figure" Also there is a depiction on a wall in the tomb of 6eti ?? in the same position but the king is standing upon a lion not a panther, so we knew that this representation had some kind of a funerar! conte't although its nature is completel! obscure"