Qualified MBA having 1 year of Experience in the areas of Accounts, Audit & Finance and 2.6 years into SAP FI !" experience in E!! 6.# version
Exce$$ent ana$ytica$, %uic& $earning and pro'$e( so$ving s&i$$s )ith a desire to )or& in a tea( oriented environ(ent Achieve a cha$$enging position in the area of Enterprise *esource P$anning +SAP,, )here (y ana$ytica$, acade(ic and professiona$ s&i$$s can 'e used to the 'enefit of the organi-ation as )e$$ as (y career gro)th .ave good &no)$edge in using /S office .ave good presentation, )ritten and ora$ co((unication s&i$$s and good pro'$e( so$ving s&i$$s .ave good tea( spirit, goa$ oriented and high interpersona$ s&i$$s
A ademi pr!*ile:
Stream College Year of Passing : +,A-.inan e/ : KMMITS. : 2011
: Bcom(computer Financial Accounting: : ga!at"ri #egree college !reation of 0 1 /asters, .ouse 'an&s and /aintaining : &$ uni%ersit! Fie$d Status 2ariant and Posting 3eys : Ma!'200(
4efining Fisca$ year variant, Posting periods, 5o$erance groups, 4ocu(ent types and nu('er ranges 4efining Interest !a$cu$ation 5ypes, 4efining *eference interest rates, Assigning Accounts for Auto(atic Posting for Interest !a$cu$ations. Settings for foreign currency va$uation +f$uctuations in exchange rates, !reation of !usto(er 2endor Accounts 0roups, 6u('er *anges, and !usto(er 2endor /asters !reation !onfiguring Auto(atic Pay(ent Progra( and 4unning for 2endors !usto(ers !onfiguring Input output 5ax and 7ithho$ding 5ax !onfiguring !hart of 4epreciation, 4epreciation Areas and 4epreciation 3eys !reation of Asset !$asses, Asset 6u('er *anges, Account 4eter(ination, and re$ated settings /anaging ac%uisition of ne) asset )ith Asset 8nder !onstruction and sett$e(ent of the sa(e to fina$ asset 5ransferring AP! 2a$ues
Asset Management:
Controlling: 1 /aintain the 2ersions for actua$ and p$anned postings !reation of !ost !entres and 4efinition of !ost !entre .ierarchy !reation of Activity types and Statistica$ &ey figures and A$$ocation, 4istri'ution and assess(ent of costs !reation of Pri(ary and Secondary !ost E$e(ents )ith appropriate !ost E$e(ent !ategory 4efinition of Interna$ "rders 5ypes, "rder /asters and Sett$e(ent Profi$es Proficient in design and configuration of FI 9 General Ledger (FI GL!" su' 9(odu$es Accounts Pa#a$le (FI AP! and Accounts %ecei&a$les (FI A%!'Asset Accounting and Integration (it) S* (A%! and MM (AP! " Proficient in +,- G,+,%AL L,*G,%" Leading and non leading ledger'realtime integration' *ocument S.litting and Parallel Accounting"
3 4 5 6
Proficient in dunning and auto(atic pay(ent progra(. Knowledge of data conversion tool (LSMW) and related workbench tables. "ne fu$$ $ife cyc$e I(p$e(entations in SAP FI. :ear end c$osing activities.
!$ient SAP Pro>ect 4escription Industry /odu$es 5ea( Si-e Area of 7or& *o$e Position
; *A6<A=: ; SAP * ? ecc 6 version Supporting covering FI9 01,AP,A* A64 AA ; Phar(a ; FI ;@ ; FI901, A*, AP, and AA ; SAP functiona$ consu$tant
.ave good exposure to SAP * ? )ith respect to FI901, Accounts *eceiva'$es, Asset Accounting & Accounts Paya'$es.
