Nursing 2019 5 (4) : 31-47) .: ISSN 2379-8211 (Print) ISSN 2379-8203 (Online)
Nursing 2019 5 (4) : 31-47) .: ISSN 2379-8211 (Print) ISSN 2379-8203 (Online)
Nursing 2019 5 (4) : 31-47) .: ISSN 2379-8211 (Print) ISSN 2379-8203 (Online)
org BNJ
Shahzad Sharif Mughal1, Faheem Abbas2*, Muhammad Usman Tahir2, Ali raza ayub2, Hafiza Maria javed2,
Muhammad mamtaz2, Hafiza iram2
Department of chemistry, Lahore Garrison University, Pakistan
Department of chemistry, university of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan
Corresponding author’s email:
Abstract: Nanotechnology deals with the study and manipulation of materials on an atomic or a molecular scale
almost less than 100 nm. Nanotechnology encompasses the synthesis and applications of biological, chemical and
physical systems which ranges from individual atom to molecular or submicron level. It is the more interesting field
for the scientists due to various applications in different fields of science e.g., biomedical engineering, material
science, medicine and electronics at nanoscale level. The particles ranges from 1 to 100 nm by a surrounded
interfacial layer are basically called nanoparticles. Ag nanoparticles are the most fascinating and vital nanoparticles
amongst the other metallic nanoparticles like gold, tin, palladium etc. In this review literature, the synthesis and
properties of Ag nanoparticles have been discussed. Herein, main area of study interest is to find biomolecules by
using conventional as well as colorimetric detection methods with silver nanoparticles. Synthesis and
characterization of Ag nanoparticles is an immense attention in nanotechnology due to its wide range applications in
industries. Ag nanoparticles are synthesized by different methods (physical, chemical, biological and photochemical
methods), amongst these methods green synthesis method is most favorable method, because it is cost effective and
eco friendly method. Ag nanoparticles have various significant properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,
anti-cancer, and anti-angiogenic etc. Nanoparticles possess many applications in different fields of life e.g.,
medicine, biomedical devices, multicolor optical coding, manipulation of biomolecule (proteins, DNA, cysteine),
environmental remediation and cosmetics. The aim of prospective applications is to investigate the colorimetric and
optical detection of biomolecule by Ag nanoparticles, e.g., dopamine, proteins, DNA etc. because of its highly
sensitivity and selectivity. The colorimetric detection of various biomolecules by Ag nanoparticles has inherent
chirality. Ag nanoparticles provides high surface to volume ratio and function for detection of proteins, nucleic acid,
ions and molecules. Ag nanoparticles as colorimetric probes and chiral selector are helpful in determining
citalopramenantiomers. However, we can easily read out the assay described in this work with naked eye and by use
of ultra violet spectrometer.
[Shahzad Sharif Mughal, Faheem Abbas, Muhammad Usman Tahir, Ali raza ayub, Hafiza Maria javed, Muhammad
mamtaz, Hafiza iram. Role of Silver Nanoparticles in Colorimetric Detection of Biomolecules. Biomedicine and
Nursing 2019;5(4): 31-47]. ISSN 2379-8211 (print); ISSN 2379-8203 (online). 4.
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
have dynamic self-assembly process so a DNA (Reidy et al., 2013). This wide history and a variety of
molecule replicates itself within the cell (Eijkel & van implications of Ag nanoparticles has led to interesting
den Berg, 2006). field for the researcher on its environmental and
The colorimetric detection of various chemical properties (Michel et al., 2011).
biomolecules by Ag nanoparticles has inherent Synthesis of Silver nano particles
chirality. Ag nanoparticles provides high surface to There are available a number of synthesis
volume ratio and function for detection of proteins, methods of Ag nanoparticles, e.g. by physical,
nucleic acid, ions and molecules. Therefore, Ag chemical, biological, electrochemical, radiation
nanoparticles have a very few access for the methods (Yin, Ma, Wang, & Chen, 2003). Due to the
recognition that based on inherent chirality. For variations in particle size, size distribution, toxic
example, Citalopram is an antidepressant drug that is effect, cost, scalability, environmental impact, and
used primarily for the treatment of CNS diseases, and energy consumption, so each method has some
for the treatment of depression like, panic disorder, advantages and disadvantages and the green synthesis
social phobia etc. (Halas, Lal, Chang, Link, & approach is more reliable and preferable (Ankamwar,
Nordlander, 2011). The visual chiral recognition Damle, Ahmad, & Sastry, 2005). There are basically
methods of CIT by using Ag nanoparticles as present two main approaches for the synthesis of
colorimetric probes and chiral selector are helpful in nanoparticles 1) Bottom-Up approach and 2) Top-
determining citalopram enantiomers. These have low Down approach.
