Spell Checker For Gurmukhi Script: Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Award of Degree of

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Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
degree of

Master of Engineering
Software Engineering
Rupinderdeep Kaur

Under the supervision of:
Mr. Parteek Bhatia
Assistant Professor

PATIALA 147004

June 2010




A Spell Checker is a basic necessity for composing text in any language. Though
considerable work has been done in the area for English and related languages, the Indian
language scenario present a relatively more complex and uphill task. Punjabi is the worlds
most widely spoken language. There is a very little amount of work done in this field.
The only available Spell Checker for Punjabi language is AKHAR.
First and the far most requirement for any Spell Checker is to have dictionary of different
possible words of that language which will act as a corpus. A Spell Checker can be Stand-
alone Application capable of operating on a block of text, or as part of a larger application,
such as a word processor, email client, electronic dictionary, or search engine. When some
Punjabi text is given as an input to Spell Checker, it list outs the incorrect words separately
by checking their availability in the dictionary. Finally it provides the suggestions for the
incorrect words from the dictionary.
In this thesis, I have discussed various types of errors, techniques for detecting and correcting
errors and the various Spell Checkers available in different Indian languages. A brief
overview of origin and symbols of Gurumukhi Script are explained. In this thesis, I have
developed a Spell Checker for Gurmukhi Script. The design, techniques and implementation
of the newly developed Spell Checker for Gurmukhi Script are explained. Creation of
dictionary, error detection and error correction and replacement are the main features of this
system. The system detects approximately 87% of the errors and provides 90% of the correct


List of Figures................................................................................................................vi
List of Tables................................................................................................................vii

Chapter 1 Introduction....................................................................................................1
1.1 What is Spell Checker..............................................................................1
1.2 Types of Errors.........................................................................................1
1.3 Issues related with Spell Checker............................................................1
1.4 Origin and Symbols of Gurmukhi............................................................2
Chapter 2 literature Survey.............................................................................................5
2.1 Non-Word Error Detection......................................................................5
2.1.1 N-gram Analysis Technique...........................................................5
2.1.2 Dictionary Lookup Technique........................................................6
2.2 Techniques for Non-word Error Correction.............................................6
2.2.1 Commonly Encountered Punjabi Errors.........................................7 Substitution Errors..............................................................8 Deletion Error.....................................................................8 Insertion Error.....................................................................9 Transposition Error.............................................................9 Run-on Errors...................................................................10 Split Word Errors.............................................................10
2.2.2 Phonetically Similar Character Errors..........................................10
2.2.3 Minimum Edit distance Techniques.............................................11
2.2.4 The Soundex System....................................................................12
2.2.5 Rule Based Techniques.................................................................13
2.2.6 N-gram Based Techniques............................................................13
2.2.7 Probabilistic Techniques...............................................................14

2.2.8 Neural Net Techniques.................................................................14
2.3 Availale Spell Checkers..........................................................................15
2.3.1 Bangla Spell Checker.................................................................15
2.3.2 Oriya Spell Checker....................................................................16
2.3.3 Marathi Spell Checker................................................................17
2.3.4 Assamese Spell Checker.............................................................17
2.3.5 Annam (Tamil Spell Checker)....................................................19
2.3.6 Malayalam Spell Checker...........................................................19
2.3.7 Akshara (Telegu Spell Checker).................................................20
2.2.8 Akhar..........................................................................................20
Chapter 3 Problem Statement.....................................................................................22
Chapter 4 Design and Implementation of SUDHAAR-Punjabi Spell Checker..........24
4.1 Features of SUDHAAR.......................................................................24
4.2 Architecture of SUDHAAR.................................................................24
4.3 Dictionary Creation Tool.....................................................................25
4.4 Error Detection....................................................................................27
4.5 Error Correction and Replacement......................................................30
4.5.1 Minimum Edit Distance (M.E.D)..............................................30
4.5.2 Implementation of Minimum Edit Distance..............................31
4.6 Working of SUDHAAR......................................................................33
4.6.1 Main Window.............................................................................33
4.6.2 Spell Check.................................................................................36
4.6.3 Suggestions.................................................................................39
4.6.4 Exit..............................................................................................43
Chapter 5 Testing of the Developed System...............................................................46
Chapter 6 Conclusion and Future Scope......................................................................50
6.1 Conclusion............................................................................................50
6.2 Future Scope.........................................................................................50
Research Publications..................................................................................................53


List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Strategy followed by the Assamese Spell Checker....18
Figure 2.2: Snapshot of AKHAR......20
Figure 4.1: Architecture of SUDHAAR...25
Figure 4.2: Flowchart of Dictionary Creation Tool using Hash Function............26
Figure 4.3: Snapshot of Dictionary Creation Tool...27
Figure 4.4: Flowchart of Error Detection using Dictionary Look Up......28
Figure 4.5: Snapshot of First Screen of SUDHAAR...29
Figure 4.6: Snapshot of Input Text Screen.......29
Figure 4.7: Snapshot of Error Detection Screen.......30
Figure 4.8: Flowchart of Minimum Edit Distance...31
Figure 4.9: Snapshot of Error Selection Screen...32
Figure 4.10: Snapshot of Suggestion Selection Screen....33
Figure 4.11: Snapshot of Main Screen.....34
Figure 4.12: Snapshot of Open Menu...35
Figure 4.13: Snapshot of Input Text Screen.....35
Figure 4.14: Snapshot of Error Detection Screen....36
Figure 4.15: Snapshot of Word Selection.................................................................37
Figure 4.16: Snapshot of Actions performed by add to dictionary button.38
Figure 4.17: Snapshot of Action performed by ignore all button......38
Figure 4.18: Snapshot of word selection from detected errors.....39
Figure 4.19: Snapshot of suggestions button.....40
Figure 4.20: Snapshot of selection of word from suggestion list.....40
Figure 4.21: Snapshot of change once button....41
Figure 4.22: Snapshot of no word selected...41
Figure 4.23: Snapshot of change all button....42
Figure 4.24: Snapshot of no spelling suggestions.....42
Figure 4.25: Snapshot of spell check complete.....43
Figure 4.26: Snapshot of exit button..44
Figure 4.27: Snapshot of save button.44
Figure 4.28: Snapshot of close button45


List of Tables

Table 1.1: Consonants in Punjabi Language......3
Table 1.2: Vowels, Semi Vowels and Half Characters in Punjabi Language................4
Table 1.2: Division of Punjabi Word......4
Table 5.1: Testing of Developed System......46
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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 What is Spell Checker?

In computing, a Spell Checker (or Spell Check) is an application program that flags words in
a document that may not be spelled correctly. Spell Checker may be stand-alone capable of
operating on a block of text, or as part of a larger application, such as a word processor, email
client, electronic dictionary, or search engine [1].

