Improve Your Ielts
Improve Your Ielts
Improve Your Ielts
The line chart provides information about the change in using different kinds of technology in households in UK from 1996 to 2003 !n general" it is noticeable that the general trend of all types of technology #ent up by varying degrees $oreover" %& player #as also regarded as the most popular item 's can be seen" there #as a steady rise in %& player access" from 60( in 1996 to above )0( in 2003 The similar pattern #as repeated #hen it came to home computer !ndeed" the use of this gadget made up over 30( in the first period" and then gradually increased to nearly **( in 2003 's regards mobile phone" although the access of this device #as lo#er than of home computer" it e+ceeded the computer and ended the period up to above **( ,inally" the !nternet access that #as recorded first time in 199) also climbed to appro+imately 3*( in 2003 The graph below shows the contribution of three sectors agriculture, manufacturing, and business and financial services to the UK economy in twentieth century. The bar chart provides information about the contribution of different sectors to UK economy over 100-year period from 1990 to 2000 !n general" it is noticeable that both agriculture and manufacturing e+perience a significant reduction #hile business and finance become more and more important during the period 's can be seen" in 1990" UK economy heavily depended on both agriculture and manufacturing &uring the first *0 years" agricultural fraction continued to increase steadily to over *0( .o#ever" from 19*0 to 2000" there #as a sudden fall in the contribution of agriculture to the development of UK economy" from appro+imately *3( to almost 0( in 2000 's regards manufacturing" the similar pattern #as repeated e+cept in first *0-year period !ndeed" the portion of manufacturing dropped remarkably to appro+imately 1*( in 2000 !n terms of business and financial services" at the beginning of the period" it played the least important role in assisting
UK economy to develop .o#ever" unlike agriculture and manufacturing" it rose significantly and ended the period up to 3*( The bar chart shows the highest qualifications attainted by sex for the working age population in ales in !""#$!""!.
The graph provides information about the different types of academic /ualifications ac/uired by men and #omen #ho are in #orking age in 0ales from 2001 to 2002 !n general" for other /ualifications" the number of #omen and men are /uite similar" although there are slightly fe#er men .o#ever" the rest of /ualifications are clearly appeal more to specific one of t#o groups 's can be seen" there #ere more males than females #ho gained 1%2 ' level" about 2)( compared #ith over 12( .o#ever" this pattern #as completely reversed #hen it came to 1%32 grade ' to % !ndeed" there #ere appro+imately 2)( female employees ac/uiring this /ualification in comparison #ith the number of men is considerable lo#er 's for both higher education /ualification and no /ualification" #omen made up nearly 10( and about 22( respectively" #hile there #ere 4ust appro+imately 5( and 20( men ,inally" degree #as more common #ith male than females The charts below show how selected age groups purchased concert, cinema and theatre tickets online over the first three months of !""% in three countries and how the &nternet was accessed. The bar charts provides information about purchasing tickets online by different age groups in selected countries and several approaches to enter to the !nternet from 6anuary to $arch 2006 !n general" it is noticeable that buying tickets online clearly appeal more to younger age range" e+cept in $alaysia $oreover" desktop computer is also regarded as the most popular technological gadget to access the !nternet 's can be seen" in $alaysia" more people aged above 6* than younger counterparts preferred to buy tickets online .o#ever" this pattern #as completely reversed #hen it came to 'ustralia and UK !ndeed" as regards these countries" individuals #ho are
bet#een 2* and 77 accounted for appro+imate **( in comparison #ith the number of people over 6* #as lo#er !n addition" it is clear that the general trends of using desktop computer and mobile phone #ere roughly similar !n fact" $alaysian people stood at above 60( and 30( respectively" #hile 'ustralian individuals 4ust made up the least proportion" namely belo# 60( and nearly 25( respectively 's for laptop" the number of people in both 'ustralia and $alaysia included same percentage 8about four out of ten9" #hereas 4ust nearly 30( of UK people utili:ed it The table shoes the pro'ected costings over the next five year in (merican dollars for three environmental pro'ects for sustainable forestry. The pie chart shows the expected expenditure breakdown allocation for the first year as the pro'ects are set up. The table sho#s information about the forecast of the estimated cost of environmental pro4ects during ne+t five year in some selected regions" #ith the pie chart indicating several elements that constitute the anticipated e+penditure in first year !n general" it is forecast that 3outh-2ast 'sia #ill have the highest cost in comparison #ith the estimated e+pense of both 0est 'frica and %entral 'merica #ill be considerably lo#er $oreover" the trend of spending money on these environmental pro4ects #ill tend to decrease year by year" e+cept in 3outh-east 'sia 's can be seen from the table" there #ill be a gradual fluctuation in e+pected cost of environmental plan in 3outh-east 'sian" but the trend #ill be up#ard" increasing to *0 million The pattern #ill be completely reversed #hen it come to 0est 'frica !ndeed" the estimated cost in this area is anticipated to do#n#ard fluctuate" ending the period at 3 * million !n addition" it is anticipated that the e+pense in %entral 'merica #ill e+perience a dramatic decrease from 20 million in year 1 to * million in year *" ho#ever" the cost in last three years #ill be similar 8* million9 ,rom the pie chart" it is noticeable that salaries #ill account for the greatest proportion in anticipated e+penditure" namely *0 percent" follo#ed by set-up cost 830(9 ,inally" both training and office e+penses #ill be allocated same 10( of total e+penditure
The graph below shows the average monthly use of a healthy club in )iami, *lorida by all full+members over last year. The pie charts show the age profile of male and female members. The bar chart provides information about the number of female and male members of a healthy club in selected regions during last year" #ith the pie chart indicating different age groups of both male and female members !n general" it is noticeable that a health club seems to be appeal more to men than #omen" especially in summer and autumn months $oreover" the numbers of both men and #omen e+periences up#ard fluctuation over the period .o#ever" the rise in full-time members is not marked 's can be seen" from 6anuary to $arch" both male and female members increased steadily to nearly 600 and appro+imately **0 people respectively 'fter that" the figures reached a peak of about )*0 male members and 500 female members over the ne+t-three year period" before falling back ,rom the pie chart" 21-7* #as the most common age group in both se+es" **( of man and *1( of #omen !n addition" male members aged above 6* #as /uite higher than female" 32( compared to 2*( The bar chart below shows the percentage of people in ,reat -ritain living alone by age and sex in !"".$!""/ The bar graph provides information about living alone in 1reat ;ritain according to age and genders bet#een 2007 and 200* !n general" it is notice that the number of individuals living alone tends to increase sharply in line #ith the gro#th in age $oreover" men aged bet#een 16 and 67 living alone are more than female counterparts .o#ever" this pattern is completely reversed #hen it comes to all age groups above 6* 's regards females" #omen living alone in 5* and over age group had the largest proportion in comparison #ith younger age groups $oreover" the percentage of #omen living on their o#n in three particular age groups 82*-77" 7*-67 and 6*-579 #ere roughly similar" namely appro+imately 1*(
!n terms of males" the trend of men living online rose significantly as they #ere becoming older ,or e+ample" the proportion of males #ho are bet#een 5* and over #as almost t#ice times as much as of 6*-57 year olds- males" nearly 60( compared to 32(