cost, easy to handle, and ready availability. However, Bottom-up approach
we can easily read out the assay described in this work The Ag nanoparticles are achieved by growing
with naked eye and by use of ultra violet spectrometer atoms or molecules, are basic building blocks of
(Tashkhourian, Afsharinejad, & Zolghadr, 2016). nanomaterials and are self assembled, manipulated
Background through chemical reactions. Atoms or molecules can
About 2000 years ago, nanotechnology was used be assembled by templating or non-templating under
during prominent sword of Tipu Sultan when Indian specific sequence, structure, pattern, special constraint,
artisans and craftsmen use carbon nanoparticles to external force. Nano particles below 100 nm are
make long lasting cave painting (Kingdom of Mysore, prepared by a technique known as “Self Assembly
Ajanta paintings). In 1902 the first observation and Lithography” which is cost effective technique.
size measurement of nanomaterials were practiced by However, the random movement of atoms is one of
Richard Zsigmondy by using ultra microscope. Two the peculiar challenge of the Bottom Up Approach
inventions in the fields of nanotechnology was made (Ochekpe et al., 2009).
that permit the imaging of individual atoms, molecules Top-Down approach
as well as their treatment that led to significant In this approach, the bulk materials reduced by
progress in nanotechnology (Ochekpe, Olorunfemi, & some techniques that result the formation of
Ngwuluka, 2009). In, Eric Drexler worked began more nanostructures. This process involves the breaking,
popular to nanotechnology through books or speeches cutting, and etching of bulk material and the whole
“Engines of Creation: Coming era of procedure is involved step by step employing
Nanotechnology”. Saumio Iijima in 1991, discovered lithography e.g., film machining, surface machining,
‘C’ nanotubes, so the national nanotechnology and mold machining, x-ray, electron beam lithography
institute is launched in 2000 (Ochekpe et al., 2009). etc (Ochekpe et al., 2009).
There is unreliable evidence for the use of Ag Chemical synthesis
nanoparticles in Egypt and Rome (Reidy, Haase, Chemical methods are mostly used for the
Luch, Dawson, & Lynch, 2013). synthesis of Ag nanoparticles. Monodisperse samples
The Ag nanoparticles were used by Macedonians of Ag nanocubes are synthesized by reducing Ag
for the treatment of ulcer, wound healing and Nitrate with Glycol and treated with PVP; this process
Hippocrates (Damschroder et al., 2009). Ag nitrate is known as polyol process (Y. Sun & Xia, 2002).
solution was to treat the eye infection in new borns by ETHYLENE GLYCOL acts as both “reductant” as
Crede (McGillicuddy et al., 2017). The purity of well as “solvent”. The size and geometric shape of the
liquids such as water, milk, vinegar, and wine was product is dependent on PVP and its molar ratios with
historically increased by use of Ag vessels Ag nitrate. We can synthesize the required size of Ag
(Damschroder et al., 2009). Ag dollars were used by nanoparticles by polyol process or with the modified
American pioneers to prevent milk spoilage and in precursor injection technique by controlling the
1954 Ag material, colloidal, suspension were experimental conditions (D. Kim, Jeong, & Moon,
registered as a biocidal materials used in medications 2006).
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
Fig.1 Different approaches of synthesis of silver nanoparticles(Cao, Jin, & Mirkin, 2001).
