ASC has risen from its humble beginning more than 25 years ago of a sole factory for LV boards, to an organisation boasting of 11 factories managing LV and HV switchgear, Transformers and Package Sub-stations. Over time, ASC products have attained a reputation for quality, reliability as well as sustainability which gained recognition in the industrial sector in the region. All products have been developed inside the walls of the factory and will continue to improve, because progress stops once the spirit of pioneering is lost
ASC has risen from its humble beginning more than 25 years ago of a sole factory for LV boards, to an organisation boasting of 11 factories managing LV and HV switchgear, Transformers and Package Sub-stations. Over time, ASC products have attained a reputation for quality, reliability as well as sustainability which gained recognition in the industrial sector in the region. All products have been developed inside the walls of the factory and will continue to improve, because progress stops once the spirit of pioneering is lost
ASC has risen from its humble beginning more than 25 years ago of a sole factory for LV boards, to an organisation boasting of 11 factories managing LV and HV switchgear, Transformers and Package Sub-stations. Over time, ASC products have attained a reputation for quality, reliability as well as sustainability which gained recognition in the industrial sector in the region. All products have been developed inside the walls of the factory and will continue to improve, because progress stops once the spirit of pioneering is lost
ASC has risen from its humble beginning more than 25 years ago of a sole factory for LV boards, to an organisation boasting of 11 factories managing LV and HV switchgear, Transformers and Package Sub-stations. Over time, ASC products have attained a reputation for quality, reliability as well as sustainability which gained recognition in the industrial sector in the region. All products have been developed inside the walls of the factory and will continue to improve, because progress stops once the spirit of pioneering is lost
K.S.C.C. Kuwait 3 CONTENTS I PRODUCT RANGE & STANDARDS 4 II TRANSFORMER MANUFACTURING 5 III WEIGHTS & DIMENSIONS 14 IV TRANSFORMER DATA 18 V TYPICAL FITTINGS 20 VI TESTING 21 VII SAFETY 22 VIII ERECTION OF TRANSFORMERS 22 IX QUALITY & EXTERNAL CERTIFICATIONS 22 Driven by a vision to pioneer, ASC has risen from its humble beginning more than 25 years ago of a sole factory for LV boards, to an organisation boasting of 11 factories managing LV & HV Switchgear, Transformers and Package Sub-stations, establishing itself as the largest power equipment manufacturer in the region. ASC takes pride for being the leading local manufacturer of HV products, transformers and package S/S. Over time, ASC products have attained a reputation for quality, reliability as well as sustainability which gained recognition in the industrial sector in the Middle East. All products have been developed inside the walls of the factory and will continue to improve, because progress stops once the spirit of pioneering is lost. ion to pioneer, ASC has risen on to pioneer, ASC has risen le beginning more than 25 e beginning mo sole factory for LV boards, sole factory for ion boasting of 11 factories on boasting of 11 factorie HV Switchgear, Transformers HV Switchgear, Transformer b-stations, establishing itself as -stations, establishing itself a er equipment manufacturer in r equipment manufacturer i e for being the leading local for being the leadi HV products, transformers and HV products, t ver time, ASC products have er time ASC produ ation for quality, reliability as tion fo quality reliability a bility which gained recognition ility which gained recognitio sector in the Middle East. sector in the Middle East. have been developed inside ave been developed insid factory and will continue to factory and will continue to e progress stops once the spirit e progress stops once the spiri lost. ost. 4 5 II. TRANSFORMER MANUFACTURING I. PRODUCT RANGE & STANDARDS
