Combat Reports SO
Combat Reports SO
Combat Reports SO
STUDENT OUTLINE COMBAT REPORTS ISLC0304W (02/01/11) LEARNING OBJECTIVES FOR T IS LESSON TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVES. #% &ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a helicopter!landing (one )rief, per *+*+ 2!2 page #2#% ,"-##%"$%"5. 2% &ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a 'ituation report, per *+*+ 2!2 page #25% ,"-##%"$%"$. -% &ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a po'ition report, per *+*+ 2!2 page /!-% ,"-##%"$%"0. % &ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a ca'ualty report, per *+*+ 2!2 page /!-% ,"-##%"$%"8. 5% &ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a SAL1T2 report, per *+*+ $!5 page *!#% ,"-##%"$%#-. $% &ith the aid of reference, given a tactical 'cenario, prepare a S32LL report, per *+*+ $!8 page 4!22% ,"-##%"$%#5. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES% N5N2 STUDENT PREPARATION: /ead the outline prior to cla''%
2verything an infantryman 'ee' or hear' on the )attlefield can )e u'ed )y the S!2% Thi' i' one of the rea'on' that 6e utili(e com)at report'% The report format' may vary from unit to unit )ut the information contained in the report i' the 'ame% The u'e of 'tandardi(ed report' 'peed' information flo6 and facilitate' 'upport re7ue't'% 8roper communication procedure', including encryption of 'en'itive information, mu't )e follo6ed in 'u)mitting all report'% A' a rule if a 'pecific line i' to )e omitted it 6ill )e annotated a' N5N2% 29ample: Line Alpha None a% INT2L C;CL2: The proce'' of collecting information for intelligence purpo'e'% #% <irection: 3igher ta'=' a unit 6ith an information re7uirement or other 'pecific o)jective% 2% Collection: The unit ta'=ed 6ith the mi''ion complete' the collection, )y reporting, ma=ing '=etche' or ta=ing photo'% -% 8roce''ing: 5nce the report' filter in to the S!2, intelligence per'onnel proce'' all the information and ma=e intelligence out of it% % <i''emination: 5nce the S!2 ha' made Intel from the information collected, it i' their jo) to pa'' the Intel out to the unit' to act on it% STUDENT NOTES:
2% L!"#$"% &'"( B)$(* ,L> 4rief. ,"-##%"$%"5. The Landing >one 4rief i' given to incoming helicopter' a' 'oon a' you are a)le to get communication 6ith the helicopter% The format i' a' follo6': a% Line AL83A% Location of L>: The 'i9 or eight digit grid coordinate to the actual L>%
E+!,-.( Line A: 0 0-82% )% Line 4/A?5% Si(e of the L>: ,Length and 6idth in *eet.
E+!,-.( Line 4: 25" )y 5"" *eet% c% Line C3A/LI2% L> +ar=ing: ;e' or No follo6ed )y the mean' of mar=% NOTE ,If u'ing 'mo=e color 6ill not )e given, once the pilot identifie' the mar= he 6ill verify the color.% E+!,-.( Line C: ;e'@@Smo=e% d% Line <2LTA% &ind <irection and ?elocity: I' the cardinal direction of the 6ind and the 'peed% E+!,-.( Line <: N2 to S2 5 +83% e% Line 2C35% 2levation of the Landing >one: Thi' 6ill )e given in feet ta=en from the contour line of your map and multiplying the meter' )y three ,-" meter' A B" feet appro9.% E+!,-.( Line 2: B" feet f% Line *5CT/5T% 5)'tacle': Thing' that may hamper the AircraftD' approach or retirement ,po6er line', )uilding'. i' con'idered o)'tacle'% 5)'tacle' are given 6ith a de'cription, di'tance and cardinal direction% E+!,-.( Line *: 8o6er line 5"" *eetE+eter' South &e't g% Line F5L*% Location of friendly po'ition': di'tance in meter' and cardinal direction% E+!,-.( Line F: 2"" meter' South% h% Line 35T2L% 2nemy Location: meter' and cardinal direction% Fiven 6ith di'tance in Fiven 6ith
