Manual Beam Design

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The document outlines the design process for sizing and reinforcing a concrete tee beam member. It involves calculating loads, determining bending moment and shear, preliminary sizing, checking bending and shear stresses, and designing reinforcement.

The preliminary sizing process involves choosing a suitable width and depth based on span to depth ratio and moment capacity. The overall beam dimensions are then calculated based on cover, link bars and main reinforcement bar diameters.

Factors considered for bending reinforcement include calculation of neutral axis depth, lever arm, moment capacity of the section, and stress block position. Reinforcement area is then calculated based on bending moment and steel yield strength.

Checked: 2 2 f cu=25N/mm f y=250N/mm Part of Structure Material Properties: REF. CALCULATIONS 3.

0 BEAM DESIGN __----Tee Beam [on Grid 5: The Most Crtical] 3.1 Loading 3 Take unit weight of concrete to be 23.6 kN/m consider span L= 2.4.1 Dead loads from self weigth of slabs= self weigth of beam= finishes= fixtures= partitions= Total dead loads (gk) [4] & table 2.1 Live load (qk) = Ultimate Design Load (n) =(1.4gk+1.6qk)L = 3.54 2.12 0.50 0.00 1.50 2 7.665 kN/m 2.50 kN/m 30.73 kN/m

Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example

Sheet No. Ref. Date: 3 y c=23.6kN/m OUTPUT

5.000 m

gk(kN/m2)= qk(kN/m )= n (kN/m)=


3.2 Ultimate Bending Moment & Shear table 3.13 Midspan: design ultimate moment (M) = Support: design ultimate moment (M) = Design ultimate shear (V) = 57.62 kNm 48.40 kNm 69.14 kN Mmidspan(kNm)= Msupp=(kNm) V(kN)=

3.3 Durability and Fire Resistance tables 3.3& For mild conditions of exposure and 1.5 hours of fire resistance choose a 3.4 cover of 25mm cover= 25 mm 3.4 Preliminary Sizing of Member 1. For no compression reinforcement, M/b w d 2 f cu <0.156 choose b w = Therefore d > [M/0.156b w f cu ] 1/2 = 2. For link (mm) = Main bars (mm) = Overall depth,h (mm) = h =d+cover+link+0.5xdia.of main bars Therefore d ( mm)= 10 16 450 407 200 mm 249 mm


table 3.9 fig. 3.2

N/mm2 Shear stress v=V/bd= 0.85 3. For a concrete of grade 25, max. shear stress allowed v c (N/mm2)=0.8fcu1/2 v<v c /2 table 3.9 table 3.9 4. 5. Additionally, b w /b f <0.30 Therefore h, d, b f , b w O.K Basic span/effective depth = b f =b w +l z /5 = b w /b f = 12.3 < 900 mm 0.22 20.8 h (mm)= d(mm)= b f (mm)= b w (mm)= O.K

Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example

Sheet No. Checked: Ref. Date:

Part of Structure REF.

f cu=25N/mm Material Properties: CALCULATIONS

f y=250N/mm 2 y c=23.6kN/m 3 OUTPUT

3.5 Bending Reinforcements Depth of neutral axis(midspan) Assume depth of stress block s = h f = Lever arm, z =d-s/2 = Moment capacity of section M f =0.45f cu b f sz =

150 mm 332 mm 504.23 kNm

M <M f . Thus the stress block lies within the flange;the section below the neutral axis is in tension and is therefore considered cracked and inactive. 2 That is, k =M /f cu b f d Midspan k =M /f cu b f d = No compression reinforcement required. z=d[0.5+(.0.25- k /0.9) ]= 0.95d= Since z > 0.95d take z to be 0.95d As=M/0.87fyz= Provide 2R20 & 1R16 @ Bot. Provide 2R16 @ Top. bar size = Support k =M/f cu b w d 2 = No compression reinforcement required. z=d[0.5+(.0.25- k /0.9) ]= 0.95d= Since z < 0.95d take z = As=M/0.87fyz= Provide 3R16 @ Top. Provide 2R16 @ Bot.
1/2 1/2 2

0.015 <k' (0.156) No comp. Reinf. req'd. Z(mm)= As(mm )= provide 2R20&1R16 @ B As(mm2)= provide 2R16 @ T