1.2 Types of Errors

Spelling and typing errors are abundant in human generated electronic text. The problem of
detecting error in words and automatically correcting them is a great research challenge. The
word error can belong to one of the two distinct categories, namely, non-word error and real-
word error. A word which is not a valid word is a nonword error. A valid but not the intended
word in the sentence is a real word error. The knowledge about error pattern is necessary to
model an efficient Spell Checker. The newly developed Spell Checker only deals with
nonword errors.

1.3 Issues related with Spell Checker

There are several issues to be addressed in the error correction problem. The first issue
concerns the error patterns generated by different text generating media such as typewriter
and computer keyboard, typesetting and machine printing, OCR system, speech recognizer
output, and of course, handwriting. Usually, the error pattern of one media does not match
with that of the other. The error pattern issue of each media concerns the relative abundance
of insertion, deletion, substitution and transposition error, run-on and split word error, single
versus multiple character error, word length effect, positional bias, character shape effect,
phonetic similarity effect, heuristic tendencies etc. The knowledge about error pattern is
necessary to model an efficient Spell Checker.

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Another important issue is the computerized dictionary which concerns the size of the
dictionary, the problem of inflection and creative morphology, the dictionary file structure,
dictionary partitioning, word access techniques and so on.

1.4 Origin and Symbols of Gurmukhi Script

The word Gurmukhi literally means from the mouth of the Guru. Gurmukhi Script is used
primarily for the Punjabi language, which is worlds 12
most widely spoken language.
Punjabi Language is used in both parts of Punjab in India and Pakistan. In East Punjab (India)
Punjabi is written in Gurmukhi Script. This Script was created by Guru Angad Dev Ji. This is
written from left to right. Punjabi is the mother tongue of more than 110 million people of
Pakistan (66 million), India (44 million) and many millions in America, Canada and Europe.
It has been written in two mutually incomprehensible scripts Shahmukhi and Gurmukhi for

Gurmukhi script is syllabic in nature. Gurmukhi script-consists of 41 consonants called
vianjans, 9 vowel symbols called laga or matras, 2 symbols for nasal sounds ( . , ), one
symbol for reduplication of sound of any consonant ( ` )and three half characters [2]. Table
1.1 and 1.2 shows the description of Punjabi consonants, vowels, semi vowels and half

The consonants of first row are classified as open syllabics and called vowel consonants or
semi consonants or "Matra Vahak" due to their inherent property that they are never used in
work without any Laga or Vowel. The next two consonants are classified as root class
consonants. The rest of the consonants except to the last two groups namely the - "Antim"
and "Naveen" group, are categorized according to their phonetic structure. The last but one
group consisting of 5 independent consonants is called the "Antim" group and the last group
is the "Naveen" group which has been introduced to accommodate the words of Persian,
Arabic and Sanskrit.

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Table 1.1: Consonants in Punjabi language






Mul Varag





Kavarg Toli










Tavarg Toli





Tavarg Toli





Pavarg Toli





Antim Toli






Naveen Toli

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Table 1.2: Vowels, Semi Vowels and Half Characters in Punjabi language

It can be noted that most of the characters have a horizontal line at the upper part. The
characters of word are connected mostly by this line called head line. A word in Gurmukhi
Script can be partitioned into three horizontal zones. The upper zone denotes the region
above the head line, where the vowels reside, while the middle zone represents the area
below the head line where the consonants and some sub-parts of vowels are present. The
middle zone is the busiest zone. The lower zone represents the area below middle zone where
some vowels and certain half characters lie in the foot of consonants. For example, the
division of Punjabi word is shown in Table 1.3.

Table 1.3: Division of Punjabi Word

Upper zone

Middle zone

Lower zone


















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Chapter 2: Literature Survey

There are two main issues related with the Spell Checker. These are Error Detection and
Error Correction. Further depending upon the types of errors i.e. non-word errors and real
word errors, there are many techniques available for detection and correction of errors. The
survey of these techniques and their use in different Spell Checkers is described in this

2.1 Non-word Error Detection

A string of characters separated by spaces or punctuation marks may be called a candidate
word. A candidate word is a valid word if it has a meaning; else it is a nonword. The two
main techniques that have been explored for nonword errors detection are n-gram analysis
and dictionary lookup. N-grams are n-letter sub sequences of words or strings where n
usually is one, two or three .One letter n-grams are referred to as unigrams or monograms;
two letter n-grams are referred to as bi-grams and three letter n-grams as trigrams.

In general n-gram detection technique work by examining each n-gram in an input string and
looking it up in a precompiled table of n-gram statistics to ascertain either its existence or its
frequency of words or strings that are found to contain nonexistent or highly infrequent n-
grams are identified as either misspellings. N-gram techniques usually require either
dictionary look up technique or a large corpus of text in order to pre-compile an n-gram table.
Dictionary looks up techniques work by simply checking to see if an input string appears in a
dictionary, i.e., a list of acceptable words.

2.1.1 N-gram Analysis Technique [3]

N-gram tables can take on a variety of forms. The simplest is a binary bi-gram array which is
a two dimensional array of size 41x41 whose elements represent all possible two letter
combinations of the alphabet. The value of each element in the array is set to either 0 or 1
depending on whether that bi-gram occurs in at least the word in a predefined lexicon or
dictionary. A binary tri-gram array would have three dimensions. Both of the above arrays
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are referred to as non-positional binary n-gram arrays because they do not indicate the
position of the n-gram within a word.

More of the structures of the lexicon can be captured by a set of positional binary n-gram
array, for example, in a positional binary tri-gram array the i, j, k
element would have the
value 1 only if there exists at least one word in the lexicon with the letters l, m and n in
positions i, j, and k. The trade-off for representing more of the structure of the lexicon is the
increase in storage space required for the complete set of positional arrays. Any word can be
checked for errors by simply looking up its corresponding entries in binary n-gram arrays to
make sure they are all 1s.

2.1.2 Dictionary Lookup Technique

The most popular method of detecting errors in a text is simply to look up every word in a
dictionary; any words that are not there are taken to be errors. Dictionary lookup is a
straightforward task. However response time becomes a problem when dictionary size
exceeds a few hundred words. In document processing and information retrieval, the number
of dictionary entries can range from 25000 to more than 250,000 words.

The most common technique for gaining fast access to a dictionary is the use of a Hash
Table. To look up an input string, one simply computes its hash address and retrieves the
word stored at that address in the pre-constructed hash table. If the word stored at the hash
address is different from the input string or is null, a misspelling is indicated. The main
advantage is that the random access nature of a hash code eliminates the large number of
comparisons needed for sequential or even tree based searches of the dictionary. The main
disadvantage is the need to device a clever hash function that avoids collisions without
requiring a huge hash table.

