The Just Shall Live by Faith

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”The Just Shall Live By Faith’’

(Romans 1: 16-17]

Introduction: Faith is central to the Biblical religion. Faith is

that indispensable element which must be there before a man may be
just in the sight of God. Faith is not a work whereby a man might
be saved, rather it is an act of looking away from self and all of
your own righteousness and looking to Christ and His righteousness
in order to be justified by God. Faith is reckoned as righteousness
to the one who has it, not because faith is meritorious, but because
by that faith a greater righteousness is imputed to your account.
It is a righteousness which is outside of you; it is not your’s
but another’s.
Martin Luther was an Augustinian monk who became a professor at
the university of Wittenburg and was charged by his superiors to
teach and to preach the Bible. He was one who wrestled with how a
man might be just before God. The prevalent view in the church at
that time was that a man received grace through the sacraments, and
when he had sufficient grace, and cooperated sufficiently with that
grace to become righteous, God would pronounce him what he in
fact was, just. Luther, recognizing the fact that his works of
cooperation would never be enough was terrified by the righteousness
of God, for it was that righteousness which would condemn him on the
last day. He sensed in the depths of his soul that his own works
were inadequate and that he could never do sufficient penance to
satisfy for his sins.
But Luther had an evangelical breakthrough by the grace of God.
While meditating on the awful truth of God’s righteousness,
he understood for the first time that a man could never be righteous
by himself in the sight of a holy God. He needed a greater
righteousness, a righteousness which could withstand the
scrutinizing judgment of the most righteous God. He needed the
righteousness of Christ. And what I want you to see in this text
this morning, that Luther realized nearly five hundred years ago, is

The Gospel reveals the perfect righteousness of Christ which

is imputed to your account by faith alone, and because of this
you ought never to be ashamed of it.

I. The Gospel Reveals the Righteousness which Comes from God on the
Basis of Faith.
A. It Reveals that Salvation Is Not Only by Grace, As the
Church Thought in Luther’s Day, It Is Also by Faith Alone in
order that It Might Be by Grace Alone.
1. The Church in the Middle Ages had lost sight of
salvation by faith alone.
a. They believed that i t was by grace, but not by grace
through f ai th alone.
(il They did not believe that a man might work his
way to heaven unassisted by God.
(iil This was the Pelagian view which all the church
(iiil Rather, they believed that God had provided

grace to assist man to do what he could not do

for himself.
(ivl God gave His Son to merit this grace.
(Vl They believed it also came from the excess
merits of the saints who had more than enough
to make it to heaven.
(vi1 This grace was said to reside in the treasury
of merits in heaven and was dispensed through
the sacraments.
(viil A man receiving this grace, could cooperate
with it and by his cooperation merit grace of
his own.
(viiil When once his vessel was full of grace, he
would be declared just before God because he
would in fact, be just.
(ixl However, a man might lose some of his grace
through venial sins, or all of his grace
through mortal sins. LIKE A BATHTUB.
But he never knew how much grace he had, and he
didn’t want to know, because to believe that
you were ’just’ only led to loose living.
(xi1 But a man could not be saved except by the
grace of God through the sacraments.

b. Luther tried to relieve his conscience of the guilt

of sin as best he could through what the church had
to offer, but found that i t was woefully inadequate.
(il Luther’s father wanted him to become a lawyer.
(iil And so Luther went to law school. But when he
was returning to talk to his father about his
spiritual state, he was caught in a thunder
(iiil Being frightened by the storm, and being nearly
struck by lightening, Luther made a vow to his
father’s patron saint, ”St. Anne! I will
become a monk!’’
(ivl Luther really wanted to join the monastery
anyway, but now his father had to honor that
vow and allow Luther to enter the Augustinian
order of monks.
(vl Luther didn’t choose a cozy order to join but
one that was the most austere.
(vil He made use of the sacraments, made lengthy
repentance in the confessional, beat his back until
it bled, but could not be free from the sense that
God condemned him and that his works would never be
adequate to pass the judgment of God.

