Ijer 2014 423
Ijer 2014 423
Ijer 2014 423
4, pp : 279-285
I. I nt ro duc t io n
1 .Nanotechnology involves the study, manipulation, creation and use of materials,devices and systems typically with dimensions smaller than 100 n m. Nanotechnology is playing an increasingly important role in the development of biosensors (Vo-Dinh et al., 2001; Haruyama, 2003; Jain, 2003). Sensitiv ity and other attributes of biosensors can be improved by using nanomaterials in their construction. Nanomaterials, or matrices with at least one of their dimensions ranging in scale fro m 1 to 100 n m, d isplay unique physical and chemical features because of effects such as the quantum size effect, min i size effect, surface effect and macro-quantum tunnel effect. Use of nanomaterials in biosensors allows the use of many new signal transduction technologies in their manufacture. Because of their submicron size, nanosensors, nanoprobes and other nanosystems are revolutionizing the fields of chemical and biological analysis, to enable rapid analysis of mult iple substances in vivo. Here we review the major aspects of the nanotechnology-based biosensors.
2.1. Nanoparticles in biosensing Nanoparticles have numerous possible application in biosensors. For examp le, functional nanoparticles (electronic, optical and magnetic) bound to biological molecu les (e.g.
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International Journal of Engineering Research Vo lu me No.3, Issue No.4, pp : 279-285 immunoassay techniques also have been developed in which a magnetic field generated by the magnetically labeled targets is detected directly with a magnetometer (Richards on et al., 2001). A new technique has been introduced for rapid detection of biological targets by using superparamagnetic nanoparticles and a microscope based on a high -transition temperature dc superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) (Cheml a et al., 2000). In this technique, a my lar film with bound targets is placed on the microscope. A suspension of magnetic nanoparticles carrying antibodies is added to the mixtu re in a well, and 1-s pulses of magnetic field are applied parallel to the SQUID. In the presence of this aligning field, the nanoparticles develop a net magnetization, which relaxes when the field is turned off. Unbound nanoparticles relax rapidly by Bro wnian rotation and contribute no measurable signal. Nanoparticles bound to the target are captured and undergo Neel relaxation, producing a slowly decaying magnetic flu x, which is detected by the SQUID. The ability to distinguish between bound and unbound labels allows anyone to run homogeneous assays, which do not require separation and removal of unbound magnetic particles. Magnetic nanoparticles or microspheres have been reviewed in detail by Hafeli et al. (1997) and S afark and S afarkova (2002). 2.1.4. Electrochemical biosensors Electrochemical biosensors have been fabricated from mostly metallic nanoparticles. Metal nanoparticles based electroanalysis has been reviewed by Hernandez-Santos et al. (2002 ). Metal nanoparticles can be used to enhance the amount of immob ilized bio molecules in construction of a sensor. Because of its ultrahigh surface area, colloidal Au has been used to enhance the DNA immob ilization on a gold electrode, to ultimately lo wer the detection limit of the fabricated electrochemical DNA b iosensor (Cai et al., 2001 ). Selfassembly of appro ximately 16-n m diameter colloidal Au onto a cysteamine mod ified gold electrode resulted in an easier attachment of an oligonucleotide with a mercaptohexyl group at the 5V-phosphate end and increased the capacity for nucleic acid detection. Quantitative results showed that the surface densities of oligonucleotides on the Au colloid modified gold electrode were approximately 1_4_1014 mo lecules cm_ 2 . The detection limit was 5_10_ 10 mol_l_ 1 of complementary ssDNA. Metal nanoparticles have been used to catalyze biochemical react ions and this capability can be usefully emp loyed in biosensor design. Catalysis is the most important and widely used chemical application of metal nanoparticles and has been studied extensively. Transition metals, specially precious metals, show very high catalytic abilit ies for many organic reactions. Nanoparticles behave in the reaction mediu m as do conventional homogeneous catalysts, but can be easily recovered after the reaction. Enzy me gold colloids have been used on the surface of electrodes to fabricate biosensors for H2 O2 , glucose, xanthine and hypoxanthine (Crumbliss et al., 1992; Zhaoet al., 1996; Xu et al., 2003). Xu et al. (2003) studied the electrochemistry of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) immob ilized on a colloidal gold modified screen-printed carbon electrode. The immobilized HRP displayed fast ampero metric response and an electrocatalytic activity to the reduction of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) without the aid of an electron med iator. The b iosensor exh ibited high sensitivity, good reproducibility and longterm stability for the determination of
