Virginia Department of Education: K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction Program

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Virginia Department of Education

K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction Program Fall Student Record Collection User Guide

Virginia Department of Education K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction Program Web orm Completion !nstructions

"able of Contents
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE K-3 PRIMARY CLASS SIZE REDUCTION PROGRAM FOR FY 20 3 AND FY 20 ! ONLY"############################################################# INTRODUCTION" K-3 PRIMARY CLASS SIZE REDUCTION PROGRAM####################2 Purpose.........................................................................................................................................3 Software / Hardware Requirements...............................................................................................3 Standards......................................................................................................................................3 Updates.........................................................................................................................................3 LOGGING IN AND ACCESSING SS$S##########################################################################! K-3 CLASS SIZE REDUCTION PROGRAM####################################################################% Step 1: Access K-3 C ass Si!e Reduction Pro"ram and Se ect a Sc#oo .......................................$ Step %: &nitia 'ata &nput.............................................................................................................1( Step 3: )est Resu ts.....................................................................................................................11 Step *: Action A+ai a, e.............................................................................................................1% Step -: Proceed to t#e .e/t Sc#oo .............................................................................................10 Step 0: Su,mit 'ata....................................................................................................................1$ 1o""in" 2ut................................................................................................................................%1

K-3 User Manual 7.0

September 2013

Virginia Department of Education K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction Program Web orm Completion !nstructions

S&e'i() I*s+ru'+i,*s -,r +.e K-3 Pri/(r0 C)(ss Si1e Redu'+i,* Pr,2r(/ -,r FY 20 3 (*d FY 20 ! ONLY"
)#e 3enera Assem, 4 amended t#e appropriation act an"ua"e to a ow sc#oo di+isions additiona f e/i,i it4 re"ardin" t#e pupi -teac#er ratios required to qua if4 for state K-3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction fundin" in fisca 4ears %(13 and %(1*. )#e proposed f e/i,i it4 wou d permit participatin" sc#oo s to e/ceed t#eir funded sc#oo -wide pupi -teac#er ratio for "rades K3 ,4 up to t#ree students5 #owe+er6 t#e required ma/imum c ass si!e caps remain unc#an"ed. 7e"innin" in fisca 4ear %(1-6 sc#oo di+isions wou d ,e required to meet t#eir required pupi teac#er ratios and ma/imum c ass si!es under t#e e/istin" K-3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram wit#out t#e additiona f e/i,i it4. P ease refer to t#e appropriation act reference ,e ow for t#e ad8usted an"ua"e "o+ernin" t#e f e/i,i it4 pro+ision:
&tem 139 C. 1(. ". of C#apter 36 %(1% Specia Session & Acts of Assem, 4.

:". &t is t#e intent of t#e 3enera Assem, 4 t#at for t#e first and second 4ear on 46 sc#oo di+isions ma4 #a+e t#e f e/i,i it4 to ,e considered to meet t#e requirements of t#is pro"ram if t#e ratio for eac# sc#oo is no more t#an t#ree students #i"#er t#an t#ose ot#erwise required for t#is pro"ram.;