Monodisperse Ag nanoparticles are prepared by not controllable by changing with heating temperature,
oleylamine-liquid paraffin. Basically herein 3 different or ripening time (M. Chen et al., 2007).
chemical are used: Ag Nitrate, liquid paraffin and The synthesis of Ag nanoparticles in solution has
oleylamine. This process consists of three stages; 1) following main steps: a) metal precursor, b) reducing
Growth 2) Incubation, and 3) Oatwald ripening. agents, c) stabilizing or capping agents. The reduction
Higher boiling point of Paraffin helps to yield at of Ag salt is reduced into following 2 steps nucleation
controllable size otherwise size of Ag nanoparticles is and Subsequent growth and these steps control the size
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
and shapes of Ag nanoparticles. Moreover, mono initial nucleation process is controlled by pH, reducing
dispersed Ag nanoparticles with uniform nuclei and or stabilizing agents and precursors (S.-F. Chen &
size distributions have same time and also have the Zhang, 2012).
same subsequent growth (M. Chen et al., 2007). The
Fig. 3 Size controlled synthesis of Ag nanoparticles by Co-reduction method (Rao, Kulkarni, Thomas, & Edwards,
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
Fig. 6 Ag nanoparticles synthesis by photochemical method(Li, Jiang, Jia, & Wang, 2016).
The stable Silver Nanoparticles also produced by versatility (make possible to fabricate the
UV photo activation method in aqueous triton x_100. nanoparticles in different mediums such as Surfactant
It improves the size of nanoparticle distribution by Micelles, Polymer Films, Emulsions, Cells)
increasing surface tension at the interface of solvent (Sakamoto, Fujistuka, & Majima, 2009).
nanoparticles. Ag nanoparticles, in other studies are Biological Synthesis
synthesized by alkaline aqueous solution of In case of “biological synthesis” of Ag
AgNO3/carboxymethylated chitosan (a biocompatible nanoparticles, living organisms are used by replacing
chitosan derivative and water soluble served as the reducing agents or the stabilizer. The stabilizing or
reducing agent) with UV light irradiation. It acts as reducing compounds are used by yeast, bacteria,
reducing and stabilizing agent for Ag nanoparticles plants, fungus and algae (Sintubin, Verstraete, &
synthesis (Huang et al., 2008). Boon, 2012).
The main advantages of this method are: a) it has
a high spatial resolution and clean process. b) great
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Fig. 9 Different shapes of Ag nanoparticles synthesized by biological method using Bacillus species. a) spherical b)
mixed shapes (octagonal, rod, hexagonal, and icosahedral) c) highly branched shape d) flower shape(Shah et al.,
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
By using plasmonic sensors, we can detect The colorimetric detection now overcomes the above
different biomolecular analytes. There properties restrictions. The dopamine possesses amine groups get
actively participate with surface enhanced resonance attached with ascorbic acid based Ag nanoparticles or
to observe large intensities. Ag nanoparticles have hot gold and the hydrogen bonding b/w the adjacent
spots regions such as gaps and junctions that enhanced dopamine. It causes the aggregation of Ag and Au
signal by Raman signals of analyte of interest that nanoparticles. The solution color changes from red to
helps to detect enough single-molecule (Potara, Baia, blue or orange to red (Snozzi, Koster, Bartram,
Farcau, & Astilean, 2012). “Raman Scattering” with Ronchi, & Fewtrell, 2013). Recently we used different
Ag nanoparticles makes a highly sensitive tool to colorimetric nanoprobes and assays e.g., paper based,
detect trace molecules. Ag nanoparticles have proved quantum dots based, magnetic bead based, and
its role in Raman scattering as it is more accepted photochemical immune assays etc (Sharma, Dhillon,
SERS active substrate (Nie & Emory, 1997). & Kumar, 2018). The colorimetric detection of
Antimicrobial properties of Ag nanoparticles dopamine was reported using Ag or gold nanoparticles
Ag has a wide range antimicrobial activity or Ag-Au NPs. The color changed due to dispersion
against fungi, protozoa, and certain viruses, gram and aggregation of nanoparticles. The method used for
positive and gram negative bacteria etc(Nair & the detection of dopamine was spectrometry. It is
Laurencin, 2007). Understanding the antibacterial simple, selective and less sensitive (Iswarya, Daniel,
mechanism, it is possible to design the nanoparticles to & Sivakumar, 2017).
achieve the synthetic effects with biomolecules. The
release of reactive oxygen species by Ag nanoparticles
is involved the mechanism of cellular toxicity. Their
Antibacterial properties are related with a) slow
oxidation, and b) liberation of Ag+ ions and acts as
biocidal agent to the environment (Nel et al., 2009).