E+!,-.( Line 3: 5"" meter' North% i% Line IN<IA% type of fire% La't *ire /eceived: Fiven 6ith the time and
E+!,-.( Line I: # "" Small Arm'% j% Line G1LI2T% <irection of fire and <i'tance: Fiven in a
cardinal direction and di'tance in meter'% E+!,-.( Line G: North 2a't #""" meter'% =% Line HIL5% Clearance to *ire: Fiven a' a ye' or No 6ith a cardinal direction and di'tance in meter'% E+!,-.( Line H: ;e' North 2a't -"" meter'% l% Line LI+A% Approach and retirement: Thi' i' 6here you can re7ue't the helicopter,'. to land and ta=e off in a certain direction% NOTE: 3elicopter' land and ta=e off into the 6ind% It may )e de'ired to po'ition friendly force' for em)ar=ation )a'ed on thi' rule% E+!,-.( Line L: north to 'outh% m% Line +IH2% 8er'onnel and e7uipment: The num)er of per'onnel that are re7uiring lift and the gear they 6ill )e carrying% E+!,-.( Line +: -" 8AC 6ith com)at load% n% Line N5?2+42/% 5ther: Thi' i' 6here you can include any information that ha' not yet )een pa''ed ,L> 'lope, &hite out.% E+!,-.( Line N: L> Slope -" north to 'outh% STUDENT NOTES:
-% S$/0!/$'" R(-')/ ,SITREP.,"-##%"$%"$. The Situation /eport i' u'ed a' a mean' to ma=e the higher head7uarter' a6are of your current 'ituation% At a minimum it 'hould )e 'ent every 'i9 hour', upon re7ue't or follo6ing a 'ignificant event% The format i' a' follo6': a% Line Alpha% 1NIT L5CATI5N: ;our Location given 6ith a 'i9 or eight digit grid% E+!,-.( Line Alpha: 080 0
)% Line 4ravo% S1++A/; 5* LAST $ 351/S: If no 'ignificant event' have occurred, give a )rief 'ummary of your event' 'ince your la't SIT/28% E+!,-.( Line 4ravo: 5ccupied 8atrol 4a'e, currently conducting 'ecurity patrol'% c% Line Charlie% 2N2+; C5NTACT and C55/<INAT2S: Type of contact and a grid location% E+!,-.( Line Charlie: 2nemy L8E58 fired at our patrol at FC 0 0 0$% d% Line <elta% SIFNI*ICANT 2?2NTS: Any important information that may aid other' or may effect future operation'% E+!,-.( Line <elta currently 'ending '=etche' of enemy po'ition' via me''enger% e% Line 2cho% 8LANS *5/ N2CT $ 351/S: 4arring any other event' 6hat your current plan i'% E+!,-.( Line 2cho: Continue to 'end out 'ecurity patrol' to gain contact% f% Line *5CT/5T% CAS1ALTI2S 8AST $ 351/S: Any ca'ualtie' 'ince previou' SIT/28% N5T2: If ca'ualty re7uire' +2<2?AC it 'hould )e annotated% E+!,-.( Line *o9trot: ,#. gun'hot 6ound +2<2?AC to *ollo6% 5r N5N2% g% Line Folf% */I2N<L; HIA: Thi' 6ill )e given a' a num)er unle'' name and SSN are re7ue'ted )y higher% E+!,-.( Line Folf: four% h% i% Line 3otel% Line India% */I2N<L; &IA: Same a' Line Folf% 2N2+; HIA: Num)er and ran=' if =no6n%
j% Line Guliet% 2N2+; &IA: Same a' line India, Should include plan for evac% =% Line Hilo% plan for evac% 2N2+; 28&: Same a' line India, Should include
% P'1$/$'" R(-')/
,8o' /ep.,"-##%"$%"0.
