SmartTank Master Spec

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SECTION 13001 FUEL STORAGE SYSTEM PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 WORK INCLUDED Provide an integrated fuel system.

The specification requires the detailed system design, equipment, installation, startup, and training to be the responsibility of a single specialized fuel system supplier. The specification section includes responsibility for mechanical, electrical, and control systems. Provide complete, in place fuel storage system as indicated on the drawings and specified herein, including but not necessarily limited to: A. Fuel storage tan s and accessories. !. Fuel distribution pipe, valves and fittings. ". Fuel transfer and control. #. Tan level and lea monitoring system. $. Tan fill containment. F. Fuel filtration. %. &nstallation of tan s and piping system. '. All required permits, certifications, and inspection. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: A. (ection )**)) $+cavating, !ac filling and "ompacting. !. (ection ),,)) "ast-&n-Place "oncrete. ". (ection ./).) !asic 0echanical 1equirements. #. (ection .2).) !asic $lectrical 1equirements. 1.3 GOVERNING STANDARDS / REFERENCES $quipment and installation necessary to accomplish the wor specified herein shall comply with the latest revisions of the applicable federal, state, and local codes and regulations concerning underground or aboveground fuel storage and dispensing systems including but not limited to the following: A. 3.4.(.#.$.". Parts 2., 5 2.6. Petroleum !ul (torage "ode. !. The "ommonwealth of 0assachusetts /*7 "01 8, "01 8.)6 5 /*) "01 .*. ". (tate of 9ermont Agency of 3atural 1esources, #epartment of $nvironmental "onservation, :nderground (torage Tan 1egulations #. 3ew 'ampshire "ode of Administrative 1ules Part $nv-;s 6.. $. (tate of 0aine - "01 "hapter 28. F. The (tate of #elaware<s :nderground (torage Tan Act "hapter 76 of Title 7 %. The Annotated "ode of 0aryland Title *2, (ubtitle .) '. 3ew =ersey Administrative "ode 7:.6! - .,*,,,6 &. (uffol "ounty #epartment of 'ealth (ervices Article .*


3ational Fire Protection Association: Flammable and "ombustible >iquids "ode. ?3FPA ,) @ 5 Automotive and 0arine (ervice (tation "ode ?3FPA ,)A@

A. :nderwriters >aboratories, &nc., 3onmetallic underground piping for petroleum products, gasoline-alcohol blends, Alcohol<s such as methanol and ethanol, and reformulated fuels ?File 0'8.2*@. >. 3ational $lectric "ode ?3$"@, Article /., 0. A3(& !,. American 3ational (tandard "ode for Pressure Piping. 3. AP& *))) 9enting atmospheric and >ow Pressure (torage Tan s B. 3FPA ,).Flammable and "ombustible >iquids "ode. P. 3FPA 7) 3ational $lectric "ode. C. AP& 2/) - ;elded (teel Tan s for Bil (torage. 1. AP& *))) - 9enting atmospheric and >ow Pressure (torage Tan s. (. P$&D1P*))-8* - 1ecommended Practices for &nstallation of Aboveground (torage (ystems T. :> .6* - (teel Aboveground Tan s for Flammable and "ombustible >iquids. :. :> *)E/ - &nsulated Aboveground Tan s for Flammable and "ombustible >iquids. 9. :niform Fire "ode: Article /*, Article 78 and Appendi+ &&-F. ;. !B"A Fire Prevention "ode All wor specified herein shall conform to or e+ceed the requirements of the above referenced codes, regulations and standardsF provided, that whenever the provisions of said publications are in conflict with the requirements specified herein, the stringent requirement shall apply. 1.4 SU MITTALS A. (hop #rawings: &ndicate system layout, pipe sizes, location of supports, elevations, and equipment mounting details. For fuel tan , indicate dimensions, and location of all accessories. !. Product #ata: Provide data on pipe materials, pipe fittings, valves and accessories. Provide manufacturers catalog information for all equipment. ". $lectrical (ystem #esign: Provide drawings and specifications that include the proposed conduit layout and wiring diagrams for equipment covered in this section that requires electrical connections. &ndicate conduit size and material, number and size of wires, location of wiring in classified areas and location of intrinsically safe circuits and conduits. #. Provide a piping and instrument diagram for the system including a complete bill of materialD equipment list. $. "ontrol (ystem #esign: Provide control system designs including electrical schematics, panel physical, and field wiring diagrams. "ontrol panels shall include power conditioners. F. (tructural #esign: Provide drawings of reinforced concrete tan foundation slabs. &nclude conduit stub up locations, and bollard spacing. Provide drawings of structural steel for wal ways or pipe trestles where required. %. "alculations: Provide calculations for pump selection, pipe sizes, pipe support requirements, atmospheric vent sizing, and emergency vent sizing. '. $quipment #ata: Provide manufacturers information for all equipment.

