Manual Beam Design
Manual Beam Design
Manual Beam Design
0 BEAM DESIGN __----Tee Beam [on Grid 5: The Most Crtical] 3.1 Loading 3 Take unit weight of concrete to be 23.6 kN/m consider span L= 2.4.1 Dead loads from self weigth of slabs= self weigth of beam= finishes= fixtures= partitions= Total dead loads (gk) [4] & table 2.1 Live load (qk) = Ultimate Design Load (n) =(1.4gk+1.6qk)L = 3.54 2.12 0.50 0.00 1.50 2 7.665 kN/m 2.50 kN/m 30.73 kN/m
5.000 m
3.2 Ultimate Bending Moment & Shear table 3.13 Midspan: design ultimate moment (M) = Support: design ultimate moment (M) = Design ultimate shear (V) = 57.62 kNm 48.40 kNm 69.14 kN Mmidspan(kNm)= Msupp=(kNm) V(kN)=
3.3 Durability and Fire Resistance tables 3.3& For mild conditions of exposure and 1.5 hours of fire resistance choose a 3.4 cover of 25mm cover= 25 mm 3.4 Preliminary Sizing of Member 1. For no compression reinforcement, M/b w d 2 f cu <0.156 choose b w = Therefore d > [M/0.156b w f cu ] 1/2 = 2. For link (mm) = Main bars (mm) = Overall depth,h (mm) = h =d+cover+link+0.5xdia.of main bars Therefore d ( mm)= 10 16 450 407 200 mm 249 mm
N/mm2 Shear stress v=V/bd= 0.85 3. For a concrete of grade 25, max. shear stress allowed v c (N/mm2)=0.8fcu1/2 v<v c /2 table 3.9 table 3.9 4. 5. Additionally, b w /b f <0.30 Therefore h, d, b f , b w O.K Basic span/effective depth = b f =b w +l z /5 = b w /b f = 12.3 < 900 mm 0.22 20.8 h (mm)= d(mm)= b f (mm)= b w (mm)= O.K
3.5 Bending Reinforcements Depth of neutral axis(midspan) Assume depth of stress block s = h f = Lever arm, z =d-s/2 = Moment capacity of section M f =0.45f cu b f sz =
M <M f . Thus the stress block lies within the flange;the section below the neutral axis is in tension and is therefore considered cracked and inactive. 2 That is, k =M /f cu b f d Midspan k =M /f cu b f d = No compression reinforcement required. z=d[0.5+(.0.25- k /0.9) ]= 0.95d= Since z > 0.95d take z to be 0.95d As=M/0.87fyz= Provide 2R20 & 1R16 @ Bot. Provide 2R16 @ Top. bar size = Support k =M/f cu b w d 2 = No compression reinforcement required. z=d[0.5+(.0.25- k /0.9) ]= 0.95d= Since z < 0.95d take z = As=M/0.87fyz= Provide 3R16 @ Top. Provide 2R16 @ Bot.
1/2 1/2 2
0.015 <k' (0.156) No comp. Reinf. req'd. Z(mm)= As(mm )= provide 2R20&1R16 @ B As(mm2)= provide 2R16 @ T
399.88 mm 386.65 mm
2 685 mm 2 829 mm 2 402 mm 16 mm
0.058 <k' (0.156) No comp. Reinf. req'd. Z(mm)= As(mm2)= use 3R16 @T As(mm2)= provide 2R16 @ B
mm mm mm mm2
2 603 mm 2 402 mm
3.7 Shear & Torsional Reinforcement Shear 1/2 2 v=V/b v d <0.8f cu or 5N/mm 100As/bvd <=3 400/d> =1 vc=0.79(100As/bvd)1/3(400/d)1/4/ym v=V/b v d = 100As/bvd = Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example 0.85 0.74 N/mm
tables 3.7
2 0.57 N/mm 0.5vc = 0.28 (vc +0.4)= 0.97 Since 0.5vc<v< (vc + 0.4) provide mininmum links for the whole length of beam.
