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Chapter-1 : Introduction 6-28
Introduction of Stress Organizational Stress Sources of Stress Consequences of Stress Management of Stress Chapter-2 : Organization Profile 29-42 Chapter-3 : Data Analysis & Interpretation 43-60 Chapter- : !indings and "uggestions Conclusions 61-63 Chapter-# : $uestionnaire %i&liography 64-68 1
2 INTRODUCTION Stress has been called the invisible. It is a disease that ma affect ou! our organization! and an of the "eo"le in it! so ou cannot afford to ignore it. EVOLUATION OF STRESS: #he $arden of %den began as a tranquil stress environment. &o'ever 'hen (dam 'as given the tantalizing chance to eat the forbidden fruit! he 'as trust into man)ind*s first stressful situation. (dam 'as offered a choice and! as 'e )no'! decision+ma)ing is the breeding ground for conflict! frustration and distress. DEFINITION: Stress in individual is defined as any interference that disturbs a persons healthy mental and physical well being. It occurs when the body is required to perform beyond its normal range of capabilities. Stress is the way that you react physically, mentally and emotionally to various conditions, changes and demands in your life. High levels of stress can affect your physical and mental well being and performance. The results of stress are harmful to individuals, families, society and organizations, which can suffer from organization stress. Ivancevich and Matteson define stress as individual with the environment. , Behr and Newman define job stress as a condition arising from the interaction of people and their jobs and characterized by changes within people that force them to deviate from their normal functioning. Stress is a dynamic condition, which an individual is confronted with an opportunity, constraint or demand related to what he or she desires and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important. Stress is associated with constraints and demands. The former prevent you from doing what you desire, the latter refers to the loss of something desired. Stress is highest for those individuals who perceive that they are uncertain as to whether they will win or lose and lowest for those individuals who think that winning or losing is certainty. Canadian physician Hans Selye (1907-1982) in his book the stress of life 1956 popularized the idea of stress. According to Selye, the General Adaptation Syndrome consists of three phases. Ce level begins to decline irreversibly. The organism collapses . Alarm Reaction: #he first is the alarm "hases. &ere the individual mobilizes to meet the threat. #he alarm reaction has t'o "hases. #he first "hases includes in initial stoc) shoc) "hase in 'hich defensive mechanism become active. (larm reaction is characterized b autonomous e-citabilit. adrenaline discharges. increase heart rate! ulceration. /e"ending on the nature 0 intensit of the threat and the condition of the organization the 1 "eriod of resistance varies and the severit of sm"toms ma differ from mild invigoration to disease of ada"tation. Resistance: #he second is the "hase of resistance. #he individual attem"ts to resist or co"e 'ith the threat. Ma-imum ada"tation occurs during this stage. #he bodil signs characteristic of the alarm reaction disa""ear. It the stress "ersist! or the defensive reaction "roves ineffective! it ma over'helm the bod resources. /e"leted of energ! the bod enters the "hase of third. Exhaustion: (da"tation energ is e-hausted. Sings of the alarm reaction rea""ear! and the resistance level begins to define irreversibl. #he organism colla"ses. 2eston3ee has attem"ted 4 identified three im"ortant sectors of life in 'hich Stress originates. #hese are 4 5ob and the organization 4 #he social sector 4 Intra"schic sector 5ob and organization! refers to the totalit of the 'or) environment 6tas)! atmos"here! colleagues! com"ensation! "olicies! etc.7. #he social sector refers to the other such factors. #he Intra"schic sector encom"asses those things! 'hich are intimate! and "ersona! li)e tem"erament! values! abilities and health. It is contended that stress can originate in an of these sectors or in combinations thereof. 8 In the figure belo' it can be seen that the magnitude of stress emanating from the stress to learner limit of the individual to handle these stress. #his indicates a balanced state.
ORGANIZATION-INDIVIDUAL NORMAL INTERACTION PATTERN S.T.L STRESS TOLERANCE LEVEL In the figure 'e find that 3ob and organization loads have increased and have made a dent in the "ersonalit. In this stage! 'e find minor surface changes ta)ing "lace! 'hich are quite manageable.
MINIOR SURFACE CHANGES (da"tation attem"t a7 %-tra effort b7 %-cessive concern of tas) c7 9orries d7 (n-iet : In the stage three and the figure belo'! 'e find that 3ob and organizational loads have become unmanageable and interact 'ith intra"schic loads. #his is the stage at 'hich he negative consequences of the stress become a""arent. Most of the stress related diseases emerge at this "oint. 9hen the situation "ersists 'e move into the ne-t stage in 'hich 'e start o"erating beond the stress tolerance limit.
MAJOR SURFACE DISFIGURATION ;rantic co"ing 1. %-tra ordinar effort 2. 9orr and an-iet about the self ,. Onset of "hsiological sm"toms 1. (ggressive tendencies Several t"es of brea)do'ns and crac)s are observable in this stage i.e.! fourth stage. If unchec)ed the situation ma culminate into the last and most intense "hase 'herein com"lete disintegration of "ersonalit ta)es "lace. (t this stage! the individual requires "ro"er "schological and medical care. #he figure belo' de"icts the fourth and fifth stage. STRESSORS OR LOADS <
BREAKDOWNS AND CRACKS: FAILURE IN COPING (. 9or) related sm"toms =ac) of concentration (ffected clarit of thin)ing 0 decision > ma)ing ;requent absenteeism (ffected team 'or) (ggressive behavior ?. 2hsiological sm"toms &eadache 4 Migraine Insomnia =ac) of a""etite /igestive disorders Se-ual disorders #em"eramental changes. 2eston3ee has also develo"ed a model to e-"lain ho' 'e co"e 'ith stress reactions. It is called the ?O@AC% model because the behavioral decom"osition ta)ing "lace due to stress tense to get reflected in inter"ersonal reactions. #he reactions are received 0 analzed b the environment! 'hich in turn! bounce bac) signals to the individuals to bring about a change either at the orgasmic level or at the res"onse level. THE BOUNCE MODEL STRESSORS B BORNOUT STRESS SYNDROME (BOSS):- ?oss can lead to at least four t"es of stress related consequences such as! de"letion of energ reverses! lo'ered resistance to illness! increased dissatisfaction and "essimism and increased absenteeism and inefficienc at 'or). Ceningle and s"radle have identified five distinct stages of ?OSS. HONEYMOON STAGE:- #his stage can be describe as accounting for the eu"horic feeling of encounter 'ith the ne' 3ob such as e-citement! enthusiasm! challenge and "ride. /sfunctional features emerge in t'o 'as first. the energ reverses are graduall de"leted in co"ing 'ith the demands of a challenging environment. Second! habits and strategies for co"ing 'ith stress are formed in this stage 'hich is often not useful in co"ing 'ith later challenges. FUEL SHORTAGE STAGE:- #his stage can be identified as com"osed of the value feelings of loss! fatigue and confusion arising from the individual*s overdra's on reverses of ada"tation energ. Other sm"toms are dissatisfaction! inefficienc! and fatigue and slee" disturbances leading to esca"e activate such as increased eating! drin)ing 0 smo)ing. CRISIS STAGE:- D 9hen these feelings and "hsiological sm"toms "ersist over "eriod of time! the individual enters the stage of crisis. (t this stage he develo"s esca"e mentalit and feels o""ressed. &eightened "essimism! self+ doubling tendencies! "e"tic ulcers! tension headaches! chronic bac)aches! blood "ressure. HITTING THE ALL STAGE:- #his stage of ?OSS is characterized b total e-haustion of one*s ada"tation energ! 'hich ma mar) the end of one*s "rofessional career. 9hile recover from this stage elude ma be resourceful to tide over the crises. '(P)" O! "'*)"":- It the stress for the da to da ada"tabilit of man to his environment and results in the maintenance of internal stead state 6homeostasis7 it is )no' as neustress. ;or e-am"le! one "roduces neustress in order to breath! 'or). Stress is through of in negative terms. It is thought to be caused b something bad 6for e-am"le the boss gives a formal re"rimand for "oor "erformance7. It the stress res"onse is unfavorable and "otentiall disease "roducing! this is )no'n as distress. Constant 'orr in a susce"tible individual can lead to ulcers. If the stress res"onse is favorable and results is favorable and results in im"rovement in "hsical and 4 or mental functioning! it is called estruses. #his is the "ositive! "leasant side of stress caused b stress caused b good things. ;or e-am"les an em"loee is offered a 3ob "romotion at another I. 1E DEFINING STRESS AT WORK Change in 'or)ing "ractices! such as the introduction of ne' technolog or the alternation of ne' technolog or the alternative of targets! m cause stress! or stress ma be built into an organizations* structure. Organizational stress can be measured b absenteeism and qualit or 'or). ORGANI!ATIONAL STRESS:- Stress affects as 'ell as the individual 'ithin them. (n organization 'ith a high level of absenteeism! ra"id staff turnover! deteriorating industrial and customer relations! a 'orsening safet record! or "oor qualit control is suffering from organizational stress. FOLLOWING THE PAT OF STRESS THROUGH IN ORGANIZATION:- #he belo' chart sho's one e-am"le of the structure of a de"artment in an organization! indicating t"ical causes of stress that ma effect stress at certain levels in the structure! and "articular.