Client Profile: *an'axy 1a'oratories 1i(ited +*an'axy,, IndiaAs $argest phar(aceutica$ co(pany, is an integrated, research 'ased, internationa$ phar(aceutica$ co(pany, producing a )ide range of %ua$ity, afforda'$e generic (edicines, trusted 'y hea$thcare professiona$s and patients across geographies. *an'axy today has a presence in 2? of the top 2B phar(aceutica$ (ar&ets of the )or$d. 5he !o(pany has a g$o'a$ footprint in @6 countries, )or$d9c$ass (anufacturing faci$ities in C countries and serves custo(ers in over 12B countries. %ole 9 contri$ution; 1 !ore responsi'i$ity is to ana$y-e the assigned tic&ets and providing satisfactory reso$ution to !usto(er )ithin ti(e fra(e. Independent$y hand$ing the FI D 01 A* AP re$ated issue Post i(p$e(entation support & (aintenance of the pro>ect. *eso$ving day9to9day SAP re$ated issues. Supporting the existing i(p$e(entation an ans)ering the %ueries of users. !reation of ne) reports re%uired 'y users though service re%uests. !reation of ne) o'>ects )hen re%uired and doing (odificationEs in various reports. Experience in supporting rea$ ti(e production syste(s in SAP * ? environ(ent Prepared detai$ed docu(entation for end users and trained end users to process transactions
2 ? @ B 6 C F G
1# Providing post9go9$ive support to users, he$ped users in so$ving their pro'$e(s in $ive environ(ent, and reconfigured settings )herever desired 'y users. Pro3ect 7 H8$:577 : /ul#578 6a(e "f the c$ient 6a(e of the pro>ect *o$e /odu$es 5ea( Si-e !$ient "ver 2ie); ; ; ; ; ; C,L,S0IAL LABS "ffshore I(p$e(enting SAP FI Associate !onsu$tant FI B
Celestial Labs is recognized by DSIR (Government of India) for its R&D Endeavour s in t!e Insilco Drug Discovery soft"are develo#ment$ Celestial Labs Ltd (CLL) is an IS% &''()*''( certified com#any "it! a decade of e+#erience in Insilco Drug Discovery and Develo#ment, and contract researc! services$ Celestial Labs !as been #roviding customized I- solutions for .!arma, /io)#!arma, /iotec! and manufacturing and sale of biological #roducts li0e enzymes, nutraceuticals, by #roviding cost)effective integrated /io)I- and /io services to !asten t!e Drug Discovery and Develo#ment$ 1 celestial lab is a ra#idly gro"ing global I- services com#any$ Celestial labs are !ead2uartered in 3yderabad, India$ It "as establis!ed in (&&4, offering a "ide array of customized solutions to various clients across t!e globe$ Celestial Labs Ltd$ (CLL) is listed "it! /SE and 5SE$
%ole 9 contri$ution;
Study of <usiness Process, eva$uation and preparation of <usiness <$ue print 4ocu(ent. <usiness '$ue print and design docu(ent for A P (odu$e. <usiness process docu(entation for FI. !onfiguration of 01, AP, A*, and AA (odu$es. SAP integration )ith other (odu$es D S4 and //. .A2E 7"*3E4 I6 CI++countr# India &ersion!9 4efining 5ax procedure, 5ax !odes, /aintaining 2A5, 7ithho$ding 5ax, Excise duty, 4efining tax codes, /aintaining 6u('er *ange interva$s, etc. 4EFI6E 01 A!!"865S F"* 5A=ES' Specify 0 1 Accounts per Excise 5ransaction" 8nderstanding <usiness process of !$ientEs <usiness. !onfiguration to 5er(s of Pay(ent & Insta$(ent pay(ent. I(p$e(ented genera$ $edger as )e$$ as accounts paya'$e. /ade docu(entation of various procedures, and supported to &ey and end user for c$earing day9to9 day integration and (onth$y c$osing. 4esigned organi-ationa$ structure, defined co(pany codes, /aster 4ata of 0 1,A P, A * (odu$es, and designed chart of accounts structure.
*omain ,;.erience:
/1+,56< MA256=
Assisting in (aintenance of 'oo&s of accounts and record (aintenance 2erification and eva$uation of co(panies accounting po$icies and procedures and their app$ication in the preparation of <oo&s of Accounts and Financia$ State(ent Interna$ Audit of the 'oo& &eeping and record (aintenance /aintenance cash 'oo&
C"an#rase)"ar palapart"i