Guideline For Energy Audit Report

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Cover Page Report title Name of client (company for which facility or building has been audited) Location of facility or building Date of report ESCO ESCO !" and pro#ect officers and their designations

2. Execut ve Su!!ar" $ll information in the E%ecuti&e Summary should be drawn from the detailed information in the full report' (he E%ecuti&e Summary should contain a brief description of the preliminary audit including) Name of client* location of facility or building audited Ob#ecti&e of audit Dates of preliminary audit ey systems and e+uipment studied

#. Ta$%e o& Co'te't( ,ntroduction O&er&iew of current systems in place Scope of wor- for energy audit Recommendations and the associated costs and sa&ings Conclusions

). I'tro*uct o' Ob#ecti&es of preliminary audit Description of facility or building audited . numbers of floors* /0$* air1con area* type of usage* occupancy* hours of operation* age of building* etc' ,nformation on tenants in facility or building audited (,f applicable) . whether they are paying their own energy bills* how much floor area (s+ meter) they occupy* etc' "ast year2s energy consumption and cost 3rea-down of energy (electricity and fuel) consumption

+. Overv e, o& Curre't S"(te!( ' P%ace Dates of preliminary audit Data collected from manufacturers2 design specifications Data collected from facility or building owner

-. Sco.e o& /or0 &or Deta %e* E'erg" Au* t "hases of wor- intended 3rief description of what will be done at each stage of the energy audit and what will be achie&ed Duration of each phase "ersonnel in&ol&ed at each phase "roposed instrumentation plan in detail $ layout of the proposed location of installation of instruments and sensors* preferably with pictures

1. Reco!!e'*at o'( a'* t2e A((oc ate* Co(t( a'* Sav 'g( 3rief description of the present situation and shortcomings identified ,nitial findings* obser&ations and assessment of the performance of systems or e+uipment ,nitial recommendations on energy sa&ing measures with estimated energy and cost sa&ings* in&estment cost and paybac- period for each measure' $ll numbers should be supported by information and assumptions made must be stated clearly

3. Su!!ar" Summary of recommendations* estimated annual -5h and estimated cost sa&ings* estimated in&estment cost and paybac- in table form

4. A..e'* ce( "roposed Contract between the Company and ESCO (as mentioned in the application guidelines under documents re+uired) 1 (he following clause is to be included) $ll ESCO payments are contingent upon ESCO2s recommendations meeting the technical and financial criteria as declared by the Company in the E$Se $pplication' "ast year2s energy bills Layout plan of the facility or building

15. Ge'era% Note( to t2e Re.ort 6athematical accuracy . $ll calculations in the report should be chec-ed for mathematical accuracy' /rammar and style . (he report should be written in proper prose' (he language should be clear* concise and understandable' S, units must be used in all parts of the report' (he report should be printed on both sides to sa&e paper'

GUIDELINES FOR DETAILED ENERGY AUDIT REPORT 1. Cover Page Report title Name of client (company for which facility or building has been audited) Location of facility or building Date of report ESCO ESCO !"* audit team leaders* pro#ect officers and their pro#ect designations Signature of !" Statement by the company accepting the report and &erifying that the ESCO2s recommendations meet the company2s technical and financial criteria Signature of company2s representati&e

2. Execut ve Su!!ar" $ll information in the E%ecuti&e Summary should be drawn from the detailed information in the full report' (he E%ecuti&e Summary should contain a brief description of the audit* including) Name of client* location of facility or building audited Ob#ecti&es of audit ey systems and e+uipment analysed Dates of audit Summary of recommended energy conser&ation measures* annual energy sa&ings and cost sa&ings using the table format below
No. 4 7 (otal Reco!!e'*e* Mea(ure E(t !ate* a''ua% e'erg" (av 'g( E(t !ate* a''ua% co(t (av 'g( E(t !ate* !.%e!e'tat o' co(t Pa"$ac0 .er o*

#. Ta$%e o& Co'te't( ,ntroduction 6ethodology and instrumentation Data analysis and findings including graphs and plots ,dentified sa&ing measures Summary of recommendations and the associated costs and sa&ings Conclusion $ppendices CD containing raw measurement data collected during the audit* in a readable file format

