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iva talks about many spiritual practices in Kulr ava Tantra. mnya-s (traditions
followed) and Paraprsda mantra are very sinificant revelations by iva in t!is
"cripture. #mon ot!er sub$ects% &e talks about t!e 'ualities of !i!er level of yo(-s.
T!e cru) of &is revelations is iven !ere.
T!ere are two types of meditations for spiritual attainment. *ne is contemplation on a
form and anot!er is also contemplation% but devoid of a form. +editatin on a form !elps
in focusin t!e mind (&ere concentration is fi)ed on a particular form of a deity w!ere
mind is totally enaed wit! t!at form of t!e deity and as a result impressions from t!e
sensory orans do not affect t!e mind. T!is !elps t!e mind to stay focussed on t!at form
of t!e deity and t!e intensity of t!e focus becomes more powerful wit! practice. ,!en
perfection is attained in t!is type of meditation% t!e ne)t stae is to meditate wit!out t!e
form of t!e deity.) +editatin on t!e formless iva and t!e knowlede attained t!rou!
t!is meditation% is known as bra!ma$-na% t!e !i!est form of knowlede
,!en one meditates wit!out conceivin a form% durin t!e peak level of t!is meditation%
one enters into trance. .n still !i!er staes% !e will become like a rock and enters t!e
state of suspended animation. &is breat!in is also suspended like !is consciousness.
T!is stae is called samd!i. .t is not necessary for suc! a yoi to spend separate time
for meditation. "amd!i dawns on !im% on its own wit!out any efforts by !im. T!e one%
w!o enters into t!is kind of samd!i% w!ere breat!in is also suspended for some time%
ets liberated and !e is known as /(vanmukta (liberated before deat!).
iva t!en e)plains t!e c!aracteristics of a /(vanmukta (upper case / s!ould be used%
t!ou! !e continues to live like a normal !uman bein). "ensory inputs do not affect !is
mind (mind by nature is susceptible to sensory inputs). &e remains like a stone or a lo
of wood and !e sees everyt!in before &im as iva (true realisation does not stop wit!
reali0in iva wit!in1 every ob$ect t!at is seen s!ould be seen as iva. 2or !im%
individual consciousness% universal consciousness and iva consciousness are t!e
same. .n fact% for !im% everyt!in is iva consciousness and t!e ot!er two
consciousnesses remain mered in iva consciousness). iva says t!at !is condition is
like water mi)in wit! water or milk mi)in wit! milk. .n t!e manner% !is $(vtman (!is
individual soul3consciousness) meres into Paramtman ("upreme "oul% known as
universal consciousness or iva consciousness or 4ra!man). 2or a /(vanmukta% mantra
recitation ($apa)% meditation% etc are not re'uired% as not!in more remains to be known
for !im.
iva also says !ow t!e state of /(vanmukta can be attained. *ne !as to study% listen and
discuss about 4ra!man. (.n t!e pat! of "elf-reali0ation% one is bound to !ave too many
trivial doubts. *ne s!ould not proceed wit!out clarifyin t!ese doubts from a 5uru. 5uru
s!ould !ave t!e patience and knowlede to answer all t!e 'ueries of !is disciples).
5ainin and perfectin knowlede is t!e !i!est form of wors!ip. 6e)t lower stae is
resortin to mantra $apa-s (contemplation and e)coitation). 7ower t!an $apa-s is
dwellin on 8stra-s.
.nfinite times of p9$a-s (ritualistic wors!ip) is e'ual to one stotra (!ymn of praise suc! as
"a!asranma-s% etc.)1 infinite repetition of stotra-s is e'ual to one $apa1 countless
repetition of $apa mantras is e'ual to mediation1 and countless times of meditation is
e'ual to one laya (laya means absorption and refers to t!e state of samd!i). 2or !im%
pilrimaes% sacrifices% rituals are not necessary.
iva says t!at fire oblations% p9$a-s are lower t!an t!e lowest in t!e pat! of "elf-
reali0ation. ,!at iva says is t!at one !as to proress to t!e "upreme Trut! beinnin
from p9$a-s (wors!ip wit! flowers% etc)% !oma-s (fire rituals)% mantra $apa-s% meditation to
t!e state of samd!i and finally become a /(vanmukta. (+any are not able to reac! t!e
final stae of spiritual pat! vi0. /(vanmukta mainly because of t!eir unwillinness to
move beyond t!e stae of $apa-s. # few advance to meditative stae% but t!eir
contemplation is ineffective due to ade'uate knowlede about t!e ri!t kind of
meditation. # 5uru plays a sinificant role !ere.)