The small size of Ag nanoparticles helps to pierce into
the bacterial cell membranes. It changes the
intracellular environment inside of cell membrane, and
provides maximum contact due to large surface area
with the environment to the developed surface of these
particles (Nel et al., 2009). Ag nanoparticles damage
the membrane due to contact into the bacterial cell
membrane, in the end the death of the bacteria
(Vigneshwaran, Kathe, Varadarajan, Nachane, &
Balasubramanya, 2006). Fig. 11 Different methods of pathogen detection
Detection Methods (Bevan, 1999).
Conventional methods
Conventional techniques have been used for Most Probable Number Method
decades for the detection and identification of The most probable number method is an
microbes. For a particular time period and at a specific important method for the estimation of microbes
temperature, microbes grow on specific culture media. present in soil, foods, and agricultural products and in
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
water. The exact cell number of an organism is not equilibrium time. The change in colour of β−CD silver
possible to determine. To estimate the population of nanoparticles in the suitable amount of Amino acids
organism, the most probable method is feasible where present is visualized by naked eyes. However,
heterotrophic counts are difficult. It does not depend Cysteine is a universal genetic code and is an
on quantitative estimation of individual cells. This important amongst 20 amino acids. Other amino acids
method is used only to count the microbial population are investigated by using this method and same
size. It takes 24 to 48 hours and this method is experiments are performed at least “3” times to get
uninteresting method (Baptista et al., 2008). authenticate precision value at 25oC. Usually, Ag
Membrane Filtration Method nanoparticles are used as chemo-biosensors that
This method is used to test large volumes of monitor the shifting and changes in “SPR” band.
samples and it yields rapid results than most probable Colorimetric detection principle of Ag Nanoparticles
method and is useful method in monitoring drinking is showed in Fig 21 (Rameshkumar, Viswanathan, &
water. The coliform group consists of all aerobic and Ramaraj, 2014).
facultative anaerobic, rod shaped bacteria; gram Colorimetric Detection of Dopamine by Using
negative bacteria produce a red colony with a metallic Reduced Graphene Ag Nanoparticles
shine. It may develop some new nucleated colonies A colorimetric probe based on Ag nanoparticles
with dark red color without a metallic sheen. A has been attracted due to their distinctive Surface
positive β- galactosidase and negative cytochrome Plasmon Resonance properties, simplicity, and unique
oxidase reaction takes place by these coliform sensitivity as well as cost effectiveness. Ag
bacteria. When there was present no membrane filter nanoparticles have some disadvantages because of low
technique for verification of typical coliform colonies, reproducibility and insufficient stability that originates
hence the similar tests were conducted with multiple- from nanoparticles aggregation. However, Graphene is
tube fermentation technique to express applicability used to solve this problem and it is used to prepare Ag
(Boyer, Tamarat, Maali, Lounis, & Orrit, 2002). nanoparticles (Golsheikh, Huang, Lim, & Zakaria,
The nanoparticles interact with biomolecules in a 2014). “Graphene Nanosheets” have strong Van der
control way, so they have significant applications in Waals and large surface area and interactions with
biology field such as a) biological imaging b) silver nanoparticles that help to decrease
biosensing and c) hyperthermia treatment. This agglomeration. In addition, interfacial interactions
process is compatible and favorable with the increase the reproducibility and stability of Ag
environment and the valid biological systems. A nanoparticles (Basiri, Mehdinia, & Jabbari, 2018). So
variety of approaches are accessible which facilitate graphene oxide is decorated with pre synthesized Ag
the formation, modification, and the organization of nanoparticles and this technique is very complex
Ag Nanoparticles. Some methods are attributed by Ag involve several steps. DA is prepared in PBS and 500
Nanoparticles onto glassy surface, incorporating μL of different concentration (10mM, pH=7) mix with
bivalent linker compounds, biomolecule as linker (250 μL of rGO/Ag nanoparticles) and (1750 μL of
molecules, and the participation of nanoparticles on PBS) buffer solution (10mM, pH=7) and incubated for
prepared surfaces (Sperling & Parak, 2010). 15 minutes. After some time the colour change is
Colorimetric detection of various biomolecule examined by bare eye. The mixture is taken into
Colorimetric and Optical Detection of Cysteine “Quartz cuvette” for UV-visible recordings. Silver
(Cys) nanoparticles get prepared by mixing Graphene oxide
The colorimetric and optical detection has been with Ag salts through chemical reduction method. In
extensively used for the detection of biological and advance studies, Ag nanoparticles are combined with
many hazardous molecules (Rajamanikandan & graphene is synthesized by reduction of silver ions
Ilanchelian, 2017). Cysteine is an important amino onto the graphene oxide surface (Khodaveisi, Shabani,
acid and is detected with optical spectral probe; an Dadfarnia, Moghadam, & Hormozi-Nezhad, 2016).