2.2 Techniques for Non-word Error Correction

Error pattern analysis of each language helps in making an efficient spellchecker. It includes
analysis of various types of errors (insertion, deletion, transposition, substitution, run-on, split
word error) positional analysis, word length effects, phonetic errors, first position error
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analysis, keyboard effects etc. In Punjabi there are many ways of writing the same word and
all the ways could be correct.

So it might be wrong to collect the raw typed text as the data for analysis. Because analysis
of that raw text does not surely direct us to the typing mistake but can mislead us to the
spelling mistake of that word. Our main interest is to analyse the typing mistakes instead of
spelling mistakes since, the study will be used to design a suggestion list for a Punjabi

2.2.1 Commonly Encountered Punjabi Errors [2]
There are large number of errors encountered in human generated Punjabi text and these
errors mostly belong to one of the following error types.
Substitution Error (SE): When at least one character is substituted by the other
character. The maximum of misspellings in Punjabi contain substitution errors.
Deletion Error (DE): When at least one character is deleted in the desired word.
Insertion Error (IE): When at least one extra character is inserted in the desired word.
Transposition Error (TE): When two adjacent characters are transposed.
Run-on Error (ROE): When there is space missing between two or more valid words.
Split Word Error (SWE): This is opposite of Run-on error when there is some extra
space is inserted between parts of a word. The error can be removed by removing the
extra space. Substitution Errors

This error occurs when at least one character is substituted by the other character. For
example, -> , ->, -> etc.
In the above three words, ->, -> , -> are the various substitution character pairs
The common reasons for substitution errors are:
Naveen Group elements: It is seen that 9.91% of the substitution errors are due to the
naveen group elements. For example, ->, ->
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Due to assignment to same keys (shifted and unshifted modes) on the keyboard, for
example, -> , ->, ->
Words that are usually used in various forms, for example, ->, ->
Vowels having similar sounds, for example, ->, -> , -> , ->
Due to substitution of half characters, for example, ->, -> Deletion Error

When at least one character is deleted in the desired word. For example, ->, ->
. These errors also give rise to real word errors, for example, ->, ->
In the above example , are two valid words but they are not the desired word. It is
observed that deletion related errors contribute significantly after substitution errors. It is seen
that the characters , are most commonly missing characters. The percentage of missing
is 20.51% and the percentage of missing is 17.47% and these two characters alone
contribute to 38% of deletion errors [2]. Insertion Error

When at least one extra character is inserted in the desired word. For example,
-> here is the extra inserted character. These errors also give rise to real word
errors, for example, ->, ->
In the above example , are two valid words but they are not the desired words. In
the multiple form words confusion regarding insertion errors are due to:
The use of , for example, -> words on both side are delivering the same
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The use of , for example, -> words on both side are delivering the same
It is seen that the characters , are mostly extra inserted characters. The percentage of
insertion is 17.53 % and the percentage of is 12.52% and these two characters contribute
around 30% of Insertion errors [2]. Transposition Error

This type of error occurs when two adjacent characters of the word are typed in swapped
manner. For example, ->, -> .In the above two words -> , -> are
transposed character pairs.
It is found that these transpositions (like substitution) also give rise to real word errors. For
example, -> , -> where , are two valid words. The percentage
of transposition errors is 1.85% and 1.43% in single and multi-error misspellings
respectively. No prominent transposition character pairs were found [2]. Run-on Errors [4]

This type of error occurs when two or more valid words are mistakenly written side by side
without a space in between. For example, -> , ->
In the above two word substitutions , , , are four different words. Sometimes
these errors give rise to real word errors. For example, , . Words
, are two valid words. The percentage of run on error is found to be 5.20% in
single and 0.61% in multi-error misspellings.

- 10 - Split Word Errors [4]

This is opposite of Run-on error when there is some extra space is inserted between parts of
a word. The error can be removed by removing the extra space. For example, -> ,
-> etc. Sometimes these errors give rise to more than one real word errors, for
example, -> , -> Words , , , , are four valid words. The
percentage of split word error is found to be 2.32% in single and 0.20% in multi-error

2.2.2 Phonetically Similar Character Errors

Phonetic errors are a special class of cognitive errors in which the writer substitutes a
phonetically correct but orthographically incorrect sequence of letters for the intended word.
We have classified the phonetic errors into four categories:
1) Type 1 ->, ->, ->, -> , -> , ->
2) Type 2 ->, ->, ->, ->, -> , ->
3) Type 3 ->, ->, -> , ->, ->
4) Type 4 ->, -> ,

It is analysed that 17% of the errors are due to phonetically similar substitution pairs in above
four categories .Out of the total number of phonetic errors 59.28% are due to the Type 2
group elements. Percentage of phonetically similar sounding vowel pairs are also
considerable. It is concluded that about 23.83% of the misspellings contains mistakes due to
Type 3 vowel pairs and 8.09% of the misspellings are due to Type 4 phonetically similar
pairs [2].
Distinctions are made between three different types of nonword misspelling:
Typographic Errors: In the case of typographic errors it is assumed that the writer or typist
knows the correct spelling but simply makes a motor coordination slip. For example, the- teh,
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Cognitive Errors: The source of cognitive errors is presumed to be a misconception or lack
of knowledge on the part of the writer or typist. For example, receive-recieve, conspiracy-
Phonetic Errors: Phonetic errors are a special class of cognitive errors in which the writer
substitutes a phonetically correct but orthographically incorrect sequence of letters for the
intended word, for example, abyss-abiss, naturally-nacherly.

2.2.3 Minimum Edit Distance Technique

The term minimum edit distance was defined by Wagner [5] as the minimum number of
editing operations (i.e. insertions, deletions and substitutions) required to transform one string
into another. The first minimum edit distance spelling error correction algorithm was
implemented by Damerau[6].

Although many minimum edit distance algorithms compute integer distance scores, some
algorithms obtain finer-grained scores by assigning non integer values to specific
transformations based on estimates of phonetic similarities or keyboard adjacencies.

2.2.4 The Soundex System

The notion behind similarity key techniques is to map every string into a key such that
similarly spelled strings will have identical or similar keys. Thus, when key is computed for a
misspelled string it will provide a pointer to all similarly spelled words in the lexicon.
Similarity key techniques have speed advantage because it is not necessary to directly
compare the misspelled string to every word in the dictionary. A very early, often cited
similarity key technique, the SOUNDEX system, was patented by Odell and Russel for use in
phonetic spelling correction applications.

