Trinity Grade 2 Clases Particulares
Trinity Grade 2 Clases Particulares
Trinity Grade 2 Clases Particulares
Wh-questions there is / there are 1) Where are you from? 2) Where do you come from? 3) Do you come from Spain? 4) Whats this? (Example a school o!"ect) #) Wheres the pencil case? $) %s the pencil case on the des&? ') (re there any pens under the !oo&? )) Whats your fa*ourite colour? +) ,o- many people are there in this picture? 1.) Whose is this pen? or Whose pen is this? (/ossi!le ans-ers its my pen0 its mine its you pen0 its yours its the 1irls pen0 its her pen0 its hers) 11) /ut the pen next to the !oo&2
Pet animals 1) Whats this? (Example an animal) 2) What colour is the horse? 3) /oint to the -in1s 3 tail 3 le1s2 4) %s the horse -hite? $) ,a*e you 1ot any pets? ') Do you ha*e any pets? )) Whats its name? +) ,as it 1ot !i1 ears? 1.) 4ell me a!out it2 11) Where is it no-? What is the weather like?
1) %s it sunny? 3 %s it rainin1 no-? 2) %s it -indy? 3 What5s the -eather li&e today? 3) %s it hot? 3 What is the season?
1) Where do you li*e? 2) Do you li*e in a house or a flat?3 Do you li*e near your school? 3) ,o- many rooms are there in your house? 4) What rooms are there in your house? #) Who li*es in your house? $) Do you ha*e a &itchen in your house? or ,a*e you 1ot a &itchen in your house? ') 6oo& at this picture2 %s there a 1ara1e? (re there t-o !athrooms? )) 4ell me a!out your house2 +) 4ell me a!out your !edroom2 Whats in your !edroom? What can you see out your -indo-? 1.) %s there a lamp in your !edroom? 11) 6oo& at this picture2 %s the alarm cloc& on the !ed? (in0 under0 !et-een0 o*er0 opposite and near)2 12) 6oo& at this picture2 Where is the -ardro!e?
!amily and "riends 1) ,o- many people are there in your family? 2) Do you ha*e a !rother? or ,a*e you 1ot a !rother? ,o- many cousins ha*e you 1ot? (re they older than you? 3) Whats your father called? 3 What5s your father5s name? 4) Whats your mums name? #) ,o- old is your mummy? $) What does your father loo& li&e? ') 4ell me a!out your family2
)) Do you ha*e any friends? or ,a*e you 1ot any friends? +) 4ell me a!out your !est friend2 1.) %s he tall? ,as he 1ot lon1 hair?
1) What day is it today? 2) %s today Sunday? 3) Whats the date today? 4) Whens your !irthday? #) %s your !irthday in 7arch? $) %s your !irthday in -inter?
'e &are"ul( Dont simply ans-er -ith yes or no2 8se the short ans-er and then add in"ormation2 9or example Examiner Do you li*e in 9rance?
% li*e
in %taly2