11 Causes that are affecting individuals. Stress is contagious. anone 'ho is not "erforming 'ell due to increases the amount of "ressure on their colleagues! su"eriors! and subordinates. #he cause ma range from unclear or overla""ing 3ob descri"tions! to lac) of communication! to "oor 'or)ing conditions! including sic) building sndrome. "OTENTIAL SOURCES OF STRESS: #here are three categories of "otential stressorsF %nvironmental factor Organization factor Individual factors )n+iron,ental factors: 5ust as environmental uncertaint influences the design of an organization. Changes in business ccle create economic uncertainties. Political uncertainties: 12 If the "olitical sstem in a countr is im"lemented in an orderl manner! there 'ould not be an t"e of stress. 'echnological uncertainties: Ae' innovations can ma)e an em"loee*s s)ills and e-"eriences obsolete in a ver short "eriod of time. #echnological uncertaint therefore is a third t"e of environmental factor that can cause stress. Com"uters! robotics! automation and other forms of technological innovations are threat to man "eo"le and cause them stress. Organization factors: #here are no storages of factors 'ithin the organization that can cause stress. "ressures to avoid error or com"lete tas)s in a limited time "eriod! 'or) overload are fe' e-am"les. #as) demands are factors related to a "erson*s 3ob. #he include the design of the individual*s 3ob 'or)ing conditions! and the "hsical 'or) laout. Gole demands relate to "ressures "laced on a "erson as a function of the "articular role he or she "las in the organization. Gole overhead is e-"erienced 'hen the em"loees is e-"ected to do more than time "ermits. Gole ambiguit is created 'hen role e-"ectations are not clearl understood and em"loee is not sure 'hat he 4 she is to do. Inter"ersonal demands are "ressures created b other em"loees. =ac) of social su""ort from colleagues and "oor. Inter"ersonal relationshi"s can cause considerable stress! es"eciall among em"loed 'ith a high social need. Organizational structure defines the level of differentiation in the organization! the degree of rules and regulations! and 'here decisions are made. %-cessive rules and lac) of "artici"ation in decision that affect an em"loee are e-am"les of structural variables that might be "otential sources of stress. Potential sources Conseuences 1, Organizational leadershi" re"resents the managerial stle of the organizations senior e-ecutive. Some e-ecutive officers create a culture characterized b tension! fear! and an-iet. #he establish unrealistic "ressures to "erform in the short+run im"ose e-cessivel tight controls and routinel fire em"loees 'ho don*t measure u". #his creates a fear in their hearts! 'hich lead to stress. Organizations go through a ccle. #he are established. the gro'! become mature! and eventuall decline. (n organization*s life stage + i.e. 9here it is in four stage ccle+creates different "roblems and "ressures for em"loees. #he establishment and decline stage are "articularl stressful. Indi+idual factors: #he t"ical individual onl 'or)s about 1E hrs a 'ee). #he e-"erience and "roblems that "eo"le encounter in those other 12B non+'or) hrs each 'ee) can s"ell over to the 3ob. !a,ily pro&le,s: Aational surves consistentl sho' that "eo"le hold famil and disci"line! troubles 'ith children are e-am"les of relationshi" "roblems that 11 create stress for em"loee and that aren*t at the front door 'hen the arrive at 'or). )cono,ic pro&le,s: %conomic "roblems created b individuals overe-tending their financial resources are another set of "ersonal troubles that can create stress for em"loees and distract their attention from their 'or). 18 1: CAUSES OF STRESS Societ the 'or)ing 'orld and dail life have changed almost beond recognition in the "ast 8E ears. #hese changes have contributed to a ma3or increase in stress. Stress is caused from both outside 0 inside the organization 0 from grou"s that em"loees are influenced b 0 from em"loees themselves. "tressors: #he agents or demands that evo)e the "otential res"onse are referred to as stressors. (ccording to Sele a stressors is 9hatever "roduces stress 'ith or 'ithout functioning hormonal or nervous sstems. )-tra organizational stressors: %-tra organizational stressors have a tremendous im"act on 3ob stress. #a)ing an o"en sstem "ers"ective of an organization! it is clear that 3ob stress is not 3ust limited to things that ha""en inside the organization! during 'or)ing hours. %-tra organizational stressors include things such as social 4 technological change! the famil! relocation! economic 0 financial conditions! race 0 class! residential or communit conditions. Organizational stressors: ?esides the "otential stressors that occur outside the organization! there are also those associated 'ith the organization itself. (lthough the organization is made u" of grou"s 0 individuals! there are also more macro+ level dimensions unique to the organization that contains "otential stressors. 1< MACRO-LE#EL ORGANI!ATIONAL STRESSORS: POLICIES O @nfair! arbitrar "erformance revie's. O Gotating 'or)s shifts. O Infle-ible rules. O @nrealistic 3ob descri"tions. STRUCTURES O Centralization. =ac) of "artici"ation in decision ma)ing. O =ittle o""ortunit for advancement. O ( great amount of formalization. !O" O Interde"endence of de"artments. STRESS O =ine+Staff conflicts. PHYSICAL CONDITIONS O Cro'ding 0 lac) of "rivac. O (ir "ollution. O Safet hazards. O Inadequate lighting. O %-cessive! heat or cold. PROCESS O 2oor communication. O 2oor 4 inadequate feedbac) about "erformance. O Inaccurate 4 ambiguous measurement of "erformance. O @nfair control sstems. O Inadequate information. GROUP STRESSORS: #he grou" can also be a "otential source of stress. $rou" stressors can be categorized into three areas. 1. Lac !" #$!%&' c!()'*+),)'':- Cohesiveness or togetherness is a ver im"ortant to em"loees! es"eciall at the lo'er levels of the organizations. If the em"loee is denied the o""ortunit for this cohesiveness because of the tas) design! because the su"ervisor does things to "rohibit or limit it! or because the other members of the grou" shut the "erson out! this can be ver stress "roducing. -. Lac !" '!c*a. '%&&!$/:- %m"loees are greatl affected b the su""ort of one or more member of a cohesive grou". ? sharing their "roblems 0 3os 'ith others! 1B the are much better off. It this t"e of social su""ort is lac)ing for an individual! it can be ver stressful. 0. I,/$a-I,1*+*1%a.2 *,/)$&)$'!,a. 3 *,/)$-#$!%& c!,".*c/:- Conflict is ver closel conce"tuall or hostile acts bet'een associated 'ith in com"atible or hostile acts bet'een intra+individual dimensions! such as "ersonal goals or motivational needs 4 values! bet'een individuals 'ithin a grou"! 0 bet'een grou"s. INDI#IDUAL STRESSORS: In a sense! the other stressors 6%-tra organizational! organizational! 0 $rou" stressors7 all eventuall get do'n to the individual level. ;or e-am"le! role conflict! ambiguit! self+efficac 0 "schological hardiness ma all affect the level of stress someone e-"eriences.
