Goetia Girls Com Germori

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The document discusses occult topics like spirits and magic. It also discusses ancient beliefs and rituals related to dreaming.

The document describes a female spirit named Gamari and her appearance, abilities, and followers. It also provides excerpts discussing ancient beliefs about dreaming and the influence of celestial bodies like the moon and stars.

The Dog Days period was believed to be a time when dreaming and accessing trances was easier due to the rising of Sirius before sunrise. Ancient cultures like Egyptians and Greeks associated this time with their gods related to dreaming, death, and the underworld.

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The Above Art work is Availible as a Fine Art Post er Print : Please CLICK Here! NIGHT-GAUNT NUN GAMARI: The Fif t y-Sixt h Spirit is Gremory, Gamori or Gamari/Gamary. She is a St rong and Powerf ul Duchess, and appears in t he f orm of a most sensual and beaut if ul young woman dressed in a most revealing and sexually provocat ive black leat her skelet al bodice of a Nuns habit . Upon her back one t o see t he leat hery black wings of a Bat . She will also be seen wit h a horned Duchess's crown t ied about her lit he waist , and t o be riding on a great Rept ilian Albino Camel wit h a long Serpent ine neck f rom out of a vaginal gat eway t hat be t he doorway int o a Great Beehive of an Obsidian Got hic Cat hedral. The Cat hedral is t hat of a labyrint hine library of Sorcery and Magick t hat be t oo a hidden Universit y as well as being t hat of a bordello of seduct ive neophyt e Wit ch's t eaching t he arcane art s of t he Crucif ied-Serpent t hat are dressed as Got h 'Night -Gaunt ' Nuns upon whose backs are t o be seen t he wings of Bat s.


The Above Art work is Availible as a Fine Art Post er Print : Please CLICK Here! The of f ice of Gamari is t o t ell of all t hings Past , Present and t o Come wheref ore she or her sist ers will carry one wit hin ones Visions or Dreams on a f light t hrough t he labyrint hine vaginal barrelled hallways of t he Cat hedral int o a myriad womb rooms pert aining t o dif f erent t ime periods and worlds. She will

also t ell of hidden ancient arcane books upon t he Occult Art s and of Magical Treasures wheref ore she t o reveal what t hey lie in; and t o procure t he 'Sexual Love' of beaut if ul Women but especially t hat of 'Maidens.' She governs 26 Legions of f emale Spirit s whom appear likened unt o herself .

The Above Art work is Availible as a Fine Art Post er Print : Please CLICK Here!

" Since (in the Middle Ages) the psychic relation to woman was expressed in the collective worship of Mary, the image of woman lost a value to which human beings had a natural right. This value could find its natural expression only through individual choice, and it sank into the unconscious when the individual form of expression was replaced by a collective one. In the unconscious the image of woman received an energy charge that activated the archaic and infantile dominants. And since all unconscious contents, when activated by dissociated libido, are projected upon the external object, the devaluation of the real woman was compensated by daemonic features. She no longer appeared as an object of love, but as a persecutor or witch. The consequence of increasing Mariolatry was the Witch hunt, that indelible blot on the later Middle Ages." Psychological Types (1921), CW 6. P.344 Carl Gust av Jung (1865 1961)




When a Male pract it ioner Evokes Gamari he can assume t he Alt ernat e Persona of a High Priest wit hin a Lucid Dream, which Gamari will empower. The Alt ernat e Persona of t he High Priest , which one can assume can be somewhat ot her of t he norm, where one f inds ones self amidst a t hrong of adoring Nuns who are as ones Priest esses whom will worship one as t heir God incarnat e wit hin ones engineered Ludid Dreams. One will f ind t hat t he Nuns one t o experience wit hin ones Erot ic Lucid Dreams will be t he Spirit s of t hose Women, which Gamari has procured f or one t o event ually meet up wit h under Synchronist ic sit uat ions when one awakens. The charact er const ruct of ones Alt ernat e Persona of a High Priest can be based upon t he charact erist ics of Aleist er Crowley, but more so t hat of t he 'Great Beast .' The reason why one ut ilises t he Symbolic mot if of t he 'Great Beast ' t o assume of mant le is not t hat one is seeking t o indulge in inane Evil act s or t o play t he part of a Hollywood Ant iChrist ; it is because most people have been Subconsciously imprint ed by such Symbolism; whereupon, by assuming t he Alt ernat e Persona of a High Priest who is also t he 'Great Beast ' wit hin a Lucid Dream one accesses t he Collect ive Unconscious f ocus upon t he Symbolism, which is more so t he case concerning t hose Women who see t hemselves as being a Babalon. One can say it is a case of like at t ract ing like, which one set s up via ones Lucid Dreams when one Evokes Gamari; by doing so one will be set t ing up t he Synchronist ic condit ions t o meet up wit h a Babalon whom corresponds wit h ones int ernally assumed Alt ernat e Persona. Such Women will invariably ref lect back ones int erest in t he Occult Art s who are Subconsciously seeking t o meet up wit h t heir High Priest of a Great Beast , whom will no doubt desire t o birt h ones Moon-Childe under a Sirius st ar; whereupon one has t o be very caref ul!