2. But Luther discovered the foundational Biblical truth that

God’s salvation is by grace alone through faith alone.
a. The idea of God’s righteousness terrified Luther.
(il Luther understood the ”righteousness of God” as
that which God requires.
(iil He knew that his personal righteousness would
never reach such a lofty mark and so stood
condemned each time he thought of it.

b. Until he realized that the righteousness referred to

was not God’s fearful righteousness in judgment that
would condemn him on the last day, but the
righteousness he freely gives the ungodly through
faith in Christ.
(il Luther’s ”evangelical breakthrough” occurred in
1518 nearly a year after the posting of the 95
Many think that Luther was converted prior
to his posting of the Theses.
Actually, in his Theses, he was in favor
of indulgences. He was only seeking to
curtail the abuse of them, such as that
which Tetzel, a seller of indulgences, was
The Theses were in fact still a Roman
Catholic document.
Luther posted the Theses on the church
door at Wittenburg, not to defy the
Church, but rather that was the practice
of the day to call for a scholarly debate
on the subject. The church door was the
town bulletin board.
The Theses were written in Latin, so that
only scholars could read them.
But, unknown to Luther, some of his
friends read them, realized how explosive
they were, and translated them into the
language of the people.
This suddenly made Luther a very public
person, and was a very important step
in the direction of reform.

(iil Actually, it was when he was in the Black

Tower, ”down in the dumps”, or in a pit of
depression, that the light of the Gospel broke
into his mind and filled his heart.
(iiil He then realized that the righteousness of God
is not that which He requires of man, but that
which he freely gives through the Gospel.

B. It Is the Power of God Unto Salvation to All Who Believe.

1. It is not on the basis of works which you have done.
a. Salvation could never be on the basis of works.
(il Man is completely dead to the things of God; he
was altogether born dead in sin.
(ivl But righteousness could not come through the
law, for no man coming into the world has the

power to keep it.

ALL” (James 2:101.
(vil And if a man cannot save himself by the works
of the law, it is certain that his lawless
works cannot save him either.

b. Neither could i t be on the basis of works of

cooperation with the grace of God. (Show Arminian
and Roman views here).
(il Not only can you not save yourself by your
works, you cannot by any work of cooperation
with the grace of God save yourself either.
(iil You cannot do anything which is meritorious in
the sight of God; YOU DO NOT HAVE THE POWER.
PROFITS NOTHING” (John 6:6 3 ) .
(ivl Even after you come to Christ and are saved by
His grace, you still cannot do anything
meritorious in His sight.
(vl The Law requires absolutely perfect obedience.
And you never could, nor can you now, perform
works in any way to satisfy its requirements.
(vil Salvation could never have the works of man in
its foundation.

2. Rather, i t is founded upon the perfect righteousness of

Christ alone, received by grace alone through faith alone.
a. Christ’s work is perfect and complete.
(il Christ kept the law of God perfectly.
(iil Christ made a perfect atonement for the sins of
His people.
(iiil He finished His work of redemption; it is

b. It does not need to be supplemented by anything,

especially not our sinful works.
(il Can you by cooperating with the grace of Christ
improve on that which is perfect and complete?
(iil Can you by any kind of works, come to Christ or
keep yourself in the grace of Christ?
(iiil You cannot do anything to contribute to your
IS NO LONGER GRACE” (Rom. 11: 6 ) .

c. Rather, i t is given as a gift to whosoever will come

to Christ in faith and repentance.
(il Salvation is a free gift of God’s grace and can
in no way be earned by either you or me.
(iil There is no work which you can perform to merit
the grace of God, and there is nothing that you
can do having been saved by it to keep yourself
in that grace.

(iiil God says through the apostle Paul, ”BELIEVE IN

YOUR HOUSEHOLD” (Acts 16 : 31 1 .
(ivl Faith is that which looks away from self to
Christ alone for salvation.
(vl It rests in Christ solely for that perfect
righteousness which alone can withstand the
judgment of God.
(vil Salvation is from first to last by faith, and
there is nothing that we could ever do to
supplement it .