1D CONSEQUENCES OF STRESS #he effect of stress is closel lin)ed to individual "ersonalit. #he same level of stress affects different "eo"le in different 'as 0 each "erson has different 'as of co"ing. Gecognizing these "ersonalit t"es means that more focused hel" can be given. Stress sho's itself number of 'as. ;or instance! individual 'ho is e-"eriencing high level of stress ma develo" high blood "ressure! ulcers! irritabilit! difficult in ma)ing routine decisions! loss of a""etite! accident "roneness! and the li)e. #hese can be subsumed under three categoriesF C Individual consequences C Organizational consequence C ?urnout In#i$i#ual conseuences: Individual consequences of stress are those! 'hich affect the individual directl. /ue to this the organization ma suffer directl or indirectl! but it is the individual 'ho has to "as for it. Individual consequences of stress are broadl divided into behavioral! "schological and medical. + ?ehavioral consequences of stress are res"onses that ma harm the "erson under stress or others. ?ehaviorall related stress sm"toms include changes in "roductivit! turnover! as 'ell as changes in eating habits! increased smo)ing or consum"tion of alcohol! "aid s"eech! and slee" disorders. + 2schological consequences of stress re"lace to an individual mental health and 'ell+being from or felling de"ressed. 5ob related stress could cause dissatisfaction! infact it has most "schological effect on the individual and lead to tension! an-iet irritabilit! and boredom. + Medical consequences of stress affect a "erson*s 'ell being. (ccording to a research conducted! it revealed that stress could create changes in metabolism! increase heart and breathing rates! increases blood "ressure bring out headaches and induce heart attac)s. 2E Or%ani&ational conseuences: Organizational consequences of stress have direct affect on the organizations. #hese include decline in "erformance! 'ithdra'al and negative changes in attitude. /ecline in "erformance can translate into "oor qualit 'or) or a dro" in "roductivit. 2romotions and other organizational benefits get affected due to this. 9ithdra'al behavior also can result from stress. Significant form of 'ithdra'al behavior is absenteeism. One main affect of em"loee stress is directl related to attitudes. 5ob satisfaction! morale and organizational commitment can all suffer! along 'ith motivation to "erform at higher levels. "urnout:' ( final consequence of stress has im"lementation for both "eo"le and organizations. ?urnout is a general feeling of e-haustion that develo"s 'hen an individual simultaneousl e-"eriences too much "ressure and fe' sources of satisfaction. 21 Managing stress in the work pa!e %ver res"onds to stress in a different 'a! it is onl b understanding the nature of individual res"onses that ou can start fighting stress ourself and others. Geduction or elimination of stress is necessar for "schological and "hsical 'ell being of an individual. %fficienc in stress management enables the individual to deal or co"e 'ith the stressful situations instead of avoidance. Strategies li)e tie management! bod+mind and mind+bod rela-ation e-ercise! see)ing social su""ort hel" individual im"rove their "hsical and mental resources to deal 'ith stress successfull. ("art from hel"ing em"loees ado"t certain co"ing strategies to deal 'ith stress "roviding them 'ith the service of counselor is also useful. Man strategies have been develo"ed to hel" manage stress in the 'or) "lace. Some are strategies for individuals! and other is geared to'ard organizations. In#i$i#ual co(in% strate%ies: Man strategies for hel"ing individuals manage stress have been "ro"osed. Individual co"ing strategies are used 'hen an em"loee under stress e-hibits undesirable behavior on the 3obs such as "erformance! strained relationshi" 'ith co+'or)ers! absenteeism alcoholism and the li)e. 22 %m"loees under stress require hel" in overcoming its negative effects. #he strategies used areF Exercise:' One method b 'hich individual can manage their stress is through e-ercise. 2eo"le 'ho e-ercise regularl are )no'n to less li)el to have heart attac)s than inactive "eo"le are. Gesearch also has suggested that "eo"le 'ho e-ercise regularl feel less tension and stress are more conflict and slo' greater o"timism. Relaxation:' ( related method individual can manage stress is rela-ation. Co"ing 'ith stress require ada"tation. 2ro"er rela-ation is an effective 'a to ado"t. Gela-ation can ta)e man forms. One 'a to rela- is to ta)e regular vacations. "eo"le can also rela- 'hile on the 3ob 6i.e. ta)e regular brea)s during their normal 'or)da7. ( "o"ular 'a of resting is to sit quietl 'ith closed ees for ten minutes ever afternoon. Time mana%ement:' #ime management is an often recommended method for managing stress! the idea is that man dail "ressures can be eased or eliminated if a "erson does a better 3ob of managing time. One "o"ular a""roach to time management is to ma)e a list! ever morning or the thins to be done that da. #hen ou grou" the items on the list into three categoriesF critical activities that must be "erformed! im"ortant activities that should be "erformed! and o"timal or trivial things that can be delegated or "ost"oned! then of more of the im"ortant things done ever da. ROLE )ANA*E)ENT:' Some 'hat related to time management in 'hich the individual activel 'or)s to avoid overload! ambiguit and conflict. SUPPORT *ROUPS:' #his method of managing stress is to develo" and maintain su""ort grou". ( su""ort grou" is sim"l a grou" of famil member or friends 'ith 'hom a "erson can s"end time. Su""ortive famil and friends can hel" "eo"le deal 'ith normal stress on an ongoing basis. Su""ort grou"s can be "articularl useful during times of crisis.
2, "E+AVIORAL SELF'CONTROL:' In ultimate analsis! effective management if stress "resu""oses e-ercise of self+control on the "art of an em"loee. ? consciousl analzing the cause and consequences of their o'n behavior! the em"loees can achieve self+control. #he can further develo" a'areness of their o'n limits of tolerance and learn to antici"ate their o'n res"onses to various stressful situations. #he strateg involves increasing an individuals control over the situations rather than being solel controlled b them.