This problem has been around for a long time in the context of retrieving names from a list of
names. Suppose you are working at an enquiry desk of a large organization, with a terminal
connecting your office to the central computer. A customer comes in with a query about her
account. She says her name is Zbygniewski. You dont want to ask her to spell it - perhaps her
English is poor and other customers are waiting. To make matters worse, the name may be
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misspelt in the computer file. You want to be able to key in something that sounds like what
she just said and have the system find a name that resembles it.

The Soundex system was deviced to help with this problem [7,8]. It dates, in fact, from the
days of card indexes - the name stands for Indexing on sound - but has been transferred to
computer systems. A Soundex code is created for every name in the file. The idea of the code
is to preserve, in a rough-and-ready way, the salient features of the pronunciation. It is fairly
obvious how this system can be applied to spelling correction. Every word in the dictionary is
given a Soundex code. A Soundex code is computed from the misspelling, and those words
that have the same code are retrieved from the dictionary.
Take as an example the misspelling disapont. A corrector would compute the code D215
from disapont and then retrieve all the words with code D215: disband, disbands, isbanded,
disbanding, disbandment, disbandments, dispense, dispenses, dispensed dispensing,
dispenser, dispensers, dispensary, dispensaries, dispensable, dispensation, dispensations,
deceiving, deceivingly, despondent, despondency, despondently, disobeying, disappoint,
disappoints, disappointed, disappointing, disappointedly, disappointingly, disappointment,
disappointments, disavowing.

2.2.5 Rule Based Techniques

Rule Based Techniques are algorithms or heuristic programs that attempt to represent
knowledge of common spelling error patterns in the form of rules for transforming
missellings into valid words. The candidate generation process consists of applying all
applicable rules to a misspelled string and retaining every valid dictionary word those results.
Ranking is frequently done by assigning a numerical score to each candidate based on a
predefined estimate of the probability of having made the particular error that the invoked
rule corrected.

2.2.6 N-gram Based Technique

Letter n-grams, including tri-grams, bi-grams and uni-grams have been used in a variety of
ways in text recognition and spelling correction techniques. They have been used by OCR
correctors to capture the lexical syntax of a dictionary and to suggest legal corrections.

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Riseman and Hanson[3] provide a clear explanation of the traditional use of n-grams
in OCR correction. After partitioning a dictionary into sub-dictionaries by word length, they
construct positional binary n-gram matrices for each sub-dictionary. They note that because
these matrices provide answers to the question Is there some word in the dictionary that has
letters a and b in positions i and j respectively? the matrices capture the syntax of the
dictionary. An OCR output string can be checked for errors by simply checking that all its n-
grams have value 1. If a string has a single error, it will have a 0 value in at least one binary
n-gram; if more than one 0 value is found, the position of the error is indicated by a matrix
index that is common to the 0 value n-grams. If the intersection results in only one n-gram
with value 1, the error can be corrected, if more than one potential n-gram correction is found
the word is rejected as ambiguous.

2.2.7 Probabilistic Technique

N-gram based technique led naturally into the probabilistic technique in both the text
recognition and spelling correction paradigms. Two types of probabilities have been
Transition Probabilities represent probabilities that a given letter will be followed by
another given letter. These are language dependent. They are sometimes referred to as
markov probabilities based on the assumption that language is a Markov Source. They
can be estimated by collecting n-gram frequency statistics on a large corpus of text from
the domain or discourse.
Confusion Probabilities are estimates of how often a given letter is mistaken or
substituted for another given letter. Confusion probabilities are source dependent.
Because different OCR devices use different techniques and features to recognize
characters, each device will have a unique confusion probability distribution. For that
reason confusion probabilities are sometimes referred to as channel characteristics.

2.2.8 Neural Net Techniques

Neural nets are likely candidates for spelling correctors because of their inherent ability to do
associative recall based on incomplete or noisy input. Furthermore, because they can be
trained on actual spelling errors, they have the potential to adapt to the specific error patterns
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of their user community, thus maximizing their correction accuracy for that population. Back
propagation algorithm is the most widely used algorithm for training a neural net.

A typical back propagation net consists of three layers of nodes: input layer, an intermediate
layer, usually referred to as hidden layer and an output layer. Each node in the input layer is
connected by a weighted link to every node in the hidden layer. Similarly each node in the
hidden layer is denoted by a weighted link to every node in the output layer. Input and output
information is represented by on-off patterns of activity on the input and output nodes of the
net. A 1 indicates that a node is turned on and a 0 indicates that a node is turned off.

Processing in a back propagation net consists of placing a pattern of activity on the input
nodes, sending the activity forward through the weighted links to the hidden nodes, where a
hidden pattern is computed and then on to the output nodes, where an output pattern is
computed. Weights represent connection strengths between the nodes. For example, in a
spelling correction application, a misspelling represented as a binary n-gram vector might
serve as an input pattern to the net. Its corresponding output pattern might be a vector of m
elements, where m is the number of words in the lexicon and only the node corresponding to
the correct word is turned on.

2.3 Available Spell Checkers

There are many spell checkers available for different Indian languages. Following section
involves a brief discussion of some available Spell Checkers.

2.3.1 Bangla Spell-Checker [9]

Bangla Spell Checker can act in both offline and online modes. It has a Graphics User
Interface via an editor. Whenever the user types Bangla text, it checks for wrong spelling and
gives suitable suggestions. On the other hand, one can run this software on previously typed
material such as an OCR document. All misspelled words are captured by the system. For a
single-error word, intended word is found within top four words in the suggestion list. Words
having more than one error are so captured and for most of them intended words are in the
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upper half of the suggestion list. However, suggestions cannot be given on some inflected
words. It has facility to add new words in the dictionary against which spellings are checked.

The spell-checker is a tool to detect errors in Bangla words and correcting them by providing
a set of correct alternatives which includes the intended word. An erroneous word can belong
to one of two distinct categories, namely, non-word error and real-word error. Let a string
of characters separated by spaces or punctuation marks be called a candidate string. A
candidate string is a valid word if it carries a meaning. A meaningless string is a non-word
error. By real word error we mean a valid but not the intended word in the sentence, thus
making the sentence syntactically or semantically ill-formed or incorrect. In both cases, the
problem is to detect the erroneous word and either suggest correct alternatives or
automatically replace it by the appropriate word. In this spellchecker, only the non-word
errors are considered.

