Prevent Market Manipulation: Chapter 3: Enforcement
Prevent Market Manipulation: Chapter 3: Enforcement
Prevent Market Manipulation: Chapter 3: Enforcement
Enforcement: Introduction
Prevent Market Manipulation
Competitive energy markets can succeed only when competition is
combined with effective regulation. The Commission has adjusted its
regulatory policies to meet the dramatic changes that have occurred in
both the natural gas and electricity industries. While the core legal duties
of the Commission have not changed, to guard against unjust and
unreasonable rates and undue discrimination and preference, the means of
discharging this duty have evolved over time. The Commission ordered
the unbundling of natural gas sales and transportation in a series of
landmark orders, which proved to be an unqualified success. In the wake
of these orders, the Commission witnessed a surge of activity by interstate
natural gas pipelines, as they sought to restructure the way they did
business and interconnected to new markets. As a result, market areas are
now served by more pipelines and there is more competition for shippers’
business, who themselves have seen their number of choices increase.
Overall, the cost of gas transportation has fallen while throughput has
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Introduction
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Introduction
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Introduction
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Vigilant Oversight
Finally, many other markets affect the operation of the physical electric
power and natural gas markets. As a result, the Commission’s market
oversight program reviews related markets every day, including:
! Financial markets for electric power and natural gas. These markets
give market players many ways to manage the large risks involved in
all energy markets. But problems can and do develop in the interface
between physical and financial markets.
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Vigilant Oversight
! Generation inputs. These include fuel (coal and oil as well as natural
gas) and emissions credits. One can only assess the meaning of prices
in power markets in relation to prices in related input markets.
Each daily meeting identifies any market anomalies that require further
explanation, both unusual participant behavior in the previous day’s
markets and anomalous patterns that repeat themselves over time.
Individual analysts follow up on these items, either resolving them or
flagging them for further work. This further work can include short
studies, the development of new analytic tools, or reporting to other parts
of the Commission for further action. Representatives of the Division of
Investigations and the Division of Audits periodically attend daily
meetings. This allows the investigations and audits staff to stay current
with market developments that may affect current investigations and
audits as well as giving a first indication of issues that may come up in the
future. Under the Commission’s rules and practices, the investigations
and audit staff can initiate a preliminary non-public investigation or
commence an audit based on information gleaned from market oversight
Periodically through the year, the market oversight program also considers
trends over longer time frames. These longer-term examinations of
energy markets build on the insights gained in the daily oversight
meetings. The Commission’s experience shows that only intensive
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Vigilant Oversight
Reports to the Commission and the Public. Market oversight reports all of
its major findings to the Commission itself, as well as to the affected staff
offices. In January 2007, the Commission opened a Market Oversight
section on its website. This website includes a comprehensive set of
graphical reports on regional and national natural gas and electric markets,
along with reports on key related issues (e.g., fuels used in electric power
and emissions allowance markets). It also includes the compilations of
information used in monthly conference calls with state regulators, market
oversight reports to the Commission and other longer term reports.
Updates to the website are made monthly. Key reports to the Commission
and the public include:
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Vigilant Oversight
detailed data for many energy markets and overall analysis of how
well the markets are working.
Energy Market Information. Both natural gas and electric power are
traded at many sites around the country, each with its own price and
volume behavior. Prices and market conditions change frequently, every
five minutes for many power markets. As a result, energy markets
generate vast quantities of raw data. The energy market oversight
program requires information support that includes:
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Vigilant Oversight
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Vigilant Oversight
Identify and remedy problems with structure and operations in energy markets
Timeliness of actions on
Office of Enforcement / Office
significant issues identified by Within 6 months of completed
of Energy Market Regulation /
regular monitoring of natural report
Office of the General Counsel
gas and electric markets
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
In light of the new authorities granted the Commission by EPAct 2005, the
Commission has taken a number of steps to craft a cohesive approach to
enforcement, built around the central theme that Commission enforcement
actions will be firm but fair. This basic approach to enforcement was
explained in the Policy Statement on Enforcement, which outlined factors
the Commission will consider when assessing civil penalties or developing
remedies for violations of the statutes, orders, rules and regulations the
Commission administers. The Policy Statement provides comprehensive
guidance, consistent with the enforcement practices of other federal
agencies, to entities subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission.