&. =.

Permit Applications: Provide copies of all permit applications. (chedule: Provide a design and installation schedule.

1.! PRO"ECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. 1ecord and submit actual location of piping system, storage tan s, wiring, conduit runs and system components. 1.# OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE A. Bperation #ata: &nclude installation instructions and e+ploded assembly views. !. 0aintenance #ata: &nclude maintenance and inspection data, replacement part numbers and availability, and service depot location and telephone number. ". Provide ?6@ copies of Bperations and 0aintenance manual. Bne copy shall be attached to tan in a clear P9" weather resistant document tube. 1.$ %UALITY ASSURANCE A. &nstallation shall be in compliance with the latest version of the Petroleum $quipment &nstitute Publications 1P.)), 1P *)), and 1P,)), 3FPA-,), ,)A, and ,. and all manufacturers< current installation instructions. !. "omply with 3FPA ,) GFlammable and "ombustible >iquids "odeG and 3FPA ,)A GAutomotive and 0arine (ervice (tation "odeG for design and construction, installation, inspection, and testing of fuel dispensing system components and accessories. ". "omply with 3FPA 7) G3ational $lectric "odeG for equipment, wiring, and conduit installed under this section. #. Provide listingDapproval stamp, label, or other mar ing on equipment made to specified standards. $. ;elding 0aterials and Procedures: "onform to A(0$ "ode and applicable state labor regulations 1.& %UALIFICATIONS A. 0anufacturer: "ompany specializing in manufacturing the products specified in this section with minimum five years documented e+perience. !. &nstaller: "ompany specializing in performing the wor of this section with minimum five years documented e+perience. ". Bnly wor men who have a minimum of two years continuous e+perience installing this type equipment and who have attended a training seminar put on by the tan manufacturer in the past two years shall perform installation of equipment. #. The contractor shall be &nternational Fire "ode &nstitute certified in the installation of underground D aboveground storage tan equipment. "all EEE-7)E-/6*, for certification service information. 1.' DELIVERY( STORAGE( AND HANDLING A. #eliver, store, protect and handle products to site. !. Provide temporary end caps and closures on piping and fittings. 0aintain in place until installation.

PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 A OVEGROUND FIRE RATED FUEL TANKS ) UL 20&! A. 0anufacturers .. Fitzsimmons (ystems &nc. - ?EEE@ 7)E-/6*, *. $ngineer Approved $quivalent !. %eneral Provide and install pre-engineered aboveground tan systems complete with tan , piping, secondary containment, gauges, and other accessories specified herein as a complete assembled system. The primary tan shall have a total volume as noted on drawings. ". #esign "riteria The tan system shall be designed and tested in strict accordance with :> subHect *)E/. The :> *)E/ listing for insulated secondary containment above ground tan s for flammable liquids shall encompass both fire protected and fire resistant approvals. 3umbered brass plaques issued by :nderwriters >aboratories, &nc. confirming :> subHect *)E/ approval shall be installed on the tan and be clearly visible to inspectors. (ystem shall provide for * hour fire protection in accordance with :niform Fire "ode: Article /*, Article 78 and Appendi+ &&-F. AlternatelyF if acceptable with the IAuthority 'aving =urisdictionJ, the tan system can be designed and tested by (outhwest 1esearch &nstitute to (;1& 87-)6 requirements for fire-resistant tan performance.. (ystem shall provide for * hour fire protection in accordance with 3FPA ,). &ntegral secondary containment shall provide at minimum .))K containment of the primary storage tan . A lea detection access tube shall be located in the interstitial space between the inner and outer tan . #. Tan "onstruction: - &nternal (teel Tan .. Tan : The primary tan shall be minimum .*/-inch thic carbon steel, the secondary tan shall be a minimum ..E-inch thic carbon steel approved per :.>. (tandard .6*. &ntegral secondary containment shall provide at minimum .))K containment of the primary storage tan . The interstitial space shall allow liquid to migrate through it to a monitoring point. A lea detection access tube shall be located in the interstitial space between the inner tan and the secondary barrier. An interstitial monitoring sight glass that allows for visual inspection of the interstitial shall be located as noted on drawings. *. (teel Tan shall meet :> .6* - ($"B3#A14 "B3TA&30$3T A!B9$%1B:3# TA3A FB1 F>A00A!>$ >&C:&#(: (teel primary containment tan contained within a steel secondary containment shell forming an interstitial ?annular@ space which is capable of being monitored for lea age with integral welded steel supports. ,. Tan shall comply with the normal and emergency venting requirements of 3FPA ,). 6. Tan shall carry a thirty-year written warranty including materials and wor manship. /. The secondary containment space shall be vented with an emergency vent complying with 3FPA ,), (ection *-,.6.. and *-,.2. $. Tan Appurtenances: The tan manufacturer shall provide the following integral components.