2.3.2 Oriya Spell Checker [10]

Error detection and automatic or manual correction for misspelled words is taken care of
successfully by Oriya Spell Checker (OSC). There has been developed some algorithms to
perform OSC in order to find out more accurate suggestions for a misspelled word. Then
searching algorithm of the OSC is so fast that it processes nearly 170000 Oriya words for
each misspelled word. The words are indexed according to their word length in word
database in order for effective searching. On the basis of the misspelled word, it (OSC) takes
into account the number of (i) matching characters, (ii) corresponding matching characters in
forward direction and (iii) corresponding matching characters in backward direction to give
more accurate suggestive words for the misspelled word. Moreover, it also takes help of the
Oriya Morphological Analyser (OMA) for ascertaining the mistakes of inflection
(VIBHAKTI), derived and compounding words. The Correction engine corrects
automatically the error like phonetically similar characters; OCRs miss recognised
characters with the help of confusion matrix and misspelled word correction by using most
phonetically confused word database through n-gram model. The OSC is running
successfully in Word Processor. Using this technique, Hindi Spellchecker (270000 words)
and English Spellchecker (20000 words) have also been developed for Word Processor
(WP). The word files are stored in ASCII format and supports ORTTSarala (Oriya), DV-
- 16 -

TTYogesh (Hindi) and any font in English. This software is designed using Java and Java
Swing (Front-end) for both the Windows-98/2000/NT and the Linux O/S.

2.3.3 Marathi Spell Checker [11]

Under this ongoing project, a standalone spellchecker is being built for Marathi. The
spellchecker will be available to spell check documents in a given Encoding. From the CIIL
(Central Institute of Indian Language) corpus, 12,886 distinct words have been listed.
Similarly other Marathi texts at the centre are being used to build a basic dictionary. A
morphological analysis is being carried out on the collection of words. For example, an
automatic grouping algorithm identified 3,975 groups out of 12,886 distinct words. First
word is usually the root word. Thus, there are approximately 4000 root words from Marathi
corpus. A manual proof reading will be done on these results. The morphology will be
A motivation behind the stand-alone spellchecker is that it can be used without an editor
through a packaged interface, or it can be integrated with other compatible applications such
as OCR.

2.3.4 Assamese Spell Checker [12]

The development of a Spell Checker for Assamese has been undertaken at the Resource
Centre, and code has been developed in Perl. The Spell Checker exists in the form of separate
modules for error detection and correction, as well as a stand-alone system in which all the
spell checking routines have been integrated. The strategy used is described below. Figure
2.1, shows the flowchart of Assamese Spell checker.

The non-words are detected by looking up document words in a dictionary of valid words.
The dictionary used is actually a word list of around 72000 Assamese words. A hash table
has been used as a lexical lookup data structure. The performance of a dictionary using a hash
table is quite adequate, even for complex access patterns. Perl has an efficient
implementation of a hash table data structure, which has been used in the non-word detection
module. A three-pronged strategy has been used for generating suggestions comprising of the
Soundex, Edit-distance and Morphological processing methods. This method maps every
- 17 -

word into a key (code) so that similarly spelled words have similar keys. A Soundex
encoding scheme for Assamese has been designed based on the encoding scheme for English
which comprises of a set of rules for encoding words and 14 numerical codes. The Soundex
code of the misspelt word is computed, and the dictionary is searched for words, which have
similar codes. Candidate suggestions are obtained by Dameraus error reversal method. The
four well known error-inducing edit actions are the insertion of a superfluous letter, deletion
of a letter, transposition of two adjacent letters and substitution of one letter for another. In
Dameraus error reversal each edit action is applied to the misspelt string and a set of
strings is first generated. These are checked in the dictionary to see which of them are valid
words to finally produce the suggestions.

Figure 2.1: Strategy followed by the Assamese Spell Checker [12].

- 18 -

2.3.5 Annam (Tamil Spell Checker) [13]

Tamil Spell Checker is a tool used to check the spelling of Tamil words. It provides possible
suggestions for erroneous words. User has the provision to select the suggestion among the
list, ignore the suggestion or add the particular word to the dictionary. These modules extract
the root word from the given word (noun/verb) with the help of Morphological Analyser and
the root word is checked in the dictionary and if found, the word is termed as correct word.
Otherwise, the correction process is activated. The correction process includes error handling
and suggestion generation modules. After finding the type of error, the right form of suffixes;
nouns or verbs are given as input to suggestion generation module. With the help of
Morphological Generator, the correct word is generated. This module also handles the
operations like select, change or ignore the suggested word and adding the word to the

2.3.6 Malayalam Spell Checker [14]

It is a software subsystem that can be integrated with Microsoft word as a macro or the
Malayalam editor, stylepad developed by CDAC, Thiruvananthapuram, to check the spelling
of words in a Malayalam text file. While running as a macro in word, it functions as an
offline spell checker in the sense that one can use this software with a previously typed text
file only. Both off line and online checking are possible when it is integrated with the text
editor. It generates suggestions for wrongly spelt words.

The system adapts a rule cum dictionary-based approach for spell checking. It incorporates a
fully developed Morphological Analyser for Malayalam. This module splits the input word
into root word, suffixes, post positions etc. and checks the validity of each using the rule
database. Finally it will check the dictionary to find whether the root word is present in the
dictionary. If anything goes wrong in this checking it is detected as an error and the error
word is reprocessed to get 3 to 4 valid words, which are displayed as suggestion. The user
can add new words into a personalised data base file, which can be added to the dictionary if

- 19 -

2.3.7 AKSHARA: Telugu Spell-Checker [15]

Perhaps the best and most thoroughly worked out morphological analyser for Telugu is the
one which has been developed at University of Hyderabad over the past 10 years or so. The
system has been tested on large scale corpora and, enhancements and refinements have been
going on for years. During this project, a thorough re-engineering work was taken
up and a new version was developed. The new version is far simpler, more transparent,
portable, well documented, and conforms to standards. Research work has also been taken up
on developing stemming algorithms for Telugu. A pure corpus based statistical stemming
algorithm has been developed. The performance of this stemmer for the spell checking
application has been studied in various combinations with dictionary and morphology based

Large scale spelling error data has been obtained from our 10 Million word Telugu corpus.
The raw corpus as it was typed has been compared with the final version after three levels of
proof reading and certification by qualified and experienced proof readers. A number of tools
have been developed to prepare such a data. Quantitative study of spelling error patterns in
Telugu is being conducted. This will help to build better spell checkers in future.

Since words are large and complex and hence too numerous in Telugu and proper
morphological analysis is difficult, it would be useful to perform studies at lower levels of
linguistic units. The syllable level is a natural choice since writing in Indian languages is
primarily syllabic in nature. N-gram models have been built at syllable level.