CO*NITIVE T+ERAP,:' #he cognitive thera" techniques such as %lli*s rational emotive model and Meichenbaum*s cognitive strateg fir modification have been used as an individual strateg for reducing 3ob stress. COUNSELIN*: 2ersonal counseling hel" em"loees understand and a""reciate a diverse 'or)force! the holistic a""roach ado"ted b the counselor gives him a com"rehensive vie' of the em"loee as client and enable him to deal the issues of 'or) related "roblems in a larger conte-t 'ith his a'areness of the inter+relationshi" among "roblems in ad3ustment 'ith self! other and environment and that a 'or) concern 'ill effect "ersonal life and vice+versa! the em"loee 'ould receive hel" regarding the "roblem in all life. One of the advantage of the individual interventions is the individual can use these s)ills to im"rove the qualit of life in offer domains li)e famil! social su""ort and self! thus reducing the negative carr of e-"eriences in these domains into the 'or) life 'hich might effect his occu"ation mental health. OR*ANI-ATIONAL STRATE*IES:' #he most effective 'a of managing stress calls for ado"ting stressors and "revent occurrence of "otential stressors.* #'o basic organizational strategies for hel"ing em"loees manage stress are institutional "rograms and collateral "rograms. 21 9or) /esign Stress Management "rograms 9or) schedules &ealth "romotions "rograms Culture Other "rograms Su"ervision Institutional (ro%rams:' Institutional "rograms for managing stress are underta)en to established organizational mechanism for e-am"le! a "ro"erl designed 3ob and 'ord schedules can hel" ease stress. Shift 'or) in "articular can constantl have to ad3ust their slee" and rela-ation "atterns. #hus! the design of 'or) schedules should be a focused of organizational efforts to reduce stress. #he organization*s culture can also used to hel" to manage stress. #he organization should strive to foster a culture that reinforces a health mi- of 'or) and non'or)ing activities. ;inall! su"ervision can "la an im"ortant institutional role in overload. In managing stress. ( su"ervisor is a "otential manager source of overload. If made a'are of their "otential for assigning stressful amounts of 'or)! su"ervisors can do a better 3ob )ee"ing 'or)loads reasonable. COLLATERAL PRO*RA)S: In addition to their institutional efforts aimed at reducing stress! man organizations are turning to collateral "rograms. ( collateral stress "rogram in an organizational "rogram s"ecificall created to hel" em"loees deal 'ith stress. #he organizations have ado"ted stress management "rograms! health "romotion "rograms and other )inds of "rograms for this "ur"ose. 28 COM"AN# "ROFI$E 2: %nerg is im"ortant "arameter in the overall economic develo"ment activit of an countr. It has become snonmous 'ith "rogress in all fields of activities. Its standard of living in the 'ords of /($=I is as follo's it is said that the difference bet'een a starving Indian "easant and a "ros"erous (merican farmer is that behind his elbo' the India farmer has almost nothing 'hile his (merican counter"art has thousands of hours "o'er. #his! it is energ! 'hich is the dividing line bet'een an substance econom and a highl develo"ed econom. India is "oor and (merican is rich because (merica consumes nearl 8E times as much energ as is consumed b India. %nerg is at the heart of the modern industrial societ. It could also be effective 'ea"on in the battle against ob3ect "overt. #here is a close correlation bet'een energ consum"tion and level of economic develo"ment. %nerg means ca"acit of doing 'or). #here are various sources of energ but in India the im"ortant sources are coal! hdroelectricit. Oil and natural gas! nuclear fuels fire 'ood and animal 'astes. /es"ites the develo"ment of various sources in the energ sector! the fact still remains that lo' last energ sources li)e fire 'ood! cattle drug and vegetable 'astes account for as much at 18 "ercent of energ consum"tion in the countr. 2o'er develo"ment in India began in 1BD< 'hen a 2EEH9 hdro station 'as first commissioned at /ar3eeling! in 1BDD a first steam station 'as set u" in Calcutta 'ith a total of 1EE)'. #here after! a series of hdro and steam "o'er station 'ere commissioned. ?ut the "o'er develo"ment 'as not in a sstematic and "lanned manner in the countr. #herefore! in order to achieve the ob3ective of "romoting the co+ordination develo"ment and rationalization of generation! transmission and distribution of electricit on a regional basis throughout the countr in the most efficient and economic 'a the state electricit board 6S%?s7 'as constituted in the various states of the countr under the "rovisions of the electricit 6su""l7 act 1D1B. #hese S%?s! 'ere to en3o the mono"ol in res"ect of generation! transmission and distribution of electricit in the countr. (fter constitution of S%?s! there 'as "henomenal im"rovement in the develo"ment of installed ca"acit and "o'er generation. #he efficienc of 'or)ing of "o'er "lant and their maintenance have been unsatisfactor as a result of 'hich the "o'er generating ca"acit alread created could not have been full utilized. 2o'er is the single factor! 'hich changed the 'a of living. #he Aational #hermal 2o'er Cor"oration =imited! established on Aovember < th 2< in 1D<8! has become the most im"ortant infrastructure in"ut for im"roving the standard of living to meet the gro'ing demand and to fulfill the needs of the countr. 5ust in 2D ears this com"an has gro'n to be the largest "roducer of "o'er in the countr. A#2C the A(C(G(#A( "o'er giant toda generates one fourth of the total "o'er in the countr and it is ran)ed D th largest thermal "o'er generating utilit in the 'orld. Hee"ing the significance of "o'er su""l in sight! A#2C has been chosen for the "ur"ose of the stud as it has man units under its control. Gamagundam Su"er #hermal 2o'er Station 6GS#2S7 has been selected for the stud. BRIEF HISTOR4 OF NTPC: 2o'er #he single factor 'hich changed the 'a in 'hich man lived for millions of ears! has become the most im"ortant infrastructure in"ut for im"roving the standard of living both directl as 'ell as indirectl b 'a of contributing in the economic develo"ment to ma)e available to the nation reliable 0 qualit "o'er in increasingl large quantities. A(#IOA(= #&%GM(= 2O9%G COG2OG(#IOA =#/ 'as formed in 1D<8. A#2C Gamagundam unit 'ith a""roved ca"acit of 2:EM9 and installed ca"acit of 21OOM9 is the largest #hermal 2o'er "lant "o'ering South IndiaIs gro'th. Gamagundam unit of A#2C credited 'ith first IS2 11EE1 certified Su"er #hermal 2o'er Station in our countr. A#2C a front runner in the Indian 2o'er sector in one of the larges 0 the best "o'er utilities of the 'orld! there b contributing of IndiaIs emergence as one of the 'orldIs leading economies. #he 9orld ?an)! in its "erformance audit re"ort on A#2CIs "ro3ects observed that. JA#2C record in "lant construction! cost containment 0 o"erating efficienc has been e-ce"tional! 'hile as an institution it has bro)en ne' ground in Organization 0 Management! successfull navigated the transition from constructions to o"erating com"an 0 generall co"ed quite 'ell 'ith the "roblems of ra"id e-"ansionJ. #'o cor"orations #he Aational &dro %lectric 2o'er Cor"oration 6A&2C7 0 Aational thermal 2o'er Cor"oration 6A#2C7 'ere set in 1D<8 +<: in the center sector as a ste" to achieve the ob3ectives. #he com"an started functioning in March 1D<: 'ith the a""ointment of a chairman 0 Managing /irector. 2B LOCATION: #he 21EE M9 Gamagundam Su"er #hermal 2ro3ect is located in Harimnagar /istrict of (ndhra 2radesh to the South of river $odavari. #he "ro3ect is lin)ed to the south $odavari Coal field or the Singareni Collieries.
