Kingdom Kings and Priests

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#263 Kingdom: Kings And Priests

Since the priesthood after the order of Aaron was only a temporary priesthood that was
established at Mt. Sinai because Israel wouldn’t come up the Mountain into God’s Presence, hear
His voice, keep His covenant and obey, it was done away with. It was sufficient for the Old
Covenant but certainly couldn’t bring anyone to perfection. Neither could the Law or the
sacrifices or the blood of bulls and goats perfect anyone. Therefore, both the law, with its
sacrifices, and the priesthood were brought to a conclusion. With the introduction of the New
Covenant, God has introduced a completely new system, that includes His eternal priesthood after
the order of Melchizedek., that is now able to bring us to perfection.

The ONLY priesthood that exists today is after the order of Melchizedek. Therefore, it is this
priesthood that is NOW able to bring us to perfection. But what about the Law of God? Has it
been done away with? Not for those who are still under the Law. They will still be judged by the
Law. However, the Law of Moses was a temporary law that was imposed until a time of

Heb 9: 8] The Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the holy place has not yet been
disclosed, while the outer tabernacle is still standing, [9] which is a symbol for the present time.
Accordingly both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshiper perfect in
conscience, [10] since they relate only to food and drink and various washings, regulations for the
body imposed until a time of reformation.

This “time of reformation” has arrived 2000 years ago. Heb 9:11 But when Christ appeared as a
high priest of the good things to come, He entered through the greater and more perfect
tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this creation; [12] and not through the
blood of goats and calves, but through His own blood, He entered the holy place once for all,
having obtained eternal redemption. This “redemption” supersedes the Law and replaces it.

When Christ entered into the Most Holy Place in heaven He passed through the Tabernacle of
God [the true one in heaven] and took His seat at the right hand of God. He was now the High
Priest of a whole new dimension and order of priesthood. He was also our High Priest that was
taken from among men but is now a member of the New Covenant the priesthood after the order
of Melchizedek. This priesthood also includes redeemed men who have been prepared as priests.

Under the old system the kings functioned as the political and ruling wing of government and the
priests after the order of Aaron functioned as the religious and spiritual wing of the government.
Under the New Covenant system the whole government is administrated by the dominion of a
king / priest network. Jesus Christ being the Chief Priest and head of this body of king / priests.

The motivating factor of this whole new system of priests is the power of this indestructible Life
of God, Himself! This restored priesthood of Melchizedek, that is taken from among redeemed
men, has never existed before in all of eternity past. Therefore, this priesthood is completely
unique. Every priest after the order of Melchizedek must possess this same Life because that is
the basis of priesthood. Their “unity” is a matter of Life and not doctrine or of meeting in one
place or by agreeing to a certain way of life!

It is for this reason that this series of preparations are absolutely necessary to prepare us to
minister out of this dimension and realm of Life. Every Outer Court experience is absolutely
necessary because God is developing a Kingdom of priests after the order of Melchizedek. The
“pure gold” of the furniture in the Sanctuary of God is His Life encapsulating the redeemed and
transformed humanity. [wood]. [This is not referring to fallen and corrupted humanity but
transformed humanity]

From another viewpoint the gold represents the garments of the priesthood or being clothed with
Christ. From another viewpoint we could say that Christ has become our “house from heaven” or
we have been encapsulated by Christ.

Since the Lampstand has no wood it demonstrates that the Lampstand Church only functions out
of the indestructible Life of Christ. Because this ministration of Life, the whole king / priest
network requires a tremendous amount of special, divine and eternal work that must be done in us
before we can “become” these unique pieces of furniture.

For example we saw that David, in the Tabernacle of David, (as a type) became the altar of
Incense AND the priest who offered the Incense. Since we just cannot comprehend this realm of
truth with the natural mind it is essential that the “mind be transformed” to perceive in this
spiritual dimension. This, then, is another aspect of the transformation that must take place as an
essential part of our preparations for this king / priest ministry. The Holy Place ministry is all
about “LIFE”[ZOE] and the ministry of the Spirit. The priesthood focuses upon our “being”
rather than our “doing.”

We may think of death as something future but death began in the Garden of Eden and has been
upon man ever since Genesis 1. Man must pass out of death and be filled with the divine Life from
above. Death is our great enemy that must be overcome by the impartation of His Life. My point
is this; Death cannot be permitted in the Holy Place LIFE and ministry and therefore, must be
overcome by the various preparations in the Outer Court. Doctrines are powerless to perform this
work. Therefore, God has designed a series of encounters with Him and His Life in order to
overcome death. Since the ministry of the “letter” brings death, we must be developed so we can
minister “the Spirit” that gives Life.

It is the Spirit of Life (the Life of Christ) in us and the Holy Spirit in us that is working all things
after the council of His will. The Father created all things through His Word and His Spirit in
the first creation and He is using the Word and the Spirit in this new creation. If we could just
understand that this new creation is being built from the inside, by the working of His power in
the inner man, it will give us confidence that He will complete the work in us for the day of

Even if some of this sounds too mystical it should be evident that this next restoration will require
a special and unique people that have totally surrendered every aspect of their life to God for His
work of “re-creation.” Whatever is held back from the fire will be left raw, imperfect and
defective. Whatever is from first Adam must be consumed in the fire of His Love if we are to
become part of the Last Adam and His ministry as our High Priest after the order of Melchizedek.
The two Adam’s cannot co-exist or be mixed and neither can two kinds of priesthood..