2.3.8 Akhar [16]

Bilingual Spell Checker for Punjabi and English with support for additional dictionaries. A
language sensitive Punjabi/English spell checker has been provided in Akhar. Akhar can
automatically detect the language and invokes the respective spell checker. The Unicode
compliant Punjabi spellchecker is font independent and can work on any of the popular
Punjabi fonts such as AnanpurSahib, AmritLipi, Jasmine, Punjabi, Satluj etc. This removes
the constraint on the user to type the text in predefined fonts only. Figure 2.2, shows the
snapshot of AKHAR.
- 20 -

Figure 2.2: Snapshot of AKHAR [16]

It provides the facility to select the words from alternatives list by using Alt keys only. No
need to shift to mouse input while using the keyboard, resulting in saving of time. User can
add words to the Roman-Punjabi database easily, with no previous knowledge of Punjabi
typing required. The on screen keyboard can be used to click the Gurmukhi keys. Typing text
from Gurbani made simpler. Separate database of Gurbani words provided to suggest the
most appropriate word for Gurbani text and pop up the other similar sounding alternatives.
More words added to Roman-Punjabi database.

- 21 -

Chapter 3: Problem Statement

A Spell Checker is a basic necessity for composing text in any language. Though
considerable work has been done in the area for English and related languages, the Indian
Language scenario present a relatively more complex and uphill task. Punjabi is the worlds
most widely spoken language. There is a very little amount of work done in this field.
The only available Spell Checker for Punjabi language is AKHAR.
Designing a Spell Checker for Indian languages such as Punjabi poses many new challenges
not found in English, which complicates the design of the Spell Checker. Punjabi language is
far different from Western languages in phonetic properties and grammatical rules. Thus, the
existing algorithms and techniques that are being used to check the spelling and to generate
efficient suggestions for mis-spelt words of English and other Western languages are not
actually suitable for Punjabi; rather it needs different algorithms and techniques for expected
efficiency. There are many spell checkers available in different Indian languages which uses
different techniques were discussed in chapter 2. The Spell Checker for Gurmukhi Script can
use any of these techniques because the syntax and semantics of Gurmukhi Script are similar
to other Indian languages as compared to English.
First and the far most requirement for any spell checker is to have dictionary of different
possible words of that language which will act as a corpus. A Spell Checker can be stand-
alone, capable of operating on a block of text, or as part of a larger application, such as a
word processor, email client, electronic dictionary, or search engine. When some Punjabi text
will be given as an input to Spell Checker, it should list out the incorrect words separately by
checking their availability in the dictionary. Finally it should provide the suggestions for the
incorrect words from the dictionary and change the word in the input text with the selected
suggestion word. Thus, the main issues related with any Spell Checker are Dictionary
Creation, Error Detection, Suggestion Creation and finally Word Replacement.

- 22 -

Based on the above problem statement we have set the following Objectives:-
i) To analyse different types of errors in Punjabi text.
ii) To create a corpus of different Punjabi words which will act as dictionary.
iii) To detect the errors in the input Punjabi text.
iv) To design algorithm for suggestions of nearest matching words for detected errors.
v) To change the word in the input text with the selected suggestion word.
vi) Development and Testing of System.

- 23 -

Chapter 4: Design and Implementation of
SUDHAAR-Punjabi Spell Checker

The newly developed system is named as SUDHAAR. It is a Punjabi word which means
correction and improvement. It is a Stand-alone application developed in java with Net beans
6.8 platform. This chapter covers the features, architecture, design and implementation of
SUDHAAR. Creation of dictionary, error detection and error correction & replacement are
the main features of this system. The techniques used for implementation of these modules
are Dictionary Look up and Minimum Edit Distance. The working of the system with all the
snapshot are explained in last section of this chapter.

4.1 Features of SUDHAAR

The main features of designed Spell Checkers are:-
1) It contains a dictionary of around one million Punjabi words.
2) It checks each word of the input text for its presence in dictionary for error detection
3) It gives the suggestions for detected errors and replaces the selected suggestion in input
4) The user can append word in the dictionary.
5) It is a Standalone application capable of taking input from any source.
6) It is open source software freely available to everyone.
4.2 Architecture of SUDHAAR

There are two different applications in the system. One creates the dictionary which is
already been developed and executed by us and thus, the dictionary of about one million
words has been created.
- 24 -

Figure 4.1: Architecture of SUDHAAR

Second is designed for Spell Checking of Punjabi Text where user gives the input Punjabi
text and the system detects the errors by looking up for that word in dictionary and provide
the suggestions for those errors. Then user can select the suggestion from the list and make
changes accordingly and the final output is the corrected text without errors. Figure 4.1,
shows the architecture of the system. The system is divided into three modules. Creation of
Punjabi Dictionary, Error Detection and Error correction and Replacement. Various
techniques and methods are used to develop these modules.

4.3 Dictionary Creation Tool

This application is a part of spell checker but is not needed to be executed every time because
a dictionary that acts as database for Spell Checker is created using this tool. A corpus of
around one million words which contains unique Punjabi correct words has been created
using this application which will act as Dictionary for the Spell Checker.

- 25 -

Figure 4.2: Flowchart of Dictionary Creation Tool using Hash Function

An application is developed in java to create that dictionary where a large Punjabi text is
given as an input.

Figure 4.2, shows the flowchart of Dictionary Creation Tool. It tokenizes each word and
calculates unique hash code of each word. A Hash Set holds a set of words, but in a way that
it allows you to easily and quickly determine whether an object is already in the set or not. It
does so by internally managing an array and storing the object using an index which is
calculated from the hash code of the word, thus, resulting in a set of unique words.

- 26 -

Figure 4.3: Snapshot of Dictionary Creation Tool

Figure 4.3, shows the snapshot of the dictionary creation tool where it takes a large Punjabi
text as an input. When the create file button is clicked, it creates a text file which contains
all the tokens of the input text. When the remove duplicate button is clicked, it creates
another text file which saves only unique tokens of previously created file, which then acts as

4.4 Error Detection

It detects the errors present in the input text. There are many techniques available which can
be used for error detection.

Dictionary look up is one of the two principal ways of spelling error detection. The other
approach, popularly used in OCR problems, is the n-gram approach. Construction of
appropriate n-gram from raw text data is an important issue in this approach [2].
In this system, dictionary look up technique is used which checks each word of input text for
its presence in dictionary. If that word is there in dictionary, then it is a correct word,
- 27 -

otherwise it is put into the list of error words. Figure 4.4, shows the flowchart of the Error
Detection module of the system. The user gives the input Punjabi text and the system then
tokenizes the text. Till it has more tokens, the system checks whether the token is present in
dictionary or not. If not, it is an error.