iva also e)plains t!e 'ualities of a !i!ly perfected yoi% w!o may be in a disuised
form and may not reveal !is true identity% so t!at ordinary men do not disturb !is 4lissful
state. "ometimes% t!ey also partially reveal t!eir identities in order uplift someone
?atipriy @!anade8var( +antra /apa
T!is mantra is for wealt!. T!e wors!ip comes under yak i ( tanatra. T!e c!ief of
yak i i-s is Kubera.
- -
- a - U .
kubera i8i - pa kti8c!a da - 8r( d!ane8car( devat .
d!a b($a - sva! 8akti - 8r( k(laka .
6ysa-s wit! t!e followin b($a-s:
- - - - -
8r - 8r( - 8r9 - 8rai - 8rau - 8ra
@!yna verse:
$ a V 7 U
V1 T U + - U+ 91
om !emaprkramad!ye suravi apita e raktap( !d!ir9 ! d!yyett yak i ( vai
parimala kusuma udb!sid!a millb!rm A
p(nottu a stan !y kuvalayanayan ratnak c( karb!y b!rmyadu
raktotpalb!y navaravi vasan raktab!9 a rm AA
"!e is in t!e roundabout made of old w!ere ods and oddesses o around. "!e is
seated on a red t!rone. "!e !as four !ands. "!e is !oldin in two !ands red flowers%
and wit! ot!er two !ands s!e old and very precious precious ems. "!e !as red
comple)ion like sun appearin at dawn. "!e is wearin arlands made out of frarant
and colourful flowers.
$ [ a
*m ra 8r( !r( d!a d!anade ratipriye sv! A
("ource: +antrama!r ava a7 )
T!ere is a reference to navakl( (nine forms of Kl() +a!klasa !it -
Kmakalkl(k!a a ( aUa - UUU7) and t!ere are different
mantra-s for t!ese nine forms of Kl(. &owever mantras marked BB could not be verified
to ensure t!eir correctness.
CT!is is t!e revised and correct mantra:
$ U 4 a 4 9 UU 9 4 a 4 U a
om kl( kr( !9 kro sp!re kmakalkli sp!re kro !9 kr( kl( sv! D
("ource - kamakalakali-trilokyamo!ana-kavac!am +anblunder 4lo Eomment "ection)
K+#K#7K7. @&F6# GH?"H"
@!yna verses of Kmakal Kl( (source: +a!klasa !it Kmakalkl(k!a a )
(T!is is an edited version. ?eaders discretion is advised as some descriptions are
repulsive in nature)
Kmakal Kl( is like t!e redness at dawn% like red !ibiscus. &er eyes are like Euckoo
bird and appear like $ambul fruit (/amun or $ambu). &air is t!ick and lon% reac!in !er
feet. &er t!ree eyes appear like burnin coals. &er face is like a full moon and a red
lotus. Two lon upper teet! are protrudin and !ence compared to red lotus (petals of a
lotus flower). &er form is fri!tenin because of !er danlin tonue. #ll !er t!irty two
teet! are visible as !er mout! is open. &er !ead is constantly s!akin and !er form is
terrible. "!e drinks blood from t!e !uman !eads !anin from !er neck. "!e !as a
crooked s!oulder. T!ere is blood on !er fore!ead. &er ear ornaments are !anin down%
reac!in !er s!oulders. "!e is wearin a !ue w!ite necklace made of !uman !eads
from w!ic! blood is constantly droppin. "!e is wearin a waist band made up of
c!ildrenIs !eads woven toet!er wit! intestines. "!e !as lon si)teen arms. &er !ands
are adorned wit! !uman skulls. "!e is wearin banles made of blood vessels of t!e
dead. T!e ka is9tra (irdle around !er waist) s!e is wearin is a rope made from t!e
!air of t!e dead. @ead c!ildrenIs !ands are woven toet!er to make t!e c!ain (waist-
irdle) around !er waist. .n !er finers% s!e wears rins made of fles! and bone marrow.