AN EXPERIMENT IN ASSOCIATIVE CRITICAL PARANOIA FUSION One could equat e t he Alice in Wonderland charact er of t he Duchess wit h Leat her-Night -Gaunt -Nun Gamari; t he aut hor Lewis Carroll does not describe t he physicalit y of t he Duchess in much det ail. The common percept ion of t he Duchess is t hat she has a hideous appearance, which was primarily est ablished wit hin t he popular imaginat ion by t he surreal works of John Tenniel's illust rat ions rat her t han t hat of Carrolls scant descript ion wit hin his own work of Alice in Wonderland; however, wit hin t he cont ext of Lewis Carrolls creat ion it is clear t hat Alice f inds t he Personalit y of t he Duchess quit e

unat t ract ive at f irst . The Duchess is an ant agonist of The Queen of Heart s; in her f irst appearance, t he Duchess seems nearly as unpleasant as t he Queen herself , but lat er on t reat s Alice wit h f riendliness and respect . (One could associat e t he 32nd Spirit of t he Goet ia called Asmodaya wit h t he 'Red Queen' while Alice is t he 4t h Spirit Samigina)

If one t o f use Gamari wit h t he Duchess one could t hence perceive her living amidst Wonderland wit hin a huge palat ial Cat hedral just out side t he (Great Old Ones) Cat erpillar's f orest . The Duchess employs a f oot man who Alice t hinks resembles a Frog one could perceive as being t he Amphibious Babylonian deit y of Oannes whom t he Dogon called Nommo; t he Duchess also has a f emale Cook whom is addict ed t o Pepper while t hrowing crockery and kit chen ut ensils over her shoulder wit h no concern f or t hose who might be hit , which one could perceive as being somewhat like t he Tant ric-Hindu Goddess Kali concoct ing spicy hot Asian cuisines as she rant s and raves on about t he Brit ish Colonialism of India. (As f or t he Cooks addict ion t o Pepper one could perceive t he Pepper as being t he pot ent Hallucinogenic snuf f called 'Epena', whose ingredient is derived f rom t he Virola t ree, which is considered as being t he Semen of t he Sun; it is primarily used by t he Turkano Indians of Sout h America.) The f oot man of an Oannes enjoys st aring at t he sky f or days on end looking at t he binaryst ar of Sirius whom is t ot ally oblivious t o most of t he people in or out of t he house. The Duchess also

has a Child as well as t he Cheshire Cat wit hin her abode. In regards t o Gamari t he Child is t he SolInvict us ('God-Sun') Christ Child of a Horus while t hat of t he Cheshire Cat one could associat e wit h t he ancient Egypt ian Goddess Bast or t he Norse Goddess Freyja whom was known as t he Mist ress of Cat s, bot h of which one could in t urn f use wit h t he 12t h Spirit of t he Goet ia called Sit ri.

The charact er of t he Duchess is st rongly voluble; at t imes she even seems t o have a double personalit y. When she f irst meet s Alice in her kit chen, she shows herself t o be nervous, aggressive, and not disposed t o int eract . She recit es one of t he more well-known rhymes in t he Alice in Wonderland book, when she advocat es beat ing her (Christ ) Child f or sneezing: Speak roughly to your little boy and beat him when he sneezes, he only does it to annoy because he knows it teases. I speak severely to my boy; I beat him when he sneezes, for he can thoroughly enjoy the pepper when he pleases.