K-3 User <anua 1.(

2cto,er %((*

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

I*+r,du'+i,*" K-3 Pri/(r0 C)(ss Si1e Redu'+i,* Pr,2r(/

O3er3ie4" K-3 Pri/(r0 C)(ss Si1e Redu'+i,* Pr,2r(/ P(r+i'i&(+i,* Sc#oo di+isions t#at wi participate in t#e K-3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram in => %(1* must pro+ide data to t#e 'epartment of ?ducation indicatin" t#at participatin" sc#oo s meet fundin" criteria. ?ac# sc#oo t#at is a ocated funds t#rou"# t#e K-3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram must meet t#e ma/imum c ass si!e and pupi -teac#er ratio requirements as of t#e Septem,er 3(t# fa mem,ers#ip data co ection. )o faci itate t#e co ection of data for => %(1* re ated to t#e pupi -teac#er ratio and ma/imum c ass si!e requirements6 t#e @e,-,ased K-3 Class Size Reduction Program pro+ides @e, forms to report t#e data needed to participate in t#is pro"ram. Si*2)e Si2*-O* -,r $e5 S0s+e/s 6SS$S7 )#e 'epartment of ?ducation #as dep o4ed man4 @e,-,ased app ications to ena, e sc#oo di+isions to pro+ide data to t#e 'epartment. )o faci itate #a+in" man4 additiona sc#oo di+ision staff personne accessin" t#e @e, site6 and to simp if4 t#e process for sc#oo di+isions w#ere sin" e indi+idua s ma4 #a+e t#e responsi,i it4 to enter data or su,mit data fi es for separate co ections6 t#e 'epartment #as created a @e, app ication6 Single Sign-#n for Web Systems $SSWS%& )#is s4stem wi a ow sc#oo di+isions to assi"n access ri"#ts to indi+idua s and ena, e t#em to si"n-on usin" one user id and one password. )o access an4 of t#e 'epartmentAs @e,-,ased s4stems6 sc#oo di+ision staff must uti i!e SS@S to "ain access to t#e desired @e,-,ased app ication. Conceptua 46 SS@S is desi"ned to simp if4 entr4 into t#e 'epartmentAs mu tip e @e,-,ased s4stems. )#e dia"rams in igure ' and igure ( depict a comparison usin" an office ,ui din" or a storefront ma as a compara, e e/amp e.


)o access an4 of t#e doors in t#e mode a,o+e in igure '6 4ou ma4 need as man4 as si/ Be4s6 w#ic# can ,e difficu t and confusin" to remem,er w#ic# Be4 opens w#ic# door.

K-3 User Manual 7.0

September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions @it# Single Sign-#n6 a person can ,e "i+en a sin" e Be4 and access to more t#an one door C@e, s4stemD in igure ( ,e ow6 wit#out t#e issue of remem,erin" mu tip e user ids and passwords.

Fi2ure 2

)o mana"e t#e process of assi"nin" access to sc#oo di+ision staff6 eac# sc#oo di+ision wi assi"n a SSWS )ccount *anager and a SSWS +ac,up )ccount *anager. )#e account and ,acBup account mana"ers are responsi, e for assi"nin" access ri"#ts to di+ision staff for t#e @e,-,ased s4stem. Pur&,se )#is manua is desi"ned to instruct t#e sc#oo di+ision staff on #ow to use t#e K-3 Primary Class Size Reduction Program in t-e Single Sign-on for Web Systems $SSWS% application& &nstructions contained in t#is manua inc ude o""in" on to SS@S and su,mittin" data for t#e K-3 pro"ram. S,-+4(re 8 H(rd4(re Re9uire/e*+s Standard office desBtop computer equipment wit# an &nternet connection is required6 as is a ,rowser suc# as &nternet ?/p orer6 .etscape6 or =irefo/. )#e SS@S menu and securit4 modu es #a+e ,een con+erted for comp iance wit# t#e Eir"inia &nformation )ec#no o"4 Accessi,i it4 Standard C32E 1(3-((D6 t#e State @e, Site Standard C32E 1(0-((D6 and t#e E'2? @e, Standard. &n t#e near future eac# mana"ed app ication wi a so ,e con+erted to t#ese standards. SS@S is desi"ned to ,e ,est +iewed usin" t#e fu screen at a reso ution of 1(%* F $0G and <edium )e/t Si!e. &t wi operate correct 46 #owe+er6 at an4 #i"#er reso ution and sma er te/t si!e se ected ,4 t#e user. S+(*d(rds Samp es of screens C:screen-s#ots;D are pro+ided t#rou"#out6 and an4 Be4ed instructions or Be4words are printed in bold. 7uttons are t4pica 4 represented ,4 ima"es of t#e ,uttons found on t#e screens. :Screen-s#otsH ma4 come from eit#er .etscape or &nternet ?/p orer5 t#e functiona it4 and steps are identica for eit#er .etscape6 =irefo/6 or &nternet ?/p orer. U&d(+es Updates to t#is manua wi ,e annotated wit# +ersion num,ers6 wit# t#e first +ersion num,ered as K-3 .ser *anual '&/.
K-3 User Manual 7.0 3 September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