Figure 4.4: Flowchart of Error detection using Dictionary Look Up
- 28 -

Figure 4.5: Snapshot of first screen of SUDHAAR

Figure 4.6: Snapshot of input text screen

- 29 -

The window where user enters the input Punjabi text is shown in Figure 4.5. When user
provides the input as shown in Figure 4.6, and clicks on spell check button, a new window
opens which shows all the detected errors as shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7: Snapshot of error detection screen

4.5 Error Correction and Replacement

Providing correct word as a suggestion for any error is the most important task of any Spell
Checker and then replacing the selected suggestion in the input text. In SUDHAAR, we used
Minimum Edit Distance technique to find out most suitable suggestion for the error words.

- 30 -

4.5.1 Minimum Edit Distance (M.E.D.)

Several approaches based on minimum edit distance, similarity key, rules, n-grams,
probability and neural nets are proposed to accomplish the task of error correction. Of these,
minimum edit distance based approaches are the most popular ones. The minimum edit
distance is the minimum number of editing operations (insertions, deletions and substitutions)
required to transform one text string into another. The distance is also referred to as
Damerau-Levenshtein distance after the pioneers who proposed it for text error correction
[6,17]. In its original form, minimum edit distance algorithms require m comparisons
between misspelled string and the dictionary of m words. After comparison, the words with
minimum edit distance are chosen as correct alternatives.

4.5.2 Implementation of Minimum Edit Distance

Figure 4.8: Flowchart of Minimum Edit Distance

- 31 -

Figure 4.8, shows the flowchart of error correction and replacement module using minimum
edit distance algorithm. The user selects the error word from error list and system performs
the minimum edit distance for that word, by comparing it with each word in the dictionary
and gives the words in the suggestion list with distance(d) = 1. Then, user again selects the
word from suggestion list and replaces it in input text.

As shown in figure 4.9, user selects the word from the generated error list, and clicks on the
suggestions button, a suggestion list is created in new text box. The user then selects the
word from suggestion list and click on change all button. The error word in the input text
gets replaced by the selected suggestion, which is shown in figure 4.10. Similarly, user
can perform tasks like ignore once, ignore all and add to dictionary, etc.

Figure 4.9: Snapshot of error selection screen

- 32 -

Figure 4.10: Snapshot of suggestion selection screen

4.6 Working of SUDHAAR
SUDHAAR, Punjabi Spell Checker, is a Standalone application. The working and the
functionalities of various buttons of the system are described in this section.
4.6.1 Main Window
Whenever the application is started, the window shown in figure 4.11, appears which
contains the text area, where user can enter the input text for spell checking.
Open File:- There are two options to enter text for spell checking:-
The user can directly copy the content of text file from the destination and paste in the
input area.
The user can browse the file from the open menu item of file menu bar.
- 33 -

Figure 4.12, shows the snapshots of the open file process. Finally, the snapshot, where the
text file is opened in the text area for spell check is shown in figure 4.13.

Figure 4.11: Snapshot of Main Screen
- 34 -

Figure 4.12: Snapshot of Open menu

Figure 4.13: Snapshot of Input Text Screen
- 35 -

4.6.2 Spell Check
There is a button on main window i.e. Spell Check and is clicked when user wants to check
the text file entered in the text area for spelling errors. When user clicks on this button, a new
window gets opened which displays the list of word which are not present in the dictionary
and are considered as errors. There are seven buttons on the second window namely ignore
once, ignore all, add to dictionary, change once, change all, suggestions and exit. The
functionalities all these buttons are described latter in this section.
Initially the change once and change all buttons are disabled. The user can select the word
from error words list and can perform any of three tasks from ignore once, ignore all or add
to dictionary. The snapshots of the new window, when user selects the word to take any
action are shown in figure 4.14 and 4.15.

Figure 4.14: Snapshot of Error Detection Screen

- 36 -

Figure 4.15: Snapshot of Word Selection

Ignore once: - After the selection of the word from the list, when user clicks the ignore
once button, the spell checker checks if the word comes more than once in the text or only
once. If it comes only once, then the word gets deleted from the error words list, else it
remains there in the error list.
Ignore all:- Once the ignore all button is clicked, no matter it comes how many times in the
input text, it gets ignored i.e. it gets deleted from the error words list.
Add to dictionary: - When the add to dictionary button is clicked, the selected word gets
added to the dictionary and gets deleted from the error words lists automatically.
When no word is selected from the list and any of these three buttons are clicked, the Spell
Checker shows the message that no word is selected and performs no action. The snapshots
of actions of these three buttons are shown in figures 4.16, 4.17.
- 37 -

Figure 4.16: Snapshot of Actions performed by add to dictionary button

Figure 4.17: Snapshot of Action performed by ignore all button
- 38 -

4.6.3 Suggestions
When suggestion button is clicked after selecting the word from error list, suggestion words
for that selected word are displayed in the text area below the suggestion button and the
change once and change all buttons gets activated.
Change once: - User first selects the word from the suggestion list and when change once
button is clicked; the first occurrence of the error word in the input text is replaced by the
selected suggestion word.
Change all: - When user clicks on the change all button after selecting the word from the
suggestion list, rest of the occurrences of the word in the input text are replaced by that word.
When no word is selected from the suggestion list and any of these buttons is clicked, the
message box appears no word is selected from suggestions. When there is no word left in
the error word list, the message box appears spell check complete. The snapshots of
processing of these buttons are shown in figures 4.18 4.25.

Figure 4.18: Snapshot of word selection from detected errors
- 39 -

Figure 4.19: Snapshot of suggestions button

Figure 4.20: Snapshot of selection of word from suggestion list
- 40 -

Figure 4.21: Snapshot of change once button

Figure 4.22: Snapshot of no word selected
- 41 -

Figure 4.23: Snapshot of change all button

Figure 4.24: Snapshot of no spelling suggestions
- 42 -

Figure 4.25: Snapshot of spell check complete
4.6.4 Exit
When the exit button is clicked, the message box appears do you want to save the
changes? with three options: save, dont save, and cancel.
Cancel:- when cancel button is pressed; it closes only the message box which contains
these three buttons.
Dont save: - When dont save button is clicked; whole application gets closed without
saving the changes made in the input text. The user can also close the spell checker
application from the close menu item of file menu bar.
Save:- When save button is clicked, the save dialog box gets opened from where user can
select the location and file name to save the changes made in the input text. The user can also
save the changes made in the text from the save menu item of file menu bar.
The snapshots of these three buttons and the file menu items save and close are shown in
figures 4.26, 4.27, 4.28.
- 43 -