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
In addition, the Commission amended its regulations in Parts 41, 158, 286,
and 349 to give additional rights to companies undergoing an operational
audit, such that they can contest proposed audit findings at the staff level
before final action by the Commission. The Commission also adopted a
no-action letter process to permit market participants to seek advice on
whether staff would recommend action against specific transactions in
light of the anti-manipulation rules, Market Behavior Rules, or Standards
of Conduct.
In November of 2007, two years after the issuance of the Policy Statement
on Enforcement, the Commission held a public conference on enforcement
policy to provide interested persons an opportunity to comment on the
implementation of the Commission’s new penalty, anti-manipulation, and
electric reliability authorities. More than 1,900 persons attended or
observed the conference and several participants submitted proposed
changes in Commission enforcement practices. Post-conference comments
were encouraged and the Commission intends to seriously consider all
comments and proposals.
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Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
Reliability Audits. Throughout 2006 and the early part of 2007, the
Commission worked to implement FPA section 215, a new provision
added by EPAct 2005 which establishes a system of mandatory,
enforceable bulk power system reliability standards under the
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
The MBRA and Open Access Transmission Tariff Audits. These audits
will address compliance with new rules and regulations coming out of the
Commission’s recently completed rulemaking. The MBRA audits will
assess compliance with certain areas of the revised standards prescribed in
Order No. 697, Market-Based Rates For Wholesale Sales Of Electric
Energy, Capacity And Ancillary Services By Public Utilities, including
restrictions on certain transactions with affiliates. Meanwhile, the open
access transmission audits will determine compliance with the new and
clarified requirements coming out of the Commission’s Order No. 890.
Specifically, the audits will determine whether transmission providers are
making the appropriate amount of transmission service available to third-
parties consistent with good utility practice and are posting all the
information required by Order No. 890 to ensure transparency of
transmission service offerings.
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Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
violations. Findings in particular cases can also serve as the basis for
changes in regulations to address market power or manipulation issues.
With the passage of EPAct 2005, the Commission was granted enhanced
civil penalty authority and a clear mandate to prevent market
manipulation. The Commission now has authority to impose civil
penalties of up to $1 million per day per violation for violations of rules,
regulations, and orders under the NGA and all of Part II of the FPA, and
up to $1 million per day per violation of the NGPA.
On July 26, 2007, the Commission for the first time used its new
enforcement authority to prosecute market manipulation when it issued
show cause orders that made preliminary findings of market manipulation
and proposed civil penalties totaling $458 million in two investigations
involving traders’ unlawful actions in natural gas markets.
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
Provide recommendations to
Apply current clear and fair the Commission for each
processes to investigations proposed remedy and penalty Office of Enforcement
during the fiscal year with clear and consistent
Percentage of operational
audit recommendations 90% within 6 months Office of Enforcement
issued and implemented
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FY 2009 Performance Budget Request
Enforcement: Provide Firm but Fair Enforcement
Percentage of enforcement
investigations not involving 75% within one year of
Office of Enforcement
market manipulation issues initiation
Percentage of market
75% within two years of
manipulation enforcement Office of Enforcement
investigations completed
Percentage of regulated
entities audited to ensure 85% of regulated entities
Office of Enforcement
internal compliance programs included in annual audit plan
and processes are in place
Office of Enforcement/ Office
Process complete requests for Within 60 days of receipt of of the General Counsel /
“No Action” final request Office of Energy Market
Timeliness of reporting on
compliance issues raised by Reports completed monthly Office of Enforcement
regulated entities
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