.. "anopy: An end shell overhang canopy shall provide for pump and accessory protection from e+posures. 0aterial thic ness shall be minimum .*/-inch thic carbon steel and designed to support a 2/ lb. per foot minimum snow load. $+posed edges shall be finished smooth and protected with an edging cap. All corners shall be rounded. *. #ispenser "ontainment !asin: An integral dispenser mounting and containment assembly shall be provided as noted on drawings. ?a@ !asin shall contain spills from dispenser, supply piping, valves, fittings, stored hose, reel ?if applicable@ and other accessories that normally contain product. ?b@ !asin shall be provided with a loc able frost proof drain valve easily accessible and located at low draw off point of containment assembly. ?c@ !asin shall be sized and designed to minimize the collection of rainwater runoff from canopy. ,. (addles: Tan shall have integral seam welded tan saddles in accordance :.>. (tandard .6* designed to support the full load of tan and contents. (addles shall provide for a minimum 2J clearance between tan and pad for complete visual inspection. The tan support system shall be anchored to concrete pad to protect from floatation. (addle anchors shall be as provided by tan manufacturer. F. Access (teps and >adders: Tan s shall be equipped with access steps or ladders as indicated on the drawings. (teps and ladders shall be of welded steel construction with prime and finish paint of industrial enamel. (teps and ladders shall be designed to conform to B('A requirements. (teps shall include non-s id tread surfaces, handrails, platforms, and ic plates as required for B('A compliance. %. 9enting: Provide properly sized :.>. listed and ".A.1.!. approved emergency and standard vents to satisfy code requirements. (tandard vent shall terminate a minimum of .*< above the adHacent ground level. '. %rounding: A grounding cable, clamp, and ground rod shall be provided by tan manufacturer and installed by contractor. (ystem shall be electrically grounded in full compliance with 3.F.P.A. 7E standards for static electricity build up. "lamp shall be attached to base of vent riser prior to finish painting. &. $+terior Finish: The complete tan system shall include a urethane based high gloss white e+terior finish. The final coat shall be a clear fuel resistant coating. "olor of finish to be selected by Bwner. $nvironmental Protection: All service fittings shall have .*-inch + .*-inch gaugeDdeflector plates under them on bottom of tan .


2.2 A OVEGROUND STORAGE TANK ACCESSORY E%UIPMENT A. #irect 1ead >evel %auge: Tan shall be equipped with a direct reading level gauge with aluminum housing. The level gauge shall be readable from ground level. 0orrison 0odel LE.E or engineer approved equivalent. !. &nspection Port Adapter "ap: Tan shall be equipped with a 6G adapter and loc able cap for inspection and manual gauging of fuel level. %auge port shall be accessible from steps or ladder. ". Tan Fill (ystem: .. The tan shall be provided with a Fill0ate fill container designed to minimize and contain oil spilled when disconnecting the delivery fitting during normal