Figure 4.26: Snapshot of exit button

Figure 4.27: Snapshot of save button
- 44 -

Figure 4.28: Snapshot of close button

- 45 -

Chapter 5: Testing of the Developed System

We have tested the system by first giving the input from a well known Punjabi newspaper
where our system has given zero errors because the words of that text were already entered
into the dictionary. Then, we intentionally made hundred errors in the same text and when
that text is given as an input, then it showed 75 errors and 15 words were valid words i.e.
those words exits in the Punjabi dictionary and are not errors even after deletion of some laga
or matra from the original word and 10 words were there which were not found by the Spell
Checker as errors.
It showed the correct word in suggestion list for 68 words out of 75 that shows the accuracy
of 90.6% for error correction and 87.2% for error detection. The table which contains the
correct words, words in which errors are inserted, the Spell Checker result for error detection
and correction is shown below in table 5.1.
Table 5.1: Testing of Developed System

Found YES

Found YES

Found NO

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Valid Word -----
Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Found YES

Not Found -----

Not Found -----

Valid Word -----

Not Found -----
Found YES
- 46 -


Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found NO

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Valid Word -----

Not Found -----

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found NO

Found YES

Found YES

Found NO

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found NO

Found NO

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES
- 47 -


Found YES

Not Found -----

Not Found -----

Found YES

Found YES

Not Found -----

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Not Found -----

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES
- 48 -


Found YES

Found YES

Valid Word -----

Found NO

Found YES

Not Found -----

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Found YES

Not Found -----

Valid Word -----

Then, we tested the system again by giving different text, all the words of which were not
present in the dictionary, so the system showed approximately 10 words. Then again, we
intentionally made hundred errors in the same text and when that text is given as an input,
then it showed approximately 80 errors. It showed the correct word in suggestion list for
approximately 70 words out of 80, that shows the accuracy of 85% for error correction and
80% for error detection.

- 49 -

Chapter 6: Conclusion and Future Scope

6.1 Conclusion

This Thesis presented a study on Gurmukhi, its origin and symbols used in it. The survey of
various Spell Checkers available in different Indian languages and the techniques for error
detection and correction was conducted. And various types of errors that can occur in a
Punjabi text, with examples, were discussed based on which we have incorporated the
following features in the Spell Checker:
It contains a dictionary of around one million Punjabi words.
It checks each word of the input text for their presence in dictionary for error detection.
It gives the suggestions for detected errors and replaces the selected suggestion in input
The user can append word in the dictionary.
It is a standalone application capable of taking input from any source.
It is open source software freely available to everyone.
The features, design, implementation, working and testing of the newly developed system
SUDHAAR is explained in this thesis. Presently, the suggestion list is for single error only.
In this system, we have taken care of only non-real word errors. From the error analysis, it
was gathered that the majority of single errors are due to substitution errors, followed by
deletion, insertion and transposition errors. The system detects 87.2% of the errors and
provides 90.2% of the correct suggestions.

6.2 Future Scope
In future, the developed Spell Checker for Gurmukhi Script can be enhanced by incorporating
following change:
In future it will be enhanced for multiple error word.
Real word error detection and correction is a subject of Future research.
This system can be used for other languages also but dictionary for other languages will
have to be created for its use.

- 50 -


[1] Tanveer Siddiqui, U.S. Tiwary, (2008), Natural Language Processing and Information
Retrieval Oxford university Press.
[2] Meenu Bhagat, (2007), Spelling Error Pattern Analysis of Punjabi Typed Text, Thesis
report, Thapar University, Patiala.
[3] E.M. Riseman and A. R. Hanson, "A Contextual Post Processing System for Error
Correction using Binary N-grams", IEEE Transactions on Computer, pp. 480-493.
[4] P. Kundu and B.B. Chaudhuri (1999), "Error Pattern in Bangla Text", International
Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, pp. 49-88.
[5] Robert A. Wagner (1974), "Order and Correction for Regular Languages",
Communications of the ACM, pp. 265-268.
[6] F.J. Damerau (1964),"A Technique for Computer Detection and Correction of Spelling
Errors". Communication ACM, pp. 171-176.
[7] Knuth, Donald E.(1973), "The Art of Computer Programming: Volume 3 Sorting and
Searching" , Addison-Wesley, pp. 107-112.
[8] Monisha Das, S. Borgohain, Juli Gogoi, S. B. Nair (2002), "Design and Implementation
of a Spell Checker for Assamese," lec, pp.156, Language Engineering Conference
[9] B. B. Chaudhuri, OCR Error Correction of an Inflectional Indian language using
Morphological Parsing, TDIL Newsletter.
[10] Dr (Ms) Sanghamitra Mohanty , Analysis and Design of Oriya Morphological
Analyser : Some Tests with OriNet, TDIL Newsletter.
[11] Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharyya and Prof. Rushikesh Joshi, Design and Implementation of
a Morphology-based Spellchecker for Marathi, TDIL Newsletter.
[12] Davidson, Leon (1962), "Retrieval of Misspelled Names in an Airlines Passenger record
System", Communications of the A.C.M, pp. 169-171.
[13] Dr. T.V. Geetha, Dr. Ranjani Parthasarathi, Tamil Spell Checker, Resource Centre for
Indian Language Technology Solutions, TDIL Newsletter.

- 51 -

[14] R. Ravindra Kumar; K.G.Sulochana, Malayalam Spell Checker, Resource Centre for
Indian Language Technology Solutions, TDIL Newsletter.
[15] Dr. K. Narayanamoorthy, Design and Implementation of AKSHARA, Resource
Centre for Indian Language Technology Solutions, TDIL Newsletter.
[16] Dr. R.K. Sharma, The Bilingual Punjabi English Spell Checker, Resource Centre for
Indian Languages Technology Solutions Punjabi (RCILTS - Punjabi),
TDIL Newsletter.
[17] V.I. Levenshtein (1966),"Binary codes capable of correcting deletions, insertions and
reversals". Sov. Phys. Dokl. , pp. 707-710.

- 52 -

Research Publications

Research Papers Published
Rupinderdeep Kaur, Parteek Bhatia, Types of Errors in Punjabi Text for the Efficient
Development of Spell Checker for Gurmukhi, published in AICTE approved conference
NCACCET, Chandigarh.(Jan 29
, 2010).
Rupinderdeep Kaur, Parteek Bhatia, Techniques for Error Detection and Correction for
the Efficient Development of Spell Checker for Gurmukhi, published in National
Conference on Next Generation Computing, Gurgaon. (March 20th, 2010).

Research Paper Communicated
Rupinderdeep Kaur, Parteek Bhatia, Design and Implementation of SUDHAAR-
Punjabi Spell Checker, communicated in International Journal of Information and
Telecommunication Technology, India. (May 15
, 2010).

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