). I'tro*uct o' Ob#ecti&es of audit . e'g' to study the energy consumption of the facility or building or system with a &iew to identifying energy conser&ation measures for implementation that meet the client2s financial criteria and ta-e into consideration facility9building technical and operational limitations (he financial criteria and technical9operational limitations 3rief description of facility or building audited . number of floors* /0$* air1 conditioned areas* type of usage* occupancy* hours of operation* year built* etc' ,nformation on tenants in facility or building audited (,f applicable) . whether they are paying their own energy bills* what floor area (s+ meter) they occupy* etc' "ast year2s energy consumption and costs* including tariff rates used for financial calculations 3rea-down of energy (electricity and fuel) consumption in pie1chart form)
Perce'tage o& E%ectr c t" Co'(u!.t o' 8u %* 'g C2 %%er P%a't #-7

Ot2er( #17

Pr 't,or0(2o. C2 %%er -7

Me* a /or0( C2 %%er P%a't 17 L g2t 'g S"(te!( )7

Ar Co!.re((or( -7

A9U( 17

M6 Fa'( 47

:,n the abo&e pie chart* if ;Others< category accounts for more than 4=> of the total consumption* pro&ide a further brea-down and elaboration Scope of audit* elaborating what systems or e+uipment were studied

+. Met2o*o%og" a'* I'(tru!e'tat o' ,nstrumentation table (see e%ample below) Detailed instrument installation and measurement procedure "ictures and maps showing the locations of the installed instruments and sensors 6easurement error analysis (mandatory)

-. Data A'a%"( ( a'* F '* 'g( Date of audit Dates of data collection and logging 3aseline energy consumption and the methodology used to establish it (he energy efficiency inde% (EE, . -5h9m 79year) of buildings* defined as the amount of energy consumed annually per /ross 0loor $rea (/0$) of the building' (he EE, of offices* hotels and retail malls should ta-e into consideration the set of normali@ation factors de&eloped under the Energy Smart 3uildings Labelling Scheme' Description of systems or e+uipment audited* their capacities and ratings* design and operating conditions* e+uipment schedules* etc* including information such as the type of systems* controls* type and number of au%iliary e+uipment* etc' "erformance of systems or e+uipment audited e'g' CO" or -59ton Aeat and mass balance where applicable 0indings and obser&ations Chiller plant a' Details of the e+uipment* their ages and the ne%t replacement datesB description of controls* type and number of chillers* pumps* cooling towers and operating schedules'

De(cr .t o' Chillers (CA418) (Centrifugal* R48?) Chilled water pumps (CA5" 418) Condenser water pumps (C5" 418) Cooling towers (C(4 . 8)


Rate* 0/ or RT

O.erat 'g 9our(

Year I'(ta%%e*

b' Details of the cooling load profile of facilities or buildings audited* illustrated with the following graphs) i' "lot of cooling load (-5) profile o&er at least one weeii' Super1imposed plot of daily cooling load (-5) profileB daily plots should be fine1lined and in different colours c' Chilled water plant system performance System performance measurement error shall not e%ceed ;+7' This implies the use of high accuracy thermometry and calorimetry. Detailed method statement e%plaining how the re+uired degree of accuracy was achie&ed with the instruments and data ac+uisition hardware employed' Data re+uired to establish system performance must be sampled and ac+uired simultaneously and continuously for a minimum of 4 wee- at one1minute inter&als' Re+uired data points) i' Chilled water temperature* flow rate and pressure differential Each chiller o Supply and return temperature profiles as well as temperature differential profile (super1imposed) o Supply9return temperature histogram in percentage o Chilled water temperature differential histogram o Chilled water flow rate profile 6ain chilled water supply and return header o Supply and return temperature profiles (super1 imposed) o Supply9return temperature histogram in percentage o Chilled water temperature differential histogram o Chilled water flow rate (supply header only) o 0low rate histogram in percentage o "ressure differential profile o 0low rate &s' pressure differential