B) STANDARDS {a) OiI FiIIed Transformers: "AI-AhIeia" make transformers conform to lEC / BSEN 60076 standards. However, "AI-AhIeia" provide transformers conforming to other standards as per requirement of customers. {b) Cast Resin Transformers: "AI-AhIeia" make transformers conform to lEC / BSEN 60076, Part:11. However, "AI-AhIeia" provide transformers conforming to other standards as per requirement of customer. LAMlNATlON STACKlNG MACHlNE LAMlNATlON STACKS LAMlNATlON CUTTlNG MACHlNE LAMINATION CUTTING 6 7 WlPE WlNDlNG MACHlNE FOlL WlNDlNG MACHlNE WINDING MACHINES vACUUM OvEN CHAMBEP vACUUM CASTlNG PLANT DEDICATED PLANTS FOlL WlNDlNG MACHlNE WlPE WlNDlNG MACHlNE ASSEMBLY LAMlNATlON (CAST PESlN) COPE & COlL FULLY ASSEMBLED MOvlNG lNTO DPYlNG OvEN (OlL) LAMINATION ASSEMBLY Hv COlLS FOP DlSTPlBUTlON TPANSFOPMEPS Lv COlLS FOP DlSTPlBUTlON TPANSFOPMEPS COILS {OiI) Hv SlDE vlEW FOP 1000KvA, 11/0.433Kv, OlL FlLLED TPANSFOPMEP vlEW FOP 1000KvA 11/0 433Kv OlL FlLLED TPANSFO TPANSFO 8 9 Lv COlLS COILS {CAST RESIN) COMPLETE COPE COlL ASSEMBLY WlTH CONNECTlONS Hv COlLS TANK FABPlCATlON OF 30MvA TPANSFOPMEP FABRICATION OF TANK & ROBOT WELDING FABPlCATlON OF METAL PAPTS OF TPANSFOPMEP vAPlOUS TYPES OF CASTlNG 3D VIEW OF LAMINATION & COIL ASSEMBLY 20 MVA, 33/11.5 KV TRANSFORMER CORE END STUDS LV BUSHING LV CONNECTION BUSBAR YOKE STUDS HV BUSHING LAMINATION FLITCH PLATE PRESSURE SCREW ASSEMBLY COIL PRESSING RING HV TAPPING WINDING HV MAIN LEADS HV TAPPING LEADS LEAD SUPPORT CLEATS 10 11 3D VIEW OF 30 MVA 132/11.5 KV, TRANSFORMER SECTIONAL VIEW OF LAMINATION & COIL ASSEMBLY 30 MVA , 132/11.5 KV TRANSFORMER 12 13 14 15 III. WEIGHTS & DIMENSIONS OIL FILLED TRANSFORMERS Rating Ratio Vector Group Reference Length {mm) Width {mm) Height {mm) TotaI Weight {Kg) TotaI OiI Weight {Kg) AA) Pad mounted, with conservator and breather 1000KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 2050 1470 2000 3450 696 1250KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 2080 1660 2360 4000 830 1600KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 2190 1850 2430 4800 950 7500KvA 11/6.6Kv Dyn11 3395 3200 3800 14595 3025 BB) Hermetically sealed with welded cover 1000KVA 6.6/0.46KV Dyn11 2300 1850 1745 3570 714 1500KVA 11/0.460KV Dyn11 2400 1920 2000 5020 1045 2000KVA 3.45/0.460KV Dyn11 2750 2550 2050 6065 1255 CC) Pad mounted, hermeticaIIy seaIed with boIted cover 400KvA 11/0.4Kv Dyn11 1790 1163 1413 2050 435 630KvA 11/0.4Kv Dyn11 1830 1340 1613 2650 565 1000KvA 11/0.4Kv Dy n11 1830 1612 1633 3275 610 2000KvA 6.6/0.4Kv Dyn11 2430 2195 2085 5650 1070 2000KvA 11/0.4Kv Dyn11 2430 2195 2085 5650 1100 12.5MvA 11/3.45Kv Dyn11 4550 3150 4400 21650 4750 DD) 33kV CIass oiI hIIed, power transformers 7500KvA 33/6.6Kv Dyn11 3700 3275 3750 16528 3633 7500KvA 33/11Kv Dyn11 3700 3275 3750 16240 3633 10MvA 33/6.6Kv Dyn11 4010 3450 4170 19480 4060 20MvA 33/11.5Kv Dyn11 5700 4000 4300 48000 11600 25MvA 33/6.6Kv Dyn11 5600 4050 4770 35974 6845 EE) 132kV Class oil lled, power transformer 20/30MVA 132/11.5KV Dyn11 6725 5450 5550 77000 26000 Weight and dimension of transformers other then the above will be provided on demand. CAST RESIN TRANSFORMERS Weight and dimensions of cast resin pad mounted transformer of ratings 250KVA, 1000KVA, 1250KVA & 1600KVA, AN cooIed. Rating Ratio Vector Group Reference Length {mm) Width {mm) Height {mm) TotaI Weight {Kg) 250KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 1860 1550 1550 1600 750KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 2300 1770 2300 3900 1000KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 2300 1770 2300 3900 1250KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 2300 1770 2430 4680 1600KvA 11/0.433Kv Dyn11 2450 1900 2590 5855 Weight and dimension of transformers above 1600KvA rating will be provided on demand. CAST RESIN TRANSFORMER TYPE ATC12 16 17 11/0.433 kV TRANSFORMER TYPE ATO12 11/0.433 KV TRANSFORMER TYPE ATO12 COPE COlL ASSEMBLY OF 30MvA POWEP TPANSFOPMEPS 30MvA TANK 30MvA POWEP TPANSFOPMEP UNDEP TANKlNG 30MVA POWER TRANSFORMER 19 18 IV. TRANSFORMER DATA DESIGN FEATURES Transformer designs are developed using CAD (Computer Aided Design), which in turn, are well connected to CNC and other most modern machines to manufacture the right component. STEPS IN MANUFACTURING OIL FILLED TRANSFORMERS Core Construction The core is constructed from lamination of Cold Polled Grain Oriented, Electrical Sheet, featuring excellent magnetic properties. lt is cut on most modern CNC core cutting machines for step-lap construction. Windings Al-Ahleia make oil flled transformer windings for distribution transformers