ISSN:2319-6890 (online), 2347-5013 (print) 01 April 2014 H2 O2 with a linear range from 0.8 AM to 1.0 mM and a detection limit of 0.4 AM. Nanosized semiconductor crystals can also increase efficiency of photochemical reactions and can be effectively coupled to biomolecular units such as enzyme, to generate novel photoelectrochemical systems (Curri et al., 2002). Curri et al. (2002) immob ilized nanocrystalline CdS by self-assembly onto a gold electrode in order to prepare, in combination with formaldehyde dehydrogenase (FDH) enzy me, a biological-inorganic hybrid that was able to carry out the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde. The preliminary results indicated that quantum-sized CdS layer on gold, in close contact with the enzyme, was an effective photoactive material fo r replacing the NAD+/NADH needed as charge transfer molecu le in the enzymatic react ion. Metal nanoparticles have been used to facilitate the electron transfer in nanoelectronic devices. Go ld nanoparticles can greatly improve electron transfer across the monolayer molecules self-assembled on the surfaces of electrodes (Zhang et al., 2001). This observation may be specially useful in the development of electro lu minescene-based biosensors. Metal nanoparticles can be used as an electrochemical label. Most biological mo lecules can be labeled with metal nanoparticles without compro mising their biological activities. Affinity assays can then be performed by monitoring the electrochemical signal of these metal nanoparticles. A new electrochemical method for mon itoring biotin streptavidin interaction has been developed. This is based on the use of colloidal gold as an electrochemical label (Gonzalez-Garcia et al., 2000 ). Biotinylated albu min is adsorbed on the pretreated surface of a carbon paste electrode. This modified electrode is immersed in the colloidal gold streptavidin labeled solution. Adsorptive voltammetry is used to monitor colloidal gold bound to streptavidin. The analytical signal is highly reproducible. A linear relationship between the peak current and streptavidin concentration fro m 2.5 nM to 25 AM was obtained for a sequential competitive assay. Kim et al. (2000) developed a disposable immunochro matographic sensor for on-line quantitative determination of human seru m albu min (HSA). The sensor used conductimetric detection and 20 n m gold co llo id particles modified with polyaniline (a conducting polymer) fo r signal generation (Ki m et al., 2000). The immunoassay was carried out in a membrane strip sensor with two interdigitated silver electrodes that were screen-printed on a nitrocellu lose memb rane. The immuno-strips were p laced in the analyte solution in an erect position and the solution was absorbed fro m the bottom of the strips. The reaction between the conjugate and analyte took place immediately and this complex was carried up into the next membrane that had the immobilized antibody. The second antigen_antibody reaction formed a sandwich -type immune co mplex at the electrode and polyaniline-bound colloidal gold generated a conductimetric signal. A novel array based electrical detection of DNA with nanoparticle probes was reported by Park et al. (2002). Capture strands of alkylthiolmodified oligonucleotides were immob ilized onto the activated surface of SiO2 substrate between two ends of Au microelectrodes with 20 A m gaps. The binding events localized gold nanoparticles in the electrode gap. Silver deposition facilitated by the gold nanoparticles bridged the gap and led to readily measurable conductivity changes. The method could be used to detect target DNA at concentrations as low as 500 fM with a point mutation selectivity factor o f f100,000:1. 2.2. Nanowires, nanofi bers and nanoprobes Boron-doped silicon nanowires (SiNWs) were reported by Cui et al. (2001) to create highly sensitive, real-time electrically