,n systems with primary and secondary pumps* and bypass lines o 3ypass flow (from temperature and flow measurement) o Aistogram of bypass flow as percentage of total flow

ii' Condenser water temperature* flow rate and pressure differential Each chiller o Supply and return temperature profiles as well as temperature differential profile (super1imposed) o Lea&ing water temperature histogram in percentage o Condenser water temperature differential histogram o Condenser water flow rate profile Each condenser water branch o Supply temperature profile of each branch using super1imposed plot o Supply temperature histogram in percentage o Return temperature profile of each branch using super1imposed plot o Return temperature histogram in percentage

iii' Chillers
Condenser Chilled 5ater 5ater

Aistogram of indi&idual chiller efficiency $&erage &alues in table format

Para!eter De( g' C2 %%er 1 C2 %%er 2 C2 %%er #

Supply (emp (=C) Return (emp (=C) 0low rate (l9s) Supply (emp (=C) Return (emp (=C) 0low rate (l9s) Capacity (-5) "ower (-5) Efficiency (-59-5) E&aporator d" ("a) Condenser d" ("a)

Operating "erformance

i&' "ower 6easurement -5 profile for each chiller

&' Chilled water calorimetry

Cooling -5 profile of each chiller using super1imposed plot Cooling -5 histogram in percentage

&i' Chilled water pumps

Para!eter De( g' CA5" 4 CA5" 7 CA5" 8 CA5" 4 CA5" 7 CA5" 8 F%o, Rate <%=(> Pu!. 9ea* <!> Motor Po,er <0/> E&& c e'c" <0/=0/>


0or pumping systems with &ariable speed dri&es* pro&ide 0low rate &s' -5 &ii' Condenser water pumps
Para!eter De( g' C5" 4 C5" 7 C5" 8 C5" 4 C5" 7 C5" 8 F%o, Rate <%=(> Pu!. 9ea* <!> Motor Po,er <0/> E&& c e'c" <0/=0/>


0or pumping systems with &ariable speed dri&es* pro&ide 0low rate &s' -5 &iii' Cooling towers
Para!eter De( g' C( 4 C( 7 C( 8 C( 4 C( 7 C( 8 Co'*e'(er /ater Su..%" <oC> Co'*e'(er /ater Retur' <oC> F%o, Rate <%=(> Po,er <0/>


$mbient temperature and relati&e humidity profile ta-en o&er the measurement period

i%' O&erall chiller plant (-5c refers to cooling loadB -5e refers to energy consumed) Daily chiller plant system efficiency profile &s' time (7? hours)

Aistogram of chiller plant system efficiency "lot of -5c9-5e &s' -5c (chiller part load efficiency) "lot of -5e &s' -5c "lot of (cooling load G all motor loads e%cept fan motors) &s' heat re#ection to &erify the measured &alues

d' $ir1handling units ($AHs)

A9U No. A r F%o, <CM9> De( g' Mea(ure* A9U Motor <0/> Rate* Mea(ure*

O'?co % R9 <7>

O&&?co % R9 <7>

,nclude* if a&ailable* air pressure drop across the coils in $AHs* floor area ser&ed (m7)* operating hours and inde% (-5h9m79year)' e' 6echanical &entilation systems Details of the number* rating* operating hours* efficiency of fans
De(cr .t o' a'* Locat o' A r F%o, <CM9> De( g' Actua% Motor <0/> Rate* Actua% F%oor area (erve* <!2> O.erat 'g 9our(

E&& c e'c"

f' 3asic indoor air +uality

Locat o' Office 6ail Room 0ood Store Carpar9u! * t" A r Te!. <@C> CO2 Leve% <..!> CO Leve% <..!>

g' E%haust systems Details of the type and purpose of e%haust systemsB number of e%haust fans* performance of the e%haust fans
Fa'A Locat o'B Pur.o(e /eneral e%haust =4 /eneral e%haust =7 Stat c .re((ure <Pa> <'ear (uct o' !a' &o%* o& &a'(> Rate* .o,er <0/> Mea(ure* .o,er <0/> E&& c e'c"

$cid e%haust =4 Caustic e%haust =4

h' 3oiler systems Details of the type* number* capacity and rating of boilersB number of feedwater pumps* condensate return pumps* deaerators* condensate return tan-s and water softening plants
Para!eter Steam capacity (-g9s) 5ater flow rate (-g9s) Operating pressure ("a) 3lower fan (-5) De( g' 8o %er 1 Mea(ure* 8o %er 2 8o %er #