As t he Cook has absolut ely sat urat ed t he kit chen wit h (Epena) Pepper, and t he baby sneezes const ant ly, Alice can only conclude t hat t he baby boy has probably suf f ered quit e a bit at his Mot her's (Mot her Church) hands. Taking pit y on t he child, Alice spirit s him away, only t o f ind t hat he has t ransf ormed int o a Piglet and perhaps he was such all along. It is never explained why t his happens in Carroll's st ory, but Alice looks on t he bright side, concluding t hat while t he baby wasn't a very at t ract ive baby, it makes f or a good-looking PIG. Of t he Duchess' household, t he Cat appears t o be by f ar t he most balanced and sensible, alt hough it st at es t hat like everyone else in Wonderlandit is Mad. How t he Cat came t o live wit h t he Duchess is, like so many ot her mat t ers in Wonderland, a myst ery. (In regards t o t he Pre-Christ ian Pagan

perspect ive t hat t he Feminine principle has Feline t rait s, a Cat wit hin t he palat ial Cat hedral of Gamari would indicat e an Elder Pagan inf luence.) Lat er, when t he Cat meet s up wit h Alice, it appears it has lef t t he Duchess f or good.

When Alice meet s t he Duchess f or t he second t ime at t he Queen's croquet part y, t he Duchess is f ar more communicat ive of almost f lirt at ious Lesbian int ent ion, whom is seemingly det ermined t o charm t he young Girl f or reasons unknown in t he st ory, alt hough most obvious when reading bet ween t he lines. The Duchess repeat edly places her chin f irmly upon Alice's shoulder, which Alice f inds dist urbing as well as uncomf ort able, f or t he Duchess has a very sharp, point y chin. Alice begins t o suspect t hat t he Duchess might act ually have a pleasant personalit y af t er all, and t hat her earlier rut hlessness was caused by t he (Epena) Pepper. In any case, t he Duchess has no concern f or her (Christ Child) baby now t hat he has become very much a Pig. The Alice in Wonderland st ory of t en depict s t he Duchess as being seen f rom a child's-perspect ive of perceiving emot ionally volat ile and myst erious adult s, swit ching back and f ort h bet ween dark moods and condescending af f ect ion, hence very unpredict able; but t hen again, most adult s never grow up, whom st ill blindly play t heir repet it ive childlike games of power mongering wit hin a world made as a Vampire playground of Religious Chess board amidst which t hey writ he as Polit ical Rept iles f eeding of f each ot her.




Long prior of age bef ore t he ascendency of t he Abraham Triad of Pat riarchal f ait hs t he ancient Egypt ians perceived t hat at t he beginning of all t hings t here was a great ocean of primordial Womb sea, which t hey called 'Nun.' Out of t he Womb ocean arose t he f irst f orm of At um who was seen as being eit her t hat of a Hill or a Pyramid of Light . One also has t he Hebrew let t er 'Nun', which is symbolically aligned wit h t he symbol of a 'Fish.' The Fish is t radit ionally consumed by Nun's on Friday's, so some t o say. Friday was originally named af t er t he Norse Goddess Freyja whom rode a Predat ory Cat just like t he Hindu Goddess Durga as well as t he Sumerian 'Queen of Heaven' whom t he Babylonian's knew as t he Goddess Isht ar. It is said t hat t he Babylonian Goddess Isht ar was Crucif ied t o a Tree bef ore her descent int o t he underworld in order t o ret rieve her lover Tammuz f rom t he grasp of Deat h. At every st ep of her descent int o t he bowels of t he Eart h Isht ar had t o peel away a part of her worldly clot hing since she had t o ent er Deat hs domain naked as a Spirit t o be verily t est ed by lust f ul Demons. One could see Isht ar's Cat -Walk st ripper descent as a Shamanist ic journey int o t he inf ernal realms of t he Dream. At t he level of t he Dream, Time also f lows backwards, whose Quant um realit y is beyond Space-Time; whereby one could imaginat ively perceive Isht ar t ravelling back int o Time as a disembodied Night -Gaunt -Nun of a Time-Traveller, whose project ed consciousness emanat es f rom out of t he f ar Flung Fut ure as a Quant um Signal, whom seeks t o awaken her Past lover Tammuz t o anot her order of exist ence beyond Deat h via his Dreams t o make Lucid of Awareness. Perhaps Isht ar is ut ilising some Fut ure t echnology t o achieve her goal whose Time of a galact ic st ar f aring civilisat ion has t ouched ot her st ars t o orbit such as Sirius.