tan filling operations. The interior shall be prime coated and painted with durable white urethane to aid in visual product lea inspection. Total lea containment shall be 7 :.(. gallons. *. (elf Priming "entrifugal Pump: ,G, */) %P0 - "ast iron construction with stainless steel shaft close-coupled to a 7./ '.P. e+plosion proof motor, 9iton seals. #. >ine Purging 9alve: "arbon steel, stainless ball, with 9iton seals. $. (pill (ump #rain 9alve: Tied into suction side of pump. "arbon steel, stainless ball, with 9iton seals. F. %round (tud: Provide labeled ground stud for connection of static bonding cable. %. Bperating 9alve: ,J (tainless steel ball valve. '. "hec 9alve: &ron body, 9iton seals. &. Bverfill Prevention 9alve: - installed in the fill pipe. The valve shall close automatically at 8)K of tan capacity. The valve shall incorporate a drop tube e+tending to within 2G of the tan bottom. 9alve shall be rated for pressurized fuel delivery. 9alve shall include integral vacuum brea er for siphon prevention. (ize as shown on drawings. Product D 9apor Piping: All piping shall be ,)6> (tainless (teel (chedule .) belled fitted fittings and pipe connections are A3(& ./)L 1F Flanged ;D L/ bolts, nuts and stainless washers on both flange sides or 9ictaulic roll grove couplings.


A. #isconnect "oupling: (tainless steel assembly with dust cap for supply delivery connection. Fitting shall be coordinated with fuel supplier to assure compatibility. &nstalled fitting shall be at 6/ degree angle pointing upward to minimize drips. Fitting shall include 6) mesh stainless steel cone strainer. >. Product >abel 0ar er: (tainless (teel band clamp with AP& color-coded plaque for product being stored. 0. Provide decal or placard affi+ed to the tan fill bo+ that gives a detailed, step-bystep tan filling procedure as well as the tan calibration chart. The decal or placard must be readily visible during tan filling operations and must be of a material that does not deteriorate when e+posed to weather. 2.3 FUEL DISTRI UTION PIPE AND PIPE FITTINGS( A OVEGROUND A. #esign "riteria .. (teel Pipe: A(T0 A/, or A.*), or A(0$ !,2..), (chedule .) ,)6> (tainless (teel. *. Finish: Prime and finish paint with industrial urethane applied in controlled atmosphere per manufacturer<s recommendations.. !. Accessory $quipment .. !all 9alves: (tainless steel two-piece body, stainless steel ball, Teflon seats and stuffing bo+ ring, lever handle and balancing stops, threaded ends with union. 2.4 FUEL DISPENSING SYSTEM A. Pump: (ubmersible Turbine Pump Provide a :.>. >isted (ubmersible Turbine Pump with the following capabilities:

.. Turbine shall include an integral chec valve to hold operating pressure at ,) psi to minimize loss of pressure due to thermal contraction. >ea detector shall be designed to trip with loss of piping pressure. *. The entire pumping assembly shall have :> listing and shall meet all requirements of :> (tandard :> 78. ,. The pump discharge head and manifold assembly shall be manufactured from A(T0 A6E "lass ,) gray iron. 6. The pump motor shall have a thermal overcurrent overload protector with automatic reset. /. The pump motor assembly shall be clearly mar ed with pertinent information including horsepower, voltage , phase, and manufacturer. 2. The pumping unit shall not incorporate any fle+ible diaphragms and all sealing shall be accomplished with GBG rings or :> recognized fiber gas ets. 7. The motor assembly height shall be field adHustable utilizing a :> listed telescoping shaft and set to a minimum of 2J from the bottom of the tan . E. Provide a piston style mechanical lea detector capable of slowing flow while detecting a , g.p.h. lea rate. >ea detector shall be all fuels compatible utilizing Teflon for all dynamic sealing surfaces. >ea detector shall be manufactured specifically for use with intended product and piping system. 8. The piping shall include an approved anti-siphon system. 9alve?s@ shall have integral pressure relieve or be provided with an e+ternal pressure relieve. All piping and valves shall be constructed of stainless steel or have a melting point higher than nodular iron in compliance with 3FPA ,) 5 ,)A. !. #esign !asis: (ubmersible turbines to be F. $. Petro 0odel L(TP 9> 7/, ,D6 'P. 2.! PRODUCT DISPENSERS - PRESSURI*ED SUPPLY A. Provide a MMMMMMMMMMM ( single/dual ) product MMMMMMMMMMM ( single/dual ) hose :> listed full cabinet remote dispenser with the followingF .. 0anufacturers ?a@ %asboy ?b@ $ngineer approved equivalent. !. %eneral Provide :>-listed, single product, single hose fuel dispenser. ". #esign "riteria .. 1egister: 9olume only .G bac lighted >"# display. *. Totalizer: #isplayed on >"# by magnetic switch activation, !attery-bac ed. ,. Pulser: #ual phase .))):. with error detection. (electable pulseDgallon outputs. 6. 0eter: Three piston, positive displacement. Tested and calibrated for accuracy at any speed or pressure. ;eights and 0easures approved D scalable. /. "abinet: ?a@ Finish: Top, sides, and bezel painted blac . Front and bac panels painted white or specify color. !lac acrylic graphic overlay on dial face. ?b@ "onstruction: 'ot-dipped galvanized steel panels for rust resistance.