L,22i*2 i* (*d A''essi*2 SS$S

?nter t#e @e, address CUR1D for SS@S: -ttps011p'pe&doe&2irginia&go21ss3s1login&page&do )#e @e, pa"e in igure 3 wi appear Cfor t#is manua 6 t#e ,rowser ima"es are ,ased on &nternet ?/p orer6 ,ut t#e functiona it4 and steps are identica for .etscapeD.

Fi2ure 3

?nter 4our assi"ned .ser 4ame and Pass3ord Ct#ese are pro+ided to 4ou ,4 4our sc#oo di+ision SS@S Account <ana"erD. C icB t#e ,utton to proceed.

K-3 User Manual 7.0

September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

An improper o"in wi produce t#e fo owin" messa"e6 in igure 55 c icB on t#e :& =or"ot <4 Password; inB if 4ou need additiona assistance in retrie+in" t#e correct o"-in information:

Fi2ure !

After successfu 4 o""in" in6 t#e E'2? Si"n-2n Home Pa"e in igure 6 wi appear. )#is :menu; in t#e center of t#e pa"e wi disp a4 t#e s4stems 4ou ma4 access. >our screen wi ref ect t#ose app ications for w#ic# 4our Account <ana"er #as pro+ided 4ou access.

Fi2ure :

K-3 User Manual 7.0

September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions Usin" 4our mouse6 point to t#e :K-3 C ass Si!e Reduction Pro"ram; app ication and single left clic, 4our mouse.

C.(*2i*2 P(ss4,rds
)#e SS@S app ication wi a ow users to c#an"e t#eir password. C icB on t#e inB and t#e pa"e in igure 7 wi appear.

Fi2ure ;

?nter 4our user name and emai address. C icB on t#e password. >ou wi need t#is password at 4our ne/t o"in.

,utton to store 4our new

&f at an4 point 4ou need additiona instructions on #ow to worB in SS@S6 4ou can c icB on t#e inB tit ed :SS@S &nstructions; in t#e upper-ri"#t-#and corner of t#e app ication:

Fi2ure %

K-3 User Manual 7.0

September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

K-3 C)(ss Si1e Redu'+i,* Pr,2r(/

#2er2ie30 )#e K-3 C ass Si!e Reduction Pro"ram is desi"ned to a ow t#e entr4 of Be4 data for eac# sc#oo wit#in a sc#oo di+ision. =o owin" t#e entr4 of t#is data C:initia input;D6 an e+a uation C:pupi -ratio test;6 :ma/imum c ass si!e test;D ,ased on a set of ru es wi ,e performed6 and t#e status C:pass;6 :fai ;D of K-3 data su,mitted for eac# sc#oo wi ,e disp a4ed. 7ased on t#is status6 t#ere are up to si/ C0D separate actions t#at can ,e taBen to #e p ,rin" t#e sc#oo into K-3 fundin" comp iance. )#e user ma4 se ect an action to indicate t#e sc#oo di+isionAs decision concernin" K3 fundin" for t#e specific sc#oo . )#e fo owin" pa"es of t#is manua wi assist t#e user in usin" t#e software to enter t#e required Be4 K-3 data and na+i"ate t#rou"# t#e +arious actions a+ai a, e.