CASTRATING CULTS OF CONSTANTINE'S ROME Besides t he Babylonian Goddess Isht ar one also has t he ancient Egypt ian Cult of t he Goddess Isis, which was very popular and quit e prevalent wit hin t he precinct s of ancient Rome at a t ime when t he Emperor Const ant ine event ually came int o power. The main icon of t he Cult of Isis was t hat of a depct ion of Isis seat ed upon a t hrone wit h a Horus child upon her lap t o be verily suckled. Horus was also his own Fat her Osiris, whence Isis was not only t he Mot her of Horus but also his Wif e. When Rome became Christ ian under Const ant ine's rule Isis was verily t ransf ormed int o a Mot her Mary quit e so cont rary 'Queen of Heaven,' while Horus became t he bermensch Sol-Invict us Christ Child. Anot her

popular Cult in Rome was t hat of t he worship of Cybele whose Priest s were usually cast rat ed eunuchs, which t he Priest s of Isis likewise pract iced in order t o empower t heir celibacy. The Persian Cult of Mit hras was very popular wit h t he bloodlet t ing Roman Legionaries, whose Cult ic pract ices had a f ocus upon t he St ar signs of t he Zodiac, which were personif ied and lat er t ransf ormed int o t he Twelve Apost les dancing around a Papal-Bull.


THE AMPHIBIANS BETWIXT & BETWEEN BINARY STAR SIRIUS SWIMMING AS FISH The Christ ian Symbol of t he Fish t he Dogon of Sout h-Af rica t o have known of long bef ore Christ ianit y had ever appropriat ed t he Symbol of an Amphibious creat ure. The Dogon saw t he Fish as represent ing t heir cult ure bringer t hey called Nommo, which t he Sumerian's and lat er t he Babylonian's likewise knew as Oannes. Bot h Nommo and Oannes were perceived as being Amphibious deit ies of a primarily phallic represent at ion; whence t he Fish is phallic of associat ed Symbolism. The Dogon's relat e in t heir Myt hs t hat Nommo Crucif ied him self upon a Tree as a Self -Sacrif ice, which is a Symbolic allusion t o Shamanic Trance induct ion f or when one ent ers deep Trance one has t he sensat ion t hat one is swimming like a Fish (or Serpent ) wit hin t he Wat ery womb realms of t he Spirit World. Nommo and Oannes are also associat ed wit h t he binary St ar of Sirius, which t he ancient Egypt ians associat ed wit h t heir Goddess Isis whose st ar is t he st ar of t he t hree Magi whom in t urn represent t he t hree st ars of Orion's belt . The Dogon communicat e t hat t here is a planet , which orbit s t he binary st ar of Sirius, which t hey call t he Planet -Of -Women. It is t his Planet of Women, which t he Dogon visit via Trance induct ion whereby enabling access int o t he Amniot ic Wat ery realms of t he (Nun) Womb Dream as phallic Fish, whence becoming like Nommo at t hose Zodiac Key-Times ordained by St ar-Clock when Sirius is seen in t he Sky.


The binary st ar of Sirius represent s t he t wo st at es of waking and sleeping, which one can equat e wit h t he Hypnagogic st at e and t hat of a (Vaginal) port al int o Trance. The t wo st at es of waking and sleeping are equat ed wit h Land and Wat er; whereby, when one is able t o capt ure t he Hypnagogic st at e, one t hereby becomes Amphibious of (Nommo/Oannes - Fish/Phallus) Consciousness, which is t hat of Trance. Once one has at t ained t he st at e of Trance one can t hereby consciously access t he realm of ones Dreams, which is associat ed wit h t he (Womb) planet of Women. The ancient Egypt ian's perceived t he appearance of Sirius just bef ore t he Nile's seasonal f looding, which was equat ed wit h Isis menst ruat ing; while t he binary st ar of Sirius was seen as t heir "wat chdog," which point ed out t he t ime when t he wat ers brought lif e back t o t he parched land. The rising of Sirius was also accompanied by a t ime of ext reme heat , which led t o a connect ion wit h hot , humid weat her wit h Sirius: "Dog Days bright and clear, indicate a happy year. But when accompanied by rain, for better times our hopes are vain;" however, t here were t hose t imes when t he seasonal f looding was swelled by rain, which led t o t he dest ruct ion of t he crops. The ancient Roman's knew t he Dog days as 'Dis Caniculrs' who also associat ed t heir experience of hot weat her wit h t he appearance of t he st ar Sirius in t he sky. The Roman's also considered Sirius t o be t he "Dog St ar" just as t he Egypt ian's did because it is t he bright est st ar wit hin t he const ellat ion of Canis Major (Large