exact amount of cysteine solution is mixed with β-CD Antifungal Activity of AgNPs
silver nanoparticles by addition of aliquot amount in Fungal infections are very tedious to patients
standard flask at specific temperature. Colloidal β−CD who are immune suppressed. There are present a
silver nanoparticles mixed in cysteine solution with number of drugs against fungal disease, so these
constant stirring and allowed to rest almost 10 minutes should be biocompatible, eco-friendly and non toxic in
and the absorption spectra is recorded that ranges from order to develop urgent antifungal agents. Ag
200 to 800 nm. Cysteine can be visualized with naked nanoparticles have an important role against antifungal
eye and the fine Amino acid amount mixed in β−CD diseases. An inert matrix of Ag nanoparticles with
silver nanoparticles with colloidal dispersion and average size of 20nm into soda-lime glass that shows
shakes well, allowed for 10 minutes at constant enhanced biocidal activities (K.-J. Kim et al., 2008).
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
Fig. 13 Covalent and non-covalent approaches for surface modification of Ag nanoparticles(Ravindran, Chandran,
& Khan, 2013).
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Proteins and antibodies are coated with specific amounts of proteins formerly.
Ag nanoparticles are very specific and efficient Ag nanoparticles are bonded through ester, amide,
for nanoparticle based delivery systems. Proteins are disulfide which are covalently linked to thiol, amines,
made of amino acids that are linked together with carboxylic acid surface. This method is mostly used
amide bond and furthermore proteins with special for coating of Ag nanoparticles to immune globins and
classes comprise of enzymes and antibodies (Di Marco serum albumins in which cysteine residues get reached
et al., 2010). Enzymes are specific as for metabolism for heterogeneous interphase coupling (Selvakannan et
and catalysis the “Biochemical reactions”. Proteins are al., 2003).
conjugated with nanoparticles has great applications in For recognition of biomolecule, antibodies are
ⅰ) sensing ⅱ) delivery ⅲ) imaging activity and ⅳ) commonly used for plasmonic nanoparticles
catalysis. Several approaches are available for protein- modification, but some limitations are existed here
nanoparticles interactions. For example in non-specific like expensiveness, difference in quality of various
adsorption mechanism, nanoparticles are incubated batches, and instability. Now over the years, a series
with proteins that are adsorbed on the surface of of biomolecule are recognized, e.g., bacteriophage,
nanoparticles due to electrostatic attractions that are vancomycin (Cheng et al., 2015), aptamers (Bayraç,
provided by oppositely charged partner molecule. Eyidoğan, & Öktem, 2017), and lectin used to detect
Other cases are studied, like these are connected bacteria because of their great stability (Mikaelyan,
through a) Hydrogen Bridge, b) Ag-thiol bonds, c) Poghosyan, Hendrickson, Dzantiev, & Gasparyan,
van der Waals forces or d) by hydrophobic 2017).
interactions, e.g., when iso electric point of DNA Based Nanoparticle Systems
nanoparticle or proteins is related to pH then reduction Nucleotide and DNA interactions with Ag
in electrostatic repulsions is examined. nanoparticles have an exhaustive field of study. DNA
Sastry et al. used amino acid cysteine to change is a specific molecule and is responsible for the
the surface properties of nanoparticles by the construction of genetic material in nanosciences. DNA
development of “H2O dispersible Nanoparticles” has enormous specificity and simplicity, so bonding is
(Selvakannan, Mandal, Phadtare, Pasricha, & Sastry, specific b/w adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine
2003). They observed that Amino Acid capped that programming in a convenient way of artificial
nanoparticles can be bonded by ‘H’ bonding b/w DNA receptors. DNA used as building block of
carboxylic acid and amino functional groups. The artificial structures and their sequences are synthesized
attachments of nanoparticles with biomolecule by and amplified from “Microscopic to macroscopic”
covalent and non-covalent linking mechanism are quantities by programmed methods which enhanced
shown in Fig. 25. their command as a molecular tool (L. Sun et al.,
In physisorption, ligands get adsorbed through 2006).