.n !er ri!t !ands% s!e !olds a sword% trident% c!akra% arrow% !ook% llan (a poisonous
animal t!at looks like mouse)% clippers and c!ain made of skulls and bones. .n !er left
!ands% s!e !olds noose% a)e% snake% bow% !ammer like weapon% $ackalIs baby and a cup
made of skull filled wit! blood% fat and marrow. "!e is wearin an anklet interwoven wit!
skeletal bones. "!e is in t!e raveyard amidst burnin pyres and s!e is standin on t!e
back of a vast dead body. T!e fire comin out of !er mout! is spreadin in all directions.
"!e is standin on one foot and !as lifted t!e ot!er foot% ready to step forward. *n !er
eit!er side% two terrible lookin $ackals are standin% w!o spit fire from t!eir mout!s.
T!ese $ackals% w!ic! look like burnin coals surround Kmakal Kl( and look at !er
constantly. "!e keeps feedin t!em wit! !eads from a cup made of skull and t!ey keep
on eatin. &er !air is not tied or combed. "!e lau!s wildly and noisily w!ic! is
fri!tenin. "!e !as a s!ort form and lau!s always.
@urin anni!ilation% s!e is like billions of suns and a billion li!tenin. "!e ends a period
(yua). "!e eradicates enemies and is terrible.
K+#K#7 K7J T?.7*K#+*&#6# K#G#E# can be read !ere.
Kmakal Kl( +9lamantra
$ U 4 a 4 9 UU 9 4 a 4 U a
om kl( kr( !9 kro sp!re kmakalkli sp!re kro !9 kr( kl( sv! A
.. 5K&F#K7J 1 CU
=. $ 4 4 4 a a [ [ 1 C U 4 4 4 a a [ [ a
om kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( u!ya klike kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r(
!r( sv! A
;. $ a a [ [ 1C U 4 4 a a [ [ a
om !9 !9 !r( !r( u!ya klike kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( sva! A
>. $ 4 a [ 1C U 4 4 a a [ [ a
om kr( !9 !r( u!ya klike kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( sv!
... 4&#@?#K7J U
=. $ a U aU UU 9 a
om !au kli ma!kli kilikili p!a sv! A
;. $ 4 4 4 a a [ [ ~ 4 4 4 a a [ [ a
om kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( b!adraklyai kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r(
!r( sv! A
>. $ U aU U U 9 a
om b!adrakl( ma!kl( kili kili p!a sv! A
.... +#6#K7J U
$ 4 4 4 a a [ [ U 4 4 4 a a [ [ a
om kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( 8ma8nakli kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r(
!r( sv! A
.G. +#&K7J aU
=. $ 4 4 a a [ [ aU 4 4 a a [ [ a
om kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( ma!kli kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( sva! A
;. $ 4 4 4 4 1 a7 a 9 a
om kro kro kro kro pa89n ! a !u p!a sv! A
G. @&#6#K7J UBB
$ a [ 9 + 4 ~ U7 a a
U U 4 4 [ [ a a 9 9 a
om au !9 !r( p!re c!r( str( 8r( kro namo d!anaklyai vikarlar9pi i
sure8vari d!ana de!i de!i dpaya dpaya k a k k i k ( k u k 9 k
k k l k l k re k rai k ro k ra k ra kro kro !r( !r( !9
!9 p!a p!a sv! AA
G.. ".@@&.K7J |UBB
$ ( U [ [

om ai kl( !r( !r9 sidd!iklyai nama
G... E# #K7J 7UBB
$ [ 7_a 17 7U 7U U a + 9 9
om !r( ca a!sini $aadrasanakri i naramu amlini ca aklike kl( 8r(
!9 str( c!r( p!at p!at sv! AA
G.... K7#K7J UU BB
$ 4 a [ + U UU 9 a
om kr( !9 !r( str( kl( klakl( p!a sv! AA
.L. @#K . #K7J 7U
$ 4 4 4 a a [ [ 7U 4 4 4 a a [ [ a
om kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r( !r( dak i eklike kr( kr( kr( !9 !9 !r(
!r( sv! AA
BB Eorrect of t!ese mantras could not be ascertained.

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