S+e& " A''ess K-3 C)(ss Si1e Redu'+i,* Pr,2r(/ (*d Se)e'+ ( S'.,,)
After reportin" 4our =a <em,ers#ip ,4 sc#oo 6 access t#e K-3 C ass Si!e Reduction Pro"ram ,4 c icBin" on t#e SS@S menu inB ,e ow: from t#e menu t#at appears simi ar to igure 8

Fi2ure <

K-3 User Manual 7.0

September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions After se ectin" t#e :K-3 C ass Si!e Reduction Pro"ram; inB6 t#e @e, pa"e in igure 9 wi disp a46 and t#en se ect t#e :?nter/Eiew 'ata; inB:

Fi2ure =

?ac# qua if4in" sc#oo Csc#oo names are , acBed out in igure '/ ,e owD in t#e di+ision wi ,e isted disp a4in" an #2erall Status from t#e ist ,e ow Ca sc#oo status wi c#an"e ,ased on actions taBen in su,sequent @e, pa"esD: &ncomp ete (Initial value before data is entered) =ai ed 2pted 2ut Accepted Reduced =undin" Passed .ot ? i"i, e =or K-3 =undin" 7ased 2n =ree 1unc# Percenta"e (For schools with free lunch
eligibility rates less than 30%; no data entry is required for these schools.)

K-3 User Manual 7.0

Fi2ure 0 ,

September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions C icB on t#e -yperlin,ed :Edit; button underneat# t#e :Action; section to access t#e action pa"e for eac# sc#oo . )#e fo owin" pa"e section in igure '' ,e ow wi appear for eac# sc#oo t#at requires data entr4 to determine pro"ram comp iance. )#e data contained in t#is section is from t#e 'epartment of ?ducation data,ase:


)#e data in igure '' a,o+e is computed ,ased on t#e ratio ta, e6 found in igure '(& S'.,,) 4ide Pu&i)-Te('.er R(+i, (*d I*di3idu() C)(ss Si1e Re9uire/e*+s 50 Per'e*+ Free Lu*'. E)i2i5i)i+0 -,r +.e FY 20 ! K-3 Pr,2r(/ <ualifying Sc-ool Percentage of Students )ppro2ed Eligible for ree =unc3(I ,ut ess t#an *-I *-I ,ut ess t#an --I --I ,ut ess t#an 0-I 0-I ,ut ess t#an $(I $(I ,ut ess t#an $-I $-I or more Re>uired ?rades K3 Sc-ool 3ide Ratio 19 to 1 1G to 1 1$ to 1 10 to 1 1- to 1 1* to 1
Fi2ure 2

*a@imum !ndi2idual Class Size %* %3 %% %1 %( 19

Source Ite! "3# $. "0. d. of $ha%ter &0'( )0"3 *cts of *sse!bly.

K-3 User Manual 7.0

September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions NOTE: =or => %(13 and => %(1* on 46 t#e 3enera Assem, 4 appro+ed additiona f e/i,i it4 to sc#oo di+isions re"ardin" t#e required sc#oo -wide pupi -teac#er ratios. Sc#oo di+isions wi ,e considered to #a+e passed t#e pupi -teac#er ratio test if t#e reported ratio is no "reater t#an an additiona 3 students a,o+e t#e ratio. =or e/amp e6 if 4our required ratio is 1* to 16 4ou wi ,e considered to #a+e passed t#e pupi -teac#er ratio test is 4our reported ratio is no "reater t#an 1$ to 1. )#is f e/i,i it4 is e/tended for a ratios isted a,o+e. Please note t-at no additional fle@ibility 3as pro2ided for t-e indi2idual class size test& 7ased on t#e Comp etion Status for t#e sc#oo 6 +ariations of t#e fo owin" pa"es wi disp a4:

S+e& 2" I*i+i() D(+( I*&u+

4ot )ttempted0 &f t#e Comp etion Status is !ncompleteA t#e input section in igure '3 ,e ow wi appear underneat# t#e indi+idua sc#oo information. Comp ete t#e t#ree questions found on t#e @e, pa"e.

