Date Sheets April 2014
Date Sheets April 2014
Date Sheets April 2014
The candidates are required to bring their own typewriters for Typewriting and Stenography Examinations as per date-sheet. Typewriting Stenography
Examinations will be conducted in accordance with the Guidelines issued to the Centre Superintendents by the NIOS.
For Practical Examinations the candidates at AIs will be divided in required number of batches according to the capacity of the laboratory and
consultation with the Examiner(s) concerned by the Superintendent/Coordinator of the Centre/AIs.
The result of examination is likely to be declared in 6 weeks after the last date of the examination No enquiries about the actual date of declaration of
result will be attended to. A copy of the relevant portion of the result will be communicated to the Accredited Institutions immediately after declaration
of results and will be available on the Internet also on NIOS website
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The Mark-Sheet, Provisional Certificate and Migration-cum-Transfer Certificate will be issued to the successful candidates directly through Speed Post
by the Regional Centre. In the case of candidates whose required subjects are yet to be cleared will receive the mark-sheet only.
There will not be any change in the dates of the examination.
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The Practical examination will be conducted at their respective Accredited Institute (AIs) of NIOS.
The Examination fees paid by the candidates entitle them to appear in practical and theory examination, if otherwise eligible, without having to pay
anything extra at the examination centre.
Dated:- 30
January, 2014