Press Release: Contact: Dr. Maya Götz, Head, Tel.: +49 - 89 - 5900 42264, WWW -, E-Mail: Maya - Goetz@brnet - de
Press Release: Contact: Dr. Maya Götz, Head, Tel.: +49 - 89 - 5900 42264, WWW -, E-Mail: Maya - Goetz@brnet - de
Press Release: Contact: Dr. Maya Götz, Head, Tel.: +49 - 89 - 5900 42264, WWW -, E-Mail: Maya - Goetz@brnet - de
3 April 2014
50 For the Ages: PRIX JEUNESSE INTERNATIONAL Announces Finalists or !est "hil#ren$s T% Progra&&es o the last 50 'ears
The most outstanding, influential and daring childrens and youth TV programs will be honored at the 0th anni!ersary of "#$% &'()'**' $)T'#)AT$+)A,, the worlds oldest and most prestigious childrens tele!ision competition- The nominees include 2 fiction and 2 non.fiction TV shows, considered the best e!er to win this highly sought.after pri/eThe (nited 0ingdom tops the countries with the most nominees with 11 finalists, followed by 2ermany with 1 , and The )etherlands with 13Among the most prominent finalists is the iconic and long.running 3*esame *treet4 from the (nited *tates, which won at "#$% &'()'**' $)T'#)AT$+)A, in 1510, starting its success story around the globe- The legendary American series 3#eading #ainbow,4 which inspired 6ids to disco!er the 7oy of reading, is also nominated, ha!ing won in 1552 with its episode 3The ,egend of the $ndian "aintbrush-4 *ome programmes ha!e multiple episodes represented in the 0 finalists8 2ermanys longest running childrens TV series, 3The *how with the 9ouse,4 and the highly successful "olish drama series 3The 9agic Tree-4 They will compete against recent stand.outs li6e :;<=2ermanys 3The ,ittle >oy and the >east4 ?the highest.rated winner at "#$% &'()'**' 2010@, 3The 2ruffalo4 from the (0 ?also 2010@, and A>>As brilliant s6etch series 3Borrible Bistories-4 100 international childrens TV eCperts will ser!e as final.round 7udges, re!iewing and !oting on the 0 nominated shows- The 3>est of the >est4 will be un!eiled at the "#$% &'()'**' $)T'#)AT$+)A, 2014 pri/ gala on &une 4th, in 9unich, 2ermany"#$% &'()'**' $)T'#)AT$+)A, is the worlds most prestigious childrens and youth TV festi!al- The bi.annual festi!al attracts 00 eCecuti!es, producers, writers, researchers, educators and child de!elopment eCperts from around 10 countries- They spend a wee6 together watching and discussing outstanding children TV shows, then !oting to determine which will go home with the co!eted awards-
Aontact8 ;r- 9aya 2Dt/, Bead, "#$% &'()'**' <oundation and $nternational Aentral $nstitute for Eouth and 'ducational Tele!ision ?$:$@ Tel-8 F45 G H5 . 500 422I4, www-i/i-de, '.9ail8 9aya-2oet/Jbrnet-de
0irsten *chneid, <esti!al Aoordinator, "#$% &'()'**', Tel8 F45 . H5 . 500 420 H, '. 9ail8 6irsten-schneidJpriC7eunesse-de <or photo reKuests please contact 0irsten *chneid, "#$% &'()'**'For &ore in or&ation on the esti(al )lease go to ***+)ri,-eunesse+#e
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