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International Journal of Engineering Research Vo lu me No.3, Issue No.4, pp : 279-285 based sensors for biological and chemical species. The amine and oxide-functionalized SiNWs exhib ited pH-dependent conductance that was linear over a large dynamic range and could be understood in terms of the change in surface charge during protonation and deprotonation. Biotin-modified SiNWs were used to detect streptavidin down to at least a picomolar concentration range. In addition, antigen-functionalized SiNWs showed reversible antibody binding and concentrationdependent detection in real time. The s mall size and capability of these semiconductor nanowires for sensitive, label-free, realtime detection of a wide range of chemical and biological species can be exploited in array-based screening and in vivo diagnostics. The nanoscale size of these new class of sensors allows for measurements in the smallest of environments such as individual cells. This provides opportunities for in vivo monitoring of processes within live cells. Cullum et al. (2000) used optical fibers with a distal-end diameter of less than 1 Am, coated with antibodies, to detect the presence of toxic chemicals within single cells. They were able to measure the concentration of benzopyrene tetrol (BPT) within human mammary carcino ma cells and rat liver ep ithelial cells. Tuan (2002) fabricated nanoprobes with optical fibers pulled down to tips with the distal ends having sizes of approximately 30_50 nm (Tuan,2002). Using these nanobiosensors, it has become possible to probe chemical species at specific spots. Nanocontrolled release systems have been devised for optical biosensing of peroxide concentration (Choi et al., 2001 ). 2.3. Tubul ar and porous nanostructures A common use of tubular and other porous nanostructures in biosensors is to increase the quantity and activity of the immob ilized bio molecules. However, in view of their unique properties, these nanostructure provide opportunities for development of novel designs of biosensors. Use of the tubular and other porous nanostructures in biosensors is discussed next. 2.3.1. Carbon nanotubes Since their discovery, carbon nanotubes have attracted great attentions as nanoscale building blocks for microdevices. The nano-dimensions, graphitic surface chemistry and electronic properties of carbon nanotubes make them an ideal material for use in chemical and biochemical sensing. Both single-wall nanotubes (SWNT) and multiwall carbon nanotubes (NWNT) have been used in biosensors (Davis et al., 2003; Sotiropoulou et al., 2003).In one case, glucose oxidase was immobilized by coating onto the surface of singlewall nanotubes (SWNT) without a gross loss of enzyme activ ity (Azami an et al., 2002). The treatment of this bio-SW NT sensor with both a diffusive med iator and equilibrated glucose substrate enhanced the catalytic signal by more than one order of magnitude compared to that observed at an activated macro-carbon electrode. This enhanced performance was partly due to the high enzyme loading and partly because of better electrical communicat ion ability of the nanotubes. The direct electron transfer ability of carbon nanotubes has been exp loited in other cases. For example, use of SWNT has made possible a direct electron transfer with the redo x act ive centers of adsorbed oxidoreductase enzymes (Guiseppi-Elie et al., 2002). Both flavin adenine dinucleotide (FA D) and glucose oxidase (GOx) were found to spontaneously adsorb to unannealed carbon nanotubes that had been cast onto glassy carbon electrodes and to display quasi-reversible one-electron transfer. Similarly, GOx was found to spontaneously adsorb to annealed, single-walled carbon nanotube paper and to display quasi-
ISSN:2319-6890 (online), 2347-5013 (print) 01 April 2014 reversible one-electron transfer. In particular, GOx immob ilized in this way was shown to maintain its substrate-specific enzy me activ ity in the presence of glucose. It is believed that the tubular fibrils become positioned within tunneling distance of the cofactors without too much denaturation of the enzy me. The co mbination of SWNT with redo x active en zy mes appears to offer a convenient platform for a fundamental understanding of biological redo x react ions and the development of reagentless biosensors and nanobiosensors. Similarly, horse radish peroxidase adsorbed on a carbon nanotube microelectrode was found to transfer electrons directly to the electrode and retain its catalytic activity toward H2 O2 (Zhao et al., 2002). Carbon nanotube-based electrochemilu minescence (ECL) b iosensors have been described. Wohlstadter et al. (2003) reported ECL biosensors for the assay of a-fetoprotein. Several characteristics make carbon nanotubes useful for ECL-based assays. Firstly, they are conducting, can act as electrodes, and can generate ECL signal. Secondly, they can be functionalized for the immob ilization of biomo lecules. In addition, carbon nanotubes have a high surface area-to-weight ratio and most of this s urface area is accessible to both electrochemistry and immob ilization of biomo lecules. However, many of these functions can be just as effectively fulfilled by other noncarbon