Wind Turbine Design and Fabrication
Wind Turbine Design and Fabrication
Wind Turbine Design and Fabrication
Speed Wind
Speed Wind
Speed Wind
Voltage Output Anemometer Wire Hot
sec 3600
: Where
The Hot Wire Anemometer output voltage was synced with an Arduino Microcontroller circuit. This type of
controller has a USB output cord that can be inputted to a Computer. This allowed us to collect the voltage through
computer data acquisition at a high frequency. The voltage data could then be imported into Microsoft Excel as a
text file. From here, the voltage data could quickly be converted into the final Wind Speed of the Wind tunnel.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
III. Completed Design
Figure 11. Entire Wind Tunnel Experimental Setup.
Figure 11 shows a labeled photograph of the entire wind tunnel experimental setup. As many components work
together to run the experiment, this figure was created to allow for a more thorough understanding of setup. The
only items found directly within the wind tunnel include the wind turbine assembly, including the DC Brushless
motor, the hot wire anemometer assembly and the internal traverse mechanism. The wires connecting the motor to
its controller are sent through the wind turbine assemble hollow tube through a series of aligned drilled holes finally
extending below and outside of the wind tunnel. The wind turbine mounting assembly is shown in Figure 12. Notice
how the DC Motor is mounted to an L bracket, which is welded to the top of the mounting stand. The base plate of
the turbine mounting assembly is welded to the bottom the mounting stand, and the base plate is then bolted to the
floor mounting plate. The floor mounting plate, shown in Figure 13, was designed with a multi drilled and tapped
hole pattern to allow different mounting arrangements.
Figure 12. Wind Turbine Mounting Assembly.
This escape route is shown in Figure 13 in which the yellow circles highlight where the wire holes have been drilled.
The floor mounting plate photo was taken looking down on the wind tunnel floor while the outside sandwich plate
photo was taken from below the wind tunnel looking up.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Figure 13. Close up view of the Escape Route for the DC Motor Wires.
Once the DC motor wires get below and outside of the wind tunnel floor, they are connected to the motor controller.
This small electronic circuit box is used to control many different aspects of the motor including the speed, direction,
and output Hall Sensor. Figure 14 shows this controller. For the sake of the wind turbine blade experiment, this
controller was only used to turn on the motor and spin it at different speeds. This task is accomplished by varying
the voltage between the wires that exit the top of the controller shown in Figure 14. It was determined that sending a
voltage difference between the red and brown wires will run the motor. Full speed motor rotation is accomplished
when 4.5 volts is applied between these wires, while a nominal 1.85 volts is required to begin spinning the motor
shaft. The controller itself requires a minimum input voltage of 10 volts DC. This input voltage is then used to
control the motor and power the Hall Sensors. The varying power between 1.85 and 4.5 Volts DC was supplied by
the Power Supply on the right shown in Figure 11 above, while the constant power supply of 10 volts to the
controller was supplied by the Power Supply on the left shown in Figure 11 above.
Figure 14. Close up view of the DC Motor Controller.
The Hot Wire Anemometer produces an output voltage based upon the wind speed experienced across the wire. This
voltage is transferred from the Anemometer to an external circuit box shown in Figure 11. This circuit box provides
power to the Hot Wire Anemometer and outputs the Voltage seen by the sensor. The voltage can then be collected
and analyzed to determine the actual wind speed within the tunnel. This experimental setup sends the output voltage
to a microcontroller which is then synced with a computer for data acquisition and analysis. An external voltmeter
was also integrated within the microcontroller circuit to directly readout the Hot Wire Anemometer voltage to
provide real time feedback of the system.
Important features not shown on Figure 11 include the wind tunnel velocity control and the internal traverse control.
Both of these systems were used manually to vary the linear wind tunnel velocity and the position of the hot wire
anemometer respectively. In the future, these controllers could be synced with a computer to create an entire
computer controlled environment that will greatly reduce errors and allow for repeatability.
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
IV. Results
Wind speed data was then collected at two different locations to determine the effect that the rotating turbine
blades have on the downstream flow. Data was collected at small time intervals for different wind speeds within the
wind tunnel ranging from the minimum to maximum speed the wind tunnel fan could produce, approximately 0 mph
to 20 mph respectively. The internal Wind Tunnel Traverse machine was used to change the location of the Hot Wire
Anemometer. A mounting bracket assembly was designed and built which allowed the Hot Wire Anemometer to be
secured to the Traverse and is seen in Figure 15.
