Erving Goffman developed the sociological concepts of frame analysis and dramaturgy. [1] He viewed the self as having both a socialized and unsocialized component, and individuals manage impressions through performances within social interactions. [2] Frame analysis examines how individuals define situations and organize subjective experience through "frames", or principles that bracket activities and assign them meaning. [3] Different frames can produce different understandings of reality and subjective involvement.
Erving Goffman developed the sociological concepts of frame analysis and dramaturgy. [1] He viewed the self as having both a socialized and unsocialized component, and individuals manage impressions through performances within social interactions. [2] Frame analysis examines how individuals define situations and organize subjective experience through "frames", or principles that bracket activities and assign them meaning. [3] Different frames can produce different understandings of reality and subjective involvement.
Erving Goffman developed the sociological concepts of frame analysis and dramaturgy. [1] He viewed the self as having both a socialized and unsocialized component, and individuals manage impressions through performances within social interactions. [2] Frame analysis examines how individuals define situations and organize subjective experience through "frames", or principles that bracket activities and assign them meaning. [3] Different frames can produce different understandings of reality and subjective involvement.
Erving Goffman developed the sociological concepts of frame analysis and dramaturgy. [1] He viewed the self as having both a socialized and unsocialized component, and individuals manage impressions through performances within social interactions. [2] Frame analysis examines how individuals define situations and organize subjective experience through "frames", or principles that bracket activities and assign them meaning. [3] Different frames can produce different understandings of reality and subjective involvement.