nanostructures such as metallic nanoparticles or fibers. Carbon nanotube array-based biosensors have been reported. Aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes (NWNT) grown on platinum substrate have been described for the development of an ampero metric b iosensor (Sotiropoulou et al., 2003). The two array systems in this work were either acid treated, or air t reated. The results showed that chemical etching was more effective in opening the carbon nanotubes and allowing the enzyme to enter the inner channel. It seems that the oxidation of the array introduced carboxylic groups at the openends, to provide a stabilizing hydrophilic environment that allo wed for the adsorption and insertion of the enzy me into the cavity of the nanotubes. Also, the immob ilization of the enzyme within nanotubes may permit a med iated direct electron transfer to the platinu m substrate transducer. 2.3.2. Other nanotube materials Arrays of nanoscopic gold tubes have been prepared by electroless deposition of the metal within the pores of polycarbonate particle track-etched membranes (Marc and Sophie, 2003). Glucose oxidase was immobilized onto the preformed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) (mercaptoethylamine or mercaptopropionic acid) of gold tubes, via cross-lin king with glutaraldehyde or covalent attachment by carbodiimide coupling. Glucose responses as large as 400 nA mM _ 1 cm_ 2 were obtained. Based on a slimier method of template synthesis , Miao et al. (1999) immobilized glucose oxidase in the polypyrrole nanotubes and produced a biosensor. Co mpared to conventional techniques, this immobilization strategy enhanced the amount of the enzyme immobilized, the retention of the immob ilized activ ity and the sensitivity of the biosensor. 2.3.3. Porous silicon Another nanostructure material that has been studied extensively for nanosensing applications is nanocrystalline silicon, often referred to as porous silicon. Since the discovery of its strong visible lu minescence at room temperature, porous silicon has attracted considerable interest in its possible use in construction of biosensors. Its ability to emit light is due to its tiny pores that range fro m less than 2 nm to micro meter dimensions.
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International Journal of Engineering Research Vo lu me No.3, Issue No.4, pp : 279-285 In addition, porous silicon possesses a high surface to volume ratio (as much as 500 m2 cm_ 3 ) and it can be fabricated easily using some of the established processes of the usual silicon technology. Porous silicon has been used as an optical interfero metric transducer for detecting small organic mo lecules (biotin and digoxigenin), 16-nucleotide DNA oligo mers, and proteins (streptavidin and antibodies) at picoand femto molar analyte concentrations (Lin et al.,1997; Di Francia et al., 1999). Microcavity resonators made of porous silicon have been used in biosensors. Theseresonators possess the unique characteristics of line narrowing and luminescence enhancement. Chan et al. (2000) fabricated a DNA biosensor based on a porous silicon microcavity structure. The microcavity structure was highly sensitive and any slight change in the effective optical thickness modified its reflectivity spectrum, causing a spectral shift in the interference peaks. Potentiometric b iosensors based on porous silicon have been described (Thust et al.,1996). The enzy mes penicillinase and lipase were separately immob ilized on the surface of porous silicon to detect penicillin and triglycerides (Schoning et al., 2000; Reddy et al.,2001, 2003). The hydrolysis reactions caused a change in the pH of the solution. The enzyme solution-o xidized porous silicon-crystalline silicon structure was used to detect the changes in pH during hydrolysis as a shift in the capacitance voltage (C V) characteristics. 2.4. Molecu lar self-assembly or bio mimic based biosensors Molecular self-assembly mimics natural systems and is a key link between physics, chemistry and biology. Molecular self-assembly can be used to create novel structures, materials, and devices for use in biosensors (Nirmalya et al., 2002; Boozer et al., 2003). Of all the self-assembled structures, thin lip id films and liposomes are the ones attracting the most attention in relation to biosensors (Dimit rios et al., 1999). Like a cell membrane, lip id films and liposomes are composed of phospholipids or other amphiphiles. Their hydrophilic/ hydrophobic characteristics allow them to spontaneously form organized structures. The supported bilayer lip id membrane (BLM ) provides a natural environ ment for embedding proteins, receptors, memb rane/tissue fragments, and entire cells under nondenaturing conditions and in a well-defined orientation. This makes BLMs specially attractive for use in biosensors. A successful biomimet ically engineered device based on BLMs was the ion channel switch biosensor reported by Cornell et al. (1997 ). The basis of this 1.5 n m nanomach ine was a selfassembled artificial membrane packed with gramicid in (Fig. 1). Ion channels were formed in the memb rane by two gramicidin mo lecules: one in the lower layer of the