399.88 mm 386.65 mm
2 685 mm 2 829 mm 2 402 mm 16 mm


0.058 <k' (0.156) No comp. Reinf. req'd. Z(mm)= As(mm2)= use 3R16 @T As(mm2)= provide 2R16 @ B

378.59 386.65 378.59 588

mm mm mm mm2


2 603 mm 2 402 mm

table 3.25

3.6 Check On As Midspan 2 As (mm )= 829

0.32%<100As/bwh<4% 100As/bwh = 0.92 % As O. K 0.48<100As/bwh<4% 100As/bwh = 0.67 % As O. K


Support As (mm2)= 603


tables 3.7 & 3.8 Note 2

3.7 Shear & Torsional Reinforcement Shear 1/2 2 v=V/b v d <0.8f cu or 5N/mm 100As/bvd <=3 400/d> =1 vc=0.79(100As/bvd)1/3(400/d)1/4/ym v=V/b v d = 100As/bvd = Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example 0.85 0.74 N/mm

Sheet No. Ref. Date: y c=23.6kN/m 3 OUTPUT

Part of Structure REF.

Checked: f cu=25N/mm 2 f y=250N/mm 2 Material Properties: CALCULATIONS 400/d = 1.0

tables 3.7

2 0.57 N/mm 0.5vc = 0.28 (vc +0.4)= 0.97 Since 0.5vc<v< (vc + 0.4) provide mininmum links for the whole length of beam.

vc=0.79(100As/bvd) (400/d) /ym=



Asv/sv>=0.4bv/0.95fyv =


Torsion [3]sect 5.4 Torsional moment due to the system of links distanced s v apart is given by T=0.8Asvx1y1(0.87fyv)/sv = NB:The efficiency factor of 0.8 is included to allow for errors in assumptions made about the truss bahaviour. y1=max. centre-to-centre distance between links. (y 1 =h-2cover) x1=min. centre-to-centre distance between links. (x 1 =b w -2cover) Therefore y1 = 400 mm Therefore x1 = 200 mm T= 4.69 kNm 2 BS 8110: 2 Torsinal stress, v t =2T/[h min (h max -h min /3)] 3 [To maximize (h min h max ), break the flanged beam into its individual rectangles and recalculate the torsional moment due to each]. h min (mm) = 450

T (kNm) =

h min =



Torsinal stress, v t = 2T/[h min (h max -h min /3)] = 0.61 N/mm BS 8110: 2 The limiting torsional shear stress is given by v t, min =0.0067f cu 1/2 2.4.6 & 2 table 2.3 v t, min =0.0067f cu 1/2 = 0.34 N/mm table 2.4 For a combination of shear and torsion reinforcements where 0.5v c <v< (v c + 0.4) and v t > v t, min , design torsion reinforcement but not less than the min shear reinforcement. table 2.4.8 sv < 200 or x1 Provide R10 @ 175 c/c links. Asv/sv= 0.897 BS 8110: 2 Addional Longitudinal Reinforcement mm2 2.4.7 & As > Asv[fyv(x1+y1)]/fysv = 538 Provide 2R12 longitudinally. (See drg. For details) 2.4.9 NB: 1. 2R16 @ Top has already been provided. 2. The torsional reinforcement should, at least, extend h max beyond where it is required to resist the torsion. 3.8 Curtailment, Anchorage Bond & Laps of Reinforcement See the fig below.

use R10 links @ 175mm c/c

curtailment O. K [3] sect. 8.3 BS 8110 :1 table 3.26 Anchorage Bond/Length bar size (ddia ) in mm = f cu in N/mm2 = Design Ultimate Stress f s (N/mm )=0.87 f y =

10 25 1.4

217.50 2 1/2 Design Ultimate Anchorage Bond Stress f bu (N/mm ) =B f cu = Anchorage Length (L ) in mm = f s d dia /(4f bu ) = Provide anchorage by bends or hooks is more appropriate. Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example 388

Sheet No. Ref. Date: 3 y c=23.6kN/m OUTPUT 4d dia

Part of Structure REF.

