Addition of Subject Psychology Old Syllabus dt. 09.11.2024
Addition of Subects dt. 06.11.2024
Addition of Subject Commerce Opt(ii) Materials Management dt. 21.10.2024
B'N ^1
^1L f;w?;No No f;;Nw dhnK gqhfynktK d"okB oh^nghno tkb/ gqhfynkoEhnK Bz{ ft;a/ dk Bkw (Title or Sub-Title) spdhb j'D s/ jh
g[okD/ f;b/p; dk gq;aB^gZso w[ZjfJnk eotkfJnk ikt/rk. i/eo ft;a/ dk Bkw (Title or Sub-Title) spdhb BjhA j? sK oh^nghno
tkb/ gqhfynkoEhnK Bz{ th Bt/
Bt/A f;b/p; nB[;ko jh gq;aB^gZso fdZsk ikt/rk.
B'N ^2
^2 L i/eo fe;/ g[okD/ f;b/p; tkb/ oh^nghno d/ gqhfynkoEh dk g/go $ ft;ak (Title or Sub-Title) T[; d/ g[okD/ f;b/p; nB[;ko
v/N^;ahN ftu ;akfwb BjhA j? sK T[j T[; g/go $ ft;a/ Bz{ v/N^;ahN ftu ;akfwb eotkT[D bJh s[zos ( gqhfynktK nkozG j'D s'A
gfjbK^gfjbK) ezveN ;akyk Bkb skb^w/b eoB. fJ; wzst bJh w'pkfJb Bzpo L 81466^29246 , 82838^30014,
82838^30014, 81460^35599 ns/
85588^88225 s/ th ;zgoe ehsk ik ;edk j?.
Note: -The Candidates must be on their seats at 1:15 p.m. sharp as per date-sheet below. The answer books with Optical Mark
Reader (OMR) front covers will be distributed at 1:15 p.m. 15 minutes time in the beginning of each paper is budgeted for
filling up the OMR sheets properly under the instructions and supervision of invigilators. The question paper will be
distributed at 1:30 p.m. sharp and the examination will continue till 04:30 p.m.
22.11.2024 1.History(History of the World(C1500 –1956 AD)) (245) / (History of the World (1500 –1956 AD) (343)
Friday (Old Syllbus-2018) / Mathematics-I(Dynamics)( 271) / (Vector Calculus and Solid Geometry) (348)
(Old Syllabus-2016) / Psychology (Abnormal And Clinical Psychology-I) (253) / (Abnormal Psychology-I)
(328) (Old Syll. Batch-2020-23) / (Abnormal And Clinical Psychology-I) (329) (Old Syll. 2021-22) /
Quantitative Techniques (Quantitative Techniques-V )(260) / Religious Studies (Sikh Darshan)(255)
2.Botany-VA: ( Plant Physiology )(277)
25.11.2024 1.Punjabi(Compulsory)(232) OR
Monday Mudhli Punjabi (233) (In Lieu of Punjabi Compulsory) OR
Punjab History & Culture (From 1849-1947 A.D) (238) )
(Special Paper in Lieu of Punjabi compulsory)
04.12.2024 1.Political Science(Comparative Political Systems(UK & USA) (247) / Commerce Opt. i (Computer Aided
Wednesday Accounting) (286) / Opt.(ii) Materials Management (287)/ Opt.(iii) Typing and Shorthand
(288) / Indian Classical Dance(264) / Statistics-I ( Linear Models & Design of Experiments)(281)
2.Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry-IV) (275)
10.12.2024 1.Home Science(Food and Nutrition & Child Development-I)(252) / Tabla (265) /
Tuesday Statistics-II(Theory of Sample Surveys)(282)
2. Physics-B(Electronics) (274) / (Nuclear Physics) (330) (Old Syll.2021-22)/
Zoology Zoo-VB (Genetics)(280)
3.Vocational Courses :A/I : Refrigeration and Air Conditioning-A (302)
12.12.2024 1.Philosophy(Western Metaphysics & Epistemology) (250) / Geography (World Regional Geography-I)(251) /
Thursday Rural Development (Rural Development-V) (257) /Agricultural Economics and Marketing (Agricultural
Economics-III)(258) / Music(Vocal)(263) /
Travel & Tourism (World Travel Geography) ( 318)
19.12.2024 Vocational Courses :A/I : Fashion Designing & Garment Construction(History Costumes of India & World-
Thursday I)(308)/ Cosmetology(311) / Bioinformatics(Computational Methods for Sequence Analysis)(317) /
Biotechnology (rDNA Technology and Animal Biotechnology) (313)
Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics(Therapeutic Nutrition)(289)
21.12.2024 Vocational Courses :A/I : Computer Maintenance (Networking Operating System)(290)
Saturday Computer Applications (Internet & Web Designing)(292) / Information Technology(Operating System )(312)/
Information Technology Specialization Software Development(Programming Using C Language)(323)
2.Vocational Courses: B/II : Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- B (303)
Note:-Candidates are allowed to use colored pencils for diagrams in subject of Economics.
iao{oh B'N^3
^3L^ ;w{zj ;zpzXsK dh ikDekoh fjs df;nk iKdk j? fe e[M gqpzXeh ekoBK eoe/ eJh tko v/N^;ahNK ftu spdhbh j' ;edh
j?.fJ; bJh gqhfynktK ;wkgs j'D sZe ;w/
;w/A^;w/A s/ v/N^;ahN B{z :{Bhtof;Nh dh t?p;kJhN s'A u?e eo fbnk ikt/.