ISSN:2319-6890 (online), 2347-5013 (print) 01 April 2014 memb rane attached to a gold electrode and one in the upp er layer tethered to biological receptors such as antibodies or nucleotides. The detection mechanism operated by binding the target mo lecule to the receptor and thereby altering the population of conduction ion channel pairs within the tethered membrane. This resulted in a change in the membrane conduction. The device was capable of detecting picomo lar concentrations of proteins (Woodhouse et al., 1999; Wright and Hardi ng, 2000; Cornell et al., 2001). Ambri (http:// www.ambri.com ) developed this technology into a commercial product, the SensiDxk system. This system can provide a broad menu of immunoassay, chemistry and other tests. The Ambri ICSk b iosensor may haveapplications in healthcare, food, environment and other areas. Unlike planer BLMs, liposomes are microscopic, flu id-filled, pouches with endless walls that are made of layers of phospholipids identical to the phospholipids that make up cell membranes. Liposomes are typically used as the supporting substrate for immob ilizing the biorecognition mo lecules. Liposomes are also used to amplify the optical, sound wave, and electrochemical signals (Rongen et al., 1997; Hianik et al .,1999; Baeumner et al., 2003 ). Poly merized lipid vesicles have been explored fo r developing smart colorimetric biosensors (Kolusheva et al., 2001). The vesicles are composed of three co mponents: lipids, i.e. fat-like molecules that are the basis of normal biologic membranes; a specially designed lipid scaffo ld poly mer known as a conjug ated polydiacetylene (PDA); and memb rane-soluble molecules containing epitopes (or protein frag ments) that are recognized by the antibody under test. When inside the undisturbed vesicle, PDA g ives the dispersion of vesicles a blue color. However, when an antibody is added that recognizes and binds the epitope, the vesicle is structurally distorted, causing the PDA to turn red. Poly merized lip id vesicles composed of PDA exh ibit rap id colorimet ric t ransition upon specific interactions with a variety of biological analytes and can be used to developed colorimetric biosensors. This simple approach that detects specific antibodies with a reagent that rapidly changes color can allow immediate diagnosis of diseases such as AIDS and tuberculosis. In addition, this approach can be used for colorimetric screening of enzyme catalysts, physiological ions, and the activities of antibacterial peptides (Jelinek and Kolusheva,2001; Song et al., 2002). 2.5. Nanofabrication Nanofabrication uses integrated-circuit manufacturing technology and methods developed specifically fo r micro mach ining, to create nanometer size objects. Nanofabrication processes typically use variations of the four basic operations of photolithography, thinfilm gro wth/deposition, etching, and bonding. Nanoscaled interdigitated electrode arrays have been made with deep ultraviolet lithography (Van Gerwen et al., 1998 ). Electrode widths and spacings ranged from 500 to 250 n m on the active areas. Nanofabricated electrodes allo w fo r the detection of affinity binding of biomolecu lar structures (e.g. antigens, DNA) by impedimet ric measurements. For example, the immobilizat ion of glucose oxidase could be monitored by measuring the double layer impedance. A sensitive conductimetric immunosensor was demonstrated based on an ultrathin platinu m film on an oxidized silicon base (Pak et al., 2001 ). The film was about 25 A thick and consisted of a discontinuous layer with channels 20 30 A wide (Fig. 2). Impedance increased 55% at 20 Hz during the activation of the surface with anti-alkaline phosphatase (anti-AP) antibody. Binding of alkaline phosphatase (AP) to the prepared