Fi2ure 3

CiD Report t#e num,er of "rades K-3 icensed c assroom teac#ers C=)?sD in t#e sc#oo as of Septem,er 3(. Note: All special education teachers (self-contained and resource) and teacher aides are specifically excluded and should not be reported& CiiD Report t#e num,er of "rades K-3 icensed resource teac#ers C=)?sD in t#e sc#oo as of Septem,er 3(. Note: Licensed resource teachers that may be counted include art, music, physical education, technolo y, math, ifted, E!L, remedial, and readin resource teachers" #esource teacher aides, librarians, uidance counselors, and special education resource teachers must be excluded& 4ote0 )#e num,er of K-3 specia education students in fa mem,ers#ip as of Septem,er 3(6 w#o spend more t#an -( percent of t#eir weeB 4 instructiona time wit# a specia education teac#er wi ,e ca cu ated ,ased on data pro+ided in t#e =a Student Record Co ection su,mission. )#e specia education count wi ,e su,tracted from t#e tota KJ3 mem,ers#ip reported in fa mem,ers#ip w#en ca cu atin" t#e pupi -teac#er ratio to determine e i"i,i it4 for participation in t#e KJ3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram.
K-3 User Manual 7.0 10 September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions CiiiD Report t#e ar"est indi+idua K-3 c ass si!e in eac# sc#oo . C'o not inc ude t#e num,er of K-3 students in eac# c ass w#o spend more t#an -( percent of t#eir weeB 4 instructiona time wit# a specia education teac#er.D )#e count reported in t#e 1ar"est &ndi+idua K-3 C ass Si!e wi ,e used to determine w#et#er t#e sc#oo meets t#e ma/imum c ass si!e requirements of t#e KJ3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram. C icB on t#e :)ssess t-e Eligibility; ,utton to proceed and e+a uate t#e responses pro+ided.

S+e& 3" Tes+ Resu)+s

2nce initia data input is comp ete6 a @e, pa"e section6 simi ar in content to t#e samp e in igure '5 wi ,e disp a4ed C.ote: t#e on 4 e/ception to t#is process is w#en t#e initia input data is comp ete and ,ot# tests #a+e passed6 t#e software wi automatica 4 na+i"ate ,acB to t#e summar4 pa"e found in igure '/6 and 4our :2+era Status; wi ,e s#own as :Passed; for t#is sc#oo D.

Fi2ure !

K-3 User Manual 7.0


September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions &nformation on t#e @e, pa"e section in t#e fi"ure a,o+e inc udes t#e fo owin" icons: =a Co ection mem,ers#ip data6 t#e &nitia 'ata &nput6 and eac# additiona Action Step )#e )est resu ts are disp a4ed in t#e midd e section. )#e narrati+e on t#e @e, pa"e found immediate 4 ,e ow t#e Pass/=ai resu ts directs t#e user to taBe furt#er actions for t#e institution. "erminology +o@es0 )#e @e, pa"es contain a num,er of on- ine #e p info ,o/es. C icBin" on t#e :Belp; #4per inB simi ar to t#e one in igure '6 wi produce t#e appropriate conte/t-sensiti+e #e p info ,o/:

Fi2ure :

S+e& !" A'+i,* A3(i)(5)e

)#e :)ction )2ailable; section inc udes a ist of permitted actions and wi ,e disp a4ed if t#e pupi -teac#er ratio test or t#e ma/imum c ass si!e test fails6 simi ar to t#e samp e ist in t#e @e, pa"e in igure '7 ,e ow:

K-3 User Manual 7.0


September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

Fi2ure ;