NTPC ACTIVITIES: 1. 2lanning 0 Investigation of ne' sites! "re"aration of feasibilit "ros"ect re"ort 0 the designing as 'ell as engineering of "o'er station. 2. A#2C also manages the <2E M9 ?adar"ur #hermal 2o'er Station in /elhi 0 2<E M9 ?(=CO Ca"tive "o'er "lant 6M.27 ,. O"eration 0 Maintenance of 2o'er Stations. 1. Gesearch 0 develo"ment in area related to "o'er generation 8. A#2C also bagged a turn)e contract for the construction of21 Sub + stations from Ae"al electricit authorit. :. #he G 0/ using of A# 2C has been instrumental in enhancing the reliabilit of "lant 0 equi"ment. OBJECTIVES OF NTPC: C #o add generating ca"acit 'ith in "rescribed time 0 cost. #o o"erate 0 maintain "o'er stations at high availabilit ensuring minimum cost of generation. It has "lanned massive gro'th to ma)e itself a 1E!EEE M9 com"an. C #o maintain the financial soundness of the com"an b managing the financial o"erations in accordance 'ith good commercial utilit "ractices. C #o function as a res"onsible cor"orate citizen 0 discharge social res"onsibilit! in res"ect of environment "rotection and rehabilitation. #he cor"oration 'ill strive to utilize the ash "roduced at its stations to the ma-imum e-tent "ossible through "roduction of ash bric)s! building materials etc. C #o ado"t a""ro"riate human resources develo"ment "olic leading to creation of team of motivated and com"etent "o'er "rofessionals. #o introduce! assimilate 0 attain self sufficienc in technolog! acquire e-"ertise in utilit mgt. 2ractices to disseminate )no'ledge essentiall as a contribution to other constituents of the "o'er sector in the countr. C #o develo" G0/ for achieving im"roved "lant reliabilit 2D #o e-"and the consultanc o"erations 0 to "artici"ate in ventures abroad. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES: O #o add generating ca"acit 'ith in "rescribed time 0 cost. O #o e-"and the constanc o"erations 0 to "artici"ate ventures aboard. O #o maintain the financial soundness of the com"an b m aging the financial o"erations in accordance 'ith good commercial utilit. O #o o"erate and maintain "o'er stations at high availabilit ensuring minimum Cost of generation. O #o develo" 6G0/7 for achieving im"roved "lant reliabilit. O #o develo" a""ro"riate commercial "olic leading to remunerative tariffs 0 minimum receivables. O Im"lement strategic diversification in the areas of G0M. &dro. =A$ and Aon conventional and eco+friendl fuels and e-"lore ne' areas li)e transmission information technolog etc. O 2romote consultanc. O Ma)e "rudent acquisitions. Continuousl develo" com"etent human resources to match 'orld standards. G ?e a res"onsible cor"orate citizen 'ith thrust on environment "rotection rehabilitation and ash utilization.
VISION OF NTPC: TO BE ONE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST AND BEST POWER UTILITIES. POWER INDIA'S GROWTH CORE VALUES 5COMIT6 1 Customer focus. 1 Organizational "ride. 1 Mutual Ges"ect and #rust. 1 Initiative and s"eed total qualit. 1 #otal Kualit. MISSION OF NTPC: Ma)e available reliable! qualit "o'er in increasingl large quantities at a""ro"riate tariffs! and ensure timel realization of revenues. S"eedil "lan and im"lement "o'er "ro3ects! 'ith contem"orar technologies. ,E DISTRI"UTION OF PO.ER OF NTPC RA)A*UNDA) S/No State Distri0ute# Percenta%e Ca(acit1 2).3 243 1. (ndhra 2radesh 8BE 2<.:1D 2. #amil Aadu 1<E 22.,B1 ,. Harnata)a ,18 1:.12D 1. Herala 218 11.::< 8. $oa 1EE 1.<:2 :. 2ondicherr 8E 2.,B1 <. @nallocated ,1E 11.<:2 PERFORMANCES: A#2C stations 0 the A#2C manage ?adar"ur station has been accredited 'ith ISO 11EE1 for sound environment management sstem 0 "ractices. FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE: A#2C recorded a "rovisional turnover of Gs.,EEEE crores during 2EE1+E8 as against Gs.281B1 crores during 2EE,+E1. #he "rovisional net "rofit after ta- for 2EE,+E1 is Gs.1DE8 crores! as com"ared to Gs.88EE crores last ear. #he "rovisional Geturn on Ca"ital %m"loed 6GOC%7 and Geturn on Aet 'orth 6GOA97 are 12.,1 L and 11.1,L res"ectivel for the ear 2EE1+E8. (n interim dividend of Gs.1EE Crores has been "aid to the $overnment for 2EE,+E1. #he total out standings as on ,1.1E.2EE8 stood at Gs 2:E<B.D: crores including a "rinci"al amount of Gs.1:E1D.88 crores. ,1 STATION HIGH LIGHTS: 1 Gecord haulage of coal in single da of <B!<2E M# on 2D 5une 1DDB (sian record. 1 Station recorded highest loading factor of DD.1L for the r 1DDD 2EEE 1 Continuous run or CI unit 68EEM97 for 1E: das! third best in the 'orld. 1 Gamagundam 8EEM9 unit+< 6stage+III7 has successfull com"leted one ear of commercial o"eration on 28.E,.E: 'ithout an tube lea)age. #he unit generated ,BE2.1D2 M@s M a 2=; of B:.B1L. Considering the loss of generation of 2D< M@s due to bac)ing do'n! the deemed! 2=; is D,.8DE4E. #he unit also has achieved a continuous run of D< das 'ithout tri""ing in the first ear of o"eration itself. 1 Gamagundam station achieved 1<.D1L 61B.:, =M#7 of (sh utilization during the financial ear against the target of 1<L 61B.2E =M#7. 1 Gamagundam 0 Simhadri 'ere recommended for commendation certificate for storage commitment to %-cel b $1II. 1 Gamagundam bagged Innovative safet "ractices a'ard for the ear 2EE8 from institution of %ngineers. 1 Gamagundam station bagged ?est Management a'ard from $ovt. of (I fur the ear 2EE1+E8. 1 A#2C > Gamagundam bagged golden shied for the financial ears 2EEE+E1! 2EE1+E2! 2EE2+E, and 2EE,+E1 for outstanding "erformance in "o'er generation. I,'/a..)1 ca&ac*/7 !" NTPC P$!8)c/': Pro5ects No/ o6 Pro5ects Commissione# Ca(acit1 2).3 A#2C O9A%/ 1, 1D!DBE CO(= E< ,!D88 $(S4=IK.;@%= OA%/ ?N 5CCs CO(= , ,11 *RAND TOTAL 78 79/79: Ca(acit1 (o;er (lant un#er !V ;ith SAIL ,2 C!a. 9a')1 &$!8)c/': Sl/No/ Coal "ase# State Commissione# Ca(acit1 1. Singrauli @ttar 2radesh 2!EEE 2. Hobra Chhattisgarh 2!1EE ,. Gamagundam (ndhra 2radesh 2!:EE 1. ;ara))a 9est ?engal 1!:EE 8. Cidhachal Madha 2radesh 1!:EE :. Gihand @ttar 2radesh 2!2EE <. Hahalgoan ?ihar 2!EEE B. /adri @ttar 2radesh B1E D. #acher Haniha Orissa B1E 1E. @nchahar @ttar 2radesh ,!EEE 11. #acher #hermal Orissa B1E 12. Simhadri (ndhra 2radesh ,!EEE 1,. #anda @ttar 2radesh 11E Total <:=:>? M Ca"acit "resentl under im"lementation. Cindachal 1EEE M9 @nchahar 21E M9 Hahalgoan State II 2hase I 18EE M9 2hase II 1EEE M9 Ga' Ba')1 P$!8)c/': 11. (nta Ga3asthan 11, 18. (urala @ttar 2radesh :82 1:. Ha'as $u3arat :18 1<. /adri @ttar 2radesh B1< 1B. 5ahanor+$andhar $u3arat :1B 1D. Haam)ulam Herala ,8E 2E. ;aridabad &arana 1,E Total 79=79: *ran# total 2Coal @ *as @ !V3 Ca(acit1 Po;er station mana%e# State Installe# "1 NTPC 2).3 21. ?adar"ur /elhi <E8 ,, Sterling Performance of 2005-06:- 1. #he com"an ta)es a ne' name A#2C =imited aligned to its ne' business "lans. 2. #he com"an mar)et ca"italization 511 crosses Gs. One trillion 6Gs. 1!EE!EEE crore7 and is one of the to" three largest Indian com"anies in terms of mar)et ca". ,. ( highest ever generation of 1<E.BB ?Cs during 2EE8+E: registering an increase E1<.1EL over the generation of 18D.11 ?Cs during 2EE1+E8. 