non-covalent interactions to the surface of
nanoparticles, including H-bonding, electrostatic
interactions, and hydrophobic interactions etc. Another
process that used is steric stabilization process that
helps in binding capping agents through non-bonding
interactions such as surfactants, polymers to
nanoparticles surface. In such type of interactions
biomolecule get linked directly with Ag nanoparticles
by “Exchange reactions” with the help of binding
agents. The process of agglomeration is inhibited by
steric repulsion so it kept the nanoparticles dispersion
intact (Ravindran et al., 2013).
Flocculation assay is adopted to find out the
optimal coupling ratio, so addition of electrolytes to
Ag Nanoparticles produce a shield of “Repulsive
double layer” that is responsible for the flocculation.
Steric repulsions prevent flocculation of nanoparticles
while adsorption stabilize proteins on the Ag Fig. 14 Conjugate DNA–silver nanoparticle
nanoparticles surface (Shenton, Davis, & Mann, (Ravindran et al., 2013).
In order to determine amount of stabilizers that DNA has great rigid property due to double
avoid flocculation, so increase the concentration of helical structure and due to highly physiochemical
electrolytes when Ag nanoparticles prepared. These stability, so it is most suitable for the modification of
Biomedicine and Nursing 2019;5(4) BNJ
nanoparticles surfaces. It acts as a counter ion and it as potential biofactory of Ag nanoparticles synthesis
interacts with metal ion through non covalent bond to or the other metal ions. For example in the absence of
equalize the (-ive charge of Phosphate) backbone. MPBA and Ag nanoparticles S-layer bacteria produce
Other interactions like covalent bonds may occur gypsum or CaCO3, and Magnetotactic bacteria
through special binding sites of DNA like sugars, construct magnetic nanoparticles (Aryal, KC,
nucleobases, or phosphates. DNA based studies, a Bhattarai, Kim, & Kim, 2006).
researcher Eichorn proposed that silver ions (Ag+) The following mechanism shows the adsorption
strongly bound with nucleobases rather than of biomolecule on the surface of nanoparticles at
Phosphates. By using analytical techniques, like SEM, different pH which actually influence zeta potential.
TEM, CD, fluorometry and UV-spectroscopy, Ag+ Adsorption process is preferential at low pH while
ions interactions mechanism with DNA were studied nanoparticle possesses a net positive charge. Other
(Marcelis & Reedijk, 1983). studies revealed that “Aeromonas punctata” acts as a
Bacterial and fungal surface layers (capping agent) that helps to stabilize of the
The colorimetric detection of various nanoparticles and produces exo polysaccharides
microorganisms like bacteria is based on inhibition of (Ravindran, Mani, Chandrasekaran, & Mukherjee,
aggregation of Ag nanoparticles and MPBA. A well 2011).
dispersed solution of MPBA and Ag nanoparticles was Exo polysaccharides Capped Nanoparticles’
set off to aggregation in the absence of bacteria so the shows less toxicity to a) “Staphylococcus aureus”, b)
color was changed from yellow to brown by adding “Micrococcus luteus”, and c) E. coli as compared to
excess MPBA. MPBA linked with Ag nanoparticles uncapped ones. It suggests that capped nanoparticles
through a planer six membered boroxine ring within produced by bacteria produce EPS that has a strong
the MPBA molecule. In such process, boronic acid physiological defense mechanism (Ravindran et al.,
group get dehydrated and condensed by itself (Zhou et 2013; Sudheer Khan, Bharath Kumar, Mukherjee, &
al., 2014). Chandrasekaran, 2011).
Bacteria produce inorganic substances through
intracellularly or extracellularly as they are considered
Fig. 15 Effect of zeta potential by adsorption of biomolecule on Ag Nanoparticles at various pH (Ravindran et al.,
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Bacterial tolerance to silver nanoparticles