?c@ >ights: Fluorescent. &lluminate product panels and register areas. 2. Filter: $+ternal high flow with hydrosorb element. #. #esign !asis: %asboy 0odel L 8E/,-++++ 2.# PRODUCT NO**LES( HOSES( AND HOSE RETRIEVERS A. (afety accessories to include AP& "olor coding, high hose retrievers, swivels, automatic color coded nozzles, brea aways, and double poppet shear valves. !. %asoline nozzles to be BP; L.., #iesel nozzles to be BP; L7'. ". #ispensing hose to be .2 feet long as manufactured by %oodyear or #ayco. Provide ,D6J for gas 5 .J for diesel. #. 'ose retrievers to be :niversal 0odel LEE) for gasoline with 7EJ high long posts, retractor ropes with :niversal 0odel L .))'! 'ose !un. $. !rea away "oupling: "atlow, &nc., 'us y "orp., 1ichards &ndustries, coupling separation at *)) pounds ma+imum pulling forceF integral flow preventing seals or valves activated upon coupling separation. :.>. listed and labeled to retain :.>. rating after separation. 'us y 0odel **)) or equal. &nclude a 2J whip hose at dispenser. 2.$ STAGE II VAPOR RECOVERY - GASOLINE A. &f required by codeF Provide a complete mechanical assist "A1! certified stage && vapor recovery system including the following: .. 9acuum Pump- A low maintenance :> listed venturi style vacuum pump with integral filter and no moving parts. *. 3ozzle - !ellowless with Automatic (hut off. ,. 'ose - .,N "oa+ial standard curb style. 6. !rea away - "oa+ial with preventing seals or valves activated upon coupling separation. :.>. listed and labeled to retain :.>. rating after separation. /. ;hip 'ose - 2G "oa+ial installed at dispenser. 2. "oa+ial Adapter 7. 'ose 1etriever - :niversal 0odel LEE) with :niversal 0odel L .))'! 'ose !un. E. (wivel - >aser type, integral with hose. 8. #esign !asis: 'ealy (ystems 2.& TANK LEVEL LEAK MONITORING SYSTEM A. 0anufacturers .. Bmntec: B$> E))) *. $ngineer Approved $quivalent !. %eneral Provide an aboveground storage tan monitoring system capable of tan inventory management and sensing lea s in the tan and the associated piping. ". #esign "riteria .. Tan >evel Transmitter: The system shall include a probe capable of detecting the fuel level in the tan to the nearest )..*/G.

*. 0onitoring Panel: The monitoring panel shall display the tan volume in gallons. The panel shall indicate alarm conditions for fuel high level, fuel low level, tan lea and pipe lea . The panel shall have a minimum of ?*@ programmable relay outputs a 1(*,* communications adapter and internal modem. Provide optional integral printer with .* spare rolls of printer paper. (ystem shall be factory programmed with site-specific data and provided with electrical line diagrams specific to the installation. (ystem shall include internal /-year lithium battery to retain programming information. ,. &nterstitial 0onitoring: A sensor shall be provided for installation in the space between the primary tan and the secondary containment barrier to detect a lea in the primary tan . The sensor shall set off an audible and visual alarm on the control panel. 6. Piping (ump (ensor: A sensor shall be provided for installation in the piping sump to detect a lea in the fuel piping system. The sensor shall set off an audible and visual alarm on the control panel. /. Bverfill Alarm and Ac nowledgment (witch: Provide an audible and visible overfill alarm and manual ac nowledgmentDreset switch in the tan filling area as shown on the plans. The panel shall have a )-, minute adHustable timer for automatic shutoff. The alarm shall be connected to an output relay on the monitoring system control panel. 2.' KEY ACTIVATED FUEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM A. 0anufacturers .. %asboy *. $ngineer approved equivalent. !. %eneral Provide an integral TopAAT fuel management system, factory-mounted on %asboy 8E)) series dispenser specified above. ". #esign "riteria .. 'andles up to /)) vehicles and /)) employees. *. :ses inHection-molded smart ey for vehicle identification. ,. >imits fuel type, amount dispensed, and number of fuelings per day. #. 1eport and "ommunication (oftware .. Provide optional P" software for real-time logging of transactions to P" memory, bac ing up and restoring system memory files, and maintaining loc out files. *. ;indows based P" reporting D communication pac age with manager password protection. (oftware shall provide following: ?a@ Bdometer entries chec ed against last odometer stored on ey for reasonability. ?b@ 1equired reporting fieldsF $mployee number. $mployee department number, Pump, product, 5 tan numbers. #ate and time. Transaction quantity. 9ehicle cumulative quantity. $mployee cumulative quantity. Bdometer. 0iles between fuelings. $rror code. ?c@ #epartment 9ehicle 1eport: 1eports vehicle, department, and grand total fuel usage, miles, last odometer, and 0P% for current time period.