The final Outer Court death is seen in the Consecration Offering. The Holy Place Life and
ministry can only begin out of resurrection Life. Why is this essential? Because we must hold our
priesthood for eternity and not just for this lifetime. This priesthood must minister by the power of
an indestructible Life. Therefore, whatever is destructible must be consumed now in this time
period! Heb 12: 28] Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show
gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe;
[29] for our God is a consuming fire.

Since our God dwells in the everlasting burnings we must have all the combustible stuff removed
in this life. Isa 33: 4] Sinners in Zion are terrified; Trembling has seized the godless. “Who
among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with continual
burning?” The glory of God is like an eternal fire that a natural man cannot even see and then
live. Just to see the back side of God is so dangerous that He would have to shield us. Therefore,
if we try to save what is of this life we will forfeit what is of that Life. My theory is that all that is
natural and temporal must be consumed in this short time that has been allotted to us.

Rom 8:19-23 [New American Standard Revised] For the anxious longing of the creation waits
eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not
willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself also will be set
free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For
we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. 23
And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves
groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.

The Bible uses three main words to speak of the spiritual offspring of the Father. Since more and
more emphasis is being placed upon the “manifestation of the sons of God” we should look at
these different words. Some translations make little distinction between babies, children and sons.
(1) huios (2) teknon (3) teknion In Romans 8 the revealing of the sons of God uses huios.

Excerpts fromVines Dictionary;

“The Lord Jesus used huios in a very significant way, as in Matt 5:9, ‘Blessed are the
peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God,’ and vv. 44,45, ‘Love your enemies, and
pray for them that persecute you; that ye may be (become) sons of your Father which is in
heaven.’ The disciples were to do these things, not in order that they might become children of
God, but that, being children (note ‘your Father’ throughout), they might make the fact
manifest in their character, might ‘become sons.’ See also 2 Cor 6:17,18.

“As to moral characteristics, the following phrases are used: (a) sons of God, Matt 5:9,45; Luke
6:35; (b) sons of the light, Luke 16:8; John 12:36; (c) sons of the day, 1 Thess 5:5; (d) sons of
peace, Luke 10:6; (e) sons of this world, Luke 16:8; (f) sons of disobedience, Eph 2:2; (g) sons of
the evil one, Matt 13:38, cf. ‘of the Devil,’ Acts 13:10; (h) son of perdition, John 17:12; 2 Thess
2:3. It is also used to describe characteristics other than moral, as: (i) sons of the resurrection,
Luke 20:36; (j) sons of the Kingdom, Matt 8:12; 13:38; (k) sons of the bridechamber, Mark 2:19;
(1) sons of exhortation, Acts 4:36; (m) sons of thunder, Boanerges, Mark 3:17.”

From Notes on Galatians, by Hogg and Vine, pp. 167- 169, and on Thessalonians, pp. 158. 159.

Notes: (1) For the synonyms teknon and teknion see under CHILD.

The difference between believers as “children of God” and as “sons of God” is brought out
in Rom 8:14-21. The Spirit bears witness with their spirit that they are “children of God,” and,
as such, they are His heirs and joint-heirs with Christ. This stresses the fact of their spiritual
birth vv. 16,17. On the other hand, “as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of
God,” i. e., “these and no other.” Their conduct gives evidence of the dignity of their relationship
and their likeness to His character. (from Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words,

We are always trying to emphasize the difference between the “children of God” and the “sons of
God.” This points out the difference of maturity and character and the ability to be led by
the Spirit of God. This short excerpt from Vines Dictionary points out this difference. It is my
theory that it is the “sons of God” that are candidates for the king / priest ministry and the
“children of God” still require much preparation in their stage of development. Not that the “sons
of God” are fully developed but that their development is beyond the beginning stages. It is
probably the “sons of God” that will make the transition to the Holy Place. “Sons of God” is not
referring to gender but to development, maturity and spiritual Life.

Even as the “sons of Aaron”(sons of the high priest) were selected as the priests under the Law of
Moses so also the “sons of God” or the “sons of our High Priest” are set aside for the priesthood
after the order of Melchizedek.

Heb 5: 5] So also Christ did not glorify Himself so as to become a high priest, but He who said to
Him, “THOU ART MY SON, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN THEE”; [6] just as He says also

Jesus was the “son of God” and declared to be a priest forever according to the order of
Melchizedek. This priesthood seems to be limited to sonship, both in the type and in the reality.
For a more complete study on “sonship” see the study “Adoption of Sons” from the folder on

We probably should try to lay aside our preconceived ideas and traditions about “priesthood” and
“ministry” that is part of a fallen church system. We need to focus upon the next dimension of
Holy Place Life and ministry. This dimension of ministry will be radically different from the pulpit
and pew ministry that has been substituted for the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek. Part
of the frustration and boredom that is seen in the church is from this inherent desire for reality and
an inherent desire for spiritual growth. This lack has produced a certain distrust in the pulpit
ministry to bring us to perfection. We have inherited a “system of ministry” that has reached its
limit and is stumbling in its effort to raise up a church without spot or wrinkle. However, the
resistance to change among believers is diminishing in so many places now and the desire for
more light is growing.

