The Just Shall Live by Faith
The Just Shall Live by Faith
The Just Shall Live by Faith
(Romans 1: 16-17]
I. The Gospel Reveals the Righteousness which Comes from God on the
Basis of Faith.
A. It Reveals that Salvation Is Not Only by Grace, As the
Church Thought in Luther’s Day, It Is Also by Faith Alone in
order that It Might Be by Grace Alone.
1. The Church in the Middle Ages had lost sight of
salvation by faith alone.
a. They believed that i t was by grace, but not by grace
through f ai th alone.
(il They did not believe that a man might work his
way to heaven unassisted by God.
(iil This was the Pelagian view which all the church
(iiil Rather, they believed that God had provided
3. Last 1y, do you realize that you are saved by faith and
only stand by faith?
a. Are you convinced that you could do nothing and in
fact did nothing to contribute to your salvation?
b. Do you know that there is nothing that you can do to
retain your salvation, and that it is purely an act
of God’s grace?