?d@ 9ehicle 1eportF >ists vehicle file data plus beginning and ending odometersF ma+imum and current fuelings per dayF cumulative fuelings and quantity per current time period. ?e@ #epartment $mployee 1eport: 1eports employee and department fuel usage for current time period. ?f@ $mployee 1eportF >ists employee and department numbersF loc out statusF P&3F cumulative fuelings and quantity per current time period. ?g@ &nventory 1eportF >ists tan number, product code, current quantity, last delivery amount and date. ?h@ Pump 1eportF >ists pump and tan numbers, product code, cumulative pump totalizer, and reset date. ?i@>oc out 1eportsF 9ehicle - lists loc ed out vehicles. $mployee - lists loc ed out employees. $. 'A1#;A1$ F$AT:1$( .. Power 5 $nvironmental 1equirementsF ../ 9A" O .)K, 67-2,'z.Bperates -,)" to P/)". *. #ata $ntry: 6+6 weatherproof membrane eypad with audible feedbac . 1eadDwrite ey receptacle. * line + *) character, bac lit >"#. ,. "ommunication: Bne 1(*,*D1(6** port with optional internal *6)) baud modem port. F. #$0B3(T1AT&B3 1epresentatives of the equipment suppliers for the fuel management system shall provide necessary training and technical support to the Bwner so that the Bwner may properly operate and maintain the system. 2.10 ELECTRICAL CONTROL SYSTEM A. All wiring shall be designed and installed in strict accordance with 3FPA 7). !. Tan system shall be factory pre-wired and supplied with remote mounted 3$0A 6Q emergency stop control panel. Panel to be equipped with means of disconnecting all fueling system circuits per 3FPA 7) -/.6. ". (ystem shall include branch circuit panel board, pump motor starter, disconnect relays, pump running indicator, panel disconnect, with maintained mushroom head push button. #. (ystem shall require only one *,)9 (ingle Phase ,) amp feeder from main distribution panel. $. $nclosure: 3$0A 6Q Fiberglass. F. (ystem shall connect to tan with a single e+plosion proof :> >isted and "(A Approved for "lass &, %roups !, ", #, #ivisions . and * direct burial multiple conductor cable. "onductors shall be color coordinated with control panel and tan connections. %. Fuel management communications from dispenser to owner supplied computer shall be field installed in dedicated low voltage communication conduit with shielded cable per manufacturer<s recommendation. '. Tan 0onitoring and >ea #etection (ystem communications shall be field installed in dedicated low voltage communication conduit with shielded cable per manufacturer<s recommendation.


OLLARDS A. !ollards shall be 6J (chedule 6) steel pipe, concrete filled, imbedded 6< below grade inside *6 inch diameter tubular concrete form. !ollards shall be located at a minimum / feet from tan with 6 feet ma+imum between bollards. !ollards shall be installed as shown on drawings with the ability to be removed or replaced. This is accomplished with 2 inch P9" conduit supporting the bollard as a grouted sleeve.