We could say that this “birth into Zion” that we associate with the Consecration Offering is a
“birth into a government of change.” Psalms 87:1 His foundation is in the holy mountains. [2] The
LORD loves the gates of Zion More than all the other dwelling places of Jacob. [3] Glorious
things are spoken of you, O city of God. Selah. [4] “I shall mention Rahab and Babylon among
those who know Me; Behold, Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia:`This one was born there.’”

Psalms 87: 5] But of Zion it shall be said, “This one and that one were born in her”; And the
Most High Himself will establish her. [6] The LORD shall count when He registers the peoples,
“This one was born there.” Selah.

After David captured the stronghold of Zion he established the throne of his kingdom there. Then
he brought the Ark of the Covenant there and made Zion the center of worship (separate from the
Tabernacle of Moses that was at Shiloh). Zion was the center of government and of worship!
Zion was called the city of the feasts until Solomon’s Temple was built. Zion represented a radical
change in government and in worship! The sacrifices that were required for the priests to enter the
Holy Place were still offered at the Tabernacle of Moses. No sacrifices of that kind were offered
at the Tabernacle of David. This is prophetic and indicates that a time of great change was
coming. The Tabernacle of Moses represented the last move of God and the old order of things
while the radical change on Zion represented the cutting edge restoration movement at that time.
This system held until the Temple of Solomon was built..

There is a definite “new birth” that all the children of God must experience. There is another
definite “birth”as the sons of God. Hopefully there will be a continuous development in the “sons
of God” until there is a “manifestation of the sons of God.”All of creation is groaning and waiting
for that manifestation which Romans 8 says is the redemption of the body. At that time creation
will no longer be subject to corruption.

Our theory is that this is the final manifestation of the sons of God but that is not the ONLY
manifestation of the sons of God. Some of us have accepted the fact that there are “sons of God”
in every generation that have been led by the Spirit of God and manifested certain qualities of
Christ while in the body. If there are genuine “sons of God” in this generation then there should
be certain manifestations that reveal Christ. Still, the ministry of Christ on earth has not been fully
duplicated and greater works still elude us. The question remains if the manifestation of the sons
of God will fully restore the ministry of Christ to the earth. Different men of God are indicating
that they believe this ministry that “reveals” the sons of God is necessary to complete the
priesthood after the order of Melchizedek.

The arrival of the priesthood after the order of Melchizedek following Calvary signaled a reversal
of so many different things. The priesthood was changed from earthly to heavenly. The Law was
changed from outward to inward. The sacrifices were changed from many to one. The blood for
forgiveness of sins was changed from animal to Christ. Our vision and goals changed from Mt.
Sinai to Mt. Zion. Access to the Holy Place that was limited to very few in the type is now open
to all who will prepare themselves for the reality. The priesthood was changed from the sons of
men to the sons of God. Men taught men the law, the statutes and the ordinances. This was
changed to the life of the Word and the Spirit changing and teaching the inner man from within
the person. The focus of ministry is changed from outward manifestations by the gifts to the
manifestation of the sons of God demonstrating His Life. A change from just a concern for the
spiritual journey to a genuine concern for spiritual maturity FOR the journey.

There is a character and attitude of Korah, Dathan and Abrim, Miriam, Aaron, Moses, the
rebellious, the complainers and grumblers and the mixed multitude that had to be fatally dealt with
before Israel could enter into the promises of God. Many were physically removed from Israel but
the priesthood established at Mt. Sinai still could not perfect Israel. The carnality, unbelief and
disobedience in Israel witnessed to the inadequacy of the priesthood and the law and sacrifices to
bring the people to perfection.

These same characteristics must be removed from all those who expect to be participants in this
next restoration. The priesthood after the order of Melchizedek cannot accommodate these fallen
characteristics because it must function after the power of an indestructible Life. .

The promise that stands before us is that the restored priesthood, the better New Covenant, the
inner laws in our hearts and minds, the better sacrifice, the better blood that are now built on
better promises will bring us to perfection.

The enemies in Israel had to be defeated before the enemies in Canaan could be attacked,
driven out and utterly destroyed . In this restoration these seven nations and 31 kings are the
enemies of God that are revealed within us. Since His Kingdom only has one King all these other
kings must die. Any king in us that is left alive will eventually cause us to fail to fulfill the purpose
of God, the same as we see in Canaan. Canaan is a picture of the Kingdom of God and it was
there that God purposed to establish His government on the earth.

Forgiveness of sins, the application of the blood, eating the Passover Lamb, the deliverance at the
Red Sea, the Manna, the water out of the rock, the defeat of Amalek, the mighty visitation at Mt.
Sinai, the Law etc. was necessary but the “kings within” finally defeated Israel. These things are
our examples. We must not permit these kings within to defeat us in this time of restoration.

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