(viil You are saved by faith in Christ, and you will

continue in the grace of God by that same means.
(viiil God alone is able to impart that righteousness to
you through faith alone.

11. Therefore, You Ought Not t o Be Embarrassed by the Gospel

Because I t Was the Means By Which You Were Saved and the Only
Means o f Salvation Which God Has Ever Given.
A . Luther Could Have Been Intimidated by the Church.
1 . The Church lashed out against Luther.
a. Luther’s books and tracts h i t a t the core o f Rome’s
doctrinal problems.
(il He blasted the seven sacraments of Rome in his
work entitled On the Babylonian Captivity o f
the Church. ”
(iil He struck out against the church’s view of
justification in his work On the Freedom o f the
Christian. ”
(iiil Luther was not afraid to speak the truth and to
teach it vigorously, after all he had taken a
vow when he was appointed as a professor at the
university of Wittenburg in which he promised to
defend and to teach the Scriptures.

b. A s a result o f h i s boldness t o teach the truth, they

invited him t o several debates, the turning point o f
which was a t the Diet o f Worms.
(il He debated Johann Eck, a Doctor of the church,
at Leipzig in 1519.
(a1 Eck was more knowledgeable of the church
fathers than Luther, which forced him
continually to appeal to Scripture.
(bl Luther was finally compelled to say that
only the Scriptures, not the fathers, are
(cl Whereas Eck then used this against Luther
to portray him as another John Hus.

(iil But the final step for Luther occurred at the

Diet of Worms in 1521.
(a) Luther by this time was notorious and many
wanted to take him to Rome for trial.

(bl It was only because of God’s providential

dealing that Frederick, the Elector of
Saxony, was able to get him a trial on
German soil.
(cl Luther was promised safe conduct to and from
the Diet.
(dl The Emperor, the princes, the chancellor and
theologians of the church were all present.
(el The chancellor pointed to Luther’s works,
asked if these were his, and if he would
recant of his errors.

2. But Luther wanted an opportunity to defend his writings.

a. He had hoped for an opportunity of defending his
books and writings before the Church.
(il When the chancellor asked him the question,
Luther tried to open up a discussion.
(a) The theologians had warned the emperor
that he ought not to let Luther speak
because of his craftiness.
(bl And so they did not let him speak but kept
asking him if he would recant of his errors.

(iil Luther said, ”Which errors? There are many

things which are written in my books, some
things undisputed truth. I cannot recant of
those.” He was hoping they would name them so
that he would be able to defend his position.
(iiil They told him, ”You are a doctor of the church.
You know very well the errors we are referring

c. But when his hopes were dashed, he was finally given

twenty-four hours to think over their mandate to him
to recant of his writings.
(il Luther wrestled with this because he
practically stood alone against the church.
(iil He thought to himself, ”Non sum solus sapiens?”,
that is, ”Am I alone wise?”
(iiil If Luther would have recanted at this point,
yielding to the pressure, he would have utterly
failed God.

B. But Luther Encouraged Himself in the Scriptures and the Lord

Used Him Mightily.
1 . Luther stood his ground at the Diet of Worms and was
shortly thereafter declared an outlaw.
a. At the Diet, Luther uttered his famous words when his
time had expired, ”My conscience is bound by the Word
of God and to go against Scripture or conscience is
neither right nor safe! Here I stand! I can do no
other! God help me. Amen.”
b. After Luther left the Diet, the Diet declared him to
be an outlaw.
(il He had been given the promise of safe conduct
both to and from the Diet.

(iil The doctors of the Church urged Prince Charles

to have him arrested, for a promise of safe
conduct to a heretic was not binding.
(iiil Nevertheless, Charles honored his promise, but
declared that the man Martin Luther was an
(ivl And to be an outlaw meant that anyone finding
him along the way could legally kill him and
take all of his possessions.

2. But he was rescued by Frederick the Wise and allowed to

continue to write and translate in the Castle of Wartburg.
a. Frederick the Wise had wisely left the Diet before
Luther was declared to be a heretic.
(il It looked to him as though Luther was going to
be condemned, so he left the Diet early so that
he wouldn’t hear the verdict.