@#en a sc#oo fai s one or ,ot# tests6 4ou must se ect an appropriate action as identified in t#e ist ca ed )ction )2ailable. ?ac# accepted action wi t#en ,e disp a4ed in t#e #2erall Status ist6 and wi ,e remo+ed from t#e )ction )2ailable ist. )#e ist of possi, e actions6 ,ased on w#ic# test fai s6 can ,e found ,e ow: &f t#e pupil-teac-er ratio test fai s6 t#en t#e action ist on t#e ,e ow eft wi ,e disp a4ed: &f t#e pupi -teac#er ratio test is passed6 and t#e ma@imum class size test fai s6 t#en t#e action ist on t#e ,e ow ri"#t wi ,e disp a4ed: Pupil-"eac-er Ratio "est ails Hire K-3 Staff ? iminate 3rade Accept Reduced =undin" 2pt out from K-3 fundin" Class Size Cap "est ails Hire K-3 Staff Ad8ust C asses SeeB @ai+er Accept Reduced =undin" 2pt out from K-3 fundin" ? iminate 3rade

?ac# action wi resu t in a specific )ction orm as s#own in igures 'C-(( ,e ow. Se ect t#e appropriate action6 and comp ete t#e questions on t#e fo owin" screens. C icB on t#e :)ssess Eligibility; ,utton to proceed and e+a uate t#e responses pro+ided. .ndo )ction Steps0 An Action Step can ,e e/ecuted on 4 once for eac# sc#oo . &f an Action Step needs to ,e re-e/ecuted to a ter t#e data +a ues entered for t#at action step6 t#e .ndo t-e =ast )ction function must ,e used. )#e .ndo t-e =ast )ction function must ,e done in re+erse order of t#e actions e/ecuted Ct#e Undo function wi re+erse t#e ast action step taBenD. )#en t#is Action Step can ,e repeated.
K-3 User Manual 7.0 13 September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

Bire K-3 Staff: )#is action step wi a ow t#e sc#oo di+ision to indicate p ans to add icensed teac#in" staff for t#is sc#oo . Additiona icensed staff wi c#an"e ca cu ated ratios and test resu ts. Additiona icensed staff s#ou d ,e #ired no ater t#an 'ecem,er 1st. )o access Bire K-3 Staff6 c icB on t#e radio ,utton in t#e )ction )2ailable ist as s#own in =i"ure 10 a,o+e. After se ectin" Bire K-3 Staff6 t#e fo owin" )ction orm wi ,e "enerated:

Fi2ure %

Eliminate ?rade: )#is action step wi a ow t#e sc#oo di+ision to indicate p ans to e iminate specific "rades from t#e K-3 fundin" ca cu ation t#at e/ceed t#e permitted c ass caps. )o access Eliminate ?rade6 c icB on t#e Eliminate ?rade radio ,utton in t#e )ction )2ailable ist.

Fi2ure <

)dDust Classes: )#is action step wi a ow t#e sc#oo di+ision to indicate p ans to ad8ust t#e num,er of students per c ass wit#in a specific "rade. )o access )dDust Classes6 c icB on t#e )dDust Classes radio ,utton in t#e )ction )2ailable ist.

K-3 User Manual 7.0


September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

Fi2ure =

See, Wai2er: A ows t#e sc#oo di+ision to request a wai+er to e/c ude a c ass from t#e test ca cu ation. )o access See, Wai2er6 c icB on t#e See, Wai2er radio ,utton in t#e )ction )2ailable ist. .ote t#at a wai+er cannot ,e requested for "rades t#at #a+e more t#an 3- students in fa mem,ers#ip.

Fi2ure 20

4ote0 &f 4ou request a wai+er for t#e K-3 c ass si!e cap requirement pursuant to &tem 139 C. 1(. f. of C#apter G(06 %(13 Acts of Assem, 46 4our superintendentAs certification report wi inc ude a etter requestin" t#is wai+er to t#e state superintendent. &n order to qua if4 for t#is wai+er6 4ou must #a+e 4our superintendent6 or #is or #er desi"nee6 si"n t#e etter and send an ori"ina cop4 to t#e 'epartment a on" wit# 4our K-3 certification.
K-3 User Manual 7.0 1* September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

)ccept Reduced K-3 unding: A ows t#e sc#oo di+ision to request reduced fundin" ,ased on t#eir qua if4in" ca cu ated ratios. )o access )ccept Reduced K-3 unding6 c icB on t#e )ccept Reduce K-3 unding radio ,utton in t#e )ction )2ailable ist.