Dog). Sirius was also called t he 'Eye st ar' since it is also t he bright est st ar in t he heavens besides t he Sun; alt hough, t he allusion t o t he Eye also had an esot eric associat ion wit h t he Pineal gland of t he vest igial 'Amphibian' Third Eye, whose ambrosial hormone Melat onin regulat es ones Dream st at es; whereby at cert ain Key-Times Trance ingress was f ar easier t o at t ain, such as around t he t ime of t he Dog Days. The ancient Egypt ians considered t hat Trance ingress int o t he Dream was under t he aegis of t heir Jackal (Dog) God Anubis whom also oversaw t he process of Mummif icat ion as well as t he Spirit realm of t he Dead, which was t hat of ones Dreams, whereby Anubis was also associat ed wit h Sirius. The rising wat ers of t he Nile was associat ed wit h Isis, which is primarily regulat ed by t he Moon, whose gravit at ional pull also af f ect s ones Dreams; f or one is most ly made up of wat er. The t erm "Dog Days" was used prior t o t he Roman's by t he ancient Greek's (see, e.g., Arist ot le's Physics, 199a2). The Dog Days originally were t he days when Sirius rose just bef ore or at t he same t ime as Sunrise (heliacal rising), which is no longer t he case, due t o t he Pent agram 'Precession of t he Equinoxes.' The Roman's sacrif iced a brown Dog at t he beginning of t he Dog Days t o appease t he rage of Sirius, believing t hat t he st ar was t he cause of t he hot , sult ry weat her. The Dog Days of Rome were popularly believed t o be an evil t ime, "when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, Dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies" according t o Bradys Clavis Calendarium, 1813; by t his t ime t he science of Dream manipulat ion and conscious Trance ingress at cert ain Key-Times had been lost . In Ancient Rome, t he Dog Days ext ended f rom July 24 t hrough August 24 (or, alt ernat ively July 23August 23). In many European cult ures (German, French, It alian) t his period is st ill said t o be t he t ime of t he Dog Days. The Old Farmer's Almanac list s t he t radit ional t iming of t he Dog Days as t he 40 days beginning July 3 and ending August 11, coinciding wit h t he ancient heliacal (at Sunrise) rising of t he Dog St ar, Sirius. These are t he days of t he year when rainf all is at it s lowest levels. One t o f ind wit hin t he Christ ian Book of Common Prayer (1552), t he "Dog Daies" is list ed as begining on July 6t h and ending on August 17t h. As an aside of Surreal associat ive int erest during t he recurring cycle of hot Dog Days t he whoring Bit ch of Rome birt hed Benit o Amilcare Andrea Mussolini, who was born on t he 29t h July 1883, Predappio, Province of Forl-Cesena; his event ual demise came t o pass on t he 28t h April 1945. Mussolini was an It alian polit ician who led t he Nat ional Fascist Part y and is credit ed wit h being one of t he key f igures in t he creat ion of Fascism; more t han any ot her ruler of modern It aly, Benit o Mussolini had been very f riendly t o t he Vat ican: "I affirm here that the Latin and imperial tradition of Rome today are represented by Catholicism. If, as Mommsen said, 25 or 30 years ago, one cannot stay in Rome without a universal idea, I think, and affirm, that the only universal idea which today exists in Rome is that which radiates from the Vatican. I

am very uneasy when I see national churches being formed, because I know that there are millions of men who will no longer look to Italy and to Rome. For this reason, I offer this hypothesis: If the Vatican were to definitely renounce its temporal dreamsand it already seems to have started on this path profane, lay Italy should furnish the Vatican with material aid; those material facilities for schools, churches, hospitals and so forth, which a lay power has at its command. For the development of Catholicism in the world, the increased millions of men who throughout the world look to Rome should be a matter of profit and pride to us who are Italians." - Benit o Mussolini



"Don't rejoice in his defeat, you Men For although the World stood up and stopped the Bastard, The BITCH who bore him is in 'Heat' again." - Bert old Brecht


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