uses Copper foil for Lv winding and paper insulated rectangular/round wire for Hv winding. Sometimes enamelled conductors are also used. State-of-the-art layer winding machines for winding Hv coils are used maintaining accuracy of dimensions. For power transformer windings, Lv coils are made either spiral or helical type. Specialized disc windings and inter-leaved disc windings will be used having very high series of capacitance giving a very good lmpulse voltage performance. Core & CoiI AssembIy Core & Coil assembly for distribution transformers uses special insulating material like crepe paper tube and are very strong and robust in construction to withstand short-circuit forces. They are adequately clamped with the tank so that no movement is possible within the tank because of transport jerks or short-circuit forces. Fabrication Transformer tanks are manufactured in the most modern plant having facility of automatic component manufacturing using CNC machines which reads the component drawing directly issued by Design department. Welding is done by welding robot ensuring very consistent and leak proof welds. Tanks are leak tested after fabrication and shot blasted in our shot blasting plant. After shot blasting and thorough cleaning, they are powder coated in our powder coating plant, or if required, painted in our liquid paint plant, as the case may be. Al-Ahleia can produce transformer tanks of the required ratings in their production range. Vacuum/Vapour Phase Drying Process & Tanking The core and coil assembly is dried in an oven to improve insulation resistance and remove ingress of moisture in the insulation materials. The dried core coil assembly is boxed up in a pre-fabricated M.S. Tank, and vacuum/vapour phase process is applied for flling oil in the transformer tanks. Testing All Poutine/Type tests as per the relevant standard / customer specifcations are conducted. Every oil transformer is pressure tested, and then fnished, including all fttings and kept ready for despatch. STEPS IN MANUFACTURING CAST RESIN TRANSFORMERS Core Construction The core is constructed from lamination of Cold Polled Grain Oriented, Electrical Sheet, featuring excellent magnetic properties. lt is cut on most modern CNC core cutting machines for step-lap construction. Windings Al-Ahleia cast resin transformers are wound with Lv foil winding and Hv sectionalized coil winding. There is a uniform distribution of ampere turns, throughout the length, resulting in very less short-circuit axial forces. State-of-the-art winding machines enable insulation and conductor materials to be wound simultaneously, resulting in a very good compact winding, capable of resisting short circuit forces. Hv coils are made from suitably insulated copper conductors. Core & CoiI AssembIy Core and Coil assembly for cast resin transformers uses Class `F` insulation for 155C. The clamp plates and the clamping frames are insulated with core using fbre glass sheets. Anti-vibration pads are provided at the feet to isolate any vibration from the transformers to be transmitted to the enclosure. High strength coil support blocks are used to keep the resin cast coils in position on the core. The core is painted with epoxy resin so that atmospheric pollution will not affect the core steel surface. Also, it will have dampening effect on the noise produced if any. EncIosures Enclosures are generally manufactured from zinc coated steel sheet. The standard fnish is a polyester based powder coat. The protection categories as per relevant lP number can be provided based on customer requirement. Enclosures are made on most modern computerized metal sheet working machines. Casting Cast resin transformer coils, both Hv and Lv, are casted with epoxy resin, in the most modern fully automatic casting plant. The casting plant is state of the art one having thin flm degassing mixers. The resin mixtures are prepared by automatic weighing and loading of epoxy, resin and fller components and thereafter loading them into the mixers before casting. Pre-heating of the coils is done after casting while post-curing is done in the post curing ovens resulting in void free coils. Testing All Poutine/Type tests as per the relevant standard / customer specifcations are conducted. 