1. 9ith 1D.81L Oincluding ca"acit of 3oint venture com"aniesP share of the total installed ca"acit of the nation! A#2C contributed 2<.:BL electricit generated in the countr during 2EE8+E:. 8. Coal stations of A#2C achieved an o"erating availabilit of BD.D84/ :. Coal stations of A#2C recorded a 2=; of B<.81L! 'hich is the highest for an financial ear since ince"tion. #ilt 2=; during "revious ear 'as B<.81L. <. 1EEL realization for the third ear in succession. B. 2rovisional and un audited net sales of Gs. 2!8D!D2B million during the ear 2EE8+E: as against Gs. 2!28!,1: million for the ear 2EE1+E8. ho'ever! "rovisional and un audited $ross Gevenue is Gs. 2!B:!1<, million during 2EE8+E: as against Gs. 2!88!1:E million for the ear 2EE1+E8. D. 2rovisional and un audited net "rofit after ta- for the ear 2EE8+E:is Gs. 8<!E<: million a com"ared to Gs. 8B! E<E million during the ear 2EE1+ E8. 1E. #otal ca"acit added during the ear four ears of 1E th "lan "eriod 62EE2+2EE:7 increases to 1EEE M9 'ith another 8EE M9 getting added during the far com"an to 21!21D M9 6including ca"acit of 5oint venture com"anies7. 11. Construction 'or)s on D1<E M9 in "rogress. 12. ;urther "ro3ects 'ith ca"acit of ,<2E M9 under bidding "rocess. 1,. Gatnagiri $as and "o'er su""l 2vt =td formed QQith A#2C having a sta)e of 2B.,,L for ta)ing over and o"erating the /abhol "o'er "ro3ect. 11. #he $overnment allots < mort* coal mining bloc)s to A#2C for ca"acit use ta)ing the total mines allotted to B 'ith an e-"ected out"ut of 8E M# "er annum. 18. ( consortium com"rising of A#2C and t'o other members allotted an e-"loration bloc) in (runachal 2radesh. ,1 1:. Ca"ital e-"enditure incurred in 2EE8+E: on ca"ital scheme 'as Gs. <1!B<D million com"ared to Gs. 8,!:E, million in 2EE1+E8 ca"ital outla for 25E:E< set at Gs. 1!1,!28E million. 1<. ( @S/ 1 ?n medium #ern Aote "rogramme established. A#2C becomes the first Indian cor"orate since 1DD< to ma)e successful offering of 1E ear fi-ed rate amounting to @S/ ,EE million. 1B. Standard 0 2oor*s have revised outloo) on the rating of the com"an from stable to "ositive 'hile affirming the R??S* issuer rating. 1D. (n interim divided o 2EL for the financial ear 2EE8+E: amounting to Gs. 1:!1D1 million. 2E. $overnment has assigned A#2C the consultant role to modernize and im"rove several "lants across the countr in the "artnershi" RIn %-cellence* "rogram of the government. 21. Collaborating the government in the Ga3iv $andhi $rameen Ciduti)aran No3una. 22. A#2C has also ta)en u" /istribution $eneration for rural electrification of remote villages through non+conventional energ sources. 2,. Simhadri "ro3ect receivers international "ro3ect management a'ard instituted b International "ro3ect management (ssociation 6IM2(7 A#2C is the onl (sian Com"an that has received this a'ard. 21. Gan)ed , rd $reat 2lace to 'or) for in India b M4S $ro' #alent and ?usiness 'orld 2EE8. 28. A#2C has achieved all the targets to be rated %-cellent during 2EE8+ E: for the nineteenth ear since ince"tion of the MO@ sstem. NTPC ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS: #he organizations design is one of the main factors! 'hich ultimatel determines the effectiveness of enter"rises. #he board of directors is the su"reme "olic ma)ing bod! 'hich give the direction to the activities of the organization. #he head of this board is the chairman 0 managing director 'ho is also the full time chief e-ecutive of the com"an. #he members of this board are both full+time directors as 'ell as senior level officers. ,8 #he basic divisions! 'hich are accountable to CM/! (reF 1. #echnical and %ngineering division. 2. Cor"orate Commercial division. ,. O"eration Services division. 1. Cor"orate ;inance division. 8. Cor"orate &uman resources division. :. Cor"orate 2ro3ects /ivision. <. Cigilance division. NTPC RAMAGUNDAM #he foundation stone for GS#2S 'as laid on 11+11+1D<B b Sri. Morar3i /essai then 2rime minister of India. Gamagundam a vibrant 2:EE M9 station is a largest #hermal 2o'er station in South India 'ith three 2EE M9 0 three M9 and 18EE sets and also one of the largest in the countr. Its emergenc has "ut the Southern States one ste" ahead in their effort to meet their "o'er requirement. #hird in the series su"er #hermal 2o'er Station set u" b A#2C Gamagundam. It is situated in the interiors of (ndhra 2radesh on the ban)s of $odavari Giver in Harimnagar /istrict of #elangana! 3ust across the old "itheads of Singareni Collieries. Gamagundam has been raising at this time 0 earned the "roud destination of being the onl station in the countr to omission all the seven units ahead of schedule! constructed at a cost of Gs. 1<E2 crores! the station has been one of the largest reci"ient its of the 'orld ?an). Its "ro3ect im"lementation 0 financial control has earned a "ath from the 9orld ?an) Gamagundam a be considered as the school for construction of 2o'er "ro3ects. #he ma3or e-ternal financing sources are I?G/! I/( 0 O2%C. Gamagundam generation "ro"ortion has achieved the $ovt. of India meritorious "roductivit a'ard as man four times. #he beneficiaries of GS#OS are (ndhra 2radesh! #amil Aadu! Harnata)a! $oa and 2ondicherr. #he "lant load factor for the ear 2EE,+E1 'as B.,L and it stood in the fourth "lace the A#2C station. #o cater to the gro'ing demand for "o'er the seventh unit of 8EE M9 is being added. #he station had required infrastructure facilities and the commitment of the em"loee. #he "ro3ect after com"letion 'ill be the largest "o'er station su""ling "o'er to the Southern $rid. #he &onorable @nion Minister of the 2o'er Sri. Suresh ?abu in the "resence if Sri. A. Chandra ?abu Aaidu! &onorable Chief Minister of (ndhra 2radesh laid the foundation on 11th 5an 2EE2 and com"leted ahead of schedule. ,: COMPAN4 AT GLANCE Installed Ca"acit F 2:EEM9 @nit Sizes F ,T2EEM9 1T8EEM9 @nits Commissioned F @nit+ I October! 1DB, @nit+ II Ma! 1DB1 @nit+ III /ecember! 1DB1 @nit+ IC 5une! 1DBB @nit+ C March! 1DBD @nit+ CI October! 