The 8o'ition /eport i' 'ent to higher to report your current 8o'ition% Normally thi' report i' 'ent every $ hour' or a' re7ue'ted )y higher% E+!,-.(: 3otel 2E thi' i' *o9trot 2E 85S/28@@@@@@Frid 080 0 @% 5ver 5% C!10!./2 R(-')/ ,+2<2?AC.,"-##%"$%"8. The Ca'ualty /eport i' u'ed to report any ca'ualtie' you have received during your operation% It inform' higher on the 'tatu' i' of any injured +arine' you may have% If more than one per'on i' injured then they mu't )e prioriti(ed ,1rgent 8riority and /outine. a% Line Alpha: +2<2?AC Num)er: Initial of La't Name and +arine' la't four digit' of hi' SSN% )% c% d% Line 4ravo: <TF of Incident: Line Charlie: Frid Location: 'tand )y for
Line <elta Type &ound: #!F1NS35T 2!S3/A8N2L -!5T32/ ,S82CI*;. Line 2cho: 8ortion of 4ody Affected: Line *o9trot: <i'po'ition: #!S2/I51S 2!N5N!S2/I51S -!<2A< Line Folf: 2vac /e7uired: ;2S or N5 Line 3otel: Activity Ca'ualty &a' 2ngaged In: #!8AT/5L 2!5**2NSI?2 582/ATI5N -!<2*2NSI?2 582/ATI5N
e% f%
g% h%
!5T32/ ,S82CI*;. i% Line India: &ound cau'ed )y: #!SNI82/ 2!F/2NA<2 -!+IN2 !4554; T/A8 5!IN<I/2CT *I/2 $!5T32/ ,S82CI*;.
$% SALUTE R(-')/(SPOTREP) ,"-##%"$%#-. The SAL1T2 report i' u'ed 6hen you have o)'erved enemy activity% 1'e a' much detail in the report a' you can 6ithout ma=ing a me'' of it% The format i' a' follo6'% a% Line Alpha: SI>2: force you have o)'erved% <e'cri)e the 'i(e of the enemy
)% Line 4ravo: ACTI?IT;: <e'cri)e 6hat you o)'erved the enemy doing% c% Line Charlie: L5CATI5N: Five an accurate 'i9 or eight digit grid of 6here you la't o)'erved the enemy% d% Line <elta: 1NIT: Type of unit% If the identification of the unit i' un=no6n de'cri)e 6hat uniform the enemy i' 6earing to include patche' and cover'% i%e% Solid green fatigue' 6ith a gold diamond on left 'houlder and camouflage 'oft cover'% e% Line 2cho% TI+2: The time and date of 6hen you 'a6 the enemy, "'/ 34(" 2'0 )(-')/(# $/% f% Line *o9trot% 2I1I8+2NT: <e'cri)e the gear the enemy 6a' 6earing or had at hi' location% i%e%% 5 AH! 0D', 2 /8H +achine Fun', # /8F!0, 2 ALIC2 type pac=', and 'hovel'% STUDENT NOTES:
Shell /eport ,S32LL/28.. ,"-##%"$%#5. a% Line Alpha% )% Line 4ravo% c% Line Charlie% d% Line <elta% e% Line 2cho% f% Line *o9trot% 5)'erver Identification 5)'erver location A(imuth to gun ,If Hno6n. Crater analy'i' Time ShellingE 4om)ing Started Time Shelling or )om)ing 'topped Coordinate' of 'helled area ,four point
)o9. g% Line Folf% +ortar, 4om). Num)er and type' of 6eapon' fired ,Arty,
h% Line 3otel% Nature of fire ,hara'' de'truction /egi'tration. i% Line India% Num)er and type of 'hell' ,32, Smo=e Illum.