20 21 V. TYPICAL FITTINGS BUSHINGS HV & LV: Bushings/Monoblock is used to take out Hv/Lv terminals out of the transformer for terminations. voltage/Current Pating is selected according to the system voltage requirement. GASKETS: Gaskets are used in transformers for oil sealing. They are made of rubber bonded cork as per requitements. AH-CISD - Common lntegrated Safety Device Al-Ahleia make AH-ClSD is used for transformer protection by detecting oil level, discharge of gas, tank pressure, and temperature. HlGH vOLTAGE TEST SET 500Kv AND lMPULSE TEST UP TO 1000 KvA VI. TESTING Following test facilities are available at Al-Ahleia works for transformers up to 50MvA, 132Kv class. Tests are as per lEC-60076. ROUTINE TESTS (1) Measurement of Winding Pesistance (2) Measurement of voltage Patio and Check of Phase Displacement (3) Dielectric Test (a) Power Frequency Separate Source High voltage Test (b) lnduced Over voltage Test (4) No Load Loss and Exciting Current (5) Load Loss and lmpedance voltage (6) Partial Discharge Test - For 132Kv Oil Type Transformers & 11Kv Cast Pesin Transformers 22 23 VII. SAFETY 1. Pead and understand the entire instruction bulletin supplied along with the transformer before installing, operating or maintaining "AI-AhIeia" transformers. Follow all applicable local and national codes. 2. Many parts of the transformer operate at high voltages. DO NOT TOUCH. Use only electrically insulated tools and clothing, and protective gear when working around electrical equipment. 3. Do not rely on visual indications such as switch position or fuse removal for determining a de-energized condition. Always assume that a terminal is energized unless it is checked with a properly rated meter to ensure the terminal is de-energized and grounded. 4. After doing the electrical tests, and before touching the transformer, ensure all static charge has been discharged by grounding the coils with an appropriate grounding device. 5. This equipment must be installed and serviced only by qualifed electrical personnel. 6. Turn off all power supplying this equipment before working on or inside the equipment. 7. Always use a properly rated voltage sensing device to confrm power is OFF. 8. Peplace all devices, covers etc., before turning on power to this equipment. FAILURE TO FOLLOW ANY OF THESE PRECAUTIONS WILL RESULT IN DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY. VIII. ERECTION OF TRANSFORMERS "AI-AhIeia" is in the feld of lnstallation and maintenance of electrical equipments for the past two decades. Dedicated and specialized team for lnstallation, Commissioning, Maintenance and after Sale support for all type of Transformers is available. IX. QUALITY & EXTERNAL CERTIFICATIONS "AI-AhIeia" quality assurance system conforms to lSO 9001:2008, 29001:2007, 14001:2004 systems certifed by DNv. "AI-AhIeia" transformers are tested as per latest lEC and customer specifcations. SOME OF OUR VALUED CLIENTS Government Sector OiI Sector Companies Ministry Of Electricity & Water Ministry of Defense Ministry of Health Ministry of lnformation Ministry of Public Work Kuwait Oil Company Kuwait National Petroleum Company Petrochemical lndustries Kuwait Aviation Fuelling Company KGOC (JO Wafra / JO Khafji) Chevron PubIic Sector PMC Kuwait Port Authority Director General of Civil Aviation Public Authority of Housing Welfare Kuwait University Fluor Amec Worley Parsons EPC Contractors Hyundai Heavy lndustries Hyundai Engineering & Contracting Co. Daelim SK Engineering & Contracting Co. Snamprogetti / Saipem SpA. National Contracting Co. Petrofac Tecnicas Peunidas S.A - Group TP Technip Mitsubishi Ganz Areva Siemens ABB Ansaldo Export {PubIic & Private) South Oil Company (Basrah, lraq) Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation Kahramaa , Qatar EDD - Bahrain UNEECO - Bahrain lTTC, Qatar voltage Engineering Ltd., Qatar Al-Bakali General Trading Co., Bahrain Omar Zawawi Establishment, Oman Private Sector Heavy Engineering lndustries & Shipbuilding Company (HElSCO) Kharaf National lntegral Services Company W.L.L. (lSCO) Mishrif lnternational For Trading & Contracting Co. lnstruments lnstallation & Maintenance Co. (lMCO) Almeer Technical Services Company Combined Group Co. For Contracting K.S.C.C. Maschinenfabrik Peinhausen (MP) JAN 2010 9089 / 06 Copy Rights 2010 - AI-AhIeia Switchgear Co. AII Rights Reserved GPS Location 29 13' 59.40" N - 48 00' 59.76" E