1DBD @nit+ CII Aovember 2EEE #ransmission Sstem F 21EE c)s +1EEHC Source of Coal F South $odavari Coal fields of Singareni Colleries 9ater Sources F Sri Gam Sagar 2ro3ect ?eneficiar States F (ndhra 2radesh! #amil Aadu! Harnata)a! Herala! $oa and 2ondicherr. (""roved investment F Gs. ,B<<.:B crores Coal Consum"tion F B.: million tones "er annum 9ater Consum"tion F 28E cusec Coal #rans"ortation F 6M$G7 Merr+or+round sstem of 22.8 )ms Indian Gail'a. #otal =and F 1E!EEE (cres. ,< RESEARCH METHODOLOGY /iscuss the research design! research "roblems! im"ortant of the stud! sco"e and significance of the stud! source of data! questionnaire! sam"le design statisticall techniques used! and ob3ective of the stud and limitations of the stud. RESEARCH DESIGN: ( research design is an arrangement of conditions for collection and analsis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research. 2ur"ose 'ith econom in "rocedure. It is the conce"tual structure 'ithin 'hich research is conducted and it constitutes the blue"rint for the collection! measurement and analsis of data. It includes an outline of 'hat the researcher 'ill do from 'ithin the h"othesis and its o"erational im"lications to the final analsis of data. #he research design used for the stud is descri"tive design. /escri"tive research design includes surves and fact finding enquires of different )inds. #he ma3or "ur"ose of descri"tive research is descri"tion of the state of affairs! as it e-ists at "resent. SOURCE OF DATA: #he relevant data has been collected from the "rimar sources and secondar sources. #he "rimar data is collected b a questionnaire from the em"loees. ;or this "ur"ose of data collection! the questionnaire 'as circulated among the em"loees to collect information. #he secondar data is collected b ne's "a"er com"an 3ournals! magazines 'ebsites etc. :UESTIONNAIRE ADMINISTRATION: #he questionnaire 'as "re"ared after counseling 'ith the officer. %m"loee relations of the &G de"artment of A#2C. #he researcher "re"ared a set of questionnaire. ( four "oint scale strongl agree to strongl disagree 'as used for this "ur"ose. SAMPLE DESIGN: ( sam"le of 18E res"ondents 'as ta)en using random sam"ling. #he researcher contacted the e-ecutive "ersonall and brief summar of the nature of the stud and details in the questionnaire 'ere narrated to them. ,B PERIOD OF STUD4: #he "resent stud had been underta)en for "eriod of : 'ee)s! in 'hich it had divided into three stages as such. Stage I is of research "roblem and collection the literature of the to"ic chosen. Stage II is of analsis and inter"retations b using different statistical tools! findings and recommendations. STATISTICAL TOOLS USED: ;or the "ur"ose of "resent stud "ercentage analsis 'as used. LIMITATIONS OF STUD4: 1. #he sam"le size chosen is covered onl a small "ortion of the 'hole "o"ulation of A#2C! Gamagundam. 2. #he stud is confined to limited "eriod i.e. Si- 'ee)s. ,. (ccurac of the stud is "urel based on the information as given b the res"ondents. 1. /ata collected cannot be asserted to the free from crores! as the sam"le size restricted to the em"loees. HIERARCH4 OF MANAGEMENT ,D
</ +o; o6ten #o 1ou sa1 the ;or# AI am 0us1 or I am ha$in% har# timeB At the ;orC (laceD
1E O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Cer often D often 2: Garel 2B Cer rarel 28 Aever 12
0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 #%&' O()%* O()%* R+&%,' #%&' &+&%,' N%-%& R%./0*.% Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 682L7 rarel and ver rarel sas that the are bus at 'or) "lace. 7/ ,ou thinC (h1sical en$ironment (ro0lem in the ;orC (lace cause StressD 2 Tem(erature= li%htin%= %ases= #ust 3
O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 1E 12 (gree 11 Cannot sa 1, /isagree 2B Strongl disagree B
0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 4$ S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: #he finall et im"ortantl! the question as)ed about the em"loees! ma3orit of the em"loees 681L7 of the A#2C agree and strongl agree 'ith above statement. 9/ Do 1ou 6eel lacC o6 co'o(eration in o66iceD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Cer often D 1, often 2: Garel 1: Cer rarel 1< Aever ,2 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 4$ S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6:BL7 faced lac) of co+o"eration in office remaining 6,2L7 of em"loees never faced lac) of co+o"eration in organization. E/ Famil1 (ro0lems cause stressD
O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 1D (gree 11 11 Cannot sa 11 /isagree 1D Strongl disagree 1E 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 4$ S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6:EL7 strongl agree and agree 'ith famil "roblems causes stress. F/ Do 1ou ha$e (ro0lem o6 "P G su%ar G an1 other health (ro0lemsD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Cer often 8 often 1< 18 Garel 1D Cer rarel 12 Aever 1< 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 4$ $0 #%&' O()%* O()%* R+&%,' #%&' &+&%,' N%-%& R%./0*.% Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 61<L7 said don*t love health "roblems li)e ?2! sugar. H/ Ph1sical exercise I 1o%a re#uce the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree ,D (gree ,: 1: Cannot sa 11 /isagree D Strongl disagree 8 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6<8L7 agree 'ith above statement that b doing "hsical e-ercise 0 oga stress 'ill be reduced. >/ )e#itation I (ra1er to re#uce the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 1E (gree ,< 1< Cannot sa 11 /isagree : Strongl disagree , 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6<<L7 agree 'ith above statement that meditation 0 "raer to reduce the stress. :/ LacC o6 communication causes stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 1, (gree 88 1B Cannot sa 1< /isagree D Strongl disagree : 0 10 20 30 40 $0 60 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. %
Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6:BL7 agree 'ith above statement i.e. lac) of communication causes stress. <?/S(en#in% time ;ith 1our 6amil1 re#uces stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree ,8 (gree 11 1D Cannot sa D /isagree B Strongl disagree 1 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 4$ S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6<DL7 agree 'ith above statement i.e. a""ending more time 'ith famil reduces stress. <</Im(ro$in% ;orCin% con#itions= re#uces the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 2: (gree 8: Cannot sa B 8E /isagree < Strongl disagree , 0 10 20 30 40 $0 60 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%%
Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6B2L7 agree 'ith im"roving 'or)ing conditions in office stress 'ill be reduce. <7/Rational allocation o6 ;orC re#uces the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 11 (gree 88 Cannot sa 2E 81 /isagree 1E Strongl disagree 1 0 10 20 30 40 $0 60 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. %
Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6::L7 agree 'ith rational allocation of 'or) reduces the stress. <8/Financial moti$ations re#uce the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 12 (gree 1, Cannot sa ,2 82 /isagree 1E Strongl disagree , 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 3$ 40 4$ S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 688L7 agree 'ith above statement i.e. financial motivation reduces the stress. <9/Trainin% I De$elo(ment (ro%rams hel( to co(e'u( ;ith ne; technolo%1 re#uces the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 1: (gree 82 Cannot sa 21 8, /isagree B Strongl disagree , 0 10 20 30 40 $0 60 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6:BL7 agree 'ith above statement i.e. training and develo"ment 'ith changes. <E/Nee# 6or 6amil1 counselin% is reuire#D O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 11 (gree 2D Cannot sa 2B 81 /isagree 1D Strongl disagree 1, 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ 30 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 61EL7 agreed that famil counseling is needed to "lan and over come the stress. <F/Relaxation re#uces the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree ,2 (gree 1B Cannot sa 1, 88 /isagree : Strongl disagree 1 0 10 20 30 40 $0 S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. % Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6BEL7 agree 'ith above statement i.e. rela-ation 6holdas! leaves! famil! tours etc.7 reduces stress. <H/Follo;in% sa6et1 (recautions re#uces the stressD O(tions Res(onse 2 4 3 Strongl agree 18 (gree 8E Cannot sa 21 8: /isagree 1E Strongl disagree 1 0 $ 10 1$ 20 2$ S)&0*1,' +1&%% A1&%% C+**0) .+' D2.+1&%% S)&0*1,' 32.+1&%% R%./0*. %
Inter(retation: (s is evident from the chart! ma3orit of the res"ondents 6:8L7 agree 'ith above statement i.e. follo'ing safet "recautions stress is reduced. 8< FINDINGS % SUGGESTIONS FINDIN*S: #he finding of the "resent revealed the follo'ing. f Most of the res"ondent fall under la' stress categor. f #hee is in significance relationshi" bet'een stress 0 demogra"h factors i.e. age! e-"erience 0 designation. f #he follo'ing dimensions of "ersonal "olicies 0 "ractices of the organization have contributed to stress among em"loees. 8B f Ges"ondents 'ho fall under the %2( 0 %8 grade are more stressed in com"arison 'ith the other grade. f #he organization falls a ver tall structure of stress among hierarch 0 this is one of the reasons for em"loees being stressed. f #here is no significancant difference of stress among em"loees 'or)ing in "lant 0 other de"artments. f #he em"loees 'or)ing in the "lat gave a "ositive res"onse in ans'ering the questionnaire SU**ESTIONS: ( Small "ercentage of the em"loees did have high stress. 2erson facing stress at the organizational level of lot of "schological "roblems in the form of decreased motivation! absenteeism lo' "roductivit targets not being achieving etc. as a reed for the above said em"loees facing stress are advised to attend stress management courses 'hich 'ill hel" them to build co"ing strategies and cause out their stress. #he stress management cause com"rise of a "ac)age "rogram consisting ofF +Gela-ation +2ositive outloo) to'ards 'or)s 4 res"onsibilities +Self analsis through "ersonalit t"e testes +Inter "ersonal s)ill develo"ment +2rotection oga cum meditation +#ime management +Since # 0 / 3ob related factors! "erformance a""raisal 0 3ob satisfaction 'ere "erceived stressful b the em"loees! the em"loees should be counseled regarded the matter +(t the individual level the em"loees could "ractice a rela-ing holida 6'here in qualit time is s"ent 'ith the famil7 ever fortnight or mouth +Gealize e-cessive use of tea 4 coffee cigarette is not ans'er to stress +#r to get :+< hrs of continuous slee" "er da CONC$USION CONCLUSION: 8D #he "resent stud 'as conducted at A#2C in Gamagundam. #he aim 'as to find the stress levels! "ersonalit t"e of the em"loees. #his 'as done using a detailed questionnaire. #he stud reveled that fall under lo' stress categor onl a small "ercentage is highl stressed 0 needed "revailing in the organization to some e-tent. (t the end of the stud! 'e can conclude that through there are signs of stress among the em"loees 0 such stress is affecting their behaviors! it can be controlled 0 reduced effectivel. #his can be done b giving counseling 0 incor"orating the suggestions given here in at individual 0 organization level.
:E 1. &o' often do ou sa the 'ord I am bus or I am having hard time (t the 'or) "laceU Cer often 6 7 Often 6 7 Garel 6 7 Cer rarel 6 7 Aever 6 7 2. Nou thin) "hsical environment "roblem in the 'or) "lace cause StressU 6#em"erature! lighting! gases! dust7 Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 :1 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 ,. Nou feel time "ressure to com"lete 'or)U Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 1. /o ou feel lac) of co+o"eration in officeU Cer often 6 7 Often 6 7 Garel 6 7 Cer rarel 6 7 Aever 6 7 8. ;amil "roblems cause stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 :. /o ou have "roblem of ?2 4 sugar 4 an other health "roblemsU Cer often 6 7 Often 6 7 Garel 6 7 Cer rarel 6 7 Aever 6 7 <. 2hsical e-ercise 0 oga reduce the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 B. Meditation 0 "raer to reduce the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 D. =ac) of communication causes stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 1E.S"ending time 'ith our famil reduces stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 11.Im"roving 'or)ing conditions! reduces the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 :2 12.Gational allocation of 'or) reduces the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 1,.;inancial motivations reduce the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 11.#raining 0 /evelo"ment "rograms hel" to co"e+u" 'ith ne' technolog reduces the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 18.Aeed for famil counseling is requiredU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 1:.Gela-ation reduces the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 1<.;ollo'ing safet "recautions reduces the stressU Strongl agree 6 7 (gree 6 7 Cannot sa 6 7 /isagree 6 7 Strongl disagree 6 7 1B.2lease offer suggestions if an for better management of 'or) stress in A#2C. :, BIBLIORAPH4 Books for reference: Fred Lut!ns : "Or#!n$%!t$on Be!&$or' (c Gr!) H$** Intern!t$on!* Ed$t$on+ :1 Ste,en P+ Ro-$n : "Or#!n$%!t$on Be!&$or . conce,t /ontro&ers$es 0 A,,*$c!t$ons' 1+ As)!t! R!2!$! : "A ce*e-r!t$on c!**ed L$fe' Un$3ue consu*t!nts 4P5 Ltd+ 1+ 6+ 7!$n : "Te 2!n!#e2ent 8ourn!* of ,o)er ,rofess$on!*s' NTP/ Art$c*es+ :8