Checked: 2 2 f cu=25N/mm f y=250N/mm Material Properties: CALCULATIONS 4d dia

a. Anchorage value = 8r <= 24d dia

b. Anchorage value = 4r <= 12d dia

Guide to choose min radius. [Min.internal radius of bend for mild steel, R( mm)=2d dia ] = 20 Choose r (mm) = 80 Check of Design Bearing Stresses inside Bends/Hooks Bearing Stress = F bt /r d dia <= 2f cu /[1+2(d dia /a b )] where ab is the centre-to-centre distance between bars pendicular to the plane of the bend, but for a bar adjacent to the face of a member ab = d dia + cover a.ab=d dia +cover= d dia /ab = 35 0.2857 b. ab = d dia /ab = 400 0.0250 c. 150 Considering case a, and As (mm2) = (22/7)d2/4 Bearing Stress = F bt /rd dia = 0.87f y A s /rd dia Max.Allowable Stress = 2fcu/[1+2(d dia /ab)] = Bearing Stress is O. K & Lap Length [3]sect 5.3 Min lap length(mm)=anch'ge length x factor = 3.9 Spacing of Reinforcements Maximum size of coarse aggregate (hagg) ab = d dia /ab = 79 21.36 N/mm 2 31.82 N/mm

0.0667 Min. r = O. K bearing stress O.K


Lap length O. K

= 20 mm Min . horizontal dist. between bars >=5+hagg ; 5+hagg = Actual horizontal dist. between bars (min in both directions) = Horizontal dist between bars is O. K

25 mm 134 mm table 3.28

Min. vertical dist. between bars >= 2hagg/3 ; 2hagg/3 = 13 mm Actual vertical dist. between bars(approx. ) = 400 mm For 0 redistribution of moment the clear distance between bars = 300mm (max. distance between bars) spacing is O. K 3.10 Deflection Control As req (mm2)= 685

spacing O. K

As prov (mm2)= 829 table 3.9 'basic span/effective depth ratio= 20.8 M/bd2= 1.74 2 table 3.10 Modification factor = 055+(477-f s )/[120(0.9+M/bd )] <= 2 where 2 notes 1 & 2 f s (design service stress)= 2fyAs req/(3As prov) = 137.75 N/mm Therefore MF= 1.62 Take MF= 1.62 Limiting span/effective depth = M F x l/d ratio = Actual span / effective depth = l/d = Deflection Controlled. 33.72 12.29 deflection O.K

Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Part of Structure REF. Design: Example Material Properties: Ref. Checked: Date: 2 2 3 f cu=25N/mm f y=250N/mm y c=23.6kN/m

Sheet No.

CALCULATIONS 3.11 Crack Width Control BS 8110:2 3.11.1 Flexural Crack Width Control 1985 Definitions The max crack width is given as



w max = em=e1-e2 and

3acrem 1+2[(acr-cmin)/(h-x)] e2=

<= 0.3mm


bt(h-x)(a'-x) 3EsAs(d-x)


[3]section 6.4

acr =distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar (points of zero strain). cmin =minimum cover to the main reinforcement(tension) bars. h =overall depth of member x =depth of neutral axis (computed from the triangular stress block). em =average strain at the level where cracking is considered. This is based on e 1 but allows for the stiffening effect of the cracked concrete in the tension zone e 2 . A negative value of e m indicates that the section is uncracked. bt =width of the section at the centroid of the tension steel. a' =distance from the compression face to the point at which the crack width is being calculated. 2 Es =modulus of elasticity steel (N/mm ). As =area of tension steel (mm ). Inputs

CP 110: 1 1972 table 1 & cl

Ec (in kN/mm2) = 26 Es (in kN/mm2) = 200

Analysis of Section BS 8110:2 Limit the strain in the tension steel to 0.8fy/Es To allow for creep effects take E c =26/2 = 1985 3.8.3 [3]sect 6.4



g=c+d dia /3= 33 mm a. cross section b. details of reinforcement [3]sect 4.10.1 By converting the section to an equivalent' area of concrete (As' =0) -a e A s +[a e A s 2 +2ba e A s d] 1/2 b AS = Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example Part of Structure REF. Material Properties: CALCULATIONS x= Stress in the reinforcement f s =M/A s (d-x/3)= 829 mm



ae =Es/Ec = 15.38

Sheet No. Checked: f cu=25N/mm 2 f y=250N/mm 2 Ref. Date: y c=23.6kN/m 3 OUTPUT

165 mm 2 197.39 N/'mm e 1 = yf s /E s (d-x/3) where y is the distance from the neutral axis to the point where the crack width is estimated. NB: From experiments the maximum crack width will occur at either position