3oiler performance
Para!eter CO7 (>) CO (ppm) O7 (>) E%cess air (>) 0lue gas temperature (C) (emperature difference between flue gas and air inta-e (C) Estimated boiler efficiency (>) 8o %er 1 8o %er 2 8o %er #

0eedwater pumps performance

Para!eter 0low rate (-g9s) Aead (m) "ower (-5) "ump efficiency De( g' Fee*,ater .u!. 1 Fee*,ater .u!. 2 Fee*,ater .u!. #

O&erall boiler system performance

De(cr .t o' o& .ara!eter( Steam production (-g9s) 0eedwater flow rate (-g9s) No' of feedwater pumps in operation (otal feedwater pump (-5) 0eedwater temperature (C) Mea(ure!e't(

,nclude information the heat and mass balance of the boiler and steam1 condensate systems including temperatures and pressures'


i' Compressed air systems Details of the type* number* capacity and rating of air compressors
De(cr .t o' $ir Compressor (Scroll (ype) $ir Compressor (Screw (ype) :t" Rate* 0/ = t"

"erformance of air compressors

Mea(ure* Tota% Co!.re((or Loa* <0/> A r Pre((ure at Rece ver Ta'0 <$ar> A r Pre((ure at &urt2e(t E'* U(er <$ar> Pre((ure Dro. <$ar>

De(cr .t o' ? scroll compressors in operation 7 screw compressors in operation

#' Lighting systems Details of the type* number and rating of lighting for different areas* type of control gear (ballast etc) and operating hours
Locat o' Dri&eway T".e o& La!. (F 0luorescent lamps (F 0luorescent lamps (F 0luorescent lamps No(. Rate* / Average Mea(ure* / T".e o& Co'tro% O.erat 'g 9our(

1(t F%oor 2(* F%oor

6ail room

5or-shop Office


Details of the measured lu% le&el for different areas compared to design recommendation
Locat o' Lift Lobbies Corridors Office $rea De( g' Ra'ge <CP #3A1444> 4== 1 7== C= 14== 8== 1 EC= Actua% Lux Leve%

1. I*e't & e* E'erg" Sav 'g Mea(ure( 3rief description of the present situation and shortcomings identified Recommended energy sa&ing measures with detailed and clear calculations of the predicted annual energy and cost sa&ings* in&estment cost and paybac- period for each measure' $ll numbers should be supported by data and assumptions must be stated' E%ample
Pre(e't S tuat o' $lmost all of the lightings on site use ? feet linear fluorescent lamps with con&entional electromagnetic ballast' (here are an estimated 7*7EC fluorescent lamps and they are assumed to be in operation on a&erage 47 hours a day Pro.o(e* I!.rove!e't ,t is proposed to replace the e%isting ? feet 8D 5 fluorescent lamps with energy sa&ing lamps that will use 4D > less power' E(t !at o' o& Sav 'g( Estimated nos' of 8D 5 fluorescent lamps on site Estimated power consumption of each (C lamp Estimated power sa&ed $ssuming C'C days wor- wee-5h Sa&ings -5 demand sa&ings J ='==D % 77EC % 47 % C'C days % C7 w-s % K ='4?79-5h J KD*DCD 9year J 48'E -59month J 48'E % KE'=?9-5 % 47 months J C 1B1+1 9year (otal sa&ings J C1B31# 9year J 7*7EC J 77 5 JD5 Estimated power consumption of one fluorescent lamp and ballastJ ?= 5

3. Co'c%u( o'( Summary of recommendations* pro#ected annual -5h sa&ings* estimated cost sa&ings* pro#ected in&estment cost and paybac- in table format ESCO2s recommended action plan and implementation schedule Statement by the company on which recommendations will be implemented and timeframe for implementation

4. A..e'* ce( ,nformation of significant importance* which cannot be presented as a part of the te%t report (because of number of pages* +uality of presentation* etc') should be presented in appendices' (he appendices should include) Schematics and layout drawings of facility or building audited Details of instrumentation used . parameters monitored and duration of monitoring for each parameter Data plots of performance of systems or e+uipment audited Energy efficiency of ma#or e+uipment compared against industrial benchmar-s 6easurement and &erification (6LM) plan for monitoring and &erifying energy sa&ings for each of the recommendations CD1RO6 containing the raw measurement data