Fi2ure 2

#pt-out of K-3 Program unding: )#is action a ows t#e sc#oo di+ision to opt out from K-3 pro"ram fundin". )o access #pt-out of K-3 Program unding6 c icB on t#e #pt-out of K-3 Program unding radio ,utton in t#e )ction )2ailable ist.

Fi2ure 22

S+e& :" Pr,'eed +, +.e Ne>+ S'.,,)

@#en t#e data co ection is comp ete for a sc#oo 6 4ou wi ,e directed ,acB to t#e initia data entr4 pa"e Cas s#own in igure (3 ,e owD6 and 4our status for t#e ast comp eted sc#oo wi ,e updated in t#e :2+era Status; co umn. >ou can t#en proceed to t#e ne/t sc#oo wit# an :&ncomp ete; entr4 status.
K-3 User Manual 7.0 1+ September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

Fi2ure 23

S+e& ;" Su5/i+ D(+(

2nce a sc#oo s #a+e ,een comp eted6 4ou wi no on"er see an :2+era Status; of !ncomplete in 4our sc#oo istin". )o re+iew a of t#e data entered for 4our di+ision6 4ou can c icB on t#e ,utton a,o+e to access a summar4 report for 4our di+ision6 as s#own ,e ow in igure (5.

Fi2ure 2!

)o su,mit 4our data6 c icB on :Su,mit to E'2?; on t#e sc#oo istin" screen6 as s#own ,e ow in igure (6&

K-3 User Manual 7.0


September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

Fi2ure 2:

K-3 Re&,r+s
2nce t#e data co ection is comp ete for 4our sc#oo di+ision6 t#e (/'3-(/'5 all inancial Verification Report wi inc ude a pa"e simi ar to igure (7& P=E)SE 4#"E "B)" "BE PR#EEC"ED K-3 S")"E P)F*E4" #R F (/'5 !S PR#V!DED !4 "BE REP#R" #R !4 #R*)"!#4 P.RP#SES #4=F )4D !S S.+EEC" "# CB)4?E +)SED #4 C#RREC"!#4S DE"ER*!4ED S.+SE<.E4" "# "B!S REP#R"A )4D "BE )V)!=)+!=!"F # S")"E .4DS #R "B!S PR#?R)*&

K-3 User Manual 7.0


September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

Fi2ure 2;

Addi+i,*() I*-,r/(+i,* Re2(rdi*2 +.e K-3 Pri/(r0 C)(ss Si1e Redu'+i,* Pr,2r(/
&tem 139 C. 1(. of C#apter G(06 Acts of Assem, 46 contains t#e fo owin" pro+isions re"ardin" participation in t#e optiona K-3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram: d. 74 2cto,er 1- of eac# 4ear sc#oo di+isions must pro+ide data to t#e 'epartment of ?ducation t#at eac# participatin" sc#oo #as a Septem,er 3( pupi /teac#er ratio in "rades K t#rou"# 3 t#at meets t#e K-3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram criteria. e. Sc#oo di+isions ma4 e ect to #a+e e i"i, e sc#oo s participate at a #i"#er ratio6 or on 4 in a portion of "rades Binder"arten t#rou"# t#ree6 wit# a commensurate reduction of state and required oca funds6 if oca conditions do not permit participation at t#e esta, is#ed ratio and/or ma/imum indi+idua c ass si!e. Specia education teac#ers and instructiona aides s#a not ,e counted towards meetin" t#ese required pupi /teac#er ratios in "rades Binder"arten t#rou"# t#ree. f. )#e Superintendent of Pu, ic &nstruction ma4 "rant wai+ers to sc#oo di+isions for t#e c ass si!e requirement in e i"i, e sc#oo s t#at #a+e on 4 one c ass in an affected "rade e+e in t#e sc#oo .
K-3 User Manual 7.0 1September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