j% Line Guliet% *la'h to )ang in 'econd' Sound travel' --" meter' per 'econd ,fla'h to )ang. 29ample: If a 'mo=e fla'h i' 'potted, )egin counting utili(ing the J5ne thou'and one, one thou'and t6oJ method% Say the )ang i' heard on a count of three% +ultiply - 9 --" +8S and thi' 6ill give you the meter' to the gun firing to your po'ition STUDENT C EC5 ON LEARNING 6UESTIONS: #% A 'ituation report i' given every KKKK hour' unle'' re7ue'ted )y higher% 2% A KKKKKKKKKKKKreport i' utili(ed to report an enemy 'ightingL REFERENCES #% *+ 0!8 2% *+*+ 2!2 -% *+*+ ##!# Infantry /ifle 8latoon and S7uad Amphi)iou' /econnai''ance Nuclear, Chemical, and <efen'ive 4iological
5peration'% Supporting Arm' 5)'erver, Spotter and Controller Tactical *undamental' of 3elicopter )orn 5peration'%
L& BRIEF T4$1 $1 77777777 1/!"# 82 *') L& 8)$(* LINE A B C D E F G I J 5 L M N LINE DESCRIPTION REPORT INFORMATION Location: G)$# 9')# Si(e of the L>: F((/ L> +ar=ing: :ES / NO T2-( &ind <irection and velocity: D$)/MP 2levation of (one: F((/ 5)'tacle': P'3() .$"(1 *riendly 8o'ition': D$) ; D$1 $" ,(/()1 2nemy 8o'ition': D$) ; D$1 $" ,(/()1 La't fire received: T$,( !"# T2-( <irection of fire M di'tance: Clearance to fire: D$)(9/$'"/D$1/!"9( ApproachE/etirement: /ecommended 8er'onnelE27uipment: 5ther: S.'-(< W4$/('0/< (/9.
7777777777 LINE A B C D E F G I J 5
LINE DESCRIPTION 1NIT L5CATI5N ,F/I<. S1++A/; 5* LAST $ 351/S 2N2+; C5NTACT AN< C55/<INAT2S SIFNI*ICANT 2?2NTS 8LANS *5/ N2CT $ 351/S CAS1ALTI2S 8AST $ 351/S */I2N<L; HIA */I2N<L; &IA 2N2+; HIA 2N2+; &IA 2N2+; 28&
+2<2?AC N ,INIT AN< LAST SSN. <TF 5* INCI<2NT F/I< L5CATI5N T;82 5* &51N< #% F1NS35T 2% S3/A8N2L -% 5T32/ ,S82CI*;. 85/TI5N 5* 45<; 2**2CT2< <IS85SITI5N #% S2/I51S 2% N5N!S2/I51S -% <2A< 2?AC /2I1I/2< ACTI?IT; CAS1ALT; &AS 2NFAF2< IN #% 8AT/5L 2% 5**2NSI?2 582/ATI5N -% <2*2NSI?2 582/ATI5N % 5T32/ ,S82CI*;. &51N< CA1S2< 4; #% SNI82/ 2% F/2NA<2 -% +IN2 % 4554; T/A8 5% IN<I/2CT *I/2 $% 5T32/ ,S82CI*;.
S ELLREP 777777777 T IS IS 7777777 STAND B: FOR S ELLREP LINE LINE DESCRIPTION REPORT INFORMATION A 54S2/?2/ CALL SIFN B 54S2/?2/ L5CATI5N C A>I+1T3 T5 F1N ,C/AT2/ ANAL;SIS. D TI+2 S32LLINFE 45+4INF STA/T2< E TI+2 S32LLINFE 45+4INF ST5882< F C55/<INAT2S *5/ S32LL2< A/2A G N1+42/ AN< T;82S 5* &2A85NS *I/2< NAT1/2 5* *I/2 ,3A/ASS, /2FIST/ATI5N. I N1+42/ AN< T;82 5* S32LLS J *LAS3 T5 4ANF ,S2C5N<S.