(iil And afterwards, if anyone asked him, he could

honestly say that he was at the Diet, but he
didn’t hear Luther declared an outlaw.

b. Then he had some of his soldiers kidnap Luther from

the road and take him to one of his castles.
(il He didn’t want his soldiers to tell him which
one so that if anyone asked him where Luther
was, he could honestly say that he didn’t know.
(iil He wasn’t called Frederick the Wise for

c. There, Luther continued to write books and to

translate the Bible into the language of the people.

3. A s a result, the Reformation spread and was

a. Luther was the impetus behind the Reformation when
it started and afterwards.
(il He thought that the Reformation could get along
without him.
(iil But his colleague Melanchthon did not have the
fortitude to continue it alone.
(iiil So Luther returned from the castle to Wittenburg to
oversee the progress of the reforms.

b. But if he had not remained faithful to God and to

His Word, God would have had to find someone else.
(il Luther did not let the devil intimidate him.
(iil He did not let the corruption in the church or
the powers of the government dissuade him from
pursuing the truth.
(iiil Rather, he feared God and the Lord used him
mightily in His kingdom.
(ivl However, if Luther had not obeyed God, the Lord
would have called someone else who would have

C. You Ought Not to Let Satan Intimidate You Either.

1 . Do you realize as well that the Gospel is the only means
which God has ordained that men might be saved?
a. Are you holding out that there might be some other
hope for people who reject the Gospel or who have
never heard it?
b. Do you believe the Word of God which says that this
is the only way that a man might be saved?
c. There is no system of works by which one might be
just before God.
d. God has chosen the foolishness of the preaching of
the Gospel to save His people.
e. The righteousness which God provides is revealed
only in the Gospel. Whatever other scheme has been
devised by man will only lead to destruction.

2. Are you ashamed of the Gospel?

a. If you believe the Gospel to be the only way of
salvation which the Lord has provided, what are you
doing about it?
b. Do you rejoice in every opportunity that the Lord
gives you to bear witness of it? Or do you shrink
away from it in fear of being ridiculed by others?
c. If Luther had been ashamed of the Gospel, there
would not have been a Reformation of the church,
humanly speaking.
d. The Lord has called you by His grace and commands
you to bear His good news. Are you willing to give
your life to this?
e. If you answered yes to this, then what have you done
recently about it?
(il God has had immeasurable mercy upon you.
(iil He has called you apart as His servants.
(iiil Even you children can tell others about the
good news of Jesus.
(ivl Don’t assume that just because your friends go
to a Christian school or have Christian parents
that they know Jesus and love Him.
(Vl The Lord wants to use those of you who love Him
to tell others about Him.
(vi1 He calls all of us to bear witness to that
wonderful news.
(viil But if you will not fulfill the wonderful
privilege of serving the Lord in this work, He
will find others who will obey Him.
(viiil God calls you to be faithful to bear witness to
His Gospel.

3. Last 1y, do you realize that you are saved by faith and
only stand by faith?
a. Are you convinced that you could do nothing and in
fact did nothing to contribute to your salvation?
b. Do you know that there is nothing that you can do to
retain your salvation, and that it is purely an act
of God’s grace?

c. Your works added nothing to God’s work of

redemption, it was purely by grace through faith.
d. Even faith itself is the gift of His grace in Christ
and cannot be merited by you in any way.
e. And now that having come to Christ in faith, you
cannot then keep yourself in the grace of God by your
works. It is from first to last by faith, from faith
unto faith.
f. Do you want to be assured of the grace of God in
your life? Walk daily with Him in faith toward the
Lord Jesus Christ and repentance toward your sin. A s
long as you do you can be assured of His good will
towards you.
g. But if you should turn back, remember, there are no
promises of salvation for unbelief, only the certainty
of judgment!
g. Continue in the grace of God, and praise Him daily
for His mercies, especially as you consider today
God’s Reformation of the Church when He returned to
His people the purity of the Gospel. Amen.

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