Asv/sv>=0.4bv/0.95fyv =
Torsion [3]sect 5.4 Torsional moment due to the system of links distanced s v apart is given by T=0.8Asvx1y1(0.87fyv)/sv = NB:The efficiency factor of 0.8 is included to allow for errors in assumptions made about the truss bahaviour. y1=max. centre-to-centre distance between links. (y 1 =h-2cover) x1=min. centre-to-centre distance between links. (x 1 =b w -2cover) Therefore y1 = 400 mm Therefore x1 = 200 mm T= 4.69 kNm 2 BS 8110: 2 Torsinal stress, v t =2T/[h min (h max -h min /3)] 3 [To maximize (h min h max ), break the flanged beam into its individual rectangles and recalculate the torsional moment due to each]. h min (mm) = 450
T (kNm) =
h min =
Torsinal stress, v t = 2T/[h min (h max -h min /3)] = 0.61 N/mm BS 8110: 2 The limiting torsional shear stress is given by v t, min =0.0067f cu 1/2 2.4.6 & 2 table 2.3 v t, min =0.0067f cu 1/2 = 0.34 N/mm table 2.4 For a combination of shear and torsion reinforcements where 0.5v c <v< (v c + 0.4) and v t > v t, min , design torsion reinforcement but not less than the min shear reinforcement. table 2.4.8 sv < 200 or x1 Provide R10 @ 175 c/c links. Asv/sv= 0.897 BS 8110: 2 Addional Longitudinal Reinforcement mm2 2.4.7 & As > Asv[fyv(x1+y1)]/fysv = 538 Provide 2R12 longitudinally. (See drg. For details) 2.4.9 NB: 1. 2R16 @ Top has already been provided. 2. The torsional reinforcement should, at least, extend h max beyond where it is required to resist the torsion. 3.8 Curtailment, Anchorage Bond & Laps of Reinforcement See the fig below.
curtailment O. K [3] sect. 8.3 BS 8110 :1 table 3.26 Anchorage Bond/Length bar size (ddia ) in mm = f cu in N/mm2 = Design Ultimate Stress f s (N/mm )=0.87 f y =
10 25 1.4
217.50 2 1/2 Design Ultimate Anchorage Bond Stress f bu (N/mm ) =B f cu = Anchorage Length (L ) in mm = f s d dia /(4f bu ) = Provide anchorage by bends or hooks is more appropriate. Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example 388
Guide to choose min radius. [Min.internal radius of bend for mild steel, R( mm)=2d dia ] = 20 Choose r (mm) = 80 Check of Design Bearing Stresses inside Bends/Hooks Bearing Stress = F bt /r d dia <= 2f cu /[1+2(d dia /a b )] where ab is the centre-to-centre distance between bars pendicular to the plane of the bend, but for a bar adjacent to the face of a member ab = d dia + cover a.ab=d dia +cover= d dia /ab = 35 0.2857 b. ab = d dia /ab = 400 0.0250 c. 150 Considering case a, and As (mm2) = (22/7)d2/4 Bearing Stress = F bt /rd dia = 0.87f y A s /rd dia Max.Allowable Stress = 2fcu/[1+2(d dia /ab)] = Bearing Stress is O. K & Lap Length [3]sect 5.3 Min lap length(mm)=anch'ge length x factor = 3.9 Spacing of Reinforcements Maximum size of coarse aggregate (hagg) ab = d dia /ab = 79 21.36 N/mm 2 31.82 N/mm
Lap length O. K
= 20 mm Min . horizontal dist. between bars >=5+hagg ; 5+hagg = Actual horizontal dist. between bars (min in both directions) = Horizontal dist between bars is O. K
25 mm 134 mm
Min. vertical dist. between bars >= 2hagg/3 ; 2hagg/3 = 13 mm Actual vertical dist. between bars(approx. ) = 400 mm For 0 redistribution of moment the clear distance between bars = 300mm (max. distance between bars) spacing is O. K 3.10 Deflection Control As req (mm2)= 685
spacing O. K
As prov (mm2)= 829 table 3.9 'basic span/effective depth ratio= 20.8 M/bd2= 1.74 2 table 3.10 Modification factor = 055+(477-f s )/[120(0.9+M/bd )] <= 2 where 2 notes 1 & 2 f s (design service stress)= 2fyAs req/(3As prov) = 137.75 N/mm Therefore MF= 1.62 Take MF= 1.62 Limiting span/effective depth = M F x l/d ratio = Actual span / effective depth = l/d = Deflection Controlled. 33.72 12.29 deflection O.K
Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Part of Structure REF. Design: Example Material Properties: Ref. Checked: Date: 2 2 3 f cu=25N/mm f y=250N/mm y c=23.6kN/m
Sheet No.