15. Ge'era% Note( to t2e Re.ort Documentation . $ll numbers related to the results should be supported by information showing how they were deri&ed' (his includes all energy sa&ings* cost sa&ings* in&estment and paybac- information' $ll calculations in the report should be chec-ed for mathematical accuracy' S, units must be used in all parts of the report' 6easurement and instrumentation accuracy 1 5here possible* measurements should adhere to $SAR$E /uidelines 4? and 77' /rammar and style . (he report should be written in proper prose' (he language should be clear* concise and understandable' $ll graphs and plots should be properly labelled and show the dates when the readings were ta-en' E%amples shown in this guideline ser&e as a guideB actual tables should show more detailed information where possible' (he report can be printed on both sides to sa&e paper' (he CD1RO6* containing the raw measurement data in a readable file format* shall be copied and sent to NE$'


GUIDELINES FOR POST?IMPLEMENTATION REPORT 1. Cover Page Report title Name of client (company for which facility or building has been audited) Location of facility or building Date of report ESCO (if applicable) ESCO !"* pro#ect officers and their designations (if applicable)

2. Execut ve Su!!ar" $ll information in the E%ecuti&e Summary should be drawn from the detailed information in the full report' (he E%ecuti&e Summary should contain a brief description of the following) Name of client* location of facility or building audited 6easures ,mplemented Summary of energy sa&ing measures* and the measured annual energy and cost sa&ings in table format
Mea(ure No. 4 7 (otal Mea(ure Actua% a''ua% e'erg" (av 'g( Actua% a''ua% co(t (av 'g( Actua% !.%e!e'tat o' co(t U.*ate* Pa"$ac0 .er o*

#. Ta$%e o& Co'te't( 6easures implemented and cost of implementation 6easurements and calculations Sa&ings $chie&ed CD1RO6 containing raw measurement data collected after implementation* in a readable file format

). Mea(ure( !.%e!e'te* a'* co(t o& !.%e!e'tat o'


Details of measures implemented Description of systems or e+uipment modified* their capacities and ratings* design conditions* e+uipment schedules* including information such as the type of systems* type of controls* type and number of au%iliary e+uipment* etc' 6ilestone chart showing the timeline of implementation Cost brea-down of each measure in table format* with reference to the payment documents

+. Mea(ure!e't( a'* Ca%cu%at o'( Details of the measurement and &erification system adopted to measure and compare actual sa&ings to sa&ings pro#ected in the detailed audit 0ormulae and -ey data used for calculations Detailed instrumentation plan "arameters monitored and duration of monitoring of each parameter Dates of data collection and logging "erformance of systems or e+uipment 0indings and obser&ations

-. Sav 'g( Ac2 eve* Summary of the measures implemented* the predicted and actual annual -5h sa&ings* and the predicted and actual annual cost sa&ings' Statement by the company on whether or not the ESCO2s implementations meet the company2s sa&ings target stated in the detailed report Statement by the company on the ESCO2s performance

1. A..e'* ce( ,nformation with significant importance* which cannot be presented as a part of the te%t report (because of number of pages* +uality of presentation* etc') shall be presented as appendices' Data plots of performance of systems or e+uipment impro&ed Data plots of energy consumed &s' time before and after implementation on the same graph* showing the impro&ement Energy efficiency of ma#or e+uipment compared against benchmar-s set during the detailed audit Current energy bills

3. Ge'era% Note( to t2e Re.ort Content . (he report should focus on the measures stated in the detailed energy audit report* and with reference to the figures made then'


Documentation . $ll numbers related to the results should be supported by information showing how they were deri&ed' (his includes all energy sa&ings* cost sa&ings* in&estment cost and paybac- information' 6athematical accuracy . $ll calculations in the report should be chec-ed for mathematical accuracy' /rammar and style . (he report should be written in proper prose' (he language should be clear* concise and understandable' $ll graphs and plots should be properly labelled and named* highlighting the important points to ta-e note' (he report should be printed on both sides to sa&e paper' (he CD1RO6* containing the raw measurement data in a readable file format* shall be copied to NE$'


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