PART 3 - E+ECUTION 3.1 TANK REMOVALS ,IF APPLICA LEA. Proper notification of facility removal must be provided to Authority having Jurisdiction. 3otification must include, but is not limited to a minimum of fortyeight hours verbal notification prior to the scheduled decommissioning to schedule the required inspection. !. Prior to removal, the tan s must be pumped as empty as possible using a portable pump to scavenge the bottom of all liquid that can be removed. ". The e+cavation must remain open and the bottom left e+posed and undisturbed until the AUTHORITY HA I!" JURI#$I%TIO! inspector has e+amined it. &n the event that contaminated soil or groundwater is discovered and the IA:T'B1&T4 'A9&3% =:1&(#&"T&B3J inspector orders removal of contaminated materials, then the contractor shall promptly remove and dispose of all such materials in a legal manner. 1emovals of contaminated materials shall be considered as beyond the scope of this contract and "ontract (um shall be adHusted by "hange Brder to include fair and reasonable additional compensation. The hole shall be refilled with clean soil as quic ly as possible thereafter to minimize the hazard of an open hole. #. After e+cavation of the tan s is completed, holes, at least 6EG in diameter must be cut in each end of the tan s to allow quic venting and to facilitate sludge removal and internal inspection. $. "are must be ta en in cutting holes to avoid spar s that could ignite flammable fumes. Bnly non-spar ing pneumatic tools may be used. F. All sludge must be removed from the tan s by shoveling and brushing and be collected in properly labeled drums for removal as to+ic waste. The tan interiors shall have all maHor scale noc ed loose and be in a Gbrush cleanG condition before removal from the site. Proper protective breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn since the sludge is li ely to contain lead and other to+ic materials. %. The sludge may not be removed from the site until it has been inspected or otherwise released by the AUTHORITY HA I!" JURI#$I%TIO!. '. The tan s cannot be removed from the site until they have been inspected or otherwise released by the AUTHORITY HA I!" JURI#$I%TIO!, &. All piping must be removed e+cept where specifically noted to be abandoned. 3.2 E+CAVATION A. $+cavation, trenching, and bac filling are specified in #ivision *. 3.3 FUEL TANK INSTALLATION A. &nstall tan s in strict accordance with the manufacturer<s recommendations, P$&D1P*))-8*, and applicable fire and environmental codes. (tate and local permits shall be obtained prior to installation.

!. Aboveground - Tan shall be clearly mar ed on all sides with warning signs: GF>A00A!>$G or G"B0!:(T&!>$G, G3B (0BA&3%G, tan volume, product identification, and other signs as required by the applicable codes. ". $lectrical wor shall be in accordance with applicable codes and shall be rated for hazardous area as required. Tan s shall be electrically grounded in accordance with 3.F.P.A. 7E. #. The tan installation shall be inspected and approved by the tan supplier or its certified contractor. The tan supplier shall submit a comprehensive chec list of quality and safety items critical to the system and verify that the installation has been in accordance with these standards and applicable fire and environmental codes. 3.4 TANK LEVEL AND LEAK MONITORING SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. &nstall in strict accordance with the manufacturer<s recommendations, 3ational $lectrical "ode 3FPA 7), and 3FPA ,)A. !. $lectrical wor shall be rated for hazardous area as required. ". &nstall the monitoring system control panel as indicated on the drawings. #. &nstall the tan level probe and the interstitial lea probe in the proper locations in the fuel tan . &nstall the piping sump sensor in the piping sump. $. &nstall the overfill alarm and ac nowledgment switch as shown in the plan. F. The lea monitoring system installation shall be inspected and approved by the equipment supplier or its certified contractor. The lea monitoring system supplier shall submit a comprehensive chec list of quality and safety items critical to the system and verify that the installation has been in accordance with these standards and applicable fire and environmental codes. 3.! ELECTRICAL SYSTEM A. #esign, provide and install all branch circuit conduit and wiring for equipment installed in this section. All wiring shall be designed and installed in strict accordance with 3FPA 7). 3.# FIELD %UALITY CONTROL A. Test fuel distribution system according to 3FPA ,). 1eplace lea ing Hoints and connections with new materials. !. Test and adHust fuel management and lea monitoring systems controls and devices. 1eplace damaged and malfunctioning controls and devices. ". (ubmit reports of test and procedures in writing to the $ngineer. 3.$ DEMONSTRATION A. Train Bwner<s maintenance personnel on procedures and schedules related to start-up and shutdown, troubleshooting, servicing, and preventive maintenance. !. 1epresentatives of equipment suppliers for the lea monitoring system shall provide necessary training and technical support to the Bwner so that the Bwner may properly operate and maintain the systems. 3.& COMMISSIONING A. !efore activating the system perform these steps: .. Flush system piping with grade of fuel to be used by owner to remove any debris and foreign matter in piping prior to filling tan for the first time. (ervice

all system filters and screens and dispose of fuel in accordance with $PA and 3FPA regulations after flushing. *. Bpen valves to correct position for system operation. END OF SECTION 13001

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