". &t is t#e intent of t#e 3enera Assem, 4 t#at for t#e first and second 4ear on 4 KF+ )0"3 and F+ )0", onlyL6 sc#oo di+isions ma4 #a+e t#e f e/i,i it4 to ,e considered to meet t#e requirements of t#is pro"ram if t#e ratio for eac# sc#oo is no more t#an t#ree students #i"#er t#an t#ose ot#erwise required for t#is pro"ram. After di+ision data is su,mitted to t#e 'epartment6 t#e actua sc#oo wide pupi -to-teac#er ratios and ar"est c ass si!e for participatin" sc#oo s ,ased on Septem,er 3( fa mem,ers#ip wi ,e re+iewed. )#e data wi ,e ana 4!ed to ensure t#at participatin" sc#oo s comp 4 wit# t#e required ratios and ma/imum c ass si!es. Sc#oo s not meetin" t#ese requirements ,ased on t#e instructiona personne data su,mitted and data from fa mem,ers#ip wi ,e prompted ,4 t#e K3 s4stem to consider an4 potentia fundin" a ternati+es to ,rin" an institution into comp iance. )#e fo owin" ist of a ternati+es ma4 ,e considered for sc#oo s not in comp iance: C,/&)i(*'e 4i+. re9uired &u&i)-+e('.er r(+i,s" Hire additiona qua if4in" K-3 instructiona personne Reduce per pupi fundin" to t#e qua if4in" pupi -teac#er ratio ? iminate t#e "radeCsD not meetin" t#e pupi -teac#er ratio 2pt of t#e pro"ram C,/&)i(*'e 4i+. re9uired /(>i/u/ ')(ss si1e '(&s" Hire additiona qua if4in" K-3 instructiona personne Reduce fundin" to t#e qua if4in" pupi -teac#er ratio and correspondin" c ass si!e cap <aBe ad8ustments to t#e c assrooms not in comp iance ,4 mo+in" students to c asses wit# fewer students <eet t#e requirements for t#e Superintendent of Pu, ic &nstruction to "rant a wai+er for t#e ma/imum c ass si!e requirement in sc#oo s t#at #a+e on 4 one c ass in an affected "rade e+e in a qua if4in" sc#oo . Request for t#is wai+er must ,e pro+ided in writin" to t#e Superintendent of Pu, ic &nstruction. ? iminate t#e "radeCsD not meetin" t#e c ass si!e cap 2pt out of t#e pro"ram =or fa mem,ers#ip6 enro ment is ,ein" co ected separate 4 for t#e ei"#t oca ities comprisin" t#e four 8oint 4 operated sc#oo di+isions. Comp iance wit# t#e required sc#oo wide pupi -to-teac#er ratios and ma/imum indi+idua c ass si!es wi ,e determined wit# t#e sc#oo enro ment and teac#er data a""re"ated for t#e two oca ities. Howe+er6 state pa4ments wi ,e made to eac# oca it4 separate 4 ,ased on eac# oca it4As portion of students reported in fa mem,ers#ip for eac# participatin" sc#oo . )#e composite inde/ for eac# oca it4 a so wi ,e app ied in ca cu atin" t#e separate pa4ment for eac# di+ision. &nquiries concernin" t#e K-3 Primar4 C ass Si!e Reduction pro"ram s#ou d ,e directed to t#e ,ud"et office staff at CG(*D %%--%(%-.

K-3 User Manual 7.0


September 2013

Vir inia !epartment o" #ducation K-3 $rimar% Class Si&e Reduction $ro ram 'eb Form Completion (nstructions

L,22i*2 Ou+
&f no ot#er acti+it4 is needed6 c icB on t#e =ogout inB Csee igure (C ,e owD t#at is present on a indi+idua SS@S @e, pa"es to si"n-off6 or s#utdown 4our ,rowser.

Fi2ure 2%

K-3 User Manual 7.0


September 2013

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