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International Journal of Engineering Research Vo lu me No.3, Issue No.4, pp : 279-285 surface resulted in a further increase of 12% in impedance. p nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis confirmed b inding and activity of the AP. Modeling of thin-film response was used to distinguish between redox processes, capacitance and tunneling mechanis ms. The data fitted well with the diffusion distributed elements model as well as a transmission line distribution element model. Nano-electro mechanical system (NEMS) technologies are used to produce complex electrical, mechanical, fluid ic, thermal, optical, and magnetic structures, devices, and systems with characteristic sizes down to nanometers. NEM S creates and uses systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small and/or intermediate size. DNA hybridizat ion and receptor ligand binding to microfabricated cantilevers (Fig. 3) produce surface stress changes that have been measured directly fo r detection of analytes(http:// www.zurich.i bm.com ) ( Fritz et al., 2000 ). A biosensor is made by functionalizing one side of the cantilevers with receptor molecules and then detecting the mechanical bending induced by the binding of a ligand. Hybrid izat ion of co mplementary oligonucleotides with a single base mis match between two 12-mer oligonoglobulin increased the differential signal by 10 n m, which was clearly detectable. Similar experiments on protein A immunoglobulin interactions demonstrate a wide-ranging applicability of nanomechanical transduction to detect biomolecular recognition. IBM researchers have further reported a microarray of cantilevers to detect mult iple unlabeled biomo lecules simultaneously at nanomolar concentrations within minutes (McKendry et al., 2002). This array permitted mu ltiple binding assays in parallel and could detect femtomo les of DNA on the cantilever at a DNA concentration in solution of 75 nM. The array of micro fabricated cantilevers has been also functionalized with covalently anchored antibodies, to detect several different antigen antibody reactions simu ltaneously (Arntz et al ., 2003 ). Go ld nanoparticle modified DNA has been used to develop a microcantilever based DNA b iosensor (Su et al., 2003 ). The hybridization reactions led to the attachment of gold nanoparticles. Then gold nanoparticles acted as a nucleating agent for the growth of silver particles when exposed to a photographic developing solution. The growth of silver part icles increased the effective mass of the microcantilever and led to an enhanced frequency shift. This method could detect target DNA at a concentration of 0.05 nM or
Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of a section of a microfabricated silicon cantilever array (eight cantilevers,each 1 Am thick, 500 Am long, and 100 Am wide, with a pitch of 250 Am, spring constant 0.02 N m _ 1 ; Micro- and Nanomechanics Group, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Switzerland) (Fritz et al., 2000).
lower. Co mb ined with stringent washing, a single base p air mis matched DNA strand could be discriminated. Naval Research Laboratory, United States developed a force amp lified b iological sensor (FABS) capable of detecting biological species such as cells, proteins, to xins, and DNA at concentrations as low as 10_ 18 M (Fig. 4) (Baselt et al., 1996). The FABS design took advantage of the high sensitivity of force microscope cantilevers, to detect the presence of as few as one superparamagnetic particle bound to a cantilever by a sandwich immunoassay. The surface of the cantilever was coated with antibodies in the first step of the sandwich assay. After the superparamagnetic beads were bound to the cantilever through immuno-interactions, the electro magnet was turned on. The magnetic field pulled on the beads, which pulled on the cantilever to cause it to bend. The bending was measured using piezoresistive cantilevers.
Fig. 4. FABS concept. A cantilever-beam force transducer senses the presence of magnetic beads, the number ofwhich is proportional to the concentration of analyte in the sample. Many beads will typically attach to the cantilever (Baselt et al., 1996 ). Not to scale.
III. Conclusion
Nanotechnology is revolutionizing the development of biosensors. Nanomaterials and nanofabrication technologies are increasingly being used to design novel biosensors. Unfortunately, litt le attention is being given to the study of the various nanoeffects (e.g. quantum size effect, min i size effect, surface effect, macro-quantum tunnel effect) that are unique to nanomaterials and are actually their most attractive aspect. New nanomaterials and nanostructures need to be explored for use in biosensors. Preferably, nanotechnology-based biosensors should be integrated within tiny biochips with on-board electronics, sample handling and analysis. This will greatly enhance functionality, by providing devices that are small, portable, easy
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International Journal of Engineering Research Vo lu me No.3, Issue No.4, pp : 279-285 to use, low cost, disposable, and highly versatile diagnostic instruments.
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