Figure 15. Hot Wire Mounting Bracket Assembly.
The first location that the Hot Wire Anemometer was placed was approximately 0.75 meters directly behind the
rotating turbine blades. In this location, one would expect the flow to be turbulent as it is directly in the wake of the
spinning turbine blades. A turbulent flow pattern will have a velocity graph that is erratic and jumpy. This
expectation was verified by the graph in Figure 16.
Figure 16. Wind Speed vs. Time (Turbulent Flow).
Alternatively, the second location for the Hot Wire Anemometer was in the bottom corner of the wind tunnel,
completely out of the wake of the rotating turbine blades. The second position was placed at an equidistant length
relative to the bottom and side walls of the wind tunnel. The magnitude of this length ensured that the Hot Wire
Anemometer would be close to but outside of the wall boundary layer to ensure the most accurate results. At this
second location, one would expect the flow to be laminar. A laminar flow pattern will have a velocity graph that is
constant and smooth. This expectation was verified by the graph in Figure 17.
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Figure 17. Wind Speed vs. Time (Laminar Flow).
Based upon the accuracy and success the Hot Wire Anemometer had in collecting the wind tunnel wind speed, a
similar, but more in depth experiment will be completed to fully analyze the flow behind the wake of the turbine
blades in the future. This study will look to analyze the effect that different turbine blade designs have on the flow
pattern downstream of the system. Each different blade design will be tested at a set range of rotational speeds and
at another range of linear wind tunnel velocities.
A RS422 serial communication cable and a serial data converter were used to connect to the electrical control
box. LabView programs have been completed, and tested. They are listed below. The program titled Fan_Control_vi
is the program that allows us to control the fan speed, makes the fan start and stop running, set a maximum and
minimum speed, collect and store data. The front panels and the Block diagrams for the programs are shown in Figs.
18, 19 and 20.
Figure 18. The Front Panel of the Wind Tunnel Fan_Control_vi.
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Figure 19. Block Diagram of the Wind Tunnel Fan_Control_vi.
Figure 20. Block Diagram of the
With the we will set the desired air speed in the tunnel and then the fan will adjust its speed
until the desired air speed has been reached. This close loop control is achieved with the capabilities of the National
Instruments Data Acquisition device
5, 6
LabVIEW programs were tested to examine their functionalities. The National Instruments Data Acquisition
card can supply a maximum voltage of 30V and the Yaskawa V1000 Driver requires at least 480V. This mismatch in
the voltages created an error which couldnt be solved without using a step-up transformer or a different NI data
acquisition card. This is something that needs to be addressed as part of our future work.
V. Conclusion
As renewable energy becomes more important in the future, wind turbines will begin to populate the world and
begin harvesting more and more power. The importance of understanding how turbines can be modified to become
more efficient will also increase. Also, as turbine wind farms become more densely populated, knowledge of the
flow behind the rotating blades will be essential in determining how close and at what orientation downstream
turbines should be located. Based upon the accomplishments of this project, there is an opportunity to gain valuable
insight into these two factors.
The current turbine model must first undergo a more intensive study regarding the flow downstream of its
rotating blades using the calibrated anemometer. This will collect the first experimental insight into what the flow is
behind the model wind turbine. Once this is accomplished, new turbine blade designs should be fabricated in order
to determine ways of making the turbine spin more efficiently. Also, the modified blades should also go under the
same downstream wake analysis to see how the flow changes with alterations to the blade.
Countless hours of work were put into planning, designing, and fabricating the components necessary to
accomplish our tasks. Based upon the work done upfront, the model was build to withstand many testing sessions
within the wind tunnel. This will provide future experiments with the tools needed to quickly and easily test new
designs and come up with interesting conclusions.
The research is funded by US DOE DE-EE0000545. The authors are also grateful to a grant funding from We
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
U.S. Department of Energy, Wind Energy Basics;
Alternative Energy News, Wind Turbines;
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, Wind Turbine Technology Overview;
"What Is NI LabVIEW?" National Instruments - Test and Measurement. Web. 21 Sep. 2010.
"New Features in NI LabVIEW 2010." National Instruments - Test and Measurement. Web. 21 Sep. 2010.
YouTube - Building a PID Controller with LabVIEW and USB Data Acquisition Hardware." YouTube - Broadcast
Yourself. Web. 23 Nov. 2010.