1 or 2. position 1 2 h-x 285.36 (d-x)/2 121.18 y [g +g ]

2 2 1/2

a cr -d dia /2 38.67 [g 2 +y 2 ] 1/2 -d dia /2 117.59 h

a' 450 x+y 285.82

e 1 x10 -3 e 2 x10 -3 0.7998 0.3397 0.1351

e m x10 -3

e 1 -e 2 0.6647 e 1 -e 2 0.05737 0.2823

position 1 The max crack with is given as 3a cr e m w max = 1+2[(a cr -c min )/(h-x)] position 1 The max crack with is given as 3a cr e m w max = 1+2[(a cr -c min )/(h-x)]





[3] section Conclusion 6,4,1 A maximum crack width (in mm ) of 0.07 is therefore likely to occur at the bottom conners of the member and is likely tobe at an average spacing ( in mm ) of 2.0a cr = 77 A similar crack width (in mm ) of 0.06 is therefore likely to occur at the bottom conners of the member and is likely tobe at an average spacing ( in mm ) of 2.0a cr = 235 crack width O.K Flexural crack width is O. K BS 8110:2 3.11.2 Shrinkage and Thermal Crack With Control 1985 Definitions w max =s max (e sh +Ta c -e ult /2) where s max =f t d dia /2rf b = maximum crack width e ult =f t /E c = ultimate tensile strain of concrete. e sh = shrinkage strain. T = fall of temperature from hydration peak. r =A s /A c = or f t /f y = steel ratio. a c = coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete. This is taken as 0,5 x actual coefficient of thermal for matured concrete in order to allow for the effects of creep. 2 f t = Bf cu 1/2 (3-day ultimate tensile strength of conc.) = 1.4 N/mm 2 BS 8110:1 f t = f b ( 3-day ultimate average bond stress ) = 1.4 N/mm E c = instantaneous modulus of elasticity for concrete. 3,12,8,4 CP 110: 1 1972 table 1 & cl Inputs Ec (in kN/mm ) = 26 Es (in kN/mm2) = 200

Project: PROPOSED HOUSE Client: Design: Example Part of Structure Material Properties: REF. CALCULATIONS Analysis of Section BS 8110:2 To allow for creep effects take E c =26/2 = 1985 table 3,2 esh =ect(tensile strain in concrete) = a c = 0,5 x 12,0 x 10 / C =
-6 o

Sheet No. Checked: f cu=25N/mm 2 f y=250N/mm 2 Ref. Date: y c=23.6kN/m 3 OUTPUT 13.0 70.0 6.0 kN/mm

microstrain microstrain

3,8,4,1 & For restriait factor, R = 0,36 table 3,2

T = r = smax = eult =


0.0056 1429 mm 108 microstrain 0.19 mm crack width O. K

w max =s max (e sh +T a c -e ult /2)=

Shrinkage and Thermal crack width O. K.

7.665 2.50 30.73

57.62 48.40 69.14 type Greekc


450 407 900 200 118


No comp. Reinf. 386.65 829

provide 2R20&1R16 @ B 402 provide 2R16 @ T

No comp. Reinf. 378.59 603 use 3R16 @T 402 provide 2R16 @ B

O. K

O. K

a a h h o o 4.69 v v

type b b I I p p w w

Greekc c c j j q q x x

d d k k r r y y

e e l l s s z z

f f m m t t

g g n n u u

use R10 links @

curtailment O. K

80 bearing stress O.K

Lap length O. K

spacing O. K

deflection O.K type b b Greekc c c

a a

d d

e e

f f

g g

h h o I I p j j q k k r l l s m m t n n u

o v v

p w w

q x x

r y y

s z z

crack width O.K

crack width O. K

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