Experiment: Thevenin's & Norton's Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer
Experiment: Thevenin's & Norton's Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer
Experiment: Thevenin's & Norton's Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer
He knoweth whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry (green or withered), but is (inscribed) in a record clear (to those who can read).
Thevenins & Nortons Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer
To applied Thevenins and Nortons theorems in finding the current flowing in a particular resistor (variable load) in a particular network. To verify the theorems by comparing the simulated values to those obtained by measurement.
DC supply (Vs=15V) Digital multimeters Resistors R1=1.8k; R2=3.6k; R3=820; R4=R5=100; RL=180
Figure 3-1
One DC voltmeter One DC Ammeter DC power supply Rheostats (RTH= 22, RL= 44) Wires & Chords
The maximum power transfer theorem states that a resistive load will receive maximum power when its total resistive value is exactly equal to the Thevenins resistance of the network as seen by the load. A Line
Figure 3-2 Figure 3-2 shows that any circuit A terminated with a load RL can be reduced to its Thevenins equivalent. Now according to this theorem the load RL will receive maximum power when RL=RTH The efficiency of power transfer is defined as the ratio of the power delivered to the load POUT, to the power supplied by the source PIN.
At maximum power transfer condition, = 50% & VR= 100%. A relatively low efficiency of 50% can be tolerated in situations where power levels are relatively low such as in electronic & communications circuits for transmission & reception of signal where the Engineers goal is to receive or transmit maximum amount of power.
However, if large power levels are involved, such as at generating stations, efficiencies of 50% would not be acceptable. The goal here is high efficiency and not maximum power. Power utility systems are designed to transmit the power to the load with the greatest efficiency by reducing the losses on the power lines. Thus the effort is concentrated on reducing RTH, which would represent the resistance of the source plus the line resistance.
Figure 3-3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Set up the circuit as shown in Figure 3-3. Apply 10V dc from the dc power supply. Keep the Thevenin rheostat, Rth 5k at maximum position. Vary the load rheostat RL from 0 to 10k. Measure the voltages VL and I. Take 11 sets of reading. Record all result in Table 3-4.
Plot the following curves on the graph paper and attach them to your report: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. % vs RL % VR vs RL loss vs RL POUT vs RL IL vs RL VL vs RL
Table of Results
Measured values
V1 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 RL
Table 3-1
Measured values
Thevenins resistance Thevenins voltage current in RL Thevenins resistance
Theoretical values
Thevenins voltage current in RL
Table 3-2
Measured values
Nortons Resistance Nortons current current in RL Nortons resistance
Theoretical values
Nortons current current in RL
Table 3-3
%VR RL = VL / I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Table 3-1