CALCULATIONS 3.11 Crack Width Control BS 8110:2 3.11.1 Flexural Crack Width Control 1985 Definitions The max crack width is given as
<= 0.3mm
bt(h-x)(a'-x) 3EsAs(d-x)
[3]section 6.4
acr =distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar (points of zero strain). cmin =minimum cover to the main reinforcement(tension) bars. h =overall depth of member x =depth of neutral axis (computed from the triangular stress block). em =average strain at the level where cracking is considered. This is based on e 1 but allows for the stiffening effect of the cracked concrete in the tension zone e 2 . A negative value of e m indicates that the section is uncracked. bt =width of the section at the centroid of the tension steel. a' =distance from the compression face to the point at which the crack width is being calculated. 2 Es =modulus of elasticity steel (N/mm ). As =area of tension steel (mm ). Inputs
Analysis of Section BS 8110:2 Limit the strain in the tension steel to 0.8fy/Es To allow for creep effects take E c =26/2 = 1985 3.8.3 [3]sect 6.4
g=c+d dia /3= 33 mm a. cross section b. details of reinforcement [3]sect 4.10.1 By converting the section to an equivalent' area of concrete (As' =0) -a e A s +[a e A s 2 +2ba e A s d] 1/2 b AS = Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example Part of Structure REF. Material Properties: CALCULATIONS x= Stress in the reinforcement f s =M/A s (d-x/3)= 829 mm
ae =Es/Ec = 15.38
165 mm 2 197.39 N/'mm e 1 = yf s /E s (d-x/3) where y is the distance from the neutral axis to the point where the crack width is estimated. NB: From experiments the maximum crack width will occur at either position
e m x10 -3
position 1 The max crack with is given as 3a cr e m w max = 1+2[(a cr -c min )/(h-x)] position 1 The max crack with is given as 3a cr e m w max = 1+2[(a cr -c min )/(h-x)]
[3] section Conclusion 6,4,1 A maximum crack width (in mm ) of 0.07 is therefore likely to occur at the bottom conners of the member and is likely tobe at an average spacing ( in mm ) of 2.0a cr = 77 A similar crack width (in mm ) of 0.06 is therefore likely to occur at the bottom conners of the member and is likely tobe at an average spacing ( in mm ) of 2.0a cr = 235 crack width O.K Flexural crack width is O. K BS 8110:2 3.11.2 Shrinkage and Thermal Crack With Control 1985 Definitions w max =s max (e sh +Ta c -e ult /2) where s max =f t d dia /2rf b = maximum crack width e ult =f t /E c = ultimate tensile strain of concrete. e sh = shrinkage strain. T = fall of temperature from hydration peak. r =A s /A c = or f t /f y = steel ratio. a c = coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete. This is taken as 0,5 x actual coefficient of thermal for matured concrete in order to allow for the effects of creep. 2 f t = Bf cu 1/2 (3-day ultimate tensile strength of conc.) = 1.4 N/mm 2 BS 8110:1 f t = f b ( 3-day ultimate average bond stress ) = 1.4 N/mm E c = instantaneous modulus of elasticity for concrete. 3,12,8,4 CP 110: 1 1972 table 1 & cl Inputs Ec (in kN/mm ) = 26 Es (in kN/mm2) = 200
Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example Part of Structure Material Properties: REF. CALCULATIONS Analysis of Section BS 8110:2 To allow for creep effects take E c =26/2 = 1985 table 3,2 esh =ect(tensile strain in concrete) = a c = 0,5 x 12,0 x 10 / C =
-6 o
Sheet No. Checked: f cu=25N/mm 2 f y=250N/mm 2 Ref. Date: y c=23.6kN/m 3 OUTPUT 13.0 70.0 6.0 kN/mm
microstrain microstrain
T = r = smax = eult =
O. K
O. K
a a h h o o 4.69 v v
type b b I I p p w w
Greekc c c j j q q x x
d d k k r r y y
e e l l s s z z
f f m m t t
g g n n u u
curtailment O. K
Lap length O. K
spacing O. K
a a
d d
e e
f f
g g
h h o I I p j j q k k r l l s m m t n n u
